HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-4-15, Page 1e SUBSCRIPTION RATES SPECIAL OFFER TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS its, ar- $2.00 A YEAR to United States addresses DDRxae : The Signal Printing Co., Limited. (iodericb, Ontario. %THIRD YEAR. ,, 1 owl THE SIGNAL from now to ' JANUARY 1st, 1921, for ONE DOLLAR GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APR. 15, 1920 11fUl SIGNAL PRINTING ('0., I.IlIITEI), Publishers. FOR BALE OR RENT. tlOUSE FOR SALE. -FIVE -ROOMED I frame house, on ',etude South street. hall a ' lone below the hospital; stone foundation: water and moue...Moretti:MC two Iotbwith stable and • frail trees. Go be impeded at any time Apply It the g aud aged latter Every Mous. r new la rgl• polio 11 tire a store BUSY FARMERS Successful farming is not simply obtaining good crops. Financing operations is a matter of considerable import- ance. Consult our local manager regarding money platters which puzzle you. He can give you information whichur will be of great benefit to yo. yon a special point of seeing him if yoconsider ex- tending your operations. ant in many TheyTy Ions of white. SECURITY A Savings Bank Account not only provides an assurance for the present,but guarantees you security in the future. To saveeli•to succeed-. 70A THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - RI 5.000.000 RE5 RVE FUND - - R15.000.000 GODERICH BRANCH, G. lams, Mae'tger. :te to 'potato. on: 33t -,, from 1P, from ItIou way of the transgressor u a well path. oat 1t in /ilores ot'e tbat lie tbla ;tock of t•y. light 1, black, es In all 1 $2.25 a self ur CRAIGIE'S ASSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE FARM FOR SALE acre, of choice garden land. ono, tarn and driveabed un . Situated h the Town of Immediate gree,doo lbaelllMlly femme house, a tlaaria. `a s Yeran/tah, east tl e: MOO. I t. Possession at tlbes. Frame house. ,tory and a hal{, 0 s, water and sewer, stable ne y, 1 lots. eor. Eldon and Cay - tree's. This property is 1i good Ilion and is a bargain at $756. {•ktary Baha Hill* and Sold J. 111 cRAIGIE to WILLIAM ANSI E , on the premum. Yt RARM FOR SALE.- 120 ACRES. 4th concession. Godetich township. All mat-', claw land. Three acres bush, lour acres orchard. Good Imam house and bank barn..Yibt lest. and s; new driving shed. 2*atu net. Seven miles I filorom Goderich, one and a -hall mils from Poe ter( Hill; quarter -aIle from church. Reasonable teres. Addtew JOHN BLAIR. R. R. No. Y. Goderich. It VOR SALE. -NINETY ACRES. 1st ii macewwn. Goderich township, lour miles south o/Goderlch. well fenced. aspn ng creek and well. new beta and tau house; nae -hall mile from school sod church. Possession at 1st April Apply to ROBT. ktcALLISTtK on the prep Seim. or WILLIAM McALLISTER. Goderleh. Administrator of the Estate. ti au+u ♦.unninuor • 1.1 "Tlie Wiafes j MINIMUM M La Imported Stock I lake Chicks -1k each -IOC each, x,00 per hundred R. McDONALD. 1 ggf P.O.R.R. 3, Goderich Dunlop 1 N OTICE. If you entice king fora nice house to buy. I have them of all kinds, red brick, white brick and (tante. at very i resalable price. My past ee peeLnce in budding and valuation places int in a positron tots yo r Rude in the selection of a nice TENDERS WANTED. 1 1A►tt ' i'F TENDERS FOR COAL 1, QEALED TENDERS addressed to the , uedrrsiFncd ..d wiOor 'd '• yt,drr for Cwt for m the DoUtlon Sandirrigal.-Omar w ono Quebec:. will be received at this Alice until O'CLOCK ,NOON THUR'DAY APRIL 2.v, 1tLs.. tor the supply of cel lex the Dominion Buildings throughout the Pronncesel 0otm,o and Quebec, Ci,mMsd .permeation seed form of tender can be obtained from the Pureha.m; Agent, Depart- ment of Pabnc WoIks. Onawa, and from the Caretakers of the different Dc minion Buildings. Tendert will not be c rn+Wered unless made e the forts taps lied b) the Departmrl.f and is a. cordance with the cad• t erns set tort b therein. Each tender mit be mcempanad by an Id - recited marked cheque eh►chartered bank yey- I M l' RIDGE DAY l'AN%' Atilt. Mlro.erial l'onlmitlee New Has a Fund of • bout 15,000. The came -Use (.111duct•d on Friihiy last -the annlver*ury of %lmy Midge -in behalf of thio toddlers Memorial Fund brought lit contributions of ape proximately 0'2,15141. Rust of the team* were nimble to' cot Or the ground assigned to thew. and thiole who did not rw•eit'e a gall front uuy t•allrasswr will understand there was no 1111011• [1u11*1 oversight. The list is still open and contribution• way he son It, the 1 treasurer, Mr. V. T. Millar, at any dine. we. The complete list of riiiit li utiuus will be published later. The tt'v.tsurer acknowledges the tob. loh'Ing 4.0111ribut1.11. received ley mall : W. 1.. flint f ondrin, * l: Miss Nirstyd able t0 the seder of tilt titin 1110 of Pu61sj- Uclrau, Ito50(11, N. J., 11: luantytwsas, work. eWrit to /o p. r. Irl fnr amount of tae iu IuwiI1R tut wary of Arthur MacMath also order. war Loan loa• r o11 oar bond. will) also be accepted a .ea rxr• or .ser tend. sad and Jul111 Hairs.•' Inn. cheques d required to maks. alp anodd amount. n Ith xi.t551 pret'Musly f u toed, the By order. einuniIIttee now Inas u fund of isliont THE GREATER GODERICH OLD HOME BOOS' ASSOCIATION. eitatOsesse "OLD ROY!" ata reg a pence. 1 have pleased olhen; 1 R.0 DtSROCHERS, $5.400. w can please you. . 1'. J. RYAN, Real Estate and Insurance Phone SO. Dei rrury, Department of Public Works. 11 , Ottawa, Amnia. tine. PROPERTY FOR SAtI A good seven-rooated hex, with several acres of choice, well -drained land. all well fenced and in a good *tete of cult lyation. There ,s, beodes the burse onthe premie., a good stable. cheken and Pig pen. aTo and garage. AlartMre rum 1hould y01d g',peAberr-le* y SG.M.KIDD QUALIFIED SURVEYOR and DRAtTSMAtI I Residence Phone 44 1 •ted res and currants, at least i in aerasion. Tke property i♦within 11. minutes' walk of thecocrt hound and file mo- 0tei walk from the lake. it is situated on Eldon s reef. Godrech, and w,11 make • good home for a person who cares to have a piece of ground to work and well he sold at • tea•ortabk price. Mao ?7 1-2 acreson Huron road. about two mikes (roes C,odeneh known a the brickyard property. There is a good Mick bowl on aloe place sad several acres of bush. The land is good. most of could be cultivated, but at present is in pasture. There es an abundance of water. Will be o, .-ed very reasonably. - T.GUNDRY, Auctioneer. -4111 WANTED. WANTED. -A GIRL TO ROOM. Location near Coll OFFICE. rya Itair Apply SIGNAL '1tENDERS WANTED: NAIL rONTRACr• (ZEALED TENDERS. addressed to the Postmaster General. will re received ■t • Ottawa motif NOON, on FRIDAY. the nth 44 MAY. Pape, li for the conveyance of s blase -sty'.. Mads on a proposed contract for tour years a. required Ile- t ween Coder -Kb Post Ofhct ani: Street Letter Boxes, etc, from the Postma.ter General's' pleasure. Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of pro Lc'ntrart may be wen and blank fares nl ewdf may he obtained e t the Post O0ce of Gudersck. G C AtirsERSON. ,per n•rndrnt. Pm(her Post r. Department. Mail Service Branch. Ottawa. April Itth. Iv.J CARD OF T HANKS. ...z.. _ ,,.,a WISH TO EXTEND MY HEART- ; lett thanks to the many friends and neighbors (or their kmdneM and sympathy through the I illness and at the death of my departed wee. WM. BEACON. WANTED TO RENT. -GOOD LOT. suitable for garden urpoees; ome fenced preferred. GEO. STE W A R T. Beate strew. WANTED. -BY A WELLESTAB LTSHP.D Mm a smart moon lady to take OWN • wua-estatarshed fancy work 140., with rent. light. beat and telephone.111,free Inc sa- tins IS ether part o1 bu.noe.♦ Enquire at SIGNAL OFFICE. WANTED. -PAPER HANGER' and npsiet.news Best w Appy WEST LAND BROS- Mg'Wotuey Rood. l.oadon Ont. it GiR RICH KWNITTINGCOANTED.-APPLMPANY Y GODE- tl ry Store Artides k, Cedar. ROOFING;--- 3-ply, -p •..2 p and LIME= 1 Carload -Hydrated Lime. CEMENT - 1 Carload -Fresh from mill. N Thi undmias+•d will .sees' • tenders up to 11 o'claala iw tit cswi adol Terse. y . the -1st h tint , forUta tllaewlag: I 1. taw„vette;l cellar under the than building o1 the •=WOrID a Shs tet, put,,•,( a . erne nt (loot is the Yam and cere,At 111.1105 walls sad piers. All astwial wed to to turmshed by the contractor. and all earth 11 A+ated to be re- moved from the presages. i TM weak salt al dNwat,nq the weals and tc,lir1, til the hell sad sev:ra' of the riSte, in the Sighed Priem hid is Cad for scrap iron and old machinery.. Notify use bZr phone at once if'Foa stab to take adysatagq t1[ t+hh NATIONAL BAIPA('iLDIPtA (ioderich, Ontario - fie FOR SALE CourtHowse. Speediest Speciiestione bribe abrwe,work to be wen at my Alm at the Con, t Flour. i Tenders to be marl a •d-fashlar."ander nompanio/ to ■ menet.* Are rue ten per last. ol ter emoaae M the emdol', iakb will be re- turned if tender rut accepted. No tender naceeaari ly acrepted'e_'n. GEO. W. HOLMAN. County Clerk, LIORD CAR FOR SALE-iN GOOD Jr repair. J. A. MALLOUGH. Dungannon. 2t FOR SALE. Practically new upright piano, beautiful burl walnut cogs-overstrung scale- Agrafle tone -prolonging bridge. Snap at $175 below selling cost. Address BOX 47, SIGNAL PRIVATE SALE OF FURNITURE. for suite 1 btdrpppomm suite. 1 camp halldo•en diningroom chairs. 1 wiled O by 4A 1 neem cooker. Any day cher NIA /yrR.. MRS. G. M.ELLtOTT, Cobourg Street. • SALE - D SEED OATS. O. A. C 72. F. $YOUNG i SON. Benmiller 1426. 13. C. SHINGLES ALWAYS Oii HAND et McGAW STAT N. Cad C A. Robertson or John Treble. Telephone Dengennon aro; or John Treble, Ilea The rich Planing Mills, Ltd. Box 18 ONTARIO Phone 47 P.0.GODERICH. GO W IPP articles t• RF.P: [OEY )CL* Pirate 110 h; OR SALE. -A QUANTITY OF C Whew Blossom Sweet Clover Ssed, 1.'e of weed seed also • few bushels of choice Red Ebner Seed. wed_ also FISHER. Phone BenmilI,r'-U . 2t R. No.4. Gederieh. R R EOR SALE. -FOUR-H. P. MOTOR- CYCLE. is cord runningewdufon• for sale chary Apply WILLIAM CARK, corner Wal - wt end Pune Monte Goderkh, 41 CAR OF FEED CORN AT McGAW. Telephone orders to WILLIAM McCLURE, DUNGANNON 1121 Also cm], hour and feed, and B. C. shingles always on head at McGee and Duraannon. Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MiXED WOOD FOR SALE at $3 per single cb►d. delivered. THE GODERiCH MANUFACTURING CO.. LIMITED. (Foot of Anilines St.) Phone 61. MUSIC Gnderichs'Apn1 lit, 1!•+t. PUBLIC NOTICE. standard -bred stallion Ike Medium, Canadian Mayor and Hostel of Trade of (,Isle - county of Huron. bis farm. Minot '+ Golden Gittr. 111111 ■ conk- , Tern.; or Satr.- An punhr.es of ai0 and an- pipt0 tot thrown aitross the eonttnell{ t, 8 nt M' edit ea purhisenlorn ing approved joint note.. "rhret rant. sir M oA for cash on credo amounts. mentis salinfluential,own 11,1 good "told town that plot* on The map due ,her, and towards making G:e a lch the late she was fit lie ? sl r p . The (.'eater '(I(xlcrlch (11d Homs• Bin's' APMoi.'bitioo will INrrl-mat the home boys' money-but the home boys' co -operation. The 1i. (l. 0. 11. It. A. as new by our expert upholsterer. I the house. consisting of parlor, diningroom, ked- w111 nant the shoulder efforts of the ram and kitchen ftw tfmture. Peden took, and Inline folks, And this they can surely GODERICH MERCANTILECO., LTD, numeroudother artlM. rill g hmgon an y re must be disposed of. and rill go without an y re le n+surest of from the drop of the hat. terve. No 4rslerlch (1112,11 with an 01m1* of Trews- Cash " s In hf+ +Yates or r sirup of gest AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENT,. The undersigned auctioneer has received in• struct,ons from MR. TILOS. COULTER to sell by public auct10 . on I it 13, concession 10. Morri\ commencing at I p. m. on THURSDAY. APRIL _rod, lyre, the following. that is to say. Halms. -One black Pen:heron, a years old, weight tum. 1 brown horse. s years old, weight lam. 1 brown horse. S veers old, weight about !tail 1 bey gelding, 2 earsold, wtaght about 1100; 111131471 gray horst • years old. wslght about IY,0f, make a good third burse, 1 standard -bred mare. remit- . that those will. w0 in the matter are fated, with illy con at loot bred by Elmer DKk• IM it piker+. b11t sell With G,R•ielRht. MOO 1 standard -bred mare, by Moot Bars; m inlet nl*In with Mb111ty to fart thfnal across H $lass UKkson. , lost.-Abuut•S go d younghene. alsl -wr1) who waui to see tb* old tow's [.1ie Deering coo Harr a bind.., 1-I. gut. . g,.t +/,mrwhrre, ,u/nIP flay. 'hearty new. cis hey mower, lilt, cut, wanly new; Massey -Harr.. hay loader. nearly new; De. ring Icwnlally T1s pulrvussP or the As- haY rake. seed drill with grate seeder Marked; ws•lat(on 1's not temporary by- at+Y land roller, farm pulper. '2 ge od Kid Kan ars can not where you now reside. ie Goderich you old home town? Will part with a 15 bill to help push the curse et the greatest town prettily 'mated and on one of the world's greatest water- ways? Send it along to E. R. WIGLE, Mayor ; L. L. KNOX. Town Clerk, God - *rich. or JAMES H. O'NEILL. President pro tem. the Greater Goderi.h Old Horns Boy.' Association, at Ths Jcurnai Office, Flint, M,ch.gan. To the Editor of The t}ignal : $ir,-Pott Ye hrttld w,lnrthintt about. tlw proposed Greater toider►oh Uhl Hutur 'toys* -tsMta'Ixtlou which Is now ulster way stud of which, for the flute being, I have the humor to be 1110 president tiro Ice. True eullilgh We are planning for a bumper old Home Ito-tudou ,r the week of June 141b treat, w all the "add folks" in this dlreetitfu, we plan. will take the Greyhound steamer from 1lrtrolt, Windsor, ttarnhl nod Port Huron, From Ibe "other direettous ha Ontario and the \'est, naturally, the tenni route. We world like to have It so arranged that x11 the "holne- cotuera- oil that ores ninn +hlathi 'ser rive at 4;eah•rteh um the afternoon or evening of Jnew loth. But who is nssew•taterl with ser in flit. pr,.Jw4? What Is the real pur- pose of else pmjei•I'' These swim to be the two vexing questions of tier moment. 1 regret that at this Owe of A111iu>; I lou unable to declare my- self free to reveal any names 11t's a I'nw• of purrs and 'Maple dal+hfuhn•wi and nothing more o1' less on the }art of sty a+siwill les that the request has 'sent 11a 11111.1 this'll as it 1s 1, but 1 will tell yon fresh' and frankly right tarW or - walking pions anew Nn 11 Fleury walkingplowR nom its The Idea i+ to make tin o r P ,lady watkingotos. grottier. gang pbow. Y .101 trawl- 1nlyat t ion - prying nen*. nes "bongo barrows, disc narrow, turnip sower. McTaggart folk:' con (cruse ruemlers. It's loaning milt truck wAlon, wagon 2 gravel hoses. ,I 111 1 lir, • and I.IrI+ or wagon hex and stuck rack, 1 set sloop .1..14s and purely \ till t f sat bottom, furnace Tor toiling feed. hay rack go tit cation. The plan Ise to throw u (with hall -tact for loader). hay rack, anrxboat, network aru11nd the entire 1•o11tlment haylmk, car, putky t slogs and . inR fork: 4.. rod roll ol+-rse Frost lence,rdloteo,l tie, ro11 two oS thr(o(,it'mis•r+ uu the executive 1 barb wire. cedar posts. 1 pu1hole angers. -1 In every town and city In ('r da and atwwkrn, bitscenp, pet gpee4 hay kufe, 1 wt itis* i'nhsrl States worth wh11F at .11. Lan. and te'wea for barn oto r.. sett tram tea. s han... $$td Sc,.Ic sagbgsgett,tareutgr wlwre thee will plow. thrtsa*it•en to hirrress. t gone Scetth collar+, new top c titer. 1 Ili on tis•. ►ookndt a ontimually Inc half -■peed cutter. top buggy, large huger kettle. wsmrihing 111d11strlally to break, and smalls kettle, feats eahit(etrees,2neck yokes, j I umhook parka stove, 2 ',gallon coal oil cans. a a+ .0011 a+ there's something Iii the quantity d teed potatoes. torts, chain,. and air. then set the IItt111* and wires btiru- miserarticles too numerous to meninx) 11ig, csrrt'ing the Information to the Also. there will he offered for sale the good in this prosperous era '' " Icon t wend the membership fee to wl• unless you are nearest to me or want to; I have been asked to name Mayor E. 1t. Wigle or the efficient town clerk. 1.111 Knox. for the moment to a Iso revel%e• stick sutseriptrous- 1 o-.rythlltg will be accounted for Mud When we get together at Goderich on June 1411i next tic 01w11 have all oAll•la1 election of tittit-ere, velien men older, more experienced. with greater Ttslnu, and otherwIse grs•utel' blessed than my- self. will lie_iscited-„to-take bold of 1111 push,. - Let a:go NI'. ES iL ITip1 Editorial Rooms, The Flint Journal, Flint, ?lichiga.1 ARNING.-A NOTE ISSUED ON T iCr Uewn S•ii i of Canis, tit tRfton McMeaas, is favor ol withers /tease. To the iNo 1070, one rf the best .tock horse' m The ricll. that the fruit may be plucked ISole without reserve, as the proprietor has sold ansl "1 he brit 114.11 plot til" wrnrtrl for der. cash over that ■rnou,, mo credit amount of asci has ben repudiated for just 1 In th10 ells, 1.511 yon devise any oIM'r 'bow. and all paaons art'kereby warned against I pt olg R'i•tl lsnl +u 15tw•erflll. Nlly Of h, r Ilt-hlg acceptieg er wegotutiM. With and note. The THOS..). COULTER THOS GUNDRY,_ towards glyfttg tote wit be refined at said $gient. CLiFFORU Proprietor. Auctioneer. Mc -MANUS. Godernch.April13,IWO. It IALEARING A(JCTION SALE OI' Spring Time Is t/ HOUSEHOLD FUKNITURE• ETC Upholstering Time.1 1 am instructed by Me. R H. Not t. of Toronto. I to 0111 by politic auction. at hie resident, • St 1 Andrew'■str eet,Goderich. on SATURDAY APRIL 17th ' commencing at 10 o'clock r. m.. all the contents of 1 v your furniture made ea and have good dentine -el d TOWN OF GODERia-I NOTICE The Local hoard of Health ie eon-, sldering the aetvi+ability of estab- lishing a system for the collection and removal of garbage and other , refuse throughout the town The Hoard would like to metre applicationf_.trom all persons who would agree,tp enter into a scheme and pay their share of the cost. Applicants would be required to. supply garbage receptacles. Sample garbage Midi are nod at - the Town Hall and orders' will be taken. All applications to be muse to the undersigned on or before Monday. April 10th. 19.11. A. D. McLEAN, L. L KNOX, Chairman of Beard Kee. of Board FREDERIC T. FGENER, Mos. Bae. SINGING PIANOFORTE PIPE ORGAN Shaft out to P.]. MacEwan's Gorge INCOME TAX RETURNS. ll those who have not made the above retltrns to me within the prescribed time, with` all questions answered, are subject to a penalty of $100 and 010 per day for ever} day thereafter. Penalty will be enforced if not attended t0. WM. CAMPBELL. Aaseseor, DOG TAX. Luder the municipal bylaw all doge must be tagged and' statutory fee paid nn or before May late 1920. Tags an be had from me. Penalty will be enforced if not attended to. " WM. CAMPBELL. Ammar. city Dairy lee cream bricks always ea -hand at 11. T. Edwards', p'1'' old British blood tlnRling in 1114 rhos, immediately after this sale we aill sell for Dr• the w-111 stand hirci( with the pessimist and Ltnmer*on, r At ctien Room,. H•eHltoa street. as redidhay hors.., yeah old. A first. de•ut' nl 411/• •effort to a+Mist the 11101 - cla0 r linnet sol afraid of guts. (Duret and tine In 111154 furwatiou. Neter mhNI the kind ,n every way. and would be a genuine find I AtrPl Inn 64111 There's lots of tot -anyone wanting a horse that ladies would be p 1>M C. gored LtI • H.11E 101.• FRIENDS AT DaTRo1rrt 'fees• "'1ii1. Star Line. 1Mtroit, woobl like to have the luaus and addre•wwes of forwsl oilier residents of taelich and vicinity now' rgeolding at 1►etroit Wind- sor, Port Heron or Sarnia, in order to crud them announcements of the .1 tine Greyhound' •tseunllun. Ibrsous haring relotivea or 'deeds at any of these eftho at+ requested k rand c bases and wlr a,saes t` 11e White Star Linc, Ih•Iroit. 11146., RF ha. the Signal ()thee, 1;lslerl -h. _ ti UR. F. J. FORSTER. EYE, EAR, DOSE, THROAT. Late Hess Surgeon New 'Yeah Oph*•hmie 554 Aural Hospital, awiet•nt at Mnewe0rsd's aevael, capital aanrdd Golden Square Threat Hoe- - e Waterloo 11 S . Stratkwd. T.trpsinn. M7. At Bedford Hotel, Goderich. Iran Wtdnrs- yyy Apry 2111, et 7.$i p, m., to Thursday. saeaat1p.a • ea a aa•rcw McLau linsteel- 1n s1 t 111 the +sex yet, friends, and letter safe witK Al trredAn' gyand set ofsingle harness. ere will than teen+e that have left the hark. a1. old two heavy farm wagons, one demonist The writer ham shote Inside dela' Ill x Folft wagon, tworecond-hand buggies. and ■ quantity of household furniture. including two nearly- trt•a+ury now 1•elptlrP to wimething new Detroit 1.001 stove*, carpets, ,0 ), .1 that may harm np fnr fhr old iown: boards, linoleum. china, crockery and gla.t.ara . Insble du un such sltuxtious {a ver tout ver old fashioned walnut tables ands lel ei p y other odd reels. private. but It will come to a head by T.GUNDRY. Auctioneer. tern) i.t, ,nd whop it thMis-(/h. l.ly Now If We con Neeure ARP thousand old boys for Tildiildial 11Y -dollar NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Inetuhf rshipt% In this organization, wr what tt w111 mean. Will you nal 1, its old boy. of 1;MIPrl1'11, 114 U APP -apart elx11,1 144 W11.11 pep ■1111 pessimism ? I have no time 111 whistle, no motley to Wit 41e. tint 1 0111 1011 bread and water and pot those now entrusted to my Parr on the .sine Introns fnr It wlr'k. If w,'d 1P, Iwforl• I will halt tit the 11nrutlon. 1 have Moon told by a Iitxle rich obi boy in a lower State. and by another at Toronto, that "You are yellow to try and mit the thing Over," and 1 now ask, "Where are the 9(11) other old lulls with one Tote' five of that hunch they are now bringing home Blackstone's is the place to gift box of chocolates. THRow OFF YOUR NEEDLESS TROUBLgS• -When your appetite is hckle you don't feel like doing anything and things some how seem to go wrong. You must eat to keep in good health. Take Dr. Brown's Bee(, Iron and Wine. it is a sp'endid nutritive tonic. Contains the extract of beef. citrate of iron and sherry wine. Will increase the appetite and, help assimilate and digest your food. One dollar a bottle. Sold by E. R. Wigle. druggist. Goderich. otTgars-Cash, p NOTICE TO CREDITORS. iN Telt Errata OF Ell -ti MCCAPTNY, (AYR Tr TIM TOWN 10* GOOSaICH, IN 1Na COUNTY 01 HURON, WIDOW, DIC&A ICD. Nonce is hereby given. pursuant to the Statute in that behalf, that allrsons having any claim again( the ertate of Ellen McCarthy, who died on the 11th February. 1991. are required on or beforl the :rah April, 1920. to send by pet or deliver to the Under(ilned 1 lienors herein for Capt. D P. McCarthy and Rev. U A. Mc. Rae, "genitors of the will o1 the deterred, f sI perticulanof their claims; and that after the said 20th April. IWO. the said 'tendon will diolrRute thee/retool the said deceased among the persons entitled , hereto, having regard only to the claims otet ch they Niall then have hail not we. and that the said executor. will not be liable for the said insets to any torero, of whose c aim notice shin not then have heen received. Luted at (:oder ich the 27th Marc). 1)P. PROUDFOOT, KILI.ORAN& COOKE. GUderkb• On 4 Selkitwslee the Executors. al NOTI CREDITORS. IN TM INTIM Or WILMS BMA- LAM or TIM Tows ala OeeaaILll, IN nes County or Honor'. Your favorite ice cream soda is her. None but the purest flavors used. H. T. - Edwards. l'OI'NTY RASERALI. LEAGI'E. -\ meeting foL the re -organisation erf the llotierieh Iol(Ke•hill club will be held al the town hall on Monday evening - next at N Webs*. The proposal is made to form * t•iruhty• nr district. ba,etalll league. hi - Chiding 141441 forth, ('lhsIon, Winghauu, Zurich. 1.nck,tow, 00411rlt•h. and 'pi+- +ib1y Myth. Itclfa,t, I,R•halsh and other teams. A series of games to be played. during the smuttier by thew" team+, of x regular schedule. would make lslw•Ieill very Interesting, both for the players and for the spectators. That di Iicioua made-in-Goderich ice seam of Blackstone's makes new friends every day. DIED. BEACOM.-In Goderich. on Sunday, Aped 11. Jean McLean. beloved wife of Witham Bea- com, aged '•3years, GOLDTHORPE.- In Goderich, on Saturday, Apia 10. Mn. Joseph Goldthorpe. BURROWS. -In Codelich. on Tuesday. Aprl 13, Teresa Burrows, wtdow of the late William. Burrows. BARKER. In Colborne township, on Thursday. April Ib. John Henry Barker. aged 71 years. IN MEMORIAM. ELSI.F.Y.-In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Mr Jacob Elsley. who entered Into rest April lath. int,. No sin, no eller, no pain; Sale inhn happy home; His t have fled. his doubts art slain. His hourol triumph come. Do we forget r Oh. no: -, For memory', golden chain Still bmdsonr hearts to yours above. Till we meet and touch again. -His Wife and Son Will - 4 NEW -ADVERTISEMENTS. Page Piano le Sale -Boa 17. Signal r Hansa for Sale -Win. Ansley .. ... .... ...... 1 Private Sale of Furniture -Mrs G.M Elnott.. 1 Tenders fur Cel -Department of Public Werke t Ford Car for Sale -J. A. Mallough a 'Ruth" Knox Church Choir .... J. W. ltengugh-G. W. V. A. l0 Auction Sale -Thos. J. Coulter., 1 Roemer Wanted -Apply at Si[wl ... .., To Goderich Old Boys -James H. O'Neill a Wanted to Rent - Geo. Stewart .. .. ... 1 Upholstering-Goderich Metcantile Co t Warning Clifford McManus. Ancona" -R. McDonald, Dunlop , .. . . t Gray -Dort Car -T. F. Holland.. s C. C. M Bicycle. .... , ....... -.... ,, Mail Contract-Poatoflice Department, Ottawa t alaaaaav - - Noma is herebygives pursuant to R. S. 0. cap 121. we. ill, tat all persons having claim against the estate41 the saw Rolls Hell, de. eased. who died on the7th day of March. 10.34, ere re- quired to sand or deliver to the unA sn- licites la the I neutron. on or before the 7th day of April. Ilan. full particulars of their claims.I and that after such date seal 'genitors w,0 ds tribute the marts of the decaaaed • mons 1 he partite I entitled, having regard miff to dairies of slunk they +41.11 then have received entice, and that they will not he Iuhle to any person of whom claim notice .M11 nth have hero received at the time of itch eliatrihat ion Dated the '.hh day es( Marc. A.111 1112n. CHARLES (:ARROW. • Bdieltor /se .Thos W. Bell and lame" W. •ga tweetersse a.. The Musical EPs* of the Season-- KNOX. .kESBYTERIAN eason---KNOX'RESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sacred Cantataie RUTH fI by Gaul (cotnposer oo ' of "The Holy City") Direction of F. T. Egener. Mus. Bac. Tuesday Evening, April 20th, 1920 at S. p. m. sharp Iliac K. Lyttle, Miss Hazel Belcher, Miss A. Nairn, Soloists ; MissNina Woolkombe, Pianist : Mrs. Raymond Miller, • Violinist ; Mr. F. T.- Egeher, Barytone. 1000 seats at twenty -files cents admission ... e ~L'~►t '- 1