HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-4-1, Page 64.111 Thorial.iy, April 1. i"(1. THE SIGNAL GODISIOIL ONT. reaNNEVYISTOTHUI r Maltese twat sad take Balm kir seam se Rfadder trembler 111eatzalime adds. k . • • This het& in meat excites the Mabry'. they been* overworked, get oat ache. an fed like lumps of lead. /be air..e becomes cloudy; the bladder ' 41a1- Jett4. sad yel-saay be obliged to re- lief two er three tones during tbat. kidneys dog you la eir tee bodys Im a real ink puma 7 - au feel a dull misery in kid- , you miler from ache, ilimiams, eels °sated and yea feed rhea - "sour. .tis terissgee whoa the weather is bad. 114 lens wiemit,„ drink lots of water; oko get Liam say pharmacist four mama el Jed Salta; take a tablespoonful ta a eau of water before breakfast, for a few nye ead your kidneys will Mien wet eue. This famous sate istmatit down the acid of grapes and WWII' juke. emnbised with liana. and has been nod for ricer:Woos to clean clogged kidneys arid stimulate them .to normal activity, aim to neutralize tbe acids in ariet. se it so longer ti a source of irritation. Psis fading bladder weaknesg. fad Balt. is inexpensive, cannot ia- . use. makes a delightful eferveasesa hails -water drink which everyone noun take Mow sad then to keep the kidaerya ries* and active. Druggiata bete .57 they add lots of Jed Salta to folks who hedieve ia *vertu:10,1,kidasy trouble twain. IL is sally a. :1 • 1. Isaias are fifty-eight y mar- Ny it: Advecete : Mr. rice (hie moot :1. end hot h re; fugal i goo(' he.dth. Judging from Oa& ap: pis•••• tie, they will 1.. w itis:"us for -ales.. .1 seers - "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE \kook at tongue! Remove poi - ',sons from little stomach, liver and hov.•::1, THE TOWN COUNCIL. Strang lase Made Out tee Walk en North tide of Harlem Hill Road. The. regular sleeting of t lit- tim it il %aid belt. hid rill 19t11. till the tte•iitl•ere pre:wilt t.1.'4t( 114 iiiii tit kir Mows-. Among the communications received was one from George K. Tambling of London. inspector of taxation for the Dominion, asking that the council place a room at the disposal of a repretintative of his (Alice who will visit the town at an early date to consult with the public regaiding the income tax. and to give the proposed visit pubity.- It as decided to allow the use of the council chamber for this Purpose. and to publish the neces- sary notice when a date is set by the inspector. A petition for a sewer on McDonald street Beni Britannia road to Raglan street was referred to the public works committee. Applications from Thomas Gauley and Johnstod for the position ot parks caretaker acre sent to the parks commit- tee. The Goderich Organ Co. declined to pay the solicitor's fee of 125 charged the CoulPanY by the town in Llecember last. The matter eat referred to the finance committee. The finance committee recommended that $25,000 of insurance on the Wheel Rigs plant be retained in the name of the town; that the auditors' report tor 1919 tw printed and that the auditors be re- quested to open up a new ledger. bringing Forward the proper balances to January 1st, 1920; that a grant ot $50 be made to the Children's Aid Society; that 1100 be Paid to the 33rd Regiment band. to apply on grant to be made later; that the Col- legiate Intim'e board be paid 13.000. balance of 1919 levy: that the public library board be paid 000 on the 1920 grant; that 112.000 of the sinking fund be invested in 1934 Victory bonds through T. R. Harrison at /97. Adopted. The public *odes- moment t ee reported that a 6 000 -gallon tank car, of road oil with forty to fittyLper cent. asphaltum base had been ordered from the Western Oil Refining Co.. Si. ,Catharines, at 14c f. o. b. Goderich. to be delivered about June 1st. The committee also recom- mended that thecontract submit ed by the Barrett Con pan) fur the supply O18.300 aallons of twilit 13 be executer!. Councillor Humber tried unsuccessailly to have this report amended by stipulating "tifty per ce, t.- asphaltum instead of -forty to fifty per cent," He said this a as pet:rinsed by the agent. but the chair- man of the committee said they would get the same article in eitherfcase. The re- port was adopted. Messrs. John Sturdy and — Smith were a deputation form Inc -Orange- So- ciety asking -for a grant 01 17.5 for the 12th- ut July celebration in Ooderich. eried_totnance comqtttee CoUncilior Knight brought Up me Question of the sidewalk rill the Marto' hill road and advocated the,construction of a %alh on the north side of the road, WEI.CpiE RELIEF FROM ECZEMA Complete Trealesitliat Gives Grail* Roans ' W IMMO. OW. "I had an attack of Weepier Eczewsa so had that lay datives would be wet through1at tines. Yue four inonlha. Iamdiseed terribly. 1 could get no relief magi/ / triad "Fre and •• Sara . Altogethe r I harts used three boxes of "Soothe-8E1m" ad two et "Fruit -a -time". seed itaa entirely G. W. HALL Roth these favorite remedies ase sold by dealers at 50e. a bee. 6 kr ?.50, or seat cm resent of poise br Fruit -a -tires Limited. Ottawa. "9ruit-a4iree" is abie put wp ha a trial aim which setts fee 26e. where it would dry more quickly and be more easily kept in passable condition. He made out a strong case. claiming that the?.50 meg who go up and down the hill daily should have greater consideration from the town than to be forced to walk in the road during a great part of the winter, year after year. The public weeks conunittee was asked to report on the mat ter . • Aptil 15 was fixed as the date for hold- ing a court of revision on sewer assess- ments. Councillor Mitchell renewed the %di- gestion that the estimates for the year 5 expenditures be brought in early. Councillor Wallis said it wuuld be difli- cult fur the Iniblic *or"' cummittee (0 make an estimate just nos. -All kinds of mono" could be spent at the fair grounds getting the buildings in shape after the windstorm of last November. and some parts of the loan were demand ing drainage. The Mayor thought the town should plan to build so many sewers each year - In his opinion they came far before side- walks. His Worship said that to take advantage of the Provincial Government's roads grant the council must he prepared to go ahead with work on the Huron road this year. Councillor Wallis spoke of the proposed vfidening of the Sanford hill road. It was decided in the meantime to put up large warning signs. The question of the disposition of the Park douse property was discussed. but nothing was done and the council ad- journed. The fernier boy email like to 1.. a petal teacher, the stilistl tt•ischer 114111,11, 111 be an editor, the editor V. 011111 like 10 he ti hanker. the bonlser natIl like tole s trust magnate. alai every trust magnate hopes h01u.. day to 04111 it farm and hare chicken-. et,,is and ASTHMA ham awl . l- avalisk, sa• d rosellII a su t were' oases b,wins TEMPLETON'S RAZ -MAH CAPSU LES iatt.re SO aortal"' a.m. we will @sad you s sestelo or these cam- eogradest that YIPS them an we hens Write to Toni - HS King At. W.. SowniordAregiebie for eiVie= Samples may lie had at • Dunlop's Drng Store. eper* for the Dead. A burly English yokel had come all the way to London to see the Brill* Museum. but unfortunately it was on a day when the museum was closed. Tbe yokel, however. insisted on trying to eater the institution. "Habil this public pgoperty ?" be said to the gateman.. "Yea" admitted that official, "but." he added. struck by a bright thought. 'one of the mummies died on Tuesday. 1)0 you begrudge us a day to bury him in ?" "Oh. excuse me." said the yokel. in a hushed voice. "In that case 1 won't intrude.' Wh) ESP Liked Apples. "Alas !" sighed young Callow, "if only Eve hadn't been so fond of apples." "My dear boy." said Cynocus. "Eve wasn't so very fond of apples, but that was the only forbidden fruit.' Why o1?N "I was a trifle embarrassed when her mother came into the parlor."2 "Why "Well. the girl waif singing Ni'ss Me Again.' And I hadn't kissed her at all. don't you know." -Louisville Courier - Journal. Then What HappeOd ? • Pupil -'Would `you thank, it right to punish a boy for something he had not done 7" Teacher -"No. of course 1 shouldn't." Pupil-- Well, 1 haven't done any of my lemons." -Youths Com- paruon. . Probably Wouldn't. Hicks—Do you think it's going to rain? Wicks -Guess not. I just saw the weather man going down t lie street with an umbrella. Thr Proverb Aeplied. "1 am tired of giving wedding presents." said Jobeon. "Well." returned his cynical companion, "it is better to give than receive. CLEAN—yes sad disialsctsi tool Byes -rose likes bed-liaaa, Mitakats, ate., is be super - alma - i.a.culstslY fresh - Tim best of .0 soap' to use is Lifebuor -it actually die- iafricto it. it cleanses Men are filled ,,th conceit, women are vain cratdres. but the popinjay undefiled is a fourteen -year old boy training his first pompadour in the way it should go I WISOwe••••••ram, Kept ' uslifornia" Syrup ,of Flee oal -100k fur the name l'alifognia os the uckage. then you are aUre your child it1 boring the best and most Arm- ies., litali%e or physic for the tile •t0111111 -h. liver aad bowels (ltildtten lose its delicious fruity taste Full dtre, ..ons for child'. dose ow each bot' ole (live it without fear- leather,- You must say Vallternia." • .•11.• IMES! LOOK YOUNG, -7- PUT CREAM IN NOSE AND STOP CATARRH Tette How To (nes Clogged Nos- trils and Fin Head-Celds. You feel fine in a few moments. Your cold in bead or catarrh will be gone. Year clogged nostrils will opea. The air -peerages of your bead will clear and yea can breathe freely. No more dull hese, headache; no hawking. snuffling, mucous discharge* dt dryness • no strug- ewe foe breath at night. mTell your druggist you want a small bottle of Ely'. Cream Balm. r Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic' cream is your noetriiheiX it pmetrate th NARKEN GRAY ilAmevand tiealr swollc'eaf inflamed • m membrane. and relief ironies instantly. s' It is just what every told and catarrh Sulphur and Nobody and miserable. Will know. Vie the Old-time Sage Tea and sufferer needs. Dost stay stuffed -up •••••••• Gray hair. however handsome, de - hides advancing age. Ws alt know ; the advantages of a youthful appear - ease Your halr is your charm. it slakes er mars the faoe. When fades. turns gray and looks streaked, just a few applIcatbins of Sage Tea eine Sulphur enhandie§ Sal appearance bunamd-fold. Don't , stay ireeds! twee young' ttarprepare die realise at home or est from any drug More a bottle of "Irretwo sage and Sulphur Com- " the old-time • pound. which Ii m+Frei y none ni%roved by the addition of tr I lents. momianan oir folks • names/ this ready -to -use prepare- d . betsuse it darkens the hair beau- ty. besides, no one can possibly oven Lou motsten a sponge or soft Mita pi It darkens so naturally 1111(1 brush with It, drawing this through the h&I taking one dna!, strand at a time .13, morning the gray hair t1t..ppeail. after another application or two. 14 natural color Ia reetored mei It teen. and Wyeth• 8 pound is a d It to not tnten es thick, glossy and lua- u •ppear Imam younger. e and Sulphur Com- tful toilet rimuleits. for the euro. m1U- Safir or preven on of disease • ..74..essiookseess-a-sa-1 CARBON! Rid System of Clogged -up. – Waste and .Poisons with I `Cascarets." -=-Likcircebow 14.0. Ara c10kets.motor, asp the raceme bile in liven', and The con- stipated *lute in the bowels. produce foggy brain... headache, *our. arid stom• selt. intlige.tion. sallow skin, sleepless eights, and bad colds. . bet gentle, harmless "Csscarets" rid the ay.tem of the t0[1111A. acids, gases, and poisons which are keeping yen upset. Take tasearets and enjoy the nicest, gcntle,t lasntive-cathirtie you ever ex- perieneed. CA,eareta never gripe, sickles, or exit... ineoprenienee. They work while you sleep. A bee of Caseareta 008111 ee little too. (lj BEFORE you are asked to buy or try Dunlop Cd they must undergo a test such as you would never give them. q Tires just like your garagemen and dealersD�Da are put on our own test carsand away speed the drivers. —A Test that is kept up day and nigh —A Test that takes in some of the worst roads in the country and the generality of bumps. bad turns. and all the sudden stops that go with them. —A Test that specifies the number of miles which must be made by the\drivers each day and night. q The results of this crucial test. naturally. have an important bearing on our manufacturing policy. Tested -in -Advance Service aptly applies to Dunlop CorcLTireia--" Traction," "Ribbed." Can you ask for . a greater guarantee than the story the road—air—a story which in the caw of Dunlop Cord Tires proves that OUT manufacturing methods are not only Right but Dead Right? DUNLOP THE UNIVERSE OVER—THE WORLD'S GREATEST RUBBER ORGANIZATION , -0-- Ciltlf! Your hair needs a little "[Unclean "—that's all! When Acteibes lifeless, thin or loses its lustre; hen ugly dandruff atirears, Or your hail ialls out. a 3Scent si tle of delightful, dierildable "Danderine" from any store. will ve your h3ir, Medouble it's beauty. You can have nice, k hair, too. 5. Head Office and Factories BRANCHES 114 UAW= UTFS • e. • • ; •'>,"' •