HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-4-1, Page 5sokiiiiinctimmummitimmentimitamleilitt 1 1 Baptist Church Montreal Street CHURCH WITS. SIITADLISMI.D 14172 'nit' almond meeting if the radio.' will hs• held in the ehil tiarlur on In Victor* street Methodist church next Sunda9 morning these will be a "children's Easter service,* with chil- dren's choir, baptismal and reception service, and a short talk on "A Child's Easter." Evening subject. -If there be no resurrection ?" Sunday school at 3 o'clock. Attractive and helpful Easter services will be conducted in Knox church next Sunday morning and evening. Appro- priate music will be provided by the choir. Titles of the sermons: 11 a. ne,' Anchorage." Sabbath whool and organ- ized Bible classes at 3 o'clock. At the Baptist ehureh on Seimay Morning a wrists' of four ser oust on "What Kind of Religion is Your ?" will be begun. The first evosi.lerati n will tie, la Yours a tNew" Religion The s•vetaing wales 011 "Pour iteasona Why I .41n a Baptist" will Is...Opened the courdideration of the first, or "Book" . North Street Methodist Chunk. • Methodist .-hurch nest Finality will be Club and Mission Band at,'10. •rhe, t'Inh' told... forsoftt.• morning Us: "Should ing th..tue will be: "Easter." In the the Istst offering for the eurretet eiturelitt Tile Ulifliouiv./, "Jerusalem," I.y Parker, anni "tiosa aim." by e "miner. will be sung t...'• the full. char; -Mum . Euler Sunday, April 4th is a fitting example of what Bright Services KODAK Let your Kodak keep PENSLAR PALATABLE COD LIVER 11 Subjects EXTRACT 1\1, autographic *hire record the okra- " dates will make the story co plete. will do for the run- down and weak. If ou are in need of new Vigor, if your system needs toning up, by all means try this splen- did tissue -builder. Penslar Palatable Cod Liver Extract is sold only at Penslar stores. rice $1.00 ligion is Yours.? A "New" Religion. entation of moor Certificat ). EXPORTS must be larfely creased and "Canadian made" \ products must take the place of imported goods. The Sank of' Hamilton will give carehil con- sideration to the extension of credit in trupport lesinede enterprises in tcmis anti country. ti • All Seats Free. K OF HAMILTON Goderich Branch—A. J. MaeKay, Manager R-- CAMPBEL'S DRUG - Next Millar's Scotch Store %.4 111111111111 1 111111111111 I 111111111111 111111111 1111111111111111 111111111111 4111111111M benne el Mr. and Mrs, Rechard Fr 1 ng. Erica street. was herezvett tiy the h of the eldest daughter, ',Mary Eli beth. in her seyenteeath-eear. after , gig' fawn in Goderich7 the famil afterw ds removing to Smith'. Falls. rewrite to town last September. Mr. Young ng an engineer on the C. 1'. R. Betides rent-, she leaves thr•se sisters and tali br hers. The taneral took place on Saturday ftei mein 1., NI:nil:Ind ceme- tery, the we . cis: lying conducted by \were four unc of the deceased. Ben, Dert aad et Yaws". wag kns.an Oust sla• hit *illy. tn. y-fonw hone. ter she hail amino imetatal. Mr.. I:orie was born eioderich, ii. emose wrge Porter., It He, iyi 'are Thar at very ill. and, •alid- two' she The 1.arinse Aid of KOCLY Ohl] $4.1141 hol1litig the amino! high It A Pril 29111.. lama forget the dal.. 'The Chatealet_Aressas._ the sieetiey for The ehevro ear these itojetilur curls tit ne reit. 11 street, a line of suptsli. fur l'ia•vrolet, Fora anti other ear.. ied wilt hale a good tueeltaideal unit te attend to re. - Music for April eth. Mus. Bac., Or terian 'lurch. hurch, Easter Sunday, Tristram Egener, Organ Prelude-Varditions on Mips serisreiti and lthoir Contralto Solo—OKRestli the Lotd tab Mrss Hazel Onion Post I ode - Easter Mai.c . ..... Meek 1. hn Per School et Int • htgan PrOlude - ()vesture to 1.11f 1111 Soprano Solo -.1 linow tpat is in receipt of a note from M. A. Black, '_ Mount Forest. with an accompanying Anthem- As It lietran to Dawn . v 'member of this, school board oi the !Soprano Sub` The Hot .a:ity Ittnlay Ott -pewit. at St. 1 -LI rke. and Ret. Cutest Witt tlt re t M:. 13 evmete nos able ,to • knit Mrs. N. Ita.,Ider von. at London On and a ilb peeled -0 he quire re- covered -stet berme again -lei • -.ample. Why Live with Cracked Walls and Caning When They're Easily Covered Up Beaver Board will cover them up for all time and you'll never have the joh to do While Board is doing away well the- danger f falling it is up old dulgy paper on walls and an surface for painting and dectratme. Warner deerner Bartlett 4- Ntertin who may be living. The _itaw-Glerre Bedford. - er 1. at the -office of the itecretdry, Mr sixteenth organ reestal-after the vie mail \Who was on the school board of thir.ty faur years ago. ing wavier.. :a Arit THE M MOdel Theatre Program r week April 5th Oth dams c it with t►is lumber. over -one oat moos Beaver up into again. plaster and giving Beaver covering ideal old you homestead "unless, rackless om after Waal time it has At litr Board is large Of you been revived Fluent:ft titled has been made peed It the strung, built fibres of the spruce tree. Each pima ki with the patented Sratite goo - prevents warping III you. need to hi.il,1 r,t restore or enlarge ask how you will profit hp us using Beaver Boast. At the eeting of the water and light 2. (r?"' 11. Trdvaio,eigIV rweirs‘thi.rd. commissao - last Thursday -night a letter 3' !Amami in Venice \ . J.... 11:4TPILgener, ing a reduc Mn in the street lath mit t- .- 1 a ktilitary Match-- amp and Cs rnstance.. charges. also Tor a rebate on the charges - .Sir Altaic, EN... burning. The' commission is referring for the nights ttie street lights were not ; ircxXocx=cxxxXxx 4 MO. Wand TUESDAY 'aptly attended to. serv1.-e Jim! Sit I., !Qat 1.41\ for tlo. Morn - t:almnibin-matle duly and exchange , , The neW erring modef. Gray.lfort Cars are hero for limper - tion. Let ne gii.• you a .1..f000..tfatioo of these • ars. We also has, on hand th.• Mae.i.ey Silver Ribbon luid Kell Bird Bicycle... A good line of Tires, tills, Greases alai A 4.1 ••••••••r10.. airl at T. F. Holland Enid Bennett in "PARTNERS THREE" these requests to the Provincial Hydro Commission. t was derided that the electric light department should pay to the rtosm 111089.17 as a refund on the street lighting charges for 1918. High Scheel Towhees Orglinire. tort° met. at Stratford and -organized he etnitford elietriet 01 the Ontario Federation of High ri--Oool Teacheee. eaMeere were, riffled a. follow. : Pres- ident. V. A. Mayberry. Vitratfotd: vitee- eactiesefut Public Library Ndtes. Also Episode 2 of "ADVENTURES OF RUTH" 41111D1ifF,r-ti and THURSDAY Wm. A. Brady's Biggest, greatest and most rilling of allPicture Plays "STOLEN ORDERS" Starring Carlyle Blatk- well, Kitty Gordon, Mon- tague Love, June Elvidge and 20,000 others. If you object to sitting on the edge of your seat don't see "Stolen Orders." Accurate Timekeepers lbw chwks and %valeta'. are guar- anteed hy the makere and by ue to keep torreet time, and if for any reason the) do not we want you to let adju.t your tinwpiree that it v. be accurate. We elbow both *lecke and a atebee in a greet variety of styles and eiresi, but a goad movement le the vital thing. WALTHAM Also "GO WEST YOUNG WOMAN" P.-0:11st 18 CoderichAntario Phone 47 eakness A woman's, reproductive organs are in the- tnosi-art... tense and continimus sym- pathy .with her kidneys.. kidneys brings - about -a - the reproductive organs. Dodd's Kidney Pills. by re - perfect condition, prevent , •and cure those fearful digs orders Arias' to Molten: mothers, suffering wives. • and women enterIng upon the Change 01 Life, your best friend is MIT" velli be 41 rr-for- the circulatien loop. on Monday, .April 7.th. When the bun wee put Oa Ha. 1..110 of books. the librarian with some it.sistatiee. at once began to 1(.- preparat lino for rk. Well bare . !Well under way for SOM.. tIMP. This sys- tem, whiell makes th.• writing of slip, tomeeessary, will require that *itch borrower inuet buy a aew card. Th.: present curd% can be 'need only fur re:unit-VI "(he Same, but "the iii.tt-t-nril4 bate space for s.•veral more tssiks. A tine will lw charged ou all hooks re- IN turti..ft with "date due'' or pocket torn or missing. The mei.: important teed reit' Tqiiietii 'to rent4Intier Ix -Mat the eLtyrty -vitt be- stamped with the date Ow kook .1,4 due instead the date boated ea formerly. lowing to the illness of the librarian th.• work hst. Writ th•layAl bat only half of the book, ill. he,. ready for eireulation: but this- Wit unwise,. 44 the, adult notion :mot ;4111 the.,11,1V0f111.1. Wok.. and the • remit Ceder of the books *ill be prepared aS av possible. Rased of Trade Notes'. F. IL Martin and F. Doty -four vigorous and progressive young business men of Goderich- -are the latest additions to the membership of the Board of Trade. Messrs. Hume and Bowden. who re- cently attended a conference at Toronto with official heads of the United Farmers of Ontario, for the discussion of the uni- form power rate question, report a very satisfactory result. The outcome may be the presentation of a definite proposal in the Legislature at no distant date. The uniform rate idea is taking a firm hold of the people in large sections of the ProTvihenceliecutive of the Western Ontario United Boards of Trade is gentling out a proposal that the Federal Govereinwet be asked to invite a deputation from the Britieh West Indies to conk to Ottawa discuss the matter of union with Ca "on a liberal Imperial basis." The though louse of the members ex themselves as not in home of the pr linAnniidditional office has been itioned off at the front of the Board s and is offered for rent. Dodd's Kidney Pills LE "The World's Watch Over Tins*" E. G. ROBERTSON WATCHMAX ER AND JF,WELLER Goderich, Ontario Corner 1?,ast St, and Square PUMA% and SATURDAY Dorothy Gish "THE HOPE CHEST" Also DIDDOCCOIXXXXIB Both. gettstotable, bit of Wu. Atter a hearty meal. You'll avoid that stuffy feeling if you chew a stick of WRIGLEYS FELL Other benefits: to teeth. breath. appetite. nerves. That's a good deal to get for 5 cents! XXxXXXXXIN Sealed Tight Kept Right 's Best Business College CENTRAL DOUBLEMINT We give thorongh connive We give individual !Detraction. We have no slimmer vacation. asudeeta may enter at any time. (eminence your (mune now. We place graduate., in poslitiona. Write for our tree Cafe D. A. MCTJAMILA141, Principe/ .1'be Flavor Lasts= -8