HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-4-1, Page 44—Thursday, ApeII 1, 19!10. New ,Springy Suits and overcoats Our new Spring Suits and Overcoats are now ready for your inspection. In our stock you will find clothes from firms of national reputation, "20th Century" and "Bengard Clothes." The striking individuality of each model bears witness to good taste and smartness, presenting the latest and best ideas _.. _nf designers who are experts in faabiuuing garments of character and novelty. We want yeti to -come here with no sense of obligation whatever—you are welcome whether you'hny or not. But, .at any rate, your visit will give you a thorough knowledge of what is new and correct in men's wear for spring. SPRING SUITS, $25.00 to $55.00. SPRING OVERCOATS, $25.00 to $40.00. For your Easter Hat. buy the Boraalino—the best hat in the world. Matter C. lSrtbam SOLE AGENT FOR 20th CENTURY AND ART CLOTHING BORSALINO HATS Phone 57 -Goderich s ST. HELEN'S. Ns Monday, Mnt'ch 29. 1tev. R. F!, irvin.. of V.nrkuow, wIll Rive -his lecture ou "Ireland anal the Irish" In the I'rrshyterf:ru ehnreh on the evening of April 11th. 1' els for the .\ rtyeteiaii Finn!. 1 h.ui target to come. Mrs. (Rev., Jnmiesat nod MertorpowYn attended the Prot fn.•tal'evtn- eention of the Presbyterian W. M. R. beN ii 7trat1ot-Ti bud week. Mists Oornthy �Web,ter, of Rinitltam, wag home for a •few days. • Mors. R. Irvin i. home visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. Woods. Mr. and Mete- Inane. of I.MkeMw,. fp'1(t- It* week -end with Dir, and urs Joseph awlth. Mr. harry Watson and Miss Marie Watson. of Nile. spent Sunday with Mr. W. G: M. l r.rt ie.. Wedded.—A quiet wedding took place at the manse on Wednesday. M rru•eh 24. rt high Gwhen Mr. Earl ,ATTENTION l'attgl.m and ba Gladys Hyde were uultel In marriage by Rev, 1', Jamieson. After partaking of the wwldhng dinner nt the home of the ` bride's pnn•nls. Mr. and Mrs. .tames RE -�— Hytlr. the ywtug t -.mph• left mr the s afteruo,u train at Luckntow for Abi- don. anal other points. aur eongratn- SOLDIERS! AIM - lotions go with them. TICE SIGNAL DUNGANNON. Thursday, April tat. Briefs.—Miss Ethel ('ase 1,. home frow'1'orouru for the Easter holidays.. Mr. Hurry Anderson, of the River Valley creamery, Is attending the dairymt-ns convention at Guelph this eek Mr. Harold Sproul heaves today for Davidson, Firsk ltev. John Perrie, of 1.00(1014, wIll 11S111114;17; 1h• pulpit In the Dungannon and fort Albert Presbyterian rhurehw next Sunday Thos. Park, 4th (saucer- sfuu of Ashfield, is having his auction sale April 941x. and will more Into the village and occupy the, gooms above the printing offic...,.. tet was fell here when the mews Mao reeeirel of the death of Mr. ('. A. Tebbutt at Holwest111e. Mr. Tebbutt was prin- cipal of 11uo Du ago nnon pub' lc selwol some years ago. Ile taught at St. Helens also The Girls' (:lee ('lub is having a donee In the hall on April Sth. The Goderich tive-pfe•e orchestra will furnish the music Mrs. S. Pentland this week moved Into Slips Celia 1'entland's hour*. on Mahn street. Mrs. Thos. F'Inlgan has moved into the lunar vaeated by Mrs. I'entlrud, which she recently purchased Mrs. Robs. Treleaven returned !owe on Saturday after spending the winter with her daughter In the South While Mr. Wallets. Black was driving all the 4411 . utr,, ssiun of Ashfield on Tuemlay Iris horse In some wamMr broke a leg, possibly by stepping In a hole, Mr. Itlark took the animal home in a wagon and is trying to dfend the Footwear for Spring Economy by 't w's is of Quality. _Tante la footwear can be steer unit by_ 11111.4. things that ofd wear 'can prove. If you would enjoy the lunger period of sat- isfaetion do not fail to buy on a basis of quality. The new Pumps and oxfords we are show- ing in alt leathers enable you to identify shoes that wear and sur yet tli'11ICuishel 1.y euwfort, style alul finish- 1'i,ietx.._ari., most reasonable. - ,We- are at:aiu prepared_ to du your shoe repairing in i-!rwh..� chic$ w,u'kwa nahip .in Geo. MacVicar North side Square, Goderich God First OODERICH, 0118. THEY have been called a people of one idea—God first. WHATEVER happens. their, work goes on. serving God and their fellowmen. EMPIRES may rise and fall, the world may neem to be en- veloped in blood and strife, but they still see God's sunshine and leve, still do the nearest work of mercy. Still praise God for the sav- ing of souls. JUDCE if you w&lj 14001 what you know of their work, whether the world has not cause to rejoice with them in their adherence to this one idea—"Seek first the Kingdom of God." The Salvation may= 308 Citadels and Institutions in this Territory. —Use them ! freetuee: Speeial.--Mr. anal Mrs. W. 11. Me - ('lure are rejoicing over a young son who arrive(' This morning. Will says he is no "April f.cd"--he's a real I.,y. Easter dervirea.—Speelal Easter mer- rier* will be held in St. Paul's church 01i Sunday. aa.folk,ws: 10 a. an.. Sun- day $Mill; It a. m:, morning prayer: 1 p. m.. epoch, serene• --subject. -The Early ('hrtstlan ('hor•h.'" Rev. Mr. Douglas will have .charge of all the Consolidated Sebeaiar—Tile questh,u o consolidate' schools was discussed at meeting held In the Agricultural Ha M lay, evening. I)r. Sinclair, repretentltgt the 'apartment of Edu- eatlon,waif present with a aeries of lantern slides to innpr•,os and dewou- '.ettate h hwtune. Inap.wtor Tom shot spoke in. behalf of the -emeut.. Affer the'ppddn•ss a discussion arose,' atal.gll.•stl.,bs were asked which were satisfactorily answenvl by Itr. sinehtir. A committee, consisting, of theVtrus- tees of the four interested section. was amenity(' to make arrrn;ernents regarding tuatte1'(' to 1e dealt with before a yule hs \(ekes*. Rev. T. .1.. St,aduan occupksl the chair. Blackstone's is the place to get that gift box of chocolates. COLIBORNE. Maitland Cenetsabn 4 a.—Mr. W. 1 11. Forster returned Inst w City Dalry lee errata brielts-eiw(tya- on hand at H. T. Edwards'. Tires Repaired Have your Tires Retread- ed, Double -tread and Vul- canized. We also have a complete line of the best Tires, Tubes, and Tire Accessories. lie iia FISHER/ GODERICII �11111f 1111b1i11�fN11� 111 W 11f1�11�11i111f 1111�11itAiri�111i11f� TO INVESTORS t F The Goderich Mercantile Company, Limited, IE offers 100 Shares of 8 per cent. Preference Stock $IOo shares, at $95 The precaesh irom the sale .1 this stock are to be em- ployed in the purchase of raw material and otherwi.5e for the extension of the Company's business, the demand for the Company's products being so great that additional cap- ital is necessary to enable the Company to take proper care of the business that is available. This is the first issue el stack offered by the Company to the public, and it is commended to the attention of in- vestors as an unusual opportunity to emrloy their money advantageously and safely, and at the same time aid in tbe extension of an industry which promises to become a sub- stantial factor inthe industrial progress of the town. Let as keep our money, our business, our workmen and our dividends at home. Prospectus on application. T. PRITCHARD, Preaiidaat. W. T. MILLAR, Vice -President. A. F. TURDT, Sscrstary-Treasttrst. JI. Ge CAMERON, LC., aid MIT WALIEL Directors. !141,T444T'I4101 ,1.0/ r T!1!!1!11!..+j F t 1 7 Ming your 1►Isehargl Certificate In and have It framed. That 1s the. only way to preserve It for all Time. Yon ran 1111% Lapid it -down to the nest t;euerution as a memento of the great war you took an active port in. A large variety of mould- ings to ,ale•t from. Pring It in now before It lecmUs phi magas'. sesesselinneliallseteseseseswosesests k from a three months' trip to Calif° is Mrs. 191(1 Gledhill is spend a fess weeks wader the parental Mr. Ezra Durst ua,v,sl hist wP'k to Ids. new farm on the lister ftnw lett Messrs. libler and tin, ler are haying a fair rum of sap this spring Mr. Wm. Holton was from Hamilton for a few tluys las week. -- -- - • KINTAIL. Tuesday, March :10. During the Worm on Sunday night the belfry and bell on No. :t ,w•bool- Ixnrse were blown to the grimed. Miss llermetut Griffin and' Mr. Albin e.rttlfn chatted friends nt Whiter -hutch oa Sunday. Mr..1. 4'atnptell motonsI from Haab - Mon ;ural IS visiting at the Wine of Mr. Wtr. N. Johnston. HENMlLLER. M lay. Mlar.h. t. E. T. l'frimnn•r is aruand againafter the "M % but Mrs. I'frinuner and r?itttiretrhneue-?ism r•nntrat•ted the die- eas• \I r. \ \I '1trat Inchon spent the week -mid at Auburn and Dun- gannon Mrs. t''r•y lValters and Mrs. w'..I. Gledhill visited in Galerich 1 few days last week lir, Lester 111,Ittrs,of Toronto, _papept--_reveral,_ playa with rehrtives here, gn,1 after a short delay *lib Illness hag returned and Is leaving for the \A'est shortly -4 - Slims Ednn, N'a,Iters has been In Gode.t'Ich lately-._.aaalatIng.: our ._ local ring met o hri$ay last and de'i.le,l 4.1 build a Ln• daughter -lunar•. Russell Ritchie was' ragng.sl as botcher for this year.... Farri.h has moven to one ',./no. Parrish'' houses and John little s moved to the farm vacated by Kenneth Parrish, wbfrh Mr. Little bought. SmAh's Art Store East St. Phone 198 eiteetessesesMfaseaessessitetseassesieweietalsiese Evergreens • For Windbreak --- Farmers, gave yourselves Mtn - deeds of dollars and needless work and worry by planting this spring a row of NORWAY SPR(:CE These trees grew eery rapidly'. We have never spent a dollar as the result of wind destruction, heeause we have a Spruce wind- break. We have all si,ea and the priers are right We have ails a supply of other Nursery Stoek. STEWART BROS. The Rerunwiller Nurseries 1",I nr7 (Dungannon central). 1t 1t. No. 4, Goderich renin -drier Mrs. Wm. Oke spept last_ _ week al... barter's 11111 A stray ear or s, has found Ito way to the burg from (i,slerk•I,. and we hope the reads will poem Iw•' in gond condi tbn (tees I1. Kennedy Is giving a .lantern -slide entertainment on April Path 111 Itenmiller ehnn•h in aid of tbe funis for parsonage repairs Mr. Begley. of 1)nngannon, has engage(' with E. T. I'frimmer The many friends of Mtl's Nellie Fisher will be glad to know that she is getting along nicely after Iver operation for ap- pendicitis in (:oderlett hospital. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. Tuesday, Mtarrh SOcial ElfnIng.—Tbe postponed so- cial evening of the Country Women's Club will be Wednesday evening. April 7th, at the home of John W. 1(alkeld, commen•Ing at a p. m. Ad- mission 25e. The little play, "Sewing for the Heathen,' will be given and a gaol evening's entertainment provided. .A cordial. Invitation is extended to the members of the Farmers' ('huh and t:.xdl Cheer club and their fri ls. : ---- __ LANES. Monday, March ':A. i.ane* iweala.—Mlehael Alton Is here from the West renewing old friend- ships Ewan Jomleron and mother have moved hack to their farm• having spent the past three years In the Wat. We welcome them baek Misses Annie and Lizzie Sullivan, of Detroit, visited at Joseph ('tntrtney's The trustees of S. A. No. 10 have re engaged Miss McMillan es teaeber Re are pleased to say that rdward Johnstone is tagproving In health l area beef e SINCE $ 1870 30R BS:COUGHS G 0 C E RI E s Always at your service with the best goods at most reasonable prices. J. J. McEWEN Seeds Siie head. Tdephaae 4 0001110.41140.411 ILS Wear Martin Tailored -- the snappy, but within bounds of good taste, clothes. It took but sixty days for • J41AMTIN..TAILORED -to win 100'per cent. favor. -E:-M. Martin, The Tailor erich Board of Tcde The next regular meeting of the Executive Council of the Board of Trade will be held at the Board room on Monday evening, April 5th, at 8 o'clock sharp. Every member is es- pecially requested to attend. R. J. MEGAW, W. S. BOWDEN, President. ind. Secretary. April 1st, 1920. Nice office to let with lisa, and 1i/11t opplisi- • Phone STORE `1 " ' �79e� l l f -. •r 4,4 16 HOURS D M 1 LLA R u SON �� .1, . "The Scotch Store" t 8 A. M. TO b P. M. 1 SATURDAYS l?l (l,:.: { j Iv 0fai, 9 P. Phony x66 ametaek".40. M. Easter Will Soon Be Over And then the `tIiirifty housewife will get busy with her housecleaning and decorating; all in readiness for the bright sunshiny Jaya that are to come. She will probably find some rooms that require a new floor covering, either in Oilcloth, Linoleum or a nice Rug. We have theta all in splendid variety, and it will be a pleasure to show the,* to you. OILCLOTHS 85c A SQUARE YARD A lot d,e;igjn.r, iu tile, block, a' • CARPET RUGS grand of floral, up to 2 yard; wide. Price 8bc. Also several remnant ends, being cleared -, . at a low price. - LINOLEUMS $1.50 A SQUARE YARD Tal'festry-- is all the principal Sloes; ik splendid selection. Brussels—Sizes 3a:1, 3x31,2 and :h4. all green panellise sad.- - Wilum—A fine•lot of these good quality 1 A tirstrate sharable floor covering. Comes 4 y aril: wide, in all favorite deaigtu and colorings. )'rice- $1.50 a square yard. LINOLEUM FLOOR RUGS A good assortment of most. useful. Rug's of tirstrate quality, in_ sarpei designs, .. bordered all.ruu'uli Rugs, in all the chief Hues. Mees Tabl tttg : iroui >�.N. 0 .OYER-' DRAB, ETC. - - of\ all deseriptiona t fancy-eolored Neta of ' am Bird dere' 4,1in Chintzes, ere- Sizess2lyitx3, 512.00. 21;,=:1, S11S.00.. 3 z3e -t- $1100. 3131:2. 522.50. .- :11_•x4. 525.00. Silk Repps, Rat pes, i elmtrs,`fshadow Clothe etc.. ete. A really splendid aatw,rt- went (if all the newest vPtades,and designs. Now to Look to the W Bows whi,•h is onP Of the most prominent and itu}anrtant parts of the house. Dd.. a part that requires a large 'amount of taste displayer upon them. On int_ amply repaid for any time -and trouble in that direct' if the result is a prAttily draped window; for that is often termed the ' iiia the house We are now showiii a beautiful lot of window curtains, with by the yard .aril iti pairs, really for banging. They comprise Series, Iltt rluisettee-Vnile, Swiss, Guipure.' Alaska* and }.aee: in White: 'Cream and` 'ru. The best range-ef. Curtains we have ever shown as regards prettiness.. f design and quality. Cell arnl gee then'. , IIP' ORDERS BY PHONE AND MAIL RECEIVE FIRST AND BEST ATTENTION 7! PHONE 56 Millar's Scotch Store PIMNE 5' The Leading Phone and Mfiait Order Store ring met o hri$ay last and de'i.le,l 4.1 build a Ln• daughter -lunar•. Russell Ritchie was' ragng.sl as botcher for this year.... Farri.h has moven to one ',./no. Parrish'' houses and John little s moved to the farm vacated by Kenneth Parrish, wbfrh Mr. Little bought. SmAh's Art Store East St. Phone 198 eiteetessesesMfaseaessessitetseassesieweietalsiese Evergreens • For Windbreak --- Farmers, gave yourselves Mtn - deeds of dollars and needless work and worry by planting this spring a row of NORWAY SPR(:CE These trees grew eery rapidly'. We have never spent a dollar as the result of wind destruction, heeause we have a Spruce wind- break. We have all si,ea and the priers are right We have ails a supply of other Nursery Stoek. STEWART BROS. The Rerunwiller Nurseries 1",I nr7 (Dungannon central). 1t 1t. No. 4, Goderich renin -drier Mrs. Wm. Oke spept last_ _ week al... barter's 11111 A stray ear or s, has found Ito way to the burg from (i,slerk•I,. and we hope the reads will poem Iw•' in gond condi tbn (tees I1. Kennedy Is giving a .lantern -slide entertainment on April Path 111 Itenmiller ehnn•h in aid of tbe funis for parsonage repairs Mr. Begley. of 1)nngannon, has engage(' with E. T. I'frimmer The many friends of Mtl's Nellie Fisher will be glad to know that she is getting along nicely after Iver operation for ap- pendicitis in (:oderlett hospital. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. Tuesday, Mtarrh SOcial ElfnIng.—Tbe postponed so- cial evening of the Country Women's Club will be Wednesday evening. April 7th, at the home of John W. 1(alkeld, commen•Ing at a p. m. Ad- mission 25e. The little play, "Sewing for the Heathen,' will be given and a gaol evening's entertainment provided. .A cordial. Invitation is extended to the members of the Farmers' ('huh and t:.xdl Cheer club and their fri ls. : ---- __ LANES. Monday, March ':A. i.ane* iweala.—Mlehael Alton Is here from the West renewing old friend- ships Ewan Jomleron and mother have moved hack to their farm• having spent the past three years In the Wat. We welcome them baek Misses Annie and Lizzie Sullivan, of Detroit, visited at Joseph ('tntrtney's The trustees of S. A. No. 10 have re engaged Miss McMillan es teaeber Re are pleased to say that rdward Johnstone is tagproving In health l area beef e SINCE $ 1870 30R BS:COUGHS G 0 C E RI E s Always at your service with the best goods at most reasonable prices. J. J. McEWEN Seeds Siie head. Tdephaae 4 0001110.41140.411 ILS Wear Martin Tailored -- the snappy, but within bounds of good taste, clothes. It took but sixty days for • J41AMTIN..TAILORED -to win 100'per cent. favor. -E:-M. Martin, The Tailor erich Board of Tcde The next regular meeting of the Executive Council of the Board of Trade will be held at the Board room on Monday evening, April 5th, at 8 o'clock sharp. Every member is es- pecially requested to attend. R. J. MEGAW, W. S. BOWDEN, President. ind. Secretary. April 1st, 1920. Nice office to let with lisa, and 1i/11t opplisi- •