HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-4-1, Page 127 9 1920 CALENDARS. Apretty Calendar goes with each paid -In -advance sub- scription to The Signal for 1920. Now la the time to re- new, or, If you are not al- ready a Subscriber, to become one. 34-86VENTY-TRIAD YEAR. wasellatelesatee • imd • RENEWAL TIME. Yearly subscription to The Signal 5130 in advance C.! 00 to addresses in the United States STERLIN THE OF CANADA. Ac 1 •4 BUSY FARMERS rv,, Every farmer is welcome to consult the Sterling Bank branch manager regarding financial matters which may be bothering him. Our managers have made a special study of financial matters as applied to farming. They are con- stantly receiving information of value to farmers. -progressive farmers who oontemplate farming on a larder .11414ig-tge especially urged to vied the local manager of the NMrltag Bank.. , w I`TION 1s M SOS 1-. --1 IND. *la sal Haat Mame S *MAW Other Quick Motto - a Loom . w Deposita- - Tota ism w s w THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAD -UP CAPITAL e $15.000,000 RESERVE FUND - - $ 15.000.000 GODERICH BRANCH, 0. William*, Male+sNer. G. M. KIDD Ili QUALIFIED SURVEYOR aid DRAITSMAN Residence Phone 44 swam, A Bank Has Vacancies For screral intelligent and am• 1.Itt•tus boys or young men with lush School ..r ItushHe.s ('ol{egc Y1to w•u. Theme N rx.l tunx. offer exert.. r 'rpj14stiualiiew ftw wi- ve ve IMY•Illt•rlt. as will as t ra lint us. Experience l not required. Ghr full particular. in flr.t ietter. \DDItENs R(,S ieli• gt(:XA1.. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APR. 1, 1920 F08 SALE OR RENT. ABEAUTIFUL MODERN HOME FOR $ALE. ---On Nelson street. Carp airy rooms. exare large verandah. beautiful agrounds( lso berr lege andl bl arn. one to of fruit two single stalls. and .drive house. Large at .boa: elect:lc light in loft. W. J. POWELL. j.M FOR SALk7-7I20 ACRES. 4th 1` concession. Goderich township. AU first. clam land. Three acres bush. lour acm orchard. Good frame house and bank barn, 3ua.a feet. and silo; new driving abed. 26140 feet. Seven mals from Goder,ch, one and a -hall miles Irom Porter's Hill; getter -mile from church. Reasonable terms. Address JOHN BLAIR, R. R. No, X Godetich. It rRENT. -A MODERN RED BRICK house un Gloucester Terrace. Apply to J.C. FFIN It L'OR SALE. -HOUSE ; EXCELLENT aitUalwn on Kaays arrest. cement block; ten modern conveniences; full lot; several trait trees: stable. Owner has removed from town. Apply to 1. E. SHARMAN. Si. David's stmt. . Craigie's Real Estate Bargains The following is a list of some of the properties which I have for sale, and on investigation prospec- tive buyers, will find that the prices are put down where the properties can be purchased. to make some money : No. 1 Story NISI n-bn►f _..Irvine house. Fully nut4.•rn, 7 coomM.'run basement. neatly decorated through- . Sarna or. property. Corner Smith 141. and Elgin Ave. iwmeliate posw•satou. 1'rlee 52390. No. 2 Two-story frame house. 8 rooms• modern. large ycrundali. eaut side of Vie -Orris tot. Poswessiun 114 oiwe. ''rias 52,000. No3 Frame -house, t% storl'1t1. 7 rooms. full Itaaetoelt. electric light and bath, attnate(i on tlw went side tit t'Mmeron street. This is it good buy. l'rlee 51,400. No 4 Two-story frame house. 8 room.. AI•w'1•I' send toilet. 2 Iota. ('nr. K et u t h Anil Rieke Nte. Price 51,500. Other listings can be had $600 r (( WILL BUY THE BEST iy1 1 V 7 h uildin[ bot in Godanch. This fol 1s situated on the Crescent and has 81feet frontage. Apply THOS. GUNDRY. ARM FOR SALE. -GOOD FARM located en cottrassiat A Aabtiald. 1110 ac s under Du a Gondtarp barn. larorchar Yoe further particulars apply to MRS- S. 1, PENT - LAND, Dungannon. 2t 10OR SALE. -NINETY ACRES. let r concession. Goderich township, lour miles south of Guderichwell fenced. a spring creek and well. new twin and Is house; one-half mile from hod and church. Possession at 1st April. Apply to ROBT. McALLISTER on the prern- is.s. or WILLIAM M.ALLISTER. Goderlcn. Administrator of the Estate. U e. WANTED BY WiDOWED LADY. a younger middle-aged lady as housekeeper. Must be rwtxemsn'-d. Good home for right party. "unarm P.O. BOX afal Goderich. Ont. WANTED. iNEMAN WANTED FOR THE Goderich Township Municipal Telephone yatem. A personal application is requested if passible. , Board meets Monday. Apr.I Mh. 110511, at Holmes' 1141. Hdmeevdle. Applications are to be ,n by o'clock op that date. ADAM CANTEI.ON Secretary Godench Township Municipal Teltdphone System. Clinton, March 210. 110.3. 11 PUBLIC NOTICE. AUCTION SALES. INCOME TAX RETURNS. AUCT1" T SALE OF STORE. STOCK. All those who have not made the above returns to me within the prescribed time. with all questions answered, are subject to a penalty of *100 and *10 per day for every day thereafter. Penalty will be enforced if not attended to. WANTED. -PAPER HANG E R S and painters. Hest wages. Apply WEST - LAND BROS.. 15., Wortley Road, London. Ore. 41 WM. CAMPBELL Asaras ir. MAID WANTED. -APPLY MRS- R. 111e11 B. SMITH. Co borne street. AGENT WANTED. -ONE OF CAN- ADA'S largest file In'utance companies is look,wglor a local representative. Eapersen snot • needed Salary or commus.oa. Addrea' K. M.. SIGNAL OFFICE. No. 5 Bungalow, 5 roams. folly modern. large stone fire - piece. Rlttlat.d on east site of Wright Rt. Tlfts is -on.. -of Ute- liter homes in Goderich and is known as the Doty cottage. I'rlct' 12.000. No.6 Frame Ilntlse. story and a half, 8 rooms, water and sewer, stable on property. 2 lots. ('or. Eldon and Ca Sts. This prop-- _. ere ii -•4F --µNot condition Mixt la a bargain at 5759. ivnA...Whtte__brfck house. t4_ ioeaa.-felly modern, Arp'. Pier, Qalrase, loath ow. of Newgate Mt. This Is (asp of the lest buys ill` Ooterh•h. Price 53,000. No. 8 Cottage situated mt the tank between Doty's eot tette end Coektleld's, full lot. This property could - 1o'` converted into a "aim - mer home. I'riee 58 00. on application at the office,. J. W. CRAIGIE INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE_ One Dollar Weekly AR9NT81 Tell your children A that $1.00 deposited at this Bank every week for ten years, • with Interest at 8 per mint. compounded semi-annually, will amount to 0606.79 ■soouro;o your children to save. Aas[ts [[CSID 11y4.eN,NS alas ON BANK OF CANADA Goderich Branch F. Woolcomb, Manager • DOG TAX. Uuder the municipal bylaw all dogs must be tagged and statutory tee paid on or before May 1R. 1920. Tags can be had from me. Penalty will be enforced if not attended WM. CAMPBELL Assessor. WANTED. -EXPERIENCED LOOP - EWA, piece work. 11 cents per dozen. Onus used to rib work preferred. To good. t'vitiate,iris a will pay fere. ApplYLAYIE KNIT- RtS Peterborough.Ont. L • IA/ ANTED. -MAID FOR GENERAL V Y work. Apply lMRS.;CAPT ,SHE PHAHD. Phone co, __.. - -'t IRLS WANTED. -APPLY- GODE- lT kICIIKNITTING COMPANY tf WARNING YVarning is hereby given that riding on any sidewalk in any part of the town is contrary to the town bylaws. and viola- tors will be prosecuted. R. C. POSTLETHWAITE. Chiei of Police. • Goderich, March 31st. IIIUSIC. FREDERIC T. EGENLR, Mils. Bac. 1. J TOWN OF GODLRICH, TAKE NOTlet THAT 1. The Calmed of the C'urporat ion of the Town of Goderich has constructed as a local improve- ment ■ sanitary sewer on Thomas street. between Wilson street and W arrenstreet. 2 The cost Of the work is (497,411. of which 1111s.1a1 is to be paid by the Corporation. The special rate per foot frontage is 50.2c. The special ammenvent r tote paw .n twenty annual instal - 3. The estimated birdlime( the work is twenty HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. CLARK&CLAYTON will sell by public auction at the mem,see,(.a \ MONDAY. APRIL :oh. • - commencing at 1 o'clock. The Carlow storeand dwelling house aUached withone.quarter-ane land. mote or less One framed barn. a1t3u, with steel root. The barn will have to be moved, as ,t r not on our propperrty. The stock will be sold on present wholesale t. au. - One span horses. general purpose; 1 set tight double harness, 1 set single harness, 1 set medium light sleighs with Dote and shafts. .1 cutter, 1 open bug[Y. 1 Me Laughlin rubber -toed buggy,1 wagon and nick. I peddling wagon. 1 set wagon springs 1:1,000 lbs capacity), 1 set platform scales, Is Ruck pullets, I hens, 1 year old; lu. bushels Irish Cobbler potatoes. 1.5 bushels good eating potatoes. 15 bushels feed eats, about 2 toasfolha*boat 2 Cords hardwood. 19 hushels timothy seed (No. I Purity). 1 Imperial Oxford terve. 1 five-paswngrr Ford cu, in good running •oder;a quantity of hemlock plank, +Outs cedar pots. waterproof wagon cover, a number 01 large packing hoses. 1 robe. horse blanket, and other article& tusk. --On property Ten Den cent of stoney down the day ofeak; balance tc bese pled within 3, days. Feed and potatoes cash. Balance -All sums of lila and under, cash over that amount t ,00nthee credit roll be allowed on approved jdtnt notes A discount of 4 per cant. per annum kl- lowed for cash on credit amounts. . \ Eveey.Mwg will be sold. as partners have PP solved partnership and are quitting business., This ,s an exceptionally good stand for anyone wishing to engage m Manama. CLARK & CLAYTON. T.GUNDRY, Proprietors. AuctiOneer., A UCTION SALE OP FARM STOCK. -IMPLEMENTS. GRAIN. ETC. THE SIGN.\1. PRINTING CO., LIMITED. Publishers. IN MEMORY OF THE HEROIC DEAD Through the centuries it has been tlu• custom of the world to honor Its heroes by the t•rtr•tittu of wo11uttwnls. '1'11. Nelson .Aloins in Trafalgar Square. London. Sir Walter Sett' -s moiHuuent In Edinburgh. the Washington wouumrnl fn the I•uit.rl States capital --these are known the world over; MINI what more into sight to it Canadian than Brock). monument uu (Jue•nstou Heights. silently telling the story of it ' glorious day oyer one hundred years ago : 14o lu a moih•Mt way, befitting their means, the pwrple of (loderlch and yfelulty plan to erecta monument which shall keep In memory through e•,ituri.•s to come the heroes who went from this •owtuunity to give their lives for honor. freedom and justice -a memorial that shall be an lusplra- tion to the youth of the cowwuut1y uud an object of worthy pride to e11 11' .citizens. The fund started shortly after the\ clow• of the wear ,to pr.,1idr such a wemorhll has now rachet sidestanllal\proportlollx.;. but a further aeon of at least $5,4M141 1s desired for the erection of such a memorial as I:oderiell should have. Ilur neighbor wall of Clinton a ruistng *10,0(14) (or u •.1.uilar purpxlwe, and t.rsl.•rie•h eau hardly do with smaller amount_ A general eauvass of the town will )w lade on Friday, Aplrll •9th- • - th. anniversary of the gloriously stn.essful as nit of \'Ipuy Ridge by the - her,i. CW1101fan troops -gait tinderh•h clouted du 'se th(u her !scut In honor '_... rif .t),5 a (lay au4 of suit men. . /40I.01 Efts' MEMORIAL FI -ND 1u MITTEE. Aid, ON SAE FOOTING. School Board. Deeldes ave .ill .Ili( Teachers the Ten per rent, Increase. The Mpe•lal oris(Uourned meeting of t public I.iboob hoard was held ill ti `\ town eluntt1 clulwle•r tat Y lay eye nhtg alN1 wax. atte11.lei lii,T'-i*H the me niers. Mr. Thine. t;n1itr7: _ehnir- metu\of the IMwrd, was 1i 1e In getting mesa. THOMASPARK an frim the trntulrY. s4M1•.Mr. A. D. year. will Wier for sale by pubbc auction. at lot 1L M..Iw n t.M.: Ili.• chic tintll r ;Arrived y 4. A Court of Revision will be held on Thursday, ooncewuon 4. Ashlield Mall -mire west from »u .s t None f the olio. l AMYen wa predelit the 15th dor d April. I1W,at *o'clock D m.. at the p°nun,, on Council Chambers. Town Hall. in the Town of FRIDAY. APRIL 9th, oil this leeaaiun; Ill fart, 111.` a ly per- FRIDAY. Inc the purpose -of hearing complaints commencing at 1 o'clock. +td1 riln band, ulltshk• of 11.' w&q *t.e1'x. saint the proposed aweemnents or the accuracy HoltsLS-One good heavy -draft brood mare.N of the Itl RrnI and 1114• rar'rs•tary\•w•a5 of hostage measurements and any other corn. Yuan old,mfoel I [enrol purpdre"ati7FMyears Ihr Miens n'pn'x..e11t111rr. plaint which person. interested may desire to uld,,n 10.1. make and which w by law cognisable by the Court. Dated at Godench this'2Md any of March. 1920. L. L. KNOX. Clerk. CATTLII -One cow• 4 years ofd, due in April; cow. 5 years old. due ,n May; 1 cow..1 years ofd. dot October 1-t; 1 cow. s years old, due June 1; 1 heifer. 2 years old. due . ay I; 2 heifers, rising 2 years old; 2 calves. rising 1 year ofd. • - UR. F. J. R. FORSTSR. Pa..-Onr'eauu a good brood sow: lsHkers. S weeks ofd at tone nl Male.H: EYE, EAR. NOSE. THROAT. cockerel. Fifty hens, all mod layers; 1 purebred Late House Surgeon Mew York Ophthalmic Istesrae .y..-ehlagsey-)ra (nrris hinder tilt. and Aural Hoptal, aswtsnt at Momebeld'a cense gond repair; McCormick. mower 15 1.2 -font Eye Hospital and Go14es Square Tbroat Hoe- cull; MCC:sm.ck disc harrow Ineatly new'; send pilot, London. En`. drill I2 hoes.; roller, 1 set irrm barross, No. 4 33 Waterloo St. S.. Strafford. Telephone 9117. Fleury plow. .culler, heavy wagon. wagon hon, At Bedford Hotel. Goderich, from Wednes- in jravel hos, hay rack, cutler.: open buggies ear - day, April '21st, at 7.74p. m., to Thursday, y new,, sets eleighid fl s awl reeks, root pulper, 'Mid at I p. in. wheelbarrow, wagon jack. light delivery wagon 1131.0 IM. capacity•, wagon lion capacity'. 1 „set platform 'catcall car' 1M.,, 1 set household scales 124i•Itx.l, new Yu. 12 LX Laval separator anev.•r PIANOFORTE PIPE ORGAN Studio next to P. J. MacEwan's Garage N OTiCE. f f you are forking fora nice house to buy, f have them of all kinds. red brick, white brick and frame, at very tessonahle prices. My past ex per•rnce .n building and valuationplaces me in a 9p0tw.0i40n lobe yo .r guide in the selection of a nice hotwe at a right price. I bare pkaaed others; 1 tan please you. •Y P: J. RYAN.' -- -- Phone NE. Highest Prices Paid in Culic for scrap iron and old ulacjlitier•. Notify tie by phone at once If yon wb.h to take advantage of this offer.-- •d1'- NATIONAL 14HIPIUILDIN0%O.. 44 Goderich. Ontario NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. R. GtaMN LATE OT E An OW Aua14 1 THE EST /M. THE TowNsHle or CoL.ORNE, IN THECOVNTY or HURON, Y*OYAr1. OaCIASSD. Novice is hereby giv.n that as persons having ase A i estate d the send Nisc tam or dem a Ewe ice •ltd amount tea Bind pa .(:reel wflo IIsi)' K day R 9 to Bend day of February, A. L7. Pent, are required to the executrices, Julia Green,f:oderich R R. No. 5 Jess.eA Green,Goder,ch,R.R.No.4.and the ere - tutor. Peter,lasnes Green. Goderich R. R. No. 5. or any one of them. on or before the Nth day of April. A. D. IR20, their names and addresses and description and fun particulars of their claims and security 01 any) held by them, duly veufied. AND WM Na1(1 that after the said Nth day of April. A D. 1920. the said executrices' and -execrate woe proceed to &arrange Nie iNiel• Mr. J. I. solinst.u. principal 'i0f Vietorla s 1 mil. went In his reaipnation and Naked r lie rt•Itmeeil al F:ast.'r, and after sou • •g•nside•rtlon the hoard de•i41w1 - to gr tit the retitle.' and to advertise 1n th 'Toronto peeper. for a sllearr. The stage was stet for, the main 11s1 - 11e46 of the evening by the minty& of ii letter from the' teachers with refer - elite to tit• desired h14•r•ase illi their reemneratttin, a letter from Miss 14.ttt. !Williston' and a .tlt•lu••ul +ignel by 31lss1•s 11.,b1no 41 end Sturdy. Three letters were all before the hoard at the used). pn•Yfuns Meet MO Mr. Fla 'indent Ft•RNtT -Our le .l'pv surto. Y von beds, lurivwl, 8.84.1111•818.84.1111•81h}' M r. 1tnIiu1•4. that wooden bedd,. 2 sets beedsprings, large bureau, lalling -Irl tilde. 4 d,nigpoom chairs. Raymond 111e letter. from 3Ii.•• lloltirwurn and the *twine machine. Rnes violas and bow, k tch-n x.tut lenient 1l 111 - tl1 Iw.M11• I troll tables, 2wood heater+, eburlawnSturdy IMreferred tri ins{titstoT Tothmoser 1rocking chaos, h kncheu chairs. wash- rt. The mime lot IIs 1411.l I tlg. 1 x. til Id 1 grit 1 .rand. teakettle. for explanathm 11[14 r•114 HAMvtss.-One-set of heavy harness. good as 'notion o'er. defer' lel. 1 to a, new; 1 set ungl • harness; 1 set heavy stogie her- isms,brao•moanted;l set team harness,esedium the Ii1wls•es stet Ing that ell 1 bunter. w s1 v beta bels, threshed t at fl M heavy; ♦iollMa Swett ih IRI 4x1 tot n. -Tei r 'FAIN W tri. E e a t o G P.MTo 1 1 movie!, sir 1•Y Mr. ern sM I We sedbuspoels atoes;qpotatom ntityheavhay.weibo onbubushels bushel o1 ' seed potanin;gwntity about Ln bushels of A11Mew'IL that aR 1111 teachers oats, quantity of wood for box stove. uumher of reeei •e ,the, IlieilwN'' already g cedar posts, quantity of budge timber. 1 ladder. 1 to tyrWe of thtMl-tmlprl)', au Inert'bis, Remotion, neck yokes, 4 new doubletrees, ales, alis. shovels, forks. andother armies too num- of fru per meg. un IM -Ir muOthly poi eructs t mention. meats from February 1s1, 17r_4I. Teeter. -Hay. grain, wood and Ml to toes, cash. All sums„ of 1110 and gumbo, cash; ov,r Air. sallow,. Wel Cil 111 ,It111.111111.1ellt -. that amuu0L .s month[ credit w411 .•e allowed 0 Iia I. all _the Im•acllers be [i yt•11 N bonus of the said deceased among the parties entitled furnishing approved joint notes. A d,*cou n of has-,ng*1.M1 enc, blit 1111 r1 Nas lul nlrvitser. thereto, tepid only to the claims . of 4 per cent. pertannum allowed for cash on cic'/lit which notice shall then have been received. --- - - JULIA GREEN, JESSIEA.GREEN and PETER JAMES t;BEEN. by R. C. HAYS, thew .01W -o+.. - Dated at Goderich, this 19th day o1 March. A. D. 1920. at NOTICE TO CREDITORS.. IN TIM:ESTATE Or ELLEN Mee/MINT. LATE 05 galalomti.QL('.00seic1, 114 tux Cotner( or AMEON. wInol, HHCHaslD. NOTICE is hereby given. pursuant to the statute ,n tbat behalf. that all persons having any claims against the estate of Ellen McCarthy. who died .m the Ifth February. 11120. are required on or before the _2eh Apr11, 11111, 10 vend by post deliver to the undersigned S,.I -,tors herein or ap . arT1fY rTv- Rae• executors of tae will of the deceased. full particulars of their cla'mc; and that alter the Mad 2(eh April. 1451. the said executors will distribute theoretical the said deceased among the persons entitled , hereto, having regard only to the claim. of which they shall then have had notice, and that the said executors wilt not be liable for the said soots to any person of whose ottani notice shall not then have been received. - Dated at Goderich the rah March, 1921. PROUDFOOT. KILLORAN& COOKE. Coderich, Ontario, , Soliciting tor the said Executors. NOTiC E -TO -CREDITORS; 114 THE fstATt Or WII LIS Ba1.1.• , CTE OF rota tOaN M Clmaatcic. tNTiit Codge -Z1i HURON. • Flury1er it hereby given pursuant to 1- S 0. tali 144• Mee, rix, that ail persons havIng claims agein.t the estate of the said Willis Bell, deceased. who kited on the 7th day of March, 11121. are re• quirtlil to *end for deliver to the undersigned, so- licitor for 113'. recutors, on or before the 17th day of April. I9F1.. full particulars of their claim* and that alter such dale said executors will dis- tribute the ■*sets of the deceased among the parties entitled, having regard only to claims of which 5 shall then have received notice, and that t w111rolt he liable to any pe,ion of whose claim notice shall not have been received at the time of such dram hution. Dated the 211th day -'arch, A. r). CIIAJ*I .:ARROW. Solieitd5 for I oo.s W. Bell and James W. Sett. Esecuterl. - at SHINGLES - Four Cars just arrived. All grades in White and Red B. C. Cedar. ROOFING - One car of Ready Roofing, 1 -ply. 2 -ply and 3 -ply. This shipment was bought in on last year's prices and we can afford to sell below present cost. If interested drop us a line. The Goderich Planing Mills, Ltd. P. O. Box 1s GODERICH. ONTARIO Phone 47 \Ir. :4ntislers, who w'as nut present E _... ing must be disposed of. an the (arm is nt the previous meeting, (sulk the floor mold. with a sha Draken, of his vires un Ihr• THOS.PARK, THOS. GUN DK Y, salary question. He pointed out that Fresw+.lar- Auctioneer.. hi .tmw of Inst -ewer the bratr,t heel /st.FJ.\tell: \C("r1uX S:\Lt: ' ow agr0 d to increase the trombone sabtrles Ilill'NG .t1D F'1'ItXI$Ab I -';fit, for the present school year-1elk/em- her, Witte. to Angeist, llirh►-14444- tlw teachers had all signed .0111reets for 1 11111 fusUnctel he 1111S. W. 1, INr ii.sell by politic auction the year pt 1h. .11111110. 1h111 proposed. PIP or • i I'._.,' 1 T(, the werprfs.•-- aF-HN• lrrts tisk at his resi.heme•, Waterloo .41sT, 4.*M11'- t•aPhl•t+ IOW store w•uI 111 x nrpf1.5.1 1401. MI for 1111 additlimi1 advents. of *•21111 shell. I'I'FKD.\Y .11'1(11. lath. This wo111i1 11144111 In . • /•www not In- ,i.n111trn.i11p( at 1 .,,•neck p. to. ,eirnw• of x:11111 over the pme'lons yea en tine upright piano. 1 wxlnot lull) salary. The h•il4•h.rs MO tnot tell . nick, -1 umbrella stand. 1 Ithrury table their ilgnr ement like"a s.r,.p 01{m{n•r.' hell)- 1 .1074.11 gni I ltunKKF tt•halrs 1Ii•uth,r'. 1 eh,rry table. a number 0 fie t,a.-furs to0 back in Iii• udddll chairs of all kinds. 2 wnreirolies, 1 of the tern)ro ,d tisk f., . 1111 1111•F01111•1111•F011.1.rrs nearly n.w' refrigerator. 1 kitchen 111 .4,bit. Thi lasted. h,w141r, hdd cabinet. 1 kitelwn cupboard Iglass*. 1 elite nes1 a report from the Inspector shyer tel s.•ry ice at •al number 0f and had need n...n jl..icing un other slier I.145 -t'5. 111.0 rltt%n, ghlss- 1 It q member f choice I I'outhnu d on !Mg/. e 1 1.11•111Opt a11d water 4 to 0 tirloek- A spae.G11 stc11 t•uRrnylnX• . ,s the exhibition n 31 he a di I al quantity of gorden holt.. 1 .aril oil strive. 1 wire towlinerd, kitchen -fwraisitino',.-inoludiug kitultt't. _tithing. UNIV. 11• . 1 e•., 11 num s' of 1' SPRING FESTIVAL In linos ('hurrh Lecture Roam Fritts) eyrniltg, 19, 9 p. m. Saturday afternoon.. 1 10. 3 p. m. Yoder NOVO., of 1s a-tika 4'lul.. 1. Nand Drill - 2. Nurscri_ Folk name- -Mary, -Mary, gain• tintriir).'J ,:t. (:Iib+ ('horn!•..._ "Invitation 10 the Misr." 4. "The Nbr•ping l'rlpNees," a drem- atisei refry play 1n 5 *els. last of Chsraeters King Carolyn '1 utue•n .... Ettima Walla Prince Ruth Marti Trios. ,..Dorothy llanhall Lords Glad's Murray, Dorothea \. Heileman, Isabel Murch 1 (Ike+ ....1hrrathv Mall011sh, Cattily. (:rhtrat, M*.h•Ihw 31eKsy Fal -Spring. IN bet Edell Ili; , Summer. del.'s flow rie; - 'Autumn. Violet Thompson; . . Winter, Elsie, Itei111(1rt,-------- Page-- try 11.1.11111. Scenes Art 1 TIM dept Its of the wo.wLs, At•t 11. Th.. 1'n Ince r,l.•u. Act` 111,-- A garret. last IVa --'-Witter o-.sdl•. A t %.--Tis• awakening In Ihr I'ainee MI hien, ,\IlIubsMiou--alll.1te :Le', children _''lk'. It11mberthe high t e I e h ea and laz:tar to le• held by the ehtilkof Nt. Ileurge's .hunch. on Thursday, April Mth. hi the Masonic Temple. Tea will be m•rvsd f '. then will room •int 1 . 0.,•7o.r tram 1 M -let fancy work, minify aM1,tNrtltemadP ha .l ing table's. ,\u Informal program w' Mae given during the evening. Tickets • Income Tax Returns. In order to facilitate. the tiling of cal - townie_ tax returns' . and to 1 nk1 exphiutions to any Persian who w y be in doubt nm to how he should cul plete his return. \!r. Harding. of the .tflr. 0f 1110 inspector of Taxation at 1 1111011 Will be at th.• town ,ottutil elinin '4 tiioiterteh, all day Tni'nibi'. April h, tool any pentons who welsh any inf, motion or explanation are ia- vitel to ter with him. -- l'ome'unr enjoy the evening of Apell . Nftt with Ahsneek (•hnpter-mt-the-*--" I. 0. 1►. E. a euchre, hunch and ,Ii11114' to the . n.11111.• hall. A sp.•lal feature• of this event will be an op- portunity for el must.• lovers to beer lit (itsltri.h for 14• first time all the nekreat 1(11 neo side, ions, 14 W,11 ev see file IwMst (tune,', All exhibition and Ie lit aid of the toy fond of the !tome 1•atholi.• mis- sins ..f the Northwest I11 be held at the home of Mrs. Ke eller. proses street, on Thnrslny. Apr. KM. front reture of of dolts' Is.il.•r, wringer. tilos, gent Jere, ,•r.s•ks. 111.41, mower „nil numerous other -a rticles. Everything n111.r lie dlspxrs(r1 Ilunlll• _.naur, In' _SA47ltisl X11! .s11e. 1515. - 11'rms'--1 .ash. Dittos. 4:1' N Dlt Y. Auer inn(e'r. FOR SALE B C. SHINGLES ALWAY3ON HAND at McGAW'STATION. , Call C. A. I(ohertson or John Treble Telephone Dungannon Aro: or John Treble. ar41. ,kk•OR SALE. -A QUANTITY OF White Blossom Sweet Clodtt Swed, free of weed reed, also • few hu•hds of choice Ned Clover Seed. EZRA FISHER. Phone 1)enmdkr 125. N.N. No. 4, Goderich. 2t NOR SALE. -FOUR-H. P. MOTOR. CYCLE. inor dd running comhl Ion. let p}aikt cheep. Apply WILLIAM CLAN$, corner'sr111 nut and Pune sireets, Goderich. NN\\ CAR OF FEED CORN AT h1LGAW. Telephonic or dela to WILLIAM M.CLURE. DUNGANNON .121) AI*n coal, flour and feeA. and H. C. shingles ala/ys on hand at McGaw and Dor Sanson. ' Unlimited Quantity of The cantata "Ruth" will be given in Knox church on Tuesday evening. Apptt11 2Utb;-by- the choir and .01049ts.T1 Overture to Tannhau,eer (Wegner) -the mightiest overture ever written -will be played on the organ by Mr. Egener, and Mom N. Woollcombe will play a piano solo, Andante and Rondo Capri. curso (Mendelssohn). as the first part of the progam. Please remember the date for "the musical event of the season." GOf)D MiXED WOOD FOR SALE at 53 per single cord, delivered, THE GODERiCH MANUFACTURING CO., LIMITED. (Foot of Anglaise St.) Phone 81. CARD OF THANKS. WE WiSH TO EXTEND (*UR heartfelt thanks to oar Many Mends and neighbors; Inc then luridness and sympathy, through the diner and death M the departed daughter. and also for the many flowers re. e,ved. MR. and MRS JAMFSI;LEN find FAMILY. Yourfavorite ice cream soda is herr None but the purest flavors used. ti. T. Edwards. + 5, The Eureka 1111.1..'b11ss of !.l.torin atreet Methodist 1•hnn•h will bolsi it wile of homemade. baking 11p11 serve ten 011 ;lntatduy. Ap8'II :Irl, In dm store next .1. E. Its' msfitnrnn1. 11111.11 111 E p. III. 2-t That, delicious made-in•Goderich ice roam of Blackstone's makes new friends every day. TENDERS WANTED. 11EIsIDERS WANTED. ' The undersigned w111 receive tentl.45 ee to 9 o'clock .0 the even,nld,a Tuesdl 7, the.th .ns( , for the ("dowing. 1. F.1cavattnk a cellar under the main Mudding of the Children's shelter. potting a cement floor in the same andcement reaming walls and piers. All materia,, .d to tot fuenethed by the contract's, and all earth es, avat,•d to he re- moved from the prem,ws. 2. The work only of dernratmg the walls and ciihrgs of the hall and gev oat of the offices ,n the Court House. Specification* for the ate.ve cork to he seen at My n11ke a1 the Court Heine. Tendon to be waled. marked -Tender.- and ne' tompsnied by a marked chegee for ten per er 1. of the amount of the tender, which will he re- turned if tender not accepted. No lender necessarily accepted. GEO. W. ROI-M'tN. County Clerk. Godecich, ApriIlst, Isla eblies anti Iloilo millinery 141'FetWOPTi('.11A High -glade wribl•HphKI'sps•rtnrt . and ryt•Rlnssls with hest quality '. flat apheri.nl eiise for only $..100. F, es e•x,lnitnel free by our wen -known it i" usI,t 4.1 it sp•ctall1.4. Alt iingh,. formerly ,.pt4.-il expert for Ki•nta Jewelry_ atom., Toronto. '.Ve save you money do eyervthlogIn s11.1 opti/nlI1ne, eu take adyalltagr of mtri i'), a and rwmrtwMr ---Three .pox's .mly--Tbura- doer, Friday arid Kohlyday, Aprtl Stb. 9th and Both. Smith's Art Store. tlollrrit•h. (lt'NDKI'8 SALE REGISTER. MONDAY. April 5.- Sale of store. stock, horses. wagons. etc ,property of Clark & Clayton, at the premises. Carlow, at 1 o'clock p. TI•isuov, April A. - tale of farm stock, ample. resents. household furniture. gran. etc.. pep perty Of W. 1 Roberton. lot 43. Base line. Mune, t(omo • WEDNEs9AT. April 7. -Auction sale of farm stock and impernentl belonging to Andrew Felten and the estate of the lat. Joseph Fenton, int *concession a.(Mb.»rne. TMuasoar. April s --.Clearing auction sale of NMI stork and implements. property of William Conk, al lot A. Late roars east, one and a -hall miles north of Dunlop. Colhorne township FRIDAY. April 9. - Sale of farm stork, ample. menta, grain, etc property of Thomas Park, lot 11, ermeesskm 4, Mh'.Id towns -halt mile west of lwngannnnl. Everything to be disposed of, se bum is *rad. Tutwisy. April 13.. -Clearing suction *ale of household furntsS.ng., mope. ty of Rom. Wm. Proadfnnt. at hosres,denre. Waterloo street, at 1 o'clock p m. Wc0Nsway, April 14. -.Cole of faint stock,im- plements and houael ad furniture, renperty 0f Wm, Phillip*. one half chile nowt h of Mr Corwins. GeA1Kch township, at 1 &eine' sharp. Too cruse. April l5,. --Sale of farm web, im- plement., Brain, hay aril potato.., prepp(e1r or Vo ,h Plaetter. at Int 11. concession 5, E D. Cot- oren.. at 1 ti (bock aloe'. 1)1911. PORTER InGoderich on Ends,. Mwrh tor, Fenny Elisabeth ('aide. beloved wee of Mr, George Porter. • • l