HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-3-25, Page 8•
Thursday, Ntsrel. i, 192fl
• -
to make room for new
wallpapers. . Special
Room Lots of Wall
Paper. Done up in
bundles to paper small
ad medium - s i z e
room. with sufficient
quantities of border to
nratch. Room Lots
from $1.25 to $4.50.
Watch Show Windows
Mr. ar:d Moco,n1 Lamont have
vionsect tom a os ntli'• %Olt to Toron-
IVe411.-418.Y. 11,1 rub 51.
The t.irls* 4:1111.1 .4 Nile ehurtitenilli
hold a maple rm. and hot bun ...chili
on 1 1..0c1 yriiiny. April to, in the of ilioeltureli. Admission
2:1.•. Everybody sivelcome.
Presenlidialt.-.An enjoyable 1.1 ening
was spent iu the basement ,.f Nile
limn 'II 011 Thursday. Ma r. h 111 11. n hen
the cougreption met and pre...MIMI
their organist. Miss Volley SlcWitittitey,
'nith a ,litiartercitt oak and teat het
rueker. a '.erting tray. isiol 1111 toldi•es.
esrlre.sing appreciation of her ...nivel:
as organist for the past four year. and
tendering g....1 wisher: for the future.
in W d ui e 41 11 y.
March 17. at the 1 • of Mr. 81141 Mrs.
Janos. Sunlit. their eldest slaughter.
l:11..1. .Nittriel. nat. Wilted lii lllll rrhige
to Sir. Joules David Nivin. %%eeet
Waviani"..11. 11ee. J. 'e%. Ilisey odieltiting
The yellle.f. 1411114P Will reside ou,the
artstins. farm 'war 4,kitu8.tittatit out'
t% irk them ao this goodwill and hest
LAWS of ;natty friends for h ha(py.
peiteefial and pro.peroid journey
t liropgh life.
reee--MeWhinfee).-A very attnie-
tite aedding tnok lame at the home of
Mr. and Nies. l'holuas MeWhitiney. Nile.
11*.sliiesMiy. Mar. h 17. alien their
eltle.t daughter. Elmand Slr.
Itoltert 14w.itaU Freeof .Aaktielik isms.
united-intittriiageny Iter. J.‘11'...
.‘botitrlfty friends nen., -present Ili
lionorof the 111111sims.Pre181111 ly ret
inst. 1, 4 -
.y444••«- lzterenee,1l-.
1.11.11iils 11114. wedslingi
Witi iiiii •y. '.litter thii bride. the i•riiii•
entere.1 the parlor leaning 011 111. strut
her father, and the happy eooph,
took flick place Whirr an artit e%i.r
sri• 11. The $We0t 111141
,1•11.11111ille, ill 11 lir*. of white silk
trimined W`till sitter s44111111IS 11181 rill'.
! ried o 1•111.11i0l or 11.11.eS 111141
iotvntutir fern. 'I he httle Mot er•
rt. Strirjmie McWtdrim-y. was dri-,'..l
iei ill111silk and 4.arrieit a basket of
pick and %bit, roses, .1fter the cert.-
, tunny and congrattslatititis the guests
! reti,red tt• the ll I ll l(rpt.111. 04 81411 nas.
..--6111110CERY STORE
Fresh for this Week :
French Peas
Canadian Peas
Del Tom- attaes rand
Canned Apples
Tryout Special Black
\Rean's Old Stand Phone 110
Miss Kelly Tells How Lydia
F.. Pinkhazn's Vegetabis
Compound Restored
Her Health.
Al Clio\ SAMS.
ETC. •
111 •Le.i I Ify poling auci ion. at lot a Wise line.
I 1 ullet lone Hole .uuth 04 Auburn. 011
iorameng ins at I o'clock 'harp:
itort.4a.- Span cot bay mares, rising 6 years:
brown horse. rising 3 'years.
CAT11.6..--Cow. rising 1 rears. due May 144h:
co*. roman years. in bid lkor . cow. rising 6 years,
dueApril ligh; cuts, rising I y ear.. due/Apra 44th:
heeler. isms 1 years, due April 13: heifer. rising $
years. due Apr d LItli: $ prat ling heifers: 2 yearling
steers. I steer.... months old:1 heifer call 3 diontb•
• • Hinder 111.1t. cut,. nosier c•ft.
emit. seed dial 1 Ill4loek tulltvalut ,13 tilethl. to.1*.
take 1.u -el wheels'. all Massey •Iilarris make; single
riding plow. tuoilurrus riding piemboth Perna
nate: Clinton tanning mill isith bagger. McCor.
vie make rush Fleury turnip sower. 143 feet rope.
car and .lings:Chathana wagon:nes Chinas truck
-2,r1.1 ire 1.0.1 good hobaleies.nearly new. man-
ure sp(ersier 'McCormick NO. J1. • 141: h•iffie•.. 1011•
-ler. hay rack. ,tock rack. wood rack, grai.el boa.
whitYlet fees. k)oke.. corn plantei . scoopshovi I.
hoes and rod". d set DI double
harirnirg"1:... ETC A quanta y of good hay. oats and
barley. e seral bag. of chopped oats. oleat and
barley:a number of' grain' bags. UMW kaatica
quanta(y of marigolds
flovsgdoi FIFFCTS SUITIITItf kilChrfl
11100r loud baker) hoz stove a nd a number of • 14 -
inch tapes. cupboard. kitchen chaos, 1 rocking
chaos. child's turdstesd, cradle and high chair.
tables, *z 6 -gall in cream cans. airgallon 'mere
with quantity of 1/00creider vinegar some pout
Wes: lamps and brawn.. dishes and cutlery.
F..4 ery thing on 11.: place to he &soused of, as
the farm is sold.
TiltMs.-IIa). grain. manguldt. potatoes. and
all sums or 31 • and uoder. cash. over that
amount. month,' cricht is ill he giiieri on lurnish-
ing appro4ecl punt ncites. A straight discount
of I p1114401 attosed toe cash ori crsdit aniounts.
Newark. N. J.-" For about three
pars I saffered froth nervous break-
down and jot se
weak 1 coil hardly'
stand, and had head-
aches every day. 1
triad everything 1
muld think of and
was under a phy-
sictan's care for tw•
years. A girl friend
had used Lydia E.
-Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound and
she told me sheet
it. From the first
day 1 took it I begin -
to feel better Ana
DOW 1 am well and
able to do most any.
kind of work. I
have been recent -
mending the Com -
ritual ever since and give you my _per -
infusion to publish this letter." -Mise
FLA JULIA, 476 So. 14th St., Newark,
N. J.
The reason this famous root and herb
remedy, Lydia E. Pinkbarn • Vegetable ___
Compound, was so successful in Miss , •
Kelly's case was because it went to the AI C1'14iNs S.11.1: ttr -VALl'Alti.E
rest of her trouble, restored hoe to 111•1 FARM. F.‘11N11......,STIlleK . AND
soma' healthy condition and as &remit ,DIPLE-NI I ',N.1.8'
her nervousness disappeared.
...... 1 1 Sieve been_ Iii-dnieteil to sell by
VOW andion at tot :tit. eon. 3, town-
. hal, •i•t 1: li r I ii i ti4 4it the Annie ship' Cif IVe-t Witwanosh, on
neiatii.o.is.41./..c ... loamy yevr:- she .WIllitNEsli.11-, Aigt11. ,711..itr..41.
.iit 1.• :sully Ittiss.41. Iler (intend took
phi., ...t Nionday. Starch stie, bt Dun- ecominesteing at 1 o'idoek. slimy :•--
411 jilt's fultpi,,g. o4' 41---muntotil„11, ,„,9844,,ct il•soasius.A.„11111, one s: 1., . four--11;1111111%i•satelra-ni'stot..1:.ndh.. lic1111-.-:-111)41.".-- "11,--7-•
.1414441h -'4 44440011 In 'pink and white. -St 11""""" t'enteterY. She leave.
diluter. The. 1.11.'4'411. WV rt. immenois 11"14".1"n* : Mr". A 'Ale".1111114.Y• '41 - -111)R81~4-- 1 tinr5e:-'. 111'1 .,11I
.Willis. heft 4V -41r1111 : 1 IllArr: beicry-dnift : 1
, mid 4,44.tly. nbenadiat: ,...,-,.rdi „.,11._ Asittield host...16j.: Mrs. E..),
,,, vi,i,.h. ti, y,,,,,,,. „mph:, an. iwid. 'Slinviirt„iit: 1,....hurn: Nir4:TOtifirTiiirsii-s: 1 noire. 11411 try411114 : 1 1 irtrarVI*117,473srl
..f n nt inf. ,41,..."ip4. __Aw,i,,ing As, ...,14.,,,,,, ..r witiu• II:lilt,: N. 1. : Alm 4,1. lo.rse. 12 year. 01.1. genehil
Air. 411451 Mo. l'n., %1111.esisk. ,,,, tiwir of rellierie. 1.00 tati.1 lir. %V..1:. 01.1. generaViairpose; 1 enure. tryeare-
t.irm mac .1.t..171...11hert alei so 111 he at 1l:10. a swat st, lt,,ri... out. atrs.11,41. general tatrpose: 1 horse. N ywda
.1 • . - . 1. - . I tu,“-k. N.,- ,4 , , /10 ,Intoebrer, paa.a.d volt'. lwary-driree-:- I borer. it 'years .edd.
III • . 1 . nse draft: 1 horse. 3
"The 1.at,e Mrs. May, -A• view:owe:151 tmaY lne yrnrs.lizo The funeral see- bY 'terries I
a titt.41ialtly t-4.4•01...1 re.k.t....t a .r..i. ‘I.-..-- .ero• 19.0411,1Pa bY- Rev. 'I'. A. Fenn. eld. Cent. I purpose.
borne heave
nly honk. beyond 1141 Morel' illness of her own pastor. et. lit.. Loll May 4th: 4 ale rs. rising 2 years.
1 • ,MruMiiry
' . 91, Ilisev of Nile. , The pallbearers WYri. ..• 1 liriMid '4,11., di AlWil 2711*: 445
.14/1111 .:114AVIiiiitir. Jelin Treble. VA: . itollet•, and 211 hens. year old. .
SloY• 1"erli,i i't 'Jib.' ' 104%4 44'rle" )1")• . Will Ni„, Fest 4 „ni i "41 1 SI l'I.E31 1.:NTS-1 .Ifeering• blister.
thy •4••••••44•1-vante t•• N 1,4111,th thIll114.s
• ..1"1" -rt• • • J .11 7.41. rut. nearly low: 1 43._ rake. 111.11..
Hell ton it.hip n 11 11 her• 'parent.4
. Nfr. ..1.14- Ni• tult..... • Massey -Morris: 1 ,nagou\and box 01-1111And Mrs. 11m. Matthews., When hut 1' .
• laid or iv...y'ear.. and had lived herr' What do ou do forlittle wounds ? 1gg
,...ii.irlii)g. sent. 1 sit farm Duels. 1 top
..crrAttitl.. until Piz npinittl• ltg,!: whet1 : Some simple antiseptic heattng1 open ituggy..1 (-Otter. piano
renledr,Isiv. nearly new : 2 Ilassey•Harris tut she neat te4 spetariTte wkalec nith her HI needed in every home for the treatment- Heaters. 1 SlasseyAltirrts moWer. reft.
daughter. Sirs. John MeWili lll Wy, vf oLgut4.-bruisec. sores and minor wounds.
‘•iitiv-Iil los ttsititt-- -When " a Yonne-tIft.'am: vRVIr Cal bolicSalve- is -perfect 1111 nrarlv mt. • i manure s' auler.
PlIV SP. 2 1..1. W a OM SP g*. 2
Fleury . pl.rws. NO. 21: 2 sets iron itar-
:--1--tritar-intrrtor. 2- emitter 71. I err -
nip sower, 1 seed drill. Nocon: 1 (.44 y
ear. fork. Slillg,t dud chain: 1 rielti
pithier. 1 pair bobsleighs. 1 Fleury cut
flog I,ett, 2 sets whiffietrees. 2 neck
yokes: 1 beam settle, wrieur 700 lbs. :
Just Eight More Shopping Days Until Easter
Easter is always bright with the new Spring styles in Suits,
Coats and Dresses.'..
Our Ready -to -Wear Depa4ment is bright with just the Gar-
ments that will please. \
Why not have your new Itits fot\Easter?
maiden of PighluvIt Au* livirri,s1 tree purpose. -Sounds treated with it
1i,,.poil.p_hlark..tuith of rooter St>tetleS&
dr started lionsekeepitig. Mr: Slay good application for boils. utters and old,
t.ept, the first Irlio_ksiutiti strop and Mrs. isOre..-- No advarce price -still 15c a
04.40 .11111(14 toe the ttsto
etuers of the b041. Sold by E. R. Wigle. druggist.
first sioro or Nile. After it .fen yenrs Godench.
rlwy anw,s1 to the farm. thou to.
111 /We corner. thew,. to berBe sure to reserve the evening of
!title home %hr. t April tIth for the euchre and 'dance to be
-he hail 111:1113 happy Riven in the Masonic flail hy• the 'Ahmeek
Nit,. May nos n raitliftti memt!r .4 Chapter, I. O. D. E. Further particukyr9
. ile N1.4110.1 loolit for year.. neat week.
.to active t%Orkey ili the Nib-ion:try
440ciety: and in -Itete
r.•Vent Ali yeni. The London da - sties have increased their
111/4•1•• ...terat-4014161,-4..r •14.1a1,t laud., price to 1 a ;ear, and The Signal's club -
doing Iter little,ld for her bing rate 01i11 no'.- be 1.6 (for The Signal
wit. of emitented iind happy ill-- and either The Advertiser or The Free
position. shoe 1111 :I til.. I lurk( Mil
1cluirti. nearly nen : 1 marrS grimier,
1 Ile 1.80a1 sepitrator. in good order:
1104W 1.11,111/1141-40A• fanning mills.
ClInt.in make; 1 lamer Pule. w4i151*-
trees and neekyoke: 2 hay hikes. 1
8.4.1 creek. 1 corn rack. 1 set heavy
lisirne•s. new : 1 set double harness. in
good repeat.; 2 sets single harness.
forks. ...ythes. chains and all other
article. too titutuermis_to mention. '
TEICNIS fir SALE ---11441i. farm 10
4111 vent. of *1 1 se nw of
le 'a est .the bairns,. 'in ItMaye.(Hi
farm stork. and imptentente. aums
at XIII 11111/1 titistir. 11F/11; API*
,i1111p1Illt.li months' enelit will he girt...
MI 44ind-11111g aPProrrti joint notes. or
71-111-..e..d.of-4vereent.--per-anatam for
,11•11 credit gatohnts.
'The farm will he still:leer to tl re-
Aerxedi Alt .410--/Alassbuld. tuetti•
titre a ill Ile A0111.
14 44414 T f:FNIOOT.
Yit-ertitorn. - Auctioneer.
•OP1. •011
Ladles and G tlemen:-
• \ ,
, Did you ever stop to consider the
why and the wheiitore of the upward trend of prices ? Cost
of materials for manufacturing, higher wages for workers,
with shorter worki hours, consequently les., prcduction,
demand greatly in e p ess of supply --these are the ma*n
factors dominating the present high cost of living.
, Also, do you realiee-t-hat.e'"\\
merchant having a long-standing business connection -with
wholesale houses often hal opportunities to get in -"on the
inside" and buy stocks riVt?
This, then, is our message to you
at this season, when most folks are considering buying
''something new" for Easter and the subsequent warm, bright
weather, that we have been able to buy the majority of our
stocks before the big advances of the past few mprIths, and
are thus in a position to offer you good up-to-date foot-
wear at reglonable prices, many of our lines being priced
at less than we ourselves could buy them to -day, thus
effecting a saving to you of from 35 to 50 per cent.
Our new stocks include all the
newest shapes and styles, the very popular high -cut lace
Kid Shoe, Kii and Patent Oxfords and Pumps for ladies, the
brown and bltek Balmoral, also some nifty Oxfords, with the
smart recede toe, for men, with the children end growing
boys and misses well provided for, and we feel" confident
that a look at our goods, marked in plain figures, will con-
vince you that, considering the almost prohibitive prices
you have to pay for every commodity you buy, you can still
purchase your footwear at a very reasonable figure.
Hadn't you/better give us a call,
you the goods we were fortunate enough to
and let us show
buy right?
Yours very truly,
,,per W. Reg.
Real lit.. styl..• 1111114144'411 vent., t eke -
floe. dahanline. lir, navy, sand and
Nark. is shawl on Inane •
also a quantity of. itutt.iti trim- '
miller. A narrow belt stlittau en
nearty -orprr Twrry-
.....ulliilintiont. of eol,.ra are greatly
. -
Ctune to this .1eisirtntent ate.* sew-tlat.--
very newest real stj 11.h
They 1.01111ill evc.ry catior and in a
torte varlet.% of styles. 1Nto TW*)
1RE14141:n \ALIKE1. .Navy' blue 1. -
greatly 011611n in taffeta, duelies.
and merle iiti41 It.b_OUt (HIM rtment
tlea Yell tire stir.to thal the latest
31any block Dre•se. itt dui. -hew‘ awl
• taffeta with eotubinati llll of IMO'.
gette. !Argo. rill?. ;Hill pretty tetific
I ht tatty 4 ',odors hi every 8-00uteil shape. In 54414 -
gore Ingle.. hi wn or-orgatitty."-The- Trtmmtitiall
are .4 1:141* itt 11141" 1111001 totalities.
'1Itt'o minds' i14 price from 73e 1. 14.0. noel*.
surprised at the
onderfid styles 00l :1 1111.1% Irtg .1 nil
at. mit moderate pritri.
The stlikrt Coat 1si trent*. slinutt 41114
ia a. filtirlte. They rope • 10 •
end grey des with nareeie *dor
belts anti lin on crususfas. EMT
ailhisia e to three peeklone.
Navy Mite serge ts lirw
each p
new, or,
ready a al
-1.flI 4 oats in "a i.4. grey -
N\litive o ek ot
yon 11,,vvi84e choler., '
Nortlaway\ l'aalt. on sale iiit.thla at
Bank bi
may be
wale ar
'e lustre every t i lig 11,,.? ,114. 11.4114 want In
41t;..--1/111ek. 1111.•. grey: I. rt/*1 li_ _many -.
qnilItiea [nen 904- to $1.00 a pair. •
Il,evp Fon se.m 'be f11•4% 1 1..• ShirkinIgn TIWY-
Hr.. the Iste.4 They ..' 11' 111 •ogiblnistions Or,
colors at 93.00 a ps_te and 92.51 Mk. "
Si.skilig• in 1.14..k. laniwn, grey Awl white,
at 8:1114 pair.
Slimy different styles of bidet .1•iling I.y ths
anl.'36r..441r. lee a yard.
A pretty grey Veil at liee for a letigiii enough
for a wit,
sport yeas In many 114511514114, ski, in plain *wits,
put- up hi envelopes. In grey. Nark. purple and
Mile. This Veil has elasti. ..la,. at 2.1,e 4111e11.
11.111t-Itets Mall. (ruin real
:d dark !wont.ler each or ihrre for 25e.
114 1'. 14 ',perish prke.
11" 1 1.1.1434-
,‘ II* hy publie auction at lot $,
1.1... 11..a.1 East, one and adialf mile*
tooth Illtuilop, Colborne township.pn
IlfritSDAY. APRIL Stli.
p. m. the following ; •
beasy draft Intr.... 7
etivs--4.4.1-;.-4-etweal porno*. hors. 44
rs cult...2. years. ow..
..CT.1:1;=...-Ltre,414. ans. 1.:_yeant_Ohl_;
fre.li row, 3 year., old: 1 cow. dtte,1.
fricaten:3140-1st : 1 steer. 2 Yen?! ntd
::sheiter-. 2 years 01.1: 3 steers. 1 year
.0.1: I !wirer, 1 yellr 4,111; :1 young
"Ht2"mipig•. about inn ts good
.h..p; 2 geese and gander: 20
100. polletsi.
4-M1-1;113lIrs"rtt--1 Frost • &
inder. 1 I Peering moe'er.Sew _Islet
%4:,r; 1 Stet ormlek hay louder : 1 pteel,
ral-. 1 31:fea5y-Harris 'steel drill.
•miall farm wagon with
...haft, I met trohnieighic good tis MeV:
I naiton box. 1 hay net*. new; 1 gravel
1 rro•t& WI601 plow, 1 Verity
twofern,* ;diva., 1 pet trim harrows.
1 scorner. I tiny fork. rope and pull.'*.
I OM :Pew!). meshes. 1 fanning mill. 1
NI,Laiilillit cutter. nearly new; 1 top
bogey. 1 light wagon, 1 buggy pole, 1
..t bra.smountert team hareem. 1 set
dmilde driving harness. 1 set single
harness.. 1 111-41. bidder, 1 2441. ladder
poIe. 1 good erilint lel/orator, 1 Daisy
Omni. No 3; 1 moil heater. 1 hanging
latop.4 I cream min: 42 milk pan*,
Hintre., shovels, forksand other
rthles tuo numernii* to Mention.
114. disposed of, An
11141:: Vf'/Irrll'
sums of $10 sn,l under.
rash: overthat amount. seven months'
credit will he given on furnishing ap
proved Joint riotes. A discount of 4
4441 8181 nt alinwe('51148d off for ph on credit
..1178)/Irille WIMP time rin;lputi
ittwk belonging to Jame},
2 strs•rs. right's a years obi: 1 heifer.
rising :1 years old (an helm( fed 4'.
••,; 1 steer, riming 2 years old; 7.
cales. rising 1 yenr old. 11111 Ite sold
nO t.Arm111"!: "1111.7
.I1iHINNIKT. l'r0Prketat
ns rttnent .4 Illotises_ww
bate ji, ste TI,, 1-31141* 111M.
prises silks. . bine, and
ge..rget,tes. 11114*
Of 0,111451,
M'e have m 111 tit style for
All the t nolo -
.1 whes. are 1610 • e• 544 -ear'
h. Imre the new /1t13(14. 11 in 'geor
gette with short $lettvee awl
prettyLembroidery,_tritlini int._ A
pretty **sat is added to make
dainty tliti•li.
J. H
.1 • 4•-..rtitirdt tii from. :Pt to
42 itanide in ittlirii longeltiths. madapolaius
111141 miiii.00ks They range 111 prI444 from 3.1e
• 114011•94)e
sti.nit.. 1 yiirds wide. tit utility tinailtiols. front
/411 111:.17 It,. 44 Itt wide. front
73t. $1.25 sr )ard. • •••
'oftliti%. ::1 %, ill.% ill ithiny 1111.1 I 11 iis.
..44,.ows 4-oit
iweessary that you have chores \
t.. match. 41111. is the glove that
14 in gnielest favor for thi-
Webitte .(.wk
silk Gloves In white. 51414, light
and itaiek-sanir Shades.
pongee and eliampagne.
Nbigiint Maid silk iffv*Wi
slave at. SU*. SIM smi $2.93 it
itivvvev-esiesio 1st pVIt er
eontensit Int ipadate.
1 G. 10
and D
TIIPS111', Marti% 23.
Enterlaisanent.--A pietiirf.
1.11,1•111111111111111i NW he given in No. 0
school-hotise. Leehitru, on Friday -even
ing. Aprli 2101. it s o'clock. under the
auspices 14 the Colborne rural sehoot
fair hoard. A high-elateplay-enter-
taining, t41fl111+1In5 and hwti iwtr.
be ahown, and local talent will assist
1.1 the program. .11.14.i9s1on (adults..
25e. 11 is 110411.11 lw n large
attendnetee 111 suppur ser this worthy
Lerburn Lorals.--We tire glad to NOV
the spring IsIrds hack Again Mr
Wm. Cook has sold him fnrm to Jas.
AleWhinewy, of Nil. Mr. S11141
Cook Intend to 1111104 to toptierleh.
Mr . Geo. 31 -Nall, of Nile. delivered it
line !Tell of horses to Mr. Altet.
Clutton, of Leehtirtt, one day last week
AIPX. knows a good hOrme as well as
good cattle. Mr. John Chisholm
lost a valuable horse 1atit week with
distemper • 115e most of our piling
men are leaving to help in overhailling
the !NOWA and getting them Into shape
to he ready a* .*10011 1114 navigation is
/glen Mr. Elmer Dymond. of West
Lorne. waM home for the ‚.eek -,001 with
his mother. Mrs. Areh, Horton.
Mr. Ed. Miller and beide, of Alms,
ore spending tie•ir hotleytnilon
owl.. cousins here.
Mr. Frani. !rein has Moved 10
farm 10 Ashtleld. reeetitly bought from
Mr 111 MnIlin.
Miss Eno Ilerliersnit. of Creiff. 11
i*Ifor With her cousin, Mr. D. C. Mc
The SI Patrick's %octal held In th.•
school room on Friday WW1 quite ti
Mr John Me(iiire. who has .pent
......=-............=.......-- -
the Wriffice---.1iere, TiitentT; TilifAiiriin
tvedneedary-1'ne11101 borne nt l'nx‘retin,
Mr. and Mrs. P. Clark arrived home
on Friday after sprinting t(e winter
with mentlwrs of their family nt West-
field. Naider. lin milibto /1141 114411.V111e,
1411141‘014.1lIbr11n keedP1. it t_114:.Y 11/141 _
.etkio7ti the
Ilessrs. !toss )itirray_ .1041 0rdon
Varneron left hist week to .spentl the
1111111111er III the West. They go am far
as Empress. Ans.
Th.. morch ....',tina or the St. Helens
WOMeirmTnhtitlite will he held at the
1 of NIrs. It. K. 31 ilh•r on Wt•tines-
daythe 31.4. Nt 2.;10. :anklet*. Spring
Sen Ind: mush. rte. All are 1.ordially
imrlG. M. Ic11)1)-1.1
Residence Phone 44
hould take advantage of the exceeding!) attractive prices of letory
Loan 11041414. On February 1t. the Market ('mnmittee derided to
lower tlw pekes of all Victor) home* to counteract the effects of Reit-
ish !xchange vvhieh was great') to the advantage of British holders
who wished to .1.11 their Canadisn seenritie. in Canada. Me great ham
been the demand for Hoods that on Marcheth. they have been COM
pelted to raise Ilse prices on three of the biomes. Fee those requiring
Tax F'ree Issue's the 1933 are the beat purchase *1 1109.34* and se-
emed Interest. For Investor.' not alTee fed 11) Dominion Income Tax
the 1931 Bonds at 97 and seemed Inte relit are the moat atfraetive
Anti relish!, Investment on the market, yielding about SIM per cent.
Information on ail Provincial and Municipal 111111110111. Anglo-
F"reneh. 1 nited kingdom. Libertt and Victor) Rends all pnreluuied
for cash.
riser* 318
Insurance in *II it* Resnehre
West Street Gederieh
five 1]
No. 1 Stoi
E 1
No. 2 TWI
r It+
No 3 Frit
7 r
No 4 To
I the