HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-3-25, Page 711 r 1, :t 'r s ch 6-1N f7-7 o. the LOMe•41 4' •••••••••*•••• ...••••••••••••••. ........••••,••-•.•• • • ....,...000,4110**,.. THE SIGNAL GODIRICE, ONT. CI' r.da . March 25. 1')') COLO hit c•_..P‘v ..... olon SP'R ING lit Tql•I s A lieR ICU YLERy,1 • LAWN 6111:1:1 LT EN `• 10)151., '71 o 4'• BIWA Y 'TW Nt \ /SEWING", =Mai 7.:•• // 1401414'. D, Eft -=t1 -7- .1m.= ••••• • /,'/,'Irt ,, /4. - 4. HOilliS A L /./4' IITY COUNTY AND DISTRICT!' her, lai•lie o4llI. is 'lead at tlw age of ninety years. Sltupsou 144 opening u geiterit,1 store u 1Itrovetieltl. Frederiek Kranskopf, of Zurich. passed away March ltIth, aged sixty- four years. Henry Fleischatier. of 11,4y 1 11,111.Ili'd Ma 11, rtii", IA pleurisy, at the age of siNly years. Tlw spring ,4e011 .1111W LI 11•11,11II was only fairly well attended, the roads being-isa. Auallt full, Mr. 11tiekli.r 411411 at the home et NI rs. Itimmtt, Itrucenelit, -1114' 1311" hist . after souse weeksilltit•ss. Als•Nantler Met liokie, 1Irey township, forrnoty of Itrussels, 'lied o'1 March JUL* ia-iaia fittszkorth yeti!. 00 Friday. Mandl 1114. Joseph Me - Donald, of 114ilesw firth, departol thiS lite at the uge of fifty years, 11114: nitre, three sons 111111 u daughter survive. ftioigherty luis so141 1011 - acre farm, sit It ciowessiou of 4.krey, known us the WoL--liateltuan farm. 110 Jesse Wiltios. of 'ther same _fur $5,0011. TIte deutls sseprred at 4;tritilUil. 411O 12th .if 51is4 EIIZIII,.III Towle, YiNty-sitio• yt•ars, turner resident 4 f retie 'Ilse n.11111111,4 were - Ito the Welt. G AGAINST ,„...,,,,..N.mtnaa.14,01momisa.s!.:Iftintioi:tr;161.1w•aneeti.„lo, U Mr. $isodholli1141 IR, .41.1 his fai ui aiiil win collie to, the %WOO to 11'.,-. 1 U (.„„rbm II lid Victor Ituriiiii, iif 4;41004 formerly of Imektiow, Iiiii.i. . . rentisi the old Luck low (1,11N.11 ban ail4 - N in 111.01 u 11111410w unit repulr shop ----.4404kerAllw 1st of May, w lien they take THE 'El SeriousOutbreaks of Influenza i IiIII•a,“ 'NV it 411.. T114. Nlessrs. j ell•Iii II liar,. all over Causdla 11...noit 11..- plant ..f ii inateldne shop at .111.11 will 1114451' it here. W. A. Solomon has sold his groeery 6000 HEALTH is THE ,,,,..,:,,.......ii,..r.,..1,31.,.::;eat it rimiuf.d ugliii,:.,wr..1,111.it.io.ijulil.i.u2. The distil' of Ste% 41 rt. It11..efritil,d1.111. 1 rime voiltly:4•41 son of Mr. and Mrs. pa' id suREsT sAFEGUA RD , ..,,,,,..... „....,, ......,..., ... Tiesoluy of last neck; Oa., 41 %Oty Nail ex,.111. •ri;.• - lad. voi., 4,,,....1144 quit., 4.1e% 1. 11 "FRUIT .A.TIVES" Briage Vig." 11.41 "Ars of age. haul Isom operated 111.., VitAlity and 'Thus Protect, tor appeselleitis... . - Agaieat Dieweies • There can be no doubt that the ' MATH. Situation regarding the sr cead of Reeve Cott lias purchased a rod - Of grace concern. It is quite true the! tow I. eiseit tlie first of Niai. that thenumber of CASCO does Dot Alb,: Putieis 1. SNII! 1.41 141.4 %eel. 00nOIII.nIe an epidemic auchaseaused for -fi itehowr. Alta.. w here sla4 will the suffering and sorrow during the resume lier.-.1101....- as *Owe1 towhee. t.rrible days of 1918. Yet there is Mtse stia.i.. left I..st %%eels tor chilli" - no disguising the fact that everyone waek.• it. c .: i• here sh.. 44111 ,,-,r relit- ' h Id be on their guard against the • :. i• es for VOW' 1 i MC Influenza throughout Canada is oue• dem, at • hifieri..11 end No Wit .41 s ou disease. 1011.114. .411, In Montreal alone, from January • 1,000.01 1'. 211:Ith 1.0 i'etrniary 1!Ist, three thou.ion,f. -''inso hundred and menty-two ewes of • Influenza and 139 deaths from the •• wiNc. disease were reported W the klealtit Department. brought Exeter for burial. If the outbreak had come at the •11''' 1"'"'"11"f Mr - Tum tetilwee---aenft-on begiaDing Of the wallet ilibtekit "I "ininrrrtm-m---~trt-n- K1 I oluesa.4e---------------------------------------t the very !Old 'Weather wojili:lt, \\ fresslon firec,..no0-11 ii..• 4.- the en.t, we might reasonably her Is la rd, has a is -steed fetid • 'from Read. -11731t-Witifseat 'Trio.. -me• Cheek. tLe seread of the diecase. 11oneld, telt isitessesizar 441 ,,r:rey. tor coming as it has, at the end of the epidemic may occur. For spring,. OUR WATCHWORD $$.7.00. twor AnilwrIe3. sow ten ii -re • ' , winter, there is grave fear that an 1,tiot .,Fr.:1 1 .14.1111 1..11144441. of 1 1.1 1.1110gGalaitledallieldil YOU , sweet doer, and after tiireslimg .•I• 1A4Vali.1, feW ILI ng hi. .0•1•1 141 it 1.6,1.. '1•141 ti Is at S'.411.' Against Unknown }-larclware Goods • ▪ coke 1"14'..-44....easest.-. holy _taint+. tot with its plush and rain &leder foot, . its dampness and chill, oits constant s '4' changing from cold to warm and ' back -again,. it_ a_pnolific 'ISOlitee of " coughs and colds, 4W-nrisy and , pneumonia. I- The beet proteetioo, in fact, the ' I mins% the 'Flu is - . _ ,,,.,1„."114iµ.111.40.1 _N.4.3.1_1"143.11.'"i'Vitid_ls__,_11"0.'2.:;_;:;_!_!Lh1f .-4-11 . I ef Itrust4).. who will retail' the t 11411.4.1 604111•11CAl.1-14-, , .: f..r their I 4- ..ry .4)4'!e rseTr1714 i .. I fit. Thiry! who are -10t-itit_Areol 'and TOM- Mr- M',**I.'' . flF- ' strong as they should be ; those who are eteterweighwh t ; those o are 11.4 1.1 Vow... :... . _ ,1•,,,,,, ,tr.,,,., ,.....,,,,,a w.,,a'sm,,,o„ ,_4...ii, , "roil .1. Wil" throneli overeoik" or . of 14-• ',4 .; • .4 NI.. Angiostirs Vitesier, file1,14. •91-strenta binlAstp--et-once. , of 1.. ,, , ,.l. , ...,...11 a 4;01.. Tw. ,,. ' 1', :. • l'' cy r.• ,',l is A Illood-rmrilier; ... i,01 ,!,„:„.„. 1,.. .,,,,flit., •'• ..,1, 1,,,i.,..p. 4r • ,,l .treng1 Ill'ilr•r; like , \l,... .14,1„, II, 1.1, .: ‘1 ., ,- . 1 .• • 1, Trit. eaw rtliii-nae,-11%v4"4 the wonderful frtut , " Flint a - thee" regnIatee the .. kidneys and bowels, eausinothese ' . and nAtfirally as nature in...tell . organs to eliminate waste -r• ?lib, ' • "Fruit -a-1 AreS" keeps t i le skin active,. • 1 bind ia.-nes an abundant soil ',y of • ' pure, ; .cli blood. " l'ruit -a - t.;. s " 11.1,emiiptintrefrengthehtuthr.,nrrt1s- .. , f digestion, sharpens the siptaite, I . ilia); restful sleep and renews the ,.• Easy to remember! Think of GOLD It4t,DAL" .xoud i t!, Look or ere C.vcild Medal Label art ,.,ndvou v..3 know in Ainey-wit!.out ques- t b- ' Fpr Sa!e by - 'PA First -Chas Hardware Dealers •, 1 . • . '1 ,• • ,- „r. - 2 Ker. -tier. • • • , • . „ ,..., 7;z.. • Save Fuel and Food Use EGG -0 Baking Powder Egg_•4:1 Raking rOlavder Co., Limited Hetrnittork; Canada ItN b. Atm.* , 11r ..f •••• , Ili, • • • -• 1 . , I• 1 • • t•. - .1 . • , \l • ,, •,. ',.-eroesses, ic • 1 ,- .• 4. 4.. I Tio• Ciro' • odmii - .0 .4 . 'vas 41,4,4444'. '1 \ r, '...%5.'It Is lift yet4 Leo Ll1,1 Year. MIA; 1,0 1141:dx.--1.11 tui'.!'*, ,,,I pr.sleeetilesi iwr Io 04) ...It.. 41114 tight 0111111.1.1 ••lit•Vil ASO 444e•10.141144• 111'. i•trilttron fen' • Iltrtny frwti.f. re4,0,4 1114. of .14,1,11 4,f Wal‘atior,11;. 11,' 1 .,t4r1 • %. e peintiou, 4,14, 111.1 %., 111.11:11:• • -.1.4 ....lc.; • • Dill ••-$11.44N. ' '4'- • NI :• 11i- 1. NI sc.., .1 • ,!••••• ‘1.• 11. • 110: I • •. • ,.• .; 4. • I..• • " •Oi • • . f.. dine 1 .14,/ .$2.11.i. • :.• , t 14 ••• . UldetindaN Ilth inst. t ' ,4 • "t-mut-ad_toea. tont/bat exer!**-lung that An i3leal tonic should I' ; 10 s purify 1 tie dioo41., to 1-ould sl 4. 044111 *L.1 tig..r, awl to TeCI:',Ite the ;lig organs, so that 11" whole - -system woultl-he ite-thelo,t -0.,1•111111 condition to Now is the time:to build up your health and strength, not only as • imealition apitinst the rimieeo of ,a -r4 t• .ti • •• Influenza, but aleo--to protect you 1 ed.. 11111, .•1 against "spring fever') and the 4111 'MO • !nen.' /0,. inevitable reaction otlich comet with .„ the appearance of warmer weather. „... -(iet-it box of "Fruit-a.tives" today xhse ie.,nex. tow ie0..i. sb.enet, mayo. IT. And let this fruit medicine keep you , •'i,.• i.e.... me the ht e 01' 4l4, well• "Fruit • a - tives" sofa by all *,4W 11.?"'"• s. m. H., i. . dealers at 60e a box, 6 boxes for ,11.1 .,;, $2.50, trial size 25c, or sent postpaid ! the palm: , wade tett els , on receipt of price by Frusta -tires Lont'ail 1 .1 Limited, Ottawa. oc-urredesf -GT:TN-Ty tre 11,4- -v.. m tk, 144o ,vventi, • • RIF .......- three'weilk's' ii'.'ness of typhoid ft''. cr. 111.. d. ccaSet1 was 71 1.4i.101tet of 1.1.1r..aed Nbs. atnielie t ',born* ,irstlev h • hu-hanti• sitd :rases 'a b -a itt:t weei•-• ilierling. ha* sold h.- 4. bieme*s trri:Xeiet North to J, • ‘1. • Kintey tf Varna,- - The churches have iis•Pened a:ierbetr, closed for her week*. A, pi -el tyivedding took place at the home 01 Mr. and Nlts. Thoma-IT'oulekn,-1, Ex' ter. on March MIL their daughter I Dori, beteg united ri wedlock toltarion Ford. son of John Ford, of Exeter Norttt. .12.-e. Dr. NIedd etliaateir Mr". Ford will reside at Nlaple creek,"Sask: The death occurred recently at St. pring lls kffere Your winter garments are feeling 1,ta‘.y and un- comfortable it is time to don a spring outfit and be in tune with the season. We have coiripiete 'ines of NEW SPRING SUITS NEW TIES NEW CAPS NEW SPRING UNDERWEAR NEW HATS NEW SHIRTS, Etc., Etc, Easter Sundays Apnin ti# 0116 A newtat for Easter is the col rect thing. Call and select one Froin our large and carefully -rep -- sorted stock. - ' • \ McLEAN BROS: Semi•Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers 1HE SQUARE v, .. . . CODE.RICH Ce-ntriehe. 't mNlex., z•I its: Annie Gtbym, e.ife n lite_ tta t g/rrrolt1 r• ". resitt of 114- , section. Tinwl) .11191er •CLINTON. If you would :keep the wolf irum tile ------Ldoor. don't itiveig'e him into the front of _extra icxxxxxxxxiacxxxoti*Cxxxxxxx ANNQU,NCFAENT 44 rt. MOCI)060CXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX NA, c 4414.• ,.., .1 that - are now in a 1o,•1 to ,irp/dy any qtrantity'of hard coat in all y quantity of,soft coal for domestic use. We wish to eit__ tl-tha4s to our Cto:tomers, who have beefr-very-patirtit the stress of the coat 'shortage, and now that it heen lieveil we will Ore 0* od-tittle service and prompt delixscry The Saults Coal Co N. 7.. • B. .1 tiitilt T. •-•.•'.,•11, .•r"idnde., No. 27, . „ N7.2 . 2 C -ted-bvis Boston Transcript. . • kle_olto has Deicer been troubled has reed but one chapter iiiThe book orttte. f.yeryIKKly Elizabeth eindley. u Mow of the latil . 1111'4 Sheppard. 414,.D0.114•41•tlik life 014°11 ‘11 1111: 1.1 .4!) O AI'l e,.„.,ue.rals_Bau fter a short ill %11191.x. LOKLO I) FR. nes of jaiennimiht. SIP?' hall been _al -kJ-41 t ot tItuttrn. for' 74-4 gre41--nea41H-tiothr,..- 1.,11„ Bassi.,:hrit 11, r -hilittr Yraii :9fir Shelip4tril i14.41 ten Nears . Jim kaclw. L. Ws Levis and 10-11414.- :Illr'" II/,'""I .11athitsage. Alta.. March 22 ;Special ,- to towit_f rent Wing:MM. -' 1 That DmId'sKitIney Pills are the rumedY --i - 1 .") -ft. E. Ale4 nicf;31.,(7--- hat we women with aching harks -are attemled the G. W. V.,,i," iorivention at looking ler. is the lesson taught by the Veto:bora' .1Ast lets*. . ix 1 expellent,. Of Mrs:. Alice ,Robert*. a nell. Ti..' tuarridge took plao• at the Pres. 1 known and respected ,ressdent of i tos hyteria 11 iiiii tote ou • Wednesday of la st I pl ace: week of Mies Elizabeth. 1kt4ori4sti5'1iter Mr*. Roberts felt,tired all the time. ii D.A.. of I -Ballot townelum-re iler backache' Wai'lerrittle. She- used_ .1..liti 'i'. Graham '411' Stuttl.eF,-.tism_vere- tittaft's 1{1d4.ey- H.S.: -7Flittil- it- why mot*. being pert.irtued 1 y Rev. 3 E. I say.! • . 'Torr. "Dadd's Kidney Pills did Wonderi for Miss Gladys et 111W1•11. N,;Itt 'HIS itt-1.14 1 me. & ) hackachedso coukrhardly do tNI ' 1 on the Itoysil Bank stile for some years. MY:Work." N1r4. Roberts continues. "and has ne....pted.a positeort al Tiftlitittl and 11 tel so tired all the time, My heart also will 1.'a101. shortly for that .•ity. , bothered Me. . I "Six boxes of Dodd'* Kidney Pills .TWAVITTITTT7 ' made:rne feeblike a ditfereut-persOn ''. Minted Ittiley. wlibloce been-git rue -• ' • •'. 'X. ' ,,''.. • :: ,r,,..4.• • os eWay to the We i DAILY SERVICE Lva. TORONTO (Union Station) 9.15 Pm. WINNIPEGCALGARY ___ BRANDON EDMONTON REGINA WaVANCOUVER SASKATOON VICTORIA STANDARD TRANS-CONTININTAL TRAIN EQUIPMENT TNIIIOUGIN. OUT, INCLUDING NUN ALL•STEEL TOURIST SLEEPING CRS. --------- Sen. Men Wed. rrl - Canadian Natle•l all th• way. Tues. nem St. -VII 0 T , T. 1 5.0 . Ceebree• ...... 0. N. Nye. Tights and full lehermathie free a ..... Canadian national dialluPays' Wet, At Onaitral P ... tat Octattniant, Taranto. hula ..... •eadattatient T ...... sad Wisolose till Walsh len potttoniet• rectotilliss hied io II 000000 Geoids seallolit• for firedog or ethm wpm*. vegr- • fltit.r. And His Family Medicines . til_vee in W. 0. itrient s.:Soini\talior- , ll g Imp rot it nuttn.O. Yea,* -4» .41 ilito liatillir••••11111 , • . riliother 1.011,,r Selifortli timing Itashos- ad-Walicr.Ltou., nil family al -o liaise removed is. comity 1. A. • ha4 rooms snit ‘e been forfn..10 Ceipt Book t..s reliability and 111A•111`11. .room,1 Loire reading mem. itwymnasium WW1., *i4:::;r1; In 11w , Ills lair.. .1/10ST people first knew Dr. I.. ill, tt. T. ir:. ---Chase through his Ea. -- - Canadian National Railwato • usefulness made him friends "H"'t r""mi with 1,0"1 10'1" mid IN‘,1 iini.y. nu. Assorla 1 4011 1111. 1141111 everywhere. ,,,l, l' of over 10o. with i1.10.11es' .1111iliary of seventy 144.. :11 ism !Alla Stewart atwitter if Mr rt erstal !seen spotli- t ivoi here. here *lie 111111i•w When he put his Nerve Foril. 'Kidney -Liver Pills and other medicines on the market ther received a hearty welcome, and their exceptional merit had kept them high in the public esteem. Take Dr. Cha"." Kidney -Wow rmk ter examete ranee te se trea±. meet te be Computed to them se • nneen• et regulating the Byer. b141* w ays as/ bolrelo unit curing �o1't potion, bIllinsaww, k46..Vilhawatte end la dirtAti•di. Oar ale •Ilk a boa at m lealla4 or faimaarok &MO a CO. IAA, 1Pariallaai . . anti Mrs. George 54411 1'0, Who) lay Weeks With left recently for Winnipeg, was married on Mareli 1711i 05 m. 113 sliof t'rystal City. Miss Isabel Scott 14f4 last w k bike a poeition at Brant ford. A. A. Naylor, who for a Minds. of Ns% rs W1114 Prini111:11 Of tile side here and went to Vicitlisim lst. yen 114 principal of one of nit` public sehools that 4.1ty, ham had 1114' salary in- creased to a4.1.41110. • Thorns'" 111111i, an obi resident of Egmondville, dropped dead on t'ritlay evening. He was milt:mid in tho black- *mith huainese In Semondville for mere than fifty years. Ile was In his eighty- seventh year. T.I'CKNOW. Mlles M•.11111an lnnotineee Cie ..n- Kiist..inoit of his &fighter. Mitrgnroit tot -vista, to .1. A. Orilla. of Minitel& th.. marriage to take pisee early in April. Robert Aare month of town, has '..II ---4 his farm and with his family hi pass R. Tait Electrical Contractor Wiring of all kinds updodate. for Tclaphone, norglAr Atornoi, Police Patrol snit Fire Alarm System.'. • PriTato Residences and Business Places -a spcialty. All Work Gaai an teed. Electric Irons, Toasters. Fenn. Vaetnen Ch.nnerm, WaRhIng Maehlnerl,' Flashlights a n d natterteg of all kinds always ou hand. • Ring op S2 or 193 and have us gi you an estimate on your wie"mt. It will be done ght. Robt. Tait West Sireei Nem( Posoffce Phones -Shop 82, House 191 T H =, S Clubbing 1,:s. 1919=20 • \- - . • , . The 1 S g 1 atId-TOTOBtO Daily Globe The Signa a \ nit Daily Wait and Etripir c ... .... 5.25 The Signal .14 -Toronto Daily World ' 5.25. The Signal and Sunday World .... ... ; .... 3.75 'The Signal:and Toronto Daily Star-:-.-:-.-_,_.- 4-30 The.Signal and L\ondon Daily Advertiser... 5.25 The SgnahtmfL�fldOn Daily Free Press 5,25:_ The Sigral and Montreal Family • Herald --- and Weekly Star...... ._.- ' 2.90-- The,Signal and Rural Canada ' 2.00. The Signal and Farmers' Magazine . 2.50 The Sikrial and -Farmers' Sun (Toronto) . 2.90. - The Signal anFarm attd- Datry--:--.-. ...... 2.40 The Signal an The Signal and The Signal and Montre blIshers. ..... r felspar lagniu over; at ou ✓ 01* m▪ ufti their 0 all 111011 Own -rich aiier M- OW 104.4 anadian Countryman. . .. 2.25 adian PoUlp'y Journal 2.00 . WeeklyillWaniltiit°nenI ss 2.90 The Signal and World Wide. ........ 3. The Signal and Saturday Night 4.ri5r011- The Signal and Presbyterian a minster The Signal and Catholilti-corld 2. The Signal and Youth's Companion (Boton 3.75 The Signal and Woman's Home Companion kNew York) The Signal and Canadian Magazihe 3.50 The Signal and McLean's Magazine.. 73.00 The Signal and Rod and Gun -- 2.90 These rat* are fol. 1111111e1•4 whit to lakes-. s it• 1 Z6,441111. The above publications may be obtained by Signal subscribers in any combinatin, the price for any pub. lication being the figure given above less $1.50 repre- senting the price of The Signal. For instance: The signal and The Family Herald and Weekly Star. .$2.')O The Globe (Woo Jess 1.00)• 4.: . • • 13.10 --making the price of the three papers $7.40. ur If the periodical you want is not in above list lot us know. Remit by p04.11 711 or 4.xpress ler.- NOT by Bank cheque., THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED Goderich, Ontario