HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-3-25, Page 6'1 hur•-dvy. '•leer•, ^_ � [8344 THE SIONAL GeDER1011, OM'. GLASS OF SALTS IF THE WEEK AT THE CAPITAI. YOUR KIDNEYS HURT 1st less meat if you feel Baekaaky or have Bladder troable-- Salta flat for Kidney& Meat forms uric arjd whirls horal t!4' and overworks the kidneys in the0 eturle to Alter it from the system R gin l.tt ego els of meat moat flush Use a + 44114 11y. kidneys o ea 1ou suet rellrse W like yon relieao your bowels; removing all the acids, waste and poison, else you feel a dull inisery in the kidney region, sharp peise is the back or sick headache, diz- ziness your stomach sours, tongue is snaked and when the weather is bad you bare rheuluatis twinges. The urine is .1ou.ly, full of sediarnt; the channels o:u•n get irritated, obliging you to get • t e two or three times during the night,. t nentralire these irritating acids •'.d flours off the body's urinous waste gra about four ounce* of Jed Salta dons any pharmacy; take s table- sel+•+'nful in a glass of water before fest for a few days and your kidneys turn act Ane and bladder disorders app,•sr. This famous .alts is made from tee seid of grape* sad testas juice. dem- bin. d with lithoa, and has been weed fee generation to clean and stimulate slugs Foal kidneys and atop bladder ireitabioa. Dad Salts is inexp.rirtve; halmleaS and makes ► delightful effervescent Mbar wales drink which millions of men and women take now .and then, thus avoiding serious kidney and bladder Omuta. "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tnntuet Removre po1- ons front little stomach, liver and bowels It) Ian 1111nram. 11ft:tw11, 1tnr,'4 '�.- The past wr•k tut' Ilan * tairt ht:.y uud• An• lice tuem1.•re of the Commons. 4h11uSl1 til the same time the Murk sties,' of the Iloasse ht's..,r•uw4 to he h':111.:oitrl 4 i1J amazing rh.1• .,iii r*pidity who•n ,,•.si0Il-. nue Look. Mirk neer t 1, rwt•r tr*ystly the d.lrlte o11 floe made.... g,1•s anywju•re from two w'1•.•1.... t.. a rump,, this year lite• Whips um 1•:u•h nide rluitu fIl ,•c have hipposi Ia.[ tw of 4tuat. and 1om.etlate•nt1' they our try• ilia to iu,•Illeutt• into the 1n11mIw1•. 4111• idled 1 1131 1 t be sou +,Nil should e11.1 rlu'Itr in Muy. Ther.• ''rVully an tape•,✓ lion 0(,gel4ima huwr In•fure the middle' of [lir month anti the tend,•ucy 4111 all. .td, •: seem- t.. bo 'I,, to It." Nolte of the 111rp111•r4 i- luirti'•uhi rly :1144 ton.• to apelut any of the .umnier 11101llles here an.I any talk of'a *umuu•r 1esii.0 mow .bund r•u,IPr Ulr 1111Mi•c ,.p.vtker 11- I1•pu1u1' a•• the prorerhial 1•,leant. Sir 1Ada•rt Itundet 1. e41e4•tr1 to 11• hark tit the Iluu.ic nl act .the tint of Lente*[ report. 4'r to the rfrr•f the Id• 1. njaking Knill p gr•a3 tint i. ,undine Ili. gains in he 11 .'1.11. That 11eo$ NW.. brought leek a the thou net1 t alums. that In 1tt1I. intend, getting 'trail. dint e,1'ry tknot* .1114' ur mother of the l;utereinient lawd4rs meake. it ''IPo11g .Iarr•11 In the Hon.. lac• io liable lac Ir' 111r11w1r1 of bidding for the Premiership. :'Che bows... two hnm imlhul,rl nil ..l the 1•ubinet Mtn - donors -and it (ea men 44110 are 11.11 of the c110.•u but only lime and 'lir 11011.11 441411 14tt11• the• rumor.. Ne \av*I 1111 This. ieasion. '1'1011• h,,•. 1111001 01% 411.11 al clearing of elle 14011lea 1 :uluosOlen. f IIr' t l.• 1 11 1 ' 11 Idol 1' 1 rlrrlllt atV •k., [411 defeat of the King u m t•udmellt 111 hr 34.1,,1•.. 111111 Illy 1111,041ge of Str Uolaest to hi. follow ,r.. Tile rank and the "of the Colonist tinily IIIs•ItI..I 1..,•tlnd pal r hello •u Ick to th 1r'r lender 1 t1 until t 1 1w -And that ++tio aloin[ the Mutt of their decisions at that llin(h-Iullt.VI caucus. Wli,-u t hey tw•t on the 00l11..idor111l1.111 .rt Lila .1.IJic.1• rq..rI. it is Illldl•r.teued that the lack of euthushlsur toaaiil naval 1•c11•uditurt•. wits ,.o marked that the 4iuter,yluent Iles derided 4.. .,lft- 11011:11 111 Ili/11 WW1 rd. It is not 1'411V'tiet that there a ill I1• all- -e toaar11 $p.•ndimg w"uey fill' 1111'V/1 1 11140m0•. 111 the pr1•.•nt jmneti re. T111• country Is• toot in any null[ 'fur ,rutty r4I1•udi- • - How the Morley is Made. hurl.. 1•+'4444 111011g11 V111411110 11. lire Lorne- or,ceswry to 1114%*' 111114 111• that he will ti.•ully nniluimou. irs Ic+ the I/r'd .d return .lac..atrtLge.,,10.,litil.i�ih followers Customer --"So you sell those watches t to leri.11. he again +�rp• iota the 'treat -IL at half a guinea each ^ It must cost that d1144 t•tiun fnr,au•iA inrill mi uidrll,'P Thr.m I. of ou,Irse a distitu't pa rti.u11 to make them.'• and the I;u+clyuuclit 4111 mid it err, .n.tur to toot remark• but at the Anne Jeweller -"It does.- rasy to di.'o11•r 1.,,, leo. failure • W to introduce n uacall bill of this sea ,flu, will 1hut o__jL a! an4wtoney "' c - - Tie prulwbTti f .•Tlnntfit Kir itlrbrrj The Neu- Franchise Art. Tie tie -step oft the bridge 111 ti taw With n taint" Wit meet of lit• horizon. a,.'k. 111 :n taw mou1hs. rr i■ too loth.' .4 at •rnurut 1444. (.Ito fir Iawge ('[lane Ilaek to pru4uke tI Iellgtlly sl•..tou. ,•uchiw• Act, the 1•ailntltl. Iind In thee [bard p.•rhalls tot(• met l•1 lir• Ihr 1lar t' ell ill. 1111114.'1 sotiera )1*' feature of 111i.. w. Ito" -.0011 a11y' 0f tte•w will Air q. It lots pra\grr..Irl. i. the r•twd'arl mailed Sit this' writing; but- viseer. with alike' Sir lie'rge F'u•f1'r is lel ie in t'4''-t'uneenea,s tn�•kltng any and ell rlle•.tlons that rare hetiie . Mm, Ihr�lte hi• Years , yn,N.t..,i i8 tr..- A (ientle Laxative for the Children. Mothers -the surest way of keeping your lilt* ones well and happy. whether It is the new -bort babe or the growing child, la to keep then boar's regular and their stomach sweet. Nine-ttniha of all childhood ailments are the result of clerk ,led bowels and sour stomach. 1 h most necessary and the best mea'icine for the 1little ones isa gentle laxatne something that will relieve constipation. Sweeten the j stomach and promote rest and natural sleep. Such a medicine Cs Bab)'s Own Tablets. They are a gentle but efti.tent nt free guaranteed �•1 vr.bsolutel • laxative. u area g Y from opiates and otter injurious drugs and ttwy be given to the youngest infant wnh perfect safety- They banish con- stipation and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers and give the baby that health and happiness which all children should have. They are sold by medicine dealers pr by mail at '-r;. cents a box from the lar. Williams Medicine Co.; Bruck- eirMe lOtlt, ,another ateih is A man was brought into court for the illicit distilling of whtskey. "What is your name '" asked the judge. "Joelma," replied the prisoner. "Joshua ?" repeated the judge. "Ah! Are you the Joshua alio made the sun stand still "No. sir, judge." was the answer. "1 is the man who made the moon shine." - N. I. Truth Seeker. 1• Visual. A M W "My darling;" said a fond mother. aho believed in appealing to child, en's tender feelings instead of punishing them, "11 you willgrieve mamma are so naughty lee n youa t't>r that she will get 111 and have to lie in b: in a dark room and may die and have to he taken to the cemetery and be buried. and you-" The child had becotne more solemn, but an angelic smile overspread his face at his mother's last w and. throwing his arms about her n k. he exclaimed: "Ore, mamma. and may 1 sot beside the coachman ."" 1111 the' thNertlmrnt .uppurtrrs rtiately Ig•Itf'It 'wiris e\lir,•ssing lout .41•i11t- _ fi•eiR•t'ry 1Ioivi.eatr;' rte of the t•ri•unlei'.. ',quirts Into nut Have a oup of het Oso e very day. It will want you through and through -fortify against Wipe- ward of -▪ ods and shills -+ad keep �Y you A 1. Iv^ at CL tll 't • ycrept "C,Ilifornia" Syrup,. of Figs. o, a -look for the name t'alilprnia on 11„• tackaee. then you are au a your a•I'.kl i. hating the beat. and moot harm - le • la eelye or physio for the little et -mach, -liner end bowels. ('hildren lo.: its delicious fruity taste. II dn'eetimej fots'chiMa $s*ie its each bot- tle faire it Without fear.' lifetime.:1' ei%must say '"Caiifornla." DARKEN gun HAIR, woM YOUNG, ren S ige Tea and Sulphur Darkens So Naturally that No- body can tell. re: and • Hair'that rosea Ib color and lust 14 when It tadea, turns gray. dull a Ilteless, le eaueeil by si,lack of sulphur Ta"flee halt." Oar grsildmother made --mpetrwrtxtnrFet Satte•'M sod Sutebtut' to keep her locks dark and beautiful. and thousands of women and men who wale* that even color, that beautiful dark shade of hair which '1s so at- trs^-tire; use only thin old-time recipe. fierradayn we get this famous mix- ture Improved by the addition of other Iagredlenta by caking at any drug awes forr-a bottle of "Wyeth's Palle and_"Sutptrar"Compound.' whtch'dark- eta TT t l W so tia►turally, •o evenly, that nobody can poontbly tell it has been applied. You Just dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw thla through your hair, taking one small atrand at a time. By morning the may hair disappears; but what delights the ladles with Wyeth's Page avid fiulphur Compound Is that, be - den beautifully darkening the hair 4'r a few applications, It also brings k the glow and Metre and ghee it appearance of abundance. •Wyeth'. Sage and Sulphur Com- pound is a delightful toilet tequlafte to Impart color and • youthful ap- pearance to the hair. It he not In- te.ded for the curs, mitigation or pre- vention of disease NOSE CLOGGED FROM A COLD OR CATARRH 'Apply Cream in Nestnls To Open Up Air Passages. Ahl What relief! Your clogged ao.- trila open right up, the air paasagee of your head pre clear and you can breathe freely. /so more hawking. snuffling. mucous discharge, headache. dryness -no struggling for breath at night. your cold or cetarrb is gone. Ik,n't stay stuffed up! Get a smell tattle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant• antiseptic cream in your nos- trils. let it penetrate through eery fir postage of the bead; soothe and heal the *wollen. inflamed mucous membrane, _giving you instant relief.' Fly's Cream Balm is just what every; cold and ea - Jerrie su/erer haa_beea seeking. It's jerspbadid. T .w time the eyes of moo are e.-nuuing Customer- 'Then hem do you make t Wit The 411e but now. Ju. 1'4111.1• 1. 1111, fhr f.rtner [,•furl• teatime. 1111 11 11 i. 110.11t'ul to the l'' leaves. Leen el trl.ge.r dropped act least t 1 hem ► filed litd .tug up jilt vide to ' ,,1141 the a'°rrll'e Jot LpulJet• Brier orPry- It „1i'. e.titt'tt� Vp- . nc11t.• !till .„toil thing during lite eb-ear• 4'i the 1•rimr IIB4'.•. 14fparrutly [thin): Sir 4;t4.41,• VV•111.. til have .0 •o ri 'ear. off hila uneteter1•. IIInI'tIM•re 1. rt 11, little in It sou rids" since the 1/4"1""- -"V""' an 4*hll•tl hbum. m. a hurl, moot bank.th 10441 or not he i• wn•aspirant for of jimmy then. fit I1• o ""ithnl to the ederehip ahem -ear $Hr Rolrl this clause 111 that. but nt prrsl•ut dealt,•. Mit M• 1131. h:•d Illi[ 1111. [herrr ljaw -lht' 1:rintiiI 'ill tuffs -ilial rtwl•hrd vin 11• no qui -ration that_l"e1111.il learner the member. and eututspientl,• t11eg b' 18 1g ti "trum•11nek �hl. lrtshln are trot in 11 pot -Rion til .By Who they "bleb b ut• to shutmembers many mtubers 4011 or 44311 mot d.• 111 d1•lu,t1•. -y ' ensu- 44 to twee Been 11'. 41_11 ro it- M'ht., prnsision..for t•4t totting u• $100111 111 [lar arms of this ileo., 'g the frasltehi.e. to every, numau111 44(111111 ()Moo :1 orator.. ,.ter 1%4•Iltyrt1W \41111 1. u IIli( i.11 3.111,- .11•1_. it 101 al,- jtr t,am,1 4411 101. molded in Canada, for one year stool in the rulltttneney for tau 11.. there .'4'uis to I1• tittle quarrel. int the matter of u.illg Pro- vincial Here -se- re bests far ate_Prtterit Orel kers using[ (-numerators in' the rural di -arid. and registration pee .,.lure tp all town. and cities over Loon population. there 44111 pr4a11dy fou ,1 little bick,•ri1•g-•h,''h'.nil, forth whvti_ 1114. debate got, under way. 11111 un Ihr 441101.• there dor. not *1.410 to be a gnent deal nlsntl the hill which ,un he 01tjeetiontible. 11111,44. there are -,jokers- . • of the 41114-e•. The 44'0 'ns during the past week lei. had n Matt alt t1 utuul11•r of ques- tions. he -holing re-estnhtishment of .,. le 1 n' it 1• - a s 1• . f t 1 1 1 r and the n li n the t e n I nt unman nod a mi4olturut. to the British North Auu•rietwAet %filch %'mild allowCanada to nmcu,l her oa-n'1i11r- .Ittuti.N, .1,11r101 1.1..he .1144 tit o11, agreement of all the Pros hie, *im.I without 11nring to go I*•for,• the 1a►- Ie'1•ial l'nrlinue•nt with rqueet' t.. have this tar that hilae changed lir required. Canada's !genions' Status. Thr.gatr•tinn of f'tintufn'to mati11ulasml arose on the drluitrl o01 the emit" -,s pence -wit lu Bulgaria. Tion. N. W Rowell Imtroduerrl a resolution to pro- vide for the ratiticntinn of t't. treaty. MA ns a remelt 110 Ma. a,.-nsirl by HUL Jlacki'1IZJe lifustti'Lbniing brought this freaty Is•fer. the Hone.• just se (1 drea's Ali $4'[14'[14. he regular monthly meeting' of the\ Chi Iran's .\id noehhty arts' 1w'1 sou _xturrif, h la' • Vt+jtirtrat4r...:_itrhl's oMI,+• rhich 11 1404' *[ewes 11•4r1 by the r•r'tltry. AcruUfltts for eonnty hFpt+n.--. 1..4.... suit for Shelter espruw•s. paid. .t number pert. ,leant with.. esteem- m 1"11114r•tI'tt 01f/1 1.16 11.1p- 11 MI "-me.• nye anine-. roost mei shoo' 11 gratify g. het Ile ad g•mel k• (lest resit the wan , are nine n 11your e 11(1 10 lug of nil it the tat u Indication flint they nre'being .•name' ■ga'.I in loablts of thrift. The monthly), meeting. of the Society ere held 1111 the .arrelll Tuesday of Duch month. and wnyonr fw•I1114 tin Interest in title cork is tem -dimity 4rleomr to attend. Homer ore wanted fur triple from Ary county . sir -ret a ry .tuulry 111 i{3.1tl4. M"P of lilterrotit III %Welt the with the overwl leo. and delsebd l'11.0. ill wII1111 pr Is the tr'.ul.le. ca ears -fill thought. In suer ca/1.r. In 1.0 Iq ialier, there are °rereonne meld patinae meet to he trityl that t for the future welfare o alley. 11• arrival at. Ther children to tfw home now, a tvnt•mplatin* 1111' edoptiun 144 one. or %letting to know some the work ieing tarried on. will visit aril worth while- Sox o wink tures in Pewter-Iwmes litter a t sayings hank aetimitt of --)ew'elfer.• Repairing them-" to virtu years of age. ' au meant t+ lank* n51+thrr "P"""1* en) The following are the cnntrmutlius external affairs and the Iwiiw• „+lifer- reteinw1 since last m,r•ting ' Jackson: rine. 14""""'r. the drhntr whirl' he. .Emir•,,-itlyth. twr Wm. Taylor, Min in that from. of mind ended In St. Atie Stine tcomru'. inetitute, ,110; ..-.� 4 the lender. on 111111 side+ bring in• Hr• s ftrtgtr+•mrnrwrnrnl mship, [ii14114:1. H -11.t'. nTr11yo, mn 1s oH'hailllderrttl w_ Society. Ci1.50: Dr. J 1;1112:1;',..----- Aid ;sspTAid that .it Wilfrid Laurier had fleet TORpEOOED, rltiim,rl for tntwlxr1tt- nation and Sir Borden and his /etlaius tm.S:::tu4.liipofHowi•k. : ..l,• . Tommy Puts His Foot in 1t. - "Say. grandpa. make a noise like & The Real Story of Porcupine s Riches An illustrated booklet. t restin I' ' e telling in an interesting way the real facts about Ontario's great gold producing district, will \be sent free on request. Waits for your copy to -Joy Merl. Gibson & Co. 703-4-5 ilia of Hamilton Bldt TORONTO TO 1.1.• "coaxed little Tommy. _ "What for, ens son e ]khy. papa says that when you croal well get a thousand pounds. Juinpy Nerves! Trafon pt slartritT ry or "Jump- or "scare" at the least little thing, 1t means that year: Nerve Pore is weakened sad-. .peat. • . .- "-' _ Your Nerves control every Mow tal and Physical process that takes place within you -it the the Nerves were tut leading to the Heart that organ would never beat again. Without the Nerves you could [tee. Taste. [lawn or Hear again for it I. upon the Nerves that every sense depends. If you wish to build up and strengthen the body you mast put new life Into the millions of nerve fibres that lead to the Heart. the Stomach. the Kidneys. the Liver and the other organs. This you can quite easily do by taking a six box treatment of Hacking. Heart and Nerve Remedy. Ir will take away "that tired feeling." banish those pains In the head. Increase your appetite. help you to sleep better, eat better and live Longer. What Is a few dollars in com- parison to your health. we offer Toa • sovereign remedy for your illness In .Haohtng'. Heart a Nerve remedy. The road to Y th and Happineow Is yours 1t yo will but believe it. This wo' ierful preparation will change u from a Weak. Nervous or A `. • •- r - son to one full of e, Vital and Animation. it w 1 bring back the Roses to your . peeks by in- creaaing circulatl. - and purifying the blood. Bet get a few boxes. now. when 70 think of it. but be sure to set eking'. Price 60c a box, • for $ .50. Sold by all delet- es* or b meal, postpaid- Hack - Iva LI Iced. .istowel, Ont. To Ladies ! etaia This 1s re ultt of the lack of the ordinary red coep.cwles in the blood. The WO frebaenl neglect of this complaint, e.plctally lac the case of gruwis' girlie and youn women. is fraught with the grtyit- est danger. ,Poorness of the B must lead to weakness ot,ifhe body. General Debility and ch a run down condition 'the the sufferer falls a prey to atm any epidemic disease -.teepee' ly Influenza. Colds and La G ppe. Fain • , Palpitation general dl thence of the bodily functions eadarhe. hysteria, pate and rw• complealoa, pallor el fort gee and Ilpa, puttines. en- der Abe eyes and Heart Murmur lir-/generally associated with An- t*. Hackings Heart -and Nerve Remedy Is the meat reliable medicine to use. it will bring back the early cheeks and restore Vitality and Vlger. Do not be discouraged and do not worry for Toa will only get worse. Place your ronfldence to Hacking. Heart and Nerve Remedy for It Is a complete tonic that well bring back the happtaeae of good health that you se much desire. Buy a few boxes to -day. Price 50c a box. 6 for $2.60. sold by all dealers or by . mail, postpaid. Hacking' Limited. Listowel - Attention Sailors! is the time No,r that y <Y U are going away for the season. I wish You- Good Heal , Coed Luck, . . a 1 1 Safe Retur I f vou- need/anything in, bur ire, kindly call ane- see us. >VC have' every- thing; --froze- .Bgots `11 to-Cap71,--You can save. fnoney by buying here. • South Side Square - c«torka Open in the Evenings X Right ! lir Teacher {who is'teaching the clan the • alphabets--"Noss,-Jacky: --- after 'G' ?" Jacky- "R'hii." I shim fort vt s.i..oll $^- llit6m•r. had ei•lil ientrthat rldl4n tot- } Mrs.Wm. Beaver-, Sr. Mary., SI ; W. the peace 'treaty, and that. further. in 'u. a'Itnton, el ; W. t'. '1'. 1 10111 1 Don't bust E'f and } 1:1111111111L/1110111d tutee the right pi .. -t r -on emrm lore (rlh.tltution *awn she thought ed amount Ala:lot ■nd qtr. cos,t' tae } j \ i$nhle willmdtt seeking ls•rml,u+inn of S.1: Bowels, b t k I 11111. - Sire, .1o.eph Salkeld. n supply the luslhlnuvrt at London. Hun N,,. • ut f r,•, pork silo' d petit cif • ' CatiCa(et � krnxlr }Cine, alio pot fnncnnl • [lots clnine, ata, i,ufnnu,'.1 that negotiatlun1 ho tlmt rff.--t erre alren,I' under wily. The t ight•Hotir this. ,!n inter,•-ti4lg definite on an ,•inlet- iilffr ibly t4'.ritatloll 11. Itunlhum" Il'eterlwlr11l hrulutht forth ntrnng rltdUtw from art .. t -_tn rmer 113, ui)s r* .[lief "If _'rouldu- he dune." Sr •-•►4♦ ...14444 h•- f Von ,nen \nil women w ..ead't g feel.ny ho_bare heath thr,eoat 1 j to.G(w. bed treat AMA 443414.*P d4x4:- 11pset, bothered whit a :•rck` di ordered stomach and colds. Are you keeping yottrx tater aril bo (leen with ('ssearet., oa shocking yo iniidepEmery few d,rv•' 4th Calnme!; Salts, On and '.olenl pil!a, A I('n•csrets wprk while j ntt i,e; ; they �f tn 'eeriest the stomach. feeler' Co ramie. 1,•11 undigested, feren.'ing Iona d foul uRasses; tilt the etre+. UWe -humthe *N4"" firer -lend -tarry cut of the systent-tillibe purti41 'sn 1 con.tipsted waste metterd piia ois0 law Intl, mos, can't sleep, Irilions, ne us end. honey. Nerdy a Suggestion. At an "at home" given by a country gentleman's, wife, the footman had to do duty for the butler. The said footman was much aston- ished at the thin bread -and -Nutter with which he served his mistress' guests. .1n eight-hour day on the ferns, tory As he was suppl)mng an ancient dowager doctored. would mean more abandoned (.r the fourth time. -tie said to her, In a fa ren eml it greeter melt of ngricnl- voice which was meant for a whisper, but rtshs to the height light* of the city; Which was audible 10 the whole room: Mould 'tits° mean jut lncreaee of ate "If you slap three`or four slices to Afty._pet_rent- in the enst of till gether, mum, maybe you can get a bite !' 4'!.• rite men tier not • Ely-anslun. t.. have 'tach a - lutfd, either. belt the Wafter Lose'. Infinite variety. the bowels. fsseseeta or (slue inconvenience cost .o little too. never gripe, si and Caseareti :1 Girls! Yourhalrneed.• a little "Danderinc"-that's all' When ft becomes lifeless, thin or loses its lustre; when ugly dandruff appears. or your hair falls out. a 35 -tent bottle of delightful, dependable "nanderine" from any store, will save your hair. entio double it's beauty. You can have nice, thick hair, too. WR s rnd11T 11 hen Hon. f..1. Doherty, Minister of .Ilwtice, lutnntincwf finally thief In hi. opinion Parliament Clad not the right to ,•nftane an right -hour they nit oyer the Ihml'L lion without m,kitilt it hemline! net sigh hone, and he nrr w" atlrl 111 11111 11 on the .fd of a erlrnl 1te-*stn Ishment 1101.1 ., mbn' them `it dry. It beg argeilm•nt. that and eon, of matters 4Nllch brought fro Heald! the ,tnnotine•m,•nt Hat pen- sion. .vmmiltc.'. *4, to be elpp° tort to hook into the :earner of rumtinu the s,,r temps lend also to hike up it oilier mottrs In regard t.. iw•n.lons•}\ Brown -'•well. rather. Hes the eldestThe„ Mejor Andra. '['entre lclnnl. oh(lfteen children, and I'm the youngest." NI(1 Ill 1'41.10,011 n r14.1111tun valuing for (4114144.1' rv•s•.tnidl.I •nt sic to the retnrm,rl men, and tire,'. from Kir o;er,rge Foaer the promta' of another committee "Yes," she said. !'For a week 1 was the furniture broker's 'sweet.' then the pastry -baker's 'tart' ; the poulterer often called me his'duck' ; the ftshman called me his tom 'soul.' I was a jeweler's 'peat I' t work mon• than and the gardener'daisy•' KKullock, the id' not think any- butcher, called me his 'Iamb.' When the eight•honr bill fruiterer was In a good stood he called me I how. 'h.But you, dear," she said to tr for thehisshoemaker', "came 'last.' and you are th tin my 'peacall. Tut Bot*. lesions Mr. Quite Distant. Smith -"Is that chap Brown a relation of yours ^'• Brown -"Only a distant relative." Smith -"Very distant The Leadership Question. While it is true that the earnte of the pest peek or two have closeted the finlilleal air 1to a great eetent, they Mere not tweearlett In rem/tying the miermurtng'. Ihlrticuh,rfp among those who tire not of toy, l;nvermm,•nt rr+lor there le w claim thnt the 1'remlrr's Blies:. is being tseel e+ a convenience by those who really stned h1•hind the twrllctes nr het. piety. When, a fee months ago, It Kir Robert Homo order to hold tl did too, they soy. 41. 11.'4essn ry 10 hi' \'.• lir• his rettn•ment In perry tngeth•r, hi; «het.ave more tome \Vow, wbeo It Is competit'eatherum thanpropborOt•h Bright ('oat. Joculat ,O:d Party (about to board a tramcar o(4 a pouring wet day) - "Ah. conductor, Is this Noehs Ark of yours full Conductor -'ilio, air; there's just room for tee donkey. Come on, sir 1" 11a,hfful Assurance. "Mary," said the sick man to his wife& when the doctor had pronounced it a case of 'flu,' '•if any of my creditors call. tell them that 1 am at last in a position to give them something:" • i Oil Paint Pot Interior Decoration For tate walls and ceilings of any room in your house, most delicate and harmonious effects can be secured by the use of NieU-TONE. It is cheaper and more sanitary than wall paper and will last much longer because it can be washed without injury. It positively will not rub off. N* -TON1 is steads is eighteen sisal sad by the urs of various fists last phasing OswWati.as may be swsad.fi SENOUR mum AND VARNISHES RIE h , . is s/lve. 1t Mea...111 •ad lades. M to sh yea emdell. soft, velvety 1111'11 which will lead charm t* awe ream Am •arfere ms• lie oweesdtdly treated with Ngu-TONB---pla.tarArmed. burly ,sr metal Call and ht us retain the awaits of this amyl other allAIRTINAMOUR deist.- Far every purpose -For every surface. Our stark is coat - plate sad we ass give gen full iaformatisa. FRED HUNT Goderichf Ont.' "91% Pun" Paint Fo buildings, out and in. SEN FLOO PAINT it wears and wears a n \ wedr*. " Varnoleufis" beautifies and preserves Oil ('loth and Lin- oleum. " Marble -He" Floor Finish The one perfect floor finish. " Wood- Lac " Stain Improves the new --renews the old.