HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-3-25, Page 4• .f-Thneaday, Match 23, iftIO. • it.5"-^k • TER SIGNAL • GrODERIOH, ONT. Men's Suits at $29.75 Just 18 in the tot • Sizes 35 to 42 Thisp.,-is. your ' opportunity to get your spring suit r at a reasonable price. Donrt pu off buying think- • ing goods %%ill be cheaper, as a mat- ter of- fact they will be higher. DUNGANNON. 1 MIL N. F. N'ItlYARI) Is the agent for 'mi.: sit:Nal. at Dungannon. Orders left with 111111 for suluwrip- tions. advertisement% or job print- tug will reeetvt• prompt attention. Teleni • Gimlet -hit Rural) I - I Thursday, March 25. Her. 11. Ross, 11. A., Ilamiltou. will preach in Dungannon and Port Albert Presbyterian rhurclies on Monday. Mrs. Ed. rimier, of the nth ronees- slim. West Wawanooli, but moved to the linage this Week 11 1111 IN 1101% 111, 1'111131w Mr. Chas. Elliott's vacant 1101101`. Mrs. 'tkur:4 ease_haus returned from flimierieli. Where sin had spent a f1.11 days. Sugar -making is the order of the day, hitt the very warm oeatlu.r has . Trreretled--ilie flow ..f sap. Mrs. Yin. Shackleton returned from NVingliam last Saturday. Lorne Thielio.ualc, is getting ready t.for it busy ,setison in the garage. De 0.111 al0ay• 1.4 prepared with plenty of I:11N. Mrs. .S. .1. 1.1.111 In IA b. moving her .1witsrliiild effects to 'l 44. Cella Pent- ; Wars. as' Mrs. Thos. Finnigan 10 11011 - . , --11/011011. 4,••4•••tart lay Mrs. ' Podia ft Mr. I riwy Bellinger. of Winglirn, 1- 1 611 11 ' n11111110 and acquaintances The Salvation III 1 1111 vill. • • Illi• week .tddress n l'onsolidated Schools, Or. Siiwlair. of the I *Tot:talent of Eihreation. Toronto. will be in I • Call and see these suits. You will be pleased i. with the values. of them at 1. For Your Easter Hat --remember RORSALINO -is the best in the world. We. ar.e. sok Malta C. trinam 131,one 57 (;cvh-n, HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR •Old hop, __Rags. Old Metal and all kinds of Waste. All phone orders prouTtly at tcnded - BROWN BROS. "70 1'. 0. , drrgicsca Si. ` (iaiTta There's a home for little children NOT an orphanage. • e an institu- tion -a home. THE children there are not all total orphans, Some have fathers: some have mothers. T'S a heart. warming sight to see I fathers come there on Saturdays and Sundays 1.0 spend happy bows with their motherless bauns. EEQUALLY comforting is the ap- preciation of widows whose little ones are well taken care of (while they pre at work. MANY totally orphaned little ones are very early placed in good homes" where they may renew the love of father and mother. TO preserve the atmosphere of 1 home: that's the guiding.spirit of the Orphan C.fkildren's work of the Nitration -Army. Army- gannoti ..it Monday evening. Man 1, 308 citadels ......tol, to inform the interested sectional .,... flueonsolidated school questPin. 1 to eotoleet bin Avith his address he .* -111-t•- and Institutions exhibit lantern slides. This meeting in this Territory. •Atoubt.-to• - toraoy. 4111.10+11. : !mutt And ...aeiatemr.a,:_au,4 tlw orsolilla- -Use them ! non or foitoos is liU*hilt it gri-*-it km wetiren t. Ile.: peep' red i -s sk iptes- -tiorra-und dismiss the stal•jbet. mission ladults 1, 2.*.. ...Plon_to_anu APIIIIVAT. port this spiermlid• movement lay your • . di (allay. NIII nit. 24, , Presence - we_.,_ : I. .1. Ito rreeived the -.t .1 % l'firlow Harm lleerared.--Tho ••ad Mr. to.u,, a aue death of Mk• Marian Itut.. luelva_on_Thur(of the death of nee ,.1_ mother near it sante a fuerta .i�. tit rid sun :101 111"11. l'ilio 1,:•lir r; .:1'111:1 :1: I. 7171: '''..111-cil imilmNI 01 lier 11"1"' M rs. ' Curt. ..- this irrived f roil/ So- g''''''41 ; 'Pr tiw " ''''' nutlii ttle S1'11111'1 sit her sister. Mr*. Jolm 11111Y 11"1"g "Iliv14.""Y 1.-41"1"L i * eriday morning Jai**. "last a IN"v•ritik,i,„,rti,1" .. ii11•1 • brother. was the'ehler elatiritterof• Mr. and 111•'- : I uoloie,,11 ..i. aii,41...tic,. „( a immt „tiro... Jauties'Illtal alai 0110 Dienty-six pear- % ••• 34,' r .. . . • . mr _ .1:41444_1. jai:L._ uf 04„.._...amul of lige. ' Slav ut toiled -1 he 4 Ii l•i•leri0i. • 11*.illt!ia40 Iwutiluile and .*.-r laer took...a restese--a+-thi. • AlaielionailL_Ltudiutte, '1!li 'nt'll"'"k- ' 11 - l''' l'"hill."'"-'11' 1.11.111::1.11)1 14;.•11 01112‘11/1A141411 kalit1. t'4•1101il ji.1.i 141;-,1:r.f::::: 1 i1 011:: -- . in _t lie l'1111101-trueusitig -ay- ,.• . M. and \Mrs. John it,,t!cet,...o. of 1.0400. A.44-411 110. 11 ei.k -11141 visiting r41:1- al"1,"."'1-111".11.....Y..1.1 W111114.g 1" 1"11.1 11" 'row- rair00. 'raw t Wit, a tuediturr ,.1. mAintz ,:.7.111, i... fli,, ..rth.r....t. .;:.1%6i... s..mit,i,'• 11111 Pr..sbyteriait rhurell• and oltli tit- farmer, -rt' ‘‘•••k. Soia••r,- .:.7,1111..111./i 1,1,41t1:1:1111:::: :.;',1111-,' hr.'. r4,11.11:11,1,.1.11 ja,. ,,,," .-•.1,,s ,,,,„., ti 0.,..„0,1,... iss.ii ill for live•r a year. awl ,,Iti,,,. .6.1 roi.' '. ,... 11,.. s':----'-ith tite.l.o.re:)t'• 1.rother.8t7,:*-41X141444--'im-"'llst-4-1-14W--"."It-'11`'. ti,ory stm...iy. for a Hui, 1.. 1 1'v :I litri ;11"1 -;.%."71, ili",4 Pum".114'. ,%..'" '1., 0 (h. w.iiih .1,,,, 1,1 ,....i, liens:teen ner flay*, hie. vale 1.1 a u-uura, ...111.• I 11111.. . iffy 111 kW 0 luili. she ‘‘.1- still iit 1 1 • • ' WI /1011 of young woManlessl.. 11-sid, • . trek 10. rent-. she Wafts: at*. sister. 1.:•1 It ST. Al'1:11-STI.'E., 1.,1.,4,0.. 1,11.,,,,i ...;. ; '. '''' ........................................................................ .,., . helpiwz., \I: .4 NV. Boyle ao 1• ; Tro, f1110"111 1 011 Sunday afternoon. • Briefs. -Mr. J. lio3:e. of 'orilye... • Phone 56 . 1•1 I LLAR u 50N Phone 56 "The Scotch Store" STORE HOURS: A. M. TO 6 P. M. ; SATURDAYS 9 P. M. ko*/*/*/~0~•~4.4°"*.,#4-0,~*""°•°•""*" E ster Holidays The first holiday of the Spring, and everyone is, look- ing forward to leaving off her dull, heavy -winter clothing, and putting on some lighter and brighter apparel, more in keeping with the season. We -have _our stock now complete, with a wonderfully well assorted lot of the newest goods being worn for 1 -ie Spring. Arnongst-these-Ve-would tnentin,: SPRING COATS • • A very choice rwe*. all in -the lattait style. made • Intim the *veil fatting'. Niel proven ;_bterges„ veimirr. and Tricotines: in 1.11101'S r010' II. 1 'TT gi,19 Ihuve tIrey Wn41 t*.ind. Very .iutai0r ately prieeit' 'It. 5*"1 1'1,111,0rue • etueletY. was largely a • TH., ‘6“...111. NI"' 114' 1." .11‘1* II."' ' tended. \ Th.:. ...0n ie'. n ere couldncl..' 1111.1".411""'" 1 1"1;"".11111-"r 1' '1 ".".1.• • ''I,v ilex% it, J. Goss. aml Die rullbeapq - ....NI:- Joh,: .1 1.1ionin•on is sta ering _ , ..„, . 511;,,,,,.t,i......,1,0 ...,;..11.11..,:::•,AN,..:4-.1.i.h...Niii.......1...,4-, '141....1:11171;;%70\11101.11:11.1.',;,Itgi1;:!," iiii.tr11.41- "ir'''' \\, Mph, .i•jt...1. their •ister. NIrs...1. .1. ' - IL...hilt...1i. i irA•ol1. -.... . - ,. , -• , 14 "(J.'.'IN-"a on Sat 'inlay...,.. Mr.. 11.4t _ '110r4 '.., ..ikiu1:;:i&0-91-. --- 1: 111-b 1, NktAlt„..i,.iiningamv.11. .1.111 th.a.'."7-nr-i„, ' 11.1 9 i11. 10i•terNI I+aii''.' ;‘,'-„ -,\-,:1:;." ler...S1 410.. 1'111.a-•••••• 0 lai -11* r..isial• "Itura.ii. *3 rim- I \ makitie is tie order of tb•• day. •i of \T\4°1")1.:""." T"'"5"Ir• . __ , . - , , • . ! .% .....1 i fig of the Laillea. Aid Soriety - . '''. 'ter:* .1'..rw•r w ill hp. 1101•1 at 110. PHONE 56 l'Alt1141,W. 1" t , Weilit0.411ty. Morho.4: :Thie 6! ' • 4 ' " "I""4 -414r -r . Mr, tolifi ir-f-W _ .f 404**4-...h••••••••• to Jt., --1.11nitiNt -.1.wer .n. --)t- y...,‘.. ha, soltt-ttio--tine-toont ''',''' 11 31-`• 41 .2 '''I'm ' IL in. 110 1.,-,tr is g.....1 ionic Kiev for them. , fa. csrloads ' liSIE•FS. \si,04:1tNEI‘;‘;:SEDAi. March 22. , ..-aigi -snippet' Mehl --ii -IP% ItiTI-- -nun , Aii. :,iii: ,,,i -t.0,1,0,0114411/.7444, 40,4“44,..4 ifs_vendene-s s Robb, of Dungannon.'I days_ at J m. Crozier . .. Mist SHIRTS -4i T5_ nr*-03** tot in µINA; and $ un13. St. up. • , 1.• ii 1 1, •bit ,.1 sitk.4.-. \. ttu. s.u.L Tatilw:\ait.i 43.511 up. • • \ WTI ktapAti pure maul dural.i.• A1.1 in 'Irk. •.140r% 111111117VICTII:. J:roy, Mode. 'II% .r. Sand and Tatit•• Price. mi. $1.25. $1.50. $I7. tr.'. 11 *Pry 111111. aroma 4i10•4"0-.- 14 I \ Mark, Natural. :Mast ie awl Wli Pri•••• $1.23. • HOSIERY • loth,": itoso s 'sew' vsesely, hsi all, sizes- and colors. imitating • Ititrek. White, ftronii, Na‘y, Tien. Silver., Bronze. Grey and -1-Tuitiasigne. Priers -$111f-41.11r-4/41.0.-11" $1..f13; 1$1..t1,61..of tin; Issa mai.... to suit all. • \ air leading rotors. and 011 Iz."- These an. ',splendid %aim. Prie. 39e. 7414 44 A va.,t/'•""o".PWW..."'oe%".W•ANO% LADJES WAISTS ..f 111. n1,••1 date Waists bit yr..ite4•• 4 lilts. 110.1 44...ru• r.; 111 an 14.r •••••I ,and taut •Ii.1.10.11••• ..tyh\st Shad." ..t• \Fes. II M t a Fiesit; Sand:, Ptak\ Ithick team illy and 'h. ,41 'fro .$3•311•416•1111. •tell f ,1 ii 111.4 • i '1 I 211110 .11.11.1. 81 Ilg i!llg • st% h • Pro..., tanewMr•••••••••••••••••••••••••"••••••••••••••^".•^1.11.1411% EEMNANT TABLE • tr• 1., _ •-.• •;••••1... rr Silk'. *L'ott•w- , Nlat..11•41. 411 o•., .1 • :11r ORDERS BY P YS AND GIRLS FELT HATS 39c EACH .4 I:11.1,1,11i ,.0•0 hat. Itrown. t:rcy. .1 4..11 unit. Nara. 'Atf *4 4. 11,14 r. ;Ilk ND MAIL sR CEI FIRST AND BEST ATTENTION Millo4\5cotch Store The Leading -Phone and Mat Order Store Si • . _ -- . :- I.,..I. I:- :1 - ...•111 tip 110i.- this winter. , Mr. and Mrs. Entt rtainntent.-1.110 4*,,n.orne rttr.:1 Annie Brown, o: V.N ENTR.% TIRE-'11,It TWO ...m,,,i /.. it i,,-,,, .1 are mining Till • :ill : home after spendin iiteri:Iiiimbnt. in the Inwrisluip ball ,o11 ' her sister, Mrs. Sam. . is part of the enitipmeld of every •" Thurstlita....ipril 1st. at :0 o'clock. They and Nirs. Bert Tref '‘i'...r 3111061. 4.e1 tis '"ttgx"4 "main o,,,:,, -.tom. it 11011111fr 1111"111111 1110 011110. i spent Sunday .withiNlr seTeiling. eldest tit es ,../. 11 itelfrie ,TTff fi-F6, trpti, .,- 1„ .„,- rt. , . with4,-/-1444#4. coprappiya MI Mae Niena._,-eles,- Wle---14 sawiZ0 il number giere,1 those of guaranteed .ertireahility will 17. entertaining and streisisu.' :1•••• visited friend,. at 11-1i-ist recently still Itn:11.1.. to attiaill. Si•r%i00 will 1.01 0011 a* eillwative, 1,..031 .,11.:10 till •, .Ir'- . •wm. N1cConnell spent a few days a I .„ , . , , „Li ,4,,,,,1 •,. ,,,,,,,ing. sir. , .. 1 1., . . 0., and mileage reeord. 1.0101•0t• a•A•i.tit Wu 11111 11•14111 III111.1. .‘41 04h her mother at Ebenezer Our stork of tire- ha- arrited and and NIrs. Nlatthew Shackleton visited ___ , _ - i friends in Dungannon Monday last *aii will thud them to he of the kind I Miss May Nlenary. of Niafeking. visited that ensure ?mono) in length 01111 fotunds around. Crewe _Sunday„last. qualiti, of sertiee. inToss, has returned 'she auld turr-vitolter have slime re. 1 the past week with tm•ned to the 1111:le,. alter an alienee ; Sherwood of Wiumnt month ven and family Tia.re 0'00 1111 11/' 11 111 r0, atteiallinve George sHiAH, 4.,0) „wire!, am smi, •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••esesoNeses•Now."01. Wear Mar Mar 'n the $napTbut withit\tx)unds of good HEARTBURN Most annoying manifestations siNcE 41870 of acid -dyspepsia. - TrEaDAT. Ilifarch 21 MOH' 17* -4....._, or heaviness after meals are li INTAIL. _.. _ I .1_, Pedding bePs are ringing. Dan. MacLean has sold his mill at Wilirid:Ilradiey. 30"°" COUGHS STOPS 1 ;-Atrbern to Kenneth McLean, jr., and ! Miss Annie MacLennan is visiting - Mr. Rodereyh Mackenzie. of Winnipeg. vicenresiMit 4 the Canadian Council of i Agriulture. visited his brothers John and Murdock last week. Nit's. .i Rev., J. S. Hardie and Miss Mary If. Mackenzie are in Stratford as delegates to the Presbyterian Woman's Missionary Society convention being held there. Mr. D McDonald is suffering from an attack of pleurisy. H. J. FISHER, "„„„r,„,,' tris 1 Ki-fetotDS JINX 111011111.110101111.11111LIIIIIIii • 1111111Mill 41 "THE GROCETERIAI • COR. NORTH STREET AND SQvARE 1 t •• CASH AND CARRY 1 III Groceries and Provisions $ Vegetables and Smoked Meats Confectionery 111 $ 111 311 Serve yourself and cut down expenses. H. McFADYEN ,s**maitimixammokusionalia Fancy Biscuits of all kinds Fresh and Dried Fruits Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes All of this stqpk is absolutely fresh and of the best quality; it was purchased for cash and will be sold to you at the lowest possible prices. w • • Evergreens Its For Windbreak --- pleasant to take, neutralize acidity and help restore normal digestion. 94ADF BY SOZYIT & W)WNE MAKERS OF SCOTT'S 6114l1L81091 19-6* Farmer*. •a%e )ourselveou ban. tired., of dollar* and needleas work and worry it) planting this utpring it row of NORW.1.11 SPR1 CF. Thee tree* grow %pry rapidl*. We have ismer 'Tent a dollar RA (hp' result of wind destnietion. tennis, WI' have a Spruce wind- break. We have all RIZAM and the priers are right. We have alto giatipply of other Nursery Stoek. STEWART BROS. The Remitter Nurseries T.l.co 7 I Inman nnon eent ral R. R. No. 4,13oderieb 1f friends at Toronto. 1 /IF 'Nfll LIPIL Monday, March 22. Spring is naming with a rush. and we trust the Merge of sickness and death which ham prevailed through the outskirts of the village Is In Its lett Mr. E. T. Pfrirnmer ham been a I let im of the "flu." lad It. recovering. It has been quite a "terbium problem, as he had no miller on the job. (71Ifford fliedhill, of Toronto, Is 'Miring with her parents. )Ir. and Mrs L. 11. Snyder, on the Maitland. Mr. Wm. Stranuchan 'nut his Non Arthur. of the village, have dm need howles this' poet week. Mr. E. S. Vanstorue ti now nide to br np and nut a little after his nx-ent Mr. Wm. Long threshed on Saturday afternoon. Polak. wiles.' re-enronwneed last Monday after three :week** holidays. The regular Epworth League nen *lees he held this week •nd the following weeku on Wednesday night,* Mr. 1'..1 Walters and familpn re ahle to he about again, alto MI.. Elam Oki, who was taken there and minted with the rest in her Illness sty her Mother. • G E Ft 1 / S Always at your service with the best goods at most reasonable prices. ••••itiereetw.••••••••••••• J. J. McEWEN 1 S..& Side Soave Teksphare 46 00.000.000000 Phone 318 It took took but y _slays for 14A RT IN • ILORED. to win 100 per cent. favor.- artin., 'The Tailor • • \ Goderich Board of Trade . • • The Board of Trade has recently received four new members. Why not send in YOUR appli- cation now ? R. I. MEGAW, President. March 25th, 1920. W. S. BOWDEN, Ind. Secretary. 1••• '1 4