HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-3-25, Page 22 Thursday. March '3. 1..1_11. •1 lair; 1 TEs SIGNAL - OODERIcx, ONT. ebrailipiguat Worth Every Cent THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO, Ltd. Publishers of its Cost • Thui•sduy, \Lurk S•i, lte_.0. EDITORIAL NOTES. The robins are back. 11 The sound of the cut-out is again heard Black, Green in the land. or Mixed Mrs. Charlie -Chaplin is suing- for divorce. from her husband. Perhaps he has as much rt)ht to question Britain's Charlie kept ter too busy making custard treatment of Ireland as the British people pies, - have to discuss Germany's treatment of Schlewig-Holstein or Turkey's treatment Two years ago this week the big Ger of Armenia : and there can be no doubt man offensive was on. How quickly we that Great Britain's position at the peace have forgotten the- anxieties of those conference was to some extent comprom- MaTch daysvf Islti. ised by she ---situation is Ireland, _11 is a good thint sometimes to see ourlelves The Turks do not like being called to as others see us. and "American" opinion account for the Armenian massacres.- may reflect some light that will help Neither, so tar as we have heard. did the:LItltaiM-Ln finctinj ttteTireht_path'mrt of the, Armenians express any pleasure at being Irish bog. We agree. however, with The mss scrod. Argus that The Nation goes altogether • too far in the sentence which we have Sir George Paish says the world's food tquuted. Old Country papers constantly. shortage will be as great this year es it and her statesmen frequently, show an was last year. and he looks to the United over sensl\tiveness to -American" opinion States farmers to help make up the 1. -or what`Ifey take to be the opinion of shortage. Canada's farmers also can be I America" --that is peculiarly annoying 1 reek rued on to do something along this. to Canadians,`who are better acquainted °--• with their neig • Ors than the Old Coun• liar. try people Sue -.can • place a more The United States Senate has refused accurate valuation poo the movements and expressions lie life across the to ratify the peace treaty ninth or without twrder. It is sever argument for Y' res will batiuns. w th result of this *.tion* d of 1ush- tre be to [!crow' the whole l Nat ons the uuestiun that the "'need S• tes desires it. treat Presidential of the League of Nations into 1 resolution in favor of h ' e rule for ter Presidential rlrction wht:h--taLG• • • Ireland has been on the reco ds. of the 'place next Lill. Canadian House of Commons The Marine Department at Ottawa has Years and other ptrrduns of the dominions have. wer believe given ordered the disbandment of the Canadian •exptes.ions - hut h� •me rule was' oavaLsritice• els this a piece of cadre's'+ crantrci to , :ea -e the dumin,uus. "1 the Government decided many' shish edit t that it 15' coming just the same. ilar and that in the net far distant future. Rage. or the money only marks the reality of rise tulyweut. What he really gives the luau coupa11y is grain. cattle, or dairy produce. WIND prices are high her gives hits (esti of there thhigs. So It Is a gINNI 11w' fur,a farmer to get rid of the worteotgt'. rhe Iiodihrlou of 1'auadu Is wort - gal -ed today- for two billions of dollars. Thu1 Is u big mortgage for even much a .least estate as 1114• Iknuillion to curry 11 averages *.:O for every «Wu, woman *1141 ch1141 in the country. It assessed against the cultivulcl farms b1 4'14nii1111 It would weuu 14144111 $3,000 for each farm. - Now is the time to pay a 141)1 sdive of It off: We shall ply tar less wheat, asaa • ittle, butter. home. wuchim'ry. 11411. tnm1N•r rue Labor -time than It we wort Sealed Packets Only. drop until price's. drop. Nothing Is more Never Sold in BUIk. certain than that they will drip. mud, Mien they drop, some of those who e• 04411; most loudly of the economic on the remind*1 Bass.__ hardships Ili today will hook buck and wu11414'1' at themselves. Durham Chron„Ir. ' Th.' weutflf' of l'utltida Illerea4ed Premier Drury has placed himself on a sweetly during the sur. It Is but record as in favor o( a flat rate for Hydro fair 111;11 these who grew rich thnnigh power all over the Province of Ontario. the war 'should I4• culled upon to Iraq 1f the Hydro is to • ome a real "Pro- part of their gene; into the public vincial'• institution, th seems the only purse, to help lighten the Toad W111411 solution and the one th entertained by this journ Mo: a reakki-WhYa' Town s distance from the base of s pay a higher rate per hor Ilydro power than a town close any more than that a custom heiaitun. the tau ski corporation should pay more fo electricity he uses than his fellow•to man living closer to the sub -station. the Hydro is to contique to be the Hyd Ececinc of Ontario, it should treat al residents of -Ontario equally and assess the coit of the system over the whole of the Province benefitting from it. \\'hide'' r the present system cannot be regarded as' t has long been will make whiny poor. .Now Is the There is no time ie a ollc•1 this dih1.1.•1111 (144141 IIS ted along the--telertr'*-tatter,-hefoir.the-.# ply should p.4seswrrs'lose it, and while tunny Is wer for still cheap. - situated. i a Eaton's Catalogues. the' -TheSeaforth Expositor says: - . i Eaton Company. of Toronto, last week▪ . f - shipped to Mr. M. McKellar, the local m express agent. 217 sacks, containing seven Mt tons of their spring catalogues. the ex- 11 ess charges on the shipment being $155. se catalogues were taken to the Seaforth mml flice. where they were stamped and ted throughout the town and anything_ hut beneficial to the smaller. coumr- . The postage on the catalogues towns and villages 1n chat they get eehae-i *^nt ` to some $''W1n addition to the they otherwise could'.. not afford -a express c rges.The Eaton Company ■ twenty -four-hour electsqq service -it is found out I e ago that it pays to adver- hardly fair that towns situated a distance tiro. and unl the=majority of our knead ; ]♦ from the base of supply oukt be ex- • merchants a ' ken to thi,l -fact very ig peered to pay in •soa-e) more than shortly. In the near future every .local l double the amount of towns,rt)pre tortun• paper in the ntry will be carrying ately_situated. sdeLrns paying say so! Eaton's advertisi in their -columns!' in per horsepower cinnot succe-s elTy corn-,iThe eaoxmditl 50ty't►fy to;++tws- pete in obtaining indust.sies with those print but every commodity' that t Paying only S20. This idea of a rich rate R Into the making o a paper is forcing . for ate whole Province may at this tune- this upon newspaper cls rs They'have re seem pn'pneterobut were -mute keen prOtetttng tile"'; . rnerchints ht us, thee`cnense of their odyn .. -ets ton long- . wwwximmixwamxiciaxwaxasaxiiilocsitoximulixxm, Women's Spring Suits ■ x ■ Price $30.00 1 The New and the Exclusive in A showing of individual styles and a standard of splendid tailoring and finish. For instance, a suit of navy or black fine all -pure - wool Serge is cut on splendid simple lines with slight tucking in the back, ivory button -trimmed and nicely lined, sizes 36, 38, 40. This value we can not repeat. Tricotine and French Serge Suits Beautifully trimmed and embroidered. Coats lined with Pussy Willow Taffetas. lack and navy, sizes 34 to 40, at $40.00 and $50.00 s t vrrn Irish question must be eased in ave ord- fhat�iar+ada ► Jo.take Ro responsibilit> afire ninth fie rialtos of Ireland anti tine fort defench of Err cum is I r [ 1 r t d m and yustece mer. ha .t (..old Tinw to I'ay' Itehds. . I' -no r• -:'rule tls•°W!x' ,.,4 ill-.wulnQ-. Jhruey t estrcnn rfn?ip itewa•bty . There- • ply y.+•h• debts -noir i ..N (Ylst (WI uwr.• to pay tlom. ,il*tl g a Fats. 1'as. She --••S if course. tie bored me wfu'ic, tout I don't think I showed u. • very time I yawned I just hid :t wit my' * hand.'' I s . u it Ile eying to be gallant- -Reallyat . Buush trtdlu +ns ui r. r u 1 r w Il ti don't ice hos a hand so sm 411 could'ser- marine +tel hideser-char is -beastly weather weir •q '1 'r err dr..rcr money is hav:niz, isn't it bad sign that _ . _ _ • It isnot ate begrneifg Tliey have nes • thing. _ but. mat ready to de' as th suras. The present ind.cative of a new v• rot o tight among them: I 1 • Suiting Serge Finest quality heavy all -wool 46 -inch Suiting Serges, in navy, black, plum. This French Serge was bought by us months ago and is of exquisite quality. Today's value is --$x,00 or S5.50 per yard. Samples mailed to anaddress. Special price . 95,.' - Dress, Ginghams Finest_quahty and best American and English Ginghams in the large stylish, Plaids and over -check designs in eves► conceivable beautiful combination of col- or : that is desired for dresses, skirts. waists, for women. misses and children. Colors absolutely • fast. This Gingham retails at . 75c. See our window. At per yard, Special 55c Smart Skirts - Ladies tailored separate Skirti of wool Serges and Poplins. alt sizes, blacks and navys and fancy effects. Ranging -$8.00 to $15.00 ■ • r • •• r • • • • • IXi s▪ r rte selves.. •i•n rl 1.1 .4.- • I. u : T.• - +V •H: the. Gtrmans rete. horsy t1mslJn' a ,bs! Itch;teap wuG •••X• •X•••X•••XXal ar7!••� and it i:rtit f• i Is; r..•e 117 1 mer. , n•1 ...Hers. Init In point •.t another-day frith Iliil•' crit,.;. ,•__ �„ti.,•, ■XXl•I<*X1fli1X1.11X1>1f$XI11X • unu•h m,,;;,••.••s11'.• t:Jk Po not sorter have been supinely. hockey V i 1 e x torch r tyro rue. were to y' t twit' rimy and sell. i 14• of tied; buys toss!. nK FtTe.. twthrrel with revolutions. sturllancrs •may he �:ao! '• ll- uu+u. y 'rhe other II I II sot Id h t1e and in.rba+1 tt-sso n then w. orcin1 11e viz t JsiLll 1.14 + to tt �It+ kiss. tell reliance.. • i One of the Ottawa Atiuiste that the Gdvernment will sh fly intro- duce`a tariff that "will not be c es leo ,n. .n. nor free trade policy, but o that will grant favors -to none, *tut will ver the divelrsified interests of Canada. le yieldingneoeIsarY ievenue."_ The will be very curious about this wonderful 1w asuct. : - of itldisodual. i 1.11y. sunt r. aurmle.4I ones. •- • �,••N 1 moon rsqul • ' tow• -Ties lir. +T3+see's-riimenr eve y'fiirer2-arieir-- _ --1> .ajlly..._..ytlll.'•it sail- oh, e�' LI Ihe�Nnd 44 certainly cure_yo. N.C. a not, n ll Clio high•satoned. office i6 kept btisy. [wafer». or *.tw.w.•on. Ata. a Co.. tet*nes' trying to dodge the man. • tW •n a f:.414.•4 ply. I payerTonma :+atop:• box bee i( i(•u locution that • ' Jose- h anoouinces �P �! • • • 1.111.\I,. hid, Robert." replied his tetter h.: X_ sm�ws a t., t..+.r�.t' -r • .edeas:=i14'-ve lied irM•wf, growl --ores int 1'ittsist4AY, March ls� i breakfastevery day. u 1 ildrrs ani dao' 6t 1 Say it With Flowr s" s off 111. 1 . el't,vi 4e payer and e*c1tM'2c, stamp r peel • ;•. G ,Idle. from Mlc ` y __ � week at the home As The Barrie Advance rightly remarks.'! what, ver is -done in the way of ereeting.a l • aau -----mriaL3a the fallen heroics of 'tale war i • sh 4uld be done in the spirit of rev etence. •':Ia com ercializS it_b1 buildin softie- ; _ thing for the he mg is only :ham and M no anner can tt tx ci'+nstdeted a lastyng 1 testimony' of ..der respect for thole 'veto : The Ebert Government is again on. top in .Germany. though at time ,ol writing -there are many disturbances throughout the country. The militarists having farted • itltetr alteifipfet-ioup -Ttf ret1'Y' ate sow'sorting theme 4 es and my prove, mere diihcutt to Manage. ft Ebert tannnt control the situatinn, civil war. wodld i • seem to be inevitable. It is to be hoped the Legislature will ' not adjourn without taking some definite action ler the inauguration of art extensive system of reforestation. Both for climatic nd for industrial reasons it is of vital ncern that the destruction of the forest resgrves of the Province should be nee, tralr.- • by the planting of areas not •suitab for other purposes. At the same time t strictest -.measures should hes taken far the conservation of the 44bill % existing for ts. 1~- 1,�k�\\O a csI-rtmenl of a;itt.r,cc--- n •,- J �-._._.' • t (t • Can, were visiting nerd the former's brother. Sugar -making has s 'ted in Mr. James. , 1 ogtig's hush. Mr. Walter Kingswell. w'ht has been • tenant on the Lauteuslaye harm Sunlitfor se i years,• has bought trom A . 11 m. Mc- , Milian what is known as theo • Buchanan j , farm; on the Lith concession. We shall ;he glad to welcome Mr. Kingswe and his t4 litn 1 un t Mr. _ A1c Flan leaves tnt.alew_duz _L•T ' L limps to ptrepare for another- on the lakes as marine engineer. . t • The township assessor, Mrs Geor FeegfIuson. Is agaln.,.n his rounds. ` qtr.r Young s Tamtly, • wits 1 ave been ill; re 11 improving and we- hpoe to see --t again us a --.tees - davassa The sick ,ncrivittee will near -be able t0 I; take -a -rest- - duties. The snow wee y q y q h w11hliut the big it o(144 char Were ared w I 'king forward to a usperous season. ha winter with bu ant crops." overflow - hould be F. atOnce-ii Easter F bloat 1 0 1 1� GE.O. - 11..W.1R . Florist be ordered'tally 1tt insure delivery. (axle: n. • ,nt. .'1" .��.._ 1. _X • .I -scwantiwg-rheic lyduuUa I ver uickt and uietly.� e Trouble Tian Ili perms r siding in C anal :11, employed in Canada, sor-carryring_ on business in (:.a :Ila, aa4 liaTiTc to a taxon-Tncolt; , • f eery err -etre(' pt.? • •n, or nv...wrr, ,e• ..err rd -'Ly' thecf. II to., (1>44 0•> :/44 rs,rn-at-r.Fe..; I ' r1'l9* O, earned 6,000 or mut. An omission" • the Provincial road scheme which sho•Id be supplied is that of a road from C -tham to Sarnia to The St. Marys Argus takes exception to a remark of The Nation (London, Eng_ land) in discussing the Irish question: "It is certain that if we maintain Lord IPrench's rule much longer we shall riek the most setious situation with America which hat arisen Rowe 1'412." While The Argos admits that -the Irish situation hes been woefully mismanaged," ;t mein- . tains that Anierica. oe. rather, the (*Anted States. has nothing to do with the quew tioo. The "AmerIcan" might retort that 1 (.1,1.:-,', 1' - i.,.•,•••-• „1 In 1: ::1:• tial, ' • , r•.art• 1'1201, , 41 r';:rl- nit n F -arm T 3 i her. r,i .1, n: ;I return r`f 11:1• s.lrn, i I .,nt unts \(nidi t 11 li- t-vetoes.,1•k141-, .ti.t•l.t r ..ther1 i -ns: -le\ares must use Ansi of NI,irt lt. I nr.tc+e •,• 1'. ht 11,.1..1-. return 4.1 ,;ll other individuals, t.I:o during the calendzr` year 1919, received or earned $2,000 or more., Time Limit Altis -17-os • sl -s wn tr.�.n.1141sttie .11 „r 1 f'', - the 3Ist o: ,:arch. l' J. 'tit 11 t -ens n T-tass 2 as , wtt---lsrrro-tt mil -1, fit.. n . r 1.ef,•rt- 'th 30th of April, 1920.. 1The farmers are I an early spring a The old, saying. " much snow means should ensure large y -fug barns this coming se Mr mid --feMeN. ;masa 1 have been wintering at Angeles. California. are spending a venule of weeks Mr. Young's old home here,before he g to the lakes for another *sort as Chief engineer of one of the big (re' 'iters. While in California Mr. Young met aur old friend John Levy, who seemed to, be well satisfied with the sunny South.• Mr. A. W. Wise had a gond sale, lads Thursday. Bidding was brisk and prices • satisfactory: Mr. and Mrs. Wise are preparing to move to town at the end of. next week. 7'he next excitement in fhe auction sate line will be on Wednesday next, when Colquhoun Stewart will have his sale. • Tit tor Tat. "It seems to me. Marie. that we've had nothing but ham. ham. ham for breakfast all this week." remarked Mr. !Wendy. !"You forget another thing we've -Every corporation and /ocrf stcch company, whose f•M1f:s t; ieetded $2,000 dLra:g the prscaI year end - cd uz 1919. int InstructilIS ,151 nape • fl 'Norm Ta lion, tir 1.very person who is req lewd to m .ke this nit urn. who Lids do so within the time limit. •hall be subject to penalty of 110.00 for each day during which the default .ontinuem -and all such ',en- mities shall be aseessed And collected from the periwig' !labia to moke the return in the some manner in which tavern are minewied and col - "Address of Inspector of Prepay postage on wanieti by mail to Inapec-,. tors 'of iikaatiorf. Make your returns promptly, and avoid penalties station for thia Dlatrict. LONDON, ONT. •CtAfi4 2 1 , 711114 he• test d in . tiling n r;,111: o. •r betels: the ; .•f At • 1920: - fi i*'i(luals tsurer ti_rn id • road 4,114 iltre teat -t ec I trxtn_r 1. a rr c'fs and rnncNM - n:u'• t #t -e- Form T 1 A. Cori~orttions and Ji,int „St' rk (r mpani(1i.' nest Ike Form T 2. PF.'tA1.TY Every person required to make a return, who faila_to do so within the time limit, shall be auhtret to a penalty t twenty-five per centum o the amotrnt of the tax p, bice AnV•person. whether triable or otherwise. who falls to make a, return or provide informattgn duly required According `to the provisions of the Act, stall he liable on summary conviction to a penalty of $100.4 for each day during which the default continues. Also any person making a filler statement In any return or in any information required by the Minister, shall be liable, on summary conviction. to a penalty not esceeding $ICNC or to all months' Impristtn- ment or to both fine and imprisonment. R. W. BREADNER, commissioner of Tors/ion. The Double Track Route It's -• • fort to know there's a man . whom you may call in your , • bles-the ('lumber. knowwe are IRrer r business and you - FRED. H NT "THE PLUMBER Hamilton atraat t'iumhing Heating ' vest.r.ughing Siete' Woe • 4w tort wen MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO s ac:co;ljl ttinu4g car eery Simples pars on niltlit °trafov." Isti' parlor- cars nn prinetpatttay Irwin _ --F'ull...inforuiation from any Grand, Trunk 1'irket Agent, or C. h. Horn- ing. District Passenger Agent, To- t-outo. , , t., fl.Mules, Fra ., - ilea i, P. F. LAWR11 CR & SOWS • Town Agents - Phone In addition to our lines of Wall apes' etc., we handle all 'rids of JITST DROP IN any firm. and aive work trial. Bring your ohl ortuwa around and III um ishow you what OUR SHOE REPAIRING "TrIII do for you. Wier wear new mire* that hurt when pm can have yintir"old one. that are so comfortable heed lip no that they look am good no new again. S. SMITH Xikat St. -*GLASS WINDOW GLASS BEVELLED GLASS PLATE GLASS MIRRORS, etc. If you are thinking of doing any decorating this year, call on us and let us give you an estimate. J. Cuthbertson North Side West Street Ooderkh, Ont. it