HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-3-25, Page 11920 CALENDARS. Apretty Calendar goes with each paidIn-advancesub- scription to The Signal for 1920. N°viis the thee to re - mew, or, 15.4M1 are not al- , reedy a subscriber, to become one. NO. 0 -SEVENTY-THIRD ,YEAR, • RENEWAL TIME. Yearly subscription to The. Signal $1.50 in advance t'2.60 to addresses in the United States. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAR. 25, 1920 THE STERLIN43ANK �J O F CANADA BUSY FARMERS 76;4,` ea Are yen eonsidertng Improvements or extenslstls insect farming operatlutlt this year ? if so, have a tall with oy Weal manager, hr thorwlgYr undrndeads fatty Gnawing and no doubt possesses lntse9lsetIon which will ss of valor to Let him assist you to stake a decision. RMERS MAKE your banker your financial adviser. Let him help you to shape your affairs so that he will be warranted in giving you ample credit ' -to operate your farm efficiently. Our aim is to assist you in every way possible. 1THE CANAD BANK OF COM CE PAID-UP CAPITAL= - RESERVE FUND $15,000,000 - $1 5,000,000 GODERICH BRANCH, G. Williams, Mar'tgcr. l 1 V.H. PEARDON ARCHIIECT- that, while be - Twitted at N•alkervllle, the Cioderleh ,Hee will be open as tofu 'barerye. Chace to Learn Banking Ftnasrial trainingopens ■ w do field tojoung men- A Bank require young nen for positions sassing npiendid opportunitir.. for crabbing sad advancement. F.tpeeienre unllrremary, if yea Ante a High ikhOot or Business College EAtteation. :V)UREt48'. BOX 191, SIGNAL. FUR SAL& OR •soot rfRENT.-A MODERNREDBRICK house on Gloucester Terrace. Apply to .1 .C. FFIN. It L OR SALE. -HOUSE : EXCELLENT situation cn Keays street. cement block; ten rooms: modern conveniences; full lot, several trust trees; stable. Owner has removed frog town. Apply to I. E. SHARMAN. St. David's street. Q LJ WILL lot iBnUY THE BEST building Goderich. Teta lot is !heated on the Crescent and has lt5 feet frontage Apply THOS. GUNDRY. ARM FOR SALE. -GOOD FARM trlocated on concession g. A.hbeld. 1W acres under grass. Gos.d barn: large orchard. For further particulars apply to MRS- S. J. PENT - LAND. Dungannon. 2t WARM FOR SALE. -NINETY-SEVEN acres. lot 5, coatession 5. E. D. CAlborae township: one and three-quarter miles from Mc. Gan stetson, one male from church. school horse on •,enrol thin; twoacres of young orchard bear- ing; good (hero 14fier+ feet). atone stabling under- neath; Irapa house. three wens and one never. failing spring, .s wen fenced and is all in grass estop, six acres. Price *9,000. Ter to wit purchaser. hoe further particulars y to WM. STTAUGHAN (Benm.11ert R. R. o. 4. Gode- sn _t LOR SALE. -EIGHT -ROOMED house, corner Brrtannta' road and Cameron street. Abu small house, corner Angles■ street and Cambria road. Both large lots and good gardens No reasonable oxer refused. Address MISS M. ROBERTSON, 439 River Road. Nis - gem Falb. Ont. 31 FOR SALE. -NINETY ACRO concession. Goderrch township, lour miles south olGoder,ch. well fenced. aspera creek and well, new barn and fair hour; one-half mite Iron school and church. Possession at la April. Apply to ROBT. McALLISTER on the preaa- n.s. or WILLIAM MrALLISTER. Goderict., Administrator of the Estate. 0.. BEAUTIFUL MODERN HOME Al FOR SALE, --.On Nelson street. Extra los, 9lslth. Large. airy rooms, extra large verandah, beautiful grounds nid garden. a lot of fruit trees, also berries. Large barn. one box. two single stalls. and .drive house Large ost box, electtse bent in loft. W. J. POWELL. Craigie's Real Estate Bargains The following is a list of some of the properties which I have for sale, and on investigation prc.spec- tive buyers will find that the prices are put,down where the properties can be purchased to'. make some money ; - - No, 1 Story mud a,ltalt tracer• No.5 Bungakrw, 5 rooms. fuUir house. Fully .modern. 7 rooms. fall bsetoent, ---tWwly 4*so1'Ittos1 through- out, garage on property. Corner Mouth St. and t1.1 g 1 n Ave. Immediate porsewtlon. Price 92300. No. 2 Two-story frame louse, 8 ;Mow, modern, large verandah. east alit' of Victoria St. 1'na.ev,lon at Once. Prleo =2,011. No. 3 Frame house. 1% stork*, 7 rooms. full ba4rturut, Oralric light and loath, shim ted on the weak aide of Cameron stmt. Th1. Iv a good buy. Prier :1,400. NOTICE. 4. If you are lor king foe a nice house to luy. 14,.., them of all kinds red brick, white Nick sod frame, at very reasonable pr ren. My past es- perience.n hudding,and valuation places roe in a =son lobe yo r erode in the selectors of • nice home at a right once 1 have pleased others; I can plerse you. P. J. RYAN, Real Estate and In.urarce. tf Phone 50 WANTED. hIAID WANTED. -APPLY• MRS. R. g B.SMITH.Co.bornestreet. WANTED. -A GOOD MAID FOR general housework. Apply MRS. W. T. MURNEY. 2t GENT WANTED. -ONE QF CAN- ADA'S largest We ln•urance companies n WENT a loos/representative. Eap�tea.,e ppootl Salary or comm,ss.on. Address GNAL OFFICE. WANTED.-EXPERiENGED LOOP - ERS. piece work. 11 events per dozen. Ones used to rob work preferred. To good. reliable Tels we will pay fare. App14.LAVOIE KNIT- ER,, Peterborough, Ont• 1) EPRES-ENTATIVE WANTED. -TO LE report on budding and r nglneektng work' in; Goderich. This is a good sideline fur anyone with facilities Inc [erring pews. Commeseion paid Inc each report. We supply forms and postage. Apply r aro[ qualifications, to MacLEAN DAILY REPORTS, Limited, 945 Adelaide Street. West. Toronto. Ont . ` ti ANTED. , MAID FOR OE •' ERAL /' work ApplyMRS.(CAPTiSH PHARD. Phone 1721. • 2t Y GODE- NY. tf !Co.4 tirowtIle frame house. 2 iissll r. ttPw(v !red toilet. 2 , -'lots. Cor. Kouth and Blake \Ata. Prior 11,500. modern, Targe atone fir' - place, situated on east *tele of Wright Sit. This 1s one of the awelleat mum- mer homes in (knh'rieb and Is known as the i►oty cottage. Prim *2,009. No.6 Frame i,,osl', 't.lry and n half, It rooms. water and newer, stable nn property. 2 lots. ('or. Eldon and ('ayll;v tits. This prop- erty la In good condition and Is a bargtain at 8750. No. 7 White brick -- house, 5 rooms. fully modem, fire - pints. garage. south side of Newgate Mt. This fa One 01 the West. burs In Ooderk-h. Prier 13,101. No. S Cottage situated on the dank between 1Mty'1 cot- tage and Coekf1 Id'a, cul h1f. This per ' be o•nnverted Into a s m- mer home. l'rire N. Other lilltl'ttgs can be had on application at the office. J. W. CRAK I E FRI?I)ERIC T. E SINGIN PIA StIRtio next OFORTE PIPE ORGAN o P. J. MacEwan's Garage E N E R, FOR SALE AUCTION SALES. L'O- R SALE. FOUR-H P. MOTOR- A UCTiON SALE OF FARM STOCK, CYCLE. in go'dfunnies conditon. lot sale t1 IMPLEMENTS. EIC. cheap. APPLY GM WILLIACLARK. corner Wal- nut and P,ne streets, aderic h. 4t ALBERT MUGFOR D. R SALE. -WHITE WYANI)OTTE 4th concession, Colborne, will sell by public attc- eggs for hatchi . Prise Othihltion stock. ton on MONDAY. MARCH't11h. atlo'stockp m.. Hogs. - Pair of Percheron haws. riling 3 years oldasIbrokenl. draft mare Si years old.draft mare 2 yeses o14 draft gelding 1 year old. both by Bal- merin..drivtng mare 9 years old. Matched par Percherb„'ns, gelding and Illy. rising 2 year* olds mare 4'years old; mare N years old tin foal to Index). posed CATTLI.-Cow 7 years old. stoe id call.; cow to be in call; cow 4 years old. supposed Is years old. troth calf at lout, co 4 years old supposed to be In calf, cow rising 9 years old. just freshened. Holstein cow, 3 veaesold: 7 steers -: years old. steer 1 year old; 3 heifers flung 1 year old. 4 steers rising 1 year old; 1UIcall..8 young calves. SHEEP -Twelve ewes IlittfA_ .Pu. .- Yorkaltireaow (ter t'ijl.9 tat hogs 3 l weighing about 12', lbs A 4 hogs twe,gbing--a ' IUD the.),4pigs 2months old - IYrL[YaNTs:yIXerm` binder I nearly noel. Frost 3, Wood mower. 2 ,sed drills, cultivator, land roller, 2 Fleury plows, corn binder. bora, r ke. team corn eultsvator. scattier. Intel national ,eheilagecut ter. hay tedder. 1 set harrows. tanning mitt, wagon and bog, I set trucks. basket rack, tart Neighs. cutter. light wagon, two-lutrow plow. " gravel hooses, No. 12 Delaval cream separat t single harness, 1 set heavy harness. brass Set uble teams harness, double set fain harness, w r trough, chop low 2 barrels. I. set scales t2. lbs.). root pulper. a guantity.�ppl1 lumberand ceda ,ata, 2 grinding atones. :rulaser-tired bus- hes. us-pgees. w . Metier -rt. neck yokes, torus, shovels spade and pie Three . hives and a number of empty boxes, about fur sap prole some househeid furniture. Huron yea (Foot of Anemia St.) Phone 61. us of ' Everything been sold. TERMS. -All s of 411, and under. • . over that amount, a nth. .,credit wilt turn on Aled several cocker Apply MRS. B. E. WOOLLCOMBE- Teal Isar street, Goderich. VOR SALE FOR APRIL DELIVERY. u A. umber of weg•bred little pigs. Parties wedio` same should write, pooh• or wrk JOHN SO WEB BY. P.R. No Y. Goderich l ' lir 254 GodenchCeptral. Termateasona CAR OF FEED CORN AT McGAW. Telephone orders to • .:' : WILLIAM McCLURC, i U1IG. MON 11211 Also coal. flour and feed, and y� C. shingles always on hand at McGaw and Our (mon. ACAR' OF BRITISH COL SHINGLES. FOR SALE. AT Mc(;AW STATION. Divest ham the min to the wee, C. A. ROBERTSON. Telephone Dungannon ere; or John Treble. 4 Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE at $3 per single cord, delivered, TRH GODERICH MANUFACTURING CO.. LIMITED. PUiLIC NOTICE. TOWN OF GOD: Rf1CH. TAKE NOTICE THAT . 1. The Counc.l of the Corpora t ion of. the Town of Goderich has corWnccted as a local.iseprove. merit a sanitary sewer its Thomas street`bitween Wilson street and Warren et feet 2 The costl.f the work is 1497,46,of which *les,O as to be paid by the Corporation. The e. churn and washing machine a me and potatoes,_ turkey hens. FDRMALVEHYDE.-In 'order to ui[be.Iiipo.ea..T, as the rareanu ram smut yew 3Tlou • e. a se . grad We guarantee our Formaldehyde to be full strength. E. R. Wigle. druggist, Goderich. . TWO YEARS AGO TODAY TI prevent week le the second uunlversory of the ukwt awful week In tow Great European War. Thunala'. Manch 21*t, 181', being tlw dile at 11(.11 1,Ije strength 'of. tlw great Ge'ruwn drive we. hurled at the dev tr1 FIft11-Arinl• ou a tufty •tulle (rout. Two years ago today tlw whop Empire w'as! is the agonies of au 1 ,tar of desperate anxiety. &Nk1 every heart eeli.WU the .vaN•Iuding words t tlw prayer. that went out from Buckingham 1'.aIMt King tiwxgs' to Field Marshal .It`tt4g : Th. Empire stand* (calm awl confident i* Its nukllerw, May God bless 111em and give,the'W sl'Iwty(th In this time of trial. George 11. I. Tu4's,It '. March 21411. the folio 'fug de,pa 4.11 %'.lit 004 trot. 1.ollda*: Loudon, Mai Pl. 293.--F: cting the heaviest toil for re't'ry fool of I(ronpd, tilt' British line t'outinilia to w w 4t'for' the" pressor of the Hermans. - TPhe War w,as l.toklug bad to., years 5414' today. 14t 114 thank Coal for the brave nen who kept i1 front looking worse at that time mid all through the t•un11 i.•1 111th tic0l ll) t1.• foe was towed .to Dia knees and the Allies triumphed Iortously. * a it a to rule, alg(rinee ur 1111.t.UJk'rk•h 1o7$ Who Sire then -erre lei Goy great to of .freedom *114 siva memorial for all 'time to . --their hr. -4.m. Iso us • rats• it worthy twennmettt tit tio(lerieh. A '•warner \ 10 complet.• Ili.• tuna u.ressarr will own oar the ann,lver.ary of Viany IUdg••. .4 mil nth. fest its west' tlw cauya.awrs With sr liberal response. St11.111E11N' MF:M1(RIAL FI'\IJ l'1)\I�ll'CTha:. event /The Eureka Bible Plass of A•Icturla ref Jte'theiltat clellreli 4,111 hrsld u wile of buntrtmtdo baking and serve tea on I(llhardily , April aril, In 'the store (text i, R. I(t.l.bilsIY r,'staisralll, 111wt if IS per.- S -t furnishing apptov. "'rent notes. A nt of 4 Per cent. straight lowed for as credit amounts. ALBERT MUGFOR Proprietor. AUCTION SALE 0 LAND IMPLEMENT O5. GUNDRY, Auctioneer. FARM STOCK M,K ALEX,,HO''ON h half lot 7. will sell by Public auction,. at Lake Range west. Colborne. on TUESDAY. MARCH 30 a• 1 o'clock p. m Nooses.- Bay heavy [Pall mare. 10 ears old; black general purpose horse. II years ; bay special rate per bol frontage, is Mi 2e. The *Ness' general purpose mare. 1. years old bay •neral assessment a to be poo in twenty annual .ental. pUrpt..m Se ma mare on .. and It years 'old; c Inst menta team matched mares.; aye... old: 2 g ing 5. The estimated liktime of the work is twent colts. using 1 year old; brown driving colt. r no y I yore (AA. years. G; S con. -One cow.10 years old, due in Fehr • 4. A Court of Revreson will be held on Thursday, 1.wry. 1 cow, . years. old, due in February; bloc the 15th day of April, 191*. ata o'clock p. m., at Rae,cow, 6 years old. just •fresheed: red t uw.7 years Council Chambers. Town stall. in the Towr�of nbid, due in May: blue cow.2 years 9ld. due '1 Gooksich. f r the purpose.. hear,ng complaints May; red cow,4 years old, nue in May."tban .ow, mint the proposed assessments or the accuracy 7 yearsuk4 due ,n May.1 c:lvese7 steers and S none z years old. s of Col n• measurements and any other co, bedevil; 1' steer, 2 years old; purebred Durham pistol which persons interested may desire to bull. 11 months old; 3 hell• snake and which s by law cugniza bleb the Court i stews, miaow., yearsdd. Pick -Seven young PIP. oast weaned. IMrI.EVtNTs, -One truce waa'on. I do .ole -fur- row riding plow. I three -terse tread power. in hest cl .s► shape: 1 Deering disc hal row.: sets iron barrows, and other articles. b.verytheng will be sold that is advertised. as proprietor has cold one of his Iarms Temes-Ten months' credit will be g.ven on luraishing approved joint notes A discount of 4 per cent. straight allowed tor cash. $ 1�X. HORTON. THOS. Gl1NDRY. -,Ptftp iet.x. Awethenew,. Dated at Goderach this 23rd nay of March, 1920. L. L. KNOX, Clerk. DR. F. J. R. FOSTER. 1i�EYE. EAR. NpSE. THROAT. Late House Sargso.s• New York Ophthalmic and Aural Hosp.W, t at Moorefield's Eye HaapitAt +rad �lt�quare Throat Hae ST'w..tAelSet faw . Stratford. Telephone 1017. At Bedford FtateL Godench, from Wednes- day. Tani :Oar. at 7.3u p mto Thursday. DALE OF RESIDENCE PROPERTY IEFFECTS ANO ESTAT IFEL B LONG. HUU send ! p. In.. INC TO THE LSTATEOF'CHE LATE MRS. OTI TO CREDITORS. lt. MUNR IS. , OTICE• TO CREDITORS.There will be offered for sale by public auction. at the premises. Anglesea street. IN TESTATE. OF ALLAN R. QUIRK OF On NM THE TOwresHIP OP COLD01110E4 IN THE COUNTY W HURON. yaOMAK DECEASED. SATURDAY MORNING. MARCH 27, at 10 o'clock, -- the story -and -a -half frame house, with Narita Is hereby given that all persona having lot, formerly occupied by the late Mrs. clams or demards against . he estate of the said H. Morris, and the household effects. as Allan M. Green:who died on or about the and follows: day of February. T. D. P119, are required to sena One Happy Thought range, 1 coal oil to the esecutrrcrs. Julia Green. Goderich R R. No, 5 JeseieA Green. G.N'eeieh,R.R.No 4,andtheew heater, 1 coal oil cook stove, 1 Quebec tutor, Petf them. Green,Goderrth III. No. 5. or heater"(new). 4 rocking. chairs .1 extension any one ..t them. on or before the luh day 01 table, 1 .kitchen table, kitchen chairs, 1 desApar, A. D. rim., their names and addressee and and ept.on and f,,2 particulars IN their claims j Raymond sewing machine (in good con - and .,curdy is aryl held by them, duly vented„ dition), I Thomas organ, I secretary, 1 AND TAKE ern, r that after the a cut 14th day WI rack, 1 cherry beds om suite, 1 sal- ol April, A Ir 1" t'. the said uteculnce. and executor will proceed to distribute the assets • nut bedstead. 1 iron bedstead, 1 dreSaer mac of the said deeeas.d a the portio entitled „and washstand. 3. sets. tnattreiles t thereto. haVin4 regard ly to the et/riffle . of i springs, 1 bureau. 1 wringer. 2 to 1 which nonce shall then ha been recev.,d, copper boiler. 1 high cupboard, 1 tool cupboard aril} tools. 1 lawn mower (new), 1 stepladder. 1 hose reel. dishes, lamps, pictures, carpets, rug, and other articles t00 numerous t0 mention. IERMs.-On household effects, cash. On house and Tort, terms will be Made known at time of sale. ' THOS. GUNDRY, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALES. ADMINIST RATOR'SSALE OFF A IMPLEMENTS Belonging to Overstate of the late ARTHUR McNEIL, concesssoo 3,1ot D. Colborne township, on THURSDAY, APRIL 1■t, commencing at 1 o clock sharp, the following. Bay morelaericult oral. l yearaold. IMt'L[Y[Nlt1, - Binder ( r.ear.lyl, newt hay loadert Ode delivery rake. an Massey-Itarrts mate; Frog. 4 Wood mower'nearly newt horse rake. com- bined fertiliser and reed drill, jolt used one sea. sun; manure 'spreader. gas •Nine I1 boeepower milking machine lin good running order.. grain crusher, cutting boa with popes, hand cutting box. gang plow. Oliver riding plow. Verity walk. trig plow. doubte walking plow. 1 set harrow* (1 honer. Iron roller. stood wagon and box with s vine, good farm truck. 2 sets of Dohlei hs, l ser •. light Neighs, cutter, pop buggy, r cart. mak wagon.: grave( loxes, farming mill and bag t ck, a *Mel 2,1111111b.scale■, a Deanne c lts- vetor set of dr c harrows, a good set team Me, nem Inc ly new,. a gond set team harness, a set ol plow har , a set double light Lioness, a set single har . ti a number of collars. boiler and water tank. Meiotic cream separator, benches and tants. 1 Ile washer. cooler and other dairy goods. a numl of tants. a corr. planter and two. horst set Ter. a .. , wer•n, 1 ea harvester, a tamp drill. a saddle, 1 IN wagon. boggy and cutter poles, a number o '. Rs. ',pig troughs. r, ,t palper, ing crate. a number • wagon tongues. ,ran settle, charm forks. aho.ve ls. and other art,cies. Two roves. buds, . testes. moot, udlebeord Sad oOver houaehold fur -tore. TEEM. - all sum" of $ that amount. 7 months furnishing approved joint 4 r ret. "era, ht allows •Blgeksttne's is the place to get that t box of chocolates. The Swastika club Is preparing an ,eslet•inlly interest lult prrgrtun for .tprll 9th and loth, including N .Irato- t iz..l fairy stor%, "The Sl.'e1iing Princess." Ili five acts. cc�ee a vesythmg advertised wi LItAS.C. McNEIL. Admimatrator. and under• cad.. over edit wall Ise given 06 tea. A discount of 1 . for cash. II ' tively be sold. T s GUNDRY Auctioneer. AUCTION SATE OF STOR : STOCK, HORSES. WAGONS. ETC. CLARK&CLAYTON will sell bur public auction at the pre MONDAY. APRIL loth. commencing at 1 o'clock The Carlow store and dwelling house attached. with one.quarter= acre land, mote or less. (inc framed bare. 5001, with steel roof. The barn will have to be moved, as it ,s not on bur Iy.rope sty, - The stock lbe .old ell present wholesale t aut. aid - One span horses, general perpdse• 1 set (rlight double harness, 1 set single hotness. 1 set medium light neighs with pore and -hates. I cutter, I open buggy, 1 Mc. Lau hen rubh.erdacd t.uRRy. 1 wagon and rack. 1 melon. 1 .et wagon_ apneas. capac,r yl: 1 "et platform scales, le Rock pull. hr. 0 , JULIA GREEN, JES IkA.GREEN and PETE RHAJAMES GREEN. by R C. YS, their solicitor. Paled at Gndench, th 1M b day of March. A. D. Blat gf NORTH STREET METHODIST DECISION WEEK, MARCH 28th to EASTER INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE Splendid Music Seng Gospel Messages Governor Harding Federal Reserve Burt the Oanadian Club sa: \ id lr'Work and Save' Is tb• grsat remedy for the High Oost of Living." Th• advantages of a Saving's Account are apparent to most persona, bttt have you •:perienoed the oonvet•ao• of a Jefet AO- oouat? Any of our 800 Branch Managers will give you the particulars. ASSETS EXCUD glteese,tes 41t. To every man there openeth A Way, and Ways, and a Way, - And the High Soul climes the Iijgh Way, And the Low Soni gropes the 1,6w And in between on the misty flats The rest drift to and fro. But to every man there openeth A'High Way and a Low, And every malt decideth J The Way his soul shall go. -John Oxendese -.1 UNION BANK OF CANADA Goderich Branch F. Woolcomb, Manager • As for me and my house, we will serve:.-Ibe+,Lord. -.100 444 Whosoever will may take the water of life freely. --John LOST OR FOUND. • -OST.-ON s St'NDAY EVENING last, on the way to tit. George's church. a lamb of England Prayer Book. Valued as • Inc. Will finder pirate leave at the SIGNAL cgr It CARD OF- THANKS. year .Nal; 1,. Msneh. Ife.h C.0r Ina •tees. 1 15 bushels gond eating potato..., ;., bushel, feed nau, about 2 tone '01 hay. about 2 cords hardwood. 11n bushels hmothy,seed'NO. I Purity), I [motors! Oxford range, 1 five -passenger Ford car, in good running order;a quantity of hemlock plank, some I cedar posts. waterproof wagon cover.a number of tarrggee paart . ol hose., 1 re, horse blankets and othetev- TERM'.. On property -Ten percent. of money down the day of gale; balance ,.,re seined within ori day.. Feed and potatoes -gash. Itatanee-741 sum of N1, and under, cash: Aver that amount. sl moat hi credit will be allowed on approved joint notes A discount of 4 per rent. pe, annum al- lowed for Lash on tredit amounts. Everything will be told... partner4 have die - solved parener.hip and are quitting Internees. TI It is an etc. ptiunally good *tend for anyone wishing toengage In tuanegs. CLARK ACLAYTON. ,T.GUNDMY. Proprietors. .,..- Amitalerr: 1 City Dalry ice cream brleka always on baud at 11. T. Edwards'. SPFI'I Al. OPTi('A1. OFFER. High -Inert• gold-tllb'ol "INrlNclrs and eyeglasses with Io•.t finality fiat spherioNI rens'. for only *a.1R1. Eyes examined fro'.' ht our 41ell-known and IsaMara king "ls•riafisl, Jur. 11ng'i•uan, formerly optical eym it for Kent's Jew.'Ity store. 'I'.runtu. We wave you 'WNW)* aro everything in the o1Nims! line, w) take advantage of chia chalice nod time early. Throe day,. only (lay. Friday and Wttltrday. April !nth, nrh Root loth. Smith.% Ari Store, Guderlt h. GLNplal'M S.1LE REGISTER. MONDAY. March 21. ---Albert - t Abler Morticed. 4,h s cession. Colborne. farm strut and implemeo.ts. TogsDA T. March 30. -Sale of larmroock and implepente, proper ty of Alex. Horton, at north half lot 7. I.ake Range West, Colborne. 4.' miles (Nath of Dunlop. WEDN[.DAT. March 3t.••-Saleofforms. iaspla- menta, grain, houee lurmture, etc., belonging t0 the estate OI the late Charles Dalton, at lot 711 Lake Range. Aahbeld. - Mentos Y. April 2. -Sale of +tore, stock, harkga - wagons. etc.. property 04 Clark a Claytga, at elT,i premises. Carlow, at 1 o'clock p. m. Tegwty, April A. • Sale of farm stock. insole. menta. household Iurndure. gran. etc . property of W J Roberton, lot 43. Base line, Holiest (ONO mile soythot Autry. M. WEDNE.DAV, April 7.- Aur hon sale rel fatal s,•'k and implements beton/one to Andrew Me n and the estate of the late Joie Feagen, concretion 3. Colhonc. let TN ' AT, Apra . -.Charing auction sale of farm st k and rmplernent,• property of William Cook, at t r. Lake road eget, one and a -half miles north 01 / sop, CoIhorne townskap FSWAY, ,1 9. -tisk of farm stock. mole. 'efente gradep,, etc., property of Thomas Park. lot It concess.ttn Asb ,eld (one -ban mile west of ngannom. •erything to be doomed ol, ae farm ural. RN. ROBINS. IN. -At W Kusholme road, T and Mn. G 11. Kalb. road. Toronto, a dough - DIED: GLEN.- In Coil.orne 'towns p, on Friday. Match 19, hlar.on Ruth, be ed daughter of --- liitf-ifid Mrs James Glen, a • .03 year. and 2 mons he. NICHOLSON. In (:oder.ch, on Saturday, March 11, CAtbarme'Jo nes. wife ' '1 home Mc holson, u, her ,'with year. YOUNG. -In (;od.e.ch, on Thursday. M 2fs Mary bhzeheth, daughter of Mr. an r.. K,ch.rd F. Y.,une. aged 14 years. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Page Nnhcetn Creditors-E.tate Allan R. Green... 1 *ad, Well Buy Aply Thomas Gundry 1 Motorcycle for Sale - W tn. rrJsd_...:...-.... t Maid Wanted Mrs. R. B Smitb.. . 1 The Real Story -Homer L.Glbtt.4C.i., Tot• e onto.. Not -Roiled of Health . , . ...... . 1 1.4 Not ice reerSew-Town Clerk„ ' -- I tih,esles Goriench Planing Mills t vacuuming los Windbreak-Ssewsrt ,area .... 4 Groceteria - II M. Fad yen.. .4 Im-ortent Notice.- R. W. Breadner 2 Auctmn Sale -Clark Sr Clayton. 1 Administrator'. Sale - Chore. McNeil.. 1 Hrkhest Ince. lot Old Iron. etc. -Brown Bros. 4 Ho it Inc Sale' t. E Sharman 1 House to Rent -J. c. Griffin., 1 Card of Thanks --Albert Gond 1 Prayer Itook Lost-.•Leavtat Signal.. 1 lis. ALBERT GOOD WiSHES TO l` et ns hie very sercere thanks to friends and neighbors and the people of the surrounding community who have been so kind to him and .n oro many ways given evidence of their eympatby caused in the peculiarly trying time caused by _.sieknereand Death in' his family. _-.. PUBLIC NOTICE TOWN OF GOIIFRi('ll The orders of the Local Honed of 111011111 ■s ;wooed t'ebruary 1414 It, 19.20, 111 connect Ion with the Infincuga epidemic, prohib- iting public dances, made la. carr) partite+ anal other 'Millie gather - Ings. will he withdrawn on Thursday. Mardi 25th, 1011, at 12 n'rla•k midnight. By order of the hoard. 1. L KNOX, A. 11. McLEAN, Meeretary Chairman Higbee! Pfiess-rail is C-- Inc'crap Iron add old machinery. Notify n' by phone at once ff yon wish to take advantage .of this offer. N ATIONA1. KHIPnt'Hd11N(I ('o., Ltd. Gtltlerieh, Ontario Y s 01olle. lo gepine hosCpitalreat March 12. to Mr. (J..Coy Valentine). • SHINGLES --- Four Cara just arrived. All grades in White and Red B. C. Cedar. ROOFING One car of Ready Roofing. 1 -ply, 2 -ply and 3 -ply. This shipment was bought in on last kear's prices and we can afford to sell below pt'esent cost. If interested drop us a line. The Goderich Planing Mills, Ltd. P. 0. Box 18 CODERICH, ONTARIO Phone 47 • Or'