HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-3-18, Page 5THE SIGNAL - GODI IO8, ONT. NEW LOCATION For That Stubborn Cough Said to 1st Gentleman : "This is the best prep - He lx)ught another bottle to have on hand when needed again. k• us during the wee . Penslar Palatable Cod Liver Oil Extract "I bought a bottle for my son's cough, which had been hanging on for a long time, and it cured him. I want a bottle for myself. It should do the same for me:' We can highly recomme,nd this preparation for a stubborn cough. It builds up the body, at well as acts on the pultnonary organs. It tones up the system, giving you renvird strength to throw off that cough. Pen - slat falatable Cod Liver Oil Ext has the fatty part left out, and is combatted with malt, wild cherry and hypophosphites, making it a tasteless and pleasant preparation for anyone, young or old, to take. CAMPELL'S DRUG STORE "717e Per7slar Store" Phone 90 RHEUMATISM This Is Just the 8660011 whenItheumalthymwItInta grinding 064 and tag or tolnla seta hold olf you. Tight It wttb Rheumatic Capsules rstatfloRghLurottlen ta. They am ramm- ed. and permanent re- megoted by doctors, and mar ,gdryt=abla milpt of Ask t C. Dunlop's Drug Store, told with tine appreciation and di aniatic idrce. and to the hearer who had not read the story kir years the dark scenes of the Revolution. the unrelenting pur- suit of the "aristocrats," the noble sactince of Sidney Carton, were vividly recalled. Miss !Marione Aitken and Miss Rata Lyttle favored the audience with vocal solos. and Mr. Weston plaited several organ selections. Rev. D. Moyer, pastor of the church, acted as Spring Etter a Serious Matter.— Spring fever 1.4 often consider...I a joke --n sollIPOIN. r•Lse• has It : but tile ion is in reality ....that. matter. relaxed condition of the system. It di -onto -red i'atialltion id the Wigle's Iron Pills will relieve the void-. plaint by toulairelip the spor•iis, purifying the I and increasing vitality. tilw 'hilt real µWs tor .3,-s• ESTABLISHED 1872 CAREFUL and yet aggressive enterprise in both farm and • factory should be the keynote oi.• Canada's development. Taxation t an only be reduced by increased non. The Bank of Hamilton rs ready • to encourage every legitimate enter- prise tending towards increased pre, duction in farm, field and factcry. BANK OF HAMILTON Goderich Branch A. J. MacKay, Manager • ti.sta, 4, I Our MontrealStr The Church with a Wekome for you— Where a Happy and Profitable Hour Can Spring is here at last Owing to. the flood on F ay MO number were Krumbling a the ter being in their cellars. All our "flu" patients are School bas reopened. John 'and Maurice Dalton of ._Ct olng 'the fornier's mother, Mrs. Jas. Dalt Capt. Frayne and Mrs. Fravne. recently returned from overseas, are visi ing the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Con. O'Reilly_ We haven't had any mail thessraYs owing to the bad roads. - East Street Garage _ CHURCH NOTES. • ANNOUNCEMENT 1 have taken over the East Sheet Garage from Mr. M. Clover, and im prepared to attend wall auto - bile repair work and other lines of work as former- rriecl on at this garage. Customers will be given , 1 th me prompt and practical attention arkeietotore-.- ve the agency for the well-known GRAY-. x § DO CAR and would be. glad to explain its dis- Sunday, March 21st Be Come- and bring your friends. 'lurch next Lord's Day will be: "A iok at tOe :slew Master." This Ls, an. the Past.' The evening th me %bib(' th in -The Ideal Man" sewn --At the Event North Street NI t burch. XXXXXiC t 44*. A Symbol of Prospelity it is email business to ast.widss - whether you he ta more than' that. the -rem retiests -felleosisip that itiesin .41 It mai %Mira Sea/s Flee. to artiste- try LOCAL TOPICS. 1 offers 4 100 -of 8 per cent. Preference Stock T..% ! hos the sale alias stock are \to le etti- F... 41114▪ 4 1 4. Word "has be;n recles:ved h,-, .." ill. Mo e -e-atre ' T....;irte,,,,,,,,fclat,27:,,,LT,,,ie'r,..:.',.. Pt's!. of Flint. Nlichisarl to !Mrs. A. Wilson, i the happy event taking place at Bay 1.\ rogram ..:„,„. is,41 former G.idench resident. , Little Mel Injured, • :City. Michigan. -lin 'March nth. 1he Rp • • ploye:d in the put 1.4 ----tcrivntpatity AA BecePsary. "S of Ili business that /: 3 nis is the Lint' ism ptibln-, anti it i-s-csatu • Ves-tors, as an ttnn-oia 4) • advantageort.ly and ,nlety. and • sdautial factor in the pro Lee as loop our money, our ',11 • to the attention of in - the satue time aid in the 11.1c,.:, our workmen • arid- Oar dividends at homy. 1 N—Sla CAMERON, K.C., and WESLEY WALKEIL, Directors. 1,:. ITIVM"ilfeiritIMIVOVIVPMVIVPIVIVIIIV.11WPAII 'i for week March 22-27 tiri\Sunday evening Helen, the little daughtet of 11,tr. and Mrs. Josh. Thomas. o: boiling w r off the stove whieh over her and feverrh burned her about the face, hand* and arms In falling ,to MONItti and TUESDAY the floor the little girl alsci had her ear DOROTHY DALTON in town of the marriage of a ' Moiler boy. Mr-. -John --Alestaripiee-Mac- in Lennan, M. A.; 'which took place at Medicine Hal, Allis/W.0n February nth.. ; the- bride -being. Miss Fratures- Clyde. , ! daughter.of Mrs, M. B. NlicLaren. Mr. '1"...• A HAROLD LLOYD COMEDY, staff of the Medicine Ilat High School., ' %Iso THE 130:114.D 'OP HEALTH arwetr. rink 40 -further re-tri-tiritis "s 111 he neres•eilrY.... 'rile ctooper- "eolds,". lone throat awl- coughs. Avol.I ehilling of 10.1y. sleep alici work lo 'pure. fresh air. Noll hands views and keen them cmc or Your smooth. Avoid. ex.pes-toratling lu public places. Avoid, visiting lif lit go to bed in a well -ventilated room. Remember to remain in neeyna or three days after all fever lias de-ahrwared. The neeestrity of volunteer Nursers is again urged on all , 11•1•41.44. 111141 k 'Dared Associations. Voluntcers should apply, Use Clerk , A. D. MCLEAN, nodetlen, February 24tb, 1920 WEDNEEIDAY and 1111 Rsil 1Y WM. S. HART "BREED OF MEW' FATTY ARBUCKLE "HIS WEDDING NIGHT" FRIDAY mai SATURDAY . MIKE KENNEDY "Through the Wrong Door" nounces the annual , Junt excursion by steamer Greyhound. The Greyhoundr• will leave Detroit for Godtrich on' !Mon- _ day. idlie nth: arid on Tuesday will • leave Goderich for Detroit. The return trip' from Detroit • In"Griderich will be ' ; on Thursday. and the Greyhound will Goderich again--.pn Friday hit popular trip is a sure- sign of spring. House Burned Down. --The house occupied by Mr. and Wm. Phillips in Goderich township, near the river. was destroyed by fire on Wed- nesday about noon. -Mr. and.- - Mrs._ Phillips were at dinner when the lire was discovered, and by Oil time the r4of .was in tiames. A portion of the i'onfents the house Was saved. The property I owned by, Henry Romp, of lianulten. Mier Entertainers. . The Bert Johnston company ',wet, greeted with good houses at the Grillo, Theatre on Friday and Saturday Infra- ings. Mr. Johnston is a very ilever and versatile entertainer. equally expert as a magician. Mr. Smith. the violinist, also is a host in himself and does some wonderful and amusing things with the violin and other instruments. Be - Also tween them they produce a program that is well worth seeing and hearing. Touring California. Mr. Jas. Young,t from Goderich, was a visitor on February 214th at the his exhibit of Southern California products maintained free to the public in the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce. Ile also attended the lectures and moving piitures that are a part of the daily program. The exhibit is the largest in the country maintained by a commercial organization. Before returning home, Mr. Young expects to visit several ot the many other places of interest in the Southland. 1 A delightful eviming was spent by those who attended at North sireet Methodist church on Thursday evening to hear the recital hy Rev. (Capt.) Martin, of Hamilton. of Dickene' "lee ed Two Cities." (hie of the moat on hand at 11. T.17.-Vrrttes 'N1r. 11. McIttlycn announce.. that he. /,11 open hi- .ciocetaria on tilt. Soilare, iks^ , Starting Mondas and Tues -da.), Mart+ .19th and Mith. In "ADVENTURES OF RUTH" The greatest metal of Um day. Fre. matinee Monday, Mareh 21. Only admission le war tax. gripping stories in our literature, it was is a symptom of KitIney tioCtor Mo. said, "1 timer ., 41)341c141F10...4.1•114.1fia•1114.44- •1•11,11 1114,11',11.1e431.34.11111 fill for EsNmse and kiidacy Trouble,. rind Dodd's Kidney Pills Proclamation ! The flavor latts—and the electrically - .sealed package brings TOWN of GODERICH WRIGLEYS to you with all its goodness perfect- ly preserved. By virtue of the aittliority granted lie Health Act, the Board of Health ..f the Town of Goilerich, by a resolution of tho Board parised on thh4 (late, HEREBY ORDERS CIAPSIED All Dance Halls, and all publle eard parties. teas and sociale until flirt her not ic.•. Any person or porsiona not eom- plying with Lids Order will be Chairman nf the M 0. 11 Board of tuarks. mac an. Sealed Tight- KePt Right! JUICY FRUIlij All