HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-3-18, Page 3".,y.•- 4 •..... .Y-��....- .
II 16 a.4.ni.hine how
qua kly Mwa,d.• Loth.
sent rchesen
Gives Great
ll.. 4 R'•J..n,, 26
t'... .
annum- '41 nu•W.dnas
seed ll..rd , L.nl,.rw
I- .nmol/ a Fn..4. til
t tell a th t
II r. o great ,end: •
CI 13
►Ir. r..1. J ,at,.. nn. 214. Tl..w 44. not-
^1 wa.ra .err .,0n neural, ,•.t..<I.r
1•11, amad.�.•J t..ry fib 1 4 (0 40 . ad
1 111 ....d ,montes. . tire. te.e Mrrlora•u.a.
.reseal ., wary, .4 sal w .ha. ma.1414 taw.
Ts„ .Inter 1 t. to .w.. •. n,.a, I.,nr•ty m. Ire
and e•rthe to 414.441.. lHese
told r. oat Lapse asst lbn•.J .. u'.t...her, we
. wile- sea ora. -
t Torr•, ..w .: 7 et- , a: .`_`"'r''1.-'
MHk: HAD SUFFERED cit fill' r.•aclt,uf the town to know Hutt
+• hospital existsfru prepaIti red
ON BETTER BASIS I flet Dol lr kcal
t•luargt• of those who are slid: or In -
r Jurist : and It Y111111%1111uet elicit, person
• , 11 thin titer Nauta slna1tl 4t$0 11M fait whale of the
--- Nus -Has 1'rrfert Digestion and uh11KU11ou 14l nla4utllhl 1ht• 1114lit1111011
Clan to Enlist More General and Verses are ('slot. In proper xi41kluK urde•r.
$ stealatk Support. WI certainly have cause for be ng grate -
Till to Tanlac. since it has overcome a case
of stomach trouble that had bothered me
fur twenty years." said Mrs. Annie Doyle.
who Ines at 240 Paradise Row. St. John,
N. B.
"Fur the past twenty years i have
hardly known what it was to eat a good
meal without being troubled afterwards,"
she conlieued. "l would bloat up with
gas until,my heart palpitated something
awful. What 1 ate soured on my stomach
and caused me to have a heavy, distress-
ing feeling all the time: I got awfully
dizzy sometimes and often I had fearful
headaches. 1 was so nervous that the
lest noise out of the o,rdmary startled
my bkood was in bad condition and I
had a continual pain in my side. I was
to weak that 1 could not do my house-
work and I got so little pleasure in life
that 1 had lost all interest in everything.
"After 1 read in the paper how a minis•
ter had received great benefit by taking
Tanlac I made up my mind to try .11
myself. 1 began to feel better atter the
first few doses and 1 continued to improve
Mil now all my twenty years' troubles
have disappeared. I can eat anything 1
'ant and digest it without the least bit
trouble; gas has quit forming and i, am
longer 'troubled with palpitatitmi, err
dizzy p� Its. The pain in my side. is
and the\tleadaches are a thing of
est: my blood is in fine conditio
sleep better than I did: myY\
steady as can be. in fact I ase
bled in any way and 1 have
doing all my housework. 1
-onfdence in Tanlac, for it
better health than 1 have
In•Goderleh by E.LB.
ng druggist in every
At at 'IOM tlltlt of the Monod of 'Alim-
ent a hospital on Mare•h• -Nth
t•r Its ruuslty ratiwl wail given to the
war Ito of niitllla's. Wit 11 11 view to
arrivlug Ilt 44 11111' wyst(W1(le method of
misting the holds (14'414411ry fur the
u1111uteuaucr of the hospital.
A report prepartsl by Mr. T. Ii.
/'apnru, rreusit lrr. 1lowl premeattsl
through the isu11u(1• etenutittet' dt'slt In
nu etluiu«tive Nay N Ih the tlnanefat
pied' loon of the hos till, post and
prt•.rnl .
Ion the basis of hast y - r'$ eX1M•IMII-
lure, and nidi the ruuuty S. 11111 a1n•udy
fu Ilia till'. it will require .5 Stile,. in
uddititnl to plt.otenbs h\ 1 tleotn, to
Ivan„ lb(' ecls•ud111or0 for. the re-
iuderif dais hospititl year, coding
iu S4•ptemIicr.
lAH.kllig 111 future yegra,--th
swluhvsl iu additionto present wl
of fevelrne to t wt_ tin` yy-ewrly else
11111intelnula•IM i•si1waIs l at i%.
!Cos•.•tilt, frons patients are estiasat
at diem! r..eimMI: tr _ y grant,. $1d$Mt
town Kraut. 5455,: Guvernnbent "gni
3.24)0 dotustiuus from lathrum w.•ieties,
$'2154. Willi an esttaunted yewrly ex•
te•Ialiteire of $7.5!M4, this I4•ate14 11 detle•it
of tar..lm(1 31.:1111.
1'roptwal to Foran Hospital Satiety.
instead -of -tag days" seed tither
- 'ls•ggingr' se•I14•I1144,, a Melo slwtild ,Is•
tilw•uulh)ual. it % as su'gt ''stat tlwt ti never tru
Iluspitaf 2t.s•iety 1w' formed and :Om gone back
ulcwls•rsllil.s Is. 4.1111 111 r.3 1.111'11. pluelug have every
tl,..r_-t..r(ta..lhtn ou s w•If-itup1Mrrthlg4has put me
!suis. . The memhl•ra shonM he /entitled eni(n ed in Y
to 1•I.4•t tilt. liesphnl !weir() al ills '1'a.111/ie 11 uta
x111111111 nlre•ting. Nltl$h 'worth! lu Itw•If Wigle and the le
smalls a nes• hltere'Mt to howpk,ll offals'. town.
uu•Inls•r Height oleo lie ufferell the
il,n. Ltd b.Wren'
PA1It.e{ratite. tr..n c
mr- *Nea.e. Nwe1, cta,ea[ Seed 1.r. 004.4 deaear
.., eye
. ear, nose' and throat. panful deafness. lumbago
sad rheumatic conditions. Adtnorda removed
without the kale. Lidice at leadtnce. corner
Nelson and Sl. Auden .streets. At borne odice
Noaday., Tber.dals arca setuda) is. any evening
be el5pasMmkat.
PR. 11. G. MAdI (.11.LL.-HONOR
Graduate lwotn,, 1.nr•cra.ty. Gradwte
oyat College et (rental Su,cr'n.•
Saeceawr to the 3444 hL Na 24.0 Offices earner
Square and Nest Of ret. (.tisk:.. I..
11 \ ale IONEER.
boa 117, Goderb0. All in.trtnt(utla by mail of
ea •t S4144.1(414 will be pots tsl) attended to
te.a.deoce te,Itw•rlel}.. ----_
XIL. 1 hk. .uls.tue. notary yublt . Obca
etaadtou Street. G4Atench, thud doer. teem
bgllale. 1 cwt luaus to wan at Wrest ra4a
I' 1C. tE t.
Dacca-Stro�hn�• Tank tk(k, h►m41oe
Goderlcb. Tmssaolae els-
1.al Estate. Lon and' lnaureace.
---11'NOtiDFO6r£ --IC I1. LOR Alli - tr
aAa lt►Tia9, - SO1-1C13OR ..
tear on the Spuarr, secu(.d ,door tram Mandl
M 1.a tort, GUdttah.
royale hinds to roan at lowest retail
N. taut uruur. K. C., J. L.,Ktu.CS*$
a. H'.J.D.Cooaa.
1.4) 151• a etc, adorns,, .04n-ttw. etc., 4,4(401
Money 1u41rcd et 14114511 tales. .•.
It. 1"1 OK, n'Aery. publu. 44d c,nveyancet.
(tm,c.-Court lluu.c. (rout .w to ill
the p
and 1
nerves a
Jas. Connolly. PM.. Godpich P. 0;
Drth, r. tower. tem 4. Nelson. Nathan(
Ruin. ',carton at, John li4eruwioruie. 1
Ewen, IL hritire, sines Evanie-beveheouil, James
Guernsey. limier I.
Agents. .17-W. (.0. Cocktail:. Ales. Leitch.
c.Yfeints anti roo t Iwo (aids recrIpletl al IC 1.
furtl,r indut•eneht of • wee'k's free
hospital atteudnnee 111 the year, in caw•
of illness.. tr
lusa•,nl of 11avlutr nu Ito ilirereiit
puhli,- ways the rsort. 1.4' would
1111',' at 11'1114 threw or four himdtvsl
mruds•rs of the• r•,nutlael11ity talking an
/let in.• 1.111 personal interest In our web
faro. The various ,.1M•ItttIPs whish
111101• given such wonderful aseistaure'
to 1 k hospital lu the punt w•uuld 110
donhe assist ns hi s•Iliug mt•mlwrrshlp.
With 11 dWiu'tl• obJeet like this in vi,'w.
The different clubs in the adjoining
country alight also ussist ill n similar
Manner. foot 1 (•1111 We no w'rtons 41i111 -
citify in 'raising 1111 11niount Ile'..•ss1t ry
to put' tont institution on at good
Thursday, 3Iare•h 1R, 11120.-11
Proof that Some Women
do Avoid Operations
Ashlield township council met Marc
Sth. . Members all present. Min
utes' of Febaua:y meeting read
and on melon of Johnston and
Jamieson were adopted. The following
bills were presented and on motion of
Jamieson and Johnston were ordered
paid: McLean and Bradley, dicing road,
concession 12, $x.50; John Wallace, disc-
ing road. concession 9, 15.50; Joe Mc
Adam. breaking Kintail road, 94: P. R.
McNay, sheep claim. 835: 12 J. Webster,.
sheep valuator, 92; %V. P. Reed. balance
'total)/ 910 and postage 94.55, 311.55;
Fred Hunt, keg nails. Ski; J. Hackett,
part solar% 925; F. Johnston, part
salary, $25F 1.i. Jamieson. part salary,
125; T. Sullivan, part salary. 125: T. J-'
Richardson. part salary. 125 The
matter of road to lake at Kintail
was lett with Councillor Jamieson to
arrange settlement before the first of
ApriL On motion of Jamieson and
Richardson !ewTltil adjourned * until
April 12th. at 1 p. m. C E. McDorAGII,
Clerk.' EAST \t'AWAdSH.
Miltu'ee of rivinril onset ._held
March I1to. Members all piresent but
Mr. Straughan. Mjnutes of la '( meeting'
Mrs. Etta Dorion, of Ogdensburg, Wis., says:
"1 suffered from female troubles which caused piercing pains
like a knife through my back and side. I finally loot all ray
strength so I had to go to bed. The doctor adeised an operation
but I would not listen to it I thought of what 1 had read about
Lydia E. 'Inkhorn's Vegetable Compound and tried it. The first
bottle brought great relief and six bottles have entirely cured me.
All women who have female trouble 'of any kind should try
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound."
How Mrs. Boyd Avoided an Operation.
Canton, Ohio. -"I suffered from a female trou) 1,' which
caned me much suffering, and two doctors decid. d that
I would have to go through an operation before 1 could
get well
My mother, who had been helped by Lydia F.. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound, advised me to try it be-
fore submitting to an operation. It relieved me from
my troubles so I can do my house work without any
difficult). I advise any woman who is afflicted with
female troubles to give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound a trial and it will do as much
for them.' -Mrs. MA= Bora, /422.1 6th tit..
N. E.. Canton, Ohio.
Eve Sick we 1 e . Shod
titre read and confirmed. A
of ladies on behalf of the
Petriotic SI•ciety appeared be
council in reference to the dislrib
rtain motleys now In the treaour 'at
d been voted by the county c 1
viously for Red Cross pur poses.
ve intimated that in .ue_tilne no _
do t a proper attrication of this n
(something over 33001 would be made
a manner satisfactory to all parti
concertled. Messrs. Leaver and 1)o
esent in reference to sheep owned
�prmer having been destroyed by
ly and thought the township,
to aHlehle•r- them. at
srheute• as onmintedl cu
11 00 1111111 4'r'e•alt4 souls
(.nul.:utiity. and terve th , way for tate
i:1a'i i:Il tel l:.s% for /h1. 1 •50 huspifal
grant 1ygeni'i's ys•ople• Lia ing +dealt
•om hospital.
N"Writ' 1401114• such
t4 Ito tuttsl on.
01,'rt•st i1a the
V1'ill l'onakier Whole Quilt
Judge •,'irickson al a previnu. meet-
ing hail ',viten Hotter that he routed
moo, to ,.increase the hospital'. '.•:
but in' 4ie\c 14'•1he 111.11 prup1rs111s tor
Increasing the rest. • he withrlwhl
motion, and.the chole• question M d
ferret! until the next mooting. allow -
lug "the. wciithe -. 'ot the•-Iarard utgsar-
tpuity to �• 1he Matter thorough row
mneial Awdiug. The proposal was *ML•'rit....
trade a1 our last meeting ng bilin our bv- Another prop...0l is to rt'.In'e to a
laws Is• reuusl4llas. if these were pot level flee allergies for. all the wards ex •
luto abate•. nod as public wa'thlg (1111ed1 1•.ptt_he lw'u highest paying -- this with
.1, Iota- to 'nuking "he hospital mare
Illepnlnr and i,,ereaxula, the. general
revenue_ 11 the eillellw, w sari stature the
__C1go Cuba contain the rich nourish-
ment of prime beef in so compact and
convenient a form that they are handy
for use anywller., et any time. Just e
cube -hot water -and a biscuit or two
-and a light sustaining meal is ready.
VEG1 �
Befo :� ubmitting To An Ope 'ationl
were Pt
by the
dogs I '`` // ''
should asume part of the liability to r O *raht�stu Preaching.
conn chi sitII the same. The council
however, tboutht otherwise and ref
rdinal ice}ieSaid at a dtn
to take a y actioin this matter. Ne York:
Cosines -It.. ison:1hat 41!e +ala t f «N fit, .che.\about hell fife now.
Dr. Stewart .. M. O: be inert to Hell li pr :c ng, as,jt is called, evokes'.
950 and also • at Alex.,McGo n and more a - *Tient tharfluxror.
Robert Shiell . appoin sat tary in- 01 on heard ' n n fashioned Brus-
spectors. The foliowint p ointments . sels prs tray to, h's cot( rrgahnn:
were made: Pou keepers . Hoare. F ' 'rien's, you seen molten ircn
Marshall.- J. C. oils, tl. Taylor• you mg ou , f a fu aces haven't you
Geo. .Cunningham R. - ightman, H. ygo've seen how it c es forth whitehot.
McGee. I. Robi ' . Campbell, 7 szling, hips K. 11'e!h friends-'
Cochrane and . 1. 1 ' Currie, kens -And the p ocher ani tett impressively
iew rs W. J. Park R. J. McGee. F.D. s!raight down th his L. g•hnger
Iker. J. 'Menzies'. . Shiell end • "Well, friend.. they use that stuff for
14 . rtson. Sheep vs aturs-D. • c •
um* ant cream dos n here."
. C. Ston 1. 1.
no asters
till next
snub oheftier the 110pitiil is fall 01- comm
empty. motion o rbertson a
Heuer ArratrttaedMtien Required. council adieu rd to
1,hwsciry.''At� St
t Ia 1 h h wiiiORTERFIEI D. ( I
School atiendan
e appoint
f ere will be any
ting. the counc
et as to whet
statute la
nflicer N
ent o bat
wa lett Over,
wing {yp1
r they vtai11
It�sr not. Oq
(\suites thd,.
gain on -
tlt A.a
hospital i hoard u lssslkililt tor=
e o ,11.1 t,, rotas time -when
have tr-feet and larger. 1
titian hot to other defe0•ts,
hospi14tl Itis ,1. xa'ni111/MM
lsatb rats rt'ituiriug. IsoLPltou.
w dative, during tilt• present a•pit
iuHnt.ura and pnPlnuouin. 11
• lni'e aulvisal IhHI stip•b '_art
Is• adlilltnot 10 file t)mtpi
trolls 11111,11 from the
the hospital: hilt wit
IM'SS le s1ltft1 t'o're we
1.1111111. 1
u• pre. d The T
flan ter First Mai (braggln about a
,, given the d y before by er mistrtc
is ! And they II came in (into vies and h�
nn the •randest clothes�1 -• wore,Ih
un 't not diamonds.
ghb 'r's Maid-lftnd s
(rot Maid -Us.
the Ihiy.
t . �r its
lsefuin, of
the prdllige'd
Ili lie a ./spitritte
hull titer to 111' oast lir ladariou. ta+e•s
Tile tasty. t„e
dent wii.s tisk,
th0 1.1a us 0
did they
e new. hospital 1 Who sill be the first Mart- 16-.
It Is 1 red- at the t tot I. nment
Tin t more ralrfir NOM
More General Interest 1-r
At the en me 11tair the -lets( al
.0atters. Although smite of its
fort/Vette etiottarlt ted to fake reoilii.
I have removed mo stand
south of Square,
and, tried lhat my
friende and patrons will
call 141 Illo there. I
nill handle thic- Same
s as fornierly, end
all orders etitnisted to
me coin reeks e most
•fol attention.
Funeral Directors
a :! Embalmer
ell (rte.:1'1 front t 11-
Do you endure the misery
of Asthma with sleepless
nights• dttflcult brearhtna
and Ines of strength?. How-
ever had your epee, quick
relief to guaranteed by the
Use of
Totappreparation Is the re-
mdt of years of experiment -
log and etudyy. TT
bbeenento tderived hroilghs s Itcrtest
Wrtte for free gamete to
Templet.ona. IVYKing M.
Toronto- __ __ gg{{esa
weerrywbsred by lfora104abet.
Rumples 1 4y Is' hail at
Dltl,lnlis 'rug Slum.
oot ' ear
There is
ta\tllde car
line of foot-
utpass -
.0) suc.;�Bstully i'• ting
the big popular de
for attractive, reliable,
eratel" priced\ hoes.
Buy now and`
ey on y3urfootw
Western Ontario's Largest sad Sou
Commercial Schaal
We give thorough courses and have
'experienced instructor,' in Contluer-
vial , Shorthand t Telegraphy Dor •
partments. •\Vr anoint-grduste •-lo
110x11 fens. W�'Ite for our tree ('ate
alogne. It may httereat you.
--D. /i.. st,Ptincipal
Advertise In Thr Signal. It pays.
'oily. and Charles Sit• Toronto.. I 4es
Li 411 if for 0,14r 411 Mr elf SOS I.. Weft
• IMO es arrouniano lee museum COM.
Irt• .1 motors. V. mond to CV! tea more
than •n ores our ott411, Cleo *II Eniet
111,, I Wrne ler festoon.
A Witness Testifies
weak and nemeris '1
.-dresseznywiC___Lhed I_
the doctor Mid toek. .1
to' Anti, fi'leasatc
eery for me to take about '111'44.1,011c. When ..`,, or a year, and a nsinther are brought
It was may neste i, wont' of lams p.f.a sktna In the course
strength awl I Kiv,a• been iii bettertideith . • se.-- t . t ' - 'in • - loft I
Mid take .1.hese *thin 14411,4114., .knowinel filo" slinot eipOrted .diiiitilt \Vic
OWES FIER LIFE • the l'nite "Fttate;•., 31:747.1,'„111 to (treat
. Ilritain. and $2111,292 to other coon -
et I Writ.. the following:1ml . which these exports have ;geed Cali
the ntrar.e•trtffeter,- wire Ise obtained from the fact t,at the
1 In. I'lereels medt- collie of the export of flirS-5114-91rttrs
In 1917 was hitt $5.41.7.:Isi. Miring'
at all Moire. night/ or (ley.
til 11/Ettl("44
Ilan to hump in O tunic -2e who tan talk
•, lust as fast an is long a e can.
South Side Square
Work Boots-
iviou dirs andTactory Men
able for inside and outside use. Our heavy Gaiters art
j ust the boot suitable for moulders.
Moulders' Gaiters, while they last, at $3.75 a pair.
'Built -to -Wear" Bova Boots for school and
We have special values in men's Work Boots suit --
kinds of hard USage.
If 'or all
rt. Seek
great pieniotee
1 tope if sirra
do not know the
tinter would tin them
"In regard to my et
weak bark: I the mtsfo
spinni menitifitie When 1 was one year old
and until I was 13 I did not Nee is well day,
hut it vary kind 'lady told my mother Asyut.
irot 1i -bottle to try it. It did me so ninth
good that mother got•tne It holder,. Rovent-
my liaqk barite. My (Meter gave me up
and solo! I would not live, Nit I still Mirk to
Dr. l'ieree'e Favorite Preneription and to
miy tiorpriee in three *woke I woo out of hed
and IWO 1.04. 1 owe my life to it and nothing
Mae. anti shalt never he without it.
testa. lute _beyond the t.rapping and
"If any snifforet wishes to write I will 1
I an4Wer with Pl."`"*"-MRS* NI)L I taking of the tern tbo various phases
BARTHOLOMEW. et the tidlillta "fallad out et Caa.
11 natty.
t*) 11' that you seleet
to• 1% irk niust be
upon 11"--„ that you will
I 11.0 hp rr the longer
.1 Semi -ready; Suit bill live
fiti,o, avid fof that reason the
the tie.rs'of true aft=r,11i11 every'
curve al cut je.lt
The fiv :ilial. of service
worker! to every garment -
ti the standard of value
wide price in\ the pocket
assures \
ran do
We adtlape in hel
yott get just wh you will
like to -tiny and. after.
dition, 1 will say the inonth of March 1919. fhe value.
Aln month In 1115. It hatH
been eetimated that eighty per cent.,
of the silver foxes of the-itorld come
from Cssaada.
For nearly four renturiss Canada
has been one of the largest and
most productive fields of the fur
trade, aad .t impossible to fedi-
abate the number or the value of the
snotty pelts taken from the traps of
elle Domini*, 11 thla Perind Yet,
Mil ft0 recently.' the fur trede
adian hands:
the trappers a then the -ea,
materials *eat to the large foreign
There has gradually (tawniest a
restitution of the money lost In (hie
way, however. and In future rim-
ed* will market her OWT1 tlirs and
Montreal become nne of .1h, mote
important fur merkets of the globe
For years London, St. lintle AIM
Now York have been the selline
centrism to which ranadten . toter
travelled and Rt. tont. had the
world's premier fin mart The
=eta)* at Montreal wilt D• eat -
rad •re smught man
with trmrt'i•sr
ducted t,. ttr-,70 Poonyeenu
Ized at $5.(tei.eec told *golf
he fir next mtteee.
Tht Imitate, ix fairly e/nr•ral
tete bee In ineretIon for more than
thirty re. rs. has aoseumed VOX,' tin -
portent p portInne. 1n lett thee.
wor. In th Island mi late. then re
foIt'vatielies Ith nearly 4,500 fox ,.
tleadqtiorters moor