HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-3-4, Page 8•
q Tlmr.da'. 'M.1' h 1 11\'_'A
Gr *naps 1
and Records
Titerr i• r (olunlbia 4.rtw
for )our hone al any prier )o
may de..ire to pa). Regardless
of law prier )ow paa) it gill he a
high•elass mu.teal lnar..arartt,
311 oruanwllt to your home. a ,
sourer of &AI) delight to )our
farm% and friend.. The only
uwfhine un the market whit i.
1F:1.F-t.Tll l'I'l1+iG.
one. in and lair it un-
.Uatrd. M:ichilw. in stork
5135.00 UP.
Full sleek eT1'F.W RF:('ORtsS, -
OODBRICtt our.
.\`. i .1 : 1 i . s. . ►:.1:.11f,li:.NT. e
Preferrnts Pharr% et Hoe Cledleitts Nes-
cantlle ('e„ I.lnllted, ten the Market:
a las• aleuti4ly UM: lnl'Uuistct iii1 The signal, the t.otlt•rkh alerrantliel
I Company, Limpet!, the vonuttest lot
I lloti'rich'ti industries. La Yawing a Vigor.
I on, growth. and bid. fair to heeorne of
the moot ,.utoe.•titi and suhstautial of
fie tuw•u c tiltl4rtri,o-eanbli.httaettts.
'rho artal. 11 is making- ratttart nlrni•
titre, go -arts, baby carriage., »mull
N heel rixa of rariotts kiwis, t"c,,, etc.
hate met with a deuuuld 1411141' 1.1. -
yowl Ihe'iu'4sent ability of the tom-
)elle).• 111 ..apply: One t'4# iiIlIi„ti that
II lop"l. thea 1•uW1 1 7--twwrlyr •.the
,.merit' uf'I rtw uuah•r►ab'- ►. r4#wwttn
to 'litany iudu,tri •.: another tutsatitap
whirh s•a111 inure rr;i slay be yea11ve1 is
tale lark of:sitttirieut capital ht tarry
nn a nitre ei4tensive bustles. It wIrl
hl• rtulrnd1•red that the 4'owl•a11)' yya.
r. u.tel by a few local y44uh,S wen.
ielu44jug two returned sdlilier.. largely
t�y nay 4"41-rxp•r.iwt•tir: iiUt-fl`ter-r+'1
1yeuutiu' �•kllrrieutr ,:rash a de 1144 fur
1 the 1'oml►anr i guests hal` been re,rtiltt+t
-moil%' of eNtiatvlitig.
Hoey's Grocery Store
We have all kinds of
Canned Goods
for the Lenten season. also
Breakfast Foods
Try our Special Blend
that it would he very )MMT ba.tot•.. to
la•gle•1 the Upton
furul hang larger employment iii lova!
.."104.440. y•t a LringloGis
profit t44 the town.
14'141. these ubjrit. lu 4-1V the eerie
pan' ha. pla'rr✓iu, t14 .nn?rki't one11101411•,1 Min re, ortillarht Icent.
ferelire stark, of par vatI
at 1'9.' a shall'. This utfer, a ales!
atirail Ir.• ins-estlttt•nt. The money
go 04, 11114# du iudu.*ry right *lister Mir
44%11 re., managed by loyal well whom
114' *11 awe%. �alc.Jstthiiug to build ftp
ouril 'a 1,1ii- .\+ al wife ane1 reirif
investment It is °tie Of tile lyst things
that lune helm +.lucrel to the people, of
i 4 terit in litany year.. -
1 The directors of the 4'otntta4l' are
TI a. Ih•iteliard. president ; \1'cctllr
ONCE he was I proter ional man.
Drink. induced by trouble.
paralyzed him. ' He dropped to
clerk -warehouse loan -race trach
tout -thief -vagrant. His v:ife and
children were forced to leave him.
AND then
ONE night at an open-air meeting
God cot hold of him.
E came to the ball alter the meeting -pendent, eeting-pendent, confessing.
-Next hestart1d paper- tng-
�ked conscientiously. and began
to regain' his self-respect. Very
a u•a.el aoonw pod position _bras feuad (or -
him, j
TODAY he and lis family- are
happily re -united. and he 1s
office manager of a large hem. -
UIS-trstimony is -"God gut hold
of me and with the heap of the
Salvation .Arm) Ile has kept hold
308 Ser%ice Posts in
this Territory. Use
T. Millar 1 o 1►. 'illllnr i soot. vire-
prl•.ideul : .\. F. sntitl. .e rotary
11i. ut •r; )I. C. Cameron.
Wacker. '1•b,• 1'o111444111)• 144 Irc-
111Z 11144.4 trv,u44u•i,•at11) uuul14,44Ml. 1414 to
Nhi'h fnrtli.'r iufonwuteli .run•' la•
_it'•u to itn)oile iUtrresti.•,1; .\ IINKh'st
4)I, e.4MM't11. It:t. heel) (.L1tet ,11111 17'41114.
% ill be fwral.la•l .tis 1144,1144•14414414 1;' 1444
Dean's Ok[Stand 'Phone 1 10
>YhprCX1fXrrlt f1[w'h
•3{OW many people can 4ou-
J� think of right now who
awould I,ke to have your photo-
graph, and low long since that
tf7l jut•pie was misdi "
Malls en eppoinS IIs today.
aftootUnftrtflcX a xxxc
is the aim of every careful shopper, and a
perfectly justifiable aim in these days of high ---
prices. With our inside
concerning the conditions of the wholesale
market in our own particular business, with
nothing in sight but greatly increased pricer;
we would say to the wise and ' ' dent buyer,
to buy right,
of the, af,n'tuestlu1t'1 genth•mru. - The Signal trust. that the 41e"1rt•t1
atwount 4.f IV pita will be atrt'r'dib'
1!1'1'1!1,,,mit+a:Iwila4;,sauUdent that It w•III
(K• N i.elalit' efftrtively employed.
DYE Dots Ir. -Saves a dime for ev*ry
cent it costs. No doubt you would wear
that last spring's gown if it sere only
a different color. This is true of so many
good garments. Make them'
like new and of a color to your liking.
Diamond and Dyola Dye will color sulk.
cons" linen. or woollen goods and do ►1 ,
without injuring the fabric. 4%e Nivel
Sunset Soap Dye and Rit. co through}
your wardrobe now and bring out the
things which need dyeing. 13e prepared 1 �\
rix the early spring days. E. R. IGLE,
druggist. derach.
"Tale Third Vui'v. or -creating 1411
Atmosphere.", pod -The ideal 3lnn
3lanifestitag Hi,. Authority." will he
the subjects at the Baptist 5'laun'h next
Lord's 1►ay. lk.th theme. have definite
applh•ilioti to. the need• tit our (lay.
111b1e School at ::. and 1t. Y. I. t'.
at . tielo •k. .
31r. 3fi•1h'rmid will o'artiuore on Stilt -
day morning in KlM'x church the short
series of semiotic on "$ome Funda-
alentalsfu_ the New Era." snhJe t of
sermons.: 1T n. puss "Thr (Bible In the
Yew Ern -:"-1--w in.. "'Elie Thoughts 44f
1;4M1" Sunda) ' school and 111111e 1 h4..t'.
et :: o'clock.
servieev in Kurth .tr.t't Jlcthalia '
'church nett -Sunday will be a1' follow,.:.
to a. in.. clans w,M•tings. Junior !Avant.
z• -tin! M44'1t-.4 gins. The t'lub topic will
Is' : "lbws the i'han-Ii' toy it. way?'
-``3lr,-1'-31-itoM•rtwm wilt leetrutltuw the
faytlu. - r pastors Morning thews
will be : "The Tolerance of the 1;usp1•I."
• tq blue irrupt Z 4L 1Y. H. Taylor, nips•
sklnarr under appointment 40 N"ea
4'hi.».. 4.111 preach.
Rev. Hugh Taylor, lately appointed
missionary to Went. China, has been
chosen to represent the Epworth Leagues
and Sunday schools of the Methodist
church througheut Goderich district.
Mr. Taylor sails from Vancouver for
China on April 8th. He will, be the ,
guest of the Goderich district for the
next two weeks. and will preach next
Sunday morning in Victoria street .
church. and in North street church in the -
evening. This wdl be his last visit to the
district before sailing for China.
Vietoris Street Methodist Church.
On Sunday morning Rev. Hugh Taylor,
lately appointed missionary to West
China. will preach. Sunday school 3
p.' m. Evening. a ' sermon to young
people. Subject: -Have We a Vision
Worth While!
W. Reg. Sharman, Proprietor
('ontiuued from. page 6._-•.T._
Itlatthford, Mr I.'wis Honey, V. ('., of whom the Inst two
is ere killed in action...
There were 60 ehauges of teat'hers rat midsummer; the
, cause of no many changes in most cases was neither lack
of appreciation of their services, nor inadequate remuner•
*tion nor 11114 '011 surroundings, but the restless spirit
that stems to have 1)t)sveased the world after the strain 1,f
the ant-. With such eonntent changing educational inter-
ents cannot be hest serYed.
Salaries in almost all the schools have ad!Hnned from
$1011 to $'00. in now, they are unequal to what teachers
.'44u1d cornmeal in other spheres of life. An active ram
•. pa Ku has beret carrier) on both in Canada and the 1.nittrl
Tttatsdelicious made-m-Goderich ice-
cream Blackstone's makes new friends
every day.
SEVERweeks have been spent in
- furnishing in the most up-to-date
style our new Ready-to-wear Depart-
ment. The entire second floor has been
remodeled. and -is now one large room
'-i1-1 be 'deed entirely for ladie?,
' .1
Cases of the most up-to-the-minute style have been_iustalisd in whish to keep the garments. These cased -
are • fronted with glass doors, thus keeping every garn enc free from drat- end always bright and fresh. Mirrors
have been set in each case so that the garments can be readily then when being tried on. A new lighting system
has also been added so that garments can be bought at night or in the evening as readily u in the daytime. Colors
'rill appear the same as in daylight. The floors have been finished and pretty rugs have been lent to ma
surroundings attractive. Everything that could be has been done to make the department a p place
your buying.
A fitting room has also been built, where garments may be tried on and selections made.
Not Only has the department been built in the most up-to-date way. but our merchandise has been bought
along the same lines. We have soared no trouble in selecting g
t a garments
that considered thip, to date sdlF ihio 'i
latest creations. Style does not always mean flashy garments,
style comprise not only the extremes but the moderate garments that carry distinctivencsa with them. Another
feature that has been considered is as far as possible one garment of as tyle, This will ,be especially featured in
Coats, Suits, Silk. Wool and Voile Dresses and Blouses.
Fier the earning spring •'••t.tOi are Il44v ,leen fortunate in
securing \l)RTili\CA1•'5 !'oat.. They. are -'sell knowti
'uiTriiiiericii it�d Ttte h'ttrrmtntlintt eolutt . 441: gartueitts
-that give- exeellent wear and etunpri.e th iegsttn'x beect
deign. These Coats will be on display n Saturday.
March 6th -The Opening Day.
. tour Itlo*yes-are !yell known. .1
large space has been. reserved for
Blouses and every a4le that you
1•oul,l Irish to see is here for.your
()lir Suits have hcett delayed pall. it i+il1-tie iitirnieatkle to
w many for nor oleuing. but in a short time tote,'
wi, 'b. uu si.isfiI8.' 'I'ht•" are moderately priced and will
---app ' .1 to every) woman w ho' w•u ueeta-a spring suit.
---''''S A BLOUSE
March will be the opening day for this Department
Day. --Saturday, mould like every woman that can to corn*
y of Garments that we are showing. - '�
The first shipment of Skirts e.1IIIprivs the new styles of
Gabardine. This in a eioth that appeals 14) everyone for'
light .'niton-iku`tTa-dliey-are'show•n in many styles, isudl-
range in prise_ from $2.98 to $4.50. -
We arc -Mrrrrie -hem--tn_--> . voile, gingham, and
print. It: is impossible for :brae to describe the b..uti illi
features of these gowns. We want you to come and see
them displayed ancf, try Tim n.
A .large ramie of House Dresses. in light and .lark
patterns Lasde by the largest and hest manufacturers -in
Canada:: The* are it{ all' sizes end full length and width.
Middies acre being•shown is Ladiea1 Misses- au(' ('hit-
Oen's. with colored trimming" or: in plain white.
Kiddies and Mixsea' Dresses '
In thetmest attractive act -j ee and iikr-ningat. -The patterns
are very pretty and the Pimenta will fit perfectly.
Saturday of this week will be the Opening Day. We want everyone to come and see the department and inspect our
merchandise. We want you to come often, as each week wings new goods for you to inspect.
& CO.
-`-"The-House of Retia -i ity7/
States by the prey.. the Government and public speakers
in urging on school hoards higher salaries for thejr teachers
es a 'natter of justice to those at present in theiprofeaainn
and as an indllrement to capable men and women to enter it.
School Pana were held at Clinton, Walton, Bluevale,
V<roxefr'r. F'ordwkh, Ethel, No. 4 McKillop and No. 8 Grey-;
they wire without exception most successful and in all but
firl� r
e * were favored with delightful weatheer
as if they were largely to supplant township fairs, and as
they depend for support 4#a loom 'interests and the industry
and skill of the children it may.be-just as well; the $(!cress'
attending these is to a large extent due to the efforts of the
Agrieultural Representative. One result of them has been
the ,introduction of the subject of agriculture in many
"r;ehoots; boards that ridiculed the idea a'few years ago have
forgotten their prejudices and are alive to the value of
the subject.
Consolidated achoolt have been a live question in moat
parts of the inspectorate : even where there has not been a
suitable centre around which to group schools, there has
been considerable interret. in three communities consider-
able progress' has been and various meeting,. held: among
the sections about Walton, Fordwieh, and those midway
between Clinton and Seatforth. Four sections around
V,-alton voted on the question at the sandal meeting: two
voted is favor and two against. I am iafnt'nned that almost
all, even in the sections unfavorable to it, who had children
ilw attendnnee, were in favor of conanlideted achoowhile
the adverse vote came from those without personal interest*
With our Continuation Schools and
to capacity and parents in the rural
tional facilities for their children,
consolidated schools offer the only
in their way is a Seasonable fear of
ties. an unwise conservatism and a
A higher percentage of pupils passed the Entrance ex-
amination and with a higher standing than for several years
past. This wan the result of fairer examination pipers and
it may be better preparation on the part of the candidates.
On account of the unaettled Conditions and tack of labor
little has been done this year in the matter of repairs or re-
building. A fine new school has. however, been built this
year in No. 10 Tuckersmith.
Dental inspection of all school children and the proper
machinery for eompullory attendance are features of Gov-
ernment for the present year.
The Continuation fiehools at Myth, Br unsela and Wrox-
eter were never more prosperous than at present, while the
high schools in this inspectorate distinguished themaelveK
•at the midsummer examinations above all ethers in the
The 4lneeting of the Teachers' Institute was held in Sea
forth on October 9th and 10th; the program was interesting
and inatrgctive; then were 118 feaehers in attendance.
All,the schools were visited twiee during the year exeept
two; one Ivan elnsed and it was impossible to reach the
other on account of a storm.
High Schools crowded
districts better educe -
it appears to me that
solution ; what stands
transportation difllcul-
fear of increased ex -
Advertise 1n The algial.
It soy.
5 1-2 per cent. at 97
interest, while
they last.
T. R. Ha
West St.