HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-3-4, Page 6•
• 4--'1'hs tachy, Meth 4, ta•.M.
Should Read Mrs. Monyhmes
Letter Published by
Her Permission.
Mitchell, rod.--" Erie C. ttfekra>,'a
V. (oust• Compoosidamipaiimn o, aa
earls( to. tone
was look inc totw•r.d
to the cawratg •toy
babies, that 1 an
taeprmes diag it to
tts.oti.e , B •tar •
tale/ itt•aeeday
1 sairered with •sass
nalgia es blunt -Met
1 *Might 1 amid
net bre, bet attar
taking tree bottler
•t Lydia B. Pi a k -
bao V •`•table
esapss ad i was •s-
tirety relieved of
•.oral Is 1 had
ttai..d fs steamy*
..4 was able t• g.
Br rad wed M all
•y h•g•wbltt. M boor whoa nose
sa..ntt..hi wt4gbeftt pounds sad 1 feel
bettor than 1 have fora loot time. I
sever had u asedley. L •.• ••
eunuch guild_••—Mr FILIL Rostra.%
Mi t eh.11 led.
(:oed [e►Itb darhg maternity la •
moat M sat factor to bath n th.r
sad child, MN/hitters bare bees
arceived b the K Lydiardakhem
'Mt -dicta., Lys, Mane., tattle( of
ta•altire•t•edd4eriagthis omit,
Giby tie s ••[ LTdi.it ti•kh..i�►•(o.
twatr.<wv-cwA. swots u,aw •TM
Western Ontario'sLaneet aa1 Res
Comandreial Sepal -
Wes Rive thorot1yM ro�•,esaa i ha,e
e pertenced instructors in Oommer-
cial.f,borthaad and Telegraph> De-
partment.., We swiss graduates to
7.owN,oea, pante for our 'tree (lst-
alogue. It inn) intermit you.
D. A. MCL&OHL.AH, Prfircipal
Reports of Public School Inspectors
As Presented to the County Council at the January
.Inspector Tom'a Report
To the Warden and M4pdaers of the t "nova of Huron.
lu accordunce a ith the Statute specifying the duties
of school inspectors 1 here seri+ subunit fur your consider-
•tion my annual report for the year lf'0• •
• 1 ant. gentlemen.
Your obedient scruisnt,
(iodci1r ich, Ontario. .1. glad i TOM.. t
January 27, 1920. InspeCtti d4Ist r1i1:"
West 11Iiruu.
The year 1919 was.. favorable ,for children to attend
school. On my- visit for ittti;wetiou 1 often fowls! every •
enrolled pupil' present. Only neettsionally was it pupil alt.
sent from school more than one-fifth of the-lasa in th
month. When it ssas Hetk+shars to
went u: Bir itis.- +! _-_
attendance to the purt•nts a satisfactory reply wits ti tudl�
returned to Die. stating that the pupil .wits again ut soloed
or would return soon.
The'Tse1jrT lteutti-dep -Act: ; f„r ft -Pro-
vincial Steho•1 Attendance (4ficer, appointed by the Min-
ister; also fur one or more Intal cotters to be appuit,ted• by
utrl in school boards and by Township ('ounci}.y, Stephen
Council hiss appointed three St hoot Attendance Officers. --
our for the east, one fur the centre and one for the west.
An Aerto render Farmers' Wives and Daughters Elig-
• ible as Members of !rural School Ri.arts cisme into force in
• April, 1919.
An Act rebpeeting .the S4 hoot Attendants of Adoles-
cents. 1929, has not -;vet tome into force. See section 22 of
'aid Act. -
In the inspectorate of nest Huron there are •*'urban
.Boa da of public' sc•huortruhtees employing •24 teaeherr•. and
--9$ enrol igen -with 110Mayhem. _Oilht_teachers aged
'for the last. half-year, 7 held first -ass certititates, 122
Gond-class, '4 third-class and one a temporary certificate.
T. re were 19 sten and 115womelt employed. At 'uni-
sons er, 1919, there were 57'changes of teachers. 5 being
in u n schools anti 52 in neral schools.
Since 917 the salaries of the teaehers have leen ainerea'setl
from '25 .. 100 per sent. -
A tar r number of teachers then usual stere married
in 1919, and • ecame per►nanent 'residents. Their exl►eriene•e.
.and knowtedg of nth • necessities makes thele well qual-
�tied to art as t • *.m,• -
A(;rienIture ii -being taught -hi Gt of the 103 schools;
This subject creates new spirit in the school. It also int-
props the work done the other subjects; h can 1* made
practical- Empirical m thuds of fanning Must give place
to scientific methods if th boys'and gids are to be kept sin
the fans. The school le min Agriculture stimulate the
pupils to real a-..ta---iaie , to-- .The habit thus formed
at schoolwill induce •,thew to •ontinue their resoling and
investigations after leaving soh with gain to themsuehess
and to the community. Therm, a . as much study and
thought neretssry in sitt'eessful farm ngas in commereial
or manufacturing enterprise's. •
Mr. H. K. 1levell. S. S. No. 6. (lodeh Township. \has
given us an object lesson on the suceessfuj scientific Man-
agement of poultry. lir, (leo. •,(4„, a•, -,, _
saws~. �."' ernernrle t�c'1i(tes -proven that •
fsrmer may greatly increase his,ineome by giving part of•
his time to seientitl • bee -keeping. Mr. Samuel Bis set &
Sons, S. S. No. 6, Co urue,•h•ve built up a profitable and
lousiness methods in the
selection of their cows.* d in th,manures/tore of the finished
products,MesRos.--MrE ret: i►,\S. No.- 10, Stauley. and
fanners ,in other f711ti hail/ s town their neighbors the
'handsome profits that may by growing certain var-
- ietiess of sweet clover. And." other lines of sreeial
Eight &tool Fair's were Min 9149. Thea* of these
were conducted by the Agetetdt - - resent/itive. These
Fairs caused a healthy rivalry a sing s1 a schools and the
There is no line!of foot -
weal Inas Car surpass
MacV,car s
.01 suc;,eastully meeting
the big popular demand
for attractive, reliable. mod-
erately priced Shoes.
Buy now and save mon-
ey on your footwear.
s s \,.. 4.11otleri!h, has for year beets "a thing of beauty•,
and will be to the pupils "a,joy forever.'''.
A dental inspection is being made of the teeth of all
pupils 'in the aehuols.of this inspectorate. Forum are fur-
nished by the Department for the porpoise of recording in
duplicate the exact eouditiou of the teeth of each pupil.
true ropy is sent to the parents and the other copy is kept
at the school. l'opiea of these forms are. ,attached, 1)r.
Mabee and Ilr. Alutl)unen have completed a dental iuspet•_
blue of all the acboola in Aaheteld, Colborne, (;oderich Town -
Ado, keg. % swanosh, West \%atvauuah •ltd Hayfield. Many
of the pupils exaniitted have since been taken to a dentist
for treatment. It is intended to complete this inspection
its the other municipalities when the roads and the weather
ars fssvorahle.
The dentists are making the inspection without luty fee.-.
The Department of Education will provide for their travel-
ling expenses from the grant voted by the Legislature in
1919 for this pariyose.
Consolidation Of schools seems to be the "correet thing"
at the present time.
The Ministag said recently, "The Department has re-
-eKeived 70 api>livati,.ua to eonaidei the forming of ennsoli-
doteei-o ehoolas a Bot-�te-r oue:lidated school exists in
• At flunKennon, Dashwood, Ashfield No. 9, i'sborne N.
(With -licked, the people are discussing the formationof
_, a esooesli(iated school seetiun. The transportation of -the
pupils is the only serious difficulty preventing the 1111i essr-
ful operation of such schools. There are several schools
with only 8 to 10 pupils which might easily be united with
a>r�dj�tutsg aehool. anti tete pupile eonvey-ed to the other
\sehotti a1 d a tea made of the success or failure of the plan,
The ;zeter Continuation Sehool was raised to High.
ttetiuttl ata Wing its August last. A new staff of teachers'
*tease' engag , •affording ample op.trtttt►+ties for students
to secure a rtiticates in all grades of high school work.
This school 'II du for South Huron what Wingham High`
frhool has doe for North Huron.
, The ten 1F t tit l'tass schools had a very sueceaaful year.
The results of he Graduation examinations in July last
Isere equal to th best in the_ history of these aehoois.
The norm uinber eT citirididate tvrcnge -on the Jr.
H. S. Entrance a emitlatiolt. The number of sneeessfid
mod/dates was •iso the average. Every pupil should pass
this examination beYore leaving school; Many desirable
pbsitions will not be\ lien to those that have not passed
tie Entrance examine on. There are better positions that
(sire Graduation sta ding.
A suecesusfal Teache ' Institute was held at Exeter on
tober 9th and 10th. It- vas attended by over 120 teachers,
. A. ,Stevenson of bond Normal School represented the
partment. He 'gave th excellent and practical ad
nares.- The discussions p ved interesting and profitable
all that were present. `
The teachers were faithft and did what they eould
the progress of their pupils Thoae having experience,
its- and enthusiasm. of who there are many, did ex-
Int work The scarcity of t tilers greatly increased
cork and the It orrt of trustees d school officers.
At the top of -the tepor Tui each School Register
e fallot ing-j>i l'apital letters ; `'The Annual Report -
must be Wed up and sent to tbe Public School In -
r immediately after the first Wed' �esday in January."
ee also Sections Si and tib of Publi Schools Act, 1914,
penalties. ' \
any of the tui ; • ,
nets stateoent
wast given, others had -the teacher -1i blank, oto a ire
not signed. Some that were returned have hot come back
and five hate not bees received yet. Six
Manama of the' annual fueeting have not -btten pies of the
Is it not remarkable t - t only one annual reposolved yet.
6. East Rawanush t is fully entered and c(8.S by
respect t in every
All the, idtools ern visited twice during the Year ex-
ee one trhieh visited. three times in 1918. * few
here teachers , i in -September, 1919, were visited bree
Im . xt'koula with competent exper
eters the ins. tion was shortened or eontinued a r
fortis o'clock to rnplete the inspection.
Anyother fu tion required will be i
q�s•',trd. given if re -
extensive dairying -in
Geos MacVicar
•north side Square, Goderich
aW l
Wiring of all ktade 4/1e :.
for Telephones. flat Alresn.
Police Patrol and Fite Adam
S> stk•ra1N. _
t'rirat5 ite,itteoee.: euA Ru a incl..'
Places –a aperlalt>-
All 1t ork Gua,anle(41.
Electric irons. TOU.MerS Gritty,
Faso, Vacuum Chimaera. IA oohing
Machines. Fiaahaghtn 6 n d
Battertewof 611 Ainrlse etas). on
Riop, up 411 or 198 and have uA
"ICC you ea estimate o• raw
N i,'ina. ft aril/ be Asao ght.
Robt Tait
).Vest Sant Kw Po.s,ff.ce
Phones -Shop 11. Koos* Ott
An 1*sslares.tt.ilsgrs ars wet •like
tlehost • a'hst earefusy.
I r '
roar sas Clams,• Sae. t twee
4—.' tar d ea wUa •nee w
Now* C•• �r (ro�Irpn, # d - wr...ra
6<ww tow, Mw.
w a. 0/1.11411/7. Priori",
individual pupils. 'I he parents spenrt it 1) eaant end profit-
able day with their neighbors, a1>also ,encouraged the
pupils and teachers in their sports awith\their exhibits.
A fine two -roomed schoolhouse wwwl���y's erected et Win-
t•belsea. being built from the atone plan's as the St. Helen.
school. When the fences. grounds. etc., are put,, in proper
condition this will be a credit to the se••tio •
Therearefour sections that should hu d new school-
houses. All of these are interested in the rnprtsckl con-
solidation ocbemees and are waiting 111 see how t se aieSelnes
work out. -
Many of the school grounds are well kis 1 -
completely- neglected and a reflectio►. on all eonneetadwirI
the school.
The teacher, pupils-ond•rstepayers may lo- Hower s, 'c
vines, windasc-boxes, well -Nut grass. etc, make the st
property elevating and edncatise. The sehoot propert)
P Peng Sr
Two -Party Line
Telephone Service
NECESSARY curtailment of
new construction during the
war, followed by the unpre-
cedented development since the arm-
istice, have resulted in a universal
shortage of telephone material.
In order to ufltttt on supply of
equipment to the best advantage, to -.
reduce delay in installations tos 'i
minimum, and to avoid refusing ser-
vice to anyone, we ask those intend-
Ing to order telephones to consider
tb advantages of fu•o-per service• .
The cost to the user is substan- - • \
tinll7 lower than for individual line,
a:o service of a high standard.
We will be glad to furnish full i41 -
formation to anyone interested.
"Every Bell Teiepb.e_is a Lang Distaste Statism"
R. J. RUMBALL, Local Manama
The Bell Telephone Company► •
of Canada
SE 1E4 illE15
Look at tongue! Remove poi-
sons from little stomach,
liver and bowels
Aervpt •-lolls. 1s"
--4osk for w *Me
� imp
eland Me bed aaad hme owe os
lass tsaat:.• s' Or* for Oa Mats
duasok tour sad hoods- (mea
Mara lea A•lWs
blur...., tar s►11d's A�au as oat bet-
*. Otos N w0Mwt bar
abebar1 Tea Meet Ml "Obliterate.'
�'t � Grail Haled• owl
014-tiose ftecipe that Any -
beer coa A4917.
1 TM ..f Ingo tied aatobae esr N.
I'art,fs tad•L ever Salt to 1ta aaturat
i eit•s bask to ewaam•tWt
hr•••••ty �k glom It to sad At r
511. foaoui tookematat as fiat
this stool' Mixture was opened with
Oat brave
stet -et -eats •t how* y mnag sat
sow Oleos Nsw.dars• br aaktaa 's
read atev. for • bottle of 'tl►yth'a
leand ast l belabor c..,,,4.. rot
to srs.N by the oral all
Sea''.$* whish ass ho he 4 e ..i te-
a ~aro rotund oat*, s. beauty
A won -k''. dew•tows
awn tt darpae t.e mite so satiowy
sad •.eels that Doody not tall tt kis.
boar spll.a, Toe dotal/
rtil+ or salt brush wih t and drat+r
aaablta threw prat Mar,
stead at a elms, by sero1ne IAAA
hair abooma ,s awl atter an-
other heautitu r w et�a!• 1ft d►.a.n.,
Wroth•s wad & Minor
Com -
googol is • delightful tonal r Cem-
for *boas who desire • arses •euiwt.
t•p.moaate- It la 4110. tn5siaea ter
eam mnlsauee av er•..sue• et
Thr Warden and Mem
gentlemen,— -
I beg to submit t
Of the schools of East
I am, gentlemen,
- Your obedient -u- ,—_-_._
?held y
Goderich, Jai.' 26th, 1920.
s of Huron County Council,
f,.Jna-ing report of the condition
Iron for the year 1919.
s r••spectfnlly, - ,
JOHN 11. rlE,
•1. P. 8., East Intron.
Tilers were open to 1919 eighty--fattr sprat seboola tt>6d
ishan schools w•itb total of 1Li2 teaehera; the aehool in
No• 20 Tuckeranrith closed during the fats term oleins
to the buiiding of a new school and the poples were divided
between No. 9 and No. 10 Tuckerlimith.
The regular Linthin tine grants this
year to rural
otm amounted to $4873.'27; there gra* in addition a bonus
grant nn satarie6 amounting to $1819.7 The porpoise of
• thea grant was to induce ttW trees to pay higher xalariea to
,their taches: it has undoubtedly contributed to this trams.
The payments werewrangled tin a sliding scale according
to the araemsasent of the strcxk,a. as ate butt onee rection in
thesatHu st bavntan 8rr'ent of over $100,000, on whish
tfra d the amnrrnt apportioned to this
inrp eetorate out of the smarter of a million dotlara voted
by-rthe Go; er �moeo nrxam hit past session fur flint Purpore ,ma
y P the (locernment
tion with an a5nessment '1p to Pao, grants &I a sec -
9600, would be $415, shores ofe paying a salary of
reteeise only 9ti5. ?h an sch sects Id
grant and their our
merely nominal. *Met have increased to tkr
those Of the rural
There were Int
teachers with Brit
third clam and tr.
these 14 are male
teaching on rods
tiff, Winsbalm. W R
Jefferson, & a M
trim rendered
Geddes. Yr. Wig
s oneons Ron
urban tots receive none of this
grants from tbe Government are
Jr expenses for salaries and upkeep
IDP or even to a greater extent than
• we find urban school
grants from the Ooprnme t apl�-
ret in the school. of East Huron 9
105 with aeeond•elism, six with
'th kindergarten eertifieatest; of
^s, three of whom at once resumed
r'em active servire—Mr. A. E. Poe-
hoover, M. ('-, Walton, and Gordon
ick other tearhent of Emit Huron
•artier in le'ranre are Mr. Morinan
trord, Mr Leslie Wineh, Mr. I1wart
sued on page g
...Girls who indulge in promiscuous kiss-
[ aren't pkel> to catch anything—hitt
even a bua�mtW
alma ell hub
tMaM*Us itis
• brae oris oda >Htrtt
11• saran ar wefts^ who ass. ■sal
1 Ilaely eta tasks a .s►fetabs b
idneys kanws ty' s . Mast r
d*eRialy altar or aocrio
1•11•1 Nees Sibs War, l & .r tiny
Me imam sad pear.. from Neod.
You g t .last. xa.rfy all r.s.m.
disorders ems Iran adirla Nab
kidneys or
you fast a dull .rhe In tits
•r Aar beet harts n i1 the
+ria. . cloudy, b~vas full of .sdi-
Mnt, irregular of pot's or •ttssded
y•..s.stkp •f .collier, got shout lour
noes •t .1•41 Salt. iron say reliable
�y tad Mks • labl0Moslul is
s gi. � thou Mt
taw `f * e t'r'•MITISOIngoye_dta.t !sr .
et lentil weds frets
Mood with Hthl awl w lets ose f .,sda Us
to lush .1ss.,g kidneys and
snubs Mw soolds la amts* stoe, eg•o
othoolats dM�o rriIMlq,tia...di.LJL
Jed o.ts. 1. i ip_. u • ..a ...
roe Wes.; testes • islet
rr wmt�t11 ,1a-s.t.r Arielk all rag
she Moo es*ws •ha.N take sow arty
robed to bop the kidneys slams mad th.
say •en apunk botoby �aaa kit
1utaat relief—
w wattiag. Yost
chord asstril. •'es right up: the air
b M our head akar sad you roe
)y. No score hawking, no/
ging, blowing, headache,, drys'se Ng
atrtalia( he bruit. at tight; lolls
told or catarrh disappears.
Get a mall bottle of Ely's Cowes
Halm boo your druggist sew. Apply
• litttle et this
ersgrs.R antiseptic:
hyen m M your asttrnb. It p`.
vary air aoseeget of eke
=14=4: !saris►
eta•tly. aid -MUM assn. a
1*'• isot a... Sea% day undid
with • odd Or asst? catarrh. q
"Dysassitisg" CO out of
wit. calomelaell other your systole
tires is all wow *a OiIlW tis
*battle Neaten se y i mut
thewith stonier*.
di/motive im sh eieh as vita
They pubis • t k Caine/TM tpelf noir •Ly
• know is •s y nihilist* way to relieve
•r eosaGptoa& • saw, and at ns*
lora I*to puhNty •ad o.horf Mse-
II cry tittle awl they wt♦t
while 7
tis!• rr
it Gfrfsfbeco' N f bi rneeds a little "t�rtgewne"_that's ant Whelk
des, thin 1r loses its lustre; when ugly daftdruft
appy. Of your galr Nils cot, it 35 -cent bottle of deNohtful,
dependable " landerint" from any store, rill save your halt,
MU nimble it's 1Ndty. You esu have akkdy tlikk Lake its