HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-3-4, Page 5few • TRE to,IAL -- aObtBICS, o . -.tiir• T . .--•..r..f•b ASTHMA NEW LOCA TION For That Stubborn Cough Said to us durin lit Gentleman :1 "This is t,he$est prep- aration 1 etrtr gt t -for cough: He boug ,another bottle to • ve on }land when A IT WILL HELD -ALSO \ We can highly recommend this reparation for a stubborn ,cough. It builds up the Ixidy, as well as acts on the pulmonary organs. It tones up the system, giving you renewed strength to throw off that cough. Pen- slar Palatable Cod Liver Coil Extract has the fatty part left out, and is c mbinedt with malt, wild cherry and hypophosphites, making it a tasteless red pleasant preparation for tin o to take Penslar Palatable Cod Liver Oil Extract 2.4 Gentleman : "I bought a bottle for my son's cough, which had been hanging on for a long time, and it cured him. 1 want a bottle for myself: It'should do the same for me."- . -- CAMPBELL'S UG . iD-TORE fit ' Tito. Pelrs/ar Store" \ `ext_ 1Mao;. us, ii ;•t.414OPha li - : * \ • 4. Dont Miss This! • A I'F".\'I \.., "A Tale of .Two Cities:'• wl'i.tw • _ Cap:aia (Ree A.C. Mactia a t f ,ilk Thu; dav, ,rti t1/4 - in Nor (h St. !Methodist Church LAM, TOPICS. „ 4 (...1' • . 1, h 4p-4144... 0000000 G 1 (MITI ARE • If you have Asthma. don't Imagine that}■w .hlost al- wa s •uQ.r insure tell 16Itef guts[. scare aad safes is rtiarent.eed In even the -- wont oases bg using TEMPLETON'S RAZ- MAH CAPSULES We are so certain of t-- auna we will send you a free sample of these cap- sules, confident that you will find them all we have claimed. Write to Tem- pleton.. 111 doing Bt. Toronto. Isa viola b� tWa,M drugsi.t. werswLere for SI. Si a Baa. ' .null.•. may he hall at lluidop'v Drug Store. Bit 'K 1111101111. --After a king period ot 111-hwllth, the dearth ••• • erred uu St1tur.lyy hist , of • Ur. I+:ndel Itr'rk'vu•hlgr. VIerorhl -trio. 11. lease. :1 wire unit two t ,111118 +.NW The funeral took otiose to \Ia111am ee•tnetery on a1 illy, It.•t'. J. ..who-riIIi - 4i a burial .erose., MORROW. -Much sympathy will be felt among the Goderich friends of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Morrow and family, of Toronto, formerly of Goderich, on learn. int of the death of their daughter, Miss Kate Eaton (Eattie) Morrow, which oc- curred St. the family 'residence, 15s9 Dufferin street, Toronto, on February 11.1. Pneumonia was the cause of .death. Re- sides the father and mother, three sisters and a brother -Mrs. (Dr.t 'Elis and Mrs. L. Greene of Toronto, Mrs. D. Per- rault of Montreal, • and Mr. E. \lorrdw of Toronto -are left to mourn their loved one. The funeral took place at Toronto on February 21st, and the beautiful dow- ers which surrounded the casket bore u {w r.rl uf,N(1rke,. Thr oii1.W+. sa,, ' testimony to the attection in which the •"1'hp-•,rwk44 arry tar ir•emlinl.P tlltt.vl-' deceased young lady was held. rll:it w.• give theses ou'liw•t as very .IaI• 44.U:ruX.--'flu- u.•... ..t tin• .le:uh utnl to Ih.• putii•irts who will thoroughly of .l'luul'•: lidlt.4n tit Kinail. ..11.'n aopre.'iitte them. ""rite Stultify. of Thaw• ...••'iu•ri' I at Timmins. New Ihiturio. "n .suck. was, Mrs, It.y'oohl•; towner .1(i )•••teliitry-v.:trii- utx•,ltw•+yia•mi, d it deepx udil Sherif( l«My1•., ,who sip! Iv roh•:illy . r.;ti••t Lc th• 1s -.till.' or -his tour• 'sun. •,ttir kat :lyra): -lit dirr•hula•'y .I.,u.li..•�. !tenuity ateuay yhoatlu+_ 41.12-ta:ht_-iu That .he I. able to do geq.-h r'$w•'tdlly I a strong a12Li IIOprilar esteem. Mr e•MNI work w ithont hear %Wit, -i. a Itatoile awl his trot e.1� r were pioneer - triton.. 44 the tltialltie•u of par .•1,.w • to .111 taut growing Nnhl«t.)' i11 Ash tarot tln.rnngitu.••+ with whi.ir -tu• must fah! and had p,.•lnii t w in thi, 1K• 44. 1:11:1 ••11•144‘i•241. ?Hoe t tsf .butte r Ito now • rep - t,. KFIIe41 by litaile'ay Train 7 t,. hili •..1i ie 11e had Inlsi11. tweeMrs. Mary \Doyle, ' wife of I'eter 11 44.442 f i r,la.rtiwl i.4 rlsf w 4. 4'. fu Doyle, 3163 Ree( 071,11 street, Cleveland i "'"'""g 1" 121 1111 t.. Kud:.11 :l. Int.• r.. IOhio. was struck nd killed by an east 4 WiI41 •Iuauuvu a uK• faro'. I n Ih:r bound limited i e 'Share trail) near ;'•11.1,.. ';')1/ (''''1441.:'•ia,• 'uuoui 1...4-....1. 11"1.1 1 -Cleveland about K 'clock the night u! • 0f Inur 11121 .. ..1.2,11 (K• d,'1i12 1-. 1 February 2541. Death The holy was ta,en ti Cleveland; where the funeral took place. 1rs. Doyle wd+r the youngest daughter of t' e la".Mwarr: aqd Olive. Slattery of God 1 and Nal he remembered by many her . - I)Ittl ,tion The---new-.-40-4.--44"•••••-+ Cre1 or the -death Of 11... (yes ,l'. 14.•4. tot -inert,' of IIs• 11.4-•., 4:+.42.•4-12 h Inwu'rtip, ((.i. 141...f I lei 1111.•. 11 r. Waller N.nl • iu 11-.1 It f•.4- sante 4i, 1 ,. • ,..11.1.-. •: Ith _ttlUl+'n. lel..-n,1d 1.:-: •- n•i 2 1..rtii-'iL.r-Tfv-i1'ill.iw • a ••ii, r - MUD OFFICE . HAMILTON Th t•s'l.i ' 11.1..11 1, I'_ll ESTABLISHED 1072 CANADIAN t a r m e r s should raise more cattle. Profits are high and the country needs more of them. The Bank of Ham- ilton is prepared to extend financial support on most favorable terms. BANK OF HAMILTON Goderich Branch A. J. MacWayelVlanager Was InStiSltatteou.i. At' 1).4'. 6.1 1 . 44,2: 11• - .„v,•isssi , . 'v- . i' 1 ,i• llll.. -\.1 :' 4 4 ,i.• , ' , I1 !t: -.v,l.•i; Nisi 1, 1 x R -SAIL World's Favourite Cook Stove with hot water front. be seen working at • All inti t -class condition. t 'ast 1$ti'eet•%ai'age \ V, -4t ki'feh. `int •-i4..'i,1 '.«4-r )u.i 1 1 _, 1 1111.•11 .4 rel 1111(1, , ' f• . 1'.. . . .' • , •' 1 404'1 sal 111 1 K• i u'•i it t ua+' i 1 ':4 t I n4.4. ,• .•.1., s• 1,.. teff<.4;4i n-irm 'T - \i• 1 1 •. . • . ..,c t .I 1 , • . .1 •-r- .4011./1, , i 111_1 Fr.,. ...1 . 1'4.1 It r -i . .•11. +•• 11 C Ni .. 'I •• -......•. .1, , 24.•.14• ...,tl ..,1., .,. 1M F`l. ..tt.F.�.,-..1 . yl r ' 4-, ., 2' 1 .1' 4' ...I. - 1 - 14;144. -44.p:4 -p.4 . rest . '/1'11- e.. i4-,_ . •, . UJ .:'..' .1.11 1 '. .iii.,. ',..I . 411.1 .u• -4.,',i.•. . %met.lw r Mote l'orwart_h :he ; At a stl,{l_general 'meting. ' ' , • _ - . 1.., ret- t... Hoard of rtrtie rest Fridfiy • -•I 1 1.•4-(+ iti t w'n •h was (auk telt attetlyd Ow* 1 •.i4- : 1 J...'6 1. ' Earls no Pa} IL*If ' -;-- The 4 tdno Railway :m•I Board meeting at rma t'n last. decided that lb* " iiuh ton and the'county-of Hunte should eac (lay ow -hailed the cont of a new hr,dgt c r kl, "`ll 4'. balerirh. ItHiwi Knitter. --��_ t 1i441 11,1.1Nllcb•.ti;tn.I.1 Ir.,•n 44•a411.'t of tin' 4,4124.• n .\1'14.44 se 10 0 0` N.111:.t.;ri:rti.. 1 -..loll.'..; ..r ;1:. \\ "•+pusal 5ien. (4i' th'.dicesIA til• ( 44421 ,diuor was entioNe 1. It is elt__- unl� lar.4-ger oiTiie- rill .,ifnrd art1mrn,t;1atlnn Gj e.4elt+n+:-t, Ratter o "ser of Y the.Board to 24 :h -gree , t•tt'.: w t , hilly". • Moor..+Ihie. under the f seer :.:•:ger ..tent. Thea w•.1! be o: lot •r the industrial secretary. a bol.. mre(ings 1-tl.r eaeruty n general !M'eiwhich I4 Pe(:cted `wi (414.4) fines(iat-ref 4:. nacter ofd cub rix m A few 014^. are to be ala tie. and se:as.procur, ti .1 ' It(* roo.'t:is v:ll t 4-,•nbe ready ' ' tion. %Ho'er 1'rren..f iol{ for a l.otlrrirh 14... 'told! who ' J.. - 44411. :1•..nghf -i ret.. I ' i h'Y,•, 1 knhr tont ll.• 1., 11" •1 ;1'... �,:. • 4-l.. hart... • • f REBELLION IN STOMACH ' "Pape's I)lapep'in" at cn, t: + ends"7047ertrun and Sour, Atli StonlJch �••f.•,.••.•••-•+•.►.....r+ .........1 Lumps .1 Y irlift.4. t fust (Al.'. 1•4 n. i f ) uwc-♦toaaaiW . • :n ., r,. e.ft ; 4-r -.olio Iga•sy and yp•e . and ,i kit Tait i 44T -r brio fermented and turned -tow; h• ,d dizzyand • bid ,�(`_• and sad uctate od.gested f..n I-iu.i ' • a tablet or t .Ii` rape's {napes, • .belp aeutralir� idit and in tits n' ales you. wand til it"- eamP the - pain, sc.d.ty, in ige•tien and JNtrer•- It your, taro!' do. .. t laketw rare 1f of your liberal 1.w, I'I. ;itis..! your food.is a darns a ,nrtPad art tw11e. remember the qui' f rnrrrt, moot barmlera . stomas$ a••taco! it Tape Diapepsin, ablate cats so I1tt:e d div( stores. RI ES n,Mniv •1 ' 14.1_,.. 1 i...ii app.,: lt.. -L...,nal n ids; : f� , vers t _ti �tiytiti- 1iti..1 yr x frith I D liot'vllp. (/ • (r 1L %[I RE. h eget 1 .t'ut the 4 a.ha.1., >, !ke:AtillilHne bort .'oi :lie lar_••.i i,' •'m4Vail": t4- 11' 1«•. r Model Theatre .1luel fir.+N'• al., eu and ofa s.a. :la, v tiry• • yl , f: rtyrir. 1 r.qui'-1'4111(.”;1. 11 .,-, h•Yole'1i r Ii liI ip at fort ),I• 1i.. w'h,•ri• yl,f. It, Tula,., will 1.12. 4-h.;' of her Irl '21 421.4114(4. ,1' IN rs.•ut tin, he ,. •Ikh,c .:1.' . Il 1.14 01.-/1 11 14.41 I1 of III- I4.n.. Always at your service with the best'gooda at. most reasonabt6 price's. • \• ..�N1��NN 114 Side Square Telephone 46. 000000000000 Wrist and Waist Watches are 911 . enveoient tot wnntol : be - «idea. tht'y add a touch of daintiness to the ares not to bb+ Titt4,MY arty other in s' Our. wrist bracelet watches art guaranteed 11ig0-grade and aCcnrate and will give complete sitiSnfation to the we'are'r. "The World's Watch Over Time„ WALTNAM . " fl '1 Program t •�00000000.� EXT WEEK , NO\i):11 and TllS8D31 1 p.lRaltOt'�T t'U`TtKf: -rte lw O� Wafters' :riberrip& Kate. ,tit to the Ill•'`•il•i11g'1• ,• ..,t 1 N fru, The Tor•M„ 2;Fsl.r m - rid% ha•re:,.4. is u4'- :44,4. n. 1 to J -ear - au ,Arai. 4.f 7(i To, t 'ter rate, Tle:_t1' •:,•iia. :.x•', t 'h 1.4-, ,ci Mon t . h:. s•1y i''t'lnl•s' hilt 1„nj• 'r� wh1••h ecpirn !1I.i4yl 1t ill IK• n.•et'lif 11r.i11! 4.(h'i.'•l 1444 11oaP(t •lutb.ug r: (. ;,, I :. 431.1 here•ut.•r 11e t of-_. Uu,, itu ir.,l SHIRLEY MASON In "THE RESCUING ANGEL" OLD LLOYD COMEDY E G0 ROBIER �'S®1 AND JF'.WET,Li(R t:oelcrich, Ontario WATCHAMAK Is' Corner Hast Vit. and Square %%ED SOAP and THURSDAY I' ter %MOt'NT 1'(('T11RE JOHN BARRYMORE "HERE COMES THE ,BRIDE' Also A CHRISTiE IFEX' 4 COMEDY " "ROMAN FRiiDAY and SATVRDA A GOU)wYN CiCTVRE \ PAULiNE FREDERICK In "LOVES OF LETfY" Aka A CHRISTIE COMEDY 1-s...,t It. or 1»•f° :44 rte" 4,,, sb,' whey'1'.'rontu��1ei(K•ry hail• red . ;, i,. 144 .•rel or _1111 ''roar Nil as- Tes-hr,- i,itttrr lint liability' a'e 411 4-..,r' 1i - The it would (,it1 /'; win** '.tt;•i(•rttu'Iv t.'. it Item! prem rein yt:r 1, .• VINowe'feyond its Objective. vlel r.4•( 14.111odf44 rhurel. 444.4'4. y•': �. 111 4-.t, tilt' With/Hitt ea tn(Wig,' t•. '4-iu'1 i. 11 111 ug to r.'iietl the i and nit ore pith:11,11ing. Thr p .w'lthfII 0112' of its oto Ji.•li. ,i'.r•hlp. In ills thou..-' sial �b,brtIve torus VIM •i hp amo1111•4 to ante r tits; 'hh,f•. live. Th(r1 eve • hate 1 Christian stewstrd«hip iwnlK. N. l'. hod for it* ot.- Ja•tiv.).,,nr, twenty, per vent. of nr‘11111111 twc my Petr : Pk thtrafs allrtorin Kt. R'..111: K. ob'w•tie than three' limes this rroo•h t' nl1.1The a• 11141 will lust veli' In Il nn nee . At wthe last. J. mosiing, thy lrt'lii.r, Incur reci.1l'.'d n 111111 111 ae,elltr,J'{1' nnther year, or rid 14((.;4l)o the 111 of the Mut rd v� ('IMM'nllttre. The for thlal Ineremie of notary 110.(10. anti v eer+'allere Imo at awe ��vraal1sNr�a,, ('r� m.r.4/N. a pot; 1111 Twsta• d Z On., IAtnn.M, p.e.r one t rou mrntl , oils • is ser poste es. Ilk Do not 'setter itebinday Nlwit ins Piton. l e •nreleat ole. res. (Taws alien Mori Ire& ■ , ` \ • • , X a „ :1.1 41 ` 1.1 11 1 1'iL :rein. t' i .• villin . L1 , Mr s ►:.r '4 41 , . •4 . .. KID P -IL 1 +.4 1 . - Attention aiors! Now is the time that y 0 11 .ire groTng away --for- t he season. I «•ish you (.Good Health, Good Lucky and a Safe Return. I f you need~ anything in our line,' -kindly W ' hate': every - thin from I3oot to Cap. You can ney by save m buying her M. Robins South Side Square Carlene temingo Open in the Evenings I • • 1 sly 11 For mother. father, the boys and girls. it's the sweet' 1or'all ages -at work or Flay. The Flavor Lasts JUICY crie�c,Gt 't .THE fIAYOR IAST 1.11u • SEALED TIGHt- KEPT RIGHT 5 a