HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-3-4, Page 3. Stiffness It is s. n;shins boo Qua►ly \hoard • Lia1• aunt alsoce •eat• - Den and Lowe.. Gives Great Relief \I.. A a CA. M..24 Path A.e ,,�r1q.else , •rite."11. ho.l..ad W .•M M.•anl • I.mwr,e Or..pref.!,.. den. Itrelt • e.d ..win Ine& el Sae •. M Fs ,14yry. rn+ ..d .ell .,,. row M v.. semi rdrl: ' oro. F. , 1:1 •..... oreo r It 'T .4. 0..1 - "IM,aer.dter, rough •uh•ry ,•i ire 44 ,. • MU•r .a• tied to try MM.*Yd'. i .ad - Ira. Messed ta..•rd.•trlt .Isar IirNanpin alae. I 4seerl' n y e 1114Il r W r.ly e.". as .1.. a hn .,t 11'••4 ore n. Ire awl in,. tis.' 1.. •\l.wda trWmat. Hate idd r.e.d yevA Avg,�1��tan1 .. MI. 4 *4�.n tort x." •W MINARD'S King of Pain LINIMENT Yarmouth Soot Scotia _Z DR. GEO. HEILEMANN, OSTEO- PA1 H, specialist ,n w•.en s and chiIdrea' asetaess. •curt, chr„nlc and nervous dimmer., eye am,nand throat. partial deafness, lumbago had rbeuasalrc e.ndrt,on.. Adenoids removed without the knife. Office at residence, corner Yahoo and St. Andrew'.atreeta. At home dine N.•d•y.. ' hgrsdsp. and Satudays, soy events[ M appointment. DENTISTRY. PR. H. G. MACDONELL-HONOR Graduate Toronto U..veru(g. Graduate rat Colbert d Dental Surgeons Successor to the late Major Sale. oaeq corner Square aad W eat street, (;lderieb. AUCTIONEER. \ - IjtHOMAS Gt AUR_ , ii ALL. 1IU1EER. nor S". Goderoh. All urtrucuons b1 is■a eft •t Send !■rte well be prsasUy ettaadsd ealdence Ie phogalgL, \• • MAL. .sal' G. CAMERON. K. C.. BARRIS- TER, lw.wrto, notary pose( Street. G,derr(roh, sherd Ina prom Trust Nobs to loan at lowest taus Sa. BBA WSTER Horne, NOTARY 1'U IC. ETC. O/rcewKi-S(rrl7e*ep ne ea. Murk. „rk. Hamilton Street OM Real Estate. Low and Ilsur..ce. PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN & COOKE aARRISTERS. SOLICITORS• NOTARIES PUBLIC. ETC. Oboe on the Square, .ecoc.d {door kom Hanel r Street. Goderich. vete MOOS w limn wairri,..�.., ...- L..IUriAaaN T■ouo.lm. 1�. C.: 1• H. J• D. comas.). oosa-..`.__ (1HARLES GARROWk I., BAR- T/ RISTER, attorney, aoercwtm. tW Goo:terKh Mew te•asd at semen rates. SEAGER. BARRISTER, SOL - . OL. ICITUII. ninety. public ..dconveyancer. para -Cant House. Godmr.cL INSURANCE. LOANS ITC. OBITUARY. NEALON.-Thr death of Miss Loretta Neerlo1, daughter or Mrs. }:Ileo Keaton, Ht. Thomism, oeurred on Fri- day, February 80h, at Lensing, Slick., of pneumonia. Miss NJ•aloil uas twenty-four years of like. She' was a illative of (ioderkb, her parent,. having lived Iran' for many years. Beside,. her mother, three sisters 111111 three brothers survive : Noce Mrd Mrs, 1. IilI,11011M, ofLaniltpt SI II.. Judet Chariest 1•.. Sostph Snd John,. of 14t. Thoma... The remains we're euuvrswl to Ht. Thomas anti tide Niteroi took place on Monday moruing. the 801 Inst., to the 1'hurch of the Iluly ugels. where rerqulem MOMS W5M smX. and thence to the Catholic cemetery. Moo - signor weed (formerly parish priest of Bolerieh 1 had charge of the Vete- monies in the church. The floral offer 111gs lrlclUthd AA maths and sprays f the Knights of Columbus. the Master _'lumbers' Association and the Elk Lodge of ].Minting, Mich. MCNEIL.-The funeral took place on Sunday, February 22nd, of Mr. Arthur Eugene McNeil of Colborne township, whose death occurred on Friday evening previous of pneumonia. The deceased was a member of Knox church, (ioderich. and the funeral services were conducted by Ilev. R C. McDkrmid. The pall- bearers were: A. J. Goldthorpe, James McManus. George Ferguson and Henry Shields. Mr. McNeil was born on the,. vestry. The family removed in 1885 to farm he resided upon and was married to Goder,ch township where they resided Miss Ethel Glen, who predeceased him until about a year ago, when they re- sume five years last October He leaves moved to Goderich. The late Mr. to survive him two boy's: !bugles, nine Gould was a lover of his country, a years old, and Clifford, seven years old, farmer all his days, in politics a Constr. besides one brother. Charles,- of Colborne votive, and far many years an active township, and a sister, Mev T:J.Mcllride member of the Anglican church. He is of ie who was unable 10 attend the survived by three sons: George, of town: fu I. being quarantined for _-Wm., of Portage La Prairie, and Henry, HOIX i N -Thr dear! a nrritl at Clinton; and two daughters: Mrs. Kewptnewnt. fa., on Febru ria 13th. of W. G. Anglin, of Kingston, and Elizabeth Violet Ritchie. wife of Mr. Johnston at home. (Ile daughter, - Mrs. B. B. Ifolges. heath wart due to Mortise. Ward, of New York, predeceased her Mrs. liodge•m was born at SPH ortIi, a father one year. dnughIer of Mr. David Ritchie. term- The funeral on February 19th was erly of Heaforth but now lief g at conducted by Rev. A. L. G. Clarke of St. (*ultimet, Mieh. She was a uu in Gorge's church and the remains were the foiled States' army during the laid in Maitland cemetery beside those of1114' t wear. klrm. C. M. (toss. 61 t his late wife. who predeceased him about lis r ulster. four }ears. The pallbearers were John Sturdy. Wm. Wakefield. J. E. Whitley, GOULD.-Following-an illness of three John Salkeld, Robt. Andrews and John S. weeks, death came on Tuesday. February ole• 17th, to Wm. Gould of Market street. .CGL_ late Mr. Gould enjoyed good health nett on an _ another toss of to last November. when he contracted one if the most estimable business( m ell a heavy cold. From this he never fully in th sudden death of Mellen! _'glow•, recovered, and he pawed peacefully at hi. residence. 11:1 Barrie street. away at the advanced age of eighty-eight late oil onlay night. Mr. I'glow had years. The late William Gould was born been Md r1itg with heart_zumble for In Wiltshire, England, and came to the last t -u years, and while this wait Canada with his parents when an infant. generally , iown among his personal Most of his younher days were spent in friends, his each was a shook to the Hie township of Kingston, where he community. to was r close {remand d married Mary Wartman, of C. E. L. an- friend of the Ie !Meld Murray, and Chalmers. chore , to wide!' they loth belonged, and in th they wens Retie! workers. midterm t 1s11M•t loss, Mr. CRti.w was a fur r truster of that church. Mr. I'glow was int a hook business 1111 Princes stelae, seta he was meow• nlz4tl as an authority looks. He was a man of the high character. a lover of the I,.anrtlful. rid by him Trirriirrsfi;fr'ttertmyast•e-yeaIlk XVI Ottawa, where lie, kept 11 11hIrk .tato for a number of years. Thp'r: his Oa. Gabes .passim the rieb ,.Ion was the resort of mein h of grow of prime Mat is so .oa5s t Parliament. for he took a keen 1 ...rot ...vastest a farm that they ars barkfn politics, tieing w staunch 1.1 1 fee am. eaTw`.n, at say time. lea • anti he was r must Interesting inn ash•- b.4 water-aad a Weak or two wtlonAllut, Bering rt profound ha,v --es/ • light seaNi•imd sass' is ready. edge of public questions_-, Mt, I •glow was IM1ra in ' G."lerlc sixty-Mre years ago. lie was a them her of the Mawrnk• Order, the iron• tenac 1'lul., ()uewn's howling _'tub reel the. KillCS(011 1'nrling 4 The loss of him sin, Harry, vhu was killed in the battle of Sanctuary Wood ill Jute, 11416, war a great bow to 111111. KM aceentuatlrl the mantis from which he suffered. Harry t'gly !V s'rved as ■ lieutenant in the 5th 1'a. Mdmn llutniled IBMs.. Was wuundi fu action, taken primmer by the (Ie mans and died from his wounds, Itecetemed Is survived by his wl 0111' 41013. I .R w rinks., professor aciewe at the I'ulee•rrity of Van otty THi SIONAL - OODZRIO$ ONT. MINN HROWNE,HAD TO •ANOTHER YEAR FOR li1VPI-'VP POSITION. AHMEEK l'li.\1'TNK Was in a Itadb Rundown l'uaMlith for MIs Monitor -Tenho. Restores Her. "Tanlac has helped me so much that is a great pleasure to recommend it." sa Miss Doris C. Browne, of 117 G ea La avenue, Toronto. Ont. 41 suffered from a nervous breakdown she continued, "and for six months was in a dreadful condition. My appeti failed. strength and energy left me and was so nervous 1 could hardly keep etil 1 would have dizzy spells when 1 wool almost faint. My condition was sac that I had to give up my position and f several months i couldn't do any work a all. I could hardly sleep, lost severe pound.; ip weight and became very d epondent, for Nablus( helped me and I wa getting worse all the time. "Hearing so much about Tanlac decided to try it and aefore 1 had finished my second bottle I was feeling so muc ni Annual Meeting of Senior itranrlt of 1. O. D. E. At els' i11111111 m.etl11g o1 the it j .tl k Chapter. I. (t. 11. E., upk.'ra idfor the towing year hare 1.1111111.11 dM ke fti,lluw M Hen. regent, Mfrs. t'Mrrio; regent. Mrs. Jolres- ItaleuAln; 1st vlee•regent, I Mise E. Mho , 31141 ilee•r•geut, Mrs. C, to Barrow: secretary, Mrs. 'r, Leckie: I HMsl$taut ,ru'retary. Mrs. W. .1. Mac. I. Nevin: treasurer. Miss Nsflel; 141111111- d Mrd -bearer, &Ds. (:allow. h Following 1M the treasurer's plitllltll or report from Vela -tures 17th. 19ta. 4, t February 111th, Homdfal Areoual. e It}:1'};Ii'TN 1tah11i,•e 1111 11:11111 1 Tag Day tat }1111 Fair1 rheum. from airs. Milwr h Exchange on eh1•.tue better that 1 kept right on taking it and have recovered entirely from the nervous breakdown. My appetite is hne. I sleep like a child and am in better health than I have been in years. I have regained all my lust weight and really feel as. well as if 1 had never been sick at all." --Militate le sold in Goderlch by E. R. Wigk and the leading druggist In every town. uU{iLLOP MUTUAL FIRE 1NSUR- nm ANC* CO. -Farm ..d rotated town wont - arty Connolly. Pres., Goder(ch P. O.: kali! Ytca-Pra., aeecbwood P.O.: Thomas t. H.T S.c.•Trer. SMcGee'a P.O-R. No- S. Sew. eta; Joan -D. F. eveGty.r. IS, William .eta: Job. G. Grieve, No. L toysnn,,R. R. 4440. 4 Iselrloe%L John Beast+,a. arodha`e•; Geo. McCwrtaeyy.� R. R. No. a. Sea. .r15. Hebert Fee Maritsa; Malcolm Mc• [wen, Osmium; Jaen he 's. Beachwood; Janes C.asolly. eek: Ake. Leitch.Agrees: J. M. eo. Gods R. R, No. l Clinton; Vi dhow Chesney. Se.lath: N intit[y. Seatort h. POWs 4wldere can my all Etemptedste awl get thew tank tempted at R. J. wish s Clothing Store. Ql.to.: R. H. Cott'• Y, Kingston street. ast. GodetM:b, a 1. H. Reid'• (, .tt 11 ire CUBES Brophe) Bros. Tit Leadlalg Faaeerd Directers aad Embalmers carefully attended to bouts. slight sr day. OODKRiOH •0/10101101.011.11.1 I Orders at 110 Nothing annoys a gabby man more than to bump into someone who can talk just as fast and as long ■s he can. Rem oved 1 have removed my stand tit for McLean Block. nett to Mr. H. Kr -a p's wntitralsakl a g .hop. mai side et Square, rod trust that my friends mei maimsaa win call ee\ M them 1 sled 40 lire most will dears as all orders mr will esreful attention. Miss S. Noble Saltk Side Square - G.4.nch Mo+l GH -CLASS FOOTWEARv�"' Worthy of your inspection Combining an attractive appearance and dur- ability. and giving exceptional comfort and wear. It is out aim to sell only good Footwear. Give us the opportunity to supply your needs. We have at present a very large stock of TRUES, SUiTCARIKS. CLUB BAGS, ETC., ETC. See out goods mare buying. Repair work Ma is year sailisetiaa HERN'S BOOT SHOP 4 1.111111, SI lert 173 41 t.i 1111 1111 Blink intertest 111 •y eollected r.•t►tn iws1,e. , . 1 57 $813.711 EXPENSES Dishes UK Hospital - t 1450 Material for curtah.s -- 4 40 ('outrlhutlon_to :Unset Fair-. , . 5 Ott Stove for tl.Mpitul 12 tel Towelling ('brque to _Hospital . Boardlou /at Christina* cheques to liotlpital 15 pal Hslall Items 1 Ill Postage .,'.. 10 hNlltIlie qu laud o11 Feb. Itith, 100 11 .. „q ..i ... - --142 ik► 4 HO 4313 75 L Q D. IC Aeeetlat•__ _- �-- 111' ('Ell"1'H - - 1 heti t11v' on m1 $ 4 l'ronerls fn, metre 111111 thtlsw till ;M Proceeds from\ Tar they t ?bile diene ale•narlpl Floud ttit-'tet SHIPof l'Iautauq 1 tiekl•t-67`07 Howrmudr baking 1t; is, Money donations t, -1oluetuaele taking tulle ..i fees for 1010 2 fees for 11.111 {tank intertest RUM 11 dkriat Hun. . , ,.4 ;. j VF•:at EXPEN it}:S PHI of -.lnldfrlluw' rioting and dil%I=ft4tiljt-'-..': �" e4 uutribution towint m pre'eeul- ettiu, to Mr.. G,slerhain....•• 1 411 resent to XI.. Millings ;, or outribution to 8.11111•1'N.•8.11111•1'N.' stem• mini Fund - 2701{l{lose ... n heatra for deet >t T i O1st 1t'martian Ion to Gnat War Ver - ermine Aasol•iatiu LYs Tags 1 Hlddiers' Minuets' Fund. July 1st 1 - 12 ('ord for tags 2 4'Bespie to Holdirt' Mu en.rial E'urW Contribution to edneal1un of orphans of Canadian sddien, I4J Clothing pun -hard for Yeast - ilktmfugr 7 551 rent to i4ltiotml TtY.ta- urer - I3 Contribution ti Arntenlau He- Fuld ibi' thigh:: '1t .'Blas. ,;• ;e orders for 11019 •1 Nw(Wrlt(• ,' 1 Balance MI head, Feb. 16th, 1920 2 Lithane•' oa hand Western Colada Flour stilts diebleitel for March and Sept. .-.l ■nk'interest Resert>e Aesnnt, f i1► It}a'E11"I'ti A CIERGYPIAN3 RECOMMENDATION n • The Zam-Buk Co. 5 Dear Sirs: Appreciating what your balm has done for me, I should like an opportunity of recommending it to others who may be similarly afflicted. For the last forty years 1 have had a patch of eczema on my right hand. I tried in every possible way to ge't rid of it -had treatment from several doctors and tried Innumerable remedies, but received no lasting benefit. If a remedy eased it or cured it for a time, it always returned as bad as ever. One of my friends is a treat believer in Zam-Buk, so 1 decided to give it t trial and sent first for a sample. You can imagine my amazement when even this small quantity brought me more relief than anything 1 had ever before used. 1 continued the use of Zam-Buk for two weeks, by which time the eczema, although of forty years standing, had entirely disappeared. That was tae year ago, and there hu been no return of it. Yours sincerely, (Nam. .f clergyman. hunt whom the Antra latter wa. retrial. w.11 ►.4i.es upas recount) AM-6VK FREE BOX S.a4 a►r .a. n w.. .1 ....r .ad 1.• esus tam unita..)A.. 7....411.1 C... T....r.. t.. boo *vial Ma. aormothromma print year wax art follows: ►In rnmpding the annual report of the Ahmrrk Chapter of the L O. U. E for the year 1919 we find it has been one of the most successful years In its history.. Considering the many other activities o1.t the past season, the work has been well carried on. -_During the year we have had -nine, regular and two special meetings -the attendance tieing eleven, -The chief sources of revenue have been two tag days -one on July 1st, which netted us 1383.23, and one at the fall fair,i from whleh^ we realized the sum of 1 1173.21. The proceeds of these tag days, were donated to the Soldiers' Memorial Fund and to the Alexandra hospital, , respectively. Other revenues were part of the procetds of a Sunday eventi meeting of the Chautauqua school, which amounted to 166.75. and 525 from Mrs.' Miner, also the proceeds of a sale of home-made cooking. Donations of money were as follows: G. W. V. A,42(0; Memorial_ �i tom► j, 1' l-rdutatIOITST-tu %i soldiers orphans, f 56.73; zenana .work in India, 514 overseas tobacco fund, 110; street fair, t5;' Armenian relief fund, 110; hospital' board. a cheque for 9100i in addition to many smaller donationis Mide directly to the hospital at variousimes. eat The chief activity of a Chapter sali its co-operation.with sistl chapters and se Less Powder- GI>ret Better Baking Follow the directions on the labs! Baking Powder Co., Limited, Hamilton, Calbmit is, the other women's societies of the tow_ in holding a street lair for tete benefit. of ial Alexandra be spits!. (111 In dosing this report we desire to place on -record our deep satisfaction at the pia safe return of so many of our brave soldiers, and to extend our heartfelt sympathy brothers are I ho lonely whose sons and Y g y graves in de- - vastated country in a foreign land. Dur jdng the coming Rears r work wt i:, renewed energy in the t ruetmg the Empire for which t made suc tslxifice. - - •Reaectfully •tt.d, 02 7o SCH0O1. RZpo 1Tf3. 32 914 410 EXPENSES Erle war savings lttahps....3 111 O1'trae C'Itlb and I'atriot if Xau.Lgueeague U• Mospltal (India/ Posi Itala). on hand on rob. 14(tb, 19:A/ .. R CB1.1(0IIXE, The following is the report of S. S. N. 8, Colborne, for the month 01 February, Those marked • absent from part or all of the examination: Sr. IV. -Pass 660 Kenneth Allen 830, *Clive AII1n 661, Carman Feagan 627. Jr. IV. -Pass 660. 14 Gladys Treble 1132. *Clifford Allen 6.56, `Worthy Fowler 541. Sr. III.- Paps 660. Dorothy Robertson 897, Lucy Hardy 844. *Margaret Allen, Wilbert Thom. Sr. 11. -pass 640. Oliver Allen 735, Willie Treble 733, Josie Walters 689. If/ 00 Wilmer Hardy 534, *Minnie Milian 143. 5 00 Sr. I. -Pass 420. Douglas Feagan 537, •Arn- 1f, 00 old Allen 417, •Fern Thorn. Jr. L --Pass 10 240. Reggie Allin 296,•Margaret Mitchell. • I Best spellers for the month were: Sr. IV., 04 Kenneth Alli - • 12 NS Jr.n. Worthy IFowler; 111., WilberThom, SrII., Treble. Prevent every day during tete month -Gladys Treble, Lucy Hardy, Wilmer Hardy. Josie Walters, Douglas Feagan. Number on roll, 22; average atterdance, 15. LILA M. IIOWATT, H. ('.. and two daughters. Helen • ) $ ori 1 Marjorie. Loth of whom reside at how -- They - 1'. HAFT};L. Treasurer. They are receiving warm t•lpreeude of the heartfelt my-tupathy of the co ' 1rer4ary', Report. muulty in their sudden adliction. Tsse r'ptt of sue Mmrerary foe the The above Is from Tlie Kingett� Whig of February 10th. The late I'glow left (iodertch with 1111 phut while still in his teens, but will still remembered by sour• rrsldentm of t Wilat town. Mr. N. H. Hick, who 'wale na • the clipping from vile Whig. e"Joyi/.trto warm f ---.'.hip with him hail 'omineat lames Say ix•t•n ie frequent guest at the f'glo Tmaa_'s�ala. O -N- }'t feehd Dr. Punas'. home while in Kingston for • ern iiia" twSLdalduunnyy able thne within reent years. MI 1 aatsttctaacy I1dt t'glow IN ■ 1•mi*ln of Mr. F. I mutt" poorly, ws. Laurence of Oda town. sea ed sad Oak, could sot set aay- tbey rad 1 was ea nervous !d . I took ►aerie• Presenia. tan' •.4 it epos ' toptlad the samosa. ay appentalwtarn- • d, aloe my arrsag{l and i Ina anon Sue and strong. My HAYFIELD. (Intended fee 1•0 week._ TUESDAY, Feb. 24. Mr. Hannah, representing Robinson Little. wholesalers. of London. has in the village this week. Rev: A. Macfarlane and Mr. Fra were in Clinton on Tuesday. attending meeting of Presbytery. fj7e ashy rem.troy The Young People's Society met las heir•ad l+a.ltbr .hd Fridayevening to listen to a debate or=..eoasid.r 'P.roriw the sbject "Resolved, that country life sad mird r 1 tt °„ro a"r„r use is more desirable than city life-" TheiMOS until.. S.. gyp. 1e.' - Kenzl a was taken at Miss leltaie � isKenzie and the negative by Miapl{AMjl,Tglj vey ant Mim Hilda King. The judges awarded Miss McKenzie 14(0s 0 4.:-"A 4ww meati• .spa points above her .opponents. the affirms- Ike tows mrd wr.oh[.sd to bad eve thereby winnng. My.r astA.0 pelt. si., pe i8•aas seen. • •kiln. i toe! a.. 1 Mt awfully weak sesarward. I I de We anat. i was wd wird to area's Plavar4ts Ptta•crieti.a in i Mind • anal• d batter amid if M i war weft aad str.sta sad 14 monad•. I ase ieaars•d Invent' PpmesilWs in bald dao. E. MARTIN• ..V17 LANKA (Intended to 1..1 weft) Monday, Feb 71. MI,. SH:111 Matt. of fort Albert. be engaged a.i- teacher here until Easter. Mrs. Wen. italdwin Ie very Its., We hopre for het speedy recovery. , hese Wns. Love. of Mhrnoch, is e■flai j her. A sleigh -lad of young folk Jour - noel to tt'u1. Jbhn"toa''. on the 2tel ,nn,mw,lon of West Wawa nosh, and bed an enjoyable •Igt1t. iw grippe' la going It moods. and 1e rather severe In some crier. }'rank A,tutan, of Ktngrtbrlllge. le rutting wood nn his farm. Mrs. Thos. (lunn and Edward are OR the sk'k list. :Ind twin. kakis ase•sit., �d rand dare b wta4- -w4$14 •r- •tllm`aa. blew' j--=--aaa4 a aeras i• is lash\ y els Ammonia. OK Maw. .Astrid. Sea. hweerws L. Teslas'• Ps.tsn ridssaw. the pptrfit Nathis A • w Teacher, Steamer %'aleartier Sold. The Montreal Transportation Company has purchased the steamer V■Icartier from the Algonquin Central Steamship Lines of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. The price was not given out but it is understood it was a fancy figure. The Valcartier was formerly the steamer W. H. Mack and was everted by the Jenkins steamship Co.. Roy M. Wolvin purchased the steamer a number of years ago and aold her to the Algoma interests. Mr. Wolvin is president of the Montreal Transportation Company, the new owners of the boat. The Vakartier, gwrhniaceh has a carrying capacity of 5.600) feet keel, fort was yi t in 19113. She --dght feet beam, is and twenty-eight feet deep. Depended w Yb Spied, Excited Traveller -"Can i catch the four o'clock entrees for Birmingham?" Railway Official (calmly) -"That de - started thirt pends upon how fast you can run. 1t een minutes ago." A (lam. of Methods. "You say that you often find your work confusing," said the visitor. "I do, replied the discouraged weather forecaster. '•Frequently when my seien- tific calculations point to fine weather, my corns tell rete it is going to rain.' (Hood -Rye. "Yew look pleased with yourself today, old roan," said the cashier as he unlocked hit desk. "i am," said the chief clerk. "You know 1 live in s flat. Well, never in my life have i been en pleased to hear my neighbors piano gang as I was this morning.' : ODI" esclainaed the cashier, "is there a gond pianist •4hyi.g there r No. 1 beard it going away in a saoying van. "-London Ideas. Unless a ntas ia a good homer be should stay out or the matrimonial game_ CONSTIPATION 17 tie term 00149TII'.11 p(►N d meant either tert.w7A.sy eW.aa s.sevts.a of the footnote et the bower elt�ealt N As.. The Symptoms are Headache, Dlal■o•s, Mental Slag Commoners Hos Least or a feeling of Wasted Isdlapo.! Coated TSN' Ler et Appetite, Hallow Shia watch easy rah aad Temples may appear. S.metfaea flora L Hysterical *polio sad Nervosa IEthar•tlea• -. IT 18 IMPORTANT to treat Ciiiiitipetism :ineptly aa t gss erafy leads to near seri se disorders rt..ar abeam. Lamb et a. Ilsd heath dry and PesilldesUgege... eMHtI.. al Judgment Mosid be seed la ••Isetlaa a proper remedy: ordla- sy OstbareSce sled Laxatives bare a weskenlag effect apse the system. aasset, seerettea et the gaatrie Jake *ad gave gripe aad Parte sad Mineral 011a, St taboo **royal Maas • der sa of teed- mwfigp'1i f[IDNSIf AJiD L also _?ILL n will the olal t a s - busters tis Cesetipetje■ rad Ila evil regatta form as Meal torte - We give herewith the medicinal setts' of the lagredl.ats .t MAIM - MGM. RIDES!' AND LIVER PiLL$ 111 order that roe may term year I r• opiates as (0 the value •f (kW wonderful medlel■s. , CASCARA - Iaxative. Cathartic, with late•tf■aI Torpidity Teak to the Liver sad Iatedttlaes. best when .wd to co• -satinn This stay dem seas Oriels( sr aaplesaaat ether dregs and kerbs. a. Lend foused add r a eoselde.r.hls peeled sl Klds•y. stove polo. vestlms elks t Cbralc C.ahtl- ^� Mhos W4s• "d Is mail sad repeat- HT09CTAMUS--Halpin fe Clio ad des•. r Nerves. Jeeves• irritability .f falba NAT U'PI.R _17sersl la Brew Nerve Centres. Per Peatelesal Tad - sad la[.matio■a of almost Seery Station et the Heart, kelpie. to t ma Vie sad ts► all disorders *file LiverMeese Nemb r t►• Kldasyg sad Spiess. Ter Jainism/this. Java_ Dowels. ('lls57 employed to Pmadj. dims' oavtlpaU.a. Dropsy and Hove pals aad to quiet ?Vitreous et - Rte Itrepteoes. cltemeat. CULVERT'S ROOT A Lazuli,* sad Trate, street is Dyspepsia, laaa- dl•tk Pries. D1•rkoe., Dy.eatery. Melees. Qeer.ete Liver Trash)* CAPSICUM-atim■laat acid Stas. mike, users! la Feeble sad i.assaM Dlgestlea, Dyspepsia. Ateete 4.,t, . cello amid Chol•rs. Otte tea• sad etgoe of aetl•• t• tit. PEPPERNI74'-- 11111 satire veer.Uv apparatus oto the eye- cells to eleek Na■ a b Pleura d Calle. Tar tMadder em_ Mee foe Iaaaamatlo■ et the Spmw•dle Palo ot iii.t0m•el mal NOA ISOs . U••d 1s Obstinate Bevels. w�' ter Neuralgia mad_Aleams- DesdtMstee mad Dre prostate griping m■/ t•• M MIN 'Headed the •tommeb. !fess •sw the pr.etpal lagr•dle■t• of Msekts 's )cI . 1111111. yes welt aad that ibis eombiaatis■ willpredate[ 7 aad l,tv� •t Me ilteumel, Liver, Kld■em sad free►ele. m bealtly rosdltl.a Tie ether Hags •r c..bImatlea of dreg•, ell•, imitative•, gat" art lap. waves will lave arch Masada! .Is, aa I[ACRINO'a <IDw1CT AND LZV IMI FILM bet yeti ogee he •are is get RACRIwg.e aa as othoy head will d.. s. pas a bet, 5 fee pi.41. Sold by all dealers .r by Insall. Ha•,klars Lraaa. Ltalrwsi. Ho ADVERTISE IN THE SIQ(AL IT PAYS. Ai -14.. -•.mete, 1