HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-2-26, Page 8q !re lir ale!', F;•hrn.',. ry 'M. 1926,
o inniow. C4a+•
1: t. Ulama s.U..►1t1EJ.
S` ' Double mur
A La ge Shipment �ur.ti:,n t,l I �:M,r 1 ,, ,gdo :,1 ,,.t
�Mrt1oK yf •rliuul li�wnl.
The prvblf., ... I�..ol ialurd Imp I,ud ea
MCnpsandsa on, 6.1.1• :4 Rlthl•lt delicate teachers' .“14W • •
.The tea, t.H1,iM• eqst fo.'a sand suicide
The n•:.. Item OW in o request for,:, �
,whin. of $:101) en. h for the leaching
.L1.-2 gr.•+.. Clover leaf .pat' ye, .• Ivo)0 Sept••a:1a•r, 1111:1. t.. _Xtig.1•1.
4 I!r� ► This request wake.. Pmol ou thetern cups and saucers. f rice 1.Lnn.yrt toss ..1 'Mug. .thee rpna
t."c. Note these are Cif IN A'delitor:,44n slit bold lodosi Inywrte,•
(not porcelain or dell.Tom L. .nl.wit :. rep ort nu the Bork
of tl - s:n nm. teacher., owl vhf. hr dfd
is ..real form. with Ihr resin that the
bo. 1.1 d14111.•11 le 1'41 111 a 1...1.11.• of 4441
'WI' ..•10 of their .alaric. ter the re
111:1i1.in11 portion of Ihr school year to
nil toil Use of the menders el the
4.i'te..clitior .I:ttT These live t regardfuc
.shout the i4 40444or l,4w)rted ntlt•:t4esr-
itldyl..get no lu.uit. whatever..
'tale te:lrlier: are .ticking 1.gtetla•r
in this Iu:tth':-how'rver, told it i.
tnl. l.•r•I.aal they dispute 144.• Jn'.4 41 of
I 111e III.lw. lor'. report :Uld. tit the tu•'.t
D�tss hours 8.::9 tri a4."'ting of the board will ,.ubudt their
.14.;a • iet1. •--to the Slo-tiott 1.Weil the.
Iw1:1; .4 lie.. seen tit io ink.'.
' \u 'totti.•iu1'' .taleWrnl lois hem.
i..or., by Ihr 1,0,414.4 iu esplu`iutth.n or
Jn-1111r111ion ..t 11.4'..111'.4•.. 11111 Ne bet IO•.e•
4Itt' 11t'ftud.• of the Majority of the
ten -tee. luny Its• stated somewhat' in
iii. h..hion : `..
Tli.'-teu.'ht•r.' at the beginning of the
.cl.w4Llea-r .1gited lrKr4'4'i .'lit. to tenni
'thrnu,thodt the year. pt .alurie. thiol
-Also' a speial line of large
pips and ..4pcers for wen. r•Oc.
See show. wiadow fcir above
Open. ,Sittlrday evening
Up -To -Date
designs in Antique
Circassian Walnuts; Mahog-
any; Antique Silver: Ivo
Ebony and English Oaks
on:the market.
Whether you have a Opt°,
print, painting or en-088ring
that requires frami bring
it in, and we will It to'
bring ouithe
\ Artistic Framing at\reason.
able prices _ _
but ---
but for the Grace of God.
Nita long. agoa shamefully
11 wronged husband started out
to do away with his wife and the
• destroyer of his home.
• HE was intercepted, reasoned with.
pleaded with.. After two days •
and two nights spent in prayer and,:
meditation, through the manifestation
of the Holy Spirit, he was turned
from his intense and terrible passion
to a magnificent attitude of forgive;
Smith's Art Store
tint 'it Tiff- om
'statements Or 4 1
flu statements
The, '41gual 1114• no
twitter. further than 101;•44,' *81 Ili" -
any "plain .Speaking" lin. 'Ina; be 1 /II -
night's weetingthe Ira Ilte titles
lion shOtild be set ed a ith g. si feeling
all round in the. jilt rest. of, t •44. %hi.
are chiefly eoncerne hot WI .slutve
nothing to say In t • Matt. -,tilit
"More 1 r, for teachers t. iney'itald••
Men mud 44'011 4t doeft go into teittliiink
• 1114.1041 lie 41 1111 4
trying to straight
' heredity awl ham
rause they believe li
mission. But Th -1 ---in
paid. The teacher has.
The te'furher oho lia4 to
all vocations in tilt. World tenet ng n•-
quit,- rile 111.1411 1 011.(11111t 1•114101 4111.
long on less pay than it given 44.
average merit:tide. Paying, t••achi
ess than ,f110,11/1 111411 4 111:11[1.1.1 W11 1 101011
0.111.1. 1111411/1 111.01 teHelli Mt or noite
Phone 198
Xgraph. and hew ions
last one was made/
Make an appo.nitnent to -
THE instrument through which
husband and wife were recon-
ciled -and a -ghastly tragedy pre-
ve,nted-was a Salvation Arms Of-
cUCH a change of heart wrought
6y the Spirit • is not rare in the
world-wide experience of the Salvation
308 Service Posts in
this Territorv. Use
them !
ast ult. U the ft...titers strike. God
tod. Instates and pay high prices for
necessities. tf have to get along
up-titie parlitoissit shops and the
net of ;ill.
to•rvuu.• strain of
ont the. Links of
.environto..iit le,
4114•Ir Mork as a
catilq-fillist tie
s in no
PcJ. FEla
regular February _meeting at cituttoi
following in HttellitailUee : gr. 11.04•,-.
nesti•rator. Drs.. Fletcher. Larkin mud
awl Messrs. Turnbull. J.- -rt. 'McLean.
.11.•Lellaiii, C. Young, Lintisity.. Mitchell.
11,11.1.• moderator for the ensuing 114%
agoutis,. s The annual' report. ot the
different standing cominittee. ot•re re-
ceived Hint 11111.11ted. With recommend-
ation. Trom. 44)131••-•OliUVe131.V.11. advising
for ex;;Inple that le nottnIte and earnest
'typpent be tniole--to'Ll;uttng-ProPle for
their lite. for flit. sersue of the King-
.lom 11 1111 es ms•ially,in the foreign field :
that the titern 1..• made act.111.1.1.• for
giving in orunitiou to the ;leapt.. of
worship and' the 11.4e lit the 1 40,411E,114
tally Penrers provided by the A. -
'oblations. to remedy over-4;Ittatt:11-
rural -districts: urging a visit....
lAX11.11.11 ell I 1.'1141 IC of the all DIM 1
is the aim of every careful shopper. and a
perfectly justifiable aim in these days of high
p *ces. With our inside
concerning the conditions of the wholesale
market in otii\own particular business, with
nothing in sighi but greatly increased prices,
we would say to the wise and prudent buyer,
ta buy right,
W. Reg. Sharman, Proprietor
1 1..11 with e-iirrattgejoi•sit i8f field. wt..
The 'lit...lug 'ere HPIP.1 11(141 coin -
41 1111 Itr. .litk larini. tern. Niel elders
chosen for tlie Stay ...in
rest id' tile Tittle." .
14yler: Mid passed tlie t411 111 11111.ttell to
If tiy 4.' At'"WItattiN-i-prtmrtrrric-tfilei.,
0011 1. HI I fir praise otol torn y..r shoo...it
NM Altottiti Knelt ri littoral spirit Hist
Sli-ssrsi. Mio•lartiiiie, 1.1.0t1` II 1111 MI:-
Cl/411114 1 11111 their eid•-rs.
Foreign Miggiliflit
Iiitosili snit tlwir elders.
Systematic Benefielowe
1;rs. lark!!! /1 14.4 Fletcher, arid tht•le
Ininell aml their eider..
Messes. liamilton. Telford smi Mae -
tartan.. litts1 their Oiler*.
NII• Mitchell and lir Aitken.
knurlier Selma Committee
pointed to be held tor the induction
Ntr Ferguson (late of N'orvill at
1'41,m elotreh. Winthrop, on Mtirch 4th,
tit p m The nest regultir meeting
10 a. tn. The remit fThat the Assentldy
(lay brings new Spring Goods to the store. Ginghams, oalored voiles
white goods arc coming, which makes it possible to do early spring
Dress Goods, which have been slow in delivery, are now coming forward
are being shown in niany cokr and the.finest _weaves.
A large st,.. of Atiderson's Gingham.. in the vewest pat-
' term; and colorings:, Colors feat and matte on a tine cloth..
This CO1011;111 is 2i in. wide and conies at 65o a mgt.
---.-- Canadian Gingham.: hi fano' patterns and made from a•
eloth tonne tit BOG .111 a 27 -in. eloth.
.'s newest creations hint- the combinations -k rotors
are most attracti.ts •
It is a pleesure to show siteloiNvonder.ftil range of voiles
atlfiruplitiV-141. as.iiii.---Ifintest Will be eltosen first and it
• will be attivisable to.o choose your dress ea
, They range- priee from $1.25 to $1.50 a yard.
A"' 21
i'ilttons are 'the best. They polite in very tine
maditpulams, nainsooks: and eambriCs; also ie -heavy
%%eaves Which will give exceptining wi•ar.. Tbs.,- are *bee -
just a. out inky them.'
Canadian Cottons come in, the elleuper gristles and the
are init.& They range in liriilts* from 3110 to ebs a
Tlietteti-stoeks will be$tigker and .it is gilod policy to buy
Cottotisisfosr-spring seseing_oute.tailde he stocks are com-
few 11x-1' itielette Itlit*Illtiti:10 sell 61 St50:-
. its openi g day Saturday, March tit
.1*. expect to have oor
6.'11 re‘arriviits eatell day it it by NIa-reli. 6th
adventage to inspect .these littes on the oi)ening day V -----
N'e \feel confident- that it 'will be to yo7 astivanta' to see one lines mer-
chandise. •
'.riirther announcenten Will he ma !titer. NV'teh for -it.,
Onr policy. will be the ewest mere Mlise 4ke bet;.t design -S. -and
one garthent of each. style and lor. N
White repps atid fatiey cloths for` skirts are being shown
in 36 -in. materials. Pretty weaves for stininier and spring
wear. A large range to choose from. Tlie clime from
‘oileS and midis all Wanted shades rang4\ friim 1. f• :1 pieces still -to sell in. good Nate
These clothe tire .well suited fi.r plain dresses, which cun • ' - coitgroleum 'Rnt.rs One !I :1 1,:j, at
be 'prettily .trinurleti eontrasting materials.
A fow fitiovi inter Stockings at 116e,
A.few lines rif b ken sixes at No.
a at 60c a square
"The House of Reliability"
term..16rship wag distapproved of.
mud many suggeations were prepored
for the committee Assembly on the
supply of voranel
Owing to the illness of several of the
teachers. it was decided to close the Col.
legiate Institute for this week. It will
reopen again on Monday morning next.
Providing the ban is lifted by the board
of health, the regular meeting of the
Goderich branch of the Women's institute
will be held at the home of Mrs. J. W.
Taylor. Elgin avenbe, on Thursday,
The regular meeting of the Women's
Auxiliary of the G. W. V. A. will be held
in the club room at 3 o'clock on Wednes-
day. March 3rd. All members are re-
quested to be present to discuss importatA
The unfortunate thing about tow!
resolutions is that they are often made
too late.
Riverdale Tire Corporation, Limited.
Opens Brawls Number a.
The announcement of the opening of a
Cut Rate Tire Store by the Riverdale
Tire Corporation. Limited. at 369 Talbot
street, London, will undoubtedly cause
quite some stir within the precincts of
the local "fraternity."
This news will be welcomed, not only
by motorists locally, but by those
throughout all Western Ontario tor whom
London is recognized as the *puree of
The London branch wiN make the
eighth spoke in the Montreal to Windsor
' wheel" of the Riverdale Tire Corporation.
Limited, -other branches now operating
at Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Hamilton
and Windsor. This branch wid be unthr
the able management of Mr. Roy Car-
roll, who is already well and favorably
known throughout Western Ontario.
Motorists will save real money by
taking advantage of our orening sale, at
which special midwinter prices will pre-
Thunslity, Feb. 'N.
Ihistli of Niro. Albert Geod.- -
deepty regret to record the death of
.%1 t:01 which ormirred early
on Weditetolay morning after a 'Mort
Illness of pneumonia She 11 survived
by her htimhando and a large family,
all of whom are 111 With the -flu "
tioldwIn at home and FAns in (forte -
rich hare both contracted pneumonia
and ore option -4y The sympothy
of the whole neighborhood goes (int to
the strieken family. Molly other
homilies are ill itt this community %ith'
the All." The public school hits been ,
token to prioent the further spread of
the disease
The National. Cattmalga-Irhe eon-
WIWI 4.4 111./Irly completed Olt this cfr-
..iiit Not milte $N011 h/1•1 been secured
up to date fen' muttered contri-
butions w hieh are to C • 11 Yet Will
altogether likely fittn,g 41w total to
slightly over 400. which Is not quite
half of the ObjeCtil Net for tills circuit.
appolottnent hits contributed
the Bethel 11 0414.1111tM1•111: VS:1, Anil
the North Zion appointment $131. Ile -
sides thew. ntnonnts Bethel him COn-
triluited *MO for missions; $'27 to the
TIPP I141 evangelism. making a total of
NM: for t11/1 appointment. 'I'M,.
your. eontributions to
at present. with some other contrIrm•
lions to come In yet.
Her. F. Kenneny Intend* gt•Ing
a aeries of entt•rtitInments in the nenr
future Illtistnit.•41 with magic lantern
views. Fttrt her particulars will he
a need later.
Little Ross Pfrimmer. who has been
for several weeks. hi 'lowly recover-
- The Epworth Leasms of Remitter
and the Vesting' Peoplea Clots of Del het
detnie 101 .4 11141 red a 1% 11 y I he
interest. while
they last.
T. R. Harrison
'Phone 316
West St. - Goderich