HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-2-26, Page 6••�M.••w-4•1,1,.•1-••• .... �..r.w-+r �.,rw •w • • h11401111,'°•i4• ae, N..a•A•
• � l•»'7 ..
f Thttr.,h.y, 1 ,•1.0n
TO Alt. WOMEN MEN AND MONEY. IN' r: rd I,rtrl 'f 4 t
% , all .1)..„,..0.,411 Ili, 1lublir .eh,«,L .out riou,vl fn the ra1,.r
'\utl•illr_ Ahs n11.140•.Y1-0‘4.8'111' It bell Ihl t -wNr uY1 tin. High School 11'1 •n the uriRikhurs light-hearlcdlf
• that the ,11I'l*4411 I413.,14 • 44111*•.• 11 h4.
Juhllt � their „141141 %ear ..,ulr(htu4 ..f n 'r'un'g dlw•ut.ty! the war. predicting its }vlrty
t C r tui. let..wt III% rutrii l4•.', with phut prog%ArK They ,we're skid, to I:II..e and +..unvvw,+rn ( elltlleg. 31 r•. 11row•(4 WNW
WN0 ARE ILL tt'outiuur,t fruna pa :t.It' , honors, anti, Tutu i,: 41111 ,'salt' I«•I,1l.d.
} lo.lt' Itaint•• Iti8' tit,' 11r,•1 •'11 4(w lilt." (ht•ir. 417110 11is' '1, .rola 't lo• 111411 .Ili•td it abwrlr., ileo Litt lel IsN°
•r\ .- • \"• ••'r(111i..1rY711114' It' i.. the.lountbvglkd•hrhtht�ffnh111111irw11u the 1. t I..'ys null 4I,lrkrsibillty 'u,Yhhc�pldai'.ielth11f1•gKrir.
1 11411•
wi,4 1. u.' ply s(aY iah.t. w Io r.
}VIror io ((444 nli.tuthet. 1 I:ur..,'• 1.4141 went (u the rile .141 1r•glu their college They Iuit;ht nirfii^ 141
. This Woman Recommends ,4jclht• 4hu al1Wuul of 4( 44 ,\1,,,t"',::::•:: an,1 111'. 11'i1...u. •'1\'1'11,.1'ut lead }'o4• tirhl � work. .h•hu 44 um. 4•,.,l, one year ;Mea,( •1 'k1•,'r th Ihuu41 1 of ,luh.,•rltr-
Lydia E. Ptnkham s Yege- wake Iota f,4• racer it ex,,,*ty, :in.',' - 1'11 1.4141„-e'IIullgh 141 k,' i one ¢i ,.r Tout. blit he 'taught n year t.. heir. tion l$' the .tale. hut there i. n more
• "I grander hew Ise knew hot% insult 1.rwtn. w'ay fur 11 44.i1' 41a1^... (1111 flan',. 1( 1,4, iv.. 414141 'ta 114 111. 441eu,rnb11.law Chau Nit. .ver wr(IMu
table Compound—Her I we had,- .444.! /11,W 11r'tw 11. reflectively. ) 111 *4/111 (t hul4i1{uu1.. hut hi", wird" brother t -ah h' lip h. how.' The iN. 11oo 11 II! 1.41.4 tyl"', and It Wal. Ilial law'
Personal Experience. I a, hr w Cul,• *lug rhr.iue .t haeb .Illi„«1 Mayr. were 81r;C 1i.i(t••• II '01 44441 as was 'tidy tif4y mfll•. iIY'tl •. anal the Irl'.
1WJ aprawlow driciul1' the gladne..
awsty "an !heir • rind. for the 1,1.1 Cit .In' It lrauln4 14t•r 61,41 nu lu•r hands. '•nun• lu•uu• each wvwkjrlNt, 4141 Ihvir n l '`)4.y frulu Ihr flr•art 4•r ala%%• n
T ,year', SIle sills -lil4 .drily,.: (here. obeli\the bi, yeles, it. the .„41414111 t44lr•. i Mill 111141 wuuuul.
M t.ean, Neb.-"1 want to eecem- ' "'hitt, par! . 4 4hrir rew••r is vol' inlaid
value t,• clear aw.iy,lhr (real fn.4 -.114 stay° 4(414. whru the_ 1`uiverat.•' Pr Is the Ince of r•u11.1•h•uee the tun
mend Lydia E. Pinklhon'a Vegetable lege,- said , hi \cid.• w.ul.. ' �►v,A rugal ..r r t it
('ori4•r Ali In 41w , lint• -(+46 -titer tett• i l:4;1ad(.'I(nIst_tyutslt'tlitll.._ _
•• 1141/.11111.,1.,,,,, u' pound to a 11 „111 ,l (tidy. pr II tt 1• Ila• b,•.. t,• hot% • !i , 44111• hltndretl dollar sehotar.ilip had.; Sometimes. it e....Iforted :11141 1'4•
,vomea ,who suffer t., rnr i 4•,,'..n. 1 ..1..11 .'t1(4 4..41, 41..1 • The I:ro.,n.. tike usher 1«4n1dr, hart Ireful itw'urd.v1 tt,Jelin Brown. 'turd Tutu ' a,wurett her (u wu1rh II,' mea 44 i,..
from any functional .tr4•n1.:. %V.•tl .tall N11011:44 .a.n1_, di...•u.ien. :11.1 L61,I10e. ai U44,,'. 11;e1 taken the s1Yvaal 44(41 411', arty w•alkt',( 44,,' 4l'tr•t,4.,t(1e (*len who w.•„
tlisturba ee, as it ., ,,.i.i , ,411 1'1• lir.. tri Ow 1„..ul;, :4I1.1 w4tltn' 1I4 '11, •l -,til:.. \o tow health% .1,111ir.. (loth boys Wert. 4(4 home %4911(* ,Skier Allan. licit, 1,11y., lint ..'1 1141,';•
has done '•.e.more ,.el, , r. _,I.i,'., ..,Ili tu..fl. aril out' 1.1.1,. ever li%e .Inc
rod than all the 1 1 � ( rltrr'(iu perfect 1 h report. were • rltthN.hr,t,' not tee var(4le•.•tyl wiN, 'fratllc ram.. arid ::{,
66 1, dotL.'• w ill .h, list% another 4rar. hart..M for lilt 'intl.'riuN, ,ori,«4, *mil littlela.n.r. tri 4ayy1 ref rr•pa4r.. 4•,l Ir pnr.,*4l. 1.Ne. Sorely they',\,4uid e
ductot s m (cine. r-,'..-..11.1110, lett' fro...,t1at 4..•„1:41. 4(11. 11 4111wrwr4141.1 i«• 1 14 1 .i ae.:1111, 1,114 IL1'..I.IMYI- • ,tall delight. tt. Mr. liro%11 lu•i.. r
Sjnce Lakin? it i'-�1 i, leer.. %(141.'11 rail.r41%' l«•ys *11
have a fine l' thy
u•y ;.t4• (µa'1N4t►'tyl to qty the Cur.• s4.1' 11.11:41111; y'It(14•ut up -.ilio Ilio „'11th hruugh( file twlrr home :,f u;
baby girl and h . ve•
gained in health a
strength. My hus
band and 1 both
praise your med-
icine to all sAtTeri1g
women."—Mrs, .i014N Korrsl•swa'ri, R.
No. -1, Mel.eaa' Nebraska.
't'hii4 famous
Lyd c4
E. I'inkh
t and herb remedy,
Vegetable C'um-
y''»ra ::•4•'l it will well ay any woman'
who surfers '.from dishleemente, in- � • 1,(4
tiammatigp„ ulceration, it•rel;ularities,
• b.aukrche, hes-:::;hes, nor ousness or
"the bttte*;" to giro this successful
•tern'dy a trial. -
For opetial au;geations in regard to
Mour,ai!ment write Lydia E. 1'1[$/ham
edici''. Co., Lynn, IJass. The reau't
of it14 lor.g.experienee is at your service.
WIN1tf.•IapIM f*OM JAN, .STH \I.
«n,. au .1•(1,1.1. $la• tried • to'.thhlk . uf' tire l
1141 our uwu dw fur. rani the Fill at the 41f tlu•'YtateUh•W. 1'11 it rni the label (y•fure hi: wit•,'&'''up v4tul-:uuJ t!„,ttwl(4d. w114G net inter
dross•,: .0 .4'' .4:x1'1 4 4, again -- 1 t,, 14• 4.4414 4l«.:u Iuitluen'. "14• . � a• la•a411Li•• r..1,1-*4*4, tel'%. •'4,4*....
l:aJt.. 'IIl'rtsllirt:'. wtyr� 2l J^U mitt• +, r
th•tt n. t .o tMld,.” It...,, La,l 41411411 i4 ,lir, tote 1,. 1411,1 ; 'y:ruti'1( brolhei'. Iakr• tint nod ; 1 cell.. 'Uer. wvalld awl 1'4•• luyvlr,
` -- ! • .4,,int,1,> :,ti,•r,iunr 9 :Ire• true" ler (II. 1,44•4•1%.1 nt'h•.Iru•.hip for, protirjtni,;t•'• 41 It 4•l• .Ile .aid l4• 111Y4vI4, !I O'' 44 .191,1
•1'441• retry frrl*41(4 w�.f iii 11..1 :Xt.. .,. Attu h '1'.....•••. 1 41 •Ia%'t teal'•, •I;y (airing ill 44 ...aid. 4 I IIA( r• I41i11111•• .• 11,•1.1. *14,try 11 •tU 11':1 41,
.•.,•4, ..lhrr• 114 IIIx• ye:u• 14,,1 t.,1,4,e• n.,rI; •vl N,tit 4n' l41iutin4. 44111--I -.The t'••4,11•••are l.,glih4ne to r •thl.s••i,wr'wriw ,
I, %wl. f•ta••11u• UdP,tri. •In,,tr,l tiHr . 4•l r l (4i•d..;c ath•rn.1n1 h:ua L. tr•,1•4.:keo Wig. in. 3bN17AJ."' •:.id Jt�tri,`%citl. a auih'•-I trig(' , c•�uL1 41:.1 Ir• 11 call tel III.'!:
hi:. 11..11.....8111/. l4 lhr4 1r14If o4• :1rr•'tlt.'4, ('4'. 11uh1r4•h,.( 1.1,.4!1••-.. •aist Id4i• 4%.l :a•• ho Li•..I 41,•1'. rMehr•u-f 1. 1,41,1 w1••r *lo •4lieflit d,•. f''1 1441in
mi. rrr-lr.h4nrcrh4,. M(W•4F. 71444....7111 t. tit, t U$t• •'4' 411.• 41%.4414 a hkci1 14141.4 , Mi. Irl,.
h .' „ "ire wa., tremulous: '''Ing .U.om.
.,:. Ilele,,,,,ad aiolith. 1 1..."1 ow,. he.1411t ot, •1 or - rte.. _ 1...{MI ••..•,-. -_ -
teeter„ Ontan
Co •:-
Largest and Be%
School • .
tlgacva -• za, ,• -
.OI'_ stry:os u:;: meeting
`,lie' b:w, 'Rlti>l:tr-' rrr. rr:ancl--
forattractice, r, 'i tile, moil
erat -h- priced S!:1„ ,.
t , ti' 314
et•tin \" +;14• foots -.i4•.
• Iii' i'AI l .1% ""i
'• 4,.. 4..,1 I
• I:
4.14 44.11- _-
1NFLL•E`,2.\ IIA, -
1..-ATER' U: \NGERS.
Particular C'itne `eeded'\C•:'1en
1-katisrit-- ---Dir cent,
Sa% 3 Expert;
\, . 1..1rt., • 4 14� 4
1-. 4, I.• '
!i .�,. I• 1 1'.• I
11 :II i..t
1,• :r . .Ur, ..i-
for me! ((r,111
:4•'h Taos-,,.
. r-- ., .!i .. I
.14 111• lieu'.
Two=Party' Line
Telephone Service
NIECFSSARY curtailment of
new construction during the
war, followed by the unpre-
cedented development since the arm-
istice, have resulted in a universal
shortage of telephone material. -
In order to utilize our supply of'
equipment to the best advantage, to
reduce delay in installations to a
minimum, and to avoid refusing ser-
vice to anyone, we.ask those intend-
ing to order telephones to consider
the advantages of tiro -porde 1i,,e tert'rc4•
The cost to the user is subytan-
• tially lower than for individual line,
and theervice of a high standard. ,
The ra for ;w(Sparty line is, fQr.
Business tet : hones $22.4x1, and for
-4 s den£- t9- arenuat:
We wiil •,be R . d to furnish fullf in-
i6n to anyon
Ertely i tTi Tele -Aisle is a Lo
t J: RUMG'A'L • Local Manager
B 11 Telepht ne Company
interested. t
Distance Station -
of Cana
�,.1 44 �,
44•r'iii .4•z., .. 'r;
`r utl �'1UpIify
and irons at
in stock
r 4•h+ .4,, 4. ;t •
! t I i , \ 4•r t.4•
p" I 1 -•c• 14.' 1r tit, to 4,.• 4 4 4 at,'
-...__ -'a.,..4• :..t••..1 .:a,.•4rr...7
.� „4,'., , • «-,-c-.1=�Il 4t ..11",1:41•'
'111, fp;tS
._ hr t':;>r'nhn�nnt
�...-.- •.__:�,ti„.. _,,.. t .♦ , s,.. 1 4•,u a 4Ja,, the the 41''ragr
_ .._^t.4•.„ - 411-,1. ,1 ( ,
• t,4.. , t , n" l4• i •- .' 4•1,
1 4•x. it niu.t he rr�rtvntaere•! ��� `�'
• - ... , , 1 .• . , .L '''t'aFt'tr117ro "A4A r.-�r•T7ris'irr
cc against tilt.. knit !
4•1. and
r : • . tn>t.fote't `1,elite.'+ 1 .avoid
�.. 1 , .at 8mount Nt mat. tr. or
1 }1„' ' tI ek•te iii :..-Egg, -
7 ' tieafrt'- taW, are ndvi^n .r in lThlittrd
:1 ' 4 . 1 l ?MOT,, 'TI rash tam shlt1M always b.'
i 4•r,,.
,.:,:.t.. •.• t1 t1if.:" .1 1 444 •Qt -'::ii,,, i'ri►re
, �,.1 taking.
,t `NIIen Lard Food 1.' Bail
4•f. rn'II 1:444 P4M,... •7 t ureitai ,,,
+�I ..,'•,. ... tl„ t'4,4'414141-4, t.
.4 4
n1 Ion • 7
• 44,1.! . ,I ,
•r ..,'I
' 4,'.1 in
.,n'1 1.
•.• .-• b.i-.r .- • • .w-•. r ... •..t.-•. f,�.a,..l. , , . •11 ..l,3 Id a H. got d murt.11in • , ,
• t . "• i4• a lieu ,,,
"I 1 :1:'40K1I''twat. li+hand.vegetables.-..•/i1. -a„!t o (II ugle,t head AK
---.V.80.88 r.' n , ,„plc rellared• Frt. n ff 3:cllo,c
:„,t . ' 1 +aur i . 'rnr, I >t• Inl pre r11t,•. TI • to lite tand Jet rt tug her
•. (� 1 FF!
4 raft«I , 4•, .. )',I t �4ih,v' H , 1 .,14•, .art n the• gt!Ilun t;yurx� Io x1 pec ' •'
113 !p um pat,. in n i.t her! together,111t,linf'I t ,,(,-417,•
1.,•+--w..,,l; tett will. I t!el,•r. : d: evinn eatery manner bat Civ 1 j l,o,f. hiritd 4•u fnk„r. ..f 4;,Inie.
• - Y' ( •Ill cow,: had (' ntJ; tslat4all i< thi+ to he' i:• :
. a..._. Hri 1:::::::0,4,1. ntrt to `one rrfrttitrlit^1 iA ca: hf rl4nv'a1C .rice from ire: ,
Iurs} 4•I ,4•'1]•-•.+9,-.,,,,-.,,,,,,.-rtn•,e
1'11 r "'r. lm.v.'nntrnr. a in ittrytillal a d.sc,,t i, nv, .i ,, ih.�-++.Mf.'- per”
•I,I•tllrta7nr P= - ,, 4••t. ,,,i4• .. h-h„�.
•div,. I,• .1 L, air if. it ifitl+lttanr in,t 1.1 - - -
I Tarn t:,...', 1 4•t ' oeahet. the dice iv lune ion by R” • •
fie.; [..•• raghtd h.i•t,tl* it', hire 4 r•atin.t'f a,
11 ter. till,..', I nthra .tnd n;. , 1.1.1110 f sty •parrot ftx,rt or even '- 1 lint l I •„ nn• P„.
1 '1. 11 s nt 4'4711 4n 1 arlc4�ed ,'.
n 1111 •n, u4.i, , . ,•.,'4111,1 1. 4,,, '(enure. .” "art•. a4lhrnt,. 11,- n lin ,i;.l
,,.,,,,if, h•.. •( • lex.; 1111 ,u:mlrlt2Ugnr ivrr n11•rte of lrtrxlatu t. 4 rit4 ,7 11,(41, Lr It, I'.t i,rt
o,t 1 nl ,,E, ...leen, 'Mni.i lee , 71 71fsfrrl 1rarA inov'ertax',t'; •, Hill l'IV(1! „ h".c'. 1'''"r
r „4.
, , h•etng, ‘,.,,.11
ry 11 all .. I The .tpnYn h, tall[ Urs pa�. tK ,h/Ntld eat .I ,
1„ 1 ,,,t'ta.ltt. ryfnl rarrinll. l .4 .,,,n.
n'1 nn ,.' t,.i :, mem h :n.l >,i RenehNalS' a• d (rrylrenfh i' , 1•;4• 1111414«. venni Hua .
Lica is ill wr,n ' %•e,n_ ,v. rte ( .will' 1 Ih4uk• i¢ ' 'As'a 64ir in Mild nl• t 1
14••• ol`9'itr, fhl. He" 1',' . 4••r t1 tar(( 4•r r•rrryf. ''„ .�, 'C ,
thu , Water. et or ft,ndinL.tlle heel•"•7711 til !!Ili+
tent ;.v'111• kL••,r•w11' rt, rllm't1:llr Ili, ahattl•t,d aero'('„..th., wit._ • :lige• '.,isidrlrii4avM.ilio
,t iib Ili%' d,tr•t -e Ja:.t4r, a'h,eb to • tai '""til R” xli ,41,0;.:•:,,,n41:11
writ, t1 h t :%4 t n, 1 ran i4•,
1 It t ft In•itir4tt (tam.' Ihnk I'111: art unsutllt 1. Thor to •• it u,.t .:Iffe. rr.1 at• and r•uln,
let the stemar•h...r'n...4tri't• Jr* .17r.•.wit":,pv+nw: ._ithol ft. home Luau,
u u,iit"i.j,44 �n`pualrem',kerelietv.rirh. r At•ra1 hrY-tn trio+ h7id,,t ;if t
They wet ... a tonic to tit, bmrel.r t .•elee. ; it.v, ns .oi' •hers, I' ''t 'int 10,4•1nrMe k
w•htrh t• the nn.r reboil•. tear to Mkccr rick tT"j• on. 1 nit, 11.4 thin.itre ne
a bi
lAau r
sok w ai
a It 1 a 1'4•.
.Nye 4•u 1
, a . r - [ 1
1 1 rMa ins• ...• •
cwill r
w�' ,71Plr 1 h:n•t w h,v, t
e4• enn•tip,lted 14tirrla. tore i• no grip. iT• hv,. ho41I 4•1 ser one Kort:• leer 14•
NTT n► inennvenien,e. ton natnrary Pt" jc
Ihrn (a regniarfty and chmf&neon.'
f th•evrere eq•t very little and they work
! white you steep. .
St'.p jai;1rg Lit e'4• and Bowe
wit!. t•ic11t ^! drugs',hat
• I take (... .tel+' „ .
. lir••.t...a..........r.�.:n....:'..�.....,,� . ' "I)rn imif ing" h.1t nut of. P,i l4• .ar,m
with e:tiemrl area other aieltennc* parkt1 '
•,r; 1:' . r„ (;,"a,.. (4 re tout ellk4`
s ' t a .4'n..Cigi_iuJ4 t. - _
.__C, ; :p..:;....nr(,...;_. ,
YMa• al.. c ' - . Weee lw-.
114vnN trN . •11.,(1.....,.1161111,1, nrprte.
.rf,r••1a o C .:,-o• •ref. otr'IttwA, tri.
•'i t':1.t.1')Tr, 1'F,ncips
yRf1•BEi.T.. W1LSUtl�I~._
i� -• t r; l -,:tot---,: M�-t+:rt-.,_, f+-4-t.�=+-�-,-
}*4.1 hl irrUa:ft;',,I ,.:,111.,
Birders, Mowers, Fertilaer Drills.
Cultivators• liarrtws, kellcrs,
Cream Separators, Manure
Spreaders, G's Engines,
r Tractors. 1) --'Co Li --ht
and Power Plants,
&ochry Incubators
tad Brooders.
'then ti'c• •t.%4• thntt•-
ma: tc+d�.ut f - .le.,41 Fen-
, ting, B a '' ed a n d
Smooth ,ire.
Tons of the heist n ''. l(emical
Fertilizer ala•„)s
Hay, .1tnw •"r Wolof Ilc•iit:re
to an}' i.:Ir1 of tlnCll.
4•,•r our 4•i,,.
011 (41*' I! every „.elan and. erfe , it 444 a furlhrr 4rnlyd 4,r tt,
e in-.r....�
the body, r l t n •
tm r v,
the .•
h appetite.. I -
h U
hiM 1 t e
II11NIr• '
4G to u
then, ,
(he digevikt
incl• and Ade r more, • t. Its i. tiny, f flingwill in7,,i,,.n M A SSEY HARRIS STORE
inv o1 w,ar4n�r and tlthrriytm u.( , !nilly 1 n Ik• of w lu•tl Ut4• I.••, .
ren, 14.14;,13 4 irtr,pll, ao,l ow alway flowing art aft.4•f la grippe '1r, reit• linin•. I t'au't lanlyr•;awl a
('nil,. 1 ,:111, f„„,„., „lent.%• nor nn ta„ inllurrr4 Tti,e oho 1 e lir. %%iitiatrtaa'! nrbl het• lu•I,,, .n ,4•1 PHONY: IIh.4
let :' • ' ! (nJe1w.1.a4 a fins
.'ink POI a NM triol will am lv repaid Iii... 1111•, And .111•• width( fo take Hamilton St.
• • by the hen' MAlfh and rrr this tonic ..•,.n•.h f•, ' '1 won't, have owned illi,• t Goderith
John writuLtsrsrst nitctidne aisstaxL_estr-•^r
w,...1,1 vin,to ktrrp_that room just q, I __\`•
C” 4
4 : �
i%;%\;‘) s al your scrs-itc
with the best goods at .mist
reasonable prices.
South Side Square Telephone 46