HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-2-26, Page 4;y,a, Nottwuat�!Wat ' ~ t-. •,, ' wise' . s 4 Thursday. Irebntary ^-w. 1n'_A. THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT. It Will Pay You to Buy Boys' Suits • NOW DUNGAN,JON.Av. passed away last week in the person of ' Mrs. William Wilson. She was in her 'ninety-third. year. Besides her .on. alter Wilson of West Wawanoeh. with whom she had made her home for some ye4rs,, she leaves one daughter. Mrs. Neil Afiudtxh of this town. and a THURSDAY, Feb. 26. -- Elmrrkfetou returned to school 1, t.•.t Vin this week. His mother daughter and a son in other parts of the ac.uuianled him and will remain' in country.. The luneral took place Friday \ ingltatn for some time,,Irum the home of her son, Wallet. to ..Ir. (;cilia Haines is moving back -to his Green Hill cemetery. and was largely fat in again. south o[ the village. attended. Rev. R. htacCallum, of the Mr. Naegal has purchased the home of Presbyterian church, conducted the Mrs. Henry Caesar, and will move into it services. at once. The carnival held last week in Lorne Vin. H. Carr has bought i50 acres ; rink, under the auspices of the Lucknow from Thomas McLean. on the 5th con brass band, was a great success the band, cession of West Wawanurh. This gives clearing over 1100. A lengthy and Mr. Carr" now 300 acres. interesting program was carried out and . Mr. Elmer Pentland, of Chicago, is here the events were keenly cuntAted. visiting his mother Mrs. David (;aver'• Alfred Armstrong. of Lancia 1, a form r Wm. Baihe. U. D. G. \I.. tit Goderich. resident of Ltieknow. was- in Town last accompanied by leo. Howard Robertson, week, having brought up the b Ay of hi, visited -Dungannon Lodge, 1. 0 0 F.. infant child for interment to Green Hill fuesda�'. night qt this week and nwtalled , cemetery., • the Utticers cul the ensuing year. John Little: iulst,veast of town. h.:s wild We trarn with a ret that Rev. G. PIM River.. f rme�l •.of Er�ktnr The new Spring Suits for boys will cost from $12 to $22.50. we have in serviceable At present stock good tweeds in nice patterns at RHEUMATISM $10,$12and $1.50 SIZES op can save several dol- s by buying now: Comte rly and get the best se -tion. .er Gomm. of f t K. 9 } his farm to Andrew' Kirk. of near Dun __� church. ;aungannon, is in poor health andHo(1 The olheial reeox . Temperature to 6e lei below zero Tuesday ; - Ni ,n v Feb J3. The meetings held'yeste n• . i.ucknoa sruiors won the griiup district L: r,n Wunder the auspices of thr Beard t$ampiunship in the N ,rthern Ilii key of gricultu(e re were lrly whit attended. League by defeating Wingham, at Wintt• • \, In te hafternoon a class to judging cattle ham, on -R1 r,day night by a score to 12 tu4: This 1s Just the season when Rheumsttsm wit hl t• grinding pain and stiffen- ing of Joints gets hold of you. Fight it with Tem pleton's Rheumatic Capsules Templeton's Rheum•tto CC•psules bring cer%sin relief, and permanent re- sults. They are recom- mended by doctors, and •old by reliable druggist' esery where for $1.04 a bez. or write to Tem leton'. *Ms Mailed anywhere on Toroore.. celpt of price. \ {. :, t II. t'. I hurlup'• Drug Stoop. (;utlerleh. can • has been urdetrd by his physician to takeds here showed the !' I; l' T.\iL. a complete rest. "mor, ing of last week. "The Scotch Store" 01 STORE HOURS : 4 A. M. TO b P. M. t SATURDAYS 9 P. M. rbay -in Y3tJ rred horses 'occupied the attention of the, nun, while the Women's Institute9•stened t to an address• by Mi.. Guest. In the eve rig a jurat meeting was addr..-.o1 by Allis kiuest and Mr, Thomas Mcshuan, Kcv.' Mr. li:rl of Toronto .' will sin• duct the, «entre, ut 1ht *Dungannon and Port Ai1Jrtt 1.'1,slotcrian, church.- u,\' Sunday. t - ,t•tY'KXtrlt - \1oNoat Fon. '23 Th. Lu: nottl\Wrnien'; institute held' it: n nual "at 1 me ' ,n• the tour hall 1 rnh s- i'tiiltlt, wilts the airrbets and r en t:nntlios sod\ftigii' met and ei J v 4 :1 (...*7 • hours\ tRer ether. I ie ,. as eitaly .dce,aa ,d.. with ?ills-.,- : , and tlowtr.. ' '"lilies T ut in,.. lilt nig! and vac -Alm -iv mu -it -with a (rate•• ,ir•llf;a fx•rnnntiele: and -I> s, t. rna i•t tlo. Walter C. Pridham J'1' ,AI: ,1" I:11 141 11'ill \taLCrmeqgor and Thos. Styles re- turned to thele homesteads in Alberta last week atter spending the winter here. • Chas.• Stewart `.is hauling lumber to Goderich. RIi1t�Flla Cowan. `•- of Pine' Itiver. wit home for the week - Air. W'tT1 Mclnt re. of Langside. visaed friends heir on .' nday. Kermit Rtcl.ean. as has been at uburn si,tcr the close f navigation, - home. EXCESSIVE ACIDITY is at the bottom of most digestive ills. Ki•noIOS. for -indigestion ariord pleas. ing and prompt relief from the distress of -acid -dyspepsia. M.1DF: Ill' $ uTr & BoWXE . MAKERS Or OTT S F_v1U1.SI0. At:ltt'KN. - %Vire:E�t Feb. i5. It ,s reported thatMr. -haler Upsetter has wild t`�w Auburn !louse t , \ .. Forel Carter, w'yo►k gets fxis•e, atm A - it L t. \lr. Cart r as sold hili daelting.h use to Mr 1'o, d F rguson. Rtr. JmTrir. 'ft,iwatt is 1ltt.tl-wi!l an :it tack et IreutisN. and pneumonia. (hHtrCttY'.-t a ret of 11r, lo't lo 1. ,k. its -giro\ fr ni the t lest!. rttntn:ur-orrS t4stuy\aftt , • t r: iter : ;f;a. day: -'.rets +t.(t• • 1., .li t -.a d .waS nfiy.•l; e >t,:u•.: t -,_. :au,: "l •. • --t't-Tlt-"!"tri-ti-1001 mr -174 -Yate, ;..1t...u.' see 1: r. i IT .. , -T ,,t;- ay I SPRING GOODS Phone 56 s/�/sMNs Again we would call your attention to the New Spring Goods which are arriv- ing every day. They are an exceptionally fine assortment, and well worth an inspection. Amongst the arrival$ is a large shipment of Wash Dress Goods, including the - ever favi t to Scotch and Canadian Ginghams. These we are showing in dainty checks, stn • s and plaids of various sizes. in a beautiful combination of colors, also pelf -shades o pink, sky. tan and mauve. Anderson's Ginghams. so well-known for reliability and ovely designs in plaids, are also included in the assortment. Prices ranging from 3 a yard to 75c a yard. N e vest arriv y : at' V(•I•V .ttth.tt ti`_C• raw-, Of .tllvse Coats, ill .-1 )t}sL s1 rt'icu.tlol(' 111;ttc 1l;tl-, • °\\•!'('tis, \.t li till ;, .tel alt "Lc: I_. .tint'• I.iltt'.t ill t\ i,• .::1 1 1n, I'., tll'.11.-. .\ 1: ,t, .: • i «'int.r %Neatht ala;:1 411) 1 ittl.! Or. ;. . _-- - Mvannras r _ } -11.' orders\lij �n;rle armnz recciee /c,)1,2 fit tt'; i:tort: ' lye , .' clan.;{" \ Ih es and Tire - .:2 C vT RATE PRICES... 11e141..4 y.tur o}iportanity. pnufile Tr.ad Uuaesetet4 Or•rnsrr ts.4,s tubes tubes W f.1 5 $ $1.60' !J,' 2.25. -- _1.§0 11i'l5 2.75 1.:.1.(1.,1)15 rlo 3.00 n '. �,. I J 3.40 _ , it 350 ���u 3.60 n 4i!1 , .170 t . • 4. ix41�:. 84.x'4 , 55x4: -46x4 37 J: 4 35x5 36 x 5 37 x .5 -, •-L3.-50/ . 30.00 4.25 3.00 22.50 29:00 4.35 310 31: 4 -) :; 2.1 2250 • 2,4.50:'.73 453. 30 25C) 35.50 'V.25 4.65 3.40 ;.70- 41('0 10"3 4.15. 3.00 -(25 1,1) 34.00 . 21 50 ' 5:25 3 75 29.23 - 42.00 2150 5.50 3.90 -.30 -GQ 42:C0 00550 . '4.00 •} ) .1...T.f... t•--If.1'' •-•1' +lyatttd.ti'TJ1Rtil.t •1 - 'hat h.,t 1 yell,.- Cil^ ii; *s ~tx .-.encs i isacc inert -`t A,;ctt�lir7uhi-b • i.etlthy. They regulate this thus prevent. by medicine ' :A, a b.+x4r.,n1 PHONE 56 : . ''•'• •1111' .1: r",tn, t`.• or. .1' 1 . , , - L.:...: t1 -.tor t ate..\i,t'• BIAS NON-SKID GUARANTEED- FOR 4.001) • MiLEa. 30x3', $14.95 Clincher 2 x 3 ScjCraig t Side, $1 7.90 314 $23.50 C:liclt-Ilc• r 33 x_ ,5;�e .. $27.85 1• Thr.,• I i , . ..,re 17.,,,‘:1 stre,etli .• •1 z,tnr,1 1.11,1110.T i..r..ii•It • a vt : habit or•1rr..•n, 't't,i a. •1 i Ittt,lt• the 1.•:-.1 tlt411 it Ie., -mate • . .I„11 .,,,,I i, I ,,,icy .•:,n 1'',.1111.(.. NOTHING CH2AP BUT THE PRICE. '1 A FEW OF THE ACCESSORIES 1les•.iuuii.. • io• !•s, ('at deal•-. to, on P $1.7 1 tvui utl s• 1'ttFhe. \ t-titrtlar 10r• .i., 5 I' I I f t I' ,a1011).; 15 til,aonc, :larks, from -1 . ... lsr �.. '. $210 30t. ff..... . e . • 1.01•. WE WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. LETS GET ACQUAINTED. ( trh with order or ( . 0. It, R e .hip by e\pre.. (. O. 11, .uh)eel to i' t,iti,,ilion, lhn• 1;1t1m; 1hr purchaser the j+rivilet;e of wiping ulsat he is hnci;i; tvlwn pay hot for same. \\r prepay eapn•.s charge, to all places lv Ontario. Quebec tool Maritime Province. 041 `.ttipntent• of c'! ON or nn,re. OUR TERMS Riverdale Tire Corporation, Limited r, 1 1 1:- '1'0 RI\ EIf1)ALE GARAGE: ANI) ill"RRER COMPANY, 389 TALBOT STREET, LONDON.��� -- PUQNE 2146,'OPEN EVENINGS. 11 Ear) of Elt'i. T"mut, . , , •n •„la HL1(ANClIRli AT : Rfontre*t\Ottawa. '1'or.utt,•, I Lou ikon nnl 1,nrlcor. I 1: II N. tr v 1 t t-. iT jor \.0. 11 �ia,i 1• rro'rt that 1 f iJ: • PRIMROSES e -of "!'.,.' - \CYC ��E� 1 herr it 1 J ,i Tot mal,• room for ether'•torh. ' • l I:\11.• I,\ 0,10 11,. ;N!e 1 e.+194,154 i. G r. 11114.7.--,.-.-..- 1t,,. .,,r,tal nc tO. , `. , GEO. STEWART, Flora 6 , a.• t ar0rd to her ,.:k's; vacation 11,,i,lsricli, Ontan., 11 r No. !T, 1171 Uwe • easzolliwiliowe '' - ' " ter„as the , 111 .t1d. 1 t -it tate+-xi.•,.t•'irrn iit4r her-mae Mtr' , :trctt Lau'rn4i) 4. -the weer,- (riyfi-irafith on. 11 + . ',.7 • • at the U •• 1 , ,raven. to r. \l i.,, y, spent th. ' 1 7i 1 I,.. 111(• 'tont Forest. !1 717- I ,s 1.1 tigi,. "t ) ngann,,. :If •,•a tet;, at 71r. 7�1Aert Mc `.1 l l::' tam^h rel "' slftel0. ..•«•!•1 ,tet ,I i wall I,•• ,i,ter, !vt Ant. C:rnzlrr - -" \!Law" ics,(iordun Ritchie, of La 'a. ret one days. last Vi et' c at Rtr. W ..antler- P. \1r. Falmer liharkleton, orf Dungannon, ;tent i.updav with irtt'nds around--her.e. Mr. ;Kitt Mr+, John Blake, of Maleking; ;peau Saturday at Mrs Will Hasty's. as;c+t; alikke,4- 1U.lVl+llrn•y.�-a( G. C. 1., spent tire week -end wider the parental rite•(. 1tCN\ttt.LEtt.. •. MONI,AY, Feb. 23. Rosa 'l'trimmer, little son of F:. S, 1'trimmer, has bern seriously ill, hut, we are glad to say, is somewhat improved. A great many in the neighborhood are indisposed. Ender the circumstances, the publi.: school here is closed far a atoll time. - Mi s Maizie Walter; ,spent last week visiting friends in Goderich. Ambrose Vanstorie and family are all victims of the "fin." Mrs. Harrison. of Rayfield, a sister of Mrs. Vanstotn•-. is I looking after them. Albert. Good and family also are all t1L. Nelgtibrws are looking after outside affairs at both places. • Millinery A 1,1,„11,7 r•iiporttinity to get a tlsUV h.it to litfi.h -the Winter season at it frroi'tii41" .T it,'r,' nlllr iirice. bout 30 HATS Tro F Which fo. •hweir it $3.00 w owant the distinction of go --tin tailored_elethes the g -cxl taste, that immediately mar 1♦' ��tuoarof Trade ASPECIAL general meeting of the will be held in the office recently Lake Huron Steel Corporation, in,thc on Friday evening, February- 27th, at 8,© c rd of Trade upiet3 by -the • Temple, sharp. This meetingis called for the purpose of ing the advisability of securing the said office use of the Board and its members, and fi action of any other business that may proper before the meeting. F. WOOLLCOMBE, Secretary. n • er- r the e t pja R. J. MEGAW, , President. A •