HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-2-19, Page 8AND RECORDS
tt'e have closet out our old stock
of 1'olittubta Ite•t•ords and bat.•
nus an entirely NeN' RelerHnm,
fr4tu ?our favorite 0141.1ime
mel,sly up to the latest JYaa
rays. N•e ere ahs,e�s pleased
to deijlonstrl1t• loth Rtleor.i-
iul lturhini.•. by not bats•
s 1.01uniliia itrafouost► ie your
how.. thi. dater : Machines
in sloes tijp to $:1i;'�N.
..for spring Decorating.
No :/ata:we in prier.
Rust 44 4 -urs from •4.:� to
5.3o. Ais, evenings
1i11 !1.,11)-redirck:.
ill:i l i ..Glee,
SAGGS,—Mr.C. F. Chapmaei its.•
cal hank of Commerce start. la wrl .,
(ohnattended the funeral of bis sager. (formerly Miss iirrtha Alice er, Mr-. !Hard
Chapman), of Detroit, Mich.. who died
of pneumonia on the Lith Inst, fief
30 Days •
her marriage Mrs. Kaggs was a read
of Mitchell. and the remain: w
brought to the home of her parents,
iand Mrs. H. Chapman. in that town,
the funeral. which took place on Tu
of last week. The deceased leaves
husband and three children.
ioTT. Ward some. fr Toru
of the drn111 oto •iaeattsy,Init of SIr
1V1,'ho1:1..11'. Nutt, h1 her .even(
c.ytt , year. The daeeliwsl was
e 1e't'tt•ii resident of Goderhat Until e,
west with her, hn.band last- fail
Turtaida.•to swop the winter with b
nepft,sw, Mr. R. H: Nutt, freta w hu•e
ra,sideal , the fuperi tnke*'tIi r* tort
r Thursday t. The bt•reantil "'1/u,lwr
will I1at'e lite (♦empathy of his (;'.With
friend, in his tontine. s!
onySuday attended nthe funeral hi
father. Mt. Petet Steep, which nook place
frau the home of another son. Mr. Henry
11 Strep. of the hayfield line, tlr er•ic
tOwaship, the interment as
cemetery, Mr. Steep away on
Thursday last in his eighty-fifth the
His wife died in January, 1904, and 'f
sons and two daughters survite. T
sons are John, of Saltford; Henry a
Adam. of ;Goderich township, and James;
of Varna and the daugghters are Mrs G
Sheppard, of Hoimesvile, and Mrs. Jas:
Miller, of the Huron road, near Clinton,
EDW'ARDS.—News has beep received
of the death at Edmonton, onton, Altaafter
an illness of over two- years. of Mrs. Fred
Edward., on January 22nd, 1920. Mrs.
wards was formerly hfis Jennie Hale.
ughter of the late Hezekiah and Mr's•
le. Park street, Goderich. Mrs.
Ed ards was forty-five years of age and
eve, in Goderich until her marriage in,
$95. Beside, her husband'. and four
mall c ildren, she Leaves.tier dtother, of
Seattle. 'ash., and (our brothers and
ttiu siste to mourn her loss: Will. of
Toronto; rs. T.—McRae, of Toronto;
E. ti. Hal of Windsor; Frank, of
Edmonton. Al • Theor<ure, of Northcote. '
Sask.-and thing R,.J Merrow, pf Seattle,
Wash. ,
)lwcA1J.la1't:jt.. )ars. Witham N.
Atne.tIJister: w)iu (l'de,,tlr ,eaeurrd at
lMh-Vit Febrnar - i.th, was a f4,rinrr
(:oderieh girl. 1 tani:he de ternary.
day:Kilter sof Mrs. Margaret "iv .'unary
0( attack ri. 'Nye -w,t.. the rtgtim of an 1
ere .
one 86
h1r. e c ! I -ST a minute, year worship." 1
for, J
esda J AN Officer in upiform steps for.
ward, 4rtel.. olds a Quiet con-
nto verc,tion' with the- magistrate
,. and other coilct officials.
` - T HE story. iti'skimple and oft-
repeated. Just a lad—in this case,
Io from N -- Got into fast corn-
er pany, Gambled, took money from
1(r employers. Hoped to win and pay
,d I it back.
Fot.Nr) out -arrested ar jailed.
of course he's' sorry—bu' the`
u (Officer has sized him up.
Heves he has the stuff to make
h plan of. Knows that a jail sente
slay oply' harden him and start trim
artbward continued criminality.
txir ?'HE Otticer in uniform was the
Ile ! Salvation Army Probationer•
r)d By manly counsel, supervision and
•prayer ale enables the lad to regain
centro( o; hell%elf $nd get smother
start. free from the .stigety p/ a
IJ prison sentence, v«
IF someone you know makes. 'a
faise step don't judge theap
t,r�HF:RE is so much good
..." you know.
308 Service Posts in
this Territory. Use them
Minn Mina Leckie is at Toronto at
present v'it�llir-bur brother and Sister
•,Ir. N. 11. 1,lulehin-.roe of the! Nit,
Clonal Mala ui! iiry4 1'0., called Last
rt;, by tole steamship
t1,4 to G rent Itritain.
a ''snit throe month.,
week from Nrw
Aorhttie, e, i a Yr.
Ile wilt Js• away
'ZfOW nrny eeool. can you
♦ • dunk of rash. now v,rto
■ would bile to na.a ywr photo.
air tir•Pi•, and -tow Ions s.nce that
tflr ay ws awa —
Maia M atiewnuaatw tardy.
x Jlo �'0 FELL
tJR special offerings are taken from ever _
meat this week and the Y depart
reductions are big in
evert instance.,
Every article that is reduced in rice
ticket on to make bat in eas P will have a
• .Y ,g y. They will be displayed
on ` the counters during the entire week
Thel(teblankets are IBE,, the•,Itt blatlket wools. anti
ooln0\in 1_'z4 aizt•, shiest is the largest made: i
The rem tar Brise iss $4.50, autd the}• come in white nr
'grey, a•itit either pink or blue borders, at 33.98 a pair.
�tr[eis. .st,ud•,Itbur•t has returned to
Ifamitrow after isp•rsling a few weteks
fn town, .
sits.' .'sobs ltotdu,oa lute returned
soot.~ -fitter etiolating -n ' m .nth it 1
tired )!rs. E. 1.. lean sad fatuity
111 y4- mute.1 to H.fl'.t1 . whore they w!tl
make their hoary
Mrs. John Nicholson, Quebec Street,
ft this week fnr Brockville. to` be wjth
her daughter, Mrs. S. G. Bucks an.
31r, t)orwtd 1'agwron left oat Thes-
es un his return to ('algary. after ars)
tended ri.it to his father. Sir. A, lis
. Wer.0."
Mr and Mrs. W. F. Saunders returned
Toronto''te t(ay after spending a few,
ys at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex.
Sli.ss .tales Sharman. who arrived
t week front Mosinee f►fjt r.•ntain
tit her sister. ]Ir,. 1Y, C'. P[fetlotm,
a muutlt.
f teats ,tinter tail -wax►! Stoe
h avy rib at 9S0, r
f pneumonia fallowing in-
que•nrn. •She• orate., beside', her bine
baud. n Beth• daughter; aim. tier
ther, awn ''brutbi'rs-- of
1.0 (+rifle, Kentta•kv, ('Ba eo
11( and Leo, of
—*1st two, suers, air:. Mut-
holls e1 and .111.s it..sr, troth of 4re•troit.
The remninl %% re brrnlght to tjulrrh-i,
and the f111wrat took place Tuesday
afterrnat from the home of Mrs. ded
i'eudi-y, 1rwgaff' street. to Maitland es
cranetery, R,•v. It. 1'. Melertuid torr•
(McBee the, s.•ryive•,.
At the Baptist church next Lord's Day
the pastor will speak on the [henries.
"Ordered to Vacate," and "The id
Westminster Church Fire
LOSS $100,000
Have ru reed your
lire Insuraptte
Increased . , .
itate further Insu
. r
Information and
gladly given.
T. R. Harrison
'Phone 316
West St. • Goderich
1919 Victory Bonds for
sale at Par and Interest.
Man Feeling the Need of the S eaS
tar." Bible school at :3 and B. Y . 1 . U. , appo
at S o'clock: errs(
Divine service at Knox church next Lin
Sabbath will be conducted by the pastor- !fat
htorping subject: "incentives for Set' 1 the p
vice." Evening subject: "The Miracle
Exemplified••' The tablet erected be the �l
choir in memory of the late Pte, T. E,
Sunbury will be presented at the morn-
ing service. t
lief/ale strut Methodist rimer6.
Morning »nhje.•t : "Personal and Na-
tional opportunity. };vening snhjeet :
"loadequate Protection," or ••A Short
Ites) and n Narrow) Quilt."
J. G. hlacHattie has received an •
intment as assistant superintendent
neer with the Canada Steamship
es and has gone to Halifax to take
rge of the work there. Mrs. Mac -
tie and family will remain in town for
r. F., t'. tea w...i ha.' returns(( ..Olin•
after a alunth during whil'h 11e way.
employee 1111/lee the Department of
AKrieuttnre in r•onnerti•,n with -abort
es.nrsees" at, ,letuu and elsewhere.
While away '4e had a serious attack
Of 1111r ..,',Net *are glad to be ably
to reporthh: art vvery,
Mr. Thos. Anderson• who his sold his
farm on the Bayfield road to Mr. David
%Varner, of Goderich township, is coming
to town shortly to reside and has pur-
chased (corn Mr. W. A. Chia/1°1m a resi-
dence on Napier stn et. Mr. P J. Ryan.
real estate dealer, put through t
the town
proPertlr-----_ -
lN"o Doubt.
Alf—Her dad owned seven laundries. a
Artie -1'11 bet he cleaned up a lot,
To Right
is the aim of every careful shopper, and a
perfectly justifiable aim in these days of high
prices. With our inside
concerning the conditions of the wholeaale
market in our own particular business, with
nothing in sight but greatly increased prices,
we would say to the wise and prudent buyer,
to buy nght,
Reports Presented and Miters Elected
at Annual Ntrellfik
The annual meeting of than pubtk
library beard! %Am 114-141 on ueday
night last. the members present big
Rev. .1. Jr. Ford, Slessrw. T. T. Let fie,
-H.' R. (•test: J. (;alt and avd�
d^ the sb.lenee of Mr. 1•. A. Meld. the
man, iter, J. E. Pur,, was asked
to 1I
clerk of t
.J 1. cord to
council. and a at
pttlelie w•1/e101 !wart
appointment of Mr. T.
boar.. 1. trove e'e,Mtllnted
Represeentattreit from. Torii-
Male. Rey. J. E. port, •
1', A. Refit. From piti.lie•`mehnol baa
.1. E. Tom. T. T. Leekle, H. H, Lotig,
From separate actmol twarel : N•. A
(tbnithurst. Josephs Kidd.
The tre'asurer's report showed *.101.11
expended in Iola pn brinks and mal;a-
zine.., The IthrNrian reported an mane
of .!(,:test hooks and magazine. during
the, year. New- renders rl'Rt.ten•d
daring the year numbered 143.
kir. I'. A. held w1(.. resehrhet .hair.
man for Pt.'(,- Silas Irk Aitken was re•
sordes( ne se retary and Mr. John Gari
as treasurer, and Mi.. K. Aitken wit.
re -appointed lihrnrinn with an increase
of 11100 in salary, )Ir. J. L. Aitken
wee.. again APpointed as earetaker.
committers were struck ss follows
tions• nmrmltae— W. A. coulthnr.t
(rluiirtnant, Messrs, runt and Torn.
!inane",'mnmittee- 11. R. Long (chair-
mnnt, Messrs. Leckie and 1(14,1. (took
enmmffee—the whole hoard, with Mr.
Leckie nN chairmen.
A motion was passers that the read-
ing none Iw clow.( on public holidays
In ftdure,
P`• rieke4 from the town
n• -appointment of Rev.
e leonine by the town
r notiee from the
as to the re -
Leek is, The
follows :
ies „t It BLOUSES
' w give
Another 'ot of'ttockin‘ ilii ribbed anti
plain, ill ither hea'<•y ttnn nr light
Fiery pair of ('hanioiaette ((loves its :stock will be o„
' elate; at 6!)e. hey eome in blaek, white, uattu'al Aad
tuasfil..- Nenrls every. site. is represented and tI ey will
he eka)red at
c aalia►etY k'ht�3•ex,
It is impossible to list the`tilany
f,flouses we have on sal lsut
'there are dozens. to chtwre iin.
'find tlrey conte in ,1(U
materials. 1'on, can ,maks
601', for 49c
- Special 'Geste~ in (land Towels.
These Totreln originally sold :t
to $I:? . 1(11(1 ever} one ia`r�+duel
price. A small lot 4 eneh size
sial offerings in cojored bath zoat..
(tet i r >1CL75, .in- two-tone etl'eet, at
u (401. a Clea ug lot of od size. at
La.iie,' � �. "� �'Oei Wtvinq e►u roar xpriag
all -ti oI' coahme lahl Howe', Iilou.esi itr they are bought note.
EI . JIS I. Illake. regtdar .$'••0O, for $.1.89
a pair. '
Smaller size, re ;lar $2.50, for $1.98.
For two weeks we have been . . , • the aeoond floor. This when
completed will represent one of the most up -haste ready-to-wear depart_
menta in `this part of the country. We have spared no pains in
attractive. in
Every garment.will be under glass, which will keep it from soil or dust,
thus assuring you of fresh merchandise•:at all times
A fitting room has been added whole the
garments may be tried on
without the necessity of taking them home. This room has a full-length
mirror and the whole figure can be seen at once.
The whole department has been redecorated in atts9
lighting system has been installed.
theta. A new
etheartBl stall
Best of all, you will be able to buy ready-to-wear garments in every
wanted line in the most up-to-the-minute styles and at moderate prices:
Watch for further announcement and the opening date.
Our Stork of silks and dress goods has .FLANNELETTE
been gone through and every piece that
is not over ttt•o yards long h been
Nput on sale, • +-
Eaeh�liee wltib
e ttrketed and marked
to sell the - „ 'rhry will all be
greatly re,
You will find a umber of pieces that,
will make skirts- a , blows.
They will all he togeth
goods smelter, all ready foe
tion. There is.a bargain in
on the dress
ur inepee-
y niece.
Just a few ('otlgoletlm Rugs left at the fl
313.75 in'8z31.1. •
Floor Oileloth in all widths at 60e a' yard. any
pattern to choose from and every onegood,
a yard. at 60c
We have been offering wonder-
ful values in F'lannelettert, but
for the coming [reek they will
be redlieed in price.
Colored Flannelette, 34 in. wide,
regular sae, for 30c a.
White Flannelette, 27 in. wide,
regular 40e, for 315e a
Grey Flannel for shirts at 60o
a yard. WooI one way.
. a of
W. Reg. Sharman, Proprietor
Every garment h1 winter w'eijjhrw`Ri
be 011 sale. Each and every line• MNI
be reduced in price to snake attractive
buy' i nae
(fur sto.ck for fall 1920 his been bought
and eN•ery tine is -much higher in price
than that season. It will pay...,.to bur
/ winter 'Underwear now.
• . Regtilar *1.20 for 31.00. Regular *1.50
for' $1,36. Regular *1.13 for 31.50.
Also many other prices.
Otte pleee of' white Rdettee ('loth, 50 in. star, at 9:2
a yard. This doth is heavy weight and Wade from
very cleane'otbtet, at 31150 a "gird,
J. H. COLBORNE & __�.....,
"The The Store of Service"