HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-2-19, Page 7"V. ,V _ .. _ . ••r
i '1'Irnr-day, 111rrnary 111, 19*1 7
whoa, nn adopted Non, antiNeverel.
' brutlu•r*, Nlwl Ni,ltrrN.
A. F:. Muruiu Ifni raid O reitit
Ctilitan Well Dressed
W \\'m. alunlie rlHi ruwY 1W to l'tiutiul � Bc
lu reside.
Nervous Moths s N rrill. r and a, %%I ler ereherr• tram Illurrin, AIIN•rnr, where Air.
."tial'Itaer has (N•1.11 fa 1'1I1111R (111' 1.1 `t. -
t by
aL tw"u yvhrr+. ll r. Nnleltwr has dI+tNNad
glilt Y 011eFxperience of'Itiv f,u•w Uu•ir fold will e•Inue bku'k lepa will give You relict.' I z
to I,uekuotr• Simply dissolve a Peps tablet, to
o! elzese Two VYomeln . F:\F.TI•R• - your mouth. Your breath carr)`; I "There's a big
j' Faeter's'death roll for ate week 'in the medicinal Pine vapor, whlcA
Bufi:Llmy N. Y.—"I am the mother of four children, and for eludes ole names of Mira. William Huvraexy, la released, to all parts of the\
ileal ly three ear's I suffered from a female trouble with pains j of sixty-one
away February sill . the „e 'throat, nasal and air pass g o ,
y u( sixty-one years: Alos. Chas. Cann, a where a liquid medicine could gut �• �' ;
ill my bat's and side, and a general weakness. I had pro- I former resident of U.burne, who died on possibly reach. This vapor do- fine-looking
' flaglonal att:endanco most of that time but did not seem to j February bill in her fifty-eighth }}rar, stroys all germs with which d +
get wo1L AS a last resort I decided to try Lydia IL and John Ltfttur' A. Sink`, of Snowflake. comes in coruact, sootbts and -
ry Man., w'tx, wav visiting tits uncle,Frank heals circ inflwmed me ,hones wnJ O
15nkliani i Vegetable Compound which I had wen dims, here, and succumbed to an +{tack fortifies you rg.,iastcough s,c.:Ids,
I Overtised in the newspapers, and in two weeks noticed of inhuenza. Mr. Sims was in his.,tbirty• sore throat, brosiclittie and grippe. fellow."
' \ a marked improvement. I continued its use and am third year. Peps cun.ta!n abroluttly nu harm-
-now free from pain end able tp do all my house- Mrs. William Howard, of Exeter, dUed cul drugs and are therefore the -
1 1 work.'`.{•- Mr's. B. 11 7.tst.tx 202 Weiss Street, I
ot pneumonia at Wig her tri. ssate T jkt Alv. children.
• ilLs where she was visiting her daughter. Gut out this `
Buffalo, N Y. • I Mrs. Victor French. She was in tier i ...k..r article, write I >'
Sevvnty",•econd year. Three daught,rfacross it the carne and date of this Would uch a re-
Porthrld,Ind.-"I had a displaoeml5ht&1da�ered Isurvive: Mrs. L. Dignan and Mr;. W. paper, and mail it (With lc. start,!,
M Inullj from It RC tlIIlea I could not be on my feet \lwtm, ' of Exeter, and Airs. Frcreh. to pay return portage) to Vvi� '
at ail: 1 was all run down and so weak I could not The remains were brought to Exeter fur a oohs s-fitCyontrlAll . Buz mark be like tllowe
du my bowwwork, waa tier% i and could not lie burial. lsts and stores bell Peps, Sec. bus "�lne-looking v
down at tiigli�h ' I took treatment s from a phpsicidu" I p Iv Ross. a former resident of the
t• .
butthe did not ho Ip roe. Wy Aunt recommended " ter diet at his home at .Sarnia. tm ehe� were not dyes' - for 1,
yy 10th inst..,of pneumonia, and the rimatnsz a b
Lydda X 1'inkhaii's Vegetalae compound. I tried I were brought here'- for tritermesi,t= -;lhk Q
lit and now I Am strong and well again slid do deceased's 4s abulic thirty;twu years` lite rant
my own work and I dive Lydia>= Pin [ i:arnwir
'� i���• Compoun4 the � credit."-- Mrs. J o s z r a r a i h,• case an which a l lay town hqi q i` ' (lot es don t make I I � * � `•
83L `,'est linos Stsee PortJanda
sr is was charged with selling trredt t
_ _ -- _
�r•' . , - - I uriiit or-cnfixa'nplt.,r•- - `• •-_Z{�,r --
<, f « t and the tan lyA�'f L�RU%N ' rt t il f t
-" .-yQ �5ick WOlrltallt .fO11Ia Try salted in a verdict of gl.il y -y
prisitiur, ill a line of $:-0. ild watt. s I.. p a wh h'" }fit. if, 1, '
/ ��, ttPl.\FQHTIIi. .�•_�•�•..r'�•'.. - : �' e "I!,� 1}h'l ��,
LYD Alrs: RQlxrt JutineU,n, ill Sea(' '.: rl" rl( t
LPINXHAMS Pl.li. It IS Well w o' it i1�
: Pith :r+ 3r" 1 ilk
' of pnctimtorrta ruerdiy lit last w rd ,
r%ixti'-hine'grs. 5ht 9�rvwr . by h.i : L : 'c's m. �` the l,.,ir. '1 h while, for. a .'e, ,:ly of
: rid a (amilY of three . • s an+' r 1{
sae{ reed ".r: w '
,� �L�r P�� twudiUkfilcre.
_ { r% ttl.'h3r-ds,n old reasota, o' t' lip
. i`s.i_
There was an t0tendaevee of awrer, I .. •� ,`~�t l� -• ji� s
ti L"p'A E.ptfrrHAM MEDIC CO. LVNN,MASS. t the Father and S,m haoque ,' i to nw%ti apiva,r`dnc s.
t c 1're�by to i iu church Honda+ t rc h" at
Miler+�+� •� -• - -,
_ � "I +1, ,, t un
. „( a;t ivr, k. and d was Dire u1' � ,,, , �.:, [} m•., h nix i
nl sial su cesSful atrcia1 g"
' _
"�.1 1, ..n'1..�upt
rcrr ted in the church. Tile ,rainl tri ii t +
uulutt tx<idrathr du,ner. a + txr.l ,. . _ .
an 't ��'e hat•, • ,r•27•tllt 1;•iri � • � I ..l
r.t/o . .
_ ndrftrs ilial tmis}t,.l ,d o ,
1, i' .,>+'+ t 1 u.. "heist ki•r -spa
l i t i
died ecce br+Yat _ n
r - - �`Di�TY AND DISTRICT - - - - - - -_ -- - - �- —
_,.,. .<. •, �,., •, ._- -. ':1_ m,.. , I, . ,• file a „f itty five yriir. fir
,:::U :il
;1.1 t i
,+--- • , w • t , � , � i;al;rU lis ;. "o ilratt•,r ❑r tr,runht. , .
i U. O •
' can ill
, • •.� • ' � ` • , :,-, : cacti ..Lh- _ _ _ __ , , _ � al.:,u:1 .'Cr_
• '� }. `. U:ii , � 'tl'<,. If�„r•.�tr a,"I. . (,[r: -P :I 'l:'.r1 4:.. .L, a l.,l tut � _ �„,..,,, _. •,�
the }" . 'Tablets t „ -
lel 1 ).u,it .!.tt at Ile.- A ti:l "�
- - - ..
.! (w T ,. ,lr�r. t j
e, 1:lit 'a.!:..'i �.,n re�.d !u „i 1)�AIN)a}
•s in he h me. a 1 c.r.c>r t .!1 rar�im+�s ►ir-� --•"�
- ..�et�t� -• Ile,
. • . !1 - � ,I ..�". -, ,4 '.411{!"..ft l:. ,('(t front last ��
,�, Xf�tAI11X 'Xs ,XXXX4'X I1, di I Frbruan -)tit, is h,° L'7 j��T
Ifrl�/1tfMn , '.tneeUn►:. It,c., Ir,.,:,x and � � � - L �+ w ! .
on I acrd of A'r. t t ;.. finer 'fit yvar.
a tri"dwr has sed Bea ,;' U',vn' jnh.F�tuti shit the .irn W,Iwt .paid. ; _ •
X 1 The S rush H 4 I'ablets for h r little nes sli °y'g' lticttard+#rrt and J 1 :rc qi p,,vi d a gran` t
''i a is rrs
N�`�, ,tY1. / is I,ulding a ',of'st„ttt r io LL•n.a.aunplY'Sk� hasid. the t:,: tr)a+'uf' $10 to live fir It CL:'.th(Ws A I J Semi ladj Tailorf mel :a n ' utui•:
\ �a Iud.it,g, Including one at II, n.-'vt" c moult:` Mr them Is ,not inB t•' Wusl and J,tl,n.l:,n etld Richardstirt GODERICH
X play l Thure.lay). j them in ketping the childr well: I he; �tSrtet.y. IHE SQUXRE t �'
',n tilt• li,rdi,- that w•e V rnwve$a grant ill zf,) to lire Sick Chil-"'
ll'e nee 1.1 ,1 e rt t•, },< a � �1Ym. O'Brien,_ ut_ &I,township,_died . Tablets ate a mild but ilia o l +x ,five
f _ rIt hittd coal lte�yj ' wtuchuguatt 1M' bciar�tg a- cr�ttev�iuspital. _'1_. >a► �tichardsoii
art tr�Trrt r�x,rttrt+iYlN - rA I•.•. unity tilt. +Ked al]t Yearn. _.Ice_ f _
1 yin.,. :\tor an)' yah•'.' i; "; •,it t .ilur ci uneylrc use. •;env ,me sari, lirr4 at t t dau'hter, i
arid- +,ultwaw
in 71 '1i d Iltu st:,,wch.thuadrlvinKou:�o Ip,
ti„o�41 u,',a al printing uc�ounl.
_-: hits. u_m Northcutt. j_atrd indigestion. colds and siritl.i. I :era l _
_ - 91^J Gt>aerxh `t r � Johnstcm artd
ten l :'t tole i. „lir r'!, `fit rc:. w h(1 have = John 7'erraf, a (arms resident of; and mikurk teething easier. L �n it R } i nntrnemt o[
I t
il,h.tn ex
janutsm moved illi aP{ �� S
Ix:. ri tion .+auuL 1nnu;; tltr'trr"��" of il,r c rl .'uirtage, and I R'ingfia ,died in Iluwtck February 'them• Mrs. s. 'I Pelletier, used
Ut :las. , Kichard> ,iuisum as school attendance f
rear okI•time ,lith atter n dtnes� of severa He! heC. wnlea:. ” "I• have ascii 1 a '+
I 7sr officer for the towilslnttr. as requnr:d • by t 1
no Iv that it h s• tR t n •,'ie�,••1 tce'tvill f;i� was rix{ • year, u( age. I Uwn 1'ablefs for the paA ten ` .0 ',a d -'!
y. y tile new ichuol Atttotlanlw get. Aceroi*t -�' 1 ,
at 0111 uhn 11x1 era sono( Robert dlathers�am never wilhua them in the ir, a \tuwnsiai ail N"�rid,4la'23 forassrsstx'32 • t..r w
• ,. J they have always given the gr,'atr. 1 p Un rn'Nir>n
S 1 was it lerl, I w 1.
�e Saints Coal oL 3luevalr_ in hospital it stuoi satistactitnr and 1 can
gladly re .,mmrnR - - - -- - -
l� rstW t. 4>< 1cMaidson an, Sul(illan. flu
.— _---T - �,�ttti6�lt lt,ot�"f lni-
-.q;� endi, lits. i .cleaves a wife and live w nsTup 6uUntiari rrrT'utrt+ [ Jamil sin e
Ir O
_ - aP Tablets are �,td by medicine d.;ders a
Ln,)1ie \.T, , •, daughters. w �uncll re sheep killed r -
I diwed id. I mourn „
r idence f The marriage of illiam [3uchanan, of �r bp, marl at i cella a box fn,rrr the and uiv to '�4i. t'. R• McNay in r-
• ti i•tlt,' resc�olub,0111
idence i r. �Vlil*ms Medicine Ca, Brockvllie. view the to I - '
1• I - Nu. 202 Hensall, to Jh`s FI (enc- 1+.thel f uhrxl,` matter tieing lett over 4 r;
:, " of the same place. totih Place al London �t wlrri .the 1 f& 1'he resigns _
X3CXXXXXX on the 4th mat. The Dung couple will the regio d claim p. p,' J9• j,#-20
yyuu��qo���11t�1 +r���tttry��rr� `= Xrur reside at Hrnsall• OLI�hTOY - lion 1,1 C. AncnUuneoiltr f Jamieson
n surf l
�oflrri'X rf\rgfletetir ff55rt Tete 10O sae (arm, of lieu. A. Machan, received 10
ag Mrs. Cornel\ It died Wednesday Richard .m actxtl.ed . '1'tle ful4, 4
{Itch euocegsion of Grey, h been sold to evening of " last week at the' age of fprty• ap plications ter lith "r trete received, viz.
Robert Cpmphell. of l uga fur ii..:,W' none years. Ske is survived by her husband N. J. 'Treleaven. for cI#k.*or treasurer u
-Mr. and Mrs. Machan ma move to and three sons. col4ctur;,C. E. AIcDonaIgh for clerk or I
ssel3lir Blyth. Thed"th occurred'on Friday, Gth inst.'. collector; U. A. Andrew and W- P: "ltrcd
A s,d depth occurred at the home of of Mrs. 1 organ Agnew, in' her 'thirtieth for treasurer awl Jae, C:auk"Ice collector. • , , „$5.25
Robert Campbell, 8thconcessic of hic- year. She is survived by her husba!d Jamteson wild M(Ilar.:son moved that The Sign,
Rill] Toronto Daily Globe
Kill -,p. on Sunday, Sth inst.. when his and baby daughtgr. W, t'. Reed be re•appuintea treasurer. b r
ird daughter, Minnie, died of pneiYmon Chas. Shanahan, of tow n:\hasrnirchasect sultivan and jarnies„n moved that C. E. The. Si};n:tl ant] Daily Mail and. Empire . 5,25
I 'tri her tw'entyftrst year.illoved that -- _
ficin M:Shercy, a (curer resident .ot the 1iOacre farm of ('has.•LittdsaY on the McUohagh be at clerk. Johnston 1 lie Sll;nal tali ToLOnt0 Daily World .. F •5.25
1 Bare line and will be a pn ducetr this year. and Richard on inL d -olletttu Jamie- tj�%,,r;c1 , • . , .... 3.75 -
lie 11, died recently at Toronto and the her: and Mrs. Shanahan will eDntinue to rale iveg apPo
remit s were brought to Hensall for reside in town. \ son and •kichardeon nioved that W H. The Sit;r)Rl Ritll Sunday -
s portal the (bought cemetery. De- The death occurred at_ WiAdFor on; liawims be re-apPMnied 7menkber"of the The Signal and Toronto D"il y Star.. • ... • + 4.30
ceased s forty-five years of a¢t. localhuardof llealta.- Flaw No 4. to }' AflYertise-- 5.25
i" Friday.. lith hist., of Emma Jirdan• app,ultalloilictrs, fix their duties and+ The Signal and Loddon D1ily'
On W iesday, February 4th, at the daughter of Mrs. John Brown, o' Clinton, Press 5.25
home o(A and A1n " Robert Mitchell, salaries (except lilt, assetieor and the
and wife lit James F_ Young. The cause canted), was dplY The Sign, iln"d London D t' ly ',Free
j rowriship o owici., the wedding took of death was pneumortta. She was in her readaudan p asst- . a1N lti
read and p ry rd. The aittlittxq luesrnted
N•� place of their dent daughter, Agnes�I., twenty•sili:th year. The remains were. their re ,ri, •how u'► a .ca.h halance The Si nRl 'it`ll Montreal' FaiTlily Heraldld 7.90
t �'s to Gordon H. Nott. of East Wawan0ill. brought to Clinton for burial. gn� Weekly Star
.. • • . • • • • ' ' '
December 31, 1t11 1, t,t ttl.ilo 5'1 and ad
)" Rev. C. Malcol officiating. tin al is w icA-µalt appear in ana�a , T 2.00 _ t
d t li asst
The marriage o iss Aetna C.Diamvnd. BLY'TH• detail in the prim -report �nc�r The !$nal and )'�11C _
second daughter Mr. and Mrs. H. dson
_ ,_... I)tamrntd. of Bluev til.({ C. Scott. of Councillor J. E. Taman';. horse made a anti ,j�amie�un mu,tG ti;r adoptionof the i ihC Ignal and Faf pi1CC9 M t � llllle •
2 5D� i
Kingsville. f Bl place t the Presbyterian Sc n. of break from the � P. R. station one day auditors' rt•port. an that the auditors be , � Lit) t 1 ,,t c -into). 290
=` that's 211! When B * Sullivan rid a
r r jr needs a little "Uandenne' — manse, filuevale, ml F niary 4th. The last week and madea li3Ftt along Queen {,aid their ter of t'1,.. sibe
The 51 nal and Farmers
Girls. YOU when ugly dandruff Duna coo le will reside n the groom's street, taking to the sidewalk for wenn', Richard n moved that each auditor n- file 2.40
it ecolnes 1if21es thin or loses its lustre; b Y Y P street, to distance. Atter cullidtnk vrith'a' allowedfi' sirs f.,r this report 1^tin The Signal and 'Farm and D y • • 2128
falls out, a' 35 cert battle of delightful, fruit farm at Kingsville. telephone pole and lea•nntf the sleigh tics ton and miesori1 px,,ad .tTr� t nRla The Signal and Canadian Countrytfla�
appears, Of yourlea \{ill 51vC )'out haft, \Vi�GItAM,
it, knocked down Robert J. Powell, who tins.: and 3 p fast tngrnAi 2.00'
from 211y! st0 was just,comicg out of Cult's grocer amended au as to risme the salaries as
.anderinC St. Pant's Anglican church, Vin ham, yy The Signal and Ca'ttadian Potatttry 1
dpilCndlblC "n g and inflicted severe injuries on him. in SlOI? G r the asrirssor and sf'� for each
*fou can -h2v. nice, thick hair, too. w s the scene of a pretty w ding on _ Hamilton)
zlso double it's heaut . fact, at first he was thought to be killed, at the
t y Richardson rand
_T= - Wednesday February 4th, wb Mesa but he is improving under medical treat- JohnstonJhnst,ileal the two l;vdench papers The tits;
Eva !4farjnrie. daughter of the tat John ment. The runawa0-also resulted in the and Lucknow• Sentinel be invited to rna) and Montreal Wtaekly Witnes8 3:2�
McMahon, fortnerly of Listowel, was breaking of two Plate glass windo wci one tenderfor the IIY:fI printing and that the The Signal and World W i(it• . . • • • • • '
�� united in marriayte to Robert Mer th in Sims' store and the other in Moore's Reade be authuiizeif to award tete cut- r 1 ctt'1�ttlt, .. 4.25
anter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Willi hardware. tract: A1ov,"d by Johnston and Richard• ;, • Ii.11 Intl Saturday N l' ht E-
�� ' ��k.�1s - Hiutter., of .Kincardine. Rev. H. R, .tm that the clerk M m: tturted to have tills fl of n, _
u „• Snell officiated. The bride w:;s g.ven Robot J. y and
tics (,n bfiltm 1=.-•. otm- , published in the Goderich Minster.
'j•�►iL•n•tl 1 d Presbyt i,
;, and est
oil's grocery and Plovi,um btiame!is.
rl Tl1E µ,Vi T14U• Fitl. t3A�• away by her uncle, W. G. l atterson. papers and l.ueach-eting. as ,totem as
• • 3.30
Sl:fi. The young couple are ;Pending their ea Ikxtd�, James Richmond and Iwsstble atter each rn `ting. Moved by.
�i� L-'� [..w Rlettwdsun and Sullivab that the rtew -ofd .
- i ` f V tnnnevmnnn In California and on cher o rt Shortie d h:+yc hecn ordained as l fk idles over the nook eM.. nrr or `1'ho S14.1I l- itlltl Catholic R
-- - return will reside to Kmcardmr, side �( St. An lrew's choreic. Ij 2
� '[ 3,75
r n FJ 1 /� Pure the end iT 1:ebruary; ar inch ''(lie Sig-tal and Youths Coin,)1w/an (3�stola}...
_ a f' The ofti;ial board of the Wingham . _ 1
Methodist church ha,; invited Rev. H;. F. - -" I Slime, his salary will commence, Papers 1 and
Armstrong to remain as pastor r t the f re the fixing of the ice allevted to hltlyd. =lie Signal d Woman's H -nett Comic lnlAn 3.25
church for a fourth year. St Do More I Stt,thers as truster by the wed Halfway
�[�l(!W York)
�� hoard, and the commission allowed the t izllle .... • • • 3.50
• 4 ' Il�ll�p.`,�' }- Ur. Stewart, M. 11. U.. has ordered Trusts Company. were filed on motion` The Signal and Canadian M
scha,ls, churches, the public
library. I 4 t azine.. ". • "3•W
turf hou,e and opera house closed and It is in nough that you of Rlchardsrm t d Match sth. ad e 1 n -al Rntl McLean s f,
�+ f - - r'�- 1 l all public meetings cancelled until further men wit; mao l h 2.90
you must go hits f,,lluwing app,+initnents, in addition The t3
notice. -This is to guard against the spread doss the coo to those tneptumed, were -made under Signal and Rod and GIf
of influenza. back of the efi and remove I hy(aw No. 4: Ur Slurp-rm. At. U. f1. affil I n,.�,• role. ,ire fur P+lpct•+ 'e t,t. rdrlre•t+••++ iu`I l,tn+ula. .
t G VA"cnuvtrr itltl'NNF.r.s. the cause. Tho nds subject sanitary iii•pector.
Sheep valuatorit-
Ytl, ,1 illi toy`' wire",' •o"O"'� find that The above publications may be obtained by Signal • -
f in view of the epidemic of influenza, David M. J+'hnstr,n, Richard Johns on,
the lieu;w Is hoard of health has ordered to colds and co R„batt Virb<Irr, Robert Ihanneo and
the rtn;,n l of churches. schools. public 'rhtn. Garvey. Fenct•'viewers K. 1• subscribe In any cotnhH al?aver less ice fQ 150 repro-
�� �� hall; and utheryplaces where people con- McKenzie, W. J. Black, II. Chuff, .lay licatioi '�1 irtg the �jguTt' given
-led s �•. f•I gregate ” Lane, rola UrckWn. Robe. Fitzgerald, tic nal. For instance'
The drathn(RithardRoetxn February John Finlay -un. Win. traw((xd. John e;<tin,j the price of. The $
utsels SCIT McllonaM and Jas. Keane Pound• me :iytSnl rtn,l 9'he P`xntfl} llrrtld caul t+,'t.1 to �,inr 12..75
_ �BOtltl �' ay5� F'•� 2nd removed an oW resident of Bt rite• ,;dull.• (>i,.'.Li It. +n k1.:At -
The deceased was in his' eighty-ninth 10kitjj�,rrrry 1. R. SlrvaK•: T3. Yeatson.. Neil ,r
' year. For marry years he was a farmer t Mrlkmald, F. Scott. 11. Thus. Irwin and
1e•,••e. ectoole u• 1•w••a ,. AJ N.LLEN, Clerk,
i� O N -r O in Grey township. Ashfield. ckley. 'THOS. G. papers $ib.•l(].
—making the price of the the
l.t�rl(Vf w. EM
e hat let
9.1 5 P. M. \
Y t�'Ar lir the xaltt: It the rlodtcal you v✓anCis not -in above
DAIL`�i► 1:,irlc Frhlxp morning, 8th Ill -t. \\'. three O' cftr times dale
ra0tatl [QUVM[llt R. 11Ae1%,wrld pn�w•Ilkway'atbixhome uK know. al
iT0, ripe[ h1•r1• after n week's lunr•xx of pneu- Works p, rrs in building Up C rh 1 understand the anti•vivisec•
oil ll. tern •ea t...• •'M s.. mmtlA, The de,rxKr•11 axN horn In • tion p'. de are going in start trouble. I,y x,etal nate or c•c{,•,•�: order -NOT by Bank
st.A�•' 1 tt a de±4itvea
♦n,t-et.• •der a �a Gut h Docs it mean war tfh vivisec- K' n 1
Huron towrns+hip fifty -their o1•l►r.1 aR+i Iles
Se�O hen b
'Gl j,. •r tan•ta 1 And re+Idw1 In that. fowllithip until Its p ulf, Ioytit>rengt y tion i' ,+
w.r••.•.r.r•r• three ymr,1 ago, when he rerm)vr•11 fo ie (Q notirish 'Sart. ar to the knifes -"-Yonkers l l)
.. 11.1•••.,.19 ti,•••: TN' �Ii�NAL PRIN i l�(i LO..
,.•,.rn a„•'u• •�`y• lateknow. Mr. MxelMrnAld wAx for its sta-uman.
i...a tunny yll xethe in innolrlpAl life, 'the bW.V. Better let '
,k a'1 Goderich, Ontario
••,..•,• •„: IN•Intr rronnt•IJIor, lo•prty Rlrve Ant)
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