HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-2-19, Page 51116 .1114113IAL OODEBIOH, ONT.
Campbell's New Locution
Colds and -Coughs
We are well prepared to supply your needs. All
the leading well-known and reliable remedies are car-
ried by us. One ought to be prepared to combat the
very first sympt os of colds. 1f you are taking a cold
use any one of these effective cold tablets.
Penslar Laxative Cold -breakers
Dominion Laxative Cascara Bromide of Quinine
Week's Break -up -a -cold Tablets
A. D. S. Cold and Grippe Tablets
Also if you have neglected your cold and a cglugh
develops, use an effective--cough-remedy4s
Penslar White Pine and Spruce Balsam
Robert's Syrup Cod Liver Oil and Tar
Na-lJru-Co Syrup Tar and Cod Liver Oil
A. D. S. for simple coughs
"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cur "
C; arpbel1''s Drug $tore
winter weather, the element/ ban
agaiu tgeu iuelhasi roughly this week.
At lilt beginning ,of the week there
were storms and a tremendous staeiw-
tall, blocking roads nod giving the rail-
ways much eutaw'rn to keep their Ilites
uls•u. The lust tau days have beet
%cry cold, the thermometer registering
below zero at night, although in the
Imiddle of the day the s1111 anus .tl•,,llg
• uougls he fudnce a thew hl idaees with
.o illieru exW.sure. Tills .1.1;4011 bidk
hair to brut the record of theInter
of 11417-1h, which wag the mos severe
hfur :1 greatru:utyt 344*rs.
There )are leen eleven weeks of solid
winter, without a single break.
The wedding took place quietly at De.
troit, on January 24th. of Miss Maida
Armour, elder daughter of Mrs. Margaret
Armour, to Mr. Arthur Grenville Atkin-
son. son of Dr. Atkinson of Detroit. Im-
mediately after. the wedding the bride
was taken ill of pleuro -pneumonia and
had a very serious trine, but she is now
pronounsecT out of danger. Many Gods
rich friends will extend best wishes to the
young couple. both bride and -room
being well known in this town.
l.aglrrfipb Distribution ('entre for "(Cas e
ib•pre•-•areati.es of the Iutls•rial toil
trlbntton of the4r pronncts,rtlealarl
h y
t;a:,ulilo• „1..1 1-,1.11 1,i 1.111• pa'uje: t, as
41[0.0111A su 'rue Signal, 444 to e11rl I
pert w•%e•ral tanks to hotel a total of
1t ratlike.' gallons of gasoline uwl u
smaller 111114ntity ,,f penal oil. 'rites..
hankwould he nitl•11 from boots lit the
lutrINIr, and the plan Hould he to have
them so situated that from dam curs
on 1N.1It rail.vays mold be hauled 1.3
gr4yfiat Ion. 'chis ponds to a site
somewhere on the hake lank out tar
from the luirIN,,•. It is said there are
three or four ..it. in view, 41141 that
engineers will Iso here next week w
examinee them. 're 4'omiuuly has now
un distriimtlots reatre nearer, 1
Sarnia, and the Owing of storage
( ;.11111114 lit 4;egh•rich would Ieh.1 to
eliminate the risk of living sih:.ble to
supply all this part of the country
through any failure+In railway service
f • is rola. ,
.% Beautiful Died. a,
.1r. Frank Ilfiey has receive) a-re1'S•
kind letter from the comrades of his
recenty 41441..14041 van, 14.•ri$. .tt•iliin•
in the Christie street Military
hospital. Turnilil, 0110.141411g •5.141 to-
wards the erection of -a room• at 1114
"orris The kindly tlwtl5htfuluese of
ttu• .r'ndcts�,alnl e.Ile•WNy the .worm
••xpressiuu.*If est,em:for his .ren which
1.4.111161/10 4;1*.. t': lsithau brunet' ref the are e,lutafuel hl the letter, are deeply
N•uugh.rd 4411.4 uwWuny i 1/3 14' an :•5• appreciated t.y Mr. toad Mrs. Riley.
.ta 4..sleri•'11 as a cremes Our 1in.' Ea -President Taft at Stratford.. .
Mr. W. S. Bowden. industriat secretary
of the Board of Trade, has received a
retary •of the Stratford
erre stating that Mr.
r president of the
ive -an address in
of March :Ird,
s in Goxierich
he made for thein. ' ny person
here• . who is interested is invit to corn
I municate with Mr. Bowden. R . Taft's
address will be on a timely sub" !The
League of Nations up to Date.'•
• Testis ('lerk Taylors a Rent:
-Air. L. L. Knox,
note from the
Chamber of
W . H. Taft, fo
I United States. is to.
that city on the every '
A ��anddhat ifany p es would like to be prtserl
If ypoulel:c T+aclacfa you have
ltise:1,e. if )u•r ucgfas1
i . , � ,• - •• . 1 di•sol:,p. ono
l4r.ghi ., Ois-
e „ '.. Tt...`i':,:1a ns
teen• ruUi,iay ... d d•t.t.' i!et .11111
:'�,k.• 4.... ty;k.wl Titre
+maty opo k.ag•y n,. i. ire, tut
cures bruk4.he every tin e-
Unl•;rs solicited fr.r ail kinds . d
Footwear Repairs
God ••:ore and reasrMable pl lc,•,
1 1001, TOPICS.
age a the .•
and I : sing
1.4aset. et
night. T
i'r triblm • a
l'redtta•n of to
of the'
id water did- $1.11110 dam- }
t End Laundry, Cleaning •
Company's premises at
n west. Trimmer. 'Cuesday.1
til:d�;rn� oacnes..hy W. T..-.
littiA•M F. I. and W.C. 7;�
.n1. wt*o is also proprietor .�
hx•ated in It. It i�kt fort. !
tire darted . from: an
x town clerk. left cu.
Tuesday fur Toronto, commencing a hob- '
day term of two or three weeks, the first
he has had for several years. For several
months past Mr. Knox has not been up
I to the mark in the matter of health, a u
he intends to spend his holiday ren having
a good rest. which we trust will thing him
I back to olrlaime (orm. in her absence hi
I office is" Ili aiarge of lass capabte assistant,
. Miss Laura Watson:
, The , .., 11.ief_.Juslire :Fakunbridgr.
The sudden death of Sir Lltnholme
1 Falcunbr.dt.e, Chief Justice of -tote King'•
Bench, which occurred at lin home ..t
Toro • o last week. tecalls the d.stin
during the fast thirty years to rrest e of
t Court sittings: The last time he was her.-
, was in September of-, last year, at -the 1,,
_i assizes. His death as the result of :a.
iattack of pneumonia, which affected -1 *-
heart. He was in his seventy-fourth year.
1 Mr. (oared) at Woodstock.
Sal. l Ward £ Son rutums ted Benne r. _ -
I +9tai+ird a1 1 alirwxr.
llanlat.,n sorest I r:uul 1, nncllp ,
occulrir1, b the .'e T. -. 11,.11 t. and
L.uha tilLaren., sem Ia(i ere neatr
Y Nit. and J res• U. A�'11c4arenr V)ctnria
to set• town, was quiet ly,marned tit Van- I
(queer-I)eeember-- ltith,'\-191.1r.' to Miss 1
Ada L Resit! of Toronto and they are I .
a and �l
It. A McLaren
. r•• with t fr dau¢htrrs, s. Noble
Fresh for Thi
Week -end
Dried Peaches
kgs. Purity Oats
Pkts. Quaker Oats
Pkts. Rolled Wheat
by too 11,4.
Dean's Old Stand Phone 110
now entre their honey non at Leas .. ).,
,f ---
Angeles. California, where ;1 . Mrs. are yisitin for the ,
Inter I'. -arts and \lrc m
J. A. Caera i.
%miller Masquerade Carnival. '� i
ond.awueaade carnival o the i
'-casein yell be held at the West st t
ink next Tuesday night. !4t#-' •
Prize; are offered for bath fancy a
comic costumes. in gentlemen';, ladies ,�`
imps' and girls' classes (see list in adver- I
tisement on page 11. Everybody is in-
vited to attend either as a skater or as a
A quirt wedding took pia •e at Knox
church manse. Saskatoon. o Wednesday.
Fehrua v 4th, when Miss a Pameja
Itichard.nn. of Regina- ch. became the
bride of Mr. John-.Aander Glen, of
Alsask, son of the I e Alex. Glen of
Saltford.. The cerem y was performed
by Rev. Wiley B. C rk in the presence
of the bride'e. ts, Mr, and Mrs.
John M. Richer son. Mr. and Mrs.
Glen will reside n the groom's farm at
Alsask. Sask. /
This Persistent Winter.
,otter a short 1s-rit.l of idea.aut
alO�(Ltl and TI 11-.S1/,‘
pia .
---------To not
,Utti r I
her .lay 'Aching Blood-
ing. or Protract.
Mg Piles. No
surgical over.
_ anion required.
Dr. (Barn's ointment will relieve ye. once
amt ne certainly cure yoo. Co.,&Mc.a Limited.all
dealer.•. or FAmaneon, Halt'
Toronto. damp:.. ;lox trete if you menden na
paper and enclose 10. stamp to pay poo
You Can Do
Without Jewelry
I Mr. James Connolly spent part of 6.1-t
{ week at Woodstock attending the annual .
meeting of the Western W Ind Insurance'
Company, Owing to the big windstorm
; on November 29th, .there was a great
deal ofbusiness l0Tte transacted. f!,.; is •
the largest wind• insurance conip:i•1
the Province and consequent y the 1,-
Iwere mini-rms. NIr.. Connolly. who
represents -the (company in this district,
ehas valued nearly onehundred losses. 1
' The auditors' report shoved the Company
in such good tinancial•standing that all
ctaims are terbe paid in lull witllutit an
; extra assessment.
Remove. to New Stand.
Sir. H..1. Fisher. the harisessTnakerr
has ...I from his old staled nn ilum-
•$i11ou tre•t to the;