The Signal, 1920-2-19, Page 4t
4 Thurcttay. 1'ebra cry 1't, 1.1211.
Special Order Department
lI*111111 *■
is 20th Century and Art Clothing
"l'b•thtng that is different from the ordinary"
▪ Large selection of fine imported Englui Worsteds
and Scotch Tweeds.
■ Designed by high-class artists.
Tailored by first class city tailors.
• • ▪ Leave your order early and get the best selections.
IN Don't put off your buying; woollens are scarce and
IN will be much higher in price.
rnhI11 */R1/11/ Ma$$1NIC1MICE)•1NR
Walter C. Pridham
■1t■1•■ $111111■i■■1•■111•XXX
. M1 •AY, Feb. 16.
last. Tire program t
• mterestinttoda, ess by
The W. M.`6 will
to the home of Mrs.
a 1)Ernt OF bR.
Waham y:
y t %ad t '•larded an
'd the recent rat,v
he aas well kno
ay the -only
-- Irene. Macflonal
'Lon(' a. where she inte
he Conservatory o
meets \. of the W. M. S. e,
Pfetiby trnan church was he
_;pate oks'J1r 1. fleckett an
has stone
s to take
Ttiuesear. Feb. 19.
It was 24 degrees below repo here on
Wednesday morning. The sfowstor+n of
Monday and Tuesday blocked the roads '
Harry Anderson is out again after a,
two weeks' attack of "grippe."
Elmer Shackleton is home from Wing -
ham. the school he was attending being
closed on account o( the " Nu.'• Delos
Risher did not come home, being confined
to the house in Wingham with an attack
of the prevalent illness.
Mr. Rogerson, who has ben engaged
by the Telephone -Company for the com-
ing year, arrived yesterd.ry and has taken
charge of his work.'
David Errington, sr., has bought Thos.
Parks' farm on the 4th concession of.
Ashtield, the price being $3,409. Earl
Wilson. of Saratoga. has bought William
Young's farm.
They had a laugh at the meeting of the
Canadian Produce Association last week
when express companies were. under (1ta-
cusstan. One speaker asked what was
the tirst ettpress company. and answered
his question by stating that it, was the -
Adams t�ompany. and it was lately well
;undersyood that Eve was made - for
• Adam' 44 express company.
:ref Olive Sprout Bast . i+ter ol-�J1. and Mrs
amen _.toruu, r c
Wawanosh,was held on Tuesday to -,place this fWwbirsdnyt, ,eft•Irt►•xitlo
ruary ath. while Mr. Sproul w ,s dotnar his • . i"U goes out to the Liget, father
chores around the Karn; Olive- and a' and other bereaved
rPhillips .utiles' up with
:brother were playing_ in the barnyard.
'Their father had tet the horses out for a+' the •ilu." Her etoxlitt(ou is r•poorted
drink and in playing a colt kicked Olive. ( to Is• improving.
Mr. Sproul carried her ihimediatety to the 444, Mr.. James Howatt wised; Iwmt'
house and swnmtunod medical aid and it from the West tliik week.
was found she *as iieriousty -injured:1a :•3tr. Ralph Munro lawR
but by Wednesday she' improved and was i to his room. His ninny frit
considered out o f, danger and' chi. con- i (Or ' ht' .atsrily rimverg.
tined to improve until .Sund.iy morning. i Slime ?Sella liver is visit/tut-he
She woke up that mooing, seem.'dbri,tiit 1 it sroa nth and tattng a w
and cheerful and asked for something b Lea. •
teat and. shortly• aftr galled her mother.
Mr tt m. Rub'•rt"n Let'+ •'td tet.
and" soon after the mother had reachedun the Dam. lino TTI e.• Jokes -3X
the bedside the litt'e one decd. She was who -gi is inky'•.~.+pin in the ',MON,
eight years and four months ota;e. Meeh hope Mr. Roberton *i11 torah. art
sympathy is felt for the family. . in -Das ••eoumuu_tty.
i ....,erlr:-, institute Meetings. Thi
"Fruit -a -tires" Conquered
Nevous Prostration
F. R. No. 4, Gnawer PLAINS, MAN.
'In the year 1910, I had Nervous
Prostration in its worst form;
dropping from 170 to 115 pounds.
The doctors Aad wo hope of my
rec,K•e'7, and every medicine I tried
proved useless until *reload induced
me to take 'Fruit•a•tttres".
I began to mend almost at once,
and never had such good health as I
have enjoyed the put eight years.
.1gni serer- without "Frail -a -fives"
the house". JAS. S. DELGATY.
Coe. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e.
At alt dealers or sent postpaid be
Fruit -a -Lives Limited, Ottawa.
1 T
l Sproul. 3rd concession i f West •
Dungannon cemetery On Sunday, Feb• , Itxllt exon tory. The sympathy of then
0, 0, "The Scotch Store"
Again we would call ygur attention to the New Spring Goods which are arriv-
ing every day. They are an exceptionally fine assortment, and well worth an
Amongst the arrivals is a la ge shipment of Wash Dres(Goods, including the
ever favorite Scotch and Canadian Ginghams. These we are showing in dainty
checks, stripes and plaids of various sizes, in a beautiful combination of colors, also
self -shades of pink, sky, tan and mauve% Anderson's Ginghams,, so well known for
reliability and lovely designs in plaids, e also included in the assortment. Prices
ranging from 35c a yard to 75c a -yard.
Newest ivals ; a very attrac-
tive range f these _ Coats, in
good services ,hie Materials, -as
Tweeds, - Wlo rs, and Trico -
tines. Latest in s '1e and most
practical. .=ask to them.
' Wednesday, F,•br,r:ty "ah.:af.•• THE BEST TONIC
the form of ap +rtld rposing. t1c +'situtwo lt'+tltltta•t
ev. J. S. Hardie. will hold srasions Isere. . Tares- will be FOR NERVOUS -PEOPLE,
t next month at a at.y ti{fudging contest in\fin _afte -
scan AlcLennan. rem for men and Isivi. TIta Mont n
us itulrpill. Hurt in the :tfNYtuoem in -
'hambers. whore death I nld[eIIow r Hall. nod a pint *maim:: Increase't our Nervous Energy
t tun. o a t • deapall•hes tellin QS •cilhhe helti-In the ,•crony;. The . peak- Rg
•pleudjd opport
get ti new hat t
tie winter season
fraction of its repo : r
\a price.
xtr_ehause n'
y^w'reclenear North ay. ,•t._are Mr. T. tl:alZas alt a.e.s .. a
t hw.0 .e
'n'ip's community., 1Ns,rtua ltr.uxli. rt with Dr. VVilhams' Pink
was eo on of Mr. and Mrs. Hugo► liat.x nt firth• r Toronto. Th --
t tytmbe r. Lochalsh- Re. attended speaukert' u'w,• i • I v h1gi T n . ci - Pills.
g ox{ saa,,,i.Fnthr
Y at Lauriet and lwochalsh. wily Tu lid -re fur Move who�tN•+ i
taught so
fled 1 d f M.R.C • S.Re- Irri; f•irttcrs ctrl calf Is plots Iso. d ilia,
1{i h Sch T • attd afterwards IT fTd n _rare tows= Nervous people eiho have not yet
'had •graduated, from Toronto teged to -tetra them. Mr. McMillan is developed disease that can he recognized
y and M•dical_'-'Cluol he went , o,;,. of the moa t•xperi.'nw-41 8.a1 urcrt•1 and treated by the medical profession
ew York eolvcli• IC'ltospttat and ;,toi,. 1,:stitute,rturer' In 4 'Wrli'. 11,• have the,;reate,t trouble in finding relief.
hence to London. Eng.. where he is rt keen et ndent of all problem s atTe,� ,, Irritation. headache, sleeplessiess. nervous.
the dearer! n ' tndipestion, ail these di -atm -dons make
k 1 f i f 1 I life miserable but are endures rattler than
1 hospital.'
.throat - at
did s hal w ractice as
Dr. T. 11. BIow•�.M. L. A., in p no uddings. therefore enable ,it (oiTarty to Inc nerves,
an eye, ear, nos and throat specialist. toiquloun Stewart has sold his.tarm al :
the elements they need to fully restore
mo Chambers leaves behindanhim, tn hi acres on the and is talking to moving
their ntirrnal function -and at the same
mourn ohs loss,.his wife and `s. Telford,
e sod, Cht he .k & Sons and 'and 'Wong
ut'r rest.
I tinct imptove the general health. The
and foods r a hit's: Thomas rfo to Cha i my town •kes-'rocking a - e • ; �ehts i t follow the use of'this medi.
C •
Sault tit. I, of K and Mos • Murdoch tyle Chest lnow takes- h townepeeship of ( eine are shown by the statement of Mrs.
C. Macken of Kintail. the largestblandholders-inAndfatntthe township. iw. i Jennie Marr. R. R. No. 3. Port Rowan, a
Isaac Tabb And family are laid up oil's
well-known school teacher, who says:
the "grippe -se e '•Sonic tearsfaga 1 -becalm greatly tun -
Al. W ungso wpb h n sol will
lhi3 plave
IREdown, and was in thiscund•tiem for near,} �
to A. W.Young of nil an ail osaloon f a year. A doctor. whom 1 called in said I I
RICH. to Gods -rich, is having. an auction sale on, f` was suffering from complete •nervous
March 11th. rostration. it would hardly be possible
_ . Smith'sdo Bili has done pits share, we ores; telt all the symptoms of;, my case. but l
glad ig sin the Forward Movement,tnIj one who has 'sed through a nervous
having subscribedve.the\ full quota • and •
breakdown will know what I suffered. As
The q t^e something over. f
buckthorn bark, etc The roads are ill-nad�hape again. Brea did not seem to improve under the
i-ka, is surprising. storm this week haying .til ed them in l doctor's treatment l decided to try Dr
ANY CASE gas tornac or soq again. 'l he mail-cduller has been doing Williams' Pink Pills, :nil the decision was
1 round
__a- fortunate one
for m
as 1 soon upper
and low. bowel ct nn vex BOTH app is bNlk but is • a day babas,' with the. some relief through the; use of the pins,
and rower doom and t�ethich ail foul its,• and after taking eight boxes I was -fully
accumulated matter which polsosed illiam McPhee.- ,air Loyaf bachelor, restored to health. Today i am shorts
stomach. Often CURES constipation. est rained the Leeburn - boys one night a warty, without' an ache or pain. and
Prevents appendicitis. One lady reports last k and there was a big time. •1 he for my rpte.ent physical condition 1 teen 1
she has no more pain in back of head Lir, boys , ,tight along the bagpipes and the am indebted to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
gas p stomach since using AtTT•i-ka.�,;ght s holed ith ntertislt-_tTthaty- and can heartily recommend them to
Campbell's Drug Store.
ig o Canada, he too • up sursisal t„ sire itl orm;u (oa o value; 11u• uuo run a doctors bill without hope of to
in -Reno -fa. for several years ands terfnt fordr•ep thnnght. I . - -: _ ... _ .
once more went to England for I' . covefy. -
study. lie became a member of - Every such sufferer shou'd know jibe
tit.+leo o..'cal Society of Great - LOYAL. • danger of such a condition to the nu us
nil acted for a tithe as house I • ' MONDAY; Feb. 16. . system. ' Nervous dif shy and- a even
the Opthalmic hospital and the James Green has sold one of his hon- neraleas may result if the tone of the
diseases of the ear., nose and dreti-acre farms-kngwr, as the NI.Hardy ' nerve% is not restored by building up the
Golden Square. London. farm on the Division line= -t" Robert; blond• As a. tonicfor thelbtovd and
nerves [h. Williams' Pink Pills have been
going to Calgaty he first lures. The price wa. scow. The peace' nerd 1'ith the greatest success. They
k and afterwards prised !has been in grass for mapy years and has ; uhave a direct action -on -the blood and I .
M.R. MacVicar
ston St.
wtirttple gly
mitred in A
n spoo lulretie
nick action o
Ily was uch a good entertainer I . anyone suffering from nervous troubles."
was 4 ocl k in the morning before the Williams' Pbnk.
that You can procure Dr.
they they ail be sent you by matt a
a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing
----- -- l t WHOSE. _ - direct to the Dr. Williams Medicine Co.,
h e •i.� snake a tion-l-�TrinpTior3e. - '� �
-petal-.ta.arell_as good-
our horse will go better,
boys tore t mselves away, vowin
g t pills through any dealer in mediC(ne. or
were • back again nest year, t is soma
(( e•akin
pi well
at 4*11 si
and you,
Use a set of
of its good loo
your approval ot•jts quality:
\\ smitten St.,,
Woodstock, s•
look better. Taste a took I son, Mr. mei I- .s ayto
e and double harness store.
t tat, to admire it. ,' The funeral of the late
foci your admiration was largely attended,
ill be equalled hy tt thio l
MONDAY, Feb. 16.
rT: _ . r '-Ctiyton:.
t las week with their
of the Carlow
GoderichB-' of Trde1
4',,•m .lamaien linger. the ottk-ial (organ of the Jamaica Itoard of
Trnde, N'1. Y.)
I ion't r111:114` to the meetings.
Hitt if not do. lame h't.
1f the weather doesn't snit you. don't think of coming.
4. 1f you do not attend x mes•ting, find fault with the woreot the
om ors and other member.
Never accept an nIlte, as it Is peeler to erlticise than to do
things. appointed on a committee
r Nevertheless, get sore if con are not apt
hot If you are. ad nor attend the committee meetings.
if yon are asked hy the (linkman to give your opinion on same
Important matter, tell him you have' nothings_ to say. After t11e
merting tell everyone how things ought to be (hone.
1)o' nothing more than absolutely neeseery; but when other
memrs roll up their sl.'••Ves anIU
d willingly. utosel®shly .e their
aMlitg to help matters along. howl that the association le not
h� s (afoot..Mehl beck your dues es long itis• irosafble. or don't pay at ell.
Delft mother about getting new members. -Let George do It."
-Brockville, Ont..
_, - 5-.--
KIPl'F•11. •
Tuesday, F'.-hntal'T W
mes McBride lAt4' James MH)-Tber''
the emar;respect mea- beat awuy m
in ltklyd•s (- etery this
ley tarr11a111f1 N most (1lstlugidehesl sons,
visiting I{ the- tine Mr. ilea- kfrltiannld. who
as not i shoot two weeks,:tgo emitraeted n had
cold which tleveloped 111th urine bron-
chitis. tinemnto111t. and a rtmipth-ation
of other diseases. 4,r,t'
t• whir, he die
rather suddenly mi Sthday morning.
the lath Inst., at R •;cho'k`e His tether.
the late onald 1141Narnild, ea me into
the woNds in the forties. and his mem.
i,James, the eubjert of our sketch, was
lawn here In April. 1#,',1. ThIrty-seven
years ago he married his bereaved
manss Campbellner, Mao, of Acton. and
settled on the farm nn which he dust.
Int 7, romped/in 4. Stanley, Alt otlly
daughter, 111t11444 Kate. at home, mourmi
We understand that Mr. Flu
the ncighbdring viltaees, but he
visit, d our neighborhood yet.
Mr. C. Altai has a very severe Id,
which has c,,nfined him to the house for a -
few days.
We are glad to state that Reggie'111in
i$ improving somewhat. 4..
The ?fleeting of the Farmers' Club was
postponed owing to the "fit."
Clark & Clayton have had a very suc-
cessful sale. everyone Rettig( a share of
the gond things.
McGaw is a very bus; place. Mr. Wm.
`McClure has receive! a car of shingles
and a car of bran and horts; Mr. A. Aloin
has shipped a car of hogs; Mr. O'Connor
a car of cattle. and the Farmers' Club a
car of cattle and hogs. Mr. J. 1f. Treble
shipped four cars of grain during the last
'.Mrs. Harry Mew and sister. Mrs.t'W.
Fis^er,attended the funeral of their cousin,
Mr. Charles Brown, of Clinton, do Friday
Mrs. Mate AIItn. of Auburn, visited
Mrs. Harold Aloin. of Mc(aw, this Creek.
Misses Laurel T t eaat their homes,,o
ble n Viola
the t1.C.L. spent
North Zion,
(looter -sled for teat week.}
Wednesday, Fel). 11.
Death of Miss Agars Nymingtsar-
The news of the death of Miss Agars
Symtnstan nn Monday morning, the re -
milt of an attack of influenas and
asthma, ram. ae a shock to her many
friends herr. She contracted the di.
ease at the home of her brother -In-law
at Toronto, who le dt present serinnaiy
111 with Influenza. The funeral takes
Do you sednte the misary
or Asthma wtth sleepless
ats4ta, ell (atoll breathing
and Iota atr'wnttb r Hom-
• padNyour oaaa�,, quint
rowels ammo toad by the
BAR`1.11 4 N, - l! ABLL..aLL.sS
. . -Lace, \Insliu, Remnant Of all kinds. incle1 Boli Felt Hats round in sit
Fancy Nw 1111 u t mast Lunt, in c
and Pity Collars., Neck- ::. Dress Goods, •ilk`. n
s, 'C esteea, etc., Coatings. Voiles, Crepes,
ranging in 'Cc.
V7tees, -_ _ tan' aors '
hands, Kit
Curtain Materials, Flan- •loa
to st.rO. - Cleated
at Half-price.
miotic+, etc;, -etc.
se, grey, a rthwah
een a first-rate
aloes up to 01.2•i.
Alf ;eared at ;4flreaeit. --
All orders by hone or mail receive our best and prompt
att. tion. We pay alt c t• rges.
Milla$�tch SIre
The Leading Phone an Mail Order Store
i i'the hiss (of a loving father. The lair
Waller and J. amt fLobdesbnro').
ylr. Hi•DialRntd ' scat thekin.M•st et There was a L eke aft 7 of friends
neighbors and most u11s.•Iti h in deal- from all OV -r the tow hip, as welt as
Ing with any/as-au mewled help. For. from Ashfield, Hullett, Vodench town -
ninny yes rs he was n member r of the ship. Lueknow and other *tits.
township council; being r's•ve for the -
latter part of hey term. A. envie h. .
wits m.r,t devuk•d is the interests of (3t17.F:Itlr`ll TOWNS1 1'. --
the ratepayers, As a memlN•r of the A meeting of the Ladies' Aid Soejety
Inaitugers- and jn )ate years an elder of Taylor's Corner will be held t the
in Itrucefield t'resbyteri+in church, he , of Mrs. G. 0 Sturdy on W era
wee unttritne Iu ble efforts tm ca're`r• ,-Fbrueiy gir-et- -oclock p. m
congregation. 111,4 pastor could alwap5
depeiid . iiwI his ,m port. Ills motto
appeared nl Haar. t 'tiakti'r
.•; AI auto von as one ,LIT imr(Snst"ihnl doth
serve.' r nitR.ii"fidnnsT,i
1111(1 (lerotl(111 to dirty earned for him
the esteem and admiration (of all. _ to
politica he nam au ahh,at tdbt'ralr wisp
honored t:eerge ItruwnYas the "g ai t
MONDAY, Feb. 16.
well-known and highly respected resident
of this ownship, in the person of James
Mcl3ri e, departed this life on Tuesday,
Febr y Kith, at his home here. Mr.
McB '. was born seventy•four years ago
in Yor township, near Toronto. When
he was our years of a e his mother and
stepfat the late James McDonagh,
moved o this place and took up land at
the :• hwest corner of the Smith's Hill
croesr. •s, where Mr. McDonagh for
years pt store and pnatofhce. About
Ilfty y rs ago he bought the old Stewart
farm, • moved to it and had lived there
ever ce. He is survived by his wife,
who as Rachel Girvin, the youngest
daug r of the late Charles Girvin, and
by o son. Jarvis, who is on the home
farm. Frank and John McDonagh, of
Toro 0, are half-brothers. Mr. Mc-
yyy'*nexf • tbs SO -
salt tc
t,dora divet s coat
art�through Itus,.
tew tree
wmpt. is
•f'. arostototm, ftf Etas M
w.. . sac
v sr• tlfor 51.04
y rohe
Samples may be had et Dunlop's Drag
in p
R. J
x' ----a..----
l 1 T It %TE:S ON
-- 1Nu_
To 'wise room tor other stash. w
r GEO. STEWciA. Florist •
1 ' q f'.•xleri
Hacking's Heart and Nerve RemM7
1s simply a wonderful preparation for
ees of the Heart; drives out
Pain, Fear, Worry and the uncertain-
ty that goes along with diseases of
this most important organ.
de -vitalizes the whole bodily omen -
lantana and You Must Have Weep in
order to build up your health and
strength. if the Nerves are all a
tingle and jumpy. and the !trainis In
a .tate of unrest through Overwork.
Worry or some Functional Disorder,
a restful sleep will be difcult to ob-
tain. Do not dope yourself with
"sleeptng powders" or "heart depreaa-
enta"-take Hackings Heart and
Nerie Remedy and a natural sleep
wW follow.
15 Nature's Signal of disharmony In
the human body. it may come from
Ispoverished blood, overtaxed heals,
loss of sleep ne it may be from Con-
gestion followed by Inflammation.
as one of the best farmers to the No matter what the rause may be
Ip of Colborne. Hie land was Heeling's Heart and Nerve Remedy
ted in the most thorough manner will help yon.
w srxne of the best crops in the
His residence and barns were
up-to-date structures and were
well kept.. He was particularly
in the raising of stock and was a
udge of cattle and horses, and his
were in great demand for many
as a judge of live stock at the local
He was a quiet, reserved man,
1 his home. and taking little part
Iic gatherings. He was a i'resbV•-
in religion and a Conservative in
The funeral took place on Fri-
ternoon to Colborne cemetery. Rev.
trereilsesdoctitt the services and
being limes Glen. Georp•
Ales. Young. tan Wilson, Won.
People who have been ailing for
years should not Aspect. • Complete
Carr in a few days but should per -
shit tn the treatment in order to ban-
ish the underlying mosses and to Mr-
rvet the evil conditions that bring
shoat the trouble. You should be
More to get Harking'. as no other
kind will do. Fie particular about
your mediciae, ae TOUR health Is
Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy
la sold by all first clamp drugriete or
by mail post paid. Price 60e a boy.
noses for $2.66. Ilacklara Limited,
"Bea iful Flowers"
but so naturat\you can't tell
them from the real.
JUNE Ho-tpai-Ink:(6c) now or
ROSES -artistically - shaded largo
roses, all colors., 10e each.
AMERICAN BEAUTY Roseas-20-incli
' atom, abundant foliage.
(-snootiest aeaovis---23-inch ' mem.
pink and white.
Cuero - 20 -Inch• Mem.
SwEet Pros, DAFFODILS A 14
DAINIER-spipmtbt for tattle
decoration or person a I
Come in and see diem.
Smith's Art Store
EASY Si. Phone 198