HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-2-19, Page 3T -Ur • / Rheumatism Stiffness and all Pain Mined', Liniment ha• gives aati.rrtion for three georeation. It quickly relieves more t hrwr, bn,4 1114., acus• 31(4. 4a 4ti,a and any korai of Min. An Old Reliable Reiaedy Mr..1. Fearnt, Hamilton St,cullinrwual, Om . a ,u,-., Mlnanl'• 1.mu14•nt surely is as old rrhalar rrm.,ly. I .lsay. keep .t bottle in Ile Mw.. and haw r. women/tett it to quite a number of my bleeds, to whom it gay* peal rcLrt. In must case. 4 a44 uud as • Curr Ire rhrumati.m. Mina 'd'S Kir o of pair. Lana end Yarmouth r a Scotia. BOARD OF TRADE COMMITTEES. New Executive Council Starts on An- other leer's Work. At the first westing of the executive cuuucll of the Board of Trade for the eurreYlt yeur, held on Monday 4'vetlllg, MI•sirs. l'. 1.. Moore, W. 11. ltolx'r1 ram and Mayor Wigle were added to the membership of the council, thus e pletfng it according to the bylaws of the lkalyd. The following admitting committees were struck" : industrial c'owmitte'-a'. \Vurtele, It. J. Megaw, (1. I,. Parsons, l'. 1.. Moor,', Plias. ('. Lee. Hydro committee --J. 1'. Hume, E. It. Wigle, J. W. Taylor, W. Lune, 1'. A. .Nairn. Civic committee -1)r. A. IL Slnckltu. W. H. Rulwrtsuu, Rev. l'aunl Hill. 'I'. 11. Comsat. T. It. Wallis. J. W. \'/Oi- atter, A. ltamrders, A. H'. Strfrklaud. Fitments. and Iuewl.•rship eowutllte, -41. Wllliatus, T. H. MltelwIl, W. R. Sharman. F. WlN/Ile/IIIt4•. Harbor committee 41. 1... Parsons. IL J. Megaw, W. Wollner, J. W. Taylor, �. W. Cratgte. Transportation euwtultteeG, i.. l'argonr, T. H. Mitchell, T. G. Courant. J. W. 4'ralgl', J. A. Lawrrtav', e. K. Saunders. Retail Int•rrhauts committee --W. R. Sharman, \\'. Walker, .1. A. l'ntupbI'Il. alt. t.:-l'rldhatu, Geo. MaeYlear, W. T. Millar, H. '1'. Edwards, .11. Robles, E. Colborne. J. J. M1Ewell, 1). O'Brien, A. 1). Mclean, l'. M. ltulx'rt4ou, Mayor Wigle. Agricultural rourmlt14N• - T. It. W11l- 11s, \V. T. AIurlley, 4:orlon ltiss•t, 11. K. Iteve•II, J. E. \\'I1I[ely, W. 11. Itole•rts,n. A plan is being ry,/Ivel With the de- sign of giving 4'rery member of Wit. Board sooty Weirs. 1n (Vnitnitfro work. Alslxe•lal general meeting of the Ikrard, ill pndwbly he allied shortly to deal th 11118 and other winters. emirs. 4.. J. S. 1w0yues and A. J. 'ay were appointed auditors. tranuportatio4t committee 'Was c/u$Ult the 13twttuaster w'lth 60114' matters in l•onuoe•tk(I) 44.111 pentad Nervier. estiun made at the anunal ding the 1184• Of the rooms flexor of the 'Masruh' Aber disrcusa 1, and -a mointear tel secure in- formation aN to est, etr., nut report a4 N44/11 a\ 9(,4811,1 MEDICAL. was--- DR. GEO. IIEILEMAKN, I.TEO- 5*1 1, 4104 41141 it ♦, o 4 1. 1 yrs bikinis' .seals, at tile. ah tnaardfit ntlab dw S. (5t sad moor and thrust, partial deatnees, lu 'beau rheumatic conditions. Adenoids 0 eyed without the brute. Cf,ce at ,esdenre, c' ser Nation and St. Andrew's 'trots Al hoe o.. • Yon ya, Ttunday and Setoda ys, any even by appointment. DENTISTRY. 1R. it. G.- MAcDCNELL.-HONOR Graduate ?manta University. Gradeate al College of Dental Surgeons,m atamamor to the late Map* sato. Omces colter Square aaa West,lrert. Godard). AUCTIONEER. I/1liOYASGUNUR + AUCI'1uNEER. aleft d•ricb. All instructions by sailor u .ft Signal Office will be promptly attended to '• nwt.esae tlekphooe 115. • LEGAL. '-CAtIsIrROtr, K. G, LAltittrs i L71. GTEK adu ,tur notary push . tMtce ._._.- g10 Sirnt, Gtxicrxh, third door (goo tie rust lands to loan et lowest rat. •. • RC..IIIAYS. 4' ps&kRISTEltSOLICITOR. NOTARY • PUBLIC, LTC. Oahe- Sterling`:_Bank' Block. Hamilton Street G.derah. 1 elephone an. Real Estate, Loans tad learrsec•. F OUDFGOT, KILLORAN & CGOKE sannensas, SOLICITORS. NOTARIES PUBLIC. ETC. Office ea the Squire, aeaond •floor from Haunt ea Street, Gtderxh. Private funds to loan at lowest ratan' W. Paoua.uot, .1.,U. Coosa. J. L..Enitah -' H.D. r.. 4IHARLES GAR -ROW. LL. B. BAR - d`__ _._• l� R15TEk. .440011447. solicitor. etc.. Godsrkb - }wry loaned •t loran rates. SEAGER, public�BARRISTER. SOL - . OL Qiea vaniter .-CoTurrt House. Galleried andconal-lt &lac The asked n'ga rel. wit 11 the The Ntl meeting reg int the gruu feu1p14' was lownlitte• 51111 t'amou "How was the banquet ?" • Fine. Father gave th toast t ladies." "fie -did, eh?T11arCjugt11g• m on to a I n of other women t e t kind and considerate when he make toast for me in the m.rni head was splitting open."-Detr Press. TER IIGXLL C II,pRE.N'S Al[) SOCIETY. The monthly meeting of the ('lil- dren's Aid Society w•as held till Tutsk day, February loth, at the court louse, the attt•Ixlarkv' 'Willi( smaller than is desirable in View of the Interest and 1101NM141144' of the work. Amounts of 135.70 for county agent's exix'uses, atki of *101 for cowl, weft' ordered paid. 'I'lu• treasurer reported reeipt of the county grant of $1:111. It' resp4111s• to the annual reports which are being wallet [trough the county there Is Gratifying evfdetxe of sympathetic in- terest on the part of those who art. thus being 1114111e uo,1wtlutell with 1114' work, and the subscriptions received are gratefully acknowledged by the executive, who would Ile pleased to hear of further addresses to which the Irc- ports tuigirt be mulled.' Aa hour of the meeting was a tin n•rfew1ug and ey,u$1d4'ring saw's watch either called , for advice and special runsidenctiutt, or arts worth gnotlig because id the happy results which have WW1) aeIllPy/Yl. The difficulties tit some of the ea Sea arlsl'kg to until work -es this -eau ratty ho.uutler4l/xxi 1111e1 apprc•iut4'41 when the facts are trade known, and In several caw'u In which, 14raur4• of the age of the! victims, they art• beyond the Jurisdic- tion of 11x• Society, help 11118 Is4•u given with ill• most gratifying 1e81110A. • /lwtug 10 Iia 0.14,e1.410.11 of the county etlllll l to deyute 1114' grand Jury name to the use of the county engineer, t1.' )4,s-lt•ty found itself without a eon- yeoleu[ place for carrying on its office work, but Pulte. Magistrate held tory kindly offered the nn• of t b o1Mre for the work of the el 7 secretary and the n'gul:u' meetings of the :ks•fl•ty. and I1444il4'Ns to arty the , 9ff r was Iaurtlly aecvptel with a siavr*:rytvof, thanks to Mr. Reid for his very timely road un.<tdttsh --help. In future M Elliott will lie found' upstairs In the court Ituaute directly above .(lie utllee formerly used by him. -The following ar' the contributions nrv'iy,'4l slime last report : Ste•11Nttka flub: ; SI18N 114'k'11 Strang, r'"T11; Iluuguullon Wlllllen's lnstltMr, $25 Brussels village. $10: town of Serrforth. 110; I',1Nu•ui' tuwnsbIp.'$11f $iii: "('1. R: 0l'4'1•n. $1 ; township of Morris. $1:0; Hlvt(4 Women's institute, $10; Heitman village. $.1: 1Vruxt•ter village. tri: vll- Iilge of Myth, Sl o: ('leas. Girriu. Mrs. H. ?tpackulau, Exeter. $2; Miss Laura IAathrnlale, Brussels, $1 ; Mrs. J. Mills East \Vi4wenosh, L'i: Sirs.- H. BENT INVESTMENT GILBERT EVER MALE. Bell, $1 ; . Exeter villages$1n; MythW, t'. T, 1'., $:i; John i.inklnt,r, $1; o the to. It. Forster, $1: Mrs. \\'w. !perry. �fyojt_l. $J: Stittorth Methodist Sun- day day s•h,4d, $5; . )r. ('has: Slnrl:ay.. Sea- fori h. $'i ; A. L).\ Sutherland, Seaton'''. $2; J. N. Keruiglwn. $.1.; A. Halliday. $I : 4'. E. Kula, Exeter. $1; Mrs. -D. Ml -liar, Mrs. W. 1,. Horton, $-o; Rev. E. Ford, $1 : Mrs. 1 Rer.) Furl. $1 he's so wouldn' if m Free t y Oxo Cubes oontai1 the rich !tourists - meat of. prime beef in so compact mad co.venient • form that they are handy for tree anywhere, at any now. Just a cube -hot water --and a bi•6uit or two -eod • light sustiioin4 meal is ready. 'AcKILLOP MUTUAL 'FIRE IN 111 ANCE CO. -Faro and isolated town •rta4 7�Insured. pcers-Jar. Connolly. Pres, Goderich P. • ; ea,�Eays,vans. Voce -Pres. S' Peres. , leatorthb P.wood F.O.; HSec--Tm Directors -D. F. McGrgdr, R, R. No. A Sea - Orth; Jobe -G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton; William Rte it R. No. A Sealorth; John Rommel*.Brod en. Geo. McCartne . R. No. 1. See- , ortb; obeli Ferris, Berardi: Malcoio Mc- Ewen, Clinton; Jam.. vans, Beechwood; James Coeoolly, Godertch. 4'o, R. R. No 4, Cl nio ; William Chea Ales. Se Leitch, S. HincbleY. Sealorlh. Policy -holders can pay all payments and get their cards recopied at Marrieds Clothing Store. Clinton: R. H. Cuts s Groeeev, Kingston street. Goderkh. of J. H. • Reid's General Store, B•yde C3 Bros. Tae Leading Funeral Directors end Embalmers Orders carefully �ight or attended to atall hours. day. OODERiCH Nothing annoys a gahhv man more than to bump into someone who can talk just as Last and as long as he can. au 4 Removed 1 have removed my stand to the Mclean Bloek, next to Mr. 11. Kemp's watehmaki ng shop, mouth side of Square, and trust that my friends and patrons will call on Inc there. Im will handle the nae lines as formerly, and all orders entrusted to me will reeetve roost careful attention. Miss S. Noble South Side - Galeria11- -4 fl -CLASS Foo' Worthy of your inspection Combining an attractive appearance and dur- ability, and giving exceptional Comfort and wear. it is our aim to jell only good Footwear. Give us the opportunity to supply your needs. J. township Of Grey, *19; township of McKNlop, $10; entity of Hurons. $1:7111;_ Ilnytield village, 110: Adhti,•Iti township. $10; Mrs. 'Hersey, ltruss•1+, quilt; Sirs. Lear and 51rs. l'liellew. It •tit, a quilt; Mrs. K. c'1ttt, jar fruit. rid apple Mt nee and VIVO/led tt4•at Mrs. larney, randy ; Kt. Peter's church. sande •hew and cake; Mrs. Middleton, apples; Vowen's lamiltate. Myth, $104; N. 41') t St ,v't M,'t114411st Church, sand- wiches; S elite Leaf chapter, rhlld's table scut ft r rlutlr4; Mrs. J. 11. John. snot, :1 pairs f mitts. Made H Feel Small. • A foppish young n who could only find a seat next to a ahwife. in a North q( Scotland smoking arnage, expressed his disgust by many d •aIuful glances. At length the woman rem. ked: "I'll bet ye, my Manny, ou an' me's baith thinking the same chi "What Is that, woman ?" d 'anded the youth, haughtily. "You are wishing you was sitt g neat a gentleman ?" "I am. indeed!" replied the young a an. "So'am l," the fishwife- replied cal y. OODERIOH, ONT. Taalae Restored Dartmouth Man to Health' Two Years Ago- -.. 8(111 leek Pine. "Yes, sir, l can recommend Tanlac, fru it set me right two years ago. while 1 was living in Hamilton. Ontario, and 1 have been in good 'shape ever since," said Jeffrey Gilbert while in Kinky's,. drug store in Halifax recently. Mr. Gilbert resides at :i,5 Ochterloney street, IJart• mouth, and is employed as a boilermaker at the Halifax shipyards. "N ver in my lite," he continued, "have 1 had a medicine to do me so much good as Tanlac. My stomach had be' -ii giving me trouble for some time. It just seemed Tike I could not eat anything but what would give me indigestion of the worst kind. I would -bloat alt up with sour gas and feel miserable for hours after every meal. There was a feelil:g like a lump of lead in the pit of ms stomach - d would almost double up with cramping pains and could hardly draw a deep My appetite was ga poor that 1 never relished anything -TO eat find 1 just suffered constantly with that indigestion. I was continually losing weight, felt weak and sluggish all the time and had no ecergy.'\ "1 had ried'all kinds of medicines, but kept gets g worse, and after Tanlac came to H ;suitor' and FO many people there got In praising it I bought a bottle and 1 declare that was the best .invest• went I ever made in my life. Before 1 had finished the first bottle 1 felt.con- siderable improvement. Then 1 bought another and another, and when I had finished my' fourth bottle my stomach was in fine condition and 1 have not been troubled with indigestion since th it time The gas and pain has alldluppeared and I am stilt eating lust anything I want, without the least trouble frstm it. It was not only, my own experience with Tanlac that convinced me it is a Wonderful medicine, but I personally know many others who took it with just as line :liults ;s 1 'd. You can't beat it and it 1 shard get t6 where I need medicine again wouldn't think -of anything else." - Tanlrc la rind In Goderich by it, R. `1gle, fn Senforth liy C. Aberlar ,. In 1\'iu4haw by .1. \Velton McKibbon, thawed by A. Si. E. Hemphill, In 11170 by White City'I)rug Store, in \Vruxeter by J. N. Alleu, in lontlesNoro by John 0: l.emudsew'rry, la Exeter by W. S. Howey, In Bruct•tteld by l'eter Morey. In Dashwood "by Tiernan & Etighofer, In Credlton by J. W. Orme, in Clin- ton by W. 14. It. Holmes, in Sheppard - ton by J.H. Sltupsro, In Corrle b7 H. (Inc Mind That Thinks for Two. Peck -My dear, i thought we had planned to go to the pictures thta evening? Mrs. Peck -Yes, I know;- but I have changed our mind. Rare As Radium. "Contentment is better than wealth, my boy." It ought tp be. It's a blame sight harder to get.' Nature's Mirror When a wo- man 1. we 1 and be.lthr= there's a sparkle in her eyx a roes tint in bar cheeks, and the be. rich red blood. After taking nature's tonic which Dr. Piero, called "Favorite !re- scriptior.' there'. elasti- city in eery movement red a spry in haw atop. Lova comma to anti woman who has bounding health -shut wren she la pallid, dull eyed, languid, ha bas ao maprthes nor dos Ahs appeal 00 We have at present a very large stock of TRUNKS, SUITCASES, CLUB BAGS, ETC., ETC. Sex our goods before buying. Repair week dna es year maidbitigt HERN'S BOOT SHOP Oa S.4'. SAVED A LIFE P1.13. Ont.: -"t hays a vary triad fah Mag far Dr. Pierre's Favorite Prurripti*4 fur it ones saved my mother, We. Wha Rout theme!' rniddb apo her health NM soy hot: she afeeie wide page i• bee had end beekaehe. ie feet. she had pair sal ashen dl t ermab les body. Who hnt wuig(n wee very ructus. would berme, din/ snl St Umtata/at and t o wherever else ab.nnd tw ba TW asecreltabid me Indultam( he la die time. we dared seri shave Ise deer Ob. was as emYr$1*e se ewe amid be aid See. Dr. Plsrw'. Fbvo.4lt therm sh *Mu wee rerseaded to her. Qhs Ilasik ss babas .ad we eespl•s•b' s*Mea r wood ►.sill."-MNU. s. L tlla� Otter, tris pm. .1'a niton. ADVT. Ilreak-1 p of English Estates: Lloyd f;;eorge's death duties act, ad- mitttdly designed to break - up large landed estates in England. is making continued possession of them too expen- sive, ;nd last year thr'e-quarters of a million acres changed hands, large properties being divided among small purchasers. 7 he _last revolution of the kind occurred when King Henry VIII: broke up the monasteries and gave the abbey lands to his favorites, restoring the feudal system. Now the wneel is taking a turn still further back. Before the feudal lords were the free yeomen farmers of England. men who owned and worked theirown land and -owed allegiance to no man but the king. Today the yeomen of England are coming back to their own. The descendants of King Harry's new men of five hundred years ago are selling out. They are selling out because it no longer pays to be a landlord. One of the most sensational of these sales took place lust before Christmas, when the Duke of Rutland sold an estate of 15.000 acres in Leicestershire and Derbyshire. A hew. weeks before he had sold another estate in Rutland. Both of these estates had been in the family for six hundred or seven hundred years. The Duke sold not because he liked to sell. but because, as he said frankly, he could not afford to go on owning the land. s Other big sales recently are by the Nike of Bedford in Cambridgeshire of about twenty thousand' acres; Lord IlarFyvood's sale of nine thousand acres in Yorke) ire, the Duke of Beaufort's sale of his Badminton property, about four thousand -Nacres, and including half a dozen villages; Sir Watkin Williams Wynne sold twenty-five thousand acres in Montgnm,xshire; Mr. Walter Long over one thoc nd acres in Merioneth- shire, and the uke of Sutherland his Trenthaln estate a Stoke -on -Treat. it is expected the before the' end of next year more than 000,000 acres of old family estates will ve been sold. Thursday, F't•bruary 10, 1020.-3 EAST WAWANOSH. The township council met according to adjournment' on February 5th, with all the members present. Minute's of pre- vious meeting were lead and "appprroved, on motion of Straughan and Coultes. Representatives on behalf of the C. O. F. were present asking for an Increase of hall rent for soused meetings. The council was of the opinion that $3.5 a year was a fair rental for this purpose and agreed on paying that amount. Messrs. Scott and Elliott presented their report as auditors of account; for 1919, the abstract statement bowing! balance on hand at the end of the year of $4412.61. The report was adopted, on motion of Coultes and Robertson. As only one Application had been received tor the office of assessor, Mr. la lespie moved, seconded by Mr. S raughan, that Wm. Wightman be reappointtd to that office at a salary of $.Y:i. Carried. Moved by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Couites. that this municipality give a grant of $50 in aid of the sin -tering simenians. Car - _Tied unanimously. Bylaw No. 3. 1920, confirming the appointmerff of assessor. was read and passed. The following ac- counts were otdered to be paid: The Mum icipal World, assessment rolls and other supplies. $9.85: H. H. Elliott, printing financial statements, $1S; A. Porterfield, fees as div. reg. in 1919, $v.4(1: John Mc- Dowell, township's share on award dram, $10.80; F. Anderson. salary as treasurer. 1120, postage. war tax, etc.. 1515; J. S. Scott and J. Elliott, auditors, each 112; D. A. Cameron. Toronto, grant for Ar- menian relief fond. $50; J. T. Currie and J. J. Kerr. valuating sheep destroyed by dogs, each $3. After a general discus - awn on whether it would be wisdom ofr the part of the council to commute the statute labor throughout the township, or to still adhere to the present sy,ten1, which seems to be now losing favor with a growing number of the ratepayers, the council adjourned to meet again on Thursday, March 1 Ith, at 1 o'clock. A: PORTERFIEW, L'terk. 1 Ile May Re a Di say. "Who is Edith to marry ?"' "His name is Bridge." "Gond gracious! is she carrying the craze as far as that ?"-Bosom Trans- cript. Dangerous Beast*. --- ---- The teacher had been telling her class about the rhinoceros family. "Now name some things," she said, "that are very dangerous to get near to, and that have horns." "Automobiles!" promptly answered Johnny. -harper Magazine. • 1A 14'IL\I:4H. DeAtt. of JOHN McChariRti. - John Mac lnfyre.`one 0, the best-known resi- dents of this locality, died suddenly no Monday morning til last week. He had been in poor health for some time. but was not thought to be in any immediate danger. He was six. y -two years of age and head lived practically all his life here. he and his brother Peter and two sisters occupying the original family home A brother, Alex. G.. lives at Kincardine. aanother, Sol.. at London. The futkral took place to Lochalsh cemetery On Wednesday and was largely attended. They Surely Ole. "In Borneo," remarked Georgette, "women do the pearl fishing." "i)on't they everywhere "" demanded Tricotine. Inevitable Question. Laiy Candidate for Parliament -"I am now ready to answer au7 question.." Lady Voter -"Where did you get that ripping hat ""-Le Rire. Clanged Times. 'q was married when I was getting only Slit a week." "Gee, whit, pa. Bil'y Green gets that. and be's only an office boy." \Georgette and Trteotine. eaRr�rmch-forth: parties," lived Georgette. "Nor i," assented Tricotine •'Another girl invites people to your house for you to entertain." • Very Sinspk• Mrs. Styles -Is' that a new silk hat you've got, Nichola:' Mr. Styles -Yes, tlgy dear. "How much -did it t "Why, it was 38, dear." "What ! Eight dollars, and not a bird or a ribbon or a Leather do 41 \ Yonkers Statesman. It's a poor s;xut who can get any fun out of the game unless he wie Heavy Thew, Dobbs -Mime must hang heavily on yourhande." Nobbs-"Why Dobbs -"Well. you wear such a large wrist -watch."- London Tit -Bits.: Tax Reductions There 1, a heavy tax on our income to meet the Gov- emment's running expenses, and interest on the public debt. This tax we all mutt, can, and do meet. There is another tax which money will not discharge - the tax on ourphysical system frc:n s'sgnation of food waste. Its name is Constipation. It burdens us and makes sluggish a system otherwise perfectly healthy. Nujol will fully clear this tax. Nujol will keep the poisonous waste moving out of the body by this en- tirely new principle, --it -works on the waste matter instead of on the system.' tvery other form of treat- ment either irritate; or forces the system. Nujol prevents constipation by keeping : he food waste soft , thus helping Nature establish easy, thorough bowel evacuation at regular intervals - the healthiest habit. ,in -the world. - It is absolutely harmless and pleasant to take -try it. Nujol is mold by, all druggists in bottles only, bcariag Nujcl trade mark.. Write Nujol laboratories. Standard Gil Co, (Neve Jersey), 50 Broadway, New York, for booklet "Thirty Feet osl Dander." \ A Now M.4Md ( Tweatind an 01d Complaint. Take your Time -No need to hurry when ' ou use Egg -0 Baking EGG -Baking Pow. Powder Co., Limited, Hamilton, Canada 11 oma ADVERTISE IN THE SIGNAL. IT PAYS. c__111111' -4 E ARE Ford Dealers in this distri& and have formed an estimate of the number of cars we w' ll require to meet 'the needs of is territory. We cannot get rough, cars to fill that -estimate -because there ---a are not--etiough cars_ - b -e r flg rnacte. -to.ill a -1 - dealers" - estimates throughout Canada. 7the number of . cars we can get d nds-'upon the -number ofordersr we send in and the. early -date at which we send them in, as•the Ford Shipping Department follows the principle, First Come, First Served." Two Mora. A couple of new portmanteau words are "radical..' fotil'ed rads and "wet ticisms" for plies about the late John Barleycorn. Cars ordered now will not be delivered until March, and deliver- ies will be uncertain throughout the year. If you do not want to wait for summer or autumn delivery, come in and reserve your car by signing an order today. P. J. MacEWAN, Dealer - Goderich 1*