HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-2-12, Page 8411. Apr R Thorsolay. f'ebrnnry 12. 1920. OUIJA The wouderful talking board. The most popular indoor game at the present time. Mysterious and entertain- ing, amusing, scientific and instructive. Also --- Checkers, Parcheesi, Rook, Pit, Playing Cards, etc. SNAPSHOT ALBUMS The Crow n Photo Album places every picture in :t frame. Pictures require uu paste 'or glue for mounting. For one week only, regular 12.00 book, Special $ISR• Other Albums from •`elk up. A complete sew stock of Colum- bia Graf000las, Records and Supplies. NETHER 1n your home. .n your. off ce. or m your watch case or locket. the por- ou,s'Jf those whose hies you love, honer and esteem is a v,s- ibls trio 'Qf wa► !respect and •ace. Aida ir"lEitliiliG r THE SIGNAL GODERIOH, ONT. towricu: 1 h tit hers is llfic 11414 .o Ilu1111111 111 dare fairly a fort - BOARD OF TRADE. but of 1o+irse Iuust he replaced is hit adequate strucntres as rereutte will permit. If flit. paddle W11011111 111 w u,., ..1 from rile, 1 our courulnuity are 111 seri,. the public 1 int 111e 111.144101 411t 114 11 sy1114111wt10 • 111141 iulellig0u1 14[17.1.11,11111 It W111 he b,4auw• thus who are wow n•wleraslbl, ripulhu \I t nrt. willut4, t, y pW, the ea 'e. to unite for n flat rate. us o VOA. NO greater gnul(yhgl .curt'reeonitkw of our claim.calamity11111/,/lar 111.4111/hr 111101U11111111has been secerel througi 1 \\'ester, thus that act• sl Id fail to profile. murk,. and the w•h",,, is 1,,,,,,I1•iug , 1ht' kind tit 1t•11Ilwr, oho w111 trainman advocated 111 Eastern sin . ion at no. t0 (kind ht❑ Mos and girls the ideals • leas 11x11114, than Itnx,�{ilh•, h•Ilrcillr and K1ug.tou.:11t WI 1.1'141 utiw at 4 Ill•Iph, our of those 'villainies which hacked the Hydro 4'utumisslu11 to its original undertaking a►ul present mrl11,el of unfair rlmrge. When We 11x14 an„lwplisited our purpose. and 1 believe that will be at 1)4) great tart time. we will 1. Il',n p" 1 tstly subsL•iuti1414 our claims for Gak'ridt Hs the Manufacturer's Paradise. Many critics sly. "Well. stele ree- 0111:11117.4.1 Rased of Trude has 11t4•oW- plhltel little in the past two years." or. "How many industries 4414.1 the pr,sidl•ut brought to town in the past year t" or, "What is 111,. use of pitying ei large salary to au.industrful secre- tary who fails to bunt industries '': 1s•1 We way for the 11.!)1.8 qt thoslt who have thus expressed 4.1tel'tslees. 111141 others..- who think lin the NUB:" IWrrow protide. that the Industrial secretary. the industrial eouuuilu4• anal the en -tit -five **tuned have- all heel' must eurrgetic in foilowing tip lacy sug- gestion or information concerning pros- pective industrial th.velopmt•Ilt w'hicl. w(• 1.1114141 a14,/1111111NIt14,' 111 elle11414h. 4The president here explained what was Ie•ilgt doles by the Bimini in the endeavor to interest nutuufterlimrs in coder 'I've the 1*4 through ch nmte.t effort w'N. telt forth by Oat ivwutitlee. PrillelPaily t' eha.frwa+n. to secure fur 1;,Nlerieh i steel manufacturing lu- dustry. which if original ``p�lans had p eke) out woold nun be dn,lrr etc .tru,tiou; as the initial unit in a vastly' extruded industrial 411.11.101 cut for our town. That industry ons quoted 11 S20 per horsepower tor'SlaUttri energy. utlwr iIMlastrial nssistatie,• was ren- tio.rerl „u furthering the rat Mention ..of the by911Ws of the 4. ,Nlerich Nieman - file Co; and the Ison ini0n Read J1,trhiners 4.'o.., also by sending strong di•puhlti,11 to rletawa in urging Mthe G,vr•riuu,'nt to provide wore tole, grate ar,,,mm,nlathin at. our harbor. Nin -iii,., trongly'adv,c•at d the gran- \ 4->- 111g of tiny. weed in this district. which - p . even .1141W i's shoaling result. in that the (4.V 0 T. FELL %% Aatiol,rl Shipbuilding Comp.,,. , who (( �( ((,��(,� 1114{'0 s4•nr41 world rights for wnuu- r,t a 11etu,w'naic people. Our local seined. are evil manned with efficient 111s1 1114'101'S, w'110 should 1M• paid ade- quate -salaries consistent with (heir service turd eta _tax. revs •. N'o111tt it out Ise advisable that in perfecting Woollies we, should also afunl health - ail Mg Phlygtoluuls at the 'Ipso' and in public tracks. properly equipped 141141 Wu4nta(1el for smwtuvr /11141 Winter recreation :• is there anytliling else in whIel tlw community ran invest that t wl11 lily Iat'gt.r dividend. than eluca- tloa 111141 h,wlth'' Following this is 8, ity leader- ship. Thr town's future 0111 he 0111y what we make it. and 11w successful r'at&t can only be attained by mould - hoz :11141 unifying public 0011r4.011. Tlw Rostra of 'rl',ole• is a futility Mr bring- h11r'to the attention of the community any suggested improvement which will work for the common gleet of all. alai if we are sincere and ellen/14I h► the lerosei•tltlon of the work etttn to us it Wnst connut11oi n44,gnition\\frotu r•.pkon,hl.ir person.. Unfortunate Ill ui)r town. 11s 11104.1111y in many title., thereare two ft.ttolls existent. will h cannot /11111 wilr out 'imamate hat room; t 1 progress tires 'they are taw Jraltius MIMI factoring an essenti:d- wuchitw. forstt-lw - pulling of day, have secured for ills- tf1t sfk>r'II= Irihut4ion. to farmers a g11a11tity of..aesl r to be used in pr„ ehtethm of fibre for liven m:umfaltoie. This firm has ale, 11/101/141 the i,-4:illutlipp of a loyal plant for'4'e•:t[wrut of the alae tion• when row Tlwr"�e-utive...omen has fully- mahn- hlinWl tbi',bIgh standing of your Rimini in relation sip with other Boards tit q'rn* nisei ellatmhers of Cowmen men sending ht all: n%eations of .\$w.•hlted 'R,14.rds'ut1 TMd lit 'Toronto nnrt Lott- don sI n.st r -t4•legt►t o.us w-lu. took Mo small pi rt,IH dlw•ns. ilius of topics pre - 1 sentod wad in Mt V11114. 11u11ons orlltltta 11.1 hy. 1 This ,,:ver so:tsU1nt111 put fortll'by your Alters ,1141 11W 4x- e•tstirr council and comndt4.'ils. 1dlet I than! ordinary ruittine' w'htlh s t:lken 1 ware of at each meeting of the exe•n- Itiye. and I leave hr your Jud Brut 11te-wl4lnm of approving or einsieuai- Ing our ,Inuewhat exhaustive late , Let Its now turn to ,what We ax 11 n•prsemtativ4 tasty of citizens s1 id iand can do fdf the betterment of (-l4it' and in41nstri:ll conditions In .nt+d sur- rounding our community fur.J,Iils and ensuing rears. First tet ns enmtnetwe with the i•hildrra, W110 eventuality wilt Inks 11111' place, :aid su-l:lin or improve the facilities (Tented for them.. We waist :,ppre•inte That tine of urr great responsibiliti(s is to prn'id, the I1I411tn. I for moulding their • young minds ,nil jirrti•ctiii S -that.._i4.tlWtitlntr x0 putt: when they ,as.+Ilm.• Owl'. Olivet Of re- sponsibility-1n e- I i1 ilii ?t4. MP world they may have 11, i.r.soN ur Westminster Q rdt:Fie LOSS $100,000 INSURANCE $30,000 • - - - Have you revised your Fire Insurance ? Increased values newaa itate further Insurance. Information and rates gladly given. r T. R. Harrison Phone 316 West St. - GoderIkh 1919 Victory Bonds for sale at Par and Interest. 11g set ens' rr•st1- r itoo rd. y toe efforts e Came om AFL's Sundays ago, a young unmarried girl. after vainly applying for admission elstwhere, staggard rn a fainting condition into a maternity home. HERE was the old. old story - trusting -betrayed -outcast- forsaken. (.oRSAI-EN :' No ! The Salva- tion Army thanks God every hour for .opportunities given to show that the Love of Christ still beats in many hearts. THIS young girl is passing through their hands peacefully. ani will leave them with her s:1f- respect restored. • THE Salvation Army serves those \, In the shadow of distress. 4.116' stiVdelutt+. '1try sir' 14.04. only in 308 Service Posts in .ttd4u0. fu It.eni of Trade v14411'ayor1. Use hitt in every phase of chic Ilfe.' but t is Territory. fortunately we have to our town. 1 believe, suttirient Ion: ad•mindt'tl people to overetfM• the prt•Judk4• created by biased critics. and in our Board of one hundred 141141 fifty members a prwlo1fli iuR for IW Ian• of progressive wt., who w•illl jtr•tteMl surwunu( ray obstacles plated in the rnssiuu as path of good citIz tt-hip and progress. taw odkee meeting was Outlay (Instead of gaarf.rly+ etlasgs. This ilei to a dia- 1 the adv1Mrblilty of leasing whh•h MIIMIMy night's IM•141 1(lir. ..m. + of lite rel l'utrla+:atlun 411 the 4. as tlw home of the nil meeting -place for matter w•iil le by the exe'uth•r started a tits- hletria 4114411. of was that rtheg of the rN.wt dole In addition to prosecuting otlr lion,- 4rin1 efforts there 111'1' several features 8, iiic 1 should he impruv+44. or insta11M1 far the 41trouan,tlatioll 01' ttwjt»- fucturers. citizens and k-isitors. 'tried, these are : 'letter train series to and from ItuR:ttlo. 1►rtroit *and other A11u•rieu*1 "int..' • Lake freight and iwsseinger, w•rrh'e. Enlarged and ilessw w.t Vargas. Ex- 1'orler►111 wr1 "rt the 1 tension of river bn•akwrtter to meet ares:' ate it garnet Milt a' outer br4iker:ill. !lathing house and water p1ay1.r 1 and Ie•to•bes. parkIug te1n1 pit•oic aecomtnratation fjwr-tgot.,rists awl excursionists. ` t loyal It L That woe t way !letter drinhitte water. by•ext-rtrdlnr other •taw u, lied 7nrrlr pn:Rnss• intake. A resolution was passel expyee me 4'ippetimidly aintaiwttuls, properly sympatl+v with two members. uf. the equipped and development 114,44111 7.114) Lauf recently lust datightr•rs /:1X,11 road, .irv,'IUIlWt•Ilt 111441 extra- l,)': (11.14111. slow. .\u honorarium of St2' we, toupet to "mslt:,r" 111141 other IN+r,calt days to Mr. William ('anlpfWIl for his s'r1 tr- hN1111•e country [Myon. a. fressitter. e tatytntf in . Aptertr'an 1.1491.,. at. far Its peissible. in ad en- CHl'R('H NOTES. .14,tt•or to renikly r'xeh+tttgr nates. 4 tulsideratiun of u)od.'rti miudcipal At the Baptist church next Lord's Day gover mt. by investigating the V metheil h1 use tit' A:al•Iph unit other the pastor sill speak on "voices from the lith•., ntMl that ergs w41 for luwluu. Past --Thesr Far-off Call." and "The Ideal Provision of a gulf course. Man Out to Society with His Mother." 4.q this Inter 1 may soy that dun- bible school at 3 and 13. Y. P. U. at 8 deists of risitors to our tow', last o'clock. 1er11111 iniiimrlitet on the lack of Tlw ',Ver. leer, J. F. Reyeraft. will facilities for 'this enviable recreation. (x,114114.4 le services in victoria street while otlwrs we. meet .xpn'ss 'rrgn•t Method -14 elnln• % 'next t4+hlttth. In that tlwy remelt now.' here until it 4s tie morning tlere will b e a thank*. afforded. A11 of tltr monlinent resorts laving rwrvitv'. *41141 iu the 1'11.11111[ the MVO developed 411t181141lient!t Ittlk, 411141 sermon sttbjri•t will le. : "Tile $hutlbat we sire to sustain tour n•pniatlon We Neobeely Maw." int t follow. mainly foie the' rujoy• A Meeting of • the 1llufstrrial .\sw.- ttN'u We .?h .'its wo11111.,wrmn' the ,'ltit11111.'w111 he held 011 \!unto+)' after - ,04.1L444111 thro11111, 1111,1 II. 0 means of swoon. lit 114lls•k. at Vitoria street rwrte-ti our tourist fafrilitie•s,, wee entire -h. Her. A. h, Wilson. 44 Auburn. should s v1. to proti,Ii' n sslltabir will udders.' the meeting. his sulrje4•4. eonrw• MI t e opening of sprat¢. being ''Cllr Penult ERet of til.• !n closing wish 10 par tribute to Forward 3iovrno•ut on ltnral \fork the members 0 the 1•xe•mrh•r council. North Street Methodist Church. to 31r. Itowden. , tr Industrial s,4•w- Services in North street Methodist -etesF.-awl�l_the 'vend cptuWittl4'- church next Sunday will be characterized w -ho w,rkrit s.n fat fn11y throats, t by a spirit of humble thanksgiving to the ditties In- God for the success of the Forward •nt n111,•.. 111)4 .Movement drive. The classes will meet w, , who 11. at 10. The Men's Club at the same ser of the tyke Huron illasunle Tempi Board watt a. Ret the nwtu1N•r1. turtlwr toBsiden4 e,uurll. Mr. JI. 1:. ('amert elusion on the present of the team. Nix. 5001 tlw town wonkl retro Mr. 1'. 1.. Moon. saki I4..w in whii•h (;oderh•h Would hope new industries was by the Iia' 0 or'a eat a a de. only way 149 nn• tlurid THE COLBORNE STORE EVERY Sweater Coat in the store is M lad, and theyare real bargains They come in pullovers and coats in the best colors with suitable trim- ming. The following is a partial list of the reductions. Regular $4. for... . REMNANTS Made from real hair. this Net is Imide in -1'144 wlltt}>I! 1t�.111 shades. at :1 for 225e. [ f.'t. • Princess l'at flair Nets. at 3 for heavy-we.igt white Cotton -14 iu, wide, regular 6.,'. for 50c. •%%:hitt. I;'1aptielette. 27 in. wide. regular -tie, fur 34c. sheeting. yards' w'iih.'rtlgular 95e, for TTh.\' A 'Ivrge -number ' f l:ellsnant. itt-ttiler *tut - di . goods _ e t e Wren •gathered. togetbet and -marked at low ' priers, These will * Amid -on the dretvi goods (-mutter. no not friss seeing these valines. UNDERWEAR tie y,tar_Iti 111whargl sp ' II ' rcl►lnle•l ain'tlwtr w-rA Wattled to trhst their fellowmen and � � jwork itelnstrlonslc and harmoniously. - I Nothing will dti more 1.1 01 01.0,0141. the Mi., 4.;ertrlt.I( Fox 1s Italie --trot Tnriutu to n4opernte niter 1111 1f10041i'. Mt.. Hazel Finnigan. et Toronto. viviteT friend. in. tows 'fire, a 4111y or hiu 111.4 we41k. Mir had leen spending n fess necks :it licrh .gear Auburn. prrl wnt greed. r'xtriragnt1" total ten+t which overwhelms this 141141 t tonntrirs that to involute in our t the spirit of nittulity and co -opera We -hale Itt our howl' ,leer of 4114 111•,14411141 411111 equitoIN41 .e'11.11114 In N other' nnf It 1 ion.. hest ,.tis To Buy Right is the aim of every careful shopper, and a perfectly justifiable aim in these days of high prices. With our inside KNOWLEDGE concerning the conditions of the wholesale market in our own particular business, with othing in sight but greatly increased prices, we would say to the wise and prudent buyer, to buy right, BUY RIGHT NOW SHARMAN'S SHOE STORE W. Reg.-Sharman, Proprietor 0 part lrtllarly to 31r. ).1, ,yhv-president and a m,• ext. -Wise roomed, spire eons e . of the fir tion i.. N. nIT111rs ft 1 . reliece41 fur of.niauy tuff,.14, nil of whom 1 extend my pets. ttinr'ks. To,l'ir it has 1,4.11 an and unlimited pleasure to have, ser the 'worse as Its president for the pas two years. AIM in retiring from office 4 sincerely urge tiler -you w'111 give my i s111•e1nn• 1111.1 his tdM,WW& e{rr' 1;dmt•tl dusted it. It vas missionary night and nssfshuu,• too further of latest, bul!ehns from the erasion field [1 Board 1 t4. community t w' i I were inter. !tine and Missy encouraging. hour will discuss. "How can the church Bt atom- avail herself more fully of the power of rd end prayer ?" Mr. Howard Robertson will c n- The a.tur's mor n- .1110 topic. h tic e the t P t o intend P til t mel ing theme will be: "God's Fellow -workers: An Old Sermon in a New Light.'' Even- ing "The Next Great Objective.'' The meeting of the North street League on Tuesday' night was well attended. Mr. Ernest Pritchard con- r� s ie- an w o , o , , `htttrA tr hevotdtti 4 70(1etwl t is pie -Wills tsMa:t-'aatc'Mw.ti, ��� The h1( Eketion at OIMen. til street Methodists are already i ahead of their objective. ft/Seers for the ronling year were with contnbutions rill pouring in. elected es follows,; . i'neddt•nt -1t. J. Megan-. vice- sresl14.ut.-t+ l Pnr.00s. !G,•retarr- F. %Vo,4t/s ,.nil,•. Trees -neer -1\'111. 4'ampbell. Executive *Salmi! . 4'. W-nrel.•..1. 1'. Hume. T. G. Pointed, t1, J. .\. Mac- Etcnn, 4'. K. ,meters. 4.;1.0. William.. \I 1' t' r r ti1\� (' W R1eg Stair serve. solo \ OBiTI ARY. BELL -Ars -esteemed resident of Goderich passed to the silent majority on Thursday last. in the Person of Jean Drennan. wife of W.J. Bell; Hinck, street. Mrs. hell was in her fifty-seventh year. :1 4.i,, „ - I Her birthplace sas on the Mb concession man. Three additional inenits•rt ere of A-htteld. Besides her- husband. she to be appointed 11y the elett{41 nlen11N•ry, leaves five toles: Thomas. James. Charles alrtinling to the ulstitutiol of the George and John, and one dauititer• Iknir11. (4Nellie, and several brothers andsisigrs Other Bushtesa, also survive --Tennant. George. John and William Drennan. and Mrs. David Sproul; it was deemed to navite I:x•lfay'i'r Mrs Albert Helm and Mrs. John Lyttle. 4';umr, of Bern to to 4111th held the Bos rd Iler In( thcr. Mrs. Drennan, of town. is at a lnueh/41n to Ire held Tllnrday. I'etrrnary- 114:141. at 7 oclrw'k it. tn. Tht' ontestlon of harbor improvements was discussed' and was I4•ft to n eom- nillte• to net jointly with the town commit. I Principal 8111111.. rhalentail uf' the $N.wer ,ommltte•. gate n brief oral report of the mono elf !Mid,* by 111, mnrettM'nt for IIII11nrn1 1w0wer rates. It was lll,let',h,41. lie slated, Mar the pn•t•+eei Prey Mita, Government was inelin d to feror the idea of uniform rates, and errnugetm'ntN were being made to have tlw Matter presented In PI converted way at the eomingniesstol of the Ie'g1$Iaton•. Mr. 4'. 1.. Moore. chairman of the Industrie, committee of ihl!►, eiwit:,e ,11 the efforts which hrd IN4'11 made by the commit tree doting the Rear to .et 010 110W Itdnwtrfes, and Mr. P. Woollt,,'nlw s111111,4rly reported for tar finings. and ►nemlierwllipi enmmtttrt'. Mr. A. !Winder* inngestei mor, frequent meetings of 11,' whole nem- herehlp of the hose, and gave notle' that he would more at the next a ot- SCIATICA Would you be rid of that sdotenlaa plata-that ,hero knits -nut nut along the echtic nerve -course at every movement! Thou - amide have found lssMng mite In Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules Many doctors Dresorlbe sham. LeTemDletone,142 Toronto. for sample. e,$40 Sold by reieble cru to everywhae• tar si.0{. Ask tit H. ('. Ihndop's Drug Store, Goderich. all-woul _sfatkillg'l ds at 9r4e. This. is bi vaiue' yrs ha (e. 1'ilrs coast. in . sized at 98c a pair. I'tlderwear will be much higher in price for next fall and it wtiul,l be good buying to lad, in our supply- now'. a have marked a number of liner low to clear quickly. Thew will be found. on, the re table at barltuin' liricf". BLOUSES Every georgette and crepe de shute Mousy, in the shore is on rale. There' is a large range in both qufllities and every style ,and color i. repre- sented. They have been marked fit clear at price, that'wrill appeal to every. 011e. We hae `461.: every size 414$lau:ifs from. 36 up. The_ ollowing is an indication oft reductions Regular I$N1.00 for 88.00, 'sera' $12afO for. $10.00, regular 18.; 1 for $6.25, r, ,x114,. iJ'riG1 for GO. COLiORNE J..H. "THE HOUSE F RELIABILITY" SPECIAL ATTENTIO TO MAIL ORO RS , still living. at the age of seventy-eight ears. Mrs. 13(•11 was a member of the Presbyterian church, and the funeral services on Sunday last were conducted by Rev. R. C. McDermid. The pallbear- 1 ers were two brothers-in-law and two cousins: John Lyttle, David •Sproul.I James Drennan and Robert Drennan. The interment was in Maitland cemetery. BALDWIN.-Died at her home, 2033 Garnet street, Regina, Sask., Sunday, January 11th, 1920, Catharine Morri<on, daughter of the late John and t-.l1t11 Morison, Britannia road. Goderich. and beloved wife of A. A. Baldwin, in her forty-sixth year. She leaves to mourn her loss, besides her husband, two sons• Albert and William, also two brothers, Angus, of Manitoulin Island, and John. tiI Chicago, and four asters: Mrs. K. M. Smith, of fort Arthur: Mrs. W. H. ISaker. Wellington street. Goderich; Mrs. J. La Facie, Sault Ste. Marie. and Mrs. A. S. Ilawkit s. of Buffalo ,N. Y. Mrs. John Bruce. another as predeceased her December 25th, 1919. The funeral took place from the Regina Burial Co.'s parlor. to Regina cemetery on Tuesday, January lath, and was largely attended by friends and acquaintances. Floral tributes were received from the family. N. W. M. P , A. F. & A. M. No. 11, 1.0. O. F. No. 6, L. O. B. A. No. 106 L. O. B. A. No. 279. L 0. L. most L. 6. L. 2366. L 0. L. 2031, Regina Comity L O.L , O.Y.B. 284, Patrice 1i. Club, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crupper. Mr. an.1 Mrs. W. F. Ilavidsott, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mcl)onavh, Mr. and Mrs. Barlow. Mr. and Mn. W. Dapper, Mr. and Mts. E. Ennis. 7 he pallbearer:' were: S. Thompaon, S. Totten, D. Mc- Cauley, W. M. Morrison. W. Davidson and Eldon Ennis, the last named being a nephew of Mr. Bolds in. Miss M R. MacVicar is in T aro: to at tending the miliinety openings. Mr. C. 'Nortek.. manager of the G rich Salt Co.. has been I. id un at hi home with illness tie last two weeks. He is reported,to he progressing favorably, but will not be about for a wtek or so yet. • ♦t'WT IDROi' IN any time and give olrr work n trfatl. Itrlttx sone 0111 sii. e., 11 rourol nisi let ns show ems whet M'R 6110E KEP.1URINti cull! ,'it for yotr. Why wee1 new shoes Nutt Imre. -when not ('1n 11,441' yn'fr Md (mem thrt Ire ion iuinfort.ad:' fixe,, np 40 t11...: 1514'y 1111k 1:- 44,NNI ,IN time 111411111. On St. Valentine's Day _observe the pretty +tom of seeding little gifts a cards' as remembrances. We have a splendid Ii,i of- VALENTINE FOLDERS 1•A('E VALENTINES YALENTiNE SAMM VALENTINE PONT ('ARDS VALENTINE 1N11.1. NOVELTY' HEARTS AND ('l'PiDS Conte early hetore.they are !itched np. w -.wa...,.'.....w....-..'..w Smith's Art Store S. SMITH East St. Phone 198