HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-2-12, Page 44 Thunday, 1,ehritary 12. 1920.
. f "
4 4.6
r.*".1.."" • •
• \
Pridham s
OVERALLS . . $1• '2U
WF.AR, wool with cotton
niixture. Regular $I.75
aDd $2.00 for.. $1.39
CAPS. regular S2.50 and
" f" $1 49
COLLARS, 91„,. 9(
aearinglines IUI LOC
heavy wool wader'
wear, clearing at ..
i n
Walter C. Pridha
1I1•lst. 61)14ERIC1t
WI•411144411:ty. Feloruary 11.
J. It. McNabb k lids week JAC:Mane
i114411 11 (tending t he eon ent Ion of t he
Canadian Produce Asseriation.
Rev. M. P.A`raiii: a1441 )Ind. Craig left
otik kVerinesday of this ‘ week for St.
John. N. 11., where they will take ship
op saturtlay morning for Liverpool.
Erg:laud a ,
Mr. oda ',Aire. 11. 1 tetil neer left here
on 'fit layMer %Vim:ham. where theY
will 1144141e in the future. The last of
their household effect. were 1410141 011
Tuesday. Mr. 81141 Mr.. Ha hoe., of
1101y101141. HIV 11141V1111: their effevt s to
the haus., varsitist by Mr. iiellitleld.
We regret to 4..4Mr .41811 w,iroity citizens
lo 'Mr. and Mrs. Iteninger re .1. from
the vhinity. but WI. ilk° %%4.1VMM. 1 Ilt•
44441 4 Jr. to Omitnew 11,4014.
The following are 4111 the sick list
here this week ; Mrs. It. J. Cranford.
Mr-'. S. E. Sanderson, tits. Ww. Me -
„vine's Nkr. 11 1141 Mrs. 1.1.* Asa ri,ley. Mr.
Chas. Th. mpm arrived Mollie 111111/4-
' t10011•41 l'1.41,1U 1 Ini7111 17411.11 rind Mies A.
ileKerizie tram Tie -onto.
Mr. and Mlle Jas. Sprouirs little
en:los-year-old daughter. while out 111
the ..s...ini last Sunday. nae mevr•rely
...kirks4 by orre' of .1,1p. 14. .rt"' white it
nifIriGitsing t ile,..r laid.. Dr. t'ase WaS
lliellillielS. l311141 and feared iiilitirati
i 'tries. but /1 laterreport is that tilt.
fit Mi• girl ie 41,ring %%elk ,
• . .
ty•1920.calendar with every new
or re wal eubSeerpti4s the-Sientil for
the c, ng tteer._ t la
• -- . . aft
. ,• wii
fila..ivt• see is tte place to get'that
(Mt L. x Ot l 'olates.
members of the Epworth Lee at tier
hone. On Wednesday' evenik.they areS1VH1 FROM
being entertained at Zion Nor
Many of our young people are frequently
attendskating sessions at Goderich
rink. Allerecomme
Mr. T. Morrish, ofeCrystal City. Man., LIFELONG MISERY
• nd ood
this as real g
is visiting relatives and renewing bid
aeg_uaintances in the neighborhood.
Oke is not on diet at Central
an more.
Mrs. J. W. Gledhill was ill a few days
last week.
TUESDAY. Feb. 10.
The "Hu" has broken out in the village
ani a number are taken down with it.
Tliree of the Stinson family, Miss Lily
Orr and a guest at the home of Mrs. D.
Sturgeon are alt reported as suffering from
the dread epidemic. Miss K. campbell
also is 411.suffering:from a slight stroke of 1
The Forward Movement canvass is on!
this wetk and already some goed sub -1
scriptions have been received.
1 114:11tett Towssiiir.
, -
THE -e ouNTRy WOMP'S Cttin.-At
the januatv meeting of the eCeuntry,
4 WPnen s Club excellent papers were
144d by Mr • 'Rot.. Mrs. , J. T. Salkeld.
Mrs. Reg. Johnston, Mrs. 11. L. Salkeld
lard. Nils; Andrews. The eubSect for tire
And a Dangsrnisa Operation, by
- • cestswes- elay-.Aik.srlet _as _freely. discussed as las,
hoped for!hut will be 'teliren u.p again atl"
MONDAY.. Feb..8.' ' l'some luta. e ;meting. Tweirtv-live
Mr. lob. provn, of Lanes. spent an_ dollars was donated to the. Armenian
evening last eels with Sir. Samuel Sher- Itch, f fund. A social evening wa: or. l
weod. ,
Mrs. Carnplil. of t' sistfie.. , as
spent the past tv -ek with. ker• daugktet . mensing ats p. m. . Admission 2o cents.
Mre Wm. Cruel. t\ ., A good .evervn's entertainment will he;
Mr. Thomas Windmill, of the West. is provided. A . zordial invitation i•
speeding. a fen days with Mr:- Hugb extended to the members of the Farmers'
Finnigan. • Club and Good Cheer Club and- their
- .Sippoardton, ;
- ' -
ranged forto he held at the 11,nne of ,
. .
John W. Salkeld February 19th.
mr. I -limos Nlenare, of Cr iends. •
vomit Monday at the home of Nit'. John
atrd 1 s. WM:" C7xier visited • ST. .U.M.STINE. ;
;ME -Saes Wile) t‘a few days 1st/
ivekmY Feb. t9. I
Bpirbt.Elt. :.e.k.ixttli,
ftiende at Luck tv
092S Union St., Vencouree,
"I suffered with all the symptoms
or Female Trouble, with chronic toe-
'tipatioa and. constant 1 adaelur.
1 had painr iin•• damn in rpl &54k anJ
"sitirs:41 Abe ...hody. I. tried rioter.
remedies without
myself under a doetoe's care and
advised Ole to base an operation. 1'
?hear:1 stasted taking 'Fruit -a -
tiers' ; and from the °inset, 1 betbouer,
het ter,. and this onedicinellas rumple:4y
relieved ine -of alt sly 11114'41yrF a4,1
auffererig. My weight was only 140
pre !obi and now it is 16oia..1%
ee `nee.,
"The Scotch Store"
am fl pain and heatlachea aI1t1wi
tOrrib •Constipation ; and a het ..tvc-1-
fro misery 41 the splendid fruit
ct444Mhe Truit,4-tivee',."
Latelandon fr d ._ •
• MhS. M. a. rionsE.
TVESI A v, Feb.. ItMiss NI/ Chapin is visiting 1 deale or sent postpael by
Ete , We. abox, for$2.50,trialereele3e. •
Fruitea-tives ited Ottawa, Ont.
- A eleighload of Betimillenatre of the y. r eneeer trite s at prff.ent. --. - t al
4120. attendedtimes' the _liar_ pancake Miss Rebecca Thom , of Lucknow'
la! at • 4tort North \ols Fridav evening High: Schoul. spent t week -end 'ether 1
The eveeine tvae pleasantly spent ;Atom- here. '
lunch, a- programof old-time sohgs Mr. and Mrs. ar1esRebinsen viviterl ,
enjoyed .1ti4 alt. .7 -- • , • ' Mr. arisl-Nfr:. Taylor. of F &, one , days lave tireek at the
Teirscisy evening of this week. Mrs. day -bad we e . -••-.... MtAllistei.
. Sir:1u then is .entertainingi the 1 v. h and NIrs.Craig seen a fent Sir, Mason McAllister
in Mr. J.,Regrs bush.
we sell our
Coinmencipg ediesdav February llth
comet NtOCk
f High-grlde Grocen Dr Goods, Boots a:id Shoes, also Hardware, -*t
greatly reduced pricer*, is Sale will be continued until February ;8tb.
Read listed below They're interesting
l'rirea are ra
It will pay you to lay in a -toppl) at these prices.
reeitlar pri. *ale Pelts. 119.4
per. regitial pri e ssIr... prier. per 11,....48e
ree ukaltes W8814111tit•AtRat4il:441• sale Price 254t
,vj • Mihing p.oN 1--i..r‘Agol.ir I' nil'. .310
;Wk.' 29e
T4-1.1fr. r ;:.-i• 7.4-. -ale
4,14.11 1114 I. Tia. t•-gtilar twice 77... -ale pod.,
6 or
edatfilkia'rli Tea, regular prier, ),I.s. Ii•
Mer -114.' ' - -
4 poor and Sit 10113 le wire !ter ..65e
rry,-, regular ...I.0 Ir ib. ,..a9r
Soda, 'gale priee per package
Loose. linking aI. price 181 114.
1'i -tyrants. sale price .per ib. ;• •.2.7e
,., Four 144•14141 lifabli11.1„ Sale price. per plig.
!fates, gide prier per .........
Flakes . .... • ...... .. 2 for 23e, l for leg
Ttvelt I. 1111 414 4 C701•11. or yrotrr Pir17141•40
Thirteen bars Electric Soap for 81.00
Staple Leaf Snimoii. 1.11. lin for • 1411e
curie CHM' S0,1,4opr S:1 1111011: .1115. Olee
per tin ' lee
:0041 for
•-•Or Saltnon. soy privy -
11,, ran Peale lInd IOW can Corn. for
tt,,tmeal, per tan* S110
snenr,' per emit 815.75
nedinin Rise. Lamp Glasses, :1 for Ile
JPerri to'. Sothis, regular per Piockaite. ale
1'.•11'ill'a Soda.. long tin-. regttlii t• oak% aide prier 55e
20 per lee:. off all Patent Merlieines.
Special prices on all Granite lare. -
Fiery Retitle in the store is reduced. •
of Mr. and
cuttin, .V) el
a number
ay, after.
Mrs. J. Cranelon entertai
-4 of ladies at a qtfilting•b -e Tu
!mon: •
Mi:s Slane Welsh. of Belfast.
• .enci her friend, Mrs-
tr. •
ent the.
l'IsitT AlltL.RT... V. .
Weihreeday. February FL
twits- number a reinel our village.
are leht ti AVM, the.. -grip,- or 1.mo...ditty
At mild/fom rof influenza.. If the laiser.
, it is very mi in ereriparister tt Me leaf
1 .1 year's epideun
,The tisheraim who tore ti.iiina out ,
`,-Of mtitr•--4tOria+re '4 44.4.V1/144-41iiltbli liff.1..-
prItu•litully of herr og raid perch.
I ' The I'ort Allene.-N. 11.01 111.11,8,11 for
it week. or pos.ibly 1. agil.
. The fast, Mr.,.. f hanit.on.-Tbt•
41411t1' -(if Niro. Wiliiim e.traritem of
' lioolerioli. 4,44.as trerro2e1.41 in aid week's
l_paper. • . "r• te her ua v friends
..libere.: lettirsrare _ill only_ mune ir w••44‘,.',4
.i Gut 0,,,,i1,, alt that ,turelleal id null 1
[g( ' -inte.hist reerld de vhe slipper away I
liptiary 1,111 t 111. I; roll i tiepin& AID.. j
✓ (Sedated:ern is isirri lir l'orf Al
nine years i411' ‚441.1 tired. tiere.
' her life 111011 .III. 111.1Ved With her has
. hem! 11111i family to (kali-J.14.h tt little
I!! m•er /I yea r 11/LO. Silt. WaS a WOIllall Of
.htisny. _gin:11m .1 i_atiln,Leit, and al* a
1 lO'1'rill"--i -it/. fi..ei that *IOW 4,141ill 114 410,
I enough for those who .11•4•111•11 her bolts
I She wits 'it metuher of the Allaill1111.1
t1111111,Cli $ite 'CAA.. is..idev her hint-
hated. flour 4401-dren : .NI ildred., Itazet.1
and flirt*. gb•teioresti-.• Nitrate: George -1.
and freire Haw eh' tile beetroot:I
Premier. Hurl \Enna.' Three brother.
here: Thos. IlitWkins. of floolezielo: '
Mr.. W. Nliirray. 4 f`k:t14.1enlelo; Mrs.
.kil liglit Prints._ tu Thai al per „tan, 44144
.411 Iltirk l'rinte. to 1.11./Ir lot per yard ' 25e
II flit:17.1min*. to eloilor et !Per yarril 21e
IN lite leteririeletir., wrirtlt :rm. tier y4I., sale pri;•o• 20e
Pink, and: htti-stripi. Flatinniette. "wortlt-are. pee. ---
ya elle exile twit.
. ....... 22e
I tis rk 0 lootelettO•s. woortliiir-.411t-r yd. 'sale trri'•'-'27e
Shirting "Itirrirolets 0 8801? It 1t7a is.? yard, ea ie
4.rive `t, ' 28e
rug irger-risily: 04111.1 ii, -1, y K11 4:1 $1141 111. -.at,
price 3' 14 , . ".-. .. :-.. (..... ...... .... 17e
rew 1,6., 'Holy. (ble Lini.n, regular 1,riet• ,t1.744)
title !dery only, Talole .ilieei, regtir,kr ',rice 77)(8.11.1r -9r
Irer yord. SitIv !or .14 r I
'rw,, piece. AjorNI:. Mil -0: it. teenier prier* :tar. per
ye rd. , ea le -prii • 27e
441,- pleee Mark 1111111, regn r privy lirs• per yard.
J-41 le. pH, e 49e
tote plece I .4,1tomitte, regular pr 1* WM', per yard.,
ea -10 prier. ' 4*
•Oite piece Feather Iiiiing, worth ii. per yard,
1:ring the n hole lamas and let rre itt them vi•ith
a pier pair et Shoes. We can Tr yesi ments.
Metes Wothing Shoes. regular prior. 1,.ill•rile
riee stet
i' 811 Working Shoes, testifier prier, 03.00sale
price 82.56
MI per rent. off regular price on all fine Shoe..
Men's heavy Itiohlsit Boot., sale price
311ea'a heavy Itithherv, rode mire 82.09
* gent. alf all 0‘eraltoea and shoe Rubbers
sole price '
TiTieellnata to-rtenr-rteller 'wed, ...
*errs Itork-fast Drill Sheeting. regto prlee
per ynrd. 81111' priee ..311e
Two Orem; Lining. grey .11141 lolstek. Clie•lir
• • .
Tit 448'Ilieera dill' COMO!, prier 271e pe
. yar1. stairt fh4re ....
41- 4 rue.y Cotten sit,,ting.. rt. Klee We per
yard. sale prier _ - 4pe
large size Flannelette Itirinkete. etigLprice. • ..3.41i
mitireh--4 -nor ttow. sir, 7
- per mit. 38e
f'1711dedi's Little Darling Ilose, .sises tlie, stale
impyr !noir Sat
Smaller sizee, «ale prier, per pair 354.
Ladies' Cotton tlese, to elear at per pair 23e
Laillere Ceshniere throe. regular 75e line: tette price
per pa Ir 19e
Soekv. northing per !lair male prier... .13e
hbeee work Shire., wort)] el..73. set.. 11.1.1ce:..81.37
Velem Itracee, worth :kg, 'nate prier leo
11.13-4' Caps, worth Pale price tas •
Men's 151111 Pallis, regular 12.75,4 stale ,
priee 82.51
26 per cent. oir all Stitt% and Sweater Coats
20 per rent. off all laidies' and Nlen's Winter
I iiderisear. 4
2114) yard .pol Coats' Thieed, sale polyp Re
A lonantity of Timidity Si -1.11. Purity No. 1, uhile
it hosts. per bushel 80.75
Thi4 is an eseeptIonall, Ion price op Timothy Seed.
Specie' pelt+ on Mengel Seed.
Paint. vale price per (mart 81.15.
& CLAYTON Carlow, Ont;
1===111 1111=1111111•11=111
and right now is the time to prepare for it, by getting material to make
up your Spring and Summer Clothing
Shipments of merchandise for the Spring trade are arriving dally,
and a remarkably fine assortment they are, having been specially and
carefully selected several months ago.
One consignment just to band contains a magnificent display of
Window Curtains, Scrims, Marquisettes, Voiles, Chintzes, Cretonnes, Art
Sateens, Velows, etc., etc. These are really a very choice lot of designs
and colorings.
House Furnishings
We would specially draw attention to the House Furnishings Depart-
ment,. where now are being shown the very newest designs in Floor
Oilcloths, Linoleums, Congoleum Rugs. Carpets, R' s in Brussek Wil-
Axniinster and Tapestiy, etc., Rqnners. Stair Ca pet, and Mats of
• kinds. Call and inspect these flodr coverings.
Staple Goods
In our Staple Department will be found new Cottons. NainsOtoks, Mulls,
Lawns, Voi a, Skirtings, Middy Twills, Gabardines, Ginghams stripes.
checks Ind ids, Galateas. Prints, etc., etc.
We feel sure that you WA'
- -- the same coriclusion as we have. afte e al
have seen these toods. and that conclu
will be "That the selection this year
better than eN.er.- ...
, How about a nit. Dress? You are
sure to want one,or or'e, and here you
will see many very pr ty ones, made of
Print and Gingharns. in I s and checks.
All sizes in stock, and in y CAMS at
tEtric..es less than price of ma I
All Charges Prepaid.
liefiX AS ittt
illarIS Scotch Store
ading Phone and Mail Order Store
I twit. of Exeter. The Went' took plow!! t
lieut. of Nell and Mrs 4 or-
It Clear, Peachy Skin
Awaits Anyone Who
Drinks Hot Water
Sys an inside bath, Won briike
fast helps us look and feel
clean, sweet, fresh.
to I•ort .‘illert , ,mt•tery, the
. 4t54.. 184in0 ermoiredosl by Rev.
441.ar15e41111.1 lice.. ,i ('rpt.' Alli'el
. 11144411 t 111.4.•e4 11)01141141 15
Sir. and Mrs. Tier.. lisisvklne of 4
114.11. a Nert.rt.th II- l'irrt .t Itrert frit,
3 1141 l'14H1TVC14, a 181 a treray trim -M
A14nr. Tretrildsty of ciselericir. Tby ion -
...n Errs V1 4.40 414er. itirirtrisle In. I mime
Hankins...141bn tm.-611. Harry )14441 15114$,
(In'': -Led-rier 44444-114441_ Trosittootn. '
• 1.4 11.141
TI t' 11.11111 1.,.44114-11 Inv! In the
toovvoiship 111411. '4,11 February
1111 1,. .‘ ii member., prc.ctit 1 were
SParkting d viMe,Young in the chairMinutes of 14* anviacous-m.
beat. aTett -a good. Clear akin tied meeting aniestealIl- allopts,I. on lion
a natural, rosy, healthy complexion
are asrured only by pure blood. If
laee. Instead of the thousands of
I mil: every man and .-womais could be
inihiced to adopt the morning horde
bath, shat a gratifying change would
Instructed to wenn, Prif 5.8 144141 11484011'I p
Fickly, anaemic -looking Men. Wifit"11 for a monument and if severed in time
and glrls, with pasty or muddy to call a 444484141! meeting of the 'flh1I111-s
comptesions; motes,' of )the multi• Movie, by McNeil and Robert:ion that
"brain fags" and pessimists we e erk write Tbe Mrinicipel World
Deice of "nerve wrecks," "rundown's"
111'10'111 see a virile, optimtstic throng joIt11 okerrialio if the inienne 4,11 Victory
of rosy -checked people everywhere. ule isn't $‘14 T 1r111 MI 1,901,41 W0.1101144
I) 1919 I. exempt from tunnicIpool tax-
stion, (.31rried.
The following ncemititm were veld :
A. P. 5111.11111.111. 111.141,•141 al. 1114-114 r.
AT: John A. Young. 'winder+ riv'mulitor,
Str: lidrilerIch Stip% arivertielne remit-
ini t ion triectIne. 91.412; ltimdespiai
Would: liesessors ',implies, 911.69: Geo.
Horne. 121 loads gravel er 17., 51)445:
.In. .tywot, setting tire. 'on grader.
84.71: le. MItehell. 17 iambi of grand
en 411? 191(411 illee, 917.410; .1. H. doluistrin,
print 45)141 1)41 for 4041 41141141? hall, *144(54:
W. T, Ridden, wall paper. Oil.. for
ton nehip, 'hell. $241.79 1 T. , Shields,
building platforin In townrailp hall,
92.4114: Tby :memo ibrintiog CAL, stottUal
report. 924.09; E. 51eIlirain tractor
one-half dity on division line, 911.00; I.
Teta,. tweaking roods. $3.00; Asliffeki
tneienrer. amount due for work, on
Ashtleiri and Colborne bounders.
gsto 55 : A. J. tioloithorpe. balance of
her that Inside cleanliness Is more iffl- 'glary ne collector 9441.00, postage and
portant than outside, bemuse the akin exchange $5.00-$45.00.
does not Rhumb impurities to eon- Connell adJonrneel to meet on Meech
tamtnate the blood while the pores in 44th at 1.30 p.m. I. HETHRIFUNGTIDN.
the thirty feet of bowels do. Clerk.
of Fisher and Robertson. T1,o are
pro..titlert their report. which wag
wielded e11. motion of Fisher and Mc-
Neil, Mirerel, skrooleil, and carried.
that I7 II Walters-6,nd the chide be
An inside bath is had by drinking
each motivate, be'ore breakfast. a
glass of real hot water with a tea-
spoonful of Milestone phosphate In It
to smith from the stomach, liver, kid-
neys and ten yards of bowels the pre-
vents dey's indigestible waste, sour
fermentations and prammn, thus
cleansing, sweetenlm, and freshening
the 'take alimentary canal before
putting more food into the stomach.
' Those subject to sick headache, bit-
low:neve, nasty breath, rheumatism.
cella; and ',angular, those who have
a pallid, sallow complexion and who
are constipated very oftenare urged
1(1 obtala a quarter ported of limestone
phosphate at the drug stores which
will cost but a trifle, but is sufficient
to demonstrate the quick and remark-
able change In both hentth and appear-
ance, awaiting tholie who practice In-
ternal sanitation We must remove
and let him go if your horse
wears a -met of harness of our pro-
viding. Don't be afraid of straps
irreakin(, stitching -ripping, or
buckles• parting Our harness
isn't built that way. It is tirade
for service and 'plenty of it. ft
is more like mail oriler,Thirn&W
than polished steel is like tin We •
sell real harness not pictures of it.
Hamilton St.,
oderich J3oard of Trade
MEETING of the Executive
Council of the\Board of Trade
will be herd on Friday ening, Febru-
ary 1,3th, in the Board dem at 8
Members elected at the Annu,11
Meeting should attend.
February 12th, 1920.
Ind. Secretary