HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-2-12, Page 3r. THZ 8.101II L GODI RIOR, ODl. Rheumatism Stiffness and all Pain xlinael's L in isles' 1s• riven .andattion Inc three generations. It quickly relievee sore throat. brenrbtes.mtury Asia. sciatica .ted may kind el tors. An Old Reliable Remedy Mrs S. Fawcett, Hann/toe St.,Cellinewood, Ont . s stno .—Mond'. Liniment rots!) to an old reliable remedy. 1 al. ays keep a boob la the h,w.e .ma have rnomewink 1 0 w quite . mama., 01 my head.. w whom n gave great ,Abet. In rant cars it 0 as newt ae a 'tee lir rkwmat,.os. Mona'd's in )me Llt ALrmouth plovaSootta. - • • MRDICAL. DR. CEO. IIEILEMANN, OSTEO- PA'1 tt, *rectal*, u. n t a , n'o ard children etseases, acute. 0114 001c and no t voce diseases. eye 4000 .nil throes, parts08 deafneaa, lusobaao rbeumxec cood181aea. Adenod, removed witaoe4 the knife. Olhce at re..n.nce, corner Mahout and St. Andrew's streets. At horse *ace Moodsys, Thursdays amid Satudays. any evemag 1ti appdiatment, DENTISTRY. 4.42,. G. MecDONELL-HONOR GregmoUnseemly. GraduateClege of DentalSurinam- to the late WKS Hale.Offices t1 O scs cornet agrees. sad West street. Gotleneh. HURONITES AT PLAY. T.r.Me's Old Boys ard Girls Enjoy a Social Evening. (Special to The Signal.) Toronto, Feb. 7. -The annual euchre and dance of the Huron ()id Boys' Asso- ciation of Toronto was held in the Odd - fellows' Temple, College street, Toronto, on Wednesday evening last and was largely attended by liuronites from all sections of the old county. Some of those present were: Hon. Senator Proudfoot, Mr.G.A. Newton and Mina Newton, Mr. and Mrs. E. Floody, Mr. and Mrs. H. 1. Moruih, Major and Mrs. J. Beck. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. King and the Misses King, Mr. . Martin and the Mis-es Martin, Capt. % , Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Cobbledick. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Pridham, Dr. C. Gray, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. McCreath. Mrs. Rhynas (Goderich), Mrs A. Beck and the Misses Beck, Mr. F. W. Hodgson. Mr. G. Hodg- son and Mrs. Hodgson, Mr. and Mrs. WuraeU, Mr. John Robertson, Mr. E. Foody. Mr. R. 0. Shepard, Mr. and Mrs. S. L Scott. Mrs. Shook, Dr. and Miss Staobury, Mrs. Henderson and, Miss Sanderson, Mr. and Mrs. G. Donaldson. Miss Gaynor. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hutcheson. Mr. J. S. Timmins, Mr. J. Diment. The first half-hour was spent in greeting and handshaking of old-time friends meeting once a year, and such expressions as "Hello. Bill, how's all the folks r' - "How is your mother ?"-"When arc you sides.coming up t" etc., could be heard On all Progressive euchre was the next order of business for an hour and a half, forty tables being required for the Players Alter a hard struggle the following were the prize -winners. Gentlemen- ht G. Young. 2nd J. McAteer ladies-Ist Mias Lilian Ht Hand, 2red Mrs. R. C. King. Refreshments were then served by the tidies, and n was the unanimous openion hat the catering of the Huron Oki Girls could not be excelled in Toronto or any- where else. Mrs. R. C. King was at the ead of the committee, and she is to be congratulated not only on the excellence of the menu, but on the systematic ser - vice. Dancing was next in order, and was kept up. to the music of a first-class orchestra. until 12 o'clock, when the gathering broke up with "God Steve the King." Notes. % AUCTIONEER. THOMAS GUNDRY, • AUCTIONEER. t Baa 67, Goderich. All enstrucliaii by alb • VnaltMe will be pruatlF•e61tlMagto t taleplr,xa ne 11Y. -_ LEGAL. Ail G. CAMERON. K. C.BARRIS. TER soluttor, notary W.bh . Mice BBamato. Street. Godench, thud door from $Mse. e. 7 rust funds to loan at lowest retie. • R-C.HA BARRIYSTS ER SOLICITOR, NOTARY Pliant., ETC. Oiu-Stashng:Bang Blah Han dtoo Street Geieeite. Telepbua eb. sats)., LoaasaM teammate. , KILLORAN & COOKE IS ' SOLICITORS. NOTARIES PUBLIC. ETC. e en Uses :guano second ,door from Hawaiiwe eel. Godencb. ' rsi ta 1oda to toes at lower( rimed V. Penances, K C., J L.Ku.taiaw H. J. D. Coosa. A \ i1HS GARROW. LL. B.. BAR, RIST R, attorney. @attestor. etc.. (;odsricb. Rimier lee at lowest rates. SEAQ R, BARRISTER SOL- iCITOR. artery� ppuublic and Wpveeyyascer. e -Court H . Godertch. ISm INSURANCE, LOANS ETC. L1CKILLOP AL FiRE iNSUR- ANCHCO.-Janes isolated town prop- erty tae -ed.. eta --las Connolly. no.. Goderich P. 0 : Jag Evans, Vice -Pm. . wood P.O.; Thomas Hay, Sec. -Trus. Vice-Pm., P.O. Directors -D. P. McGr . , R, R. No. 1, 5ea- orth: John G. Grieve, No. Walton. William k R. No. Z, Sneath: obn Bennewies. Brod en. Geo. McCartney. ' . R. No. 1, Sea- orth; opert Ferry Barlett, Malcolm Me- lissa, Chalon; James Evans. Beebwood; James Connolly, Goderich. Agents: J. W. Y.o. Godericb; 'ass. Leitch. R. R. No. 1, Clinton; Wtlh am Chesney. Sealwth It. Hinchley, Seslos ts. Policy -holden, cam ay all Cmeelt@ and get their tarda recta at R.J. orruh's Clothing .Store, Clinton: H. Cutt's Grocery, Kingston watt. Goderich, J. H. Rod's Geoera! Store, Howell. Brophe3 Bros The Leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders carefully attended to at all hour, night or day. OODB111CH Nothing annoys a gabhv man more than to bump into someone who can talk just as fast and as long as he can. T f Mrs. Harry Martin was calaway to Goderich on account of the death of a friend. and was unable to be present. Capt. Proudluot, the treasurer, was a busy man. as there was a great demand fai tickets. Messrs F. W. Hodgson and R. C. King supervised the progressive euchre, and they did their work well. - The thanks of the Association are due to Mr. A. C. MacVicar, of the Gunn, Limited ("our own Aleck' i, for his magnificept donation to the refreshment committee. Messrs. Andrew Wilson & Co. Dr. Stanbur,, W. F. Cantelon, and R. G. Work donated the prizes. Mr. J. Bowman. M. P. for North Huron, now a resident of the city, sent his regret; and promised to be on hand at. the next function. Mews Will Cantelon and Bob Work, both druggists, were so busy filling pre• emotions for the "flu" that they could not possibly be present. "Hob" Holmes was busy at a church meeting and could not get away. Secretary Floody was delighted with the success of the evening and said it was the beat for five years. Miss Lilian Holland. the winner of the ladies' prize, won every game. • John Robettson and Major Beck made a big bid (or the first prize, but they were troth doomed to disappointment. At the- last meeting of the executive Mrti. R. C. King was elected financial secret in the atY stead of the late Mrs. Martin,'tnd Mrs. A. Heck was elected to the executive It is a foregone conclusion that both nth make good. Drs. Sloan -and Graham. both old- timers, were ablest on account of being overworked with the "Au" victims. As a result of the entertainment at big addition will be made to the treasury. Not Needed. Mistress (to new servant) -Mary, why didn't you bring on the finger. bowls:' Didn't the lady you last worked fol have them? Servant -No, mum: her friends 'al- ways washed their hands before they[ came. IT'S UNWISE b iM or[ t7' ewer "' ruarrow. we - twsrrew. llf Ta i ,iilii 1. acid iioterbod tis Iu-naNS AO Dew ald to Minoltas nacret today. A plesonwt rata thaws the diammiart al sid-dysmspda. MAW WY 1Pc077 MAS OW SCTITS lasUla)gf HIGH-CLASS F00' Worthy of your inspection Combining an attractive appearance and ciur- ability, and giving exceptional comfort and wear. it is our aim to sell only good Footwear. Give us the opportunity to supply your needs. We have at present a very large stock of TRUNKS, SUITCASES, CLUB BAGS, ETC., ETC. See our goods before buying. Repair work tM. to year satisfaction "—HERN'S BOOT SHOP„- NEEDED HELP TO RISE moat ('H.%IK. Captain 1$errlgan Praises Tinder for Relieving N'lfe's Troubles. Another splendid endorsement for Tenter that will be read with utterest by the people of Nova Scotia was given by Captain John Harrigan, of Smith's Cove, Halifax county. recently. Captain Harrigan called at Kinley's in Halifax and made the remarkable state- ment that two bottles of Tanlac had done for his wife more good than all the other treatments and medicines she had taken in twenty years. As a sea captain Mr. Barri an is known and popular at every port along the east Nova Scotia. He has lived at ith's Cove for the past forty-five years, manager of the M. A. Harrigan general merchandise establishment there, and his standing and influence in his community are too well- known to require further comment. My wile has been suffering from badly disordered kidneys for twenty years," continued Captain Harrigan, "and while she has taken all lands of medicine it's a tact that- two bottles of Tanlac has done her more good than everything else combined. Her kidneys have been in bad shape so long that her general health had becpme so impaired that she could not do her house- work at all. She complained of severe pains in her sides and her back was so etrff and painful that for days at a time she could not get out of her chair without "After Tanlac ripe: to Halifax and so many people got to making statements about how it had benefitted them my wife decided to get a bottle and see if it would help her, Well, the resultsnthe short time she has been taking it are nothing'Iess than wonderful. Her kidneys are in better condition than they have been in years. The pain is rapidly disap- pearing from her back and sides and see has improved in every way until she can ger around just fine. I haven't seen her looking so well in a long time. She says she is feeling better, and we are both convinced that Tenter is in a class by itself. 1 am not looking for publicity, but these are the facts in my wife's case, and we feel that the public should have the benefit of them." Tunlac is sold to Goderk•h by E. R. Wigle, in Seaforth by C. Aberhart. in Wingluam by J. Walton McKlhbon, in Hemall by A. M. E. Hemphill, to Blyth by White Ctty -Drug Store, In Wroxeter by .1. N. Allen, in Londesboro by John O. Loundsberry, in Exeter by W. 8. Howey, in ftrueelleld by Peter Howey, in Dashwood by Tiernan & Edlghofer, In t'rwdtton by J. W. Orme. 1n Clip= ton by W. 8, R. Holmes, In Sheppard - ton by J.N. Simpson, In Gorrie by H. V. Armstrong, and In Fordwich by H. Sa ADVT. GRNE R.11. BROI GH CHAPTER. Reports Presented and (hikers Elected at tbe :Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the General Brough Chapter. I. O. D. E., was held on Monday afternoon. Secretary's Report. The secretary's report was as follows: Goderich, January. 1920. Madam Regent, Fellow -officers and Members, - I respectfully present ,to you the following report of our year's work: During the ytar we held nine regular meetings and (our special ones for the transaction of business. We have suc- ceeded in raising funds for our treasury from which to respond to most calls that appeared to us worthy. both local and more Distant. Our money -making activ- ities were along the line of social enter- tainments entirely. ,Not only have our members worked cheerfully to make our own affairs suc- cessful financially and otherwise, but they have else taken their part in several civic undertakings, notably the "Midway" held in August and the sale o1 Chautauqua tickets. the proceeds of which were applied to the Soldiers' War Memorial Scheme of Canada. Our membership has altered little from last year. We deeply regret the removal by death, however, this new Year of Mrs. Reid, who for her genial disposition and willing service will be much missed. In closing we take this opportu•lity of thanking the citizens for their patronage during the past months. CONSTANCE LETOUZEL, Secretary of the General Brough Chapter. Annual financial report of General Biough Chapter: February. 1920. Financial tial Statement. RECEIPT.. Bank balance $ 30 13 Total receipts from tea room._430 27 Miss Noble, window shades 9 50 Mies Noble. woof - - . 3 65 Bank interest :3 03 Proceeds of Chautauqua lecture:.. 67 Ob Proceeds of euchre anti dance. March 17 88110 Proceeds of euchre and dance, July 17 .- 5& 2 Proceeds of euchre and dance, Fees October 31 _________ -- - -- NMI $7 d 78 EXPENDITORES. Alexandra Marine and General hospital, Goderich 10 10 Mrs. Bruce, re Mrs Goodeiham's gift 103 Mrs. Van Koughnet, for soldiers' comforts......10 08 Miss Gibson, treaurer Golden Gate Midwa, _ 500 National treasurer, for envelopes 96 Miss Foster, re Zenana Bible and Medical Mission 25 00 Mrs. Bnwce, proceeds Chautauqua lecture B7 08 H. Milton, treasurer G. W. V. A. 10 00 A. F. Sturdy, treasurer Soldiers' Memorial _ 25 00 D. Millar & Son, for Mies Skintin`s 7 80 National treasurer. re Year Book 5 00 D. A. Cameron, re Armenian fund 15 00 Expenses three euchre$ and dances 64 65 19 81 $343 Oaken far 1920. The election of officers resulted as follows: Regent, Mrs. Macdonald; 1st vice-regent. Mrs. Coulthurst; 2nd vice- regent Mrs Galt -Clark: 3rd vice-regent. Mrs Williams; secretary. Miss LLTousel: treasurer, Mrs. Will MacEwan; standard bearer, Mn, Correa Cnundllors-Mitt, Murrey, Miss Lawrence. Mrs. Hnwrk, Mrs jt oriffm Mrs.11Kidt. Mn. Prater, Mn. Dunlop. A DREAM THAT FAILED The Mask City of Flt. Josepb in Hasds of Wreckers. Dashwood, Feb. 5. -Numerous teams, drawing b: irks from the demnolt summer hotel at Sc./kite-ph, and t loads of limber from the same sun destined lot thipmel,t to Lyndon, w building material is expensive, may seen on the roads from the lake sh tt,ese days: They mark the end of romantic history of the dream city on dank of Lake Huron, a city which ere got very far into the stage of reality, whicn twenty-hve years ago was expopc to become a wonderful centre of pu ation and industry. St. Joseph, the dream city of Narc Cantin. a French-Canadian, was desti never to be one-tenth the metropolis planned to make it. The summer ho which was to make the city famed far a wide, was built but never complet furnished nor occupied Foundations w laid for other buildings of importance a kind of civic centre, but construction never started. A harbor and docks w planned and a pier that stood far out t land like an island was the only prod of a Government grant that ever mat wing. Streets were laid out and sury made, but the ,promised influx of pop ation did not take place. This was the stage at which the "Ma City," as it was commonly known, manned tor a quartet of a century, unti month or so ago a wrecking concern g possession of the big brick hotel and a ertised its material for sale. The inter finish of the huge building was almost ood as new and fo tee first place ha been of unusually high quality. W urmture there was u4 the o otel was of costly and luxuri ype. It had been ;shinned to mak he place i moat' attractive he Province. 'tourists oil their way ilayfield and other points 'Prom' London nd the south often went the lake 8 bore road through St. Joseph rid the old otel invariably found -itself a' -centre lot f interest during the years it lay unused red neglect( d. But it has disappeared now, Only piles brick and timber remain, with sun eds of doors and window frames, and ese are rapidly being removed. Tine to of Si. Joseph is rapidly being fulfilled ccoyding to the predictiorfof Mr. Sher- tt, M. P. for North Middlesex, who in 90'a opposed a grant of $5,000 for harbor orks at St. Joseph, and said in Patlie- ent: "The time is coming when the tel will be torn down and the bricks sed by the farmers. of the townshipr.for it bank barns.'' That is exactly what being dove now. The original plan for St. Joseph was to ake it a centre of industry as well as the t beautiful summer resort o : the • I Canada. When the Minister of Publk Works at Ottawa asked for 115,000 to spend on the harbor works at St. Joseph there was quite a storm. Chief among the critics was the member for North Middlesex, Mr. Sherritt, who explained to the House farm the stage which the city of St. Joseph had shat then reached. and. further, what little ruck- I prospect there was of industrial develop- rce, 1 ''rent. The Minister was forced to defend here ' himself. eel "We are paying large sums for people ore from Russia and Poland." he said, -and 1 the t thought it would be a good thing to bring the ver bu ted pul isse ned he tel, nd ely ere sa oras ere nom uct er- eys ul- gic re. I of d- ior as d hat Id ous e in to many big undertakings of tete kind in the • v { a a h b a of dr th fa a ri 1 w m ho u the is m mos lab Dlac rose the lis these usu for we itu We bor tho con of a city br the to sch cou exp Jose yea had the fam this at t CUES saw beca not was St. J The but As cult tract in th Th were Vail es. The natural advantages of the e were not many. but •such as there e made good capital in the hands of promoter. There was an excellent ch and pleasant surroundings, and still remain, but they are apt an- al along the east shore of Huron. As industries. a brickyard and sawmill re to be established. For an expend - re of $5,000 the Mini -ter of Public irks was assured he could make a hat -- at St. Joseph with ten feet of water, ugh it was. also boasted that a man Id wade out into the lake for a quarter mile without swimming. As workers in the industrial life of the to -be, French-Canadians were to be ought from Chicago. Mr. Cantin and parish priest of St. Joseph went Ottawa and explained the immigration eme. At I• art twenty-five families Id be brought from Chicago, it was lained. The district surrounding St. Ph had been settled for . forty rs with French-Canadians, but they come from old Quebec. According to Minister of Public Works twenty-five flies actually came from Clecago, but was disputed byothers'• p in Pat he time the matter came up for dis- ion. 7 he big brick trade and the mill did not materialize. he chief reason for this, no doubt, was use the transportation facilities did become available. ss hen the harbor built. vessels were to hive sailed from oseph laden with bricks for Chicago. idea was halted by some with ridicu e, many regarded the plan as feasible or !n•• sawmill, there was some diffi- y w'th raw material. There were no s of wooded land of any consequence e district, it was said. ase whose capital built the big hotel Montreal men, headed by Mr. ee, of that city, whole c ipital financed POISON LIKE UNTO VENOM OF SNAKES Professor R. Status, M. D., of the Royal Charity Hospital, say;•"Tbe cause for an attack of gout. rheumatism, lumbago is swotted by tbe increase of uric aid in the \blood serum, the result of various causes, the most frequent of which is renal. Henry an *heck, one suffers sometimes from head- ache, twiningof pain here and When "pus kidneys feel like hemp' of lead, when hack hurts or the inn, is dourly, foil ofaedirnent, or you Hay. rheu- matic pains oi' lumbago, gout, sciatica[ obtain at your nearest drug store "Aourin' (anti -uric -acid), This is the discovery of Ile. Pierce of the Invalids' Forst, Budget!), N. Y. An- uria" Is an antidote for this litfe acid poison- ing and dismolves uric acid in the body much as Mt coffee dissolves sugar. Anuric•" wilt penetrate into a joint. and muscles, and dissolve the nous soaumulatiots. It will stamp out its. Montreal, Que.:-"l cannot pane i)1 Pieroe's Anurie (anti -uric -add) .lingo 10 what it hale done for me. For three months I was under the doctor's care and got no better. I was always complaining of my kidneys. I did ant know what to dn. f read about Amide and mad. up my mind to try it. i have taken two hoses and des eernplain any moa. i have Vaned in weight and am sail Reining. My appstlb is grist and steep bee come to nee. That is what the Anurie. Tablets have done for me. i do Wry recommend there to those who to .Miring the way I did. The tablets sr, mighty good. trhmsgh not expensive. Rory On bay, hut hard to test."—T. A- RROWN. Dernhnner At. W. Read 10 events len Dr. Ptsees'. favatids' Hoo, Bufalo, N. Y. for Wal paekarss a few French-Canadians to invade On- tario." At this time the hotel had been under construction for two years and the sawmill and brickyard were in the embryo stage. People in the surrounding country, and particularly people throughout Huron county, were at a loss to see how the city being promoted by Mr Canton was going to prosper, The Brussels Post remarked at the time: "St. Joseph needs a harbor as badly as a goose needs sidepockets_'' At all events the harbor did not mater- ialize and the city never became the centre of population for Western Ontario. St. Joseph Is still on the map, and is just like scores of other villages along the lake shore. But with the demo'itionof the big hotel, the place has lost Inose of its glamor, for while the building was never more than the abode of the birds and the ratsit added lustre to the community. Motorists will miss a well-known land- mprk on the lake shore route this year. Pat Didn't Understand. A big man and a little man were saw- ing a piece of wood with a cross -saw. that is. the kind with a handle at each end: An Irishman stopped to watch them pulling it to and fro, After a few moments' observation, Pat strode up to the big man and, dealing him a violent blow, said: "Give the saw to the little fellow if he wants it." Mean Brute. "Do you think it id safe to trust money to mails!" asked Mrs. Gabb. "A blame sight safer than trusting it to the females," growled Mr. Gable. - Cincinnati Enquirer. Healthy Children Are Happy Children: The well child is always a happy child -it is a baby's nature to be happy and contented. Mothers, if your little ones are cross and peevish and crya great deal they are not well -they are in need of medicine -something that will set their bowels and stomach ie order, for nine - tenths of all childhood atlinents arise (ruin a disordered state of the bowels and stomach. Such a medicine is Baby's Own Tablets: They are a mild but thorough laxative - which regulate the bowels, sweeten the stomach, and thus drive out constipation, colic, indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers and make the baby healthy and happy. Concerning them, Mrs. Albert Hamel, Pierreville, Quebec. writes: -Baby's Own Tablets are the best medicine I know of for little .ones. They relieved my tittle girl from constipation when nothing else would and I can strongly recommend them to other mothers." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. (food Business for Canada. London Ad vat tier. The best import from the United States this year will be the American tourists They come to Canada and pay for scenery of which we have an abund- ance and which remains with us after they have paid for it and gone. WeN t 'a n More ('senty News. Do you live in the country? if so. and you have personal items, call us up. We want all the news items, big or little. from town and country. It doesn't make any dtffererce whether we have a corres- pondent in your locality or not. The correspondent may miss an item. so callus up. We don't mind being bothered' More country news is what we're after and it is acceptable from any quarter and from any person, whether a subscriber of The Signal or not. Jazz Dying a glom Death. Jazz is dying a slow death, says a New York correspondent. They still play the jazz tunes in the cabarets, but just for few patrons. The nes: tunes are more like the old-time songs. For instance, a song called "There's a Lot of Blue-eyed Marys Down in Maryland" is one -of the successful songs of the month. The shoulder shakers do not apolaud any- thing but jazz tunes, but the majority of people are glad to see the new type of songs -or ratber the old type -come into popularity. A Gentle Reminder. Jones -My dear, I wish you wouldn't sing that song about "Falling Dew. ' Mrs. Jones -Why not? Jones -It reminds me loo much of the hou'e rent. - Not Notirrahle, "The cost of living is terrible'" "Yes, but mighty few people are an- xious to die to save money." Pleasures of the ('hare. To her husband who had returned empty-handed she said, "1 wonder why you men like to go hunting when you don't shoot anything." For the same reason," he answered, "that you women like to go shopping when you don't buy anything." Fatal Punctuality. * y - Bogan-Phwat's rice me av Pat' Grogan = The poor felly mistook an auto horn for the non whistle an' stopped work crossing the state. A Natural A"rimption. Small Son (observing baldheaded row). -Mother,'rlid they get their tickets from a scalper? -Life. A Niehtmsre. Ethel - Look, theta goes Fred. He caller) me a dream last night. itertha -How funny! R-wasonly last week that Fred was telling tilt what aw- ful dreams he had. i► Thursday, February 111, 103).---11 Woodland Farm, Wednesday Morning Dear Jane, At last I've found a moment to answer your very welcome letter. That's as far as I got, when I heard a terrible noise In the kitchen. and rushing in found that Bobby had pulled a pan of boiling water off the stove and scalded himself badly. Just Imagine?—and 1 ten miles from the nearest doctor and no one here to help! Thank goodness; Tom has always in- sisted upon keeping Zam-Buk in the house. The poor little chap was in such awful pain it was aU I could do to hold him while I plastered the Zam- Buk on his arm and leg. Then 1 bound them up with strips torn from an old sheet, and now he's actually asleep! Could you believe it ? I always knew Zam-Buk was good stuff, but I'd no idea it was so wonderful for ending pain. Whatever should 1 have done without it! - This started out to be a letter, but it sounds more like a testimonial for Zam-Buk! I'll send it off anyway, because I want to ask if you'll please send one half a dozen boxes of Zam- Buk as soon as you get this, as 1 have only enough for one more dressing. Yours in haste, Mary • Mothers! Take the Matt Never be without a boa of Z. Hut on the shelf. Not only for scalds, burns and cuts, but for ec4ems, flatworm, nicer; blood -poisoning, piles, cold sore, ere, it u without eg.al. And it costs ao mare thea esdrp •torment. Stk. Ilea. all dealers. All ]business Colleges are 'rut alike Select a wheal earefully, ELLIOTT Yong. and Charles Ste.. Toronto Inns the patronage of all who leu se }yoer,.t- avm,ns. Geow Catalogue, read w,r, record. ice. Meth. Ental now. W J ELLIOT I', f:,nc,pa ire ewes MONO THE Hydro Store A great saver of time and labor The Thor www�� Electric Washer Call and see it at the stein. Full supply of Hydro Lamps and Vans always in stock Water and Ugh Commission Mirth Fido F�Inntt T WORRY! Haeldni 's Heart and )terve Remedy B almply a wonderful preparation for Diseariers of the Heart; drives out Pala. Fear, Worry said the aacertalw• ty that goes along with diseases Of this most Important organ. SLEEPLESSNESS de -vitalises too whole bodily orgaw• teatime and You Must Have Sleep la order to build up your health wad strength. If the Nerves are all w tingle and Jumpy, and the Brain Is is a state of unrest throegh Overwork. Worry or some Functional Disorder, - a restful sleep will be difllrult to tafn. Do not Orme yourself wit "sleeping powders" or "heart depress ents"-take Harking's Heart sad Nene Remedy and a natant sleep will follow. HEADA('HE fa Nature's Signal of disharmony in the human body. it may come from Impoverished blood, overtaxed brain. loss of 'deep or It may be from ('on- geatlon followed by Inflammetton:1 Ifs+'matter what the mels. M', be Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy will help you. People who have been ailing tor years should not expect a Complete Care iw s few days but should per- sist In the treatment In order to ban- ish the underlying causes and to cor- rect the evil rondltfons that bring about the. tronho•. You should be Rare to get Hackfng!s as no other kind will do., Ile particular about your merlkine, as Yt)17R health le important. Hacking's Reset and Nerve Remedy la sold by all Arst class druggists or by mall peat paid. Price lige a box, g hoses for $2.$0. Haekl.j's Limited,' Listowel. Removed 1 have removed my stand to the McLean Block. next to Mr. H. Kemp's Watchmakl ng shop, south site of Square. and trust that my Mends and patrons will 'all on one there. 1 will handle the sant:• lines as formerly, and all orders entrusted to me will receive mu - tarots ansae)•.. Miss S. Noble Saudi Sieh Square -- Goderidi i mai. -i �aaa► �[ ( ittilt ,Say with Rowers' 1 1 To your best friend "a- l; St. Valentine Day I • ;EO. STEWART, Florist r- Goderich, Ontario School of Commerce Clinton and Gederici, Ontario — 'the following cottrses:� BUSiNESS STENOGRAPHIC SECRETARIAL' CIVIL SERi'IC$ and arranges Special Courses for stsdeess. The following advantages H ghly qualified teaching stall Actual business system of bo.1Iinsr ng Credential ryp ewrinn 5 taus Positions guaranteed Vocational Training *boot 1"r 00. district, by Govr'>incene ppsenewte,tDUIoder teapwnn by Salary'. CtI.il Re wtabtd�@al t?e,uearnt WOW ws. ets ..este B. F. WARD. MA. STONE. a. A.. M. M,te , Cos. Soweto. Prep) viceJ',iarta.t ram! 111 CLINTON Winter term begins Mon., Jan. 5th 5 M O I3 E L BOOT and SHOE REPAIR DEPOT Ordetrs'tdieited for all kinds of Footwear Repair] (food work and reasonable priors Sarnia Ward & Son Hemllton street (stand formerly occupied by the late Thos. Rail Don't submit to the inevitable IMO you have positive proof tl at it Y the tea evitab:e.