HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-2-12, Page 2.•y
iQ11A1I Sealed air -tight packets
Pure, Clean, Preserved & sold only in -
Economical I to preserve its native
Publishers s goodness.
Thursday, February 12, Mo.
The Board of Trade begins a new year
with revived hopes of substantial results
in the way of a greater Goderieb. Nearly e$74
two \ears have passed since the Board
was reorgrrtu:don its present basis, and Used in Millions of Tea -Pots Daily
as the last year of the three-year termS,r >;
which memberships were taken draws
near at must be realized that the expert
meat launched in la IS is approaching its up with the system of party government.
final test. While the Board has done' It would be a keen disappointment to
much good work during the last two such. persons a these to find the new
year, the great expectations arotlsed at Govertunettt adopting such principles as
the tine of the reorganization have not Ftho.K..fet forth by the Btacebridge paper.
been realized. and it is only stating what I lda
asev \otke.
we believe to be the general view to say ; Will Rogers' new Goldwyn picture.
that, in the ab.ence of greater results': • Almost a Husband," which comes to
than have Yet been obtained, the Board the Model 'Theatre on February 13 and
will have to drop back to a less preten-F i I, isUsa Dlciur za'townfthe'na10. "Old
tious basis A great respensibi ity rests 'lsympathbenezer,teic ry of by Odle thRead, it is tide
e rise of a bashful
therefore. uponthe incoming executive so country schoostol ttacher to the pisiu of
tod:rectks efforts that there may be, if : respect.aod-atlection in th • little vie
possible, something substantial to show ' O Old Ebeneter. At the end of
story, Jam Lyman a Will gofers) wins th
,m thl. result of the expenditure of money
love of the town's most beautiful gid.
and energy. 1f • all the effort comes to The picture reveals the attempt of a
rich mule dealer to win the girl by hook
naught, the ialconclusiontwill beto me for forced-
or-- by crud. ; but _boa _plans are
' that inauarial groiwt6 is riot be forced when, at acrold-fashiut- - party, Sam is
nd that the .people of Goderich must ..married" to the belle u[ the town' in a
ovate still fufthar. the virtue of_gameof "forfeits." As the divinity
pat tops, student who perGumed the ceremony had
Altgefher outside the securing oil new 'ben ordained, the marriage is genuine.
-Thp girl, glad to be free of the mute
there is much useful work for a dealer's unwckome attentions, decides to
of Trade M do,- in the way of be a. _s terly wife to Sam--tempivarily.
nd directing improvements 'in Then the mule dealrr,attrmpts to drive
Yam out cit ton. He is horsewhipped.
al facilities of the' and ; '
i hr is slanderw
ed. yet he elites. In the end
the means whereby the 'the girl appreciates the nobility of the
of the commercial and " man she has married andrefuses o have
live B
the commer
in p' rvidin.t
ted inflrd f t
interes of the Mown may b-' the marrtser snnullyd.
netted. It may that `teak aloe 1n excnenr cast, with Peggy Wood.
B C %len Landis and Clara Hoxton, amore
\ each,. lines as these OUP the Jttet two •'A most a Hu -band" nt splendid present-
` years may prove to a laidthe'fwnd- !anon. Clarence G. Badger direct•:d the
ation for successes of- ich-therele at production. •
present no indication. At y rate, what
has been done has been.
with good Goderich People
intemtoxi, watt a view to putting our Prevent Appendicitis.
town in the path of prosperity and pros- '-
rein and those who have given much of j
their time to the work of the Board''are I Many Goderich people are u-ing simple
deserving .credit. - glycerite. buckthorn bark, etc , as mixed
• I in • Adler -t ka. This flushes both
For the new executive The Signal I%gip, and Icer bowel so completely
besp iks the co-operation and support I it removes all foul. accumulated prisons
from alimentary canal and prey.-nts
icitis. Adler-i-ka relieves ANY
'tea- era stomach- rr sour st
CURES cnnctiostinn. in one race
of chronic stomach trouble ONE bottle
Produced wonderful results. Campbell's
Drug Store.
the Whole membership of the Board and o
-the townspeople, in order that its labors
slay be attended with the hugest possible
Measure of success.
William Jennings Bryan 'l coaching
himse t for the next Presidentilel election
'crus the line. W. J. is a brave; he
• doesn't care how many timers he is, de-
Ilio ... Manning Doherty, Ministel\ of
Agriculture in the Provincial Government,
has been returned, without opposition fbr -
the East Kent .nest. Premier Drury ii
being opposed in Halton by E. J. Steph- •
enson of Toronto.
North Schleswig, a portion of the ter-
ritory -..grabbed by Germany under the
Bismarck regime, goes back to Denmank*
as the result of a vote of the people living
in the tcrntory. This is apractical ap-
plication of the home rule idea. •
We miss the review of business con-
ditions in the various industries of the
town which used to accompany the an-
nual report of the Board of -Trade.' Pbs
sibly there_ire good reasons why it has
Meets omitted of late years, but it added
much to the interest of the report.
Probably most people in this country
who h.ise contributed to the Armenian
relief fund would double or `treble their
eohtaibutioos for the raising of a military 1
force to put the Turks out of the butcher-
ing suiiness....-Here is a job for the United
States if it is not too intently set on,
keeping out ofiioi5Tile
Addressing a meeting at Hamilton the
other day, Mr. A. R. McMaster, M. I'.,
stated that had proportional representa-
tion been in practice in Great Britain in
18244i Gladstone would have been returned.
would have granted Ireland home rule'
and the whole history of Ireland and the
world wou.d have been changed.
The Farmers' Sun quotes from The
Bracebridge Gazette an article openly
advocating that, in order to get seats for
the U. F. 0. Ministers requiring them.
sitting members be induced to give up
their seats by the offer of (government
jobs. 1 his would be a fine exposition of
patronage. especially for a Government
that is pledged to the abolition of pat-
ronage. Fortunately the Government
bolds a higher standard than The Brace*
wake Gazette, as the members who have
guide way for the Ministers have done so,
tale we told. entirely without promise of
aay material return for their sacrifice.
ewe people who are supporting the
Miners' Government are doing so, not
Meagre they believe the farmers or any
other cissa have any particular call t
govern the aosetry, bat because they Ma
M the change's immunity of '
away front some d the ttadeairable things
alb the pee that esissed to be wrapped
(Intended for last ireek.i
Miss 11 by Cameron, of Mitchell, spent
a few days at home.
January 25 --Born to Mr. and h1rs.
George lh!1pa, ason.•
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Salkeld and
ui:hter Jean, of Richlea, Sask.. are
v -icing friends hero,
lies Ji sje Cameron agraduate of the
W ern hispitai. Toronto, is spendulra
few Weeks at home.
Mra1,(r. MkAree and boys. Donald and
John, alto have spent Iwo m,nthe with
Mrs. W. Cameron. left fur their home at
M. Auley,',Manitoha,'on Tuesday.
Mr_and'Mrs. Jas. Durbin visited their
riends at Wingham on Wednesday. ,
'The Wore 's institute met on Thurs
at the one of Mrs. D. Todd
y -five present. It was de -
to send Si, to the Armenian fund.
ATE.— f e Literary Society held
F, iday evening. A
Frequent Treatment. sE
1 MCIE XXX Milt■x1KIK)fXi�)AX11MXN■■xXIN11X■aXX1101a ■
A negro mammy had four boys who
were so polite and well-behaved that
they excited the interest of the mammy's
mistress. says The Cincinnati Enquirer. x
"Mandy," said the mistress aim day. FEBRUARY A MONTII:
"how did you manage to raise your boys
so well?''
•Ah'll tell ypu. missus.''replied Mandy.
"Ah raise dem boys with a barrel slave,
and Ah raised 'em frequent."
Sandy's Luck.
Solicitor (to client)—Well, Sandy. we-
ing that I knew your father, 131 make it
six pounds.
Sandv—(Gid sake. mon! I'm glad ye
didna ken grand(aether.— Boston 'I'ranm
gs firs -meeting o
gond crowd gath4red to hear the, debate:
"Resolved. that the West offers -more
advantages for young .people than the
East." The atlirniati was taken by .
Miss fanfare Mill r a Miss Gladys'
Webb, and t .negative Messrs. Will
Rutherford and itcheson., The decision'
was given inlay.* , f thb afii'mative, Rev_
P. Jamieson. Mims nin an.l-Miss Mc-
Laughlin acting as j ges. _ `\
(Intended for cast week.) •\ \
• Mr. John Vanstone is laid up With
neuritis in his foot.
The young people from here got 1\
tether a sleich-toad last week a
journeyed to Goderich to skate. -=
Miss Edna Walters entertained a
number of her friends on Monday even-
ing of this•werk.
The "Farmers'" social evening *at
Saltford Heights last Tnursday -evening
was well attended and a most enjoyable
evening was scent by all present. -
We are sorry to hear that Mr. Thomp-
homo-son, at -the parsonage, does not keep
well Roy has also been ill.
Several around here are putting in ice
this week. off the pond here.
After Shaving
Keeps the Skin Soft and
• Smooth
MANY men suffer from'
irritation of the skin
as a result of shaving. With
some it assumes a form of
eczema and becomes most
annoying and' unsightly.
By applying a little of Dr.
Chase's Ointment after shav-
ing the irritation is overcome
d such ailments '1ls' Barber's
h and Eczema are cured. • •
gp'csnts a box. alt dealers, or EdWana•a,
Bates k (?s., LN•. Tomato.,
the Ford Motor Company o
Canada, Limited, is able to build
up to the limit of its capacity, only
27,350 -Ford -Cars will be eft for
use in Canada Canada-betiven January the
first and jub.r the thirty-first of this
year. Divided among the total
population _of Canada -this_ means
one car to every three hundred and
ten people.
It is easy to see that many people
will be unable fa_ get. _their Ford
tears at all, and riafty weave �o
wait for summer or fall delivery.
)s,1.)•A1.1•!•)•■■M1$I&M1i&MU$I1•111•/1/M&I11 *$
Undervrtear '
1♦Women's fleece -lined Vests and Drawers,
1 heavy fleece and well made. Reg -
X ular $1.25, clearing at per 95c
• garment J
▪ Men's extra heavy silk fleece -lined Shirts
and Drawers, Penindn's best. Brown
stripe mix, all sizes, Shirts and
■ Drawers, worth $ I.61k, for
XWomen's Coats
■ Still a large choice of high-class Coats
■ each $1
at from $10 to $30
Men's Sitka Beaver Coats
■ Heavily furred; well lined and quilted.
most serviceable and warmest, and
Coat of best appearance on the mar-
ket to -day. Sizes 42 to 48, $A 5
at each .....grt Curtains
30 pairs of Ivory Madras Curtains in four full designs, size and handsome, and
and correct for any rooms.- Worth
• \ 54.50 per pair. 'February Mia
= ty Flannellettes
X Back to the old-time qualities—first lot
1 . since 1914. Plain, pink, blue. white,
* best'• English Saxony Flannellette,
■ fortyt h de
Y� C es , at per 60c
"`�-�- Yard 45t andV
100 dozert heavy bleached Huck Towels,
size 24 x 36, nicely hemmed. These
towels were made for Government
contract\Ind every towel ,bears
Government stamp of perfec ion. -
They are worth to -day $8.00 a z -
en_ Special ss%kpw. pair
95cor6for ,,. .....
Ready -to -use heavy soft Sh nicely
hemmed, bleached and quail ' free
from dressing.
Sit.; 2-: yards per pair $3.95
2114,1 254 " . " 4.25
Navy Blue Serges
54 -inch finest all -wool French Suiting
Serges, in mid and dark[C
navy, at per yard, special $ J.
48 to 50-itull-wool Serges warranted
tine indigo dye. Spec-
ial at $2.25 and 473/MA
Gossard Cprsets
to suit all figures. They lace in front.
The Corset that never loses its shape.
▪ amaxamplitimmaamailmmaisatmar
11 W. Acheson .. n
• ••
i't�s� syt syt s��t ftp
la[]slglit�]<]examiar1 amilx."af mlitS1ttf ass canixi 1I
els Ford Dealers in this territory,
we desire --to deliver a car to every
person in this distriet who wants
one, but we cannot get the cars un-
less we send in the orders now.
If you will need a car later on,
don't wait till spring before order-
ing. Put yourself at the top of the
delivery list by signing an order
today. . '"
P. J. MacEWAN, Dealer - - 'Goderich
The Trouble Man
'It's 'comfort to know there's
_ _a man on whom you may owl)
Henn. troubles—the Plumber.
' 'We know our business and
are here to serve you.
Hamilton Street Phone tea
t'lumbin{t Heating
F.aveetroughing Metal Work
TUESDAY, Feb. 10.
MAn t%No CONCESSION Nores.—Mr.
J. C. Durst is conned to the house With
a couple of broken ribs Mr. 0. R. i
Forster is somewhat indisposed thiss
week Mrs. H. E. Forster returned
last week from an extended visit with
friends at Buffalo, St. Catharines and
other points We regret to note
that Mrs. D. F. Schwanz is under the
doctor's care this week Mr. Stanley
Snyder is suffering from a mild attack of
scarlet fever ...Mita McDonell, who
has been in charge of No. 7 school for
some time. has feturned to her home at
Hemall, having resigned owing to ill-
healthThe trustees of S S. No. 7 have
engaged Mr. Walter Baker, of Clinton, to
teach for the remainder def the term
Mr. 0. F. Schwarz has purchased a
Wao, drag saw outfit. Now watch the
chips fly The Farmers' Club shipped
another car of sweet clover to Toronto
tact week. Geo. Keith being the buyer.
if you would blind a man by throwing
dust in his eyes. las gold dust.
The New Decorating Store
West Street
In additi our lines of Wall Paper, Paints,
etc., we handle ods of
if you are thinking of doing any decorating
year, call on us and let us give you an estimate.
North Side West Street Goderich, Ont.
County of Harron
4% Ronda i)ue July let. 1929
Price: 86.99 and Inter -rod, Yielding 5.80%
Write for nor Letr,t publication.
"Thr Bond Market"
Wood,Gundy & Company
Canadian Pacific Railway Building
Toronto New York
London. Eng.