HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-1-15, Page 8E s71lgtgtwag1Pnrar Neal 91,nrwtay. 7nnnery . 1:,. 1.Ar wow KIMI111 IVIS I.Ol)e,lill'H, %r d 1' tl r ..' 11rs, Will Hill Hee:eke Office. Supplies t;� v A'io, .�Tflelr Neighbors. frill 114441 Carter's Cykco I'.Iste, Carter's' and LePage's Mucilage,. !'errs, . I ;racers, Rubber Bands, Blotting Paper. ('aper Fa%teneto, I west: fads, Vales, Ilinditlg Cases, Mento. and plank Books, all sizes. Loose-leaf Kooks; 30e to $3,50 Desk Pencil Sharpeners 41.75 to 4:,,01► • \sk to see. our new nickel - plated Always Pointed Pencil - - Special 7,7)c. Mr. IIng14 14444 awl Ylrtul r' moved foto! ton u to the 11111 1 on the 1st coticariuu of 1'o11br1 Itrwulllt•r, and Mr. and Mrs. 1ti11 Kari• come to town /11111 a in the realdencr to, East streets their son and his family vacated. 41131 Hrs.Hill. sr.. Wive dime their poi _many the aelive work of the harm fa ault• year., mold are now retiring to enjoy a irrmjarativr iYboire.. '4%Illj'aw o Hugh Hill (Hither /111 11 141111, w'hu for sinus. years have operated a timber limit 141 IIsdilugtou. 1'etterI.oi .ugh coultty. where Sir. HughHill spout a gIMNI pertof his 1lme, IiAv. sold this property to the Metal Shingle & Siding Co.. of 4'res:nn. and Mr. Hugh Hill will now Irsutine his nsttrfarm. ut' to the fm. Prior to their departure from the farm, Mr. all Mrs. hill. sr.. were welted upon by n '(11rge' irony of bo neighrs and friends, including hilly from various parrs of Colborne town- ship. and were presented with an mil - dress, 111 U14atdwl by gifts ora t14lIt'I' (til 444.,, y table HMI electric stand lamp. Mr. Arthur Fisher read the Intl. dress, which ons es follows : To Mr. and Mrs.-Willlarn 11111 [tear Frh•uds•it.iw welt! p.lelsure and 'wide. thatwe..yonr neighbor. and friends. gather in your ever hospltu4 4. 110111e to try 4o PI1m•si$ 411 4.4)1114. 4egre• the feelings of esteem in which you have RIwitvs been Held noose thoswho know you hest. Pleasure ls'1•anse your presence 111 every social gathering. has 11113 nt general g.s.lw441 end happiness. Pride, 12411 11S rye consider it 1111 humor to 41• neo intimatelyaergmliuteol with . tho.nohow initlstry, integrity and ability hair 10)'14111 tNi ,mm11 not only Hobs to thloetillty but to the eonntry to whk'h we Wising. tuition is no greater and no Iltronger than the men and 'w •u of lit rules r, m•. \ 'llliom re clog r w 1411 Heads toeTwo. 'The Toronto papers announce t seat) in the Legislature have been fodnd for Premier Drury and Hon. Manning Doherty, Minister of Agriculture. The Premier 1* to run in North Norfolk and Mr. Doherty in East Kent. At prevent no announcement is made as to a location for Hon. W. E. Raney, Attor- nes-General. It is expected that the ollicial nominations in the two ridings will be held early in February. No !opposition to the election of the Ministers it e'Fected. THE 1300ERICH MARKETS. THURSDAY. January 1.'•. 41 1.101. per 1)0.11. 1 2.00 to s 2.00 11ot., ter bu.h.- .63 to tl5 Harley. per buil 1.10 to 1.15 Pew, per busk 1.01 to 2.00 Muckwheet, perbush...,....-1.10 to 1.25 t lyur, family, per wt 5.40 to L7'. Flour. hate.!, per t 0.75 to 7.0o ran., per I011 45.011 to 44.114 54 00 to 54.00 17.00 to 14.40 L00 to *00 .80t0 - .40 .f1 to. Jo ,14. to :5 Potatoes ver bush ... .. 1.00 to 1..'14, Cattle, butcher: obetoe, pets cwt. 10.00 to 11.01) 0u, cher.' medium. Owt 0.75 to 10'0 Bog.. lire weight, per owl., .... 11114) to 14.75 Lambs ... 11.00 to IG. 00 HYea, per lb ' .24 to .25 tbbeepektns, -:- 1,te to. 2.00 itINor11 per (00 y. per 10)1 rww. Irma, porton.. Door Motor, per lb ., Creamer) Butte!, per Igiree. (reek, per dos INSURANCE BUSINESS TRANSAC D Personal Accident, Health, Liability, Automobile, Plate Glass, Burglary, Animal, Fire, \ Life. T. R. Harrison 'Phone 316 West St. --- Goderich Jump from Bed in Morning and . Drink Hot Water Tolls why everyone should drink hot water sach morning before breakfast Why is man and woman, half the time, feeling nervous despondent. worried; some days headachy, dull and unstrung; some days really incapaci- tated by Illness. 11 we all would practice Inside -bath- ing, what a gratifying change would take place. Instead of thousands 0t half -tack anaemic -looking souls with pasty. muddy complexions we should me crowds of 4314», wealthy, rosy- ebeeked people everywhere. The rea- son is that the human system doe* not rid itself each day of a:: the waste which It accumulates under our pres- ent mode of living. For every ounce of food and drink taken into the system nearly an ounce of waste material must be carried out, else it ferments and forms ptomaine -like poisons which are absorbed Into the blood. J .t as necessary as it is to clean the ashes from the furnace each day. before the are will burn bright and yet, so we must each morning clear the inside organs of the previous day's accumulation of Indigestible waste and body toxins. Men and women. whether sick or well, are advised to drink each morning, before breakfast, a glass of teal hot water with a teaspoonful of Jtmestone pbosphate In it, as a harm- less means of washing out of the stomach, Inver, kidneys and bowels the tndfgestible material, waste, sour bile and toxins; thus cleansing. sweeten- ing and purifying the entire alimen- tary canal before putting more food Into the stomach. Millions of people who had their turn at constipation. bilious attacks, acid stomach, nervous days and sleepless nights have become real cranks about the morning Insfde'bath. A quarter pound of limestone phosphate will not coat much at the drag store, but Is sufscfen' to demonstrate to anyone. its cleansing, sweetening and freshen - lag effect upon the sys • ►l x • Y,4• 5 1.' ►4 p A SaIisf\ story Shoe Store m - of necessity satisfactory in all departments ; ig a comp range of seasonable footwear. and "°" - ring to its .*trona polite service, fashionable styles and dependable values. Our steadily increas- ing business has proven that OUR ORE IS SATISFACTORY in every sense o the word to our many customers, and, as in the past, honest goods at honest prices, and a service devoted first and last to the interest of our patrons, will mark our policy for 1920. Just now we would call your attention to our splendid stock of treasonable goods, comprising FELT SHOES for wren and women SLIPPERS of all kinds and forpeople of all aies RUBBERS, OVEitSHOFS, MOCCASINS, LEa- (iINOS, SPATS, SKATING BOOTS. etc. CUSHION SOLE SHOES are very warm and comfortable REPAIRING AS USUAL SHARMAN'S-SIIOE -STORE It Bag. boas, Papist" THE SIGNAL _ DERIOH, ONT. witli•Il 11 I. torlul'1. Canada owes ►noire1 titan to a11J4him; 1•I.e. to the [SUM 1l4 1 1!14►Ili TF: F11R wtln through faithful toil and appltevt 10)'Iligt4ls,• 414, i 1 41 11 ,, 1 the• swamps' ,,f%F.1V. F. Clark, V. S.. usand forests into vineyards mid held,: who hate by Mut sat • Iron .gelled rat .gelled' stud- energy homes; who '•„•,. rrulforteble '.4111411144,'' o'rle 4"1411,41their best (o • 1 g good_ government nllcl owe- tii ' dnea4ioual'' slew,: who 'hare rud/•nvunrwl to lir tttll..e every effort towards u1p-1.1-1141('.41.4.41 Iurpt'ov)'IueutM gin' who 11114)' 1.1144+14 up NOUS 11 1111 1liteghlers to follow their footsteps to good ('141v..1•u'.hip 111141 usefulness. 'Co- Ight w)' fMet tl,Nt III all this you both Yr 71 Roll 4rotlf fldl share, and Ki- th nth we will surely miss you In the 'wig iM1r111NN1 \1'e• air' glad tlmt you 4,14c1. animal the right to retire from so she nous duties. and the very beet *4islu•s all go With you for errtltent- ml•ut 11111 amines. inyour men- 1 I'Il'as)' 1111 pt this gift 40 wove as 11 rememlran , of your sincere friemhi of 4 ',Aiwa:tie. Segued. ,tun! F4lsIwr, Arthur Fibber, \I'w. 1.0 ng. Itenmill.r. Its•.:. , 14419. • swatches were g veil hy a uutulwr of those pn•se•nt, 11111 41112 ('apt. !sanee Hetherington. Itev. \\" i1. Campbell and Mr. (;e,. J. Ferguson. 11 hearing 11•sti- ua)1ly to the Targe n 4 usi•fni port Which Mr. null 3.1rs. 1 11 111111 taken i11 the life of 1111' .'.0 iu ity and the tiff/airs 44 the tuw-JINhipi_.4 also w•el- hue Air. Hugh Intl heel t ,the town- ship. Sulflhle mares were uulef by the \41441''.. 11111. Mr. and !sirs. 11111. sr., !Ire w.k 1 to (:4slerich• • a -u11 Thr Signal fends Uney will hat)' 11111 Hy happy yl'lus 4.4- gether ns ureide,*!s ut this tow 11. ST. IiF:LEN$. WEDNESDAY, Jan. 11. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Fred Webb, who had the misfortune to be kicked by one,of his horses, is confined to his bed. We hope to hear of his speedy recovery. Miss Elizabeth Anderson, of Sackville, N. B., addressed the Bible class on Slinday evening on "Community Work." in a very• acceptable manner. Mr, and Mrs. Richard McQuillin and family'have--movedlto Lucknow, where Mr. McQuillin has a position with Mr. Andrews. Mr. 11'. J. Philips and mother, Mn. Phillip'., of Algoma, are visiting at Mr. Sam. Phillips'. - Mr. and Mrs. Kent, of Delburne, 'Al- berta. are visiting Mrs. Kent's sister. Mrs. Geo. Webb. Mr. Mills of Kenville; Man., lobo has been in the West-,thirty•four years, is paying a visit to his sister, Mrs. James Aitcheson. Mrs. Cuyler, who hag just come (roof British Columbia, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Jas. Ramae.g \ The remains of Mrs. Cornelius Smith, death occurred at Souris. Man.. were laid to rest in Bethel cemetery c n Thorsdpv. Her son Edward accompanied the body home, Rev. P. Jamieson con- ducted the burial service here. Mrs. Robf: Purdon and daughter are visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A_ Anderson. Miss Margaret McKenzie, of Lucknow, spent the weekend •.with Mrs. R. J. Woods. Miss Mills, of St. Thoihas, is visiting her uncle. Mr. Jas. Aitchesoci: The annual meeting for the t e e class was held in the church on Tuesda After the meeting a social evening was and refreshments were, served. elected are: Honorary president. Rev. Jamieson: president. W. I. Miller; vice- president. Mrs. W. A. Miller: treasurer, Mr. Ross Jamieson: secretary. Mist E. Anderson, DEN. 110 4314 re - by acclamation as s puty Reeve of Ge derich, is in line for t wardenship of the county of Huron. In accordance with the tun-atandrng eement in the county council the W -den's chair is occupied alletnately by a I -thenal and a Conservative. This ite the Conservative year. and Dr. Cla``.e being of that pier - suasion, and he.Mg one of the senior THE COLBORNE STORE The Kind of Bar_ ams 'that Appeal EX BLANKETS 12 X 4, the largest size fla best quality. on sale this week only. These Blankets come in white or grey, with either pink ST. LAWRENCE -- GREAT LAKES SCHEME. Governments of 1'. S. and ('anada :Approve Investigation. Ottawa. Jen. 12. -Thr Governments of the United States anal''en1da have Imoth (missed order's approving of the peoioonlsl investigation Ivy the .,Inter- national .(hint commission into the St. L twrenr-(1rrat Lakes /wenn naviga- tion and power scheme. The inquiry will comtnenw at no 1.11r1y date aeldw1ll Imo Ito two Moises -engineering Holl economic. Engineers of thr'two (mun- trie, will Iw npINointe'd to interview all the departments that have interests, including, in (runnels, the public works, railways end the Hydro of Ontario. While the englo ei-iuig data is being (secured the cntami...iuu *111 investigate the economic phases. • Nine (;rest Questions. \\'int Ions jest been approved are the questions which will be submitted to the international .lolnt Commission. They number nine. The Sratt mutation is ria to the improvements necessary IN•tween Lake Ontarlo and Montreal to open the way for ocean-going vessels eta' 111 what draught. t)lteentions three• in six are all on engineering prpblems and how hest to meet them. (Jnteatlon seven asks whetter 41)1' regulation of Lake Ontario will increase the low wntrr`.now of the St. Lawrence Iwlow Jlontrro►I: while gn.stions eight and nice ere ns to the ludn.triel develop- ment and nnvlgetion trete(' likely to result (rout the works. The Grand Purpose. 111e purphait of the pian is to let the products of thl•('anadhal and American Wert ha re ah 01111.1 by weter to the se1Noa'd and to ',nettle ships 1)1 ocean- going size to resell the Mead of the bikes. The essential 4.4 the uuder- taking is the remove! of the obstruc- tions between IatIle olnto'rio and Mon - trent 1.y joint artinn of the Unite! States and (',!nada. Rotel, it Ie pro - 414414441, will share in the benefits of Im- pured wrvigatinn and In the develop - of writer powers. The Hydro Power Point. In the letter connection It la esti motet/ that power now eo.ting 4100 to generate hy stein may Headily he me- rnrel from hydraulic powers for 425. At present Oxon two million' tons of traffic 1141/1/41.2 dawn the M. Lawrence per year. and It Is estimated that this will moon he Inerrant -II to ten millions Meet at Duluth. The Inquiry b► the Joint Commission into the economic phase of the goes Don, sick an the doer/wooed cost of water transportation, will likely begin at 1lentnth. Mot alttings *411 be held at all points In Interest. lir the reeene appointment of $Ir William Hear* the Comedian aectien la new eemplete. •A DR. W. F. CLARK. Deputy Reeve of Godench. embers of the council. has strong claims Ikon the position. Ile is now beginning hissixth term at the county board. Dr. Clank's calling 1 rings him into close also ciation with the tanners, so that he might well claim to be representative of both town and townships The Signal would like to see him in the big chair at the court houle this year. The C. S. Breitung of the Morrow Stea -hip Co. has been renamed for T. K. Maher, of the Pursglove-Maher Coal Co. This is the second time her name has been changed. She was built at the yard of the Cleveland Shipbuilding Co., and was christened Yale. A N•agltish li .1loese. `1Md be 11006. •11.:1 igltat yea when he said that to ,olo -'N... your I • ; be r illus gaze 014 • ('OIJiORNE F.1RMKEIS' ('LV71. or blue borders\ Regular price $4.50, O1 e Recent U. F. O. Convention the Subject of Report and Comment. The Colborne Farmers' Club held its regular meeting ae Benmdler on January Sth. There was a large attendance and the seating capacity of the hall was taxed to the utmost. The delegates to the recent U. F. 0. convention at Toronto were present with the exception of Mr. R. M. Young. who was unable to attend. and as he was 'o have given the report of the U. F. 0. he was greatly missed. .However, it is hoped his report will be iven in the near future. rs. Gordon Bisset gave a very full redprt of the U.F.W.U. The speakers at this vention dealt largely upon the im- prov ent of conditions for farm women. One of \tte suggestions brought out was a moony laundry. where the washing t • ' a number of homes could be sent to one place instead of each woman doing her own washing. There were also numerous other suggestions. showing how the woman's work on the [arm ,might be lightened considerably. The president 'gave a short report of the U. F. 0. Ings. principally the election of the offices. He also exptalned the working of the Wheat Board and how it was unfair to the (Omer, an not having a majority on a board that handled their own p '.duction. Rev. H. Kennedy, of Banmiltes. Rave a very interesting address, pantmtout the possibilities of the U. F. O. end also gime points of danger to be avoided. He ex- pressed the hope that the U. F. 0. Got- ernment would not give class legislation but would consider the interests of all classes. He spoke for a few minutes on rural reconstruction, emphasizing consoli- dated schools as having a large part in this work. Mr. Kennedy is a very interesting and entertaining speaker and it is hoped that he will be present at many more meetings. At the conclusion of the business for the evening the ladies served a lunch, which was appreciated by all. The meeting closed with the singing of the National Anthem. . It is expected that a poeial gathering will be held at Mr. Gordon Bisset's very soon. Further announcement as to this will be made again. (Y1LBORNO TOWNi4IILP. The municipal council of the town- ship of Colborne met In the township hall on Monthly, January 1211h, as per statute. Memlwr's all present vis. : Ite•r.. Gordon Voting: rnnn•1llorn, .\:i eon A. Fisher, Geo. D. Currey, l'. C. McNeil and 1'. A. Roberto/mi. After taking the declaration of ofne and signing the propertt qualification,, they toot their seats at the council table. The Woolen of last meting were rend end adopted on motion of Fisher end Currey. with the t'xeeptlon of the item of the clerk's salary, which was objected to by Tonne Illor ('urrey 21111 was amended to read am -follows : -Clerk's salary up to April !nth, 1'.r20." Bylaw Nd. 1 wan passed, appointing the followiug officers : Auditors -J. Young 141111 A. 1'. Shepp'rd. Board of Hes1th Ire. It. 4'. Weir, M. H. 41., Gordon Young, A. 'Wilson and 1. Hv'therfROOM 0e1•rrtwry. f111hlt))ry Inspectors- Wm. Straughniu, R. 4ilen, J. It. 4".rrleh, Geo. Fowler. Sheep valuator's A. M. Minimalism, J. McMann'., W. 4'. Robert- son, A. Sterling. Fenwvlewers--Eel. Shaw, sr., Wa. Mallows, Jan. Watson, J. J. Itobertoeln, J. 1,nng, R. Moore, J. Jenkins. !roan-ke.perw l:has. Fisher, 11 Bogie. J. long, IC. Jackman, A. Allen. .tssrwux 44. .1 Ferguson. Collector -- A. J. Goldthorpe. itylaw No. 2 was passel, authorlxlrg the iteeve anti treasurer to horn* the sum of 4.1(44) for township expeosea for the etrrent year. Bylaw No. 1 was palwrl rewind- ing Itylaw Mo. 2 of 151A, 'molar ss It relent to the a.sommsex'a salary, making the 'salary SM. Moved by 4'nrn'y. 'ubonlyd by Itolwertaon, that ere sub- scribe tar els eoples of The Municipal r .III/+.)'•'• AND All widths in Oilc for 6'9caya Linoleum, regular $1. 11.39 a square th, regular 85c, , On nate at COTTONS We have the largest stock of Cottons that ha.; ever been shown, in Pillow Cottons, Sheetings and yard -w Cottons. All of these lines have in stock before the last advances a we can supply your wants at whole- sale prices. Be sure to inspect our` stock. We „have the merchandise. FLANNEL Military Flannel at wholesale price. We have carried this Flannel iu stock for one year. It is wool`one way and cotton the other. On sale while it lasts for 59c. BLOUSES We have gathered together for this week a large stock of Crepe de Chine Blouses from $6.00 to $10.00 and have them on sale at $5.69. These Blouses are perfect in every respect and come in all colors and sizes- They are real bargains. Come and see them. MA ORDERS Every day we are receiving more orders by mail - - and phone. It is our aim to make our mail and telephone order department a service to the people of the surrounding country. We pay all charges on small and large parcels. Goods shipped the same day as received and received by you the day following. Use our service for quick service. Srrice, Up-to-date and Dependable Merchandise is Our Password •- J,;.ito1bore & Go. ensewateesesessesesese . 11'orld for 1920. Carried. 'treasurer reported rwwiving from consta treas- urer the sum of 434Kt.30, refusal for statute Labor on county roaeftl. H. Hlltl'hlns waited on the council claim- ing dagem to the extent of 411.60 to horse, ha end buggy caused by a defe'tive a !vert near (lel. Ashtou's. The claim wile settled for 4111. Moved by Robertson. nied by McNeal that the clerk write the Education De- partment. Toronto, to (secure, tf pos- Alhle. a speaker to at nd a puddle meet - Ing In !''.!!stone towna'klp in the Inter- eeste-ttf`t•iitil4ltlltatell' eo•harsbi, and If one la set'unal to ax the 4latai and notify the secretary -treasurers of the. different schools and the 'public in 'general. 4',. rrltd. The following accounts wet•- 1144441 : The 4h,4, -r** Star, printing rind nM- tlotwry, *10.4144; The Municipal World, election s11pplles 45.79, 6 antWN•rlptlone for Municipal World $45.00-$11.70; it. Se0tt, work on crusher, $10.25; Wm. ('orey, woodd for township hall. 411.2.'1; 4'. 4'. Ire, wire and aippll/'s for cem- etery fence, 442.11.1: H. Hutchins, damages. *10.00; R. McMillan, repeir- Ing culverts at J. Glen'o4 and at .1. Voting's, 44.50; Wm. Hardy, work on crusher, 41.'11; Jas. Smith. putting in the 00 Wawatoo.h boundary, $t.4 s; Stewart Itrae., refund dog tax, 42.00: A. (fond, drawing gravel on IFivi,inn line $17.00, spreading gravel 4:3.00-- *2'4'ou0.00. IN•II adjourned nn motion of Rob- ertson end McNeil to meet on February Nall at 1.30 p. m. 1. HF7TIIFit1NG- TON, Clerk. HAYFIELD Tuerday, Jan. 13. St. Andrew's ('inrrb.-Thr annual •weMing of St. Andrew's church was held nn Turwlay afternoon of thin week. The flnnnelal reports of all the organ Izetlolls were enenuraging, ae all 'showed nn Inereasr, especially the W. M. S, which had advanced Afty per e•nt. In its reeelpts. The hooks of the church tree,urer also showed it 1oa1- anr of over 4100, In spite of the In- crease in stipend payment//. Almost 42•111111 Was related hy the congregation end nil Its orgswleatlnnn for all pur- 111se•n. Publie library. -The annitad meeting of the library Iso.r,1 was hell In the town hall on Mondor 4fternloon, wltb a very poor attendonee eof the anb' 1eribers. Owing to the removal of the president, Rev. Mr. Everest, a new prem- itlent hnd to 1N• appoint)'!, and as no one else)' (11.4144 be found to accept Rev. A. Macfarlane was uppollted president as well ax librarian. Geo. Grerna4ade Was appointed Iserretary and treasurer, 141411 Mlss 1111411 King. it. assistant lllorartan, is in charge in the library. 'I1ie bo0or11 wfsheem to draw attention to the rule regarding the length of time a book may 1N' kept --two weeks. Many - pseople earelwaly fall to return a took for weeks, or even months, and other wnhacrlberw with )'411111 rights have -to - ATTENTION ! rwsswwwwsw Dusi g the winter months we can supply you with Fresish_ For this week we have Fetish Pickerel at.. 20c a I. Fillets 25c a Ib. Haddiies 20c a ib. Pickled Lake Herring by the dozen. Robertson & Mair 'Phone 164 Cor Hamltow St. and Square wait an nnrt'a4Dnahle time for the hook they . wait. This Is unfair, and toe d irectors would like to have an Itn- provement In this direction. They ■ Iw) wish to point tout another infringe- ment of the rubra, the habit of lendlttg a hook amongst ettbw•rtbers, or even nonanlw•rils•rt, without returning It to the Iihra*y or noUfying the librarian. d!ntesa the Itbrartan has ■ record ,t� - all books borrowed, It is lmpos'slhle to make lrlmpletr returns to the (Invent- - went, no Io expected onee a year. it Is to hr 4)04)04 that In future all nub- seritweit will Iwar these facts In mind and so save confusion for the officers. \ S>inith's Art Store Has a mice line of Stamped Goods for you to work at these long winter evenings. Everything fir fan wok m STAMPED' LINENS LMKROIDLRY SILKS CROCHLT'THRLADS CROCHLT BOOKS LTC., LTC. We do all kinds of silk and bead embroidery on gowns and blouses to order. Phone aad mail orders prompt- ly filled by Smith's Art Store Fath St, Oho/to I9$'