HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-1-15, Page 7NAL or CANADA 55th Annual Statement -29th November, 1919 Fifty-fifth Statement to the Shareholders Discloses Continued Growth of Influential Canadian Banking Institution -Total Assets Built Up to $175,000,000 and $2,000,000 Added to Reserve Fund -Significant Extension of Connections in Canada and Abroad, Aimed to Assist in the Financing of Canada's Foreign Trade -Bank in Strongest Position it Has Ever Held -1425 New Shareholders. - The. Fifty-flfth Amine! l's ,fectirii-af the Shareholders The n\sti ber cbranclve and agencies in.operation oa 01 the Union Bank of Captain. W'rirt..beld at the „Head November 30th, 1919, was 388. Ogles) of the Bank, In the Giky,of Winnipeg. at 'twelve The usual- inspire 'on of all branches and agencies has noon, on Wednesday, January 7. 1921). beet* made. . The Preaident. Mr. JOHN GALT, in the eliair. During the year A ('odimittees- were appointed /I at Vancouver, ILC., treed, Que., and London. Eng. / DIREL4T0t4Rin preenting their report, EpORT. -.---................., , JOHN GALT, '11en Direeters Lave pleas Presideat. i showing the result of the busine•rs o/ the Batik fee -the . PROFIT AND :TSS ACCOUNT g , year .ended Neveieber 30th, 1919, • • / 1)uring '. S9he yew9 branches andagraksies wen, opened Balanee at credit 01 amount, h Nevem- ber, 1918 S126.298.90 / "IV•IXe'l -4..nes...ye-a Prlheo Irsheard Island, 1 -Char- Net profits for the yeer, after`die eting ex- . peneca of nianiment, interest due depose .Ia 1 ee IPre re_ of li a Sera ur; 3-Boi&- ,-KMITATIer . hors, r,.srryttig or-filtered1and e. hange,• dust Tr urni. ' \ - 53d nt. '.ing proviaion• for bail and ubte In the l'ros in .01New,11runewiek. 2-Moneton and ful de!,ts and for rebate o );I1 udtr . • if diseoutt, have amount...el to 932,256.80. \ , ' 1,781,170.00 In the Proymee 01 eirt 13 -Blenheim. Burritt's:__Ptlitai. tan on new stock In the Proviltret Quebees ',..-.K.entlit'allit. 4 ' (Wooilliinoi and; Oen ti, Warea dan- Wm...Hawn). whi,4, Lapis...so appli.d ma foitow\• S''.'"'9.725.70 . • Rapids. Catedon, nplestIford, l'harlton. Eaden's Cor• • - ' ners. tertian River. If lin-town. I idled:, Tohale, Toronto • ' r . 111 the Pro, miry. of anitelet. . APaniont: "dada"- Pivider.41 No. 128% , 2per cent, paid lst ville, Cianw intim., (*War MAT: 1). t • Is Ie. Dropedire, Elm ' , dstaese.s inig S125,61t45 Creek. Elehinsteed. (Jras-ilk. ,-114,iii. wood, Loewe Farm. Dividend -No. 129, 23 per cent.. paid 2nd NIareand, It -teens fifsetule feskintrnsifiesebtutk,Iterseisle. - --juries .1919 '.132,770.03 Hank LaorlY. Sanf,i,-.1.. )1-..7.irl!l• l'4,K\rlilig. Winkieri Divi.lend No. lila, 21 per test., paid 2m1 Lane! vete. Main and Itlount - n. Union St dr 1ards and Dividt nd No. 131, 21; per eents, payai,le lbt 142,143.62 Winnow% (Corydon aur) 1. Y. lilliee Ave.. 1`.11da and September. 1919 West Kildottan). ' Derernber. MITI 107,799.32 • In the Peering of gosksrtr tr'irlt/4-22- rtatkant-, Transferred to Rest Account 2,0()0,000.00 __authera. C....I .1.412. JatUthe,_ tail:- .) k ;ate Fnini Pr. mium.ort new stock $1,7s1.170 • • • Guernsey. diensen, Keysteisn• Is • vi.Lunt I idi Current l'it fi 218,530 Pert* Vasj,,e, idatitariu..41,-Nitti, Nethereille, , ....i_ Ituthil !a, risk -attar, h'ew'. . etre odd. • . ; Contribution to Offieserf Pension Fund..... . W,000.110 In the ilfusinim of Alberta. 1;--.14 •a Valh y, .ttoi. Contributi4m to General Ithspital, Winnipeg 5,000.00 dale, Wilily.. Block Dituttent1.11111 t, CalgsrY. 1.ftU- War Tax un Flank Note Circulation to ,in, Clive. Du hess. leelue. Loyalist. undbreek. 'e th 'Nevernber, 1919 58.172.41 --.- - F.rimentens RinAsey,, -Sedalia. is.reensiek. .AMA „Balance. or Petits carried forward. • . •sas. • 198,222.b7 i2-9.720 Waterhol'In the *Pros ince of British Coilisibia. e (City IL Isisi.I T)ers). 2--Vaptouverx• General Staten4ent of Liabilities and Assets AS ON 29th NOVP1BE1ij919 - \ ASSETS • ._ • Gold and Silver Coin. .$ 9.-3,902.911 Dominion Godertunent - r Notes 13,724,fet.00 Deponit with the Minister of Finanee • foe the purposed. of the Ciretdation Fund •pnsit ln the Central Geld Ihmervem N tes of ut!it r Bank.; .Ch. nee on tither Banks.. Bolan • as (hie by 'other Beaks in ads. Balances\ duo by Banks and Baaki Corre-.pend-nts elsewhere than • . - Dominion an Pros-Mei:LI Dover -it g.et.ritieg tie execeding market v Canadiar. -•MuttI041,41 Securities. •.' • . Brititihrstier, ism -sand P freurit tesfirticr then C'anadian Railway and other Beindg. Debt ures and Stocks, not exceeding 11 ket value Call and Short (not exceeding Loans in (anada, on, Itonds, tares and Stocks ' Call and Shert (not extecetnng i days) Loanselvewhare thau in Can a . • ; 260,00000 .6,111/0.000.00 1,576,4S1.00 7,509.201.41 102,287.30 3140•80P•641 13,048,913.09 15,818,01.C..79 2,002,740.30 3,439,410.79. 7,956,854.74 - '-76,062,432.61 . - Other Current Loan. and D' unts in Canada (less rebate of int t) h6,529,156.17 Other Current Loans and ieeounti elsewhere than in Caned latent interest) 3,672,372.29 Real Estate other than Bank rrcnhisea76.29 Bank 150,643.10 Mortgages on Real Estate .,Id by the Overdue Debts,estinaaterf toes provided ' for 248,532.51 Bank Premises. at not mon q than efis1, hits amounts written off ., ,, .1, . • ...... T' 532,740.61 • Liabilities 0 customers slider liettire._ of Credit.s.pee contra 7,186,940.91 --Other Assets opt ',Deluded a the fore- going • 11174,989,037.47 tics* rt. - *IN GALT. Preeideat. Capital 0tock ' 600".4-100.0611 7,968.150.00 Rest Accerunt $5, ,Balanee Of Profit and . 1.4P1•s Account carried • forsard 198,222.87 85.798.222.87 CneTilm&Divielemls 10,951.73 iviclend No. 13), Py- ,' Deriember 919. 167,790.2 , 5,976,973.92 No of the Bank in $13,945,123.92 rim lation $12,508,1119.00 Drawee a not bearing inter. t 51,119,804.1A Deposit.. bearing inter - cid 84,376,709.79 Balances do to other Banks in eanada572,355.79 Balaneee due` to Banks and 11auki Corre- epondents e1ewhero . . _Alden in Caned5,0:48,941,92 153,636,631.04 Aceeptanrei under 4 - tete of Credit 7,186,940.91 Liabilities not in -eh - in the foregoing 220,361.60 $174,989,057.47 Report of the Auditor* to the holders of the Union Rank of Ca ads ' in strordance with the pr 1 0' of sub- siertiot4 Ito and 20 of Section 58 of,the Bank 11)j. Art. we report to the Shareholders a.follows: IN e have audited tho above Ratan Sheet with the hooka anci vouchlr: at Ile al , Des and with certified returns f m the Braitches. We have obtained all th information\ and • explant lone that. we have required, and are of nib opinion that the tranotarstons of the Brink which have come under our notice have beep wit hin the powers of the flank. In addition to our verification. at the 2901. .Rovember. we have. during (110 year. cheek the earth and verified the securities repreeent- Mg the investments of tho Bank at its chief ofnee and principal branches awl found them to be in agreement with -the entries in the books of the Bank rehatins thereto. . llt our opinion, the Balance Sheet is property • ten ap so as to exhibit a true and correct w of the elate of the affairs of the Bank, msi fins to the bi-' of our Intortion spill ,. _ -- (be earl:mations gil. u to u., and .1 shown py • Use bouts of the Lank. T. HARRY WRIT. E. S. READI Auditors of tat' Arm AC- GP:ORCtE A. TOUCHE is 004 with which Is amalgamated WEBB. READ a CO. • • - `.\\ Mates& 20th December. ;919. e I 1 co 11 ft A. F. He Zurich Iter J. D. Mill from Jai -nest. Miller has pur John McNab Grey township by a over Rube Livingsto Andrew Ilislop, o residents of Grey tow on the 2nd inst. in .year. CluistiareZimmerma of Hay towriThip. died daughter at Sebring ilk, aged eighty two years. Wroxeter carried the Hydro bylaw on municipal election day bya sine of ti5 to and a bylaw to lay cement sidewalks by 55 to 10. Rev. D. Johnston ha' preached (re- .tee diseate." well sermons, to the Presbyterian con- It's pmetkally Impossible to obtaie gregations of Verna and !liaise and has evidence stronger Uses this testi- taken menial, and a word to the wise is up his work at I.ucan. The marriage' took place on Nees always eutheient. If you suffer. bay* Year's Day of Emmadaughter el Nit. a sew trials -sae T.R.0.1e. and Nits. I. Stewart, East Waeanosii, to 11. 1.1,1.,',.11. 1.1.11r. I,Ilititt:,1 B. F. Cantos. of Port Colbert -1i I irestelst. Mock, S.i).• .%-zent- hlr. and Mrs. !stilton McVedie, %silo 4;d- '..dei -k1. -.Mall S1.114 to thealM.; are leaving their old home ill Nitelfts :4,' nes er to Templeton', 1.1.2 K s! township to reside at Brusssls, were got'. n . Tiit•ttwo .t nil T. It. !,. a good sendoff by their neighbots: • ladies ill- Midhael -Kriercher. a pioneer- ONT -41-11110'11)1.1"--- FRB AFTER SERVIN6 AND DISTRICT w YEARS PUNISHMENT k ▪ BEAN CONVICTISOL11011 r and (amily have rem ,ved 1 A ease air;r111AL.INTLI:ss dArrraitHrivewiiisinIth;3,40 has sold his 'merest ID The Id to his partner, C. L. Smith. !, vn to Listewel, where -Mr. ; thoughtful toasiderattuo .01111.‘• - ' lasedabWm. H. Rarroa, 103 ore.: was :lec'int4 teed%ReeHM ve of Bennington. For tan years M . Ewe. majerity ar of 19 votes ron 5.,#d hiss agonise ceased by el, former Reeve. Rheumatism. At times be was bend pioneer band aad foot by the grip of Abort. mate paime Oa tie advice of • t'.1g7C'y."sevaen'iii friend he stood for a aew trial sad st. used TILC.1a. Read what he has te says --s- . anold• resident I have bees • sufferer f rea Mar t • the home of a matiem fur tea years. have been ea bad at times I could not move las,' or foot for 'nougat. A friend advised mei te try Templeton's Rheumatic Cap- sules, and I have bees thankful eves Mika They worked weeders for mit, aad I bays never felt say return of township. isdead at the age of lily. ' ,. seven years. - He moved into ii• •„ma.. tt:i -zest d tin.)- eiiii by t . 11: e • • t, I an ship trotictilmot some *Kt) ye .i, aeo. c ' a clay b 114411. III ALI, 1 IP. 1:.1 1., k 1 Kincardine boasts that the...new mi trersIsecietary-tirasai‘r lot a oatil4ct tti ' t ti's . Government House. - Tomnto, at 11,•. Lin1.1..tv. 44 Leer.•s it o: ---ii"' celebrated h:s ninet its it ;Hair T.; , ,4- I s Lionel -11. Clarke, is a native of that. .i„o r 1....iii,. tewn. tier fattier was Sydcithem Sinai Mr: 3.4 .4 sirs W. Cs Pe t . fan Wednesday. 1)etember dIst. !lass • A trIghatn. a• , ,unce "he •em.. Elise Iii -hep. daughter of Nits and .I:- .. their Lies sly:, isba .13:7- -Mt.11 :...e. le Ate am Ilidicip, and George Fraser, ad of ' hdbert 1.ererl.:1111tiriter.. ot -Kir :71cline. tiley township, were united to' titan iage ; t lie svedritee• es tithe-lhirt Ft:A,43.41-1' Ilk , At IIIC Lutheran parsenake. Zurich. tm '14,F:sail Ifttt,Ai ;,;,:::14'ivane;u.1.•!'1":!'i by, Re v.A. J. Nlann of Brissels. • , Wednesday eeenine. ISecein!,. r ata, Rey.. dast,teldedie, sod Me* l. Cruikshats ,11itenine•united to manias.. MorrEi het. : Tut abetty. Las been eneas.d to fdl t : 111.fileimer of Me. aLd MIS. 1‘,1141 Wado, to , rano,. /. (tytyg /jam_ Qt Detruit.TIAL‘VQUnK 1. Milapi‘r.,4-1.hutopu.,--a.ukia:-L.f. His set couple foive gone to Deteot. to reside. . C.,ttly Ali Sail, h. a: d a 11 0. r ve e - The home of Mr. and Mrs.' Jasten kn43;441 twiderit 41 ties see nni...dirri at G ' Stil,,mlikr. Gotta.; ws theT1 scene 4) '', '41 S;Allt.1:; on:hi:matt -401.4tethe - 440, ; ,`;,Tray of the 'wedding Of their t4feighty years. Tee remaids. wet . ! liter: rermilda Marrs tostlet. shletefteeto w merlin; lorsbutial. -1 , sin Ila.n ind sr Torcirite, •etni i.,1 Mr. • Tse 0 ef W les teen's is r eller Yt•Ittlt.!. nnalvtrs. .. D. Harmswed of Vancouver. tpmpk. i4rte47,-;:tiy ossresa cn rteale, j ri.-e•-• . -,,, - ir - , •. „ da. cri ,-tuary-f•tt; wir-t.. al 4L-*.--lieree.ler 4, 1 I On December 3Ist Itliss Evelyn May ; Mr. end Mrs. V. R. Van N I ami, tin 1yeston. of St. Marysbecame the le ide!dauri.ter. Irene breed. became tiae tilde t si1 Herman Edscni Powe. cf Centralia, tile ,r-rk. ci,,,,,v.e H. icoei, the (*employ y i • , eedding being solemnised lit A -kill rtreet lbt-tt -pri.form.41 by Rev.11. l'erne• WIPITIEA TERM Fill314.1 JAN. STH CENTRAL erePt*Tropm. ONT. Western Ontario's Largest and Best Commercial School We give thorough courses and have experienced inornetere In Grimmer. I Mal, Shorthand and Telegraphy De• 1 parunenta. We assist graduates to pc -mitten*. Write for our free Cat- alogne. it may intk•reat D. A. MilLACH LAN, P141161)61 ihr • All Bnainese C,ollegem are not alike f444ert a sebeel carefully. ELLIOTT Yonse and Charles Sts- Toronto iovuei the pamoraor el ell who lines rummy Matrons. 041 my Cafelefore. Mawr mrarth than desels. Vr IELLI1T r, PrinziPs your.. rmrima, ob. • BRUSSELS. Chapman Bros are t ikin1 'er tie harness and shoe business of Ili: irrli & Co. Miss Muriel Slatting, after .ending the Christmas holidays at the home of her mother. Mrs. George Spieling. has gone to Albert Callege, Bellevi,le. r take .11•111111. • The Signal calendars far 1926 arrived Pa/ yaw seaserislis asl set one. School of Commerce Clinton sad Goderich, Ontario Offers the fallowing cour- , RUMNESS STENOGRAPHIC SECRETART '1 • 111%11. fr' Vt• and meanies Special Courses Inc ooderes. The following. advsft ghly qualified tea, ,una 1111 Actual business system of hoostee, dig Credential typewrittng telt' Position' sttaranteed Verations1 Trebling St to 1. the diorite. lo GnIrvrnswoya sr nor Gni markt mapartirat by %MAW ( arra • Aka* so Choarnmeat Fee twos tiw . .950 11 A. ST(' r B. F. WMID. 5. .M. A -t., Car C .711ear 11413111E tte Whiter terms begins Igen., 30 *Pcissd'd'itesere;.--' • 4.5""• '"did;;e1-444111.'"idists.ss-seit-red41. • .. a course -to qual fy her for social servic• cwhoturck bin. connection with the Meth''dist 'At the home of Mr. and Mrs. -.1;ihr Hewitt. lituesele. en New Year's Eve. their rmly daught et. Rhoda Nits,. bream the bride of Thema.- Willie Mitchell, 01 - (Ivey townehip. The- wedding ceremony was perfornted by Rev. A. .1 Mans, The young cormle resole on the Ilth concession of Grey. A mild case of smallpox developed it Brussels; the rill tent heing L ovr1 Jackson, • who Was ' home from Toronto to spend the Christma vacation with his pereele. Precaution acre taken and it i..spetRstliete will h no further c re k mao 11 -- not hsen vaccinated • At the home of Mr MN Jame Burgen, lirusse.s, tseir asukhter. Lili Florence, Waft 'united' i. gi otriN f Richard Frederick rk. Gre township. Rev. A. ". in effiseeite. dlr. and Mrs, Os 1. -se' cinnmerwee married life at theit her, 'fin the 13t\ eencemion of Grey. The smallpox ale. w the caivie for a general vaccinati. 11 trra Thr4'. doctors and a nur..• dap. the public lihrsiry 111 • -rie day ' week or tendinf r. van present, 5'. ('l AN!. therneelves fotaracss • . tylr d Mrs. James Hamilton and ' 15 rie. ' , Miss Alice, are Mating to what 41 -t?'" °shies. reside. Prior to his deperture, A mutt abobe ow:, sawn was presented with a gold- . • s__...ass-,-sesaasseSe'' 'fbrir slay, ititiWirl 13, Drfl. G AR1‘)/1&N TS for Wintry Weather Stanfield's Underwear stands the. 'test. Try. it once and you will find sat- istac tion, ‘v,e A • have it', and also r",,,,,0:106 other makes of in• untler*ear- f \ men and. boys. A Dogskin Coat is a mighty fine thing to hay, these aild days it costs a little money but will not be long in payin.g itseli. in the comfort and security against cOlil-v_viuch it gives. --Mc.LEAN B -ROS. Sernidteady Tailors and Gents' Fursi.hers THE SQUARE GODERICH 'Methodist church. _Lond_on,...11.e.s.brule4_,_14,1&myalp uctutitit elm/aired before her marriage taught School at- Ao 'Raga scree)... on Nidiatou.si "Did the dentist cause you much pa Frank McCutcheon. of Morris- mewl hueknow /Use- its fret lady"- pchoui!ereesz.t.rac„ottinsoir ymouuc5iteeasthhee"di extracting h Centralia.' shiP.diedion the 4111.1 at the age-nf • truster. LUCKNI1W. •dity-iiiree sears. He In°41 beers tiling At the fledlidpal- niniiittaticins ▪ , four women wine item. :1 for the. public health for two years. BesiT del' ; schoolthuard: Vas -1'L Mitchell. Mrs. E. . - . Nothilig is made in \•arn except the ,_ extremely fashionsibie ...el-- she is 4 maiden yam. ; .. is Some women are goodstoLking until - they find it nut, he leaves three suns and t\u daugh; eta JButtonand Mrs. Mr. McCutcheon wasanrOm the term ! B. T. tulips. Tor ‘1 chenzie- Mrs . . three -Lest . named on by. acclamation, taking the. place ofer -1 l • h ' which he died, ' ' withdrew. but Nits Mitch 41 was elected Lulu. eldest daughter of Mi 'sand -1rt• W. A. Rutherford. Vs tweeter. -was niar- 1 at ihum,40.0.4sband on the41::illd rieb on WednesdaY. tlecembre .11:4' : the mime of her Parents-IiiT)r. Russel . C. Wood. of Tottenham. The eereatouy 1. the was' ot a dos mill. dessrs. Lego.; was performed by „f and Cwt. of Myth, have -pureimeesi Res (j J. Ken' - i concrete nuerlitig near tie; I ..alway station Mr. and MIS. John McGee, Delgrave, i iksz it' ovbneai!otrl si t• The,ettiedaghifi'ldtoratiul•ii.xdinmithl.am1 i Gorr*, unele of the groom. ,.... .. celebrated their fiftieth wedding anuiver- i purchasers say they will Live &he mill in sary on New Year's Day.. The wedding , operaron by tie!. ssurninst seri lid! em- look place in 1:anark. andrialt. and _.Mr!.. i yam, t wemynesesesseisses - the seat_ and lived on deed larm on' the 10th ciiti•tof Lebanon. lesions, i- viertmg, his alerts -Burgess. a Ltickus w ti Is 4y. new McGee came to East Viiiiivanosh in 1870. ! cession until last summer, when they re- 1sisters, the Misses Butgess - , 1------ M _ _. : , . tired to Belgrave. - ; .The funetZ-illtir-s. Wm. MdClure took Florence May:. elitesdaughter of Mrspram 1...i,. the deeeadil • liaising. passed -- - ;- . .... and Mts. Edward (;iii. and Willi -am -Hugh •,away at. her..hom,,e at so,,.... saskarche. -. • . • -- - Loveeldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John wall. and the remains Lew,: brotwht 141 The Signal -Arid Toronto Daily Globe Love; all of Stephen, were united in ; rhe hom„f her [at !''t H„ NI, marriage hy Rev. 'IX- W. Williams on ' Clure, here.. Nirs. Met-,itire before her The Signal and Daily Mail and Empire New Year's Liay. -Tbe--Ytxtnit eulfillest•macriase was alias Ede.. Cebsonand will reside on the groom's firm in Stephen. ' belore -going' west the famny had lived at 1 he -ame day was the twenty-fifth ad. i Goderich. The husband -end two small niversary of.the wedding of the groom s 1 ciradrro survives father and methei.611.1E011TH. At the home of Mrs. J. L Phillips, ! Hallett. on New -Year's Eve, her daugh•erst Michael Walsh. Idle els the Pioneer Emma Myrtlewas united in the bonds , residents of ..NKilnitfizanadiofr.t.h,ttittleedlaismt of matrimony to Ira Howard Merrill. son t few years- aTe7Iid se of Mr. and !tire- S. 11. Merrill of GOde...1Jannaty_fith hishis seventy -thud year. rich township. The miratal ,cere• Ile hadUst 6ren initeles- of liv•Atti. fnr mony _ was perfornmd by . vv. T. E. some leaf s. Nit. W a'sh w115 a nailsof Saws et, of 1.ottdesh.r'. After an evening- IrelaPtheoinhat to that- Lout -try When a of festivity the happy couple left for their boy. Besides his eel,* , three da.uglitqrs. home on the NIAitiand concession. Gide- and one 51.0 survive hin• ss - rich township. .. __Miss Janet Leckie died en 'Sunday; 4th The death of William Turner, a pioneer irist„ in Eemondviller eller .4 snort . dines+. resident Of this tryttni y. occurred tannery'cd pecormatieWalise - wi, 4 it, her sixty- . 301 'at the . home at his daughter. NI's. eighth ire and had- err t nraiawatlyr alt James Hill, Loudesh, ns. at , he great ag : he.- life. in Tuckersinith t 'Amino and of ninety years. The deceased Was el Senforth. native of Ireland, lital carne with his The bylaw autlintititis Ore horroiiing parents to Canada in 1438:. ' In -1811 lie by Trie-..toww -council:of rr1100- for tilt - came to Hurod comity. Taking up iand' erection of a In nument,in Seaf:th es it, in Stanley townahip, he lived there until soldiers' mime ial was cs. lied by a vote i 1876. then rtioNaeTTrrstindesictethwn hip, of psyste_est.._ . • _ l .. and after a shertlime there yeent to live' Arthur Routledgehas sold his butCher- !lin' Year* inn 11USMewa in listmondville to Muday with Mr.. Hill. His wife ago and of their lift children nine -i laro_s., 01 Tuckeistestli, mid . will take d survive anel are sca over -the trip to the West. deem. fhe furor funeratiook place to BayfieldMis. Mts. Rs S. Hays was called (o. 1)etroit metery. last _emir by. tbe illnes 04 CLINTON. s.. resulting_ • death, ol her sister; mriciliTury,-11-ttiat mu -teethe -rot eiec n day. as tet -whether they were in team the establishing of a muni. Ip ti coal Pi' wood yardwas answered tithe affiniasti , by a majority of IS7 vote- . • At the me of Mr. and Mrs, 1 11. CoIe on We 1414, -lay, Decenther, 31s1. 1 ir lnuahter 4n e Henrietta, was united marriage td'1 iry (AMY, 01 Hullert, IC v. S. Anderson r atirig. The young co sp¶pe• nt a few d- ' G (fetich before g, to tfieir hoine.in 11 lied. A serious fire tir MUM* eve, •-••• last wee at the of A. Mags •,.•, It is supposed to haat started from • overheated pipe and h • • -lined cons able head , ay. begot ..ng -dis• .1 Most of 11 • cOntentF we, g ,1'0111t. the forme was &MOM letely 4: stroyed. The funeral of the late V 'llar' ' of Detteit, took place her, 'd 14. of last -seek, Nlessrs. W. J. Ila Guelph inorge and A. T., and the 1.. ,• Ida and Lona liar -land. of Detroit, %Nie here for • 'le funeral. Mr. r, rt Mr4-:`Tynerdind• 'Tyner t,, viitg sold their Item at flume, hill jit weft -Kent. of Iexion, ! ve crone -lintorkto retitle. Another U ty which 1• moved to Clinton Is that 11. I twern1 s nf the London rodd.. EXETER. 'The death occurred nn New Years morning of Pichard fh,wney, in bis eighty-sixth year. -The deceased came to Osborne 10 di nearToreidatat hen a boy and assistr d in clearing Ire land of the forests which-Ahen cr., erred it. About forty years ago he *101 1,, Manitoba at d lived there until fifteen years ago, when he ft turned to Exeter. ' Alex. M.1 alt. a forfn-r business man of Exeter, 'died at Londnii on December 3Ist. at the age. of sixty years. For a number of years Mr. Tait was in pattner. ship with James Murray in the loundr: busi ess.here. Ilertsitivers, who frme. time ago re- iurned from overseas, is Mundial; to England with his wife, to whom.( Waf4 married while he was over thfre. Ile was barque tied by his ft r.'nds prior to his departure. Lendon Free Preis: Nit. and Mrs. Isaac De Yell mistime-, the engagement of their daushtets Eite ,. Jo, Mr. J. Acheson.-virn of Mr. et t: rs. W. T. Acheson. of Exeter T, • marriage ecu' - my was performer! on Saturday even• g ate7atihrdr'cirraki. in at pt_etetsimetory o'olf Nsir Ntt. r:.6C3,aerfeta‘ Wider Of the bi) 1920. • . , $5. 525 The Signatand Toronto Daily World 525 The Signal and Sunday World 3.75 The Signal and Toronto Daily Star 4.30 The Signal and London Daily Advertiser5.25 The Signal aiid London Daily Free Press 5.25 The Signal and Montreal Famay. and Weekly Star 2.90 The Signal and Rural Canada - 2.00 The Signal and Farmers' Magazine 2.50 The Signal and Farmers' Sun Toronto) 2.90 The Signal and Farm and Dairy 2.40 The Signal and Canadian Countryman... 2.25 The Signal ata Canadian Poultry journal 2.00 (Hamilton) The Signal and -Montreal Weekly Witness 2.90 The Signal and World Wide The Signal and Saturday Night (Toronto)" 4.25 The Signal and Presbyterian and West- " • minster 3.30 The Signal and Catholic Record 2.75 -Mt Sgilei Mid Youth's Companion (Boston)... 3.75 The Signal and Wontan'kHome Companion 3.25 an 1 rid Thlit I" , a, lona.* ans. rettoserr 1111 .11'.1r the "women get even. •foro you leap ! mlaill111111111111111111r- (New York) The Signal and Canadian Magazine 3.50 The Signal arid McLean's Magazine.. . 3.00 The Signal and Rod and Gun - • 2.90 Thee., ratteemre fee pawns sea to 441.1reseineln Canada. The above publications may be obtained by Signal subscribers ih any combination, the price for any pub- lication being the figure given above less $1.50 repre- senting the price of The Signal. For instance: 11T"Tho Mellott! mt '.'rf.tt"lesirti$1.54V1)“"ala *ud Weakly 8t&r.."375 $4140 making the price of the three papers $6.40. 1:11" If the peri(xlical you want is not in above.* let ui ist know -t note or express order -N0i' by e. n, / - THE Si(, L PRINTINti CO., L1%1 -if° ,oderich, Ontario