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The Signal, 1920-1-15, Page 1
r \. nerxe�e�♦u,r 1920 CALENDARS. Apretty ('alrulklr grxrl with each paid It-udvaute Imb- oCspilon to The $Ignul for 11..1!1. Now le the time to re- new, or, if you a re not aI- readj a suhseriber, to 1144 .1/1114. one. 61 ♦, 1,44 • NO. 3-ME%'ENT%-THIItJ) I► )• i • 10114 1 L• RENEWAL TIME. Vat* auhacriptiou to. The Signal 51.50 in advance 1,2.011 10 adtIce•ss(s III the [II 111•II States. TIE STERLIN61ANKI O F CANADA' BUSY FARMERS Busy Dinners have got the time to puzzle over financial matters. Whey let their banker assist them. Sterling Bank branch Managers are specially - capahle of doing this.. They base' -made a study of farm financing. They will welcome you at any time, especially if von are considering more extensive farming. SAVE AND PROSPER The companions of Victory are Work and Thrift. If the people of Canada practise these essentials, our great problems of reconstruction can be settled to the mutual benefit of all. Don't waste! Save and prosper. Ilia THE CANADIAN BANK OF ' CO CE \' PAID-UP CAPITAL - $15.000. RESERVE FUND - _• $ 15.000. GODERICH BRANCH, G. Williams, Mar'nger. 1 POR SALIL PRIVATE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Owe Hay TMaght range, 1 baby 2 i Chem lave �sdlrfr I sere.1 W gone r eioitil aril Moll Stand._1 ry tubae, 1 Perfected. a [try's bicycle, 1 child's ora. spnnp and met. trees: 1 single bed. .Pr inti gad mattress; • tow .IrellSr articks TkSae ertK4a have had very little wear and are M teres. I E. L DEAK, Para Street. iolinoitel Quantity of 0000 nCED Troop FOR SALE at 58 }ler single cord. delivered, THE GODERICH MANUFACTURING CO., LIMITED. (Foot of Anglesea St.) Phone 81. TENDERS WANTED. TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED gka nedersegned up to and melodies T , Passat,/ talk Ivan br ttte Mellowing: i IOC r• +saes.-- 3- at (Suety Jest. -- a. Men d•4I ...d at Comity Jail, per pound. 4. loaf.Bread delivered at County Jan. per 14 or. S. Ten tarda M Rae.. hard body wood. beech and maple, 4 IL. I1t�, d neat at County lad, on or belle Much flat swat. Parties wishing to lender for 1 er 2 rill please ask lor forms. All tenders to be sealed and marked "Tender" DAMAGED GRAIN. Manitboa wheat, slightly damaged bF water. For sale in any quantities. W. M McLEAN, Opera House Block. Goderich. - NYE SALE OL -REI R SALE. - A RED BR ICK HOUSE, with as modern conveniences. Apps to OSEPH C. GRIFFIN, Gaoler. 7e! -t f NOTICE! This is what you have bee% looking` for- a ae nein, bargee'. One-quarter acre lot, two awaea and a Inge stable, in one of the best rem dewt,al partite the town. All for 51,000. Also several her good properties for sale at reasonable. Ri P. J. RYAN, i urance and Real Estate. Pilon :00 -I --G. M. Kipp 1 QUALIFIED SURVEYOR YEYOR and DRAFTSMAN IResidence Phone 44 I GEO. W. HOLMAN. Gederieb. tan. 5(b. 14244 1 Count y Clerk.1 21 Furs Wanted ! Hi Prices Paid BROWN BROS. Phone 2711 - ra• tea► CRAiGIE'S ASSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE For �a ` One-story. frusta with 7 room%, furnace. electric light and hath, newly decorated thronghout. garage on proppeerty, situated on the corner of Month street and Elgin avenue. J. W. CRAIGIE Fin, Life, Accident and Automobile Insurance • Canadian -American - Trade Relations Ila America's last fiscal year Canada sold 8400,000,- 000 of her rodnots In the U. M. Market, but purobsesd there 5700,000,000 Ot [roods. Thug 51,100,000,000 or Canadian-Amories° trade was aff•oteid bythe fOeettnattons in Canadian Rzobanps. We maw:aln separate Furst 'n I�ehangs Departments waderspe- olaBats at our Mew York, London, Montreal,Toronto, Winnipeg and Vancouver 13ranoas, to offer yon the fullest measure of asdstsnos in your trade financing. dala UNION BANK OF CANADA GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JAN. 15, 1920 DO FINE 1EATIIRR► Ther' weer foo ecu>. of going about THEY'RE OFF FOR 1920. ( MACRE /PINE RiRDS! tills natter of ludustrk•s t►Ix• might NOTICE OF MEETING. THE SiGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED. Publishers. a At©D€R` RAL 1ETY L AND The annual meeting of the Goderech industrial and A4tncutlur.l Society rill be held In the Town 11YL Goderich, at Ike p. m. On Tuesday,the '20th day of . tanuary, iva), for election 4 o .ra, receiving statement and general business. DR. W. F. CLARK. Goderich, Ont. th•'C'Y-Treaa. ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting M the members of the Mc - Killop Mutual Fire Insurance Company rill be held in the 1 own Hall, Seatorth, on kYruay, Feb- ruary rail,1924),at2p,m. 1 he business of the meeting tin he to receive the [annual statement and auditor.' repot , the electing of three directors and two auditors and othei' T 44kk. which might be of interest t the Com•---- CaU at Ile Town Ilan and Get ths. Answer. 1Vherl- a few days ago the eivk• orators 111411 forth the air now• resounds to tilt. t ',ming of highbred roosters. and judging froiWth • uols• they make they were all ekel•till. Tile l.r•ashru is the twenty-fourth 19, md-winter ex- hibition of ala• Huron Ibnuty Poultry and Per Stock Aeu.M•lution, which has gathered togt'tlwr n large tlumla•r of bird*, as well ax of 1, i stock. from various taints ht the tool lw- youd. True to truditi„tt. flit. allow Mtn the stormiest WSOk of the seriso t --a rt.' o fact that Wllltattea greatly against We The retiring directors are Wm. Rion, Robert • 1 number of exhibits. .1 large number Fern. and Jas. Connolly, who ere eiNgewe 1.., re.' Or toirus were to hurl• coax- from blots elei1 at a distance., WN owing to the t,M JAMES CONNOLLY. President I wt•atht•r a1111 11w dIthcmltil•4 of tralls- THuo. E. HATS. Set-retaty. A LE.�NDRA �41ARINE AND Gg- pi). INtorl.rtatiolhne' kept their some Of the l.trrs•kratl Benuve e. [RAL IrioSPITAL• No fewer than two hnuelror1 birds were to have room from 111xalstds'k alone. The annual meeting for the receiving .t the ball although .er'r11 crates rx we Board and the annual report of the thrnlgh from there blst uiklit the ship - Hooke el 1 rosters well be held to the Court Hoare un Thu, sday evenmr Janus:y=3d. at tuent ens only a fraction of what was o'clock p. m. ' expected. Itepresentabves of societies. and others who a In itioI to the are interested in the hap.aal wok, are respect. poultry there is a fully requested to be present. g )oil showing of pigeons of various breeds. C. C. HILL. JOSEPH KIDD, and an unusually large number of rabbits Secrew y. President. I and hares. Something which many had never seen before N the Siberian hare. of PUBLIC aoTICE. !which there are halfa-dozen or more on i exhibition. They are big black fellows MEETING OF Hl}RON CDiINTY t and are bred for their meat and fur. To some of the poultry -fanciers ultry fanciers who never tire talking of their birds, the show is as good asa week's holiday; but even to the -outsider," who hardly knows the differ- ence between a Hamburg and a W yandotte_ without looking at the ticket. it is inter- esting to observe the various breeda_and. the wonderful degree of perfection to which the individual birds have been brought. It may not be generally known that Huron. is one of tete greatest poultry districts in the Province 1t is. neverthe- less, true. with regard both to the total The council of the corporation of the county M fission will meet in the council chamber. Gude. rich. at 3 o'clock on Ili ernoon;ol Tuesday. the .'th day n. any, 11.241. All account. must be en the hands of the clerk not later than Mon- day Receding the meeting of counc,i GEO. W. HOLMAN. County Clerk. Goderich. Jan. IUt h. 1911. 2t ()R. F. J. R. FORSTER. • - - EYE. EAR, NOSE. THROAT. tete House Surpo. New York Ophthalmic I value of the poultry stock raised in this and Aural Hospital sesatant at Mooreheid•s county and to the quality of the stock. one HasWon �` Golden Square Thrust Hos. At the Provincial Winter Fair at Guelph Id Waterloo St. S.. Stratford. Tdepborle tp. last month such exhibitors as Walter Rose ,d Brusaets, Wm. Caner of Londes- day. February Ilth, at 7.su p. m., to Thursday, boro'. Thos. Bower and W. F. Angus of. February i*th, at 1 p. m. Winggham• John Webb and S. G. McKay UPHOLSTERY of Godt11Ch were •e-oOng the leading prize -winners. te. combined wlnmrgs being greater, the combined winnings Our upholMerer is prepared to do of an equal number of men from any REPAIR WORK • other county ted at the fair. In spite oft handicap of cold and kg 111 _- - _____ .-storm the local �area tjlis year holds Tp . _ _ - -'Ra own both in quanitty and quality of exhibits. it is noticeable, however, that THEGODERICII MERCA NTILECO the light birds are more numerous than the heavy ones. The poultrymen say that the high cost of feed militates against the keeping of the heavy stock. and the tendency to the lighter -feeders is reflected in the exhibition. The exhibitors include H. J. Hauser, of As there are a considerable number of Hamilton; David Bogue. of Byron: Leslie caret of smallpox in Toronto. as well as G. Mutton, of Mitchell; W. J. Statham in some portions of Western Ontario. the and J. H. Grieve, of Exeter, Norman Board of Health would advise as aMacDougall, of London, Wm. Henderson ventive measure that all pre- & Son' of Woodstock; George Graham, of who have not been vacclna(edd Mitchell; Matthew & Tay;•x, of Wood - ns within three years should have vac. stock; A. Fink & Son, of Woodstock; and cination performed at once. Am John Weiss, SSG. McKay. F�nrrank Jeffrey, E.W. Fraser, 11 os. Hoggarth, Christopher Johnston. Wm. Webster. John Webb. Wm. ti Doak, Sheardown Bros.. Harold Kaitting, F. Woollcombe, Colin Hunter. J. E. Mulch, R. C. Poatlethwaite, G. P. _ AUCTIOII SALES, Gould and J. J. Moser, of town. The officers of the Huron Poultry and AUCTION SALE of FARM Pet Stock Association are: President, Geo. AND IMPLEMENTS. S1 Beacom: fiat vice-president. J.S. Howrie; second vice-president. Wren Sheardown: \ secretary -treasurer, M. E. Lymburner; At lot 1. concession 4. E.�j A.IIA.M. ora superintendent, R. C. Postlethwaite. The FRIDAY. JANDARY teed local directors are S. G. McKay, Johr, I40es•s,-One mare, rising `yeah old; i stare. Webb, Thomas S. til and w m. H rima 3 yeah Md; 1 `sacral purpose horse, done Doak. R years aid: 1 mare. 1! old,.rppo.ed to be in foal I illy, Hung 2year.old.Mr. A. W. Iron. of Guelph, it the Cattts.- One cow. 4 years old, due in Fehru- Midge. aryl 1 cow, 10 earn old. supposed tpo.ei tone In calf: h The Lithihiti,m will continue until 10.30 cow, 43yars of .idue inJ to be et mei 1 haler, rising fear. old, due in January: 1 haler, Hunt o clock -Friday night, and the townspeople 2 year. old: 3 steers. rising 2 years old, a steer., will find the town hall an interesting place rising t veer old: a calces. Pt1.a.-one brood now, due in Apra, 2 yon„[ to spend an hour or half-hour while the sows, doe in April: 4 a months Md. show is On. ... Irletamemrs.-one /-it. rut bidder. I Ch. Cu( mown loth McCormick mak. 1 10.(oot hayrake, MI brie. 1 der, 1 he; I seder. 1 cultic•tor, loth A pretty 1820 calendar with every new aury -Ha ria make; 1 .at iron harrows, 2 walk. Mg plow.. 1 Ipnr twin mown. 1 wdeteln pow. 1 or renewal subscription Lo The Signkl for Sumer wagon. 1 sat bobsleighs, 1 set light sleighs the coming ye>if, 1 aatrlyterel u`Q. 1 road buoy. 1 cutter, 1 luau. gnvN pOg 1 IR har- t At Bedford Hotel. Goderrh, from Wedoes- Local Board of Health VACCINATION NOTICE. outbreak of smallpox is to be avoided by all posable means and the only method of prevention a by successful vaccination. A. D. MCLEAN, A. C. HUNTER, Chairman.M.0.H. ru et. 1 Daisy churn. I heaitlg mill. 1 noshing machine, 1 set 2.01) IM. sage, 2 sugar kettles, 1 hayfork, rope and pul- leys; 1 wt double harness. 1 set single dearness, 2 grindstones. forks,' chains, }hovels. whtMetrees. neck silt e and 1 A mal other articles to mealion. too aulaKraus Fora.. -Slay pullet.. I Blackstone'. is tax tach 10 ` that imE,svterNMeK must be sold, ss proprietor is going gift box of chocolate.. p . �• Coast -sealed oyst good, at Edwards'. always fresh and Talus -All some of 1110 and under, cash; over that ■mount. 9 moods'- aedit will be given as furnishing approved joint notes. A discount cf t T�(1 per cern. allowed ole ra cask on credit amounts sl'`' R SALE. -ONE ONE. RSE FREI) McGLYNN, JOHN PURVIS i pair of weighs wltk platform; clad set Proprietor. Auctioneer. of hr MM. ROBERT AK, South S WANTED WANTED AT ONCE. -A RESIDENT laundress fa the A�ezaedral H�uoaappItah Wages S9. a month. Apply to MISS KING. LINEMAN WANTED FOR CODE - RICH Rural Talepho.a System. Duties to commence February 7t til Meat h, proper) qualified for cable and •witchbo rd work. Ten- ders Jabe nuary by THOS.ived sot TOlatTHsRS• Managehee r. Dungannon. 11 ANTED. -A GOOD MAID FOR general hnuiitework. Apply t. MRS. W. T. MURNF.Y. Britannia Rood. It 1US1c. FREDERIC T. EGENER. Mn,sBac. SINGING PIANOFORTE PI PH ORGAN Studio nest to P. J. MacEwan's Garage EUCHRE AND DANCE In (AldfellOwa' Hall, on TUESDAY. JANUARY rusk, 19.9. tinder anspllrsr of Woniea'a lautltnte Carts 44 to 10.30. !)raring 11 to 1. ADMISSION Ladles We. - Gentlemen 58e. ....s1..f�..... -EUCHRE AND DANCE- Aospsces of Holy Name Society en ODDFELLOWS' HALL Wednesday Evening, January 21.t t:)a o'clock *rap ---- - Cards Dancing Refreshen/eat EAST OR MID. Nitre by Orchestra Goderich Branch F. Wookomb Man ligei r.A In • 1i110!11Wilk _ NDAy,Milt �me A lled pia. Aa.gltn.w. - - - Me. Inauplral M 'ting of Town Council - Mastic. Wile Las. 111 an Wigle Out Extetrlte Program. The inaugural meeting of the newly - elected town cumuli conceited at the town !tall at 11 Write* Monday morn- ing. All the mrnlla•rs were pltl'twut, namely : E. It. Wigle, �llayor: T. H. Wallis, Reeve W. F. ('lark, Ik'Wb Reeve; H. 1'. Dunlop, (4:'11. llnntla•r, 1V. M. Knight. T. 11. Mitchell, J. J. )(os'r and J. story, councillors. The clerk mead the de•larut1uu of election results anti, Ite•..1. l . Fort. at the request of tilt• Mayor, opened the prarrrlhigs of the -your. wltk pniyer. Tie May['• X(7ireaa. His Vorali1p then gave Ida Inaugural address. Ile congra 411111 t'11 the W4'U1 Ja'ta Of- the e,ttus•11 oti tht•ir 14l' -t1011 and the town noon Ila chane of a council. To the new memisers. hs• maid, the 411144444 tion of fitiap(e W01111 Io• in Important tow. They were beginning the v0ar with an oier,lraaft of *844,(aal. This wax eorcrel by meets, hut .aft these 11aWta (lould nut all he liquidated 11 would 1a• m'/raxary to Morrow. The debentures for sewer work done last year should Is" issued at 01111•, Ns 4he market wax DOW favorable. A bylaw should Iw prepared for the. investment of the Interest worry, from the West Shore hallway funds: the greens! opinion ,sou* t to It• that theme xhotdd Iw plated lot a stoking final to meet the W. S. It. debt when It comer$ dor. The deal with the (:alerich Merrell - tile ('o. -51x,11111 be dosed up. so that the ('omlmlliy Inlglnt have a el'ur.ale't for I�a sopet•IU iutiN. With regard to pubile works, he had felt that the town shtould adopt a definite policy in its road `alprore tent work and carry 11 11n from 'year to year. The ne1'.tnry work (1n the intron road, making It part of the county` road sys- Ien, should 1w pr w-v.11st with. Ar- ratIgem'nts had Iswu made y 4114. Ite•vo of Iasi year for the u of a stow's•nlahaer, alul the eonw'ti ,of also consider the purchase of a road - The question of the tr0at ml'(it of- wewago would hare fu to fasted sohl•r or lour. and 111. Worship mug gilded that a report tae obtained from t1w Provincial engineer as to what is ae'•ssary to 1's• 1 • ('emltasaion fee Parks. He haat .aha - 1he Mayor. recommended the 1•atabllah- lug of a lotnwf$sion to take. charge O1 1 the cemetery 111111 parka, nods• tip, may. of a member of the crnux•11 as chairman and two t'Itiz1•ua tolls' appointed by tlnl• council but not (-hanged every year as the present cuwmitter`Ja. This w011141 allow of the earrying'tail of a per- manent policy for tilt• Improco'm1'ut of the cemetery and parka. During tow coming year there tuight 111• some ex- tension of the parka /11111 additions to the amusement futilities for children. I the way of harbor improvement lis thought t1•' council, In conjunction with the IkOHrd of Trade, should pre- pare to urge upon the Government, at the proper time, the town's claims for work at the harbor. Including drlrlgntyr to accommodate Mets of larger draft. .During the last few years the m •y 'spent upon the tare departtn'nt had been merely to keep up the old equip- ment. ,, town of this .size could afford t(1 have N the trtte•k, and the pnr•h1154' of one might he e)1wid,rrl. The ques- tion of as new town hall [night 10 bast receive connitrratfon. flans for a 111'W building were got out 44)044• years ago. A snggeNtlon lull be'n le that the presrat building 1w saki-4tn11 11 new sit' phre•has.l. The question of estabtl�•h- Ing N market alight also be taken np by a committee Nod an ('xp'rlment along Mix line plight be made this year. A laical representative of the Hoard of ('omm'rc' 1of,4'unatta watt to 1w ap- pointed, before whom night h• !slot complaints of nurtteprapg• eltargen fur goods mold Ill tills emutnntrlty. The Ihomluion I:overnmt+yt wax making a distribution _ttf_a¢r.:1 his, anti the renown should pt•Ptw a .NIm for weep Of these for this town: matter of a soldiers one' lel wax `also to 1oe con'slderel. rin many placl'a th're had leen some °recognition by thee, muni- cipality of the returned aoldle'l*: In (lalrrfrh, very little, if anything:had been done in this direction. and Ow council should 'nitalder what 9 timid do. The Honor Stoll aholdd be Com- pleted. fraln'd and hong np. The Aaw'%sment Question. Aiw'ssm.nt was a burning gnPstlon with the people. There might to not an Rauch an inereasel amsrtsment as an eltlaTizeol one. In appointing an Stleoeretsur some Chang' might be adopted, wlthnnt any rette•tion upon the prrarut a1oketor. The tax roll bad increment from 28000 In 1003 to 117:4,(4R) le 1019. In oi'11 to lave the aM.'aeasnwnt enm- pleted 1 time the emin'll might ap- point an assessor for etch ward, with Mr. ('ampbell as chief assessor and et -Nonni -Mole for the whole work, or an asalstnnt for ,dr. Campbell might he appointed. la the cities and large towing the aw4M5tnent arse not ■Il made by One ma.. If the taxes were got" In earlier closer Onaw•Ing could he dose. Ills Narwhlp thea evoke of a achene for getting a larger excursion auto - tourist trade for tlolirlch and sug- gested how this might toe done, Ts Develop i,whiatriew. ile agate advo'.ted the appointment of a chartered •ecounta•t to andlf tha took.' of the tows ■ad Improve the method of getting ont the animal state merit For Inatome,, the proft from ale water sad Itght anoints wax spent on empital amount, bat fhb,' was ant .sown by the proer•1 •tuteaMt. t•rl•as-4il development wee • gre iimsdlna 1. the sweat ebetloa. Tom maid cot go oat with a Il•rket basket Isar litalbiet IMMO Oil SS HAS l 0l' RENEWED I.• termwl hnh•ensl iudlt!+jrtaL ilevelup- I -. -.-__ uncut. to develop what we alrwdy hoc.•.' , TIt,' signal 11ppryta1041 ft ho 'or i115htwr•, the crueler of the us• of I ; th(1nghtfiiIiwss of thane wubw•rtb- tl by-product. of null wlght M' ta►e•m 11.11."!2n rs wh(1 hues 41111)1 for th'fr plpnr up•with Mr. Warfel*. to nee 1f anything I for the coming year, and trusts a• 1(111*'. Icoolerh %HS the that Many more will 4111 11141.111/44. a ,li hwk and Mr. N1111111 (1w next few 411ys. The Ispll 414/414the tat11M1 person -I1.. WIM k of 1tILYl ealetslars la dw•iwl- 1t. He build' the loners and ling, and those who have not al - 1 dere was no reason wilt' t also build the hulls. Ar rt.adt• secured one 4118)111(1 n 1101 de- light go into this atter I Inc too long. Bach nulna•rila•r en there might he 111•- I 'ho plum his stdtw'riptk►n for a yelr in x/ltantw is swatted 10 • • t °inside. by bringing in cal'ndar. t 'rhe Innen Industry Waw 1.•1118 llrr olarl in ('analta. A factory Itud heel 's1al111s111r1 Mt (:u'Ipit ALE ..1NDIt.A M.\KINE .\ND -lith it I. fro the 4:inernntent,_ I.F:NERAI. HOSPITAL. and'fhe council ml 't ewe If one could • not be secured for 'olerit•it. - 1'niteI Treasurer Report. October 1. 1*11R N 10altw Judustriees„u Laking for else - 1Weyl her 341, 1919. --- - tension in ('emote. nil somt•thiug might 1w 4 • to bring ome of thew. braurlws to Goderich. - Ills Worship asked the 11 •11 to consider tht•st• nulttt.rs seri usly atilt without test much delay, and liH•luderl With some suggestions for mal raining the dignity of 1111• proceedings f, t18• (lumen. Thr *'lose of the ptt4lnae wI04 marked by aliphims..- ------7---,- \ motion was passer) appointing the Als trek Chapter MLrelt.r, 1f11eve, Iti'plity Reeve alai Conn- Mrs. llhwr t1r efllorn story and MItehell a (ornm11ter Sllbaerlptiou, Victory Bond to strike the standing (otumitte•a for .I1144)1144 Lodge 111.' year, awl the erounl•il adjourned Fred l'rbllmno preparing w :1ricti from sterling The follow'i1 - report of the Iln1(nrIal statement of t' • Alexandra General au1 JJariue• How al will be read at the u 1 mewthn i Thursday, Janu- ary 2'..lH1,rh4Wlug t e rowelpts and ex-. {tenses of the hosp during 1919. This statement you w 1 1Hdee has tw en audited by lir. Wm. 1 .... :..........lir...... to rte.-ttet. -t, -1!11!4 while this 1114.111111”141. was Tv it Of` its Monte. 1'.'heu the (Ismail again eon- Transfer tenet the report of the striking tom- Iplllk hitless was -adopted. as follow';.:--- ('outtrpr Ilyruu The Standing ('ommittee•. Rent Finance -W. )'. ('lark, 4', 11. Humber. l'ultouro• Trow '1' It 1\',111141, W ]L.$nlahi, TH, Into'rest Ali(, hell. ]. 1.iuGtitb'er Public Works --'T. It. Wallis, J. ' J. ]. I,iukIAtl•r r Iousi - Moser. John Story. T. H.:Mitehelt. X044. tlh t' umltrd $:Rot \\'. }, )'lark. . Colborne 11,11 1'ros. Cemetery - and Parks -T. 11. Mitchell, 4'. 11. Iluuttwr, 11. t'. 1►a11lop, 1v. M. Klllght, T. H. 11'allls. Market -J. J. Mos'r. 11', C. t'lnrk,_John ' Story, 11. C. Iglydop, T. it. 1\'sIIIs. Spn'W,, Relief and Reeeptlioss-4'. 11. homier, W. F. l'Ixrk, 4. J. Moiwr, H. C. Dunlop, W. XI. )K/d1g111, Firs) -John ',Story, H. ('.' !Miship;'J.-J. Mower, T. It. Wallis; T. H. Mltebell. Water. Light and Marker -W. M. Knight, l'. 11. Hnndwr, John Story, F- W. F. ('lark. J. J. Ropier. Court •1 RevIstent--ti. 1'. Ihlnlop, C. H. Ilomtler, :John Story, T. H. Mit- chell, W. M. Knight. first Minted 0* each lvomWHtee -41fasdrl: -and the ]rarer la ex - 'lo a member of all eontmltt Appoint leuta. Mayor %'tglr wax appointed' to the board of 111re'1ors of the (lolerleh l'3'v,ttnr Co.: A. 10. SlrLoau, J., Moser alai' W. F. -'Neftel to th1' l - of health H. A. MatKwul-td the Collegiate Institutee, Matra; and iter. J. E. Ford to the piddle Ilbrary hard. The appointment of an alleuwsur and collector wax 1.41 over to the regular nwethtg on Friday -night. As in pre- rinna years, the Drat tout:thirdl Fridays of rash month will he the rytublr un'.•t- ing nights of the tomx•el. The matter of (dosing up the deal with the Golel•Ich Mercantile Co. Was refeerrr'd 10 (Y)mm11(00 hf 4114. whole r l)nctL: • slaws Nous. 1, 2 and 3, con Ing app)infw*sits above motel, and No.- 4. nen hollnitrit the borrowing 0f mosey tp meet Ow half -year's interest on the (1. W. S. tallway fonds, werr_jslltrset6 and the council udjournel. . City Dairy ire cream pricks always on hand at 11. T. Edwards'. -- - The first of the year is a favorite time to break loose Rom habits. Now is the time to break the., baba .of careless and indifferent drug buying. If you now trade at the most convenient shop re- gardless of the quality of goods handled or the kind of servi.e rendered, you should turn overs new leaf. Investigate our store and our methods and We feel sure chat you'll become one of our rekular customers. E. R. Wigle, druggist, e rich. -On 14 101) 36 500 75 1 ip 25 It01H1s i 2 75 ' 5 (►) 111(1 00 proceeds 2115 YO moiety1414 410 _- itioverinwe•ut grunt .1441 SR Mrs. W. 11. Ilutchilnsoln\ 95 U0 Fon. Puna. 1st Jody eoleb time 125 110 Note }314) I prurwcl ), pro a 2f1ft 36 That delicious made-in-Goderich ice cream of Black:tone's makes new friends ever t The Colborne Farmers' Club intends having a social evening at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bisset. Saltford Heights. during the tact week in January. The exact date will be announced later. Snb.eribe for The spa' New 1479811 4 'r. F'twl Ifni F:Ie•'rit light s.1111 1146 1\'1144'4 Its . Wages Llaurw11a' v - I'rlath ig supplit•s. postage.... :21. Repairs Cottage•Cant liagenvires-rrere: 11144! recut Telephone 10 00 !Merest liit•tory nsl les► 09 Not'% neFkwelalt meld do. *344.0 renewed44(x) 00 Miss King. for nalu4eltalsr•MO OD BteIi [r, l Stunk of Mont real 271) 35 • 0R ... e... int 276 112 110 4"_ 18, 105 00 35MB i'. 447t) 06 CHAR. -'A. NAIIRN, Jens. KII►1►, Treasurer. I'rostdeut. 1 hart romps' rerl the above statement with 1 -ash and hack books-and,Inl it correct. W. LANE. (ht. 11, 11/111. Au,lltor. Sixty-eight to seventy degrees is a safe temperature for your home. It has been decided that this is a _safe temperature for home or office. In fact. a regular temperature, even though moderately lois, is better than extremes. Invest in a thermometer and keep your rooms uni- formly heated. It will not only prove a health help, but will enable you to economize on duel. We have an excel- lent assortment, including the latest ideal, as to sizes and styles and at all prices... E. R. Wigle, druggist, Goderich. AI'CT1ON SALE REGISTER, FRIDAY. Jan. :3. -Auction sale of farm stock and Implements, property of Fred McGlynn, at lot 1, conceswn 4, h. D. Aahlyd d. DIED. LUCAS. -At Orilla, on Tuesday. January 1 Boyden G. Lucre, in his 15th year Funeral today(Thursdat 1 from residence of Mrs, R.H. Elliott, Huron road, Goderich, to Maitland cemetery. ALLISON. -In Goderich, on Monday. Januaarry7 IT, Emissive.* Corset. wile of Rev. Capt•) W.'Albson, (formerly of Duhtannon. Funerraall t/da (Thursdays from St. George's church to Maitland mat. ry. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. od Avttrod e -Fred McGlynn.... may, County Council Meeting- -(i• W. Holman ., : 1• - Lawns •o W aced_ '- • Goderich Rural Tek Co ap.Qy.......i.... .. Euchre and Dake --Holy Name a.el•ty Laundress Wanted-Alen•dta Hospitail Annual Statement-Iea Jnon Bank of Cads ',Iei`n. and Herne. )sit Sale --Robert D. ak1 Pin Lint Mrs. Bates.. -, .... . . 1 Euchre and Dance-W.m,n'.1w(i1ut 1 BANK OFMONTREAL t*TA1UssVD oven /N rues Collections for Farmers Farmers, who wish to deceive prompt returns on shipments of Cattle, Grain, Fruit and Dairy Products, should draw on the con- signee through this bank. A Bank of Montreal Draft is presented promptly and remitted immediately on collection at Molest rates. h I A. W. Strickland, Manager. Goderich BranlctL