HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-1-8, Page 8ftivirow.0.004"..."""...........ww. mAloig 141 , oN tHE ligEsuisy. Stationery wheo asked for nn eXpriolgi4Orl 011 hilt .-i-' ...... re-electioir for a ,sitilriii tonm. Mayor Wigte said : Specials -It was the bitterest contest 1 have _,..„ 1.1-er been in 'I'liu victory belongs to the peolde mild is • pronounced i indi- cation of my actions in regard to II LOTUS LAWN NOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES per quire and ltic per package PARISIAN LAWN ENVELOPES Siberia! tOc Kr package .___ __,...... WRITING PADS lot, 1 -... 24,, 2z•c gad 35c ,. Peas, lak. &Wag Pike, etc. WATEIUIAN'S IDEAL . FOUNTAIN PEN $2.110 up and lasts a lifetime " \ -• , 0;•ses.asesewssisesosesersosesesays,„ew,,, - INSURANCE BUSINESS TRANSACTED Personal Accident, Health, Atitomobile, Plate Burglary., • - • Fire„ 4 Lite R. -Harrison . 'PhOne 316 Wetit St. -- Goderich 4 Announcement - OF Result of , Contest The number of beans in the jar was 1706. Nearest guess --B. E. And- erson, Goderich, 1705. Miss S. Noble East Side Square - fsadmieh g le unietatalked-of steel pliiiit. 1 liaiii 114) organization, no einniuittee rooms. nu serutiuseura. 1 courincted a clean Ulla fair eampa rata, and the people have endorsed nie by a tine majority, which will show Mr. hleCiviatli and his friends what they think of ittin anti his pr.•pnr.1114)11. g.istertch want,' 00 Mhr chine polities. holding Of the loco Ira pers 1444 k. elerentlphour ptildie inertias The yOUarlin.hts by XL. Alas Creatli on Iiiy tunny lagileiny„.1.4.1 p.ople." 4.4 takeu sccivusLy .)7t L H. STEEL CHANGES HANDS, Change in the Program at Sarnia - w Pest poised. Sarnia. Jan. 5. -During the final meet- ing of the 1919 Sarnia city council it was announced tonight that New York, Detroit and Pittsburg capitalists had absorbed the Lake Huron Steel Corpora- tion. which recently purchased a large tract of land on the local Indian reserva- tion. and this company. under a Cana- dian charter. would shortly commence operations here in building the largest alloy steel plant in America at an outlay of over 120.000.000. Solicitors of the Lake Huron Steel Corporation waiting on the council stated that the steel corporation under a new name and charter, with a capital of 120,000.000, Would assume immediate control of the Lake Huron Steel Corpora- tion and carry on the alloy steel business. The principals of the corporation and a list of those connected with it. it was announced tonight, would be made putrlic inhe very near future. The last action of the 1919 city fathers tonight was torepeal the bylaw for a special tas vote on January 9. This vote was for fixed taxation for the Lake Huron Steel Corporation. and as the result of the council's action will now come up before the citizens of Sarnia in about six weeks time. The Amhersfbure Echo says of a former resident of Goderich. Congratula- tions to Halsey Park. jeweller. who dur- ing the past week reached his seventy fourth birthday.. Mr. Park's appearance belies his years. but he comes of a race that thought nothing of living to S5. AS, 99• and even 104 years. so in'the ordinary course of events he has Many more years of usefulness befoi-e - - COLD WEATHER r SPECIALS Syrup and Pancakes. Two good lines for a winter Tich, We have. - Corn - Corn Syrup - in tins or by the quart Aunt Amin& and White Swam_ Pancake Float Prepared ready for use SPECIAL For Saturday oily . • A 50c bottle of Pure Ar.„' Syrup for..... glaV Robertson & Mair 'Phone 164 Cor Hamdton St and Square A Satisfactory Shoe Store .\ must of necessity be satisfactory in all departments; carrying a complete range of seasonable footwear, and ensuring to its patrons polite service, fashionable styles and dependable values. Our steadily increas- ing business has proven that OUR STORE IS SATISFACTORY in every Sense of the word to our many customers. and, as in the past. honest goods at honest prices, and a service devoted first and last to the interest of our patrons, will mark our policy for 1920. Just now we would call your attention to our splendid stock of seasonable goods, comprising FELT SHOES for men and women SLIPPERS of all kinds and for people of RUBBERS, OVERSHOES, MOCCASINS, LEG- GINGS, SPATS, SKATING BOOTS, etc. CUSHION SOLE SHOES are very warm and comfortable REPAIRING AS USUAL 1SHARMAN'S SHOE STORE W. Reg. Sharman, Proprietor MUNICIPAL LELECTIONS. • • CLINTON. Moor Thus. Cottle. uraJorIty 31. iteeriis it. .1. Miller, majority 2. Councillors, 1'. 14. Middleton, II. ‘Viltse, A. J. McMurray. W. J. Nerillger, .1. t. Johnson. 2c,t Langfont. • EXETER. Reeve -B. W. F. Beavers (re-elected. majority 132). Councillors -Wm. Ward. Jos. Davis, Jesse Elston, W. H. Penhale. A majority of 199 was polled in favor Qt establishing a board of education. BRUSSELS. Reeve -S. 1'. Plum. Councillors -M. Fraser, S. Wilton, 1.C. Richards. A. Stewart (by acclamation). WINU11AM. Mayor -W. H. Gurney. Reeve -Amos Tipling. Councillors- H.B. Elliott.T.R. Bennett,_ J. Cunningham. R. A.. Currie, Thomas Felts, Simon Mitchell. BLYTH. lteeve Cult by acclamation. l'uniwitlors-Joseph Taman. Ja rues lsalris, tiro. White. E. W. tleildes. HENSALL. Item -(i. C. Petty. Councillors elected by acclamation. TUCKEitsmiTit. Reeve -H. (*rich. •Conneill.•rs hy seclainatioo. Mayor and lteeve eleeted by ise- (lomat Ion. . - C. A. Itarber. .L. W. Beattie. G. 1'. cantuo. W. 11. tlidtlitur. 41. 10. Haigh, It. 14. Parke. • HAYFIELD. For Reeve -A. E. Erwin 54. Edward Merner 62. Merner elected by ma iority of S. Councillors- Wm. J. Elliott. Samuel Cleave. Robert Delgaty, David Dewar (by acclamation). School .Trustees -Thomas Elliott. Wm. R.14owett, Fred Geminhardt (by acclama- tion.gs HAI'. Reeve -John Laporte. Couneillors - W. E. Turnbull, John Campbell. S. Deitz. Casper Walper. All by acclamation. (;REV. • • *\, Reeve -John McNabb. -Councillors-R. L. McDonald. Oliver Harris. Jas. F. Collins. Thos. McDonald STEPHEN. Reeve -Alex. Neeb. Deputy Reeve -David Wehb. Councillors .-s-John ,Hayes. Geo. Penhale Wm. Sweitzen, Itee:ve and 111suty • Ifeeve, elected nerla 11111 144,0. " • / Johnston. 1.. Jamie - arm. Thos. Saharan. HULLETD. Reeve - Armstrong 224. Leiper 146. McMichael 159. M. Armstrong ((ormer Reeve) re-elected. , Councillors- Wm. J. Miller. 'James Watt. Charles A. Homion, Robert Clarke (by acclamation). 'McKILLOP. Reeve -F. J. Mc -Quaid., Councillors -John Dodds.- Edward Horan, Daniel Regele, John Scott. • EAST WAWANOSH. Reeve -William J. Currie. Councillors -John Gillespie. Wm. W. Straughan, George M. Robertson. Robert Coultes. • HriSt:IcK. Iteeve -Peter Dole. • Ihiputy iteeve--Win. J. Spettott.-4' - 1 'imucilloris-John llryi.flii. Oiseree Hubbard. Thomas). S. S. No. 2. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. The following is a report of the Christ- mas examinations. Names are in order of merit: Sr. McCabe. Sr. III. -- Gordon Schwanz, Doris Rodges. Grace Haacke, Reggie Thompson, Orval ' Rodges. Fred McCabe. II. - Robert McCabe. Kenneth Holmes, Pt. II. 1 - Elroy Rodges. Jean Holmes, I. -Olive Fuller. Sr. Pr. - Harold Chalmbers, George McCabe. E. C. HARRISON, Teacher. ('entests The contest for the embroidered centre- piece, at Miss S. Noble's store closed on Friday night, and on Saturday the beans in the jar were counted and found to be 1706 in number. The near -sI guess was 1705, entered by Miss B. E. Anderson, who was accordingly declared the winner. The candy cane at J. E. Robbins' store weighed 15 lb. 13 oz. Two guesses of 15 lb. 12 nz. were put in by Mr. R. Brown and Mrs. Hussey, and tbie cane was divided between them - PERSONAL MNTIoN. Mrs. Sneyd spend the rest of the winter. months with her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Heale, at Toronto. Miss Brimicombe, of the staff of Ghat. ham Collegiate Institute, spent the Christ- mas vacation at her home here. Miss Esther Hume has returned to Toronto to resume her studies after spending the holidays with her parents here. Mr. F. W. Brophy. of Winnipeg. was a welcome visitor in town last week. He was East on business and spent a -few days in town with relative* and old friends. Mrs Strang and Miss Mabel Strang left yesterday for Toronto. Mrs. Strang will spend the reit of the winter with her daughter. Mrs. F. H. Hewson, at Nen Liskeard, and Mia Mabel will make a visit of several weeks at New York. f'Ity Dairy lee cream bricks *hirers on hemi at 14. T. Edward/I', PORT At,BERT. tvedoesstriy. .1an. 7. A happy New Year to all. Miss 1'. 1-' Hawkins spent her Christ• mail lineation here with her sister. Mrs W. 11. Gray. MIsa Mae Ilickson, of Toronto. who Is mn employee In the Simpson store as book•keeper, spent her holidays nailer the primate! roof here. Mr. W It. Hawkins was appointed aeeret•ry treasurer at the school Meet Ing 144.1.1 in glie I'ort .‘11Ityrt gehOulluIrlim• rect•ngly. SlIss E. McMillan, alio haw been ANUARY SALE Is Making a Hit THE big sale at reduced prices with which we started the new year is making 1 good with the people, who are takckng advantage of the great opportunities in money -saving which are offered. We are determined to clear out this season's goods, and to do this we are giving special values that will appealVamful buyers. Don't make any mistake -this is an opportunity which you should not neglect. Real up-to-date merchandise is going at clearing prices. q •Follo the list' of specials each week, pick out what yo require, then come anchnspect the.goods, and you will find them exactly as adve ised-real live bar- gains. CORSETS k ronlerfut col- lection of different _ lines -of & A (*orsets at ODD a FLOOR OILCLOTHS AND CONGOLEUMS KNITTED CAPS We are 'discontinuing the floor Tering tine:, at present and will &tart 40-. AND scARFs clear out Oe present stock, • Conenleum Rugs, in size 3 3;;; yards. , Regular$15.75, for 313.75. • 3 3 yaail:Restillate $1:175, for $11.75 , . 2 x 2 yards. For 1 x 1 yards. Fur 321-15. are lines Ithpt, sold , " .- libber • • pair. Each pair Best quality floor Oilcloth in all Widths from 1 yard wide to 21,-$111-iis guaranteed. These for 69e a yard. The retail prier of this Oilcloth today is. Cie a yaid. ..-your_supply for spring now at 69c a square yard. eve,ral pieces of he yfloor eoveritig liegoodpatterns, made fro and wool raimat 115$ Thepatterns are itr- 'at- a m price; BLANKETS ,At quantity of isa t tt wide Buy qualities are the best conch in flannelette on the edge, at ring ---the blight iced to make a the price gee can e ily b# perfect \Man t, .11x4, Heavy gifylstiol Blankets. for 37.75: The quantity of t is limited and . will go' quit -ftfITY OW" get a reirbarga COA A U'onderf rtment of eoat. ings 111 relou troadelotha. and eia wi It. onsaaS- January First.' All the eweot and best shades are re itted aud the dye is perfect.- r war $8.50. Broadcloths in n vy, block. Regular $4.59, for 33.75. two lines tanpe. and the light shade s for -woe. . spring. Regular 38.50 for 37.0�,- - Tar WAG for 35.98. • kfilMvone Coatings. reguli St* for NIL Ttre--- Coatings in brown pre) cOlornigs. *5.50, for fgt. $5.00, for 34.25. A special Coating fur girl.' and boys• garments, at 32.25 a yard. These am •wonderfill values. - . • knitted Reart Capl$111 *be sold • rean-Teeil..... price. gular J60 set for Regular '-*2.60 scarf for 32.29. MADIERA AND INDIAN CROCHET WORK A number of pieces of Madiera in centres and runners greatly reduced. Regular $6.75, fur 35.53. SWEATER COATS ' • In Heavy all -wool Sweater Coats on sale. Every coat this season's make and the cut and color the newest. The lines are now broken and we have decided to reduce every eoat in stock and clear them this month. - Every, coat hut about six we are offering is pure wool and the colors fast. They come in pullo4irs with or without sleeves and coats in-theavy and light weighp. Here are a few of the values Regular $15.00, for 311.95. ' Regular *12.00, for 39.98. Regular 89.00, for 37.25. Regular $8.00, for 36.35. Regular $4.50, for 33.69. Be sure., to see these values. ts. HANDKERCHIEFS After the Christmas selli4 we have de- cided to elea'r -out the broken lines that are still in. stock of Fancy Handkerchiefs. These lines will be grouped at different prices and sold much below regular/price. Here are :a few of the prises- - Regular 3:0e Handkerchiefsk-at 211a. iiesuilae-,311t Handetereltieik--aq--$11*-'-- Regular 25e flandkerchiefa, al 21o: A big special in colored- bordered Hand- --kerebiefs at 75 each.- 14ny Handkerchiefs ,for the--ecnnhqy. year now and aav'i monCy. 11111111•1111111111111WIIMW WATCH OUR WINDOWS AND OE Tit GOODS DISPLAYED IN OUR STORE :r r • 'ties, regular *2.75, for 32.31 Regular 33.16, for $3.00. llfiiretiellet Work in centres and yokes. Yokes, regular $13 (10, for Mt. d FLANNELEITES 34 -in. Flannelette in stripes of blue and pink at 30c a yard. 34-in.,Plannelette a heavier cloth at 31Ic a yard. Theac price4..are tem than whole- sale tiriee thday for we haveitad them iri stock since fall. 1916.. Heavy grey military flannel, wool one way and cotton the other, to he aold at wholesale price. 65c' a yard. willTE COTTON We have a wonderful stock of N'ilittertirton earned for two years in stock. A heavy weight in White Cotton :14 in. wide, at 20c a yard. - /knottier special value, at 25c a yard. A special in sheetirig with extra weight, at 86c a yard. Pillow Cotton 42 in. wide, at 8004 yard. SILK, YOKE AND GEORGETTE BLOUSES Nearly every Blouse in stock will be on sale. We remit make room for the spring -stock rio nearly all Blouses will be put on sale: A most wonderful collection is here for you to choose from at prices that make them wonder- ful buying. *1.15, for 31.39. SILK UNDERWEAR A number of binations that Themnst be mild Cam les in pink a with Tice Or Regular es of Camisoles and tont be cleared quickly. 6 -stat week white. prettily bruidered in trimm Colors. A ,pretty merit. regular $1.11.1, for 98c,. another at $ 4.5, for 31.10. Regular $1.75, for 31.49. Regular 82.00, for. 31.89. • _ _ Regular $2.30. for - - Regular *3.00, for $1.$$. Many other pretty jIii prices. Silk Combinations grea prier. One only silk Nightrit--bi - BOUDOIR CAPS - A quantity of flondoir ('aps at bargain priers: - Regular $1225. for 89c. Regular $1.00, for 69c. Regulav__75e, for 59c. Regular GM:, for 49c. IF ITS • NEW WE HAVE IT THIS STORE WILL CLOSE AT 3 O'CLOCK SATURDAY EVENINGS DURING JANUARY, FEBRUARY AND MARCH H. COLBORNE & CO. teaching in the West. arrived home hist week now Is hourbiyine rimier the par entail roof. Victor limes. f %gleam, is in the burg limiting friends. A sleigh load from here attended the oyster mapper and dance et king). - bride.. All reported a very pleasant evening spent and loot of orators to est. Mrs. R. Joseph, et Detroit, Kr. and Mrs Ilrown and /pent Ntiw Year's with Walker Murray. • fiefs Mae. danghter Walker Murray, was gins, uf Goderieli,i their slater. Mrs of Mr. and Mrs. r quietly married ' In oesIerIch to Mr rims. Oarriek, 01 town Her many friends will miss' her very nowt) In /social circles. They ell pith In wInhinst the yrturge eismille NIPPY and provineroos future