HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-1-8, Page 7..- • ' ..; • " THE CKWERION, ONT. • To do your duty during these trying timesyour health should be your first consideration. These two women tell how they found health. Hallam, Pa. -61 took Lydia E..Pinkham's Veg- etable Compound for female troubles and a dis- placement. 1 felt all rundown and w as very weak. 1 bad been treated by a physician without results, eo decided to give Lydia E.- lInkbanes-Vegotable-Crompoilud a triat and felt betterrsright away. 1 ant keeping house since last April and doing all my housework, where before 1 was unable to do any wart:- 14(lits E. Pinkham's Vege- tabta Compound Is certain' the best medicine a woman can take when in t his condition.!iv o you per mission to publish this letter." -Mrs. E. R. Clic , R. No. 1, 1i11acu, Pa. Lowell, Mich. -"I suffered from cramps and dragging down pains, was Irregular and had female, Weakness and displacement 1 began to take Lydia lf. rinkharn's Vege- table Compound which gave me realre1ih rat once and restored my health. I should Unto recowint-x4 Lydia E. Pinkham's remedies to all suffering women who a n trnubled in a simi- lar W$7.' -MD. ELISE Ilane,11..No. 6, 63,Lowell,31ioh. Why Not Try LYDIA. E. PINI1:HM S VEGETAPLE COMPOUND E.PlIteRAM4ILDICIMC CO. LYNN.1405. ,t. • f 1' 4 • Mil"IrTr,ck -Route CrL COUNTY AND DIST 1 .411, tl of Mr. an1 '1 I , , .11 MIS. OSA 11. a IT,IU.:: then , 11 1 Itneall. II1- ' -TiwUnitedFarniers of'lluorn and Kincardine tidenship- held 1 , I he 1' "toalky•a0021,-tee` ' :4\ -S" S. 41;:r:4••ffil?X..ti :ht:vi.thtniil'e..liselYt.:ivoaalitYwaitaold'atit'irspean-4VgarUQQdtihreir t. \ I:- leaches , f Gqr,4xLas ieschi;i . . . 1 . 1.... Nilary u• ,5, t sc tles arid set:ot• the,servit •Tf ' I l' . : , Williams. a:Its:met re - Meet of farmai,,.. -- - • - - .. ,ajrnforsdhe • - cniasi to act, aa shippmg true s2 ed recently at S11.444 -tock.. in nine hied year. T rernams %sere got to lernssell.for int t. • trs. Nelson G. 4:-. -forintrly lvn Crawfotd, died 1 ter, geith at (me of her father. Wm. C weird ot • ck, in her tnenty•eighth year: -assisting- at a „woodJit 5 - 's Lewn Lckmier. of Jam . own, misfortune AO llaVelfie lt leg. t wren t lie kiwe and tde ank • 'the w lin ' . Miss Luella.Greene. f Gland I (I, I 0 I, *midge Fattbawn f Ttaiiii.r. it , was sole, mast by Rev. 1..1.. Nicks in.i at the 1 nsall PITO)), wife and his father, and it was while there the end came. Two little sons, besides his wife. his parents, and one sister. sur- vive. The body was brought back to LlIntusidur -The well-known Forrester' farm, on the Huron road, containing 205 acres, has been mid to Mr. Turner of Zurich, for illi,000. It is a very tine property. C. H. Holland has been appointed poultry inspector by the Dominion Gov- ernment and bis duties will take him fur considerable periods to the far West, but he will still retain his home in Clinton. Mr. liteland taught in Nu. 2. Hullett. for ten years, retiring last summer. • Doherty Pianos, Limited. Clinton's largest and oldest industry. is changing hands, being taken over by he Sherlock- Mamting Let don. WI N. Alarming., of the new firm was fur many years min- nected with the Dohet y factory. The Guntyl-anglois Co. have concluded their latgect year'e business in the hand- ding-td-egges-andrpoUltey dined they dine to Ci The Chntorr'branch of the....L F, .0., elected the following officers et -the annual whispering low things. • • - Meeting: lion, presadent; W. M. Me. , /two; 3, .; --- , Ewan: president, E. II, Wise: vice-presh °Now she says, -ls le: after my v t, ••• dent. tiroti Waldrun: secretary-trea-urer. 6- W. Layton: directors- J. Shle/tbiln. N iity of hooe.iscatiShle of penetrat in(' J. (1.4;rtch.'L-Tyndall. T. it. -Jenkins-. J. II, dat,,t.,„:,.;,,,tit. -Dines, \1. jerris. SEAFORTil. - ' • .i.N1/1 ITE:1.-AllIff:- ii4 -AIMED 10 'Miss -Edna Dayman, daughter of %Ir..is . • THE 4.110K1 s and Mrs. J. 11. Wyman. of, Atcisillopt. kit for New Orleans. La.. who., she waf , . Ittakes Kid' - MIN. the r ralier of man ied ;tree bee 31/it to R. C.. Coteli. Uf 1." "'I' Whe S`11" 1\14 um ( f dlr. an -.Mrs S Costs/chalk. ( t - ySealneth. M. 4.Irs Gulch willttlifik;.- m;1_,..4,:,...4. ..• 1 Nliss Leda B )st has re: orned fro:n ..I !.. '11.14,.. '1'1m: I'. A 'ittrigni:14, 'i-n..a:.' at New Orleanx. - , ... . . ... , ,- .13.13 W sll N11;111rral. • • A3 old and .highly respea'e 1 rest !Sit of , : ' - 0- ' 1. lIwN 1'l ' Tutisersinith died- neer, Satisoday. in the .11•4 a. F rea'' . • t Iv. t,.,..,', rwrson to1 I qibe,Ie- IA Ater. %lieu(' E twarsitsiaeis,1 I • ' . . - -",/ ' Papidc-. In.lier sday-eigh h 't,.ear• ' r'-1- ito4,4411. ,‘ . 1,1 trionia was the cause 01 her.death. d ler "It 1- .4 . ' i :, . .., to I hesnatterand one son son, -v., ,- ,h.:it-Ida: - I . 4, . i' - 1..4 • ,o....1... , A -k Ilk rdneersyseenf this -.13rrofflt -brartf-14-: -'1.14 'Ii ' ' • • ••• 1 . , 1 the W- 1-'.. Sant •td Clot Mod Sl.istufac. I "' '" -"S",- ' ' '. i, A' 1-1 hrrAerr IT" tilting Co. present -ea the m rviiiize. `Fuel '''.1`i':v.:41114',,••4-4.4. 41 4 . ,,,,,,,,,unti r.nN: . Rebinsors•with a handsome gidd wat-d. 3 (eosin. , and chain as a Chr idinas gilt. i 4 LETON'S RHEUMATIC CAPSULES anumAnsoutirmiusing3bATicA LUMBAGO, NEURALGIAMUT ETC ASIA RELIEF FOR THE WOW IIESIOIE lifss IKOt rtmetfTONS Plowalg 1111 St.3101101110 51444*'. 4417 bell lambed • prectkal rheumatic •.reuto'y ..lore time began. Fortune* are oven yearly at hot apriNts, electric both.. and hoot 4' bio le obtain relief, yet better ec.olte a e *thieved rt•ht ot home by aging T., C "11 e c.,,,,e,os seq.e treat metal." Just comport coat mod te 'unit with •• other treatment at ,I • wit be etaivisced. AA you; diugto .1 write tr. for our a, w booklet; it is int. rest - sn• :old rusts you notions iTemul(totts. 114 3.thy W., Torouto). We matt auywhert oa receipt or 11.04. 1',*1.agent for 1144i, 15, 11. C. 11titt- 1.111.. l'itt•tilit4 'anti ltruggist. - A New Ineredive. "Is it my inoney he's after a wornte, used to murmur when Calan canw arouie I •:_pegto' January S, 1112I. 1 .1111:11.`iirt.(.1 tint: 11t1:...t,UP • NI (s, laidnit. my 4,1 3, r.. Ir. and , _ ENETE:it. I had a draw.:ing sensa: ri J•ter. son an • : --tI,,. 1 .111. reK.11. tV.L.1%t. 161V 1 - • • • .lorsothan Kvdd. Exettr ,rtIs amt neki ' Live".* F-,stia 1% 'lad:. tiaughter of NI: Ell MS arel Mrs liert Will w urrtt.1 cu setid ros: ht•d•. Fdote at Itie nen 1 ve 111111-P 1..).cerrtne,f .$1,t 1 he urcha it make the.* !emit- irt.t.;seter. f " 114 NTREALt, ONTO OIT peace lied cal .\1\1%14',. Sleeping s on tit., II it .111.1 parlor ears or pernend ,la/ ri • Ettirtnenissention-4 mut Grand Trunk '1:ield-t Agent. 4.4 1111V1- 11111.1.)istriCt l'.1....C111411't A sent. 'IN- renstu„ G. 11.1mi ,le s sty,: . 11 411..29 14 44.4 F. F. io` tir -ON Sin Ag4-1... UNARY REDUCTION PASSENGER :fRA.IN SERVICE WILL. 1-11.. Effective January 4, 1920 FOI: 11-1,1.PAP.Tict \ lts s b Ey e be marriage of Niles- Ida Armstrors.,. est daughter of Mr. ard NI: na „%rnistrorig. to .Duncan it. Led in helm st0. on I ceenbe '• •k '44:1• quietly id t he lions... • . ; . s 20t.ty. klelen.Scott. wisaddAhomrisilitgles. i it es :tart Me on. i •,..- ' i/ I / .1 , -*Ate wao a daughter of the Lite Robert ! 30., PC: M. J. 's% i, oill..t.1.1-. ' 1: • . , j," aur !inn .--_100,ty. 1..,i,„1,,„‘. Sc - tit hat -made. Me+Sidop, and tej a:,d . rr. nth will r.' -.Ie at *for Mt.. trtiNix sister. William *Ili. of ; 1"rttl• - Thi' 1,11 s' memorial rtioninnent Fate- t o ,Jry.(.i and 5'4t w is 'mar .i--tcrtl-bel onye 1 "va Exeter tin Friday afier• Mt, Ing)es leal teens with him Id 'Ye le. ts.sdi of ('14 - ick township. - ‘ I Dr, si,•,. i-Aletircal Co (),1(..httstnias rtio*:* ning the hrime-df" Nis and Mrs jtedph Manning. of the ' Ilth , fortou.,13. e,.. 3,4 concession, Hutlett, was the scene. of a le/mislays Ma leo e nt their dsughtyr. Elva Robena. in town for al w da great war teen el an neenming the- inde tit Fryncts•Arihur .3 : r .. • , I 1,1 itit • 1' • Publoris. I triad. 1\4$4:v411--•444-1.,4 441 ‘1111 t • - 0. dealing wtth lie', . as they niakedliem and a`isoluttly • ,Ivo r-Couldnd ne ; nra-revss-,110-i • Cd old actinaintances ,ni,beti it 1, net to be 1; ;1'1re man • o • °mini depends uryin the .eif are. 11 . iby i- nane -es ▪ ' GARMENTS or Wintry Weather Stanfield's Underwear stands the test. Try, t.t. sonce vcu w11 find at: • ISE1CtiOn. . 6. A . other 'makes of - .f o r 1 11) -11 ;111(1 • , , Dogskiit Coat I.- A 1111,11, ta have these-colcl days;:-lt•c3.-)sts, e long -in prying. 14t,sell_2$1 in the anclse,:url)y against col,l,which it -.'wee. . a -14 '\ 1 MeLEAN BROS SLmi-aeady Tailors and Cents' F11'1'1.1'1(.15 \`, SQUARE GODERICH • •Liti!e*3.4 "1./id the dentist Ith ior the Baby.: 'HMV • VI thr •• t onipurison. " I !:4 t• made t .4 carne Rein exiretyytv la'shion144: . extracting yotar tesrth../e• Not much a, he did s.xtrasding hi- ., tees. Tantrityd, youngest sold of the late John amblyn The ceremony was Perf9rMed ; 11"1,r.t.11* tr. Medd. of Exeter. uncle of gesopotamia and A wedding of Mr. and Tuesday. a4,.%olemniz,c1 at the home • John Dooglas, ot Blake. 'ember 2..dri, wie i (brit ay me. became the e e, of i lay/town Y dadtrglr. • 191 Thomas 1./in The .:200 -acre far .eiott TO. At (irty--- is on in, to Brussel,. as been o Pretty.. tht tenant fo: t or Srt.500 --rpart eont:el- lot g8.1Keit.ioti Alex. Ft.irsyth. ot cliosed by Theffils e last two years, ._ . On Tuesday. December 1, at the home (it Mr. and Mrs. Win B: u sion, Londes i rlaughl.a Idlite as uni ' mar .4Wr to W. R. viruses, ,n ar.w. arid . Its C A. V(ier, th ceremony fauna diorm-d by hey. T. E. Saieyer. Lp sty wedding tntsk place at the has field cemetery on Freda .. h"n* Mr. and Mrs: Richard VelSh. ,. Maple Farm. Hallett. revesi of, -Mr. -- -.1 won't sive my consent." .. • I !mai, r n I Xieernbei 2iith,. whets th-Ar !...ung's3 "Ilter* Re" ha' I Unit ... and Mts. William Shepherd. on hristMest, • -But. Irtlier. 1 tell y,011 hetes enough maisage It Alfred Et two Cla ronly_ Eve when their only d 'tighter. Matirr'... mon y 1. r• us to -start oti •' -tthar. "What (hes that Me: -.:1 . !' 1..1 ' son of Mr. and Mrs. George Far Uttar. the station:"s-sLoursvill-, .1. also of Hullett. The ceremony vra per- eir. 1 groom. asses Ily Rev. T. , Afte the .weddinsr trip Mr. and )drs. lam yn will take up housekeeping on the gr -im's farm oh the 12th concession of I lid e 1. -es.--- . 1‘111ch regret was felt up -)fl the an. munct meat of the depth of Mrs John AX/11.0". 41. di StsrfileY, which catctirred iM niesUali°4.vening-..ddedana,..sveek. The decsm-ed had en 111 for °sod a month, then fp thriving a sin) ., and her death was not unexpected. She as a native of hayfield, a daughter,of the\ 1ate Jame; Philips. . Besides tier-Amshe 12 h. hos gerviet.,, at ''1' ('Id tliat.-1-re writ sieow Into a strong. ed in ft-viet.,... tict 1 ve mai. alit.; 'kin tow ib-invl 114,1 1*. . rgartit..d 1,.. ,na 1/11.41eSS V.,r:';11 il few yearshence. Nt.ttiets. . o h is a duty )(al owe t1le ftfture to 1.ei,,,, • Or I. ' • an Lft •i ra.ily 'done if liable's_ 9Ert Tablets ate . , s......- ‘.s. ' keiiP in the- ly use., _The TAilrls We. 3 ..soine petkite hav!. the 1 mild bubthorough laxative which regulate tnielhe wrOng thine '' ,• silty . 04 !3Y. ; tlil make baby hralthy and storm!. -s eine Walls. and,aleeeten the Stomach af (1 ; Concernttig them Mrs. W, Ors .r. Dein --I ‘‘JSIITIIII•40.11t ••,;441-44;" -- --ribuzg.....04..:*aitts: -I have a fine health% • ' - . ty three • years sda---have_ _used Baby's t The %%-ay. of a. 31itid wiih -II an. miTahhiptsfid !tin) evil' Itice he was a - OSLO. . Vertarnly thin% them a For the enc:Suragement of ydtin men sple did invelkine:" The:Tablet• are sold iris Y el icine deakr,s or by.. mad at 25 box . from the Itr. A% il rains ' N dad Co., Ill.‘..itvilie. Ont. -,-- . Engla,44ci to Ind , Unhapp,,,fas. maiden %yin. S Urge- W.011.1(1; Ore " 'I '1. _ .111:' '411(115 011ki .• • THE SIGNAL;:, . a son. J. , in love 1(1 tis amthan-n 'Veal ithery a. is leen. sursive An- oy "No" 'at tint. but like the -ph tlisorhder son, 11Vill;unif 1 in France. and scanners they iminr-hs.•-•.,4-.4.4i.A.. 1 3 '11114 niother's health has. never since been negatives* .t. • •• the -same. The funeral tok_place to -- • . ' A Start. 1 A pleasant event t 'k p eat den1 NOTE the • Tran -Canada' Will be temPliwasiti vintiverawo la •1 444. 1920 uilding, ContractinK and General Carpenter Work iini4T,1_ned an. pH t ..1 ke,voute.acts awl, eyeup. grit,' tor airy work in tin; &hose Mil. Having had year/ at Sorperietiess tho, can &WOW, the public of ticst dopeortattli\wor AII orrit will flP:e1V• 1•1•;, ttent11111. • 1 li(l()Is. atal Isar (-4 t 1.E.11. pier Still1Ct. wiper -so vcites rori. .CENTRAL i‘1,01e/ ' ETNTIORD. ONT. Western Ontario's Largest sad , Commercial School/ iVe give thorough ermrstairand have 1t14i4Oa44104lost1•ite1 ors Commer- ial, Shorthand anti T I caohy De- psysiiients., we aesi4t gradliates so posttionsc Write r`5111r free (1st- alogne. It ternst yon. 1). A. M Actessa, Principal JAN. 5111 EATING is the rest al nearly all digestive eys. If your digestions is weak or oat of kilter, better eat less lied sus 5 the sew aid to hatter diestioa. Pleasant to tak--effoctive. Let Ki -.14 d• help straighten oat year digestive tseeries. IMAM WY SCOrr & NOWNE MAMAS Or SCOTT'S EMULSION 1111-L. .4,11 Pi yds.., Colleges Are not alike 1444ert a !wheel carefully. ELLIOTT We.> Otlf wat Chwte. St.., Pronto wren*. of .11 verto drone pa...Mr tron,W. Get our Coalimat. aid ow records then &eta*. Enter now. J P Isoio. became theb ide of dward . F rmed by Rey. Jatirsi Anrry, of iit the-. presence of alttut •. The brides only t -aft, ?4,11f4 Clara.:LialL 4 C rie a charming little ildner girl Mrs. Farqunar left ,after the dinner for their ms.: near 1. flu ; tits t colli a 1.4tdchng CM: oo +-- WINGBANI. - Sp" r fell while I lading a Car of , ' stoves at stern Foundey and broke ' r h fee. . \ '., - • • ' t V Smax litiTritdirlii-i-Teldteme- Idrf. .1 ,in Gibborik or KIS( *WilWant/Sh, who / ;, nerve to toads indhe.near future... 1' S.' Mitligan ti*fr-ittraily,--of ---Wro,,elar. .. me -moving to %%Ingham, Mr. Milligan.; having bought T. Ritchie's drayhe bud- ' ▪ I ' The Trouble Man It's a comfort to Isnovr there's a mah on whom you may call in your troubles --I he Plumber. We know our business and are here it felierve you. ainiapammempapareme FRED. HUNT TH IC PLUMBER" Kam Uteri Ihrwit Pborm 13S her/sing Savredroughing Metal k fie90. . • Bread -has gone 01) 10\ t4 cents,a loaf • In Witigham. wt. Morning Mrs. kl.)r.) N.V. Warnetorf Winnipeg. 17th at the age of .-Kwelity.t-wel Co e f-rmerly Miss Georgie Forbes, died De (ember . . (ens, Mrs. %Varner Wel. 3 native of ,' Never %% Ingham and a dauaittei of IhOatiej . Forbes. ' TIOES this illustration hvlow , is more distress i,. 7 zero, A. V. McDonald, an elderly ture mit experenee? night, with the thermometer consideraIv While a blizzard was raging (luring:pie. . onnemail, who makes his lin. at the Queen's hotel here, arose Irotri bed and 4What han being unable to sleep? •,a,idered out into the night attired only , _._,, „ in his night clothes and his feet hare. beelesness is one of the Councillor Fells, who resides a short distance from the main street,was ' awakened by cries. and hurrying nut found McDonald partly buried in the , snow. liecarried him ty his honk and surnmened Dr. Stewart, who foun I that Commerce h \ Clint n and'Goderich, Ontario ---_---..-- i!fe - *71( folot% cottt-e, ;...\!:„SCA ' • lt, t it 11_, SUM 1( Tim, follow ii .1. rtes for agist7clene, •:1 H 10,4 guild ;Ara, r, sniff Actual bunne s/vc 4reder.oal , Pc,:. f144 30( a % • ( y:..11.11 ng' -di • on4. (1.,1.1. 1;.. 4;rn. r.t nr. aryl -141.1. tiq 41.1,whirrot \ terroi-ttr , onto • , E. WARD. 41 A. SIAINE.• t 'PHONE 491 . r:f, ,A4 Wirth? trill, 14, •44 - 1204.. .133. 1111 • • , • an.; ar,rogos first and most certain symp- 'toms otexhausted nerves. \ A This la tha warning that you need th assistance of Dr. ("bases Nerve ,both feet and hstyls were Irozm. Atter Food ' to retitore. vigot to the nen* 1. lrltret //everel. Roots. the ssdfcrer ELI hells and thereby svoid the develop - ought around, hut is in a precarious !tient of serious nervous trouble. condition. 11 1- feared he iVill lose some - • • • the\alzol of his fingers. and being over s ventv By Improving Ity of the rears\ bt ire it tli reared the exnef On- 0 blood and build In ir r up, the\ nervous May gd hard with him. His wife and arstem this food cure brfn new family reSide in Seattle. Ih'ash, energy anti strength to the hole - CLINTON. . body. received last week of the ISO 'rnt. s Ant, 5 tor v11, all defile)* r l'attison, son of A. 0. gdo,,,,,,,,,,, mite. & Co., Ltd., Toronto. . R. station agent here. Word wi. death of Ed Pattirson. G. Mr. Patt loon went overseas with the Sist Battalion' And Spint fifteen months in France. He was wended and gassed and after .pending wane time in hospitals in France and England he returned to 'Canada in Decen,heT 1015. Six weeks ago, his health being in critical condition, he went to Arizona, acompenied by his \ - . - Dr. Ctiase•s(0 F • Nerve oou P: RUBBERS NOW is the time to get prepared for the,j wet, stormy -weather. Be sure you procure the Rubber Footwear that.will give the best satisfaction. LifeBuoy Rubbers •e built a reputation for lity that leads them ving the most wear te styles and Lunt.", Rubbers that o none. These in stock at oe Stove at e prices. a q all in up-to- Aterman are secon goods are n MacVicar's S the lowest possi -REPAIRIN Geo. MacVicar North side Scorre, Codetich C ibbingList 1019 20 ........... •••••••••• vg The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe: .5 25 The SITnal 0.1 Daily Mailad Empire ...-> The' S1i;11:11 ltid Toront0 Daily World .2..5 The -Signal and- Sunday World ------------3.73 The Sigimi aird Toronto -Daily Star 4.30 The Signal and London Daily Advertoser Tht! Signal .1.11:1 London Daily Free Press 3.23 The Sign31 and Montreal . Family Herald and Weekly Star , - - 7.0 The Siva! and Rural' Canada 2.00 ..: 2..451 The Sigh -al and: Farm and D'atr.:...:. Countryman.....- 2151, The Signul and Farmers' Magazine 2 ThetSiinal-antl -Canadian21 The Signat'and Farmers' Sun (Toronto) 25 The Signal incl' Canadaii Poultry journal 2.01 Hamilton) • .1.1T Signal andMontreat--Wee- Witness -2M - , TheSi Ial and World Wide .' 3.23: I1111100;11 and Saturday lkileit (Totortor., 4.25 The Signal ;Ina Presbyterian and West - Minster .. The S,Iglial and catliplic Record ..:...-rs-r.. 244 • The Signal and Ybuth's Co1npai19n (Boston)... 3.75 • The Signal and Womn's HomeCompanioh 3.25 t • ' (New_ York). The Signalnd Ca ... Canadian Magazine ... -.... 3.30 , ‘ The Signal an4 McLean's Magazine.. .-.. 3.00 The Signi and Rod.and Gun . :7.90 -Di.. tea toe tit, OW 1).41,3 • ..:11 1'' I t .1,1r, -.--,Po 111 The above publications inay ,be obtained by Signal substribers in any combina,t--mithe price for any lication being the figure given alxmie less $1.50 repre- senting ih4 price of The Signal. , For InStahce : Ti. 4,, nal 4.71.1 Tlio ?.,,,lav 1.7.11 11114 W44111; 4-iIMP..12,4 ,.;.:..: ,1 - making the price of the elite paper $6.40. .If the periodical you want is not in abovelist let us know. . • itemitT.,..rst 14.41,, t...Orkt.-; r. NI 1T by liatik ---ohentte. THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED Gnderch, Ontario ..• t t • - •