HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-1-8, Page 3THE SIGN .L GODZB,IOH, ONT. Thiamin y, January R, 1920.--S THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE BEWARE OF IMITATIONS SOLD ON THE MERITS OF MINARD'S LINIMENT THEIR GOLDEN WEDDING.'" A Family Gathering In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ama1 Fisher. Two highly este•tladl citizens of Geslerteh. Mr. and ,1rs. Atuua Fisher. NrlWln street, had a family gathering on 1'hrlsuuus 1hay in honor of their golden welding. lir. and Mrs. Fisher were married Ihteullwr L't1111, P4611, lu tire township of Tuekerswith. The hrlde was J,l1NN Jtemluut Turner. daughter of the Loh. Edward Turner. 11111r her huslattld brought her to the higher homestead Fob aosnrr there 1s nothing so soothingrnat healing as Zam-fluk. 'i'hi. ereal herbal balm allays inflamnatiun, draws outsoreness. end ._sauces swelling. T:.. «'•o hove once use.' Zam-Auk for the treatment of winter ailments say they would no other remedy. as experience prove/ that nothing can equal, Zam-Bute for chi'pet hands. colts sores, cold cracks and chilblains. It Is also invaluable for all skin Injuries and diseases. All drug- gists and stnres.or Zam-Buk Co.. Toronto. 54c. box, 3 for $1.75. Send lc. stamp for postage en tree trial box. MEDICAL. DR. GEO. HEILEMANN, OSTEO- PATH. specialist in •omen's and children' diseases. acute. chrdntc and nervous diseases, eye oar, noise and throat, partial deafness, lumbago sad rheumatic conditions Adenoids removed itbout the knife. Odsce at residence. corner and Si, Andrew's streets. Atheism lice •-T- IlMesdays, Thursday. and -amebas by appointment. DEIiTISTEYI g. H. G. MAcDONELL'—HONOR Graduate Torooro University. Graduals al College of Dental Surgeons. Successor to the lair Melon Sale. Olden comas Square and west street. (:oderah. AUCTIONEER. THOMAS( [.:DRY, AUCTIONEER.„, Boa a:, Gode.. h. All Instruclarns by mad or eft at Signal Oade will be promptly attended to eesideoce tekt.hone Ili e. MR. AND MRS. AMOi[ FISHER. on the Lemli conep,u.don of ('olloorue,where they e'4mth,uel to reside until their r,11u,ca1 to (;otlerl'h about four years ago. Mr. Fisher is seventy-seven ytmrs of age 111111 Mrs. Fisher Is seventy-one. Booth err In good health and we trust will Ire-apatreel for ninny years to come to enJuy the lv,rnfortd earned by the thrift and Industry of their lives. They Hare five mama anal lire .Daughters. the family circle being still unbroken. The sous are Herbert, Edward. Arrlutr alai F'Irteher. all of I'o1M,rrw, /11111 Homes J.. of Crsh•rleh. 111141 the daugh- ters aro Mrs. JI. tallier. of Colborne: LEGAL. Hrs. D. R. in.us :Did Mrs. W. Mothers, of town; Mrs. \t'. Tehhlltt. of Druid, G. CAMERON. K. C. BARHHS.,S11ak.. and .Minn Pearl Fisher. at home. TER, ,daator. rosary pubb . Oice All were present et tlw gphlen wetltlh,g Sunt, (oderwh, thud door from celebration, and tlw daughters-lit-INw• Trust suede to loan at lowest rat. a Rc. HAYS, . DARRISTEK SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. Olhoe-Sterettbank? Bleck. Hamilton Street Gedeneb. Te4.1buneea. Real E.tate. Loans sail (eaersaes• anal sons -(n -Ins, with sixteen grnnd- PROLDFOOT. KILLORAN i COOKE DA1AR1STERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARISU PUBLIC. ETC. Oast or the Square. .ecur,d ,door Irom-B 1i " N Street. Gudrrah. Private funds to loan at lowest rates.l W. Paotlortiot, K C.. J L.,Ku.s.a4te H.1 D. COORS 1 IHARLES '.GARROW, LL. B.. l3AR- ' MISTER, Sa oqn rates. ,,rata, eu., „Goderich Messy AltRISTER. SOL- blrc and conveyancer. rich. pFlam f INSURANCE, LO McKWLOP MUTUAL HIDE INSUR ANCE CO. -Farm sod uolated tows prop. arty snouted- 0cer.- Jas- Connolly Pres., Goderich P. 0. • las,Evans. Vire-Pres., Beechwood P.O.; Thome; P. H ers, Sec. -Treat. Seslortb P.O.P. o. Directors- D. F. McGregor. R, R. No. S. Sea- ortb; oho G. Grieve- No- ♦ Walton; William Ron, N. R. No. 7, Seatorthh. John Bennewies, artb; Robertrt Ferns,McCartney, rlckk; Mallcolm Me- lt _ James Evans, Beechwood; James gweq Clinton. Connolly, Goderich. Agents: J. W. Yeo, Goderrch. Ales. Leitch, R- R. No t, Clinton; Wdlum Chesney. Scalorth- s. Hinchley, Sealorth. Policy -holders can pay all payments and get their cards recruited st R. J. Morrish's Clothing Store. Clinton: R. H. Catt's GeneralGrocery. Kingston street. Barfield. or J. H. Read'sStore oOle) Bros 1 ae Lading Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders carefully attended to at all hours. night or day. OODERiOH ehildn•u. made n goodly aewinbly for the Christmas dinner. The bride and groom of tlfty tenrs were prew•utel with an tnldlrss from tlwlr faintly. areorima ribs, by a hurls of gold for Mrs. Fisher 1111 11 a Iwndsome gold watch trial vitai forilJtr. Fisher. The address wens read by of of the granddaughters. %aortae Miler. at 1 the gifts were pre- sented to their g udlwreuts by florae• It,ghialil Fishers il 4 r.'ta Fisher. it was u wenlrralde+l v for all t•uue•rurrl. ONTARIO "Arm ttENTAL UNION. Interesting Program for Annual Meet- ing to Ile Held Thls Month.' The.forty-first annual meeting of the Ontario Agricultural and Experimental Union will be held at the Ontario Agri- cultural College. Guelph. on Tuellday and Wednesday. January 20th and 21st. An invitation to attend is extended to al interested in agriculture. The program includes addresses on . The Co.operative Movement," by 11.-H•,. Le D1ew; "Sante Marketing and ()then L'corlomic Conditions Resulting from the War," by Dr.' J. W ;,Rubertson; "Tht Forestry Problem of Ontario" (illus- trated), by E. J. Zavitz. Provincial Forester ; and a nufribtr of addrr.ses on various aspects, of experimen- tal wor;c, by experts in their respective lines. A conference on Rur,,l C•mmunity Betterment, acid an amateur play, "The Brown ft,cuse," suitable for presentatrrn in rural communities. are special features of the program. Prt mier Drury is to address the Tuesday evening meeting. During the last year co-operative experiments were conducted throughout Ontario in connection ..tauh the 11,\I pen mental Union in the department of forestry, agricultural botany. agnculrat chemistry, bee -keeping and agricultu e. and a survey has been -made on the sul; j of farm Ulrrature. The co operative wor in agriculturehas been conducted fur, thirty-four years. during which time there have been 94,703 distinct tests made throughout the Province. Each of these experiments consisted of from two to ten plots. The following figures show the average yearly number actually engaged in the work in exh of three periods of from eleven to twelve years each: Average Number of Fe- I'eriods. Yearstmenters per- Annum j ists8.1 4498 11 7'20 1897-144073.314() 914F 14-1919 lll _. • 4,136 Owing to the 'great scarcity. of labor, the number of experimenters in the past year ws lower than before the war, the at tual number being two thousand four hundr. d aacnid sixty -right. The annual meeting of the Ontario Agricultural'nd experimental Union is being held at time of a number of the short- courses. '.rrattgenients are being Made by which members of the short Courses will hav an opportunity of attending at least a art 01 the sessions of the Experimental ion meetings. A turnout of ix nts of the Ikge and other ex lmenters from throughout the Province, ,supplemented the short make a is gather - by the regular students course students. should large. interesting and enlhusia ing. it is learned from a survey mad by t Experimental Unioo within the pas that salty -one per cent. of the re Course ex -students of the Ontario Agr tural College are resident in 'Ontario. i these. sixty-five per cent. are practica farmers and twenty -tele per cent, are engaged in other agricultural pursuits, making a total of eigh- y -six per cen in agricultural work. The. total registt a- ttom in the regular course qumber• 4,4 �. and in all other courses__ o�l[bined about �16.W°. •_._ Mr. H. K. Revell, of Goderich town- ship, is vice-president of the Union. MKS. M. PECK 1148 GAINED TWENTY -FIVE' POUNDS. Nine Sean Trouble Inds and She. Is Well and Happy low. "I have gained twenty, -live pounds since 1 commenced taking Tanlac, and the troubles That have been making !de miserable fur me nine years have been completely overcome," said Mrs. Minnie Peck, who lives at 9874 82nd avenue. Edmonton, the other day. - "When I commenced taking Tanlac" conte ued Mrs. Peck, "I was so weak and rundown that 1 was hardy able to get about. Everything l ate disagreed with me, and 1 would suffer ler two ur three hours after every meal on account of gas forming and bloating me up. 1 would have severe cramping pains ut the lilt of my stomach._ I was very nervous. so much to that the slamming of a door would upset me terribly, and a good Ight's sle p was out of the question for I would actually get out of bed e ry morning feeling more treed and wo tout than I did the night before: This condition just kept getting wore all the u e until 1 got to -where I was com- pelled' o stay in bed most of the time. Th I decided to give Tanla( a trial, and it'sa honest truth; 1 commenced to feel bette before I had fini-hed my first bottle of his wonderful .medicine, and II my conditiop just kept getting better until I am nes as well all i ever was in my life. ( never have a sign of stomach trouble now, and 1 have a hne appetite and eat just anything 1 want. I have gotten back- all-,nty strength and can easily do all my ouaew.trk. My nerves are in perfect condi ion, and I sleep like'a child every night, is simply wonderful the way I have gain in weisht. and in fact. I just 'feel tine II the time. Yes: sir, Tanlac is a. wonder J medicine and as long as 1 live 1 will ne r lose an oppor- tunity to say a good woe for it." Tanlne 1s odd iu'llod telt by E. R. Wigle, Ma 4tafurlh by C.- `Alierhurt, hi \Vinghaw by J. Walton ajelillib ii. in Hewell by A. M. E. IiemphMI, 1n Blyth by [White City Drug Store. It( Wroxeter by J. N. Allen. in Iwralealarri by John 11. Luimdala•rry, in Exeter h . W. S. Howey, lit hrueetield by Peter toney, in Ihtshwoo d by Tiernan & Mill softer, In Crediton by J. W. Draw, In Clin- ton by 11'. S. 11 pulses. in ahep rd- -ton by J.14 fiimpwnr,-in l;orrie I.H. V. Armstrong, and In Fordw'ieh by 41. Sal liaosli. 1 ADVT. VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA F.JI a' ENCS FUND EUR EX -SOLDIERS. f,e Arrangements 'Mate for Its Adminis- tratiott in Hnron County. A meetirg of\ the executive of the Huron county blanch of the Canadian Patriotic Fund was held last week at which, in answer to their invitation. al Ks representation of the War Veterans was iflt- -mesent, to organize for the work of the Federal _ Em-rgen y Appropriation. which uy agreement with the Govern- ment is to be carried on under the organ- ization of the ['attireic Fund, with -repre- sentation for the ex -members of the Canadian forces. Several circulars fromr1he Patriotic Wind offices atawa. explaining the adrpinistration of the Emergency Fund, and the regulations adopted with the concurrence of the Government, were read and considered, and it was agreed that the War Veterans of Godericb should have their representatives on the execu sae Th©m_ton9s Music Store Start the New Year right with a Victor or a Brunswick in your home . Victor Victrolas from $40.00 up Victor Records Thousands to choose from Brunswick Phonographs Irom $77.00 up, will play all Records Heintzman & Co. Pianos Atwoys Me choice of mus- ical artists . We have it forge, choice, new stock of Stationer)', Dolls, Ladies' Purses and Hand Bags. I.lI ard see the Iwo pictures of :.sIkrith taken from an aeroplaiw. c3\Ve have a number 9f -slightly use i Organs. in good order, f„r .ale cheap. x Thomson's Music Store North Side Square Godench live, and that in each cenrre in the county where there is a branch of the Veterans' Association it too should be asked to name a local representative, to whom all communications should be sent: This fund is for the/ benefit of unemployed ex -Soldiers, and in cases where extreme adverse conditions have rendered tempor, ary assistance necessary. It was decided that the Ottawa authorities should be asked to empower the Huron county ex- ecutive to engage someone who will act as district representative to enquire into the employment conditions of the various centres in the county. and to furnish Certificates. as requi ed by the regula- tions, to those who are out of work and are applying for assistance. Application farms will be furnished from the local office here. and these when in compliance with the regulations will be dealt with by the executive. who will meet as often as conditions may require and render assistance by way of money grants. ac- cording to the prescribed schedule, where employment is not available. This assistance is to continue during the winter months, and`difilli ieports made` 1 e. to the head office at Ottawa. Seyeral applihations have already been made and these\\are being coneide:ed as called for by theregulations. Forms and necessary inform tint may be had on application to the rotary or treasurer of the executive, in he po.toti-tce build- ing, Goderich. Women are always in quest of some- thing—but a conquest srs(ems to suit them best. \ The Singer' •Sewing Machine has always been in the lead, and today heads all competitors. Machines of various styles, also a full line of REPAIRS kept constantly on hand at The Singer Store (Miss Noble's, on the Square) Orders for repairing promptly attended to. In Maidenhood, Womanhood and Motherhood London, Ont.:—"For many years Ili. Pieree's Favorite Proscription has been my most favorite medi- cine. I have taken it fur the ailments pertaining to wom- anhood end before and after mother- hood, and it always proved excellent. I Lave oleo recom- mended 'Favorite • reseription' to any friends who ha •e taken it with good results. It it �. -ea , the heat medicines e i know of today Inc women or erle who are weak and Buf- fering " •-MIt$. R'M. STEEb, 179 Rich- mond 3t. Chas. E. Worthy Agent — Ooderlch Canadians have grown more Ind more appreciative of the richnees and variety of the Provinces of our Dominion. In British Columbia. nature stems to have compressed into • limited apace the features of half a rontlnent. Richly endowed with a wealth of forest. mine and stream. • land of lofty mountains. and Impetuous rivers It is the er'at golden west of promise. The city o' Vancouver Iles on the verge of a glorious waterpay—the gateway to the Pacific. Great purple mnnntalns with snow -cresta gleaming 11e across the inlet Stanley Park near by le a wonderland of a thousand, acres. in the distance ran be seen the aummlt of Mount [tatter• robes in everlasting whi.enrss, in the lovely serenity of the "Pleepine Beauty" Mountain, In the grace and stateliness of the mountains known as "Lions", whir) stand guard over the harbor. in the placid dignity and grandeur of many other mountains there la unfolded a matchless panorama. No one can complain of s leek of romance In the Western world Where stood the forests primeval a few years ago, now rise skyserapers, handsome cht;rebea. splendid edu- cational Inetltlrtlona, and beautiful homes with gardens of roses and gaily bordered paths. The charm of 11 all Is easily andorstrrM An m- illion local loyalty and a commend - _ L, 1 (1) Canadian Pacific fiailway Station at Vancouver. B.C. (2) English Ray, Vancouver. (3) Douglas Fir Trus in Stanley Park. Vancouver. able civic pride accomplished much.' ahem. Hindu. the Indies, and men Vancouver 1e now one of the great- from all climes. MA the white etas eat seaports In the world. possessing predominates. as does his elvfl- nae of the most belautlful sites Im- Dation. eginahis. Vaaeouvar 1s of Use 20t1 century i'asm011elttan an the throngs that fell of *oto -data evert*. 11111P?tnated crowd Vancouver streets 1a the with eptlmlawt sad agarkea 57 its Pree-Mslii A Ye Maw. Jab- Mgasse alt plans. SAVED HER LIFE Rt Catharines. Ont:—"l was in • very miner bI, condition when I first en.rh-1 taking Dr. Pierre's Goldin) Medical Dis- covery and Dr. Pierre',, Fvvnnte Prescrip- tion eietann years ago- i sullernrl and was extremely em,eiatel and weak- Although I tram a young woman my doctor thought I wee going t.hmugh the reifies! stage of lifo. hot after using thews. remedies my strength rewind, another ehild nine and fmm that time on my health woo perfect and my weight inenmaed I really haler.. that Ih- Pierre's remelNl saved my life and t 44144411 s[wayya praise them ate lonngg as i live." — MRA. F:LiZA OVEERHOi.T, 43 Fteseh At Favorite Prescription should have the fall ,nntdenes of every woman in Canada hereto* it contain no alcohol and no naroode. Dr. Flores knew, when he first made the standard medicine. Out whiskey and morphine were injurious. and so he hr always beet them nut of his ternediest [fend ion to Ili. PMvne's invalids' Hotel, iafab, N. Y. for trial soakage Ta6[aa Hard Wood A N I 1 Light Woo From $z.00 to $6.00 _ ppr\ cord Delivered to my part of the ]hitio-a gnutttflt!I ,KINDLING WOOD hlioiie.i65 Robert -Wilson Hamilton St.- Gode'l ch rarrnitr+sa.ar"� - - - IiT'S DISCOUR,%GING to discover a link• like till. 1n the emu fortshle sire's that you ISpl•'tell tyonl.l last for a couple of months Fortier any- way. Howe%er, If you send them M ns for our HiGH-CLASS SHOE REPAIRING we ono resole them. restore their goddl looks. and pot them Ito a Minn to giro ►ou long service. Why not try It? S. SMITH Rawl Street (iodeeteh MILLINERY An exceptional offer in correct styles, at greatlyyre- duced prices. Many of the season's newest and most correct models, of excellent value, in Velvet, Beaver and;Vel- our Hats. Regular $7.50 and $8.50 for $5.00. Regular $10.60 and $12.00 for $8.50. Children's Hatt at reduced prices • Hydra Power Shortage The capacil) of the generating plants at Niagara Falls, available to the Commission for supplying the power and lighting demands in the ' Niagara district, has reacheld its limit, which has nec- essitated the Commission limiting the aniottnts of power that can be supplied to the. Municipalities in the Niagara ('i.trict, The Bowler shottage during the winter menith' is greatly in- creased by the overlapping of lighting and power loads, by the extensive use of electric heaters, and also at times on account of the blockiyg by ice of the water supply to the generating plants, The Commission are aslting the co operation of every Hydro riser, whether domestic or in:fnstrial, to assist them in conserving pow- er and light in every possible way in order that an uninterrupted service may be maintained, until a further supply of power is ob- tained for this system. Hydro -Electric hirer Carinies of Ontario