HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-1-8, Page 1heitiFtOWSINOWilieWeeeiesINeomersonsesesiewrsee 1920 CALENDARS. RENEWAL TIME. Apretty Calendar goes with scription to The Rigruil tor 1914). Now is the time, to re- new, or, if you are not al- ready a Nolmeriber, to become Yearly subscription to The Signal $1.50 in advattoe 402.06. to addressee in the 17i/sited States. NO. 2-SEVENTT-7111110 TRAIL GODERICH,, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JAN. 8, 1920 THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED Publishers. =WM OF MONDAYS POLLD1G. POULTRY SHOW NEXT WEEK. LEHE STERLIN6BANK When money matters 1,:s!'b. too intricate or bother- some, consult the Sterling Bat'k Branch Manager. He ill gladly assist you, aod poseesses information which .11 be of value to you. Make a special point of seeing him ifidanning ex- on of your farming operations. K. POlt I.. Pa rsons 59 46 It. Wilde DI Majority for Wigle- -167. T. M. • Ht Davis 71 66 Wallis 75 67 Majority for Wattle -65. POlt PUBLIC 14 Ward - St. Patrick's 11. J. Acheson Mrs. McNally Majority for Achesou-71. Mra. Howell Majority for Stiuudeni-39. For Bylaw carried. 49 49 27 4•4 64 100 •IIII0 ito 62 66 le 7 4e- 549 33-430 111 37 -140 - 78 Winners In tbe Muidelpal Content -- Industrial Bylaw h (*reeled. Tiw polling on Monday eloatirbliltibr the most stirring municipal election iioderich has had lu many years. f %let interest vent red around the mayoralty. though the etnitest for the rervistbip attic) was a keen one. Questions isnitiected with the steel cusoilon and the vostflon of the opposing candidates in referents. to thee projra was debuted from tunny tingles. On Matarday night a meeting wa. held in the Model Thent re tile hiterevis Mr. Papaw' eautlithiture, the apeakers 71 711 79 54 73 31 31 19 53 tei 97 441--491 MR SALE. MUSIC. LIRIVATE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD 4nmaa, armee bad. swings awl mattress: • Nay INOWIler articles article* have had very hob wear • mil Para Slyest. Unlimited Quantity of 000D MIXED WOOD FOR SALIN. at $3 per single corn. delivered, THE GODERICH MANUFACTURING CO.. LIMITED. (Foot of Anglesea St.) Phone 81. us. Bac. DAMAGED GRAIN. NwatManitboa wheat. sfightly damaged by er. For sale in any quantities. W. M McLEAN. Opera House Bloc:k, Goderich. FOR SALE 01 RENT. F,rsth modern conveniences. Agit?. to J136EPH C. Gil IFFIN. Gaoler. This is what you ve been looking for- a immune beneath. epsarter acre Mt, two bosses and kips, Wahl in one of the dint resi- dential parts ol the town. All for Also several Mher good prOperties for sak at MAMMA N.. prices. I'. J. RYAN. Insurance and Real Relate. Phone 50 1 QUALIFIED SURVEYOR 1 I and DRAFTSMAN I IResidence Phone 44 I ellegIninglIMMONt FORTE ORGAN MacEwan's Garage Furs W Highest Prices P 'cl Let us knOW before you sell anywhere else \ ASSURANCE AND - REAL ESTATE Windstorso Tornado Insurance Don't let a repetition of Saturday night's atom] catch you without WIND INHCRANCE. I can insure your property againat wind at a very low cost. Ask for rates. House for Sale Two-story. white tn.ick. with eight rooms. hot water heating. two fireplace*. electric light and bath. ftill lot, Ritnated on the corner of Cambria and Seinen streeta. This 45 one of the most denirable prop- erties; In town and will be mold at a bargain, an the owner is leaving town. J. W. CRAIGIE Fire, Life, !Accident and Automobile Insurance Now More Than 380 Branches in Canada Oonetantty enlarging our sphere of influence that ire may intend to you -our customers the fullest powitina banking accommodation, we have merle notable additional to our branch bank system in Canada during this year. have MIO branches and continuo to rrOar. We atm to be thie Biggest Bank in Canada trout the standpoint of Character and Service. UNION BANK OF CANADA Goderich Branch F. Woolcomb, Manager slIODERICH- INDUSTRIAL AND le AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. The annual meeting of the Goderich Industrial writes to renew lila sutiocription to The and Agricultural Society will be Mid in the rown Goderich. at 1 30 p. m. on Tutmday, the 144graal and aikla :. -That Old Nignall With 40004 linuorY• WA I" elertim °Ince". and I ha nig to/jetties, though wi; are a totanving statement and general Dowries.. long say apses,- Geggelefe, bies. 'Sec 'y -Treas. That delicious made-in-Goderich ice- cream of Blackstone's makes new friends every day. Mr. Thos. N. Itillib, Whitla. Alberta ANNUAL MEETING. The append meeting of tbe members of the Mc - 1Cillop Mutual Fire liwurance Company will be beid to the 1 own Han, Sinsligeth. on Friday, Feb rusty fith. at 2 p. re The bowies. of the tweeting Tull be to receive the toannual statement and auditors' teport. the electing ol three directors and two &editors and other business which might be M in eeeee t to la' Company. The retiring directors are Wm. Rion. Robert Ferns and Jas. Coonolly. wtio are eligible for re- ---- JAMES CONNOLLY. President. There will be • special nieetirg of the Worrien's street and Square. on Wednesday. January 1th, at 3 o'clock. Members are urgently requested to be pretreat A. JONES-BATEMAN. A LEXANDRA MARINE AND GEN- ERAL HOSPITAL. The annual eneetinn for the rewspring tke financial statement end the anneal report of the Board of Trustees will be beld in the Court Howe on Thuisday evening. January !Ind. at a R4Presentauves of ancient.% and others who see interested in the hospital work. are respect- fully roquested to he present. C.C. HILL. JOSEPH KIDD, PUBLIC NOTICE. EYE. EAR, NOSE.,111ROAT. Late House Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and April Hospital, assistant at refield's Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hos- pital, London, Eng. 63 Waterloo St. S. Strattord. Telephone 267. At Bedford Hotel, Gtodench. from Wednew day, February Ilth. st 7 Su p. m.. to Thursday, February 13th. at 1 p. m. UPHOLSTERY. Our upholsterer is prepared to do REPAIR WORK for one requiring the same. Send or- cleti ERICH MERCANT ILECO Board of Health ATION NOTICE. As there are a ceosiderable number of cases of srnallpox in Toronto. as well as in some portions of estern Ontario, the Board of Health woul advise as a pre - TINDERS WANTED. TENDERS L BE RECEI1'ED' Tuesday. January MO. for the following 1 Tbe County Printing for Mu. 2. Groceries delivered at County Jail. by the n ned up to and including 3 Meat delivered st County Jail. per pound 4. Beead delivenrd at County Jail. per 21.0s. S. Ten cords of peen. harp body wood. beech MAYOR E. a. WIGLE. and maple, 4 ft. long. delivelFd at County Jad, who is commencing his third term as on or before March Illit SAIL Godefich'it thief mag strate. . Parties wishing to tender tor 1 er 2 win *owe oak for forms. MI tenders to be sealed and siertuid "Tandem:* GEO. W. HOLMAN. ,1 County Clerk. Jess SUL 11191 21 AUCTION BALLS. Ix YOUNG CIIITIFIAL • The undersigned has received Instructions to eeli ay public auction. at lot 17. Maitland conces- sion, Goderieb. on TUES14,..JANUARY 13th. Cow. with calf at foot. ten chi,* old; COW. to freshen tune of sale, goer. to freshen ee 15; 2 �ws, to freshen January 2i; coo, to freisheo February 2 cows, to freshen March 0 -and Xi Scotus. to freshen to -April; 3 cows. to freshen an Mai; cow. to freshen in June; 2 heifers and,1 steer, riaina 2 years. °good condition; 2 strip- pers, minima wail mei, calves, month. old; 2 calves. mon t hs old. The above are all good Durham grades. Come and get one or woman your own price. ISRAI -SIR months credit will be given on furnishing approved Wont notes, or a discount of 6 per cent. per annum for carts Guefternaa--Any cow odd to be wlth calf. not proving to be so one month from date 01 sale, 1U par cent. of purchase mice loll be refunded. Sale will be conducted indoors. FRANK LOBB. THOS. GUNDRY. Prom letter. Auctioneer. CARD 01 THANES. -- TO THE ELECTORS OF GODER ICH. Litotes AND GINTLIOlaN. - I thank you for the expension of confidence in me which you gave at the polls on Monday, and assure you I will en- deavor 10 serve your mtetests faithfully during the year. Yours truly. TO THE ELECTORS OF GODERICH. elected on Monday. I wish to thank yew for the very generous measure of support that was ez- tended to me. have no etplanstiona to make - the other man received intre votes tban I did. that was all, M Tenons will still be directed. to the extent of mi Opportunity. to advancing the welfare of the good town of Goderich. Yours faithfully, tieing Mt. Pnrsoris, himself, lir. 311. Crest th. The theatre wit. t•rowileii. and 1,11ri•nsigivit,sir.kers were ghwn a very atten- tive hearing. tint Judging from the pull; Mg on Monday wit ninny sotivs were 11114Jorrty of 167 vote.. TIs It. Wallin with a majority of 63 ,fit.,.\ IIt. .1. Aeherain awl Alex. Sioindere were returnee! t . est lug he crionieb of the IMmlnion Road Ilarlilitery,l'o. f tom taxation for another lwrioil of year. was earrIed by a few votes the required two-thirds. . "Herr. holy, hike my AM111:. go In school board affairs. ventive measure that all persons vs AN WANTED TO A who have not vaccinated les furnece. UNIONBANK,,, within three years cioation performed at outbreak of smallpox is to all possible means and the of prevention is by successful Chairman. have vac - once. An avoided by y method NTER; hcla, TO uki ANTED. -A GOOD MAT FOlt v v priers! housework. • Apply to MRS. W.dr. MURNEY. Britannia Road. ANTED. -CLEANING WOM N: v v vicinity of Victoeis school; one day week .14o omitting or ironing. One maid end °unit ityan kept. P. 0. BOX 113. Telephone 136. tf n aturemlly. That's the wily way. !rupee of the election issue of The 'star were. dierributesi among the H11111 - (Mee at Seaturday ziight's meeting. nib( Will be May- or Wigle's term In that ofBee. Judging frolti the vote in St. An- drew's want, the electors of the Scotch I t spelled Ids name Wallace. The iv •n candidates say they did tior expeet to he elected, but somebody hail to uttellipt to -break the lee- in the unitter of woman rt•presenta lion on the school board. T. It. Want!' votes naessureel rip all right, 'anyway. council will he MEI MEIMINY WOriling IT TrFelix.k. , Who will be the leader of the Op- position thls year 7 Now. Dr. Clark, go to it for the Warden's chair. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN I appreciate very highly your expreision of continued confidence in me. Let us all forget personal interests and work together during 1920 for the welfare of the whole community. rig° C K -E Y w=: The nom er Winehell en New, Yew i Ciev wee Goshawk 7. Monday, January i2th, 1920 WEST STREET RINK Goma eidlad at Li 5 1 MITCHELL vs. GODERICH If they keep electing Mg tenons ilke atter and- light atoll] holding -back of the Issue of the two -lir I newspapers last meek appears to have\heen 1.1111M. Ca exelte- roma. Mei far its 'elle SIKHS! lit 111111• VX Pill rly in the seek ae were tinge ror Till` Signal for a letter to the electors on the bylaw. The type, we were informed, Wiln to be set in another office and was to lairpittilisheel alike We were linked If we vOntIll -not hold the paper tint!! Friday I Iii4tead 10.17)- Indilng the day before 1.1%. Year's sis the matter could not tie pit ready time. We did not sit fir.t eonsesit. bulling the other "thee hod agreed to do It we' did WI INC. It AVNA cot Mali trr WO: um -ern' ined the nature t ilE• matter that woe being petite red foe, By New *fear's Eve everybody intereated knelt that the pimp would not he out until Friday, •nd matter Yk accetned for publication In The tOlatial no to Friday noon or later. sO that everybody was given •n equal charter, so far as this ogler' was con- cerned It was not until 9 o'clock that night thitt the type an. reieeeed trona the star ("en and brought over to The • atal although some memlwrs of the ate ff worked until after midnight the papaws could not be got over to las Expeelest filswpass Any Previous Poultry,Iltelsibitlen in Huron. The poultry show. to be held in the town hall here next Viednesday, Thurs- day and Friday. January 14th, hith and 16th, promises to surpass that of any previous year. All the best breeders, Trom Hamilton to London, are manifest• mg a lively interest; and a record entry is expected by the officers of the Associ. This weele•end will see the cooping all as the local poultrymen are ious that everything shall be in Mesa to: the influx of birds early nezt T exhibit will be open to the flub& on nesday night. January -14th. Alt 8 o' k, and will continue open each day un taao p. m. The charge for admissi is only 10 cents. The A iation is offering more prize moe.ey th ever, before. and for this larger exhibit. It is pleasing to note the byalty of the business rnen of the town. who so generously assist the Association with their means, and from year to year stand by the poultry show. It is hoped the townspeople generally will show their interest by . attending the exhibition in large numbers. As usual. children of the public and separate schools will be admitted free on Thursday afternoon. from 4.15 to 6.30 o'clock. Parents are requested to allow their children to at- tend and also to plan to attend the show themselves. This will be the twenty-fourth annual winter show of the Huron County FORGET-ME-NOTS. By the Mayor. The result of Monday'g elections shows the people were sat 'shed with my nomin- ation speech. If the Steel Plant has gone to Sarnia, why was Mr. McCreath so interested in the candidature of Mr. Parsons ? How many industries has the president of the Board of Trade brought to town in the last three years? I was only asked once tO go sod in- mestigate the ptopceed steel lent. and -the request was made by Mr. arsons, on Canon Hill and himself. Why should the office of Mayor be used to investigate on behalf of citizens who were financially in- terested in the land ? The president of the Board of Trade madean investigation. Who knows what he found out ? It was Canon Hill that I told it was a real estate deal. and I made the same statement to Mr. McCreath. who did not deny it. It has never been denied up to the present. HI RON COUNTS COUNCIL. The Huron county council for 1920 . will be composed of the following reeves and deputy reeves. 'fhose marked with an asterisk were not members of last Ashtielch -- Joseph Hackett, Reeve; *Thos. Richardson, Deputy Reeve. Colboroe --Gordon Young. Stanley -M. Elliott. ' Hay -John Laporte. ' Stephen -Alex. Neel): Reeve David Webb. Deputy Reeve. - Usborne-A. Mitchell. Tuckersmith-11. Crich. Mullett -M Armstrong. Morris -Wm. Elston. -- Grey---"John McNabb. Howick-Peter F. Dont. Reeve; •Wm. J. Spotton, Deputy Reeve. Clark. Deputy Reeve. Clinton -*R. J. Miller. Seaforth- John Grieve. Wingham-*Amos noting. Bayfield -.Edward Merner. Brussels -S T. Plum. tt, ensall-G. C. Petty. oseter-John Douglas. i In EVENING CLASSES Booldweehei and The classes for young men in mathe putties vile begin in the Collegiate tin Tuesday and Thursday following. This is a splendid opportunity for young men to improve their education at small cost, and it is hoped that a goodly number will join theclasses. The work is taken up tared), individually and those who have not Iligh School entrance standing are received. Classes will also be begun at the Collegiate Oft the same evenings in bookkeeping, shorthand and typewriting, if sufficient numbers will join. These classes will be in charge of Miss Anderson. commercial specialist, of the Collegiate The millinery and dressmaking classes will not begin till nearly,Fehruary. J. P. HUME, Principal. Blackstone's is the place to get that gift box of chocolates. Coast sealed oysters. always iresh and good, at EdivIrds'. IN 3IEMORIAM. CARTER -Ih !ovine memory of our dear mon and br• thee Pie Witham I. Carter, youngest son of Mr and Mr.. 1. W. Carter:Auburn. who died of -11ia- (bronchi:1, pneemonim in Bonn. Germany, on the lot f January, 1019. We loved hirn.'yet, we lodarthini. But Imo, loved him more. -Father. Mother. Sisters and Brother. The would-be Mayor would have a hard time reducing the tax rate with 'waterworks surplus. The surplus is only lon paper and has been spent in capital expenditure instedd of issuing further debentures. Why did he not propote this when he was in the council ? Mr. Ellis, director of the Ontario Hous- ing Commission, did not deny my having an intervievr with him. Nor has he de- nied what -was said at -that interview. The last action of the 1919 city Colima of Sarnia was to rsecind the bylaw for a special tax vote on January 9. This vote was fur fixed taxation for the Lake Huron Steel Corporation. Have they jumped too quickly? It son etimes pays to go If Mr. McCreath wanted the land to sell to the workmen at firm cost, why has he sold a out in parcels ? The Globe of Wednesday, 17th September. 1919. page 19. contains the following advertisement: -Ready to subdivide acreage adjoining the new Steel Plant, Goderich. Write Box 45, Goderich." This looks ail If the workman was to be well lancet after. If sixty thousand lots can be disposed of owing to the buying of a site at Ohlsway by the Canada. Steel, Corpor- ation, how many lots could be disposed .nt at Goderich. with the possibility of he Lake Huron Steel Corooration locating here ? Was the question of power ever settled between the Hydro -Electric Power Com- mission of Ontario and the Steel Co. ? It is not customary for banks to under- write stocks of industrials. What is usually done is that individuals might underwrite the securities. and on their covenant banks might loan money. Why was the Goderich solicitor for the Steel Co. and their stenographer at the nomination meeting ? Who was the president, vice president, secretary -treasurer of the Lake Huron Steel Corporation on the 8th of -June. 24th Sed*mber, or 1st December ? Why were they not made known as promised by Mr. McCreath in his open tepee of 1st of October. Would it not have been wiser to say less and do more ? BORN. RUMBA LI., In Gisterich. on January 6. to Mr. and Mrs. R.1. Romblon. a eon. DIEM GR 511 \ M In Athhell. on Monday, January 5 Gr ahatn. in his MO year. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Palle Private Sale cd Household 'Ftfraiture -E. L. Annual Meeting-Goderich Industrial and Ag - Annual Meeting -McKillop Fire Insura•ce Co. 1 Card of Thanks -T. R. Wallis Notice of Meeting -A. Jones -Bateman 1 Annual Meeting -Flagpole! Board . 1 Auction Sale -Fronk Lobb Tenders Wanted -Geo. W: Holman - Opening New Store-J.Cuthhevlson Hockey -Mitchell vs. Goderich Card of Thanks -T. M. Davie Man Wanted -Union Bank 11 BANK OFMONTWA asrmauseao oval% 109 trams .A Joint Bank Account A Joint Bank Account enables man and wife, or two members of the same family, to have a Savings Account in common, and make deposits and with- drawals individually. A. W. Strickland, manse*, t.T od Branch. \E A Sa\rings Bank Account not only provides an assurance for the present, but rantees you security in the futu FOA To save i -to emceed - THE CANADIAN BANK OF .COMMERCE RESERVE FUND $15,000,000 GODERICH BRANCH. G. lit\illiams, Manner. Ht Davis 71 66 Wallis 75 67 Majority for Wattle -65. POlt PUBLIC 14 Ward - St. Patrick's 11. J. Acheson Mrs. McNally Majority for Achesou-71. Mra. Howell Majority for Stiuudeni-39. For Bylaw carried. 49 49 27 4•4 64 100 •IIII0 ito 62 66 le 7 4e- 549 33-430 111 37 -140 - 78 Winners In tbe Muidelpal Content -- Industrial Bylaw h (*reeled. Tiw polling on Monday eloatirbliltibr the most stirring municipal election iioderich has had lu many years. f %let interest vent red around the mayoralty. though the etnitest for the rervistbip attic) was a keen one. Questions isnitiected with the steel cusoilon and the vostflon of the opposing candidates in referents. to thee projra was debuted from tunny tingles. On Matarday night a meeting wa. held in the Model Thent re tile hiterevis Mr. Papaw' eautlithiture, the apeakers 71 711 79 54 73 31 31 19 53 tei 97 441--491 MR SALE. MUSIC. LIRIVATE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD 4nmaa, armee bad. swings awl mattress: • Nay INOWIler articles article* have had very hob wear • mil Para Slyest. Unlimited Quantity of 000D MIXED WOOD FOR SALIN. at $3 per single corn. delivered, THE GODERICH MANUFACTURING CO.. LIMITED. (Foot of Anglesea St.) Phone 81. us. Bac. DAMAGED GRAIN. NwatManitboa wheat. sfightly damaged by er. For sale in any quantities. W. M McLEAN. Opera House Bloc:k, Goderich. FOR SALE 01 RENT. F,rsth modern conveniences. Agit?. to J136EPH C. Gil IFFIN. Gaoler. This is what you ve been looking for- a immune beneath. epsarter acre Mt, two bosses and kips, Wahl in one of the dint resi- dential parts ol the town. All for Also several Mher good prOperties for sak at MAMMA N.. prices. I'. J. RYAN. Insurance and Real Relate. Phone 50 1 QUALIFIED SURVEYOR 1 I and DRAFTSMAN I IResidence Phone 44 I ellegIninglIMMONt FORTE ORGAN MacEwan's Garage Furs W Highest Prices P 'cl Let us knOW before you sell anywhere else \ ASSURANCE AND - REAL ESTATE Windstorso Tornado Insurance Don't let a repetition of Saturday night's atom] catch you without WIND INHCRANCE. I can insure your property againat wind at a very low cost. Ask for rates. House for Sale Two-story. white tn.ick. with eight rooms. hot water heating. two fireplace*. electric light and bath. ftill lot, Ritnated on the corner of Cambria and Seinen streeta. This 45 one of the most denirable prop- erties; In town and will be mold at a bargain, an the owner is leaving town. J. W. CRAIGIE Fire, Life, !Accident and Automobile Insurance Now More Than 380 Branches in Canada Oonetantty enlarging our sphere of influence that ire may intend to you -our customers the fullest powitina banking accommodation, we have merle notable additional to our branch bank system in Canada during this year. have MIO branches and continuo to rrOar. We atm to be thie Biggest Bank in Canada trout the standpoint of Character and Service. UNION BANK OF CANADA Goderich Branch F. Woolcomb, Manager slIODERICH- INDUSTRIAL AND le AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. The annual meeting of the Goderich Industrial writes to renew lila sutiocription to The and Agricultural Society will be Mid in the rown Goderich. at 1 30 p. m. on Tutmday, the 144graal and aikla :. -That Old Nignall With 40004 linuorY• WA I" elertim °Ince". and I ha nig to/jetties, though wi; are a totanving statement and general Dowries.. long say apses,- Geggelefe, bies. 'Sec 'y -Treas. That delicious made-in-Goderich ice- cream of Blackstone's makes new friends every day. Mr. Thos. N. Itillib, Whitla. Alberta ANNUAL MEETING. The append meeting of tbe members of the Mc - 1Cillop Mutual Fire liwurance Company will be beid to the 1 own Han, Sinsligeth. on Friday, Feb rusty fith. at 2 p. re The bowies. of the tweeting Tull be to receive the toannual statement and auditors' teport. the electing ol three directors and two &editors and other business which might be M in eeeee t to la' Company. The retiring directors are Wm. Rion. Robert Ferns and Jas. Coonolly. wtio are eligible for re- ---- JAMES CONNOLLY. President. There will be • special nieetirg of the Worrien's street and Square. on Wednesday. January 1th, at 3 o'clock. Members are urgently requested to be pretreat A. JONES-BATEMAN. A LEXANDRA MARINE AND GEN- ERAL HOSPITAL. The annual eneetinn for the rewspring tke financial statement end the anneal report of the Board of Trustees will be beld in the Court Howe on Thuisday evening. January !Ind. at a R4Presentauves of ancient.% and others who see interested in the hospital work. are respect- fully roquested to he present. C.C. HILL. JOSEPH KIDD, PUBLIC NOTICE. EYE. EAR, NOSE.,111ROAT. Late House Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and April Hospital, assistant at refield's Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hos- pital, London, Eng. 63 Waterloo St. S. Strattord. Telephone 267. At Bedford Hotel, Gtodench. from Wednew day, February Ilth. st 7 Su p. m.. to Thursday, February 13th. at 1 p. m. UPHOLSTERY. Our upholsterer is prepared to do REPAIR WORK for one requiring the same. Send or- cleti ERICH MERCANT ILECO Board of Health ATION NOTICE. As there are a ceosiderable number of cases of srnallpox in Toronto. as well as in some portions of estern Ontario, the Board of Health woul advise as a pre - TINDERS WANTED. TENDERS L BE RECEI1'ED' Tuesday. January MO. for the following 1 Tbe County Printing for Mu. 2. Groceries delivered at County Jail. by the n ned up to and including 3 Meat delivered st County Jail. per pound 4. Beead delivenrd at County Jail. per 21.0s. S. Ten cords of peen. harp body wood. beech MAYOR E. a. WIGLE. and maple, 4 ft. long. delivelFd at County Jad, who is commencing his third term as on or before March Illit SAIL Godefich'it thief mag strate. . Parties wishing to tender tor 1 er 2 win *owe oak for forms. MI tenders to be sealed and siertuid "Tandem:* GEO. W. HOLMAN. ,1 County Clerk. Jess SUL 11191 21 AUCTION BALLS. Ix YOUNG CIIITIFIAL • The undersigned has received Instructions to eeli ay public auction. at lot 17. Maitland conces- sion, Goderieb. on TUES14,..JANUARY 13th. Cow. with calf at foot. ten chi,* old; COW. to freshen tune of sale, goer. to freshen ee 15; 2 �ws, to freshen January 2i; coo, to freisheo February 2 cows, to freshen March 0 -and Xi Scotus. to freshen to -April; 3 cows. to freshen an Mai; cow. to freshen in June; 2 heifers and,1 steer, riaina 2 years. °good condition; 2 strip- pers, minima wail mei, calves, month. old; 2 calves. mon t hs old. The above are all good Durham grades. Come and get one or woman your own price. ISRAI -SIR months credit will be given on furnishing approved Wont notes, or a discount of 6 per cent. per annum for carts Guefternaa--Any cow odd to be wlth calf. not proving to be so one month from date 01 sale, 1U par cent. of purchase mice loll be refunded. Sale will be conducted indoors. FRANK LOBB. THOS. GUNDRY. Prom letter. Auctioneer. CARD 01 THANES. -- TO THE ELECTORS OF GODER ICH. Litotes AND GINTLIOlaN. - I thank you for the expension of confidence in me which you gave at the polls on Monday, and assure you I will en- deavor 10 serve your mtetests faithfully during the year. Yours truly. TO THE ELECTORS OF GODERICH. elected on Monday. I wish to thank yew for the very generous measure of support that was ez- tended to me. have no etplanstiona to make - the other man received intre votes tban I did. that was all, M Tenons will still be directed. to the extent of mi Opportunity. to advancing the welfare of the good town of Goderich. Yours faithfully, tieing Mt. Pnrsoris, himself, lir. 311. Crest th. The theatre wit. t•rowileii. and 1,11ri•nsigivit,sir.kers were ghwn a very atten- tive hearing. tint Judging from the pull; Mg on Monday wit ninny sotivs were 11114Jorrty of 167 vote.. TIs It. Wallin with a majority of 63 ,fit.,.\ IIt. .1. Aeherain awl Alex. Sioindere were returnee! t . est lug he crionieb of the IMmlnion Road Ilarlilitery,l'o. f tom taxation for another lwrioil of year. was earrIed by a few votes the required two-thirds. . "Herr. holy, hike my AM111:. go In school board affairs. ventive measure that all persons vs AN WANTED TO A who have not vaccinated les furnece. UNIONBANK,,, within three years cioation performed at outbreak of smallpox is to all possible means and the of prevention is by successful Chairman. have vac - once. An avoided by y method NTER; hcla, TO uki ANTED. -A GOOD MAT FOlt v v priers! housework. • Apply to MRS. W.dr. MURNEY. Britannia Road. ANTED. -CLEANING WOM N: v v vicinity of Victoeis school; one day week .14o omitting or ironing. One maid end °unit ityan kept. P. 0. BOX 113. Telephone 136. tf n aturemlly. That's the wily way. !rupee of the election issue of The 'star were. dierributesi among the H11111 - (Mee at Seaturday ziight's meeting. nib( Will be May- or Wigle's term In that ofBee. Judging frolti the vote in St. An- drew's want, the electors of the Scotch I t spelled Ids name Wallace. The iv •n candidates say they did tior expeet to he elected, but somebody hail to uttellipt to -break the lee- in the unitter of woman rt•presenta lion on the school board. T. It. Want!' votes naessureel rip all right, 'anyway. council will he MEI MEIMINY WOriling IT TrFelix.k. , Who will be the leader of the Op- position thls year 7 Now. Dr. Clark, go to it for the Warden's chair. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN I appreciate very highly your expreision of continued confidence in me. Let us all forget personal interests and work together during 1920 for the welfare of the whole community. rig° C K -E Y w=: The nom er Winehell en New, Yew i Ciev wee Goshawk 7. Monday, January i2th, 1920 WEST STREET RINK Goma eidlad at Li 5 1 MITCHELL vs. GODERICH If they keep electing Mg tenons ilke atter and- light atoll] holding -back of the Issue of the two -lir I newspapers last meek appears to have\heen 1.1111M. Ca exelte- roma. Mei far its 'elle SIKHS! lit 111111• VX Pill rly in the seek ae were tinge ror Till` Signal for a letter to the electors on the bylaw. The type, we were informed, Wiln to be set in another office and was to lairpittilisheel alike We were linked If we vOntIll -not hold the paper tint!! Friday I Iii4tead 10.17)- Indilng the day before 1.1%. Year's sis the matter could not tie pit ready time. We did not sit fir.t eonsesit. bulling the other "thee hod agreed to do It we' did WI INC. It AVNA cot Mali trr WO: um -ern' ined the nature t ilE• matter that woe being petite red foe, By New *fear's Eve everybody intereated knelt that the pimp would not he out until Friday, •nd matter Yk accetned for publication In The tOlatial no to Friday noon or later. sO that everybody was given •n equal charter, so far as this ogler' was con- cerned It was not until 9 o'clock that night thitt the type an. reieeeed trona the star ("en and brought over to The • atal although some memlwrs of the ate ff worked until after midnight the papaws could not be got over to las Expeelest filswpass Any Previous Poultry,Iltelsibitlen in Huron. The poultry show. to be held in the town hall here next Viednesday, Thurs- day and Friday. January 14th, hith and 16th, promises to surpass that of any previous year. All the best breeders, Trom Hamilton to London, are manifest• mg a lively interest; and a record entry is expected by the officers of the Associ. This weele•end will see the cooping all as the local poultrymen are ious that everything shall be in Mesa to: the influx of birds early nezt T exhibit will be open to the flub& on nesday night. January -14th. Alt 8 o' k, and will continue open each day un taao p. m. The charge for admissi is only 10 cents. The A iation is offering more prize moe.ey th ever, before. and for this larger exhibit. It is pleasing to note the byalty of the business rnen of the town. who so generously assist the Association with their means, and from year to year stand by the poultry show. It is hoped the townspeople generally will show their interest by . attending the exhibition in large numbers. As usual. children of the public and separate schools will be admitted free on Thursday afternoon. from 4.15 to 6.30 o'clock. Parents are requested to allow their children to at- tend and also to plan to attend the show themselves. This will be the twenty-fourth annual winter show of the Huron County FORGET-ME-NOTS. By the Mayor. The result of Monday'g elections shows the people were sat 'shed with my nomin- ation speech. If the Steel Plant has gone to Sarnia, why was Mr. McCreath so interested in the candidature of Mr. Parsons ? How many industries has the president of the Board of Trade brought to town in the last three years? I was only asked once tO go sod in- mestigate the ptopceed steel lent. and -the request was made by Mr. arsons, on Canon Hill and himself. Why should the office of Mayor be used to investigate on behalf of citizens who were financially in- terested in the land ? The president of the Board of Trade madean investigation. Who knows what he found out ? It was Canon Hill that I told it was a real estate deal. and I made the same statement to Mr. McCreath. who did not deny it. It has never been denied up to the present. HI RON COUNTS COUNCIL. The Huron county council for 1920 . will be composed of the following reeves and deputy reeves. 'fhose marked with an asterisk were not members of last Ashtielch -- Joseph Hackett, Reeve; *Thos. Richardson, Deputy Reeve. Colboroe --Gordon Young. Stanley -M. Elliott. ' Hay -John Laporte. ' Stephen -Alex. Neel): Reeve David Webb. Deputy Reeve. - Usborne-A. Mitchell. Tuckersmith-11. Crich. Mullett -M Armstrong. Morris -Wm. Elston. -- Grey---"John McNabb. Howick-Peter F. Dont. Reeve; •Wm. J. Spotton, Deputy Reeve. Clark. Deputy Reeve. Clinton -*R. J. Miller. Seaforth- John Grieve. Wingham-*Amos noting. Bayfield -.Edward Merner. Brussels -S T. Plum. tt, ensall-G. C. Petty. oseter-John Douglas. i In EVENING CLASSES Booldweehei and The classes for young men in mathe putties vile begin in the Collegiate tin Tuesday and Thursday following. This is a splendid opportunity for young men to improve their education at small cost, and it is hoped that a goodly number will join theclasses. The work is taken up tared), individually and those who have not Iligh School entrance standing are received. Classes will also be begun at the Collegiate Oft the same evenings in bookkeeping, shorthand and typewriting, if sufficient numbers will join. These classes will be in charge of Miss Anderson. commercial specialist, of the Collegiate The millinery and dressmaking classes will not begin till nearly,Fehruary. J. P. HUME, Principal. Blackstone's is the place to get that gift box of chocolates. Coast sealed oysters. always iresh and good, at EdivIrds'. IN 3IEMORIAM. CARTER -Ih !ovine memory of our dear mon and br• thee Pie Witham I. Carter, youngest son of Mr and Mr.. 1. W. Carter:Auburn. who died of -11ia- (bronchi:1, pneemonim in Bonn. Germany, on the lot f January, 1019. We loved hirn.'yet, we lodarthini. But Imo, loved him more. -Father. Mother. Sisters and Brother. The would-be Mayor would have a hard time reducing the tax rate with 'waterworks surplus. The surplus is only lon paper and has been spent in capital expenditure instedd of issuing further debentures. Why did he not propote this when he was in the council ? Mr. Ellis, director of the Ontario Hous- ing Commission, did not deny my having an intervievr with him. Nor has he de- nied what -was said at -that interview. The last action of the 1919 city Colima of Sarnia was to rsecind the bylaw for a special tax vote on January 9. This vote was fur fixed taxation for the Lake Huron Steel Corporation. Have they jumped too quickly? It son etimes pays to go If Mr. McCreath wanted the land to sell to the workmen at firm cost, why has he sold a out in parcels ? The Globe of Wednesday, 17th September. 1919. page 19. contains the following advertisement: -Ready to subdivide acreage adjoining the new Steel Plant, Goderich. Write Box 45, Goderich." This looks ail If the workman was to be well lancet after. If sixty thousand lots can be disposed of owing to the buying of a site at Ohlsway by the Canada. Steel, Corpor- ation, how many lots could be disposed .nt at Goderich. with the possibility of he Lake Huron Steel Corooration locating here ? Was the question of power ever settled between the Hydro -Electric Power Com- mission of Ontario and the Steel Co. ? It is not customary for banks to under- write stocks of industrials. What is usually done is that individuals might underwrite the securities. and on their covenant banks might loan money. Why was the Goderich solicitor for the Steel Co. and their stenographer at the nomination meeting ? Who was the president, vice president, secretary -treasurer of the Lake Huron Steel Corporation on the 8th of -June. 24th Sed*mber, or 1st December ? Why were they not made known as promised by Mr. McCreath in his open tepee of 1st of October. Would it not have been wiser to say less and do more ? BORN. RUMBA LI., In Gisterich. on January 6. to Mr. and Mrs. R.1. Romblon. a eon. DIEM GR 511 \ M In Athhell. on Monday, January 5 Gr ahatn. in his MO year. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Palle Private Sale cd Household 'Ftfraiture -E. L. Annual Meeting-Goderich Industrial and Ag - Annual Meeting -McKillop Fire Insura•ce Co. 1 Card of Thanks -T. R. Wallis Notice of Meeting -A. Jones -Bateman 1 Annual Meeting -Flagpole! Board . 1 Auction Sale -Fronk Lobb Tenders Wanted -Geo. W: Holman - Opening New Store-J.Cuthhevlson Hockey -Mitchell vs. Goderich Card of Thanks -T. M. Davie Man Wanted -Union Bank 11 BANK OFMONTWA asrmauseao oval% 109 trams .A Joint Bank Account A Joint Bank Account enables man and wife, or two members of the same family, to have a Savings Account in common, and make deposits and with- drawals individually. A. W. Strickland, manse*, t.T od Branch.