HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-1-1, Page 8-.. rigi re knew, 11=S"..oli s• r, • rise 1 ••=••••-rar• sla •O'rt „"A *,•„•'• riivr fr afro", o • • * Thursday. Jammer 1. 11r-st. ' _ Sok •• • ••••.•-•-••,•-, " • •• • . "tniis 'ef oasts. as. '-oko.".4:..1."1, •4.":"`"4 • 4,, "lit? o, a • J. ',12•04.; TR; SIGNAL ot4,1 ?Air4„,o_. .rflr 445' GODERICH, 011111. A, • ,„to Ittft:Ite.'ot,too _ ro , - ....4tosao.reeettenso ••••. tic:777 • ; `”4;11;,titlIS: Office and .School Supplies Large and complete stock of all Blank Rooks, Books. g• IF Time Rooks, .. Receipts, etc. Ink, Mucilage,/ BlottitiLr, Paper, etc. ill • St" I tool Supplier. Scribblern, Exer l'rhO 'hook& Penis, Pencils, etc Haw you got 50tie 115.15 Meth -dist or Presbyterian Hymn Book ready for Sunstay, January NW' 'Buy now while our stock is complete sam' PjI,' rIBIEWN NIPTDRNEN-41RAGRR--- st-t.roors THE BYLAW. 'tali)* '(AaD. TO TH E ELECTORS OF CODER ICH. — - Lads* sod Gent Ironer', --Harms errs ed you at the council bowl for the poet rout years. two lilt,04 which 1 have been chairtuan of outlive n rk•••• which los., me • good knowledge of the to•ti s aura, an, h nus been nominated ukfur tyheoul. posi er t,io1.1:•1 IC ve for the coming year. 1 11 elected 1 *ill owe ear best stoats or tr wellare ul our town, both •titbe tow• council a .11 the county council ishom row all alistusperous and happy New Ifsat T H. WAI LIS rum ELECTORS. , • Wok.die wrider.ssoisd. have been nominate 4 tar the Ino of public st boot trustee, We believe, from eaprena, frequently berrd. that there Is a goosing cony t iott that wm,n should have a ',lake on the public sr hoot board. Ishiel• is so IoelyGOOCarned alai the stellate of the children of the csosiatunsts. We thetriure iespectlully fetlt-r,t Ythir v 04s and influence on out behalf. MRS. E. A. MsNALLY. .St. Patrick% Ward. - MRS. M. E. HOWELL. Si. George's Nato. he Dominion Road Macnincry Co.. Ltd.cv Goderich. Ont. • DEAR Sias.- I have received your cir- cular letter with reference to the bylaw W.-.7 and shall be pleased to support it by my —vote. as I consider it one of our most • valuable institutions. _ • _ Yours very truly, C.SEAGER. FM SALK OR RENT. (0,E OR TWO COMFORTABLY- .....'ouroishoia roosts to renl . Centrally 1OCM.t1 4)0 mg*, if desired. Apply st SIGNAL OFFIlL'As - NOTICE, 's is what you base been lositiag lie-• Mews. Oneuptarter acre Mt. NM and. Uneatable. in one of tbe AIRS nald- t ts el the town. All for $1.000. A other good prcipertert format11 Sew. t..;‘IN„Inourance and Rest Ii... _ Phone 50 VOW SA A XED BRICK HOUSE. 1 • loseviteitts n convenagams. ' -I)R. F. J. R. Fe"- R. . EYE.'EAFT, '1•:. THROAT. . se .: - Late House Surgeon ew You* Ophthalmic - - end Ansa, Hoegntsrl. laM hi- Moorefield' Est. Hospital one Golden Square Throat Hof. peal. London, Eng. :•:.: Waterloo St. S.. Stratlor • . Telephone *. At Bedford Hotel. Goderakh. from Wednes- day. February lith, at 7.3 p.\ m .to Thursday. February lith. at I p. in. ANTED.- A GOOD MAID FOR 1 general housework. Apply l MRS. W. T. AILIINEV,Iiritattsta Road. GUNDitirs SALE REGIS R. TIMIDAT, Jan. I.- Post Finned auction le of •tandiumbre in bush. for Wm. Sten a hat II and 4. %V ensnotih. \ Tug We. Jan. • ..Auction sale of farm ,tock. op* S. etc.. property of James Elsley. lot sa •rews LS. Hallett. ite.014i‘ilean. .S.-Cleartng sale of farm ins WS, rte., property of Moses lot ...concession 10. tiollett. Several wham cons. to fre.hen al once. ire IFIr.‘ Inlet frtoni Sarnia Ille.••rter's :to noIlltritinent of the steel phut projeet 111 that boot : "I'p too it few months Imo,- amid Mr,' llosvani sildressitiit the o 11. -we had' divided fo locate our 'dont iti 1:nebeilell. 11'e had options on approx- imately one and three-quarter miles of rite'. front Had 1000 acres for hon.ing Pitrinews. isoinoii laid -eso•feretto. with Mr. 11.11_1(.11ON .sos sre.all now more oir less fawilidr. and ween I ()tunnel] our pinto to hint hp stated that there 45115 MI better p4int tu tbs. world Huila on tlii• Canadian bordsit to 'establish a not, had 1, milked. !Why flutlerlelor fee on be tiro/Whitt Er tip the lliter men std. CARD OF ?NARKS. • TO THE ELECTORS OF CODE:Ric:II. I Whit ibe 0ppueunity.01 thanking you for my re-eleetion by aai blowout. to the othce or I )(Pot Y Reeve Inc the year br20. Ibr honor is 011W which ' I appreciate ems highly. and 55 111 the past I sill do s hat 1qing..siIb at the torn earned and at e lle county boat a. to, adt, ance the sntcrcst.ol the town. • W. F CLARK. NOTICII OF NOTICE. ••. r The annual Meting 01 the Coliworuellownship Municipal Telephone System sill' be held al Carlo.. on Thursday. January title IOW. et &cluck p at All interested are twitted la at- tend. J. P ELD. Chairman. J.N. KERN IGHAN. Secret/arr. PUBLIC NOTICE. NoncE. A flwelIM111 salt br hewed the sem, 'halbert and sisters or the members of the G. W. V.A., in the club rooms, North street. ors Wedneeday, 4"mmu5.44h "4 4' IL 'ARS. YUNG131,11 t. Secretary. UPHOLSTERY. Our upholsterer is prepared to do REPAIR WORK for anyone requiring the same. dens to THE GODERICH MERCANTILE (55 LOST OJ FOUND. ' •-s . • r OST.-ON,HRISTMAS E V E. either at Model Theatre or on wasOrsatie "square. • beaver mull with seal et grinder soil please lease at SIGNAL 0 le 11, ••• fe- el ye rearm d• 1- td TO THE ELECTORS OF "o,1 It k toeing stated against pe that' 1 o • .responsi for e awitaiing of. tke-,ateel ' plant from ()listen h to Simla. 1 Whitt ire the facts f -e. The kist mishap to Mr. MeCreath's proje was when theinns nr some of' them) pit the land- turne out to toe -wo . The securing of those opt' ISM; the wo 4 of Mr. M h and las friends -1 had nothing to do with it, vas not asked ti hate anything to do witi. it. .When Mr. Me 'reath went bac to his Toronto friends (as he stAted M the ' ,nii- nation nit'- tine . aud told them about the "bold -up" on he o_ptioss,Lth told him he wAior''.a poor business man.". Liti 1 pousible for . Later ot, wheu a hylilw WAS asked for, anii•X (late for a , special niectin of the Connell 11:1114 fixed by Mr. Parsons and Ids majority iii. the outwit. Mr. Mei'relith was not present and•the eouneil elotild ma e till headway. . Am l respoo sible for that Anti that wit' •. priteticailx-the last the council heard of *he .aekeine.. There was McCeeath and his pro exactly where they We didn't they Ito "'re-! 1 1 4 I • jarity all •along in the eonneil fur Mr, isition,,but they tower seented to know or what\ they wanted to do—or why ildn't ?nor •them. Mr. Met'reath tells about the quick way they snapped up bit proposition at flit ix. Hut at Sarnia they had Wills with .thent-it rear liv man. with mililions of tuottev—a manitierybonly in karnia didn't_liaveanybody of that stamp with them in the! • deal in t:oderich. Doesn't it look ea if it was their getting -put-tha_scherne "tat_ibi. came there was never...Any pr( y positively •that ,nothin the steel plant from 4;lo erich. If Miy eha of its coining to Chiderich, it was the way in sellich it was handled by Mr. . eCreatit ar (inclodiug my opponent for the may° Ity.) that far as Gollerich was vox -teemed, For my part, I postosidered it my t _ that the town's interests ,were protected, boolinitor. If We eleetors want a Mayor u thraegh council With blinders on. •they at hrime. • e,,,,......Ooric:arlarsioutitierr•-• ?co. . • • LE. E. gold of Mr., Wills that realty /rum _the meat Mr. Wills If' wet for oderich to get it. 1 did Or id not do kept here ever Was tibusinesslike - his friends lined it so ay as -M-n* to see 't titer than VI aet. as 4 lo will rush things a o tele nes . tt ARRIED. et:ma-NAAR In Gridericb. on DeCenlifer by Rey. Me I iermio. Jean Prancers' ..,...mllisoljnirwer -third de k Mr and Mrs. C. A. Nairn, . L. A.. win of Mr. and Mrs.). . H me, c, Godeis'h NT --CLARK .\-At 1' • st Presbyterian church, • -iitomit. ittich.',\ on ember 111. by Res. C. E. Mier's, D. fo. A me second daughter. of Mr. and Mn. }oho C rk Colborne towd, ...dup. to Mr. Deism M. unt. td Koatocay. •. DIED. are"—BlITTEOR 'London. en Thur . ay. ‘1YerembeY 7. Sarah Morrison. widow the iNc John Heuer. P'117.1.4MMONS.-.1W Gotha las on ed iyoorce...rsavner Mob= Pitts= PENNINGTON, Detroit. on T enitirr In. ChM. Pennington. Inc lade W. L. Pennington of Goderich 4 r., . , ortgo 1 51 o -ss 0454174,474 • ay. De. �O�01 elowelietiebriteies,1 itias.ws .41118106X 11 St. Clair /111 his yacht. shgtwisl ie. the i,itiimnh toti-nntnites of tin. rii:er front rifoperty- and rook thi Itt MarysrMe a here 1 in• cionsteno•thoto of the first unit' of the ionotimbile pant is now winder say. mai tobt 514811 1,ottt It, and it svois then tlort one decision was reached. -1Io• Is vitally interested in tlw s plant and 1 have a letter from is1 which says the steel Phial is In neosissary. and thnt when wr start sopttlytng _the. steal- bei....N.J11 start clw antoultddie plant. •thsr actual PNI11.11- 4triiro• :at Godrrich lima been Itt (bit' imighlairbotal of 811111,01.01. fait w,' are o Ming to droop flint In view of the advantages offered by the property we have seronnort." ow•es•lerereWtO romfelPlat• nWrilltinu 441 tat • PAer• • F0 !' ' -•.,Tr • 1 and he will protlet your interests - "Vtlirtrfell'Ingt'llaerentot . . •' "t • -si Avis,,,,,, ., 10 ••••••.se. "Plrele•I•••• 1 \\:\ ."" „ . *** ” —aftlikkirsoffsestss hat, •wiimammame ,IL‘411s .7A .r,,,129,11tatianaLRif,f1T&T.rurit•2,1%,3.1111,,,,,,B:of„12,',.. :",z• • 4 orogreree. momrs, , tri 1. 11.1j 44 "^ 7 ANU 7,140,14.10thellik: way ith a ig Sta WE have decided to start 1920 With a big sale. values will be mentioned. in the papers and dte merchandise at sale prices. It is the fro' it\orle season to another, so that the newe _ seasati. _ .............„,.--,......„ . ,...,____:.;........., _ „:.„......... -, It • not only slow sellers that will be offe there w* t good values for -the people taking ad s1, 'ft =Cm. 4.:"triAr "'Mr. 4.4%00 OINK. •AdfrArlr,t4tOitti ch *eek s,.i sal sale y will comprise real up -to - of this store not to ca goods linqs can be .shown for th coming 4, ' 4 but real live merch dise, and tage of this sale. - Folio the list of -specials each week, pick out 'hat you require,_ hen- come and inspect/tIe goods, and you will find them exactly s advertised—r. • CORSETS %owe A wonderful col- ' -lection of different line,: of I) rets at $1 Each ir ' gua "lured. agf lines that sold at -a muck higher BLANKETS FLOOR OILCLOTHS AND CONGOLEUMS We Mr diacontinuing the thaw eovering hue. 4,presetit and will art to clear (SO the present stock. - . t'ongoletigs Rugs in size3 x 81, yanks. Regular $15.751. for $13.75. . :.-- . • • 3 x 3 yardak liegular *13.75;for $11•75- -",•-'-' • 2 x 2 yarcht, • For $4.00. I i 11/2 yards. For $2.15. r Oilcloth in all widths from 1 yard stills to 21! yards wide -,* • .. - • - • \ Best quality fl for 69c a yard,' The retail price of this oi etnth today is Sac a mini. Boy your supply for ring' Isom; at 69c a square yard. Several piece?' of heavy 000r covering pi good patterns_out and wool rags, at 74.a -y. 1. - . he psfterns.are all god a d the qualities are the beitt. rubber _ . A tj:hiitlty of seem Ai in Blanket slightly- damaged t $3.00. is is a great saving as tentage easily be -repaired to t•f_tot•t llx and the 45-0" _ H'a'y grey w is tasked, and earliiind get a res Hanirelette. \ A wooded e edge, at ings elo he slight tweeds u1 make a First. Al ice is shades are p dye is perfet.. Broadcloths jt taupe, and the'ligh spring.- Regulirr $8.. gular *7.00. for $5. ilvettone 410atinp,. 00, for VIM. • weed Coatings in brow rey colorings. $5.50, for 00. for 34.25. cirri Coating for girls' a garments, at $2.25 a are wonderful valuesII iii -r. 111.15. The q 'B1*nkets. Regular ritity Of these two 11 '11 go t11liek13-. tot bargain in blanket assortment of coat- , broadcloths and on sale January newest and best nted and the the 50, 1111 4. SWEATER COATS Heavy all -wool Sweater C Every coat this•sesson's o and eolor the newest. The It Troken and we have decided , every coat in stock and clear Matt rildeg "'Oen' theft wasonearaffs. IT, black, ahade4 for for 37.00. ts on sale. ands the cut es ate. -now o reduce t em this !month., Eras7 coat lila shoot six we are o ring 'is pure wool and the colors fast. ey come in pullovers with or withotit slee and coats in heavy and light weight .. Mere are a few of the values': Regular *15.00, for 811.95. -- Regular $12:00, for 39.98. Mistier 449.00, for 37.25. R,eselax *8.00, for 36.35. .",1144r2•7144#744r%eo., Repdar $4.50, for $3.69. Bewre to see these values. Avs,Z. *.• *qv HANDKERCHIEFS • After the Christmas selling we have de- cided to clear oiii the broken lines that re !dill ill atoik. of Fancy Handkerchiefs. Oa lines will be grouped at dart:tilt 1 pri 1111(tinki mach !mobile Pegular priee. 'a few of --the prices -4;S.-- "---.-- 11c Handkerelliefm, at 20c. 40, Remits 30e Handkerchiefs, at 24c. 14,..rnlar 5c Handkerchiefs. it 21c. - .A ape 'al in colored bordered Ifand- kerahiefs at 0 each. , • 1 . Bur Handke 11014- and save regular and 4.75, 4, SILK UNDERWEAR KNITTED CAPS AND SCARFS E 'ery knitted arf and Cap will amid at reduced -e e. Regular 4' 41 set for $3.20. - Beg ilar *2.60 rf fi $2.72. MADIERA AND INDI CROCHET WORK , - A, number of, pieces of Mituiiera in Cent and runners gristly reds Regular $6.75,14, 35.50. Regular $4.59,' for ,23.75. Regular $3.75, for $11.00. Indian Crochet Work in ee itres and yokes. 'Yokes. tegular $3.00, for .59. Centres. regular $2.75. for $.39. Regular 41.65, for. $129. '• tAo\oo y Tbe Flannelette in strei s blue 871(1 pink at 30c a yard. 34-i. Flannelette itt a heavier clot at 36c a yard. he.e prices are leas than Whole - e rieetodayfor we -have had the in stock since fall, 191$. Heil grey military flannel, wool e wsv atiti eottoti Ilte other, t he sold at whole -ole price. 65c a yard. WHITE COTTON • . • We have a won erful stock of White Cotton cahied for, two years kri stock. vy weight in White Cotton 34 i wide. at 201* a yard. Another speeial valun yard. Ir- • A specialinsheeting with ext weight. at 850 4 yard. _Pillow Cotton 42 in. widr. at \oltik a Yard. • hiefs for the corning year) oney. WATCH OUR WINDOWS AND SEE THE OODS DISPLAYED OUR STORE • SILK, VOILE AND. Mi GEORGETTE BLOUSES • Nearly every Blouse in dt,,•:k Will be on slide. We must flak. room for the /sprng NH+ so nearly all lilorises will be pin on sale. A most wonderful collection is here for you to choose frotn. at prieem that make them wonder- ful buying A umber of line* of Ca molest binations that mus cleared They must he sold tint week. amisoles in pink 7i4 white, t mined with lace ,or emb col rs. A p ty 'garment, regular $1.25, for 1111o, amoth at 41.35, for 31.10. Begula .1.75 for $1.49. , nd Com- tRy Regular Regular Regular Jor 31.69. for $2 10. • ko...1‘ for $1.59. Many her rett-3 garments flt1 prices./ • Combinat s greatly reducedfit pri • e oiily silk Niglitgrwli at bargain price. BOUDOIR CAPS \ A quantity oof Boudoir priers. Regular $1.25, for 89c. 'Regular *100, for 69c. ' iegoilar 7e, tor 59c. livigtoloor 80e for 49c, lit aps at bargain vrk '11fzeffitl5 IF irs NEW. W4' 17, 194 ."••••••,•411.,•• Ve0011rel• ••••••., eerArn .440 , *PSPA. aieffAitki". Aiteold,• '/ (IP WE 'HAYE fT J. H. COL ORNE & CO. 55 That &liens oi sodookirGoderich kr- cream of Blct tope's makes' new friends ivory day. eisessed AP, and Mao A. D -Robertson, Treherne, 'Cat.f Men., am visiting at the home of theirather, Mr. James Gordon. Lighthouse Mr. A.J. Gordon. of Watrous rr. • • , f 44, 77" • 4." 14' '4s • Miss Mae McLed, whv spent the Mr. Hertrw McFadven and Mis. podgy nag month at the home of her parents. spent C:hristmas with Mr. A, M. Polity Mr. and Mrs. A. McLeod, left on Monday and Mrs. McFariven, at their home ors foe a visit to friends at Toronto and North street. Miss Pettey retirns to her Hamilton. school at Neustadt on Saturday. t' • e1