HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-1-1, Page 3-
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MuOjO . It TM SIGNAL .--
GODZRICL ONT. __ - ,Thursday.- January I.
. 1, 14", WHOLE rA111111111111.1 IS REJOICING. CREWE.
1 t" 11 - I Mouday. lite(-. 29. I
11 , GINAL THE COMING SESSION AND TTAWf srruaON. Ctis. Says Tairdat Helped Him Mort 'Ithir teat-In.r. .Miss 1. Ellitley. let, - 11
i. ,�,;,i
't '174, OFJ WedueNtlay for her houte at Mount pir &I li
I IN � (From The Toronto Sunday World.) Than Anything He Vier,riioi, Forest for tilt- holidays.
. A V, to Him Life. Mr. .John Kiltiatikk retitrit, it iromson's I Music, - yo
.,�,, "t AND 0%0%0-~ .., 'A
, Foi honestly believe I would be flat on . I - _ - .
�" I i�. t III Tut-mlay tifivi, spending a fI7.1. IZ1,111o,' � . - - � - - - - - - - - - �_ - - - -
5 16% The Ottawa correspondents tell us that Robert Borden is gone, or until the time my u -k in bed t irlay. unab e to do a bit Willi friendir at Chicago. I '-- ---------- 1111-1111 111111111111 04 IRA I _-
'16 awl ONLY The will convene on the 19th or comes to choose his successor. of work, if it b111111111 been for Tanlac, s. id ' Miss violet "I'llig"ll- of Sieftforth, 1 4
i llilt� , "IN -111 lilt' 11011.18). 'Aith her U10thel I
26th of Fehr This probably means The Ottawa Journal, however, wants a Jesse Clare, living at 439 St. John's Road,
- I at
- � f" I sometime in February.
. as there is always a strongman who w-11 mike a progremitte West Toronto, Ont. hel'V. ew. Year risht wd wlvictiiir: yr
47 3 IF G"E S the N '
; I I March, I
. �� I s -d have a ,'I suffered from stomach trouble and a Sliss Ituby Killintrick, Mism Mildn-il .
1, delay at the last moment., Moreover, it leader of the Government and lid Alt."Alinney and Itrilve Aliackletom .4 � *
is desired to have the session open in the free hand. Quite possibly The Journal, general ru idown condition for two years." I a i in your lid-
nff BE 00wicke .
,ke 1. " - . new Parliament Wilding not yet finished. out of the corner of its eye, sees he continued. "my food soured on my i the (,. 4'. I., "I't. SIN-1141ing [lit- holiday., . I
Then. rather iticunaftUently, it is added Hon. Arthur Meighen, who, if he once stomach and formed g -a- that bloatefi me up I ill their home., here. I I - 1 4. .
M I's 'kh't -r, of I)tIII . .
it that the session is befing call thus "early" became acting Premier, would possibly so I could hardly get my breath. I would 1 - slid( oll milli EIIIII,
- - I: �4�
1 ,11 BEWARE to Meet the demands (A the members for 'become leader later on. get to chila y at times t hat I was in danger 93411-011. Nix -lit clit-l-titims at the home or I 111111
.'04e I did not ""
,, , an early and quick session to be over in of falling down in the street. -%It. Mattliew slimeltiptoli.
I I , � , C I'll, rrr, 1. I or May. hardly Miss Myrtle - ;; ') ' from $40.00 u'
, .11 0
1 t10 4 1 � I John Stevenson contribute to I,( - #; rest well and in the morning I could hard Make, of litandst, in •
silo ," I There is much talk of the "round drag myself out of bid and go to work. slivildillif the holidays at her home here. V0 p ;
19 , ',��_ I IMITATIONS Farmers' Sun a breezy review My head armed all the time. and I was Sir. atmil - .Mrs. Will. McDonaid, of I jtT.7 - 11 I - I - I .
, "
. ,
requested the Government to summon blue and melancholy and found little Kinions, spent Christrinis at the houle I "J, 01%- - —_ ---
1. I �i. I I I I SOLID ON robin" signed at the last session. which recent po:itical crisis. He refers - A',r pleasure in lite. of Mr. Istill. Tat-kalmirry- - - -- I - - � , - __ I � - - .- _.
"I 1. Parliament in January and get through Robert Borden as the Sara Beinhall �11
ili.11v$ , -
r Canadian because he is a � "Ill , i I
- � - " �,'i -, � Canadian politics. bei: IW I thought I was going to have a Mr. arid Mrs. Thomas *Gmuler, of Port I.F11-10,
I i THE by May. It was the sort of round robin, about to retire but never does. He ;;Yy: breakdown when one day I was too sick Chri t Willi Ione
" k .KT't
; 1 & I however, for which few precedents can be Alliert. witent x rong
- - 11. ;11 that Sir Robert Borden wanted to name �fj*' rl�,146� Victor Records
Aq or found. If one of the parliamentary crew Hon. J. to work. M/ wilt! sent for a bottle of gunern-I niert-hant.. Mr. Isamr. (.aulvy. . six
I 1, Irl MERITS had Wen taken up on a charge of mutiny R. Calder as his successor, but Tanlac and I was down in bed when I Mi" Allide Brown. lit Kililowi,. spent - Thousands to choose from
, aft that t - publicity given to the forthcorin started talung It. Before the end of the Clirislinas with her sister, Mrs. San,
' , he might have shown witht,ut much ing resignation of the Premier made this week I was up again and at work, land I Sher%% (MMI. .
- difficulty that ill,! round robin originated I mpossible. Then accordi d a touch of that tired, wornout 411ii(p it uninber of the sports front 1--
-1 LLIJL I AM in the office of the first nate. The fact correspondent. ilon. Arthur Mei hen feeling since. MY app-tite is line, my I,ere look In it". deuce at ILII,Ilgauuon �
is that at that time it was thought de- - Wt
,�,06 1
K.S arable that the ,,won should be finished became a leading candidate for the food agrees with me. gas has stopped ii,I,i,IIIy last. 1-101111111., "s,ai
3,.-,i�r,W;Via.r UNMW . premiership, but was thwarted by a cum- 111it I i Brunswick — I
take part in the Imperial conference early bination between Calder and Rowell and disappeared and I eel as sound as a sm.,-essful .... tert,i it I +
IZ Ab in time to permit the Prime Minister to forming and those dizzy 9*11% have Sunday Sebod Fniveitairuniend.-A ...
Mtv ih f I
1, , In – — — . some of the older Tory members of the IIIIII-Ilt %%Its •givell ill I•�
. 1I I, I -$ -1 in June. dollar. I got up in the mornings full of IIII,�!i1111! Phonographs, I Government. tile VIIIII'l-11 here till Tuesday last. 'nip l . "'y IMICAL. life and energy slid my whole family I$ progratt "! I
! IRV I. Which was given try the pupils - III - t
:�!l over the gk*at change Tanlac milli people of our community. int-intiett . trom $77.00 up, wi,14 play
, Irli — But instead of meeting the first of The whole situation at Ottawa hinges = in me. all I I can truthfully my ratings, !ltills, ret.itations. pallrouliumix, I .
. , R. GEO. HEILEMANN. OSTM January. Parliament is to meet about the on the temper of the House. It the mem nothing I ever took tat --my whore-IlTe - -- I, - �� I - .--.- -_ �
-Y*?- ' etc --&I'd u play "Chriotumooi at III,. I - -1 @aRecords .
I �,Jc
W..P"ATH. eperialmil w women's and children' first: of March. None the leas the "Vesn' bets oft he House are willing to postpone before ever dii me as much good ini- Steliblim," wiliell was givell in (.4istillue . , . —
\ ., SCule. Chtoftm: and iier,,,wa dionsom eye hers are to be shyged back home before all legislation lot another nine or .twelve I'anlac." id plerforined In very capable style. I
I OW none and throat.tpartial dealetem. lumbago the 'lith May. This would mean a ten in twild, in Goderich by E. R. Ill I
_I leot �" 4Zt 1111cminstm, coed, torai. Adenoide remoN,ed Tunlac .
0! iel %i \ w months, th� sessions can be, hurried T11te tilitmiders who kiii'dly hell"I were
-'-' weeks' session. and one of the shortest in through without dithculty, and the Wigle. in BMtOrtli by C. Atxerhart� In Mrs. Steadman and will alml dimichter. .
. 4�vv " ■Canadian history. The Govemment no' Government can carry on until it be- Winglanna by J. Walton McKibbon, In
,ski A�%34 _ , Heintzman & Co.
unnaturally wants the session to be as 111111w," and ritilge, and Miss Ilaxpl I #
. -%Ilt A Comes necessary to meet Parliament Ifenumill by A. M. E. Hemphill, in Illytia Augustine. There was H KINK] olirl"'I'l- k
. -.1�si short as poilititik-a session of ten' again in IW21. On the other hand, if try White City Drug Store, in Wroxeter AIII(v awl the prool"Ills ninotinteil"lo , _.
I ----
minutes would suit them down to the . Ad6S
I &A Parliament retlectd what seems to be the by J. N. Allen, Ill Lood"buro by John I over $25.4011. The splendid program
I ground. Yet the unpressition goes forth that discontent of the country. the Govew. U. Louridalberry, in Ex ter by W. 14, PreSputt"ll 1`11-1144-tVid 1111111101 credit upon Ahilmys the choice mus-
,- . . it is the members whip are unwilling to went may find a number of its former Howey, In Braciefield h e Peter Bowey, 01
I W4, workand who want to draw their indernini. suppurterson the cross benches. arid a in Dashwood by Tlemay, the ("tutuittt4' arm[ three who Nru kindly .�
- , & Edighoffer, . I, . ical artists
noysi c4Ake -4 _%;�
"i h q , D Graduate Toronto Varveruty. Graduate business of the country. Not much can number of cross -benchers frankly on the in Crediton by J. W. Orme Clin- - -, . . ;*
I P H. G. MAcDONELL-HONOR ties and go home without attending to the hellm.d. � I
14, ,*1_01 Swallower to ='I' - side of the Opposition. In some way or ton by W. 8. R. 11olutes In Orme,
AUBURN. .� ,� _" — — — . I
CC ' be done in ten weeks; the debate On the
V4, � W 011%. 1, =�.!71.. O1%om corner ancither',the tariff question will he brought ton by J.H. Simpson, ft; Gorrie by 11.
Ir"I'S.' 6quare and Inesit street. Goderm:b. - address takes.half that time. The out- up and t6ade(tettion of Western members V. Arnastrong,, and In Fordwich by H. TUESDAY, Dec. 30. We have a large, choice, new stock of Stationtiry, Dolls,
1 :1kV look would therefore be to postpone all from the 'Government ranks will be Sansom. I Mr. and Mrs. A. Pentland and Min Lades' Purses and Hand Bags. .
important legislation including the elec- greater than lost year. Still there is a ADVT. I . I .
____ - tionp act.' Naval legislation will probab- � C. A
.1 ft I - �_T , C Augustine, of Dungannon. spent the I I
. .1 AUCTION11111. feeling in many quarters that neither the _ !, , - week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
14 0210ift"Y' ly go over in any event. and the dispDsi- Government nor the official Opposition I NEW DATES IrIXFD J. D. Howatt. - " � 0
.., "., I �
r ,ftz tion of the Government will be to get the would date risk an election at this time, P1119SFNTATION TO MRS Ross. -The _''
r -q
THOMAS GUNDRY, House to vote the supply necessary for FOR E."M`4�1NATIONS. �lmll and her the ne% pletures of t �A
AUCTIONEER. and, therefore, are jointly willing to keep Mary Fingland Mission Class met at the I "N" I M,
r '* carrying on another year and then pro- the lid on and at( tight. The teat 'of " home of their teacher, Mrs. Him. II; f 'llodriiiih taken from 'I
in rogue as soon as possible. and �4, r , -
4 1141-i Seat 97, Godemb. All insUlactione by So 'firiff as strength will come when the independent Dulles Set fair ffiviter sum] Midsummer presented her with a beau( I � ,,1 a I I 0,
"a as Parliament is not in session the Govern- , *
iful jardiniere " 4,evvtF I ' �
at' r -I'
N _A!::1 oft at Sle" Ullhce voti be p. .maptly attended to members of the House insist upon the Holidays. and the following address : . . . �
I *094 * greabdeme telegboot I IV. ment is safe. machinery being provided for a• Mrs. Ross, -We, the members of the k � \ I -
t 014, &. 11 general election. It the Government can Hereafter school examinations, which Mary Fingland Milson Class, desire at 'We have tuber of tlightly used Organs. in lg�d order,
I LILGAL. If the Government be successful in defeat a proposal of that kind it will be for years pest have been held in the hot this Christmas wagon to take this oppor- for . n . lit eb"p. � .
11 keeping the sesvion down to a mere few smooth sailing the rest of t4e way, but days of July, we to be held lit June. The tunity of Showing .
; 214,1111", - ____ __ - - wing out appreciation of 1.
.� . \
� "If weeks of routine it will make little dil- if it is compelled to embark upon the calendar of the Department of Educ ition having had the privilege Of stud in under
1.m a.
peat; - -1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. M G. CAMERON; K. C...BARRLS- ference who leads the House. yet there dangerous business of framing a fran. announced by Hon. R. H. Grant fixes YOU each week for the past two years
1 . TItR. solicitor. notary pubb . Odimm I,,, good deal of pulling and tugging for cilias aft no one can tell what may the dates for the various examinations You have shown in every way that your -
J, r,��:Ya.slw. Suet rwA third door grom .
I---- � rl Sowuv. Trust funde to loan at loweet taL a. the acting- prem wrahi p. which some happen at the coming session. which will begin on June 8th and end interest in us individually as well as a ����f� MS-____people flunk carries the n&ht of succes- ' during the last week of the month. The class has been very sincere indeed. WeIs IL C. HAYS, Robert u still in taws and no TX4S EVIC AT = - change has been advocated for a long are very grateful also for the time and, tore
LICITOR. NOTARY announcement as to his plans for the CHRIS time. and will not only provide the energy spent on us at our monthly clan . •. I . . I .
"Ifign-WOL, ETC. future is forthcoming. It is taken for THE CHILDIRMN-S HOME. students with mole pleasant weather, b,ut meetings and the splendid lessons taught 1. Nw1h 'Side Square r Godench
I ft, 0ffim-$t4g::f.BankI Block. Hamilton 51-1 granted, however, that he will fflo :oath will enable them to get their work over in us there. We therefore ask you to accept .
Coodwxb. T . M. and remain there until spring. just what time to get the full benefit of the summ-r this gift as a slight token of our love for - ,
.1 , are authority his deputy will have in his Christmas Eye at the Huron County vacation I you. DO not, however• value it on � X �1
XWA Red Letalia. Loan and I &SIM absence remains to be wen. Children's Home in Goillench was a The senior High School entrance and account of its inttin-ic wortN but rather!
&AW- - . - � I - .1. tim� of great expectations, and when senior public Pchool graduation diploma in its use we wish you to be reminded of
*"' PWUDFOM, KILLORAN & COOKE some of thew were realized there had examinations sad the examinations for the girls of the Joission Class 1 r
Many 8Lthorities even so well in- pawed into the memones of those part Ic,, entrance in the Model Schools re t I (Signed on boalf of the -Wl years training as a nurse. Her
SARXtSTERS, SOLICITORS. NOTARIES f,wrined as The Winnipeg Free Press take cluisj,47' F011
PUBLIC. ETC. it for granted that the Union Govern- pating in the visit of Santa Claus. and beam on June & Un June 9 thelowerSwil HuWATt I . . 'pllesident._-�:__ _* -: friends here w " her all happir"IL
Ma school examinations for entrance into the , � 4- -Hydro Power -
1* owe on the square. aecand kdoor Irons Hasa meet will either blow up at the coming the friends who assisted in the festivities. .PL,,RL TAYLOu"I"Secreta y-tesomer. Mr. Wm. McMillan. chief engmea
I experiences which will not am be for- Normal Schools and into the Faculties of . the steamer W. C Frinx, is home for the
r am 6~. God"Kh. wr ion or mwge as the head of a gotten. Few it any of the ten children Education and the ma honor and scholar- � winter.
P1 i 9 to funds to loan at hmem ratm4 -I;;-
-.--,.. def-nite political port The also as- Z --- LOYAL Mr. Japes Younill. J. son of Mr. and
,";.�11" � - now in the Rome had ever known what ship matriculation examinations will ,
F , 1111. " K.
4-011i'm sume that events =t develop at the - an occasion mans wild when at Last I MONDAY, Dec. 29. Mrs. lawn YO� of Ou place. who Shortage
li-I.-D.Omm'-' be
. I'-,' -.--.- coming sersim toffs to I %in - -1, " is
__ _*o",,n early they beheld the patron mint of childhood Un June 16 the Normal Scbo,A final Rev. John Young. of London, spent chief Rinw N I,* of ,he big Wile
Q election. The Ottawa idea In that noth- examination fur group.2 will begin, and Christmas week at the old home with his f,ei en h
IHARLES GARROW, U_ S. BAR- they stood a 11bound with mingled feel- ghter% will spend the winter with is
k ""O� I RISTER, .11 --ay. Solicitor. etc, Godww.b will happen. but that the members Ings of w , r, fear and delight. Thanks on June 18 .be Model '-ch.xg examin- parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Youn wife in California. '_ � _ -_ - -
U-� ward ■at lowest rates. U�Wul draw their pay and get home as to the efforts of friends of the work, the ations for entrance to the N )rmal Schools Miss Emily McArthur. tea, her of The capacity of the generating
;_i=� quickly as possible. The Free Press in-• w F&O. I i
I SEAGER BARRISTER. SOL_ ants that the first duty of Parliament will response in gifts for the little foik"as ill begin. The English -French Model school, is spending the vacation at her ___ __ ___ plants at Niagara Falls, available
I ICITOSL ' blk aid we - be to pan a franchise act, although in generous in the extreme. and under the entrance examinations will be.m on June home in Goderich. . -
Bentley, the 24. and the junior high schooll entrance on 7- -
X-1 h_ a co"00- 2- the same column it practically admits matron, her sister, Miss Lott June 28. tended the annivereary services of 1� van the power and lighting demands
L-ic......, Hour, 00'-o *-?=m skilful management of Min Be se Bentley. A number from this neighborhood at- to the Commission for supplving
gWi that the attempt to do so would wreck and Mrs. Boswell -Reid, the decorations . The calentlar sets the number of teach- Auburn Presbyterian church yesterday, in the Niagara district, has
�fv,!"rrnT the Government. Hon. Arthur Meighen and the program throughout were such as in days in the public schools in IM as and some will take in the entertainment reached its limit, which has nee-
1111110UNCR. L4DANS SM is quoted as saying that no election act to make the occalilion a charming success. 199, and in the h# achotlis as 196. there this evening. a- c."itated the Commi %
- will be introduced this session because to Dr. Heilemann acted as chairman, and Following the Christmas vacation this Christmas passed off very quietly and . SjoijiLlituiting
do so would be to practically announce year the schools will re -open on January P1 the amounts of power that can
lalffi - ILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- an election. The Free Presis, however, the program of songs and recitations was pleasantly with many happy family
r in most creditably rendered by the children. S. The Easter holidays will be held from gatherings. . be supplied to the Municipalilies
lit, mc�wlllg CO_Frwn sad Violated town prep- believes the act must be passed, and Then. i insistent calls April 2 to April 11. inclusive. and til-
V, n answer to from . Your correspondent 'wishes all the in the Niagara 4istrict.
4"402" gr&=jes. Connolly. Pr.&, Goderlick P. 0 ; this connection a s:
S7. :4?"P soarviaVvc&-P,r�lkwhwood P. O.; Th. It may well tthat matters may the little ones. a real live Santa appeared ]sumTer holidays from June 20 to readers of The Signal a bright and happy The power shortage during
th P. 0. p August 31 in the public v-hools, and until New Year. ,
a from the chimney. with WeightliF. and ,
-"I- -�"_. Is. sec-Treaw. develop into a deadlock from which
4WOM Dirartrar.- D. F. Wc-Girn It R No. & Sm, the only escape will be by an appeal I shouts to his reindeer, and with words of September 0 in the high schools. ELEcrioNs BY ACCLAMATION. - Col- the win;tr months is gK*tly in-
sath; jobs G. Greve. No. iWal"; subs [ greeting he began the distribution of - borne will have no election content this . ctea%ed by the overlapping bf
l0i"WK111 R. R. Na. 7 to the p6ople; and with this as a pus- � -
n . jif saidorth; '[01in acnoewmk gifts, till each little wondering figure had . Year. Reeve Gordon Young is reelected lighting and power loads, by the
PA(MNW49 . Goo ciCartnity. R. R. No. Z. See- sibilitv the first business of the Govern- Swiplelous.
1WRI11 1!�rth4l-'abert freffia, Hoarlock; Malool", Me- ment upon meeting Parliament should its arms filled with such toys and gifts as Exciting fuel item: "Several loads of for another term, and the retirement of extensive use of electric heaters,
tom; James Evans. Beachwood; � the child's wildest fancy had Councillors McCann and Snyder made A 111 I and also at times on -
. . be to provide the machinery for holding ceived. This w " c!on' wood were released to a cereal compan Y- room for two new men, Chas. A. Robert- account of
Z Zell ".114 : J. W. Y kb; LAitcb. . an election. At this morsIent there we as followed by an Invite- which immediately .as tried operation." III I the blocking by ice of the water
. 1, betas;alias C . no means for hol3ing an election. Ulan to lunch. specially for the little folks, son and Chas. McNeil, who with t old
OA19TV Y. their - Can . no matter how urgent might who sat down to a tempting and prettily councillors. Messrs. Currey and woisher. . su ply to the generating plants.
�0-00 . . the gift of the pupils of the Collegiate I, were elected by acclamation. hese are irs DISCOURAGING -
a , .; R. H C *t be the fwW for consulting the arra ed table. the dishes on which were A Snap. T � Yhe Commission are asking the
1`1 \ -4 . K 01111 id6 J. - piople. That is not a tion in which Everything is so high these days!" all good men. and the township's affairs co-operation of every Hydro user.
k 4 a Store. Boyfield. the country should be rft in times like Institute, who deserve hearty praise for tained a prospective customer. will be in capable hands for another year. to dinvoirer a hole llk," this In the com- domestic or industrial,
" ,
- -
- � "' - - so acceptable and thoughtful a contribu. C07 _ WEDDED AT DETROIT. -A wedding in -tell Would whether
- theme. when the future is unpredictable. .1 fortable mlimii, tlll:t roll PXI*4
t . The framing of a franchise act will twint. it may well be said that this, the h no, Mrs. Straddup; not quite which many Colborne people are in- [ant for a eontilv if months longer any- to assist them in conserving pow-
�1'k- I- - - - - - - - - - - - _ - prove, under pqewnt conditions, a very ;ing!- replied the proprietor of the terested tookiace at First Presbyterian way. However. If ta mend them to - er and light in every possible way
X�_ first official visit of Santa Claus to the everyt
W � ticklish businefill; there have been many Children's Home in Godench. was a d,- Right Place Storz. "Theme thermometers church. W W. d avenue, Detroit. on its for our
yr in order that an uninterrupted
SI*44**. , Ir
rl;*" to predict that when the Union Govern- lichtful success and a splendid testimony are down pretty km this morning." December 16th. when Miss Alice Clark• .
� 1� ." .
went makes the attempt it will be des- to the generous sympathy which so man - - - � - I second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John HIGH -CIA." SHOE REPAIRING .service may be maintained, until
t . 1`0 - Bros. troyed by internal disaxreemenla. But a of the people of thir county have Fhowy Clark, of Loyal• was united in marriage we can r4 -sole them, "ttore their gorrid a further supply of power is ob-
11i"r- phe3 . to the work of the Children's Aid Society. to Mr. Delvin M. Hunt. of Louisville, lookot. aild Imit lbelin In condition to give .
, 1, ", I
� I IF' lkz franchise act the country must have. twined for this system.
"I - I" Lieft It would be impossible to give in il When Tie Day h Over Kentucky. Rev. C. E. Mieras. M. D., you long m-rvl,-,,. Why ,lot try It'! I
I \ 1, either the names of the donorr. or their officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Hunt were .
, , . �_ - Ir . The general Impression seems to be gifts, but thew given below are worthy here on their wedding trip before leaving I I Hy*9 Uubk tower Commitimies
, I , , � ftectilivis I -I Vat the acting Premier will pussyfoot of spe.clal mention: hou :*%: loe for their home at Lou sville. where Mr. S. SMITH ir"rio
I,; 70,FM When th
_�' � along as softly as possible while Crediton, $10; Mocha Temple. London, I the bride had been in Dell at for three or
, le .Sir Town of Clinton, $10; W. C. T. U.. (!tint in in business. Before her marriage Eonat Street Goilerich
!IPS wail Embalmers � cam "W the
1-11,1-1 -
. .. - ____ -_ - -
$25; Amity Bible Claw. Blyth. $7; 0, mop is of - - ____.___ _
FAM_ Orden agirstfully attended to - everyday life _ _ � _ - -r__ *
�-� friends of a dancing da@% Goderich. 8 1,; , � -
11:_�� .. ( have dragged .
f,I`-*1-#ftAI1 at all hour@, night or "r. . Mm Chal ringer and Min Montgomery. you down.
o3 twnwl WN
GODRE10111 � _3 Alberta 32; Gcodeirich friends -A. F. A., inside you on- if - ,
A"I" . 11 .. Hard Wood- $2. Mrs (Dr.) Hunter. $55; A. M.Rnbert- happL, and .
, - - - - - - - son. 11115; Mn.. J. Prillham, $5; George _� then Doth.- .Fete� awim,f�ffflNlpo*.,N-!-W-""Fav!;!W---e,
. 11, . istill in H& b" I . -
___ 7 ______ mp -AND - " Porter. $2; Mrs. R. G. Reynolds, $2; headaelate.black- I - ____ - 16O.A010*011
, MA ,v., I.
�1'0 , Mrs. P. Macfarlane, 62; James Carrie. . &she end I ft V1W "P. u -
"14iiWir'; 1-- lom ILLINERYg a T"
. I I . anatBlyth.2 boxes choice film to L".7i
I 1 �_1113
1 .
W IN . # apple*; Ashfield Patnolic Society. 12 jars � IN i'J�d %a
, Li'�t Wo9d $I. s.s'c' mks entillso I'D by Dr. "I � ( .",
St. George's Ladies' Guild. . I .
. - "W-!9;6 r ,,.
ir".; fruit; Yews age- I I , t"
'�' , "' Goderich, compkite lot of clolhi 1,7 Riverything ams1ling out of the ground An exceptional offer in __V7 . ,
't " T ,L00 to $6.00 the children. Other ififti of "
- . -4 , mwwi- a I ett'�,P'
* �\�V , The Singer\ ., pro or s� intendod for � use, is witabillish- , ', � ': __4 ,,i, ,-- ,
MW"UIKI . . Z� $ toys. clothing. books. candies, etc., from correct styles, at greatly re- � � 1, I -41 W
., It - ? " 4 14144� -11,
r. VITi't'i , M. wide circle of friends. are all gratefully im risiturall ,itiartilillelainI Dr. row of - 1. 11 . - �. ilh" _ ---r � ,,1----I.-,
1*1., " du
� If 8 Duffele, N. Y.. kwo alone found out ,ninas dated prices. L — `kowina, , fta --- ----W1wXC IN -
r 'i acknowledged ". and will be particular.
4, A I menticineff at the next meeting of the is witurelly hast for woomm's diwen& ... NLNdLA
, I I ____
�. 1% 0 Sewing Machime I 'em per cord , .!�a
I 0,*Aoi , =. Y. He kerwid it all through tresung thati- With the Heartiest of Greetings and
� .. . - - at.& at a..". Tillie, re wt of b" "we Many of the season's .
, ", "' haa Away's been in t6
k 04 to any part of the ____ I t6l was a medicine ,saind r)r. 11111- 0 *0 11yMyneltill newest and most correct
I Sbe Hurrkd OIL i
" 11 a rmw . This smidledwe In me& of
I st, I lead, and today h oil X�� town. models. of excellent value, &' the Best of Good Wishes fora
1 4W I . , town.
- . --,!Ml She was giving a •lecture. Her subject weesnable ama,tlis 111hat statute ournly In- W li�
1,4�1 *U44111 competitors. . 114" is', a -Cih�
61WIrt Machines vall-!Io�- "' I pm was the humnail figuie. and the require- attended firm, brkw4W. boadaab*, wealrol-ning in V 1v t Beaver and Vel- M , 09 10000011
, Lo - IV 11 .
y,;MKK,4 Of , �__ a-, ,I_ W, menti in the way of proportion for palliss, issagulartuist. sad for the many, ais. our " . y " Alerry Christmas and
lud,�,4W.,:4 styles, also a full line of - 71r_X .__ beauty. orders ammm to "WAM to am ago of life. . I BrightWew Year., % - ""
Z V � Also a quantit. I � III, ` p 11 P ,
, "IM 21; her manner wait lofty. , * I
I� ? V of i She herself was of generous like. and I I Regular 5738 and $9.50 for k
, I, k REPAIRS OrW6,Oot.:-"taWfandfr�abibdo� , - I , " ,*0
4 . _ r A
�INW�ft tfYingto demonstrate the ret. at weeme-s immatim I" a I .- 11\ �
'C KINDLIw- WOOD book ithe. mirvoiss. $S.00. . W,- Impm T , I ;,:�
I , ought to be. �k �'! ,( 11 , � `�
alive sizes of the limbo as they really som� dikordimied d4omWea. irratrularl" "A I f � � all iT . .Aty I'll . '.6"Fitt
1 67 1 # .'� I
3 at "' , 1,3
, 4S � 'I
_ I kept constantly on hand _ (W I � �,�
, ,
i I . at , '' I Lard Vast P.. CA 66 does, onmem.eft I Replar $10.0 and $12.00 "i N" i;,� 14
I ,
� �f Lzt % � -For example. twice round m I I �." " ,, r ?1a ��'�l - , � "."ir All'i I
- .... --,qp% �7,,`,;�t�';),,; 4�� , iIiii�, : i, umb k , , -, "
" , �It 9 -
I \. I' srstaild faint at my werlit. I land aw phrd- $9.50. _ " , ,
' . (she held it up). once round 7 th " ,7 ! *!J!L�,�'a
, "$ 4J
11 I "
' I , '4 my "int; mks slim Intimidator ban they dild me so rxid. --p- �'." 0 �, I 'Ilf�.;,
I � twice round I y wriaL once round WAY I ��,,: L � 4,,,r'AM I
I - __ __ - - I I,•I
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The Singer Store t - ki " .... , k", �� 4 X � " ,',�� ,
� , �, ,
4-1911MI, (Miam NoWe's. on the Square) 'T 700 11,111011011 I 65 , ), � neck; twW4 round my neck, once round thew took r)r. Means's Favoirint, Prnwiv- I I " , g
\ y waist." Then she paused wild a am and Rased no up all eight. I look sausain � k 11 -P
Il I IV ChiMma's Hats' at faiductild Prices I �� ,� " 11' - I
! ,7i' "yv,�t'I!W' 1�1-!
for repairing , . :rill Yoke from the audience eidalmed: house mA feal A- I will resonwAmed ihs :, , Am., --Xq,,,�;, ,,
" I
A I111 ,
- �
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i; I
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,L i evGoder Aim
LtIt, bettery Sestorth
Him fie"ortli. PoWy bolders Lrl I
=■ 8-r. Saamnua-itlat"
�=s suivet. Goder
,� I I Orders I � &iIr ;OL . I J'r , q'�,,
� I ,
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I 'Twin round you waist. once round 'Posixiiiii, ' as AM OW4ring " I ad."- li t 'IL �'"'-'� k-- 111� 11 I . ft�,�T
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, _. I, 11 ",
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, 11 promptly attended to. �`t7'�"Q H Park." MRS. MAYBELI[A IL GRATUM jig � ,
"O f In � I
� 7 �
_- F: I fix' , 'k -
�� -;1 $. M 0 ,
�.�' 1� I -11 lectorer hastily passed on to on- Aamaq BL I
� '', the subject. -London 1�
, I
I Robert Wilson 'Idess. 'a-' of ;i
Wdft Dr PWWN InvaW makk MIX , I
If, 11
Ons. E. Wod Hamilton St. - Goderich - N. T.. too, on"�%W edirlas, wall MissM.R. Madicar i`., Me ROBINS
111. 11 11 " gm WWI des pmdkw O&uawoa Go a
1 4 L" � Agent — Ooder ch A small bry fust (4d enough to ault you .-" dam 11 ,
I ,Easilygtiestkxss will he conceit out qmshmoL .wbdwm too KWg" St. -- Geer"
. I ,1 ,j m� I annal of the mart who ifunks be knows it all. %taft,PW. Nnieww5eseymlew!!Sf� -
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