HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-1-1, Page 1r<! Sp It r. „r. • • :rs 19 CALENDARS. Apretty ('uleatler gess with easels (wad -In -advance sub- as•rlption to The Signal for 1101. Now Ix the time to re- new, or, If you are net al- rwdl' 1114111.4.1•1114.e, to become 011e. $EVENTY.P11t5T YYAIt-Na »77 '�.Jlii'�gar • , __-mss •; o r asso- M, M41110 a A AoON Ji as WOI►EKIf:N. ONT THE STERLINGt.„...........,,mh!, OF CANADA J sae 'tsar: as '•°� BUSY FARMERS • Now is a good time to plan for greater production. To study Methods that will increase your pt`ofits. Consult the local manager of the Sterliner Bank. He possesses information of value to you, esp•.yiQly regard- ing money natters affecting farmer~. He will welcome you at any time. • • A Good I vestment THE money you sa earns interest when deposited in our Sa gs Department, and both principal and interest are safe and can be ed whenever required. Open an account to -day. A: CANADIAN B OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - - $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND - - $15,000,000 CODERICH BRANCH, G. Williams, Mariger. POR SALE. Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE THE t DE• , R�t IANUFAGT tiP1G CO.. LIMITED. (Foot of Angleaea St.) Phone 61. DAMAGED GRAIN. Manitboa wheat. slightly damaged by water. For sale in any quantities. W.M McLEAN, Opera House Block. Goderich. WANTED. FURS WANTED --HIGHEST PRICES paid Let us knew before you sell anywhere else. BROW N BkOS Phone 270. `,ANTED. -CLEANING WOMAN: vic,n,Iy of Victors school. one day weekly. No waiting or ironing. One maid and outside won kept. P. O. BOX ala. Telephone Ifs. t1 111 1 G. M. KIDD 1 . QUALIFIED SURVEYOR =tea I � DRAFTSMAN Ilii -1 ' (i Locals VA •• , .t Atamiltak. et lt ma in some Ipotionsof Western Ontarisa es o the Board ut health would advise as a pres ventive measure that all personsi who have not been -vaccinated within three year, should have vac- cination performed at once. An 1 outbreak of smallpox .is to be avoided by all possible means and the only method' of prevention is by successful vaccination. A. D. MILEAN, A. C. HUNTER,' Chairman. M. O. H. MUSK. FRED B-1 I C T. E -GEN Mus. Bac. -' SINGING - - - ' 4""' PIANOFORTE PIiI'E ORGAN - Studio next to P. J. MacF:wan's Garage CRAIGIE'S ASSUANCE AND REAL ESTATE — Residence `Phone .H 1 1 i YA PEARDON ARCHITECT Phone Mitt •••11111. .ala m .•••••• Windstorm T Insurers Don't let a repeti on of 8atueday night's storm ea you without WIND Davits v , _ tea& tRiatllll yo:tr property ainst wind at a very low dont. sk for epi et s,-- •+aa uss for Sak Two-ato whit, brick, with eight roo illi hot wnu'r heating, two flleplac , eltrt$fa light and hath, hill to . 'shoat.41 oil the corner of Cam , is and Nelson streets. This Ia O, : of the Wont desirable prop- ert s in town Ad RcitI he sold at a. h •gain, as, thq owner is leaving wn. _t J. W. CRAIGIE -`11%; Life, Aetitkm and Automobile Insurance — .... ea Fifty-four -Years u9 e of Banking Service Tims has demonstrated the soundness of the ponoiea on which the first Board of Dlreotors founded this ]lank fifty-four year* ago, and which have oontinuod throughout Ito existence. Heoeuss its dally afibirs have constantly been eon- duoted in a sane, °onservotive and yet eogreestvs manner, the depositor and general bawl public alike is amply protected. 4411 UNION BANK OF CANADA RESOURCES. R1S3,000.000 • .. Goderich Branch F. Woolcomb, Manager l N. . , • a'; THH$SIIAY, JAN. 1, 1920 • • 1' ,w Wigle for. The People's. Ca Honesty ii onomy with -OW 111- ' ; i nd Financing ' IV— 'VI apMac turing Inter V—Equal Righ for A11, Non VF—That your Bus ess nin a copscientiou - like manor Site Enid Bennett in "Happy Though A".cheque Married" at -the Model Friday and • Fund would S•ta:day this week. Take a tip from us: i start the new this picture has a hundred laughs forFlanders 6 mauled folks- ! value. • .4 1 or ate • ouraged ors frr be done usiness- wi saee To the Electors Ladies and Gentleman : "" t ` 'On -January Sth you -'will be asked to Mee to the amount of taxes to be paid by term, and we respectfully ask you all to for the following reasons First: In taking over this business fr serious loss, which were not apparent and, 3esteeadi After doing our best to coveted we found ourselves almost.swamped by the war. This was SQ serious that for three ye ness, but in the constant hope of improve keej, our men together and meet the condi practically over, we will have a better op of business, but at the same time we find • of the past, over which we had -no control, .we deeply regret these circuptstances, but this Company has rontributed its full time to do so atter you approve of this B ' The Totten 'hu also bad the binefit the past ten.. 'years .this Company hes paint. .• amount is not a$ large as we could have Tgyn and to kee'p.Ooderich on the chap. ( Now Ladies and Gentlemen, in view your hearty support in this matter, and vote and work for The passing of this By -1 getic in the past, we believe you will trust which' we are all confidently hoping for have been brushed aside... Wishing you all a happy and pile e' et on 15 \' x eo fo TH• • rL • • WC sly hat!Y •season ti to Tax, , vi 4s. to keep thi s nit' less *thaA hetped to rets? 016 e e 1 sten The Signa, • $1.51 ill .f " t Unlit �M',•f t� .4 1NO, e • s a et ate& L. • 0 ,1101,y:1R1Q4 1i u • ;. ar sine' tuners Oi. • use years • Con= • it, :00.00, aitdyrliil� Ills of mole in facts, so briefly stated:- wetntst you weld give us N my remarks of our oppon , we hope you will uar) Sth; and as we have be Faithful and ener- o hest tinder the new and i roved conditions, vi and unrest that --have followe the Great War ns, fWly, Soldiers' Men ori d - , - - 'tatting way for you to Mr. J. W. Frrser-hen tails week, Those who sleep in ed his former .poxttldn as lead e already given you - uuuutger for the NVesteru l'aluda P7rter �Illls Coo. Tr k AN APPRECIATI • G. PARSONS y • A Goderich boy who has 'nada a moo ss of a Goderich business offering himself as a candidate for Mayor of Goderich! There is something in that sentence that strikes the imagination. Huron County has :wiliest the larger cities with a good percentage of their big men. To a man who has stared bi his community and made a big success of a big business should go the honors that that community has to bestow. Lionel Parions has made enc by his fearless straight -from -the -shoulder meth- ods of doing business. To some who a only slightly familiar with him, his manner at times even appears short and brusque. But to those who know him best he is recognized as a lapiness man of exceptional abi itfr' and one who takes-111914de in forwarding the its. teresb bis home tow.. As President of the Board of Trade he has gid . . _,pestaen "sae' and thought and\trying to secure industries for the town he has., t:90- itant Xij. \ t7 tb \ Of all the public men interested in the long controversy as to the Lake Huron Steel Corporation, he alone saw that Detroit was the only place to Amore the information de- sired. He offered to pay the Mayor's expenses to make the necessary enquiries and when the Mayor refused, he himself took the trip and his stand afterwards was based on the in- formation received. He demanded from the Mayor that the people of the town be sup- plied with the "inside" information the Mayor claimed he had, so that they might prot •' ththir ilinertsib. The Mayor replied that the information.:_aras__so.frdential. On nomma+ M0. Wet the Mayor acknowledged he had no information to sive. If a 44 mill"taz rate is necessary lode:• present conditions, then the only thing that will reduce that rate is more industries and a larger population. Mr. Parsons has business tplations that make it possible for him to sleet big men. With the exodus of many large industries from the big cities to smaller communities, Goderich must inevitably before long take its place among the important industrial centres. The harbor will be the at- traction that will mean much, and no man is better able to talk Godes'ieh harbor than 1.,. G. Parsons. It has been one of the problems of his business for man years ' Two policies of his many good ones that must commend the 10 Go tam pay- ers are a complete survey of the town's finances anca community park . ea rtes& .The town's finances may or may not he in excellent shape. As to the only one or two at most can speak. From the financial statement prods ary man can make no study that will lead td any satisfactory conclusion.. - - 11 would give the ratepayers a concise resume a4 all the town's affairs suit of a complete survey by the Bureau of Municipal Research. In with would go a complete change in the method of collecting taxes and of assess.... meets. facts ttdia. To the Workman nothing could be a greater boon than an ideal community centre, with its playgrounds, gymnasium and baths for both boys and girls. Nothing will build a healthy, happy community so much as this feature that Goderich has needs% for so many years. it is a practical suggestion that would be a hating benefit. It is in striking conttast to a policy of hand -shaking and pander. Lionel Parsons would be a mayor who would bring ersdit to the tow*. He would five an honest, efficient and fearless administration. .Hs Iha.id be elected Mayor of his hone• town for 1920. 4 ' vr, • AD MACOINERY CO LIMIT L. MOOR'I1Vice-President. e RS OF CODERICH. s Fag . thafeufsgeod abeam, from town fur the first lutlf attsldln44he dtism meeting on Mouthy evening Idoarlitullayor. .` •.. m. ,I Put e'tpre"µI.11 Ilf Moir ti11•1n1 Y• 1 .55. lot -1 r .4 advents's., 1 •" extensions which are now b.•tng grasped by all the towing and hien of, Onl.aria. we must have a4 aggressive Municipal c •11 to re them.. 1 - - jt nit. In passing to s,wnre.yon that Ii am not running an the candidate .liw•uurag.•d Steel Company'; I am entirely on ow own reir(nn- T siblllty Is „ivifelolag citizen, shying lax... p-rsoually•ail town -property *bleb Is aloud Kr y own, and re'Iot•esvtting ns uutntager ills Industry te1ili•tl brings to t aowIl a 'eery targe tguflir and pays aunaolly ar-tt4.oNl Into your tai revv�nue My Interest with the t.atke lissom Steel Corporation Was e'lOilely of presid nt •of the Hoard of Trade, all fullow'Ing n 110110011 la'Isry to rn.uunage Industt•t,s to locate its- one rnmrpunity. -Notwithstanding any impressions to the contrary,. I can Mooing you .tliat 00 bylaw would have Y. t• $Ubmith.l to the rata] ye-rs with IRY.trw•tfou. unles/. tact emnumnity Interests were nbso- lutely.ptuHe.eteti1 by an -airtight- bylaw ()reprsl'by our town solicitor. Mr. Charteri'Gairuw. whom we recognize a+-iuovt evomp•teot-atw1 conscientious. T'rup, 1 hive*, In Nome real estate within the ()regent town limits, which tarts f ill Incnrlslrated in the hnttsing sw•tinn of tum proposed steel manu- facturing -sow. to perfectly legal Iranstaetion for anyone, even a 'aemIN•r of the town;r111114'il. but my reason for this was chiefly to safeglard against p.NarfhM•-unmirr:nrted Inflation "of pt•uls•r1y':Yalues if the adJulning township pntpsrllil's were Mallowsf of ts' aW.rld` sperulators who would have nn per - mattent irrte•u'.•st. 9t 11:1• I""n statist that ottrnr two ohs tr Irl not relish the Idea of large wglp•1•rtas l."•a in or pl•sr-lleileris as this .meld naturally bring a em-reepoiiing 11n'I o1 'sial( shops, proluecfug •omlwtltion a4Nl the resultant ruttingof peke. -Hod-lea! wales. Fortniofely the tnalJorlty of merchants !it'eleente it vastly etlwrl trade. w'Ideli ii•rudls's larger turnover at smaller prelim. shire fruit p Outlining of, strc-k, latter ptna,rtnnitks or boringon fe eer:side markets, sy.l n e•otlsesiul•ntdiscouragement of -OUbof tOZn burlfig. veert�,lish n -sirse-V90e-fer farnewar oar Indnot nisi I" tnMta:fon, 1111 np the many empty stole,, and variant properties within b blalaf•iarlers, and Modell an erulsomir nrfmiuistration of municipal Qalgs� t a ..emmom fluty to the skilled and. other two ou[.iiulustriinl, t the...mere tits and manufacturers, to the ehitdren and 'citlsens. that We ',Moll .,ly"Se11171141i•s esillal with those prevailing rl4Whe•tw: atelsrllpl ish 111b1 tte.wuNt,utilpt s ()'were. vel prrtte i regret that It will Is• Impossible for me to meet 411411 eleet0',per110nally in the ct (1',v day '11111 1 l ud mrv1( (11 yu4t as a lifelong citizen. e•tthu.ins c at s1 • tlmsa 411 1444• r• for the Med 'INwutlful town its North An,, -'lea N all Aire of the pm.t city which- I. now loosing np in llntsHo sort is twang '1 for by all pro;' .sive roulmnnitiee.. a141 1 trust She`.Ne•w fear nor pro ) ` t{ he - • of real Ionil, ems fol. 4:Merit-h. In Striving for lis I• s1iielelys•nl f yew valued 111604,44 and vote for the oNiee of .]lay For 1)r -+I.. Fnithfully yotars, Dods -rich, .)nn. is -. - l -. • 13. I.. I''AR*)NB. KI -MO TR • ESTABLISHED OVER DO YEARS '4.SO6,rd of Directors R ik , SIR VINCENT MERIIDmI. boa, he•N..f. 11R CHARLES CORDON. C,. a. E Vie.• rrwiu. R. S. *44015. tima LORD SHAUGHNESSY. x.C.T.o. C. R. HOSIER. E... I, R. DRUMMER. In. D. FORRE.S ARCUS. Ewa \\ WS. I.IASTtR, Ess. EL -Col. HERISRTHOt.WN,I.C. HAROLD KINKED?. Pae. \ E. W. sEAUCLEa E. Era. CRORGI L FRASER.lb& COLONEL HENRI' Cot LI. ASHDOWN. 1.,. L. W. NATTY. E.., R.C. PR PRFDERICR WILLIAMS-TATLOR, G.aw4t)k�rr. 'r \' Capital Paid alp • $ 20,000,000.00 Ririe . ' . - 20.000,000.00 Undivided Prof** . 1,812,854.43 r' Total Aaaets (31st Oct. 1919) • 545,304.809.40 Aranches throughout Canada end Newfosu.dland; In London, F.n•11awd. New York, Clokein,Spnkane and City of Metries; also in San Franciem— British-American Bank (owned and controlled by Bank elf Montreal). A.W. Strickland, Manager, Goderich Branc t'i rt'ir1La&eb.4e,,,(, 4... e•. W it, rel.4'" T: °ik;.' ' .� -i ,., Lti*ti.i • ORA awl 1