HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-12-11, Page 16OODDICH, OMT. OPERATION WAS NOT NECESSARY It-e-thes" MAW NI for 1920 Now is the time to get your office supplies f,�r 1920. Lcdptre, Jottraals, Day Books, Bills Payable aid Receivable, Recrapts, etc. Ink, Mediad., Pens and Blotting, Paper Special selling tents fele Watetssan's Ideal -1puntain Pen. saute old prices, SU* O ,111. ewsrna.. w. We w..w..e..wer %rates) 66 H -I -B -p," said see tttUs bird. and another bird sang ■ son(. It was very, ray col& and the birds were having • head Hen to keep wars. Somehow, ton, they felt the cold mere when they were hua- gry. They hadn't had such very good luck that day or the day beton. It hits snowed • great deal during the It rues days and getting enough os silt had been no easy natter. Near by they saw • white house. There was a garden •round it; ■ nice big garde. ate lust the place for birds In the summer rim. Bt ter brea Wbe bred It few very The being tures wrea Prep made Tho amou to .le brine turn. (res, drops Mur birds side t sutsld they b Then and or dining tree w ♦netbr beg ro meat' t they h lag chi of all s Mad It coati yet—tb last da been s, bad eta loved b. They cause 1 feather so—web. The b jest an their WI Hern's Boot Shop Te Perfect Health SATA BANNED 67 PURITAN FATHERS No Christmas Festivities Or Gifts for Children in Massa- chusetts in Early Days 158 Parvenu An.., Mowr=awL. "Fur three years, I swiircd gr at pin in the lower part el my body, with swelling or bloating. 1 naw • specialist who said 1 must undergo an operation. I retuned. GREETINGS KAY 1JKE ANY 01111111 Cliedltion Somewhat Better fer Young. eters In N•vi Amsterdarn.--Holiday Observance Voyles* in the Colo- nise hi Seventeenth Century • ME wish one and all e'very bright and merry Christmas and a prosperous and happy New Year. Our sincere thanks are extended to the people of Goderich and the surrounding country for the gen- erous patronage they have extended to this store durinir thp n”t year, and we look forward to 1920 hich we shall 4ve the pleasure, we tg an even lar er. number of custom- irri 3eeking all _. ,\ time to improve the this store to buyers of drygoods, d to believe that our efforts in this ppreciated,asshown by the increasing In the early days of Americali history Minutes festivities were sot generally observed and poor old 11as- ta aims." and all he represents. had a hard time of ft be Massachusetts the observatioe et Christmas was utterly denounced as an evil. WelgodlY and townicten. tho.oulc our many customers for your pat - all a Happy and Pros- perous Neer r W. HERN ordial co-operation* 920 the best year yet store. our friends, we the history ORNE \ Shortage Subarribe for Thr Signal Noe A Family Reunion School of Commerce The capacity of the generating plants at Niagara Falls, available to the Commission for supplying the power arid lighting demands in the Niagara district, has reached its limit, which has nec- essitated the Commission limiting the amounts of power that can be supplied to the Municipalilies in the Niagara district. The power shortage during the winter mouths is greatly in- creased by the overlapping of lig,hting and power loads, by the extensive use of electric heaters, and also at tittles on account of the blocking by ice of the water supply to the generating plants. The Commission are asking the co-ope-ation of every Hydro user. to assist them in conserving pow- er and light in every poF,sible way in- order that an uninterrupted service tnay be maintained, until a further supply of power is ob- tained for this systeni. April. 8. Are you going to have • tast- ily reunion during the Holiday Season '' An opportunity te get an your dear ones together in a photograph that will bonne more precious each year as the membera of the original group ocparate or leave you. Call np and make the nee - misery arrangements now. 4-44444.4-04444411+04.44-9 Signal eulogises for 1920 have rod. Pay yaw subscription and Offers the following cour,c. BUSINESS CIVIL SEM ICE and arranges Spec,e1 Courses for students. The following adyantagec A Highly mialified teacher." staf &nal Wetness system of bookkeep.ng Coe W !sal type...wain' tests Peuilions guaranteed Vengional Training School Grommamot aWaliee. eV Fes ewes. wee W It. M. Ain. CeneXeww60. Winter term begin Ms_ Asa. Mb "Merry C pie corals suitcases , be great si.erned to tbe birds But at li don't said one el felons ta *— gotten lab, • Mill /can't pesitses tnat they have forgotten um. But we 111 have end • nine hungry." "Weil. chirp," mid the Arst bird. Ated sll the birds began to chirp asd Mr. Sun roe* up ha • bright red robe aad sold: "It's Christman morning. Writings; how dn yea like my handsome rine? I'm all dressed up for the occasin." But Just_thee lady cause int et the chit tripod of the birds. "Merry. merry Christmas. birdies," she sald. '1 bad 'loan forgottem about you. All the children are tome few the Christman holidays snd there bas ben treat excitement We've bees decorating and hewing everythiag look gay Inside. "Oh. I didn't ewes to forget pm birdies I feel se bsd." They wan gine freak suet and Mee breed crumbs. and some mike crumbs. "Merry. merry Christmas." said the lade - "Merry. Awry Clernhates." eligpsd dil birdies. se tbe lady mid, but they were really thanking her. aed la Male HMOs heart, felt 08 glad that Ms no =bed treated tad Mood bad set INSURANCE BUSINESS TRANSACTED Personal Accident, Health, Liability, Hu Ty. Light Wood .• ountairill wen starting it Valley Forge Mem was little tholigbt la their homes of Christ- mas alerrynaking and little out et which to provide it After the war Mere were still Ina years. but by the mining of tbe sine tenth entitry peace and pinny smiled upon the laud and Santa Claus teand It safe tor rename his visits sad make kis dietributioes. per cord Delivered to any part of the R. Iiiinisco Prom stt Goderich Also a quantity of KINDLING WOOD With old Bill's name scribbled acmes 11 years almost since we saw esch ether, and here he's net forgotten me medal be es proud of gist MIK Ain Susie sent you. may -Se Only a colored portend. but, by amiree. frees . mon. well—this mire is Quieten r • 1 1 1 1 in[Diamonds:l Onyx and Pearls Signets Waltham Convertible Wrist Watches Silverware Rich Cd Glasi0 WALTHAM The Wadi's Watch Ow Time Phone 16.5 Robert Wilson Hamilton St • Ooderich The Pleat Christens Car* The Christmas eard mann claim be have been established es ken as Mbar et ear 011eistem• imams& Tb* goad ha II" 1On Nile Mary Oeils. Ibetilhomes. moit !WNW in* lags le MI telmilki.. E. C. Robertson JEWELLER East Street and Square