HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-12-11, Page 14et Thnr,.d,iv 1M .•n t:• t!119.
' "
rNII a UIIIUIIIII a MUNI a s 111111W111 Minn a IU01111
Smith's Art Store
, N
yip •• .. ` - , ..
has a splendid assortment of Christmas Gifts
suitable for everyone.
in Royal Doulton Aynslcy, \Vedgwood and Minton
Ladies' Strap Purses, Tray riling Cases, Playing Cards
in cases, etc.
and other hnes taw numerous to mention.
Jed come in and we will be pleased to show yes all our
pretty &imp.
East St.
Smith's Art Store
ramp a mmIUIIUII ■NININN * N'NTM ix
Are superb in style, they hug the neck,
fit with comfort, and because of the best
tailoring and finest materials —wear long.
F. H. MARTI Y9 Tailor
Goderich - - — Ontario
is ortb1gIpNUN4M111NIUIlU0M111111111111111NItWINI111110 UIIUNIAiInb a
Just a final word bdore Christmas
Our Christmas Oranges are here. We
have them all prices, Soc to $i.00 per dozen.
Almonds, Walnuts. 8ra7il, Hickory and Peanuts
Mated 40c a pons
We have all th`e necessaries to make it complete.
Table Raisins, $Sc a pkg. Table Figs, 40c a Ii.
Boti Bons in boxes
` F
We wish everybody a Metrry Christmas
F" 'Phone 164 'I
Save Fuel and Food
Baking Powder
-O Baking Powder Co., Lhalad
Hamilton, Canada
rsiNrwgaet, rR w wears a....s5 •
IIIRIVTMAa costes but
Mee a year. Chrktmme
roses but one. •
year.' shouted the aro
area as they hurried
dews stain ea Clair.
MSS amoral ng. Their
daddy asd mother tele
lowed sad Mar Nog
tee, - -
"Clrlstmas eeet•a
but once a year!"
From the stairs they
mould see the library with the aria
Just started. There was • big tree
all trimmed! Aod under sad @rotted
1t then were Just the thisga they alt
had been wsltlag ter, and a Int of
Mier tress they had evicted.
Oh. bow beautiful It wasIt looked
to the children as if It cosida't he
real •ad It seemed to them as If they
must be dreamlag—as tf all this wo.-
d.rtal room, filed with preaeats and
sleeking@ sad everythlag else that was
Ise, could not bo real atter all.
Bat they had thought this way on
ether Christmas days mad they bad
sot been dreaming ow other Christ-
mas miming,. To be sure they dream-
ed of Chrtstnias before c'brlstmaa
Mile but they didn't dream of •my-
th's( seedy so wonderful as Christ-
mas always was.
There were tour ebll'tALees
and Betty and Robbie end Mlle,
There, le the tester of the library,
was the big tree. It was covered with
candles and though It was daylight
the roadie, were !lighted and des^
shades palled down sou to make tel
tree took Its very beat. Aad too. It
easel se vary bright at that hour.
for they were always up very very
early am Chestiest morels,.
They began to see the things en the
tree they had a.ked Santa Clans for.
and then they looked to see If be
had takes the motes they had wrltt.s
fur him wishing him a Merry Christ-
sure enough! He had taken them.
They wondered If he had been pleased
We are pleased to be aide to inform the public that we
are now in a position to supply any quantity of hard coal
in all sires. Also any quantity of soft coal for domestic use.
We Irish to extend thanks to our customers, who hater
been t-ery patient during the stress of the coal shortage, and
now that it has been relieved we will give our old-time
service and prompt delivery.
The Saults Coal Co
Phone No. 75
H. J, Saults' residence W. W. Sault.' residence
No. 246 No. 202
'Chrlatnw Comes Or Ono§ a Year!'
asd they hoped very mach that he
All Hese thoughts west througb
their salads very quietly and thee
they began to say, "Ali," @ad "ted,"
sad "ln't It wonderful." and "Lookr
'Well," asld their daddy. not ul
Mt dew. sad leen at all our presents"
The eat dews es Ike door. Aad
each one took a stecklsg which had
bee. beagles 1. treat of the m..tel
piece. avert' atecklag was well f11ed.
Aad esti stotklag start amt queerly -
se that lie IN could guess what was
r It.
What a guessing match there was
bebre they emptied the Mockl.ge—
Juit to keep the surprise a little leer
er. ter they had as Idea that Santa
Masa wasted them to be as surprised
as possible And wham they did ,ascus
what was Is sole se the Meetings It
mesa sorb teat
After the stockings bad bees looked
at asd the oranges and apples had
roiled oat of the toes. the presents
were takes frets tb. tree.
Tie molly eases avid easily aelm•la
add the decorations were kept on. ter
the ready would be esten later its and
the deeerstte.s would be kept through
He Christman .easea.
There were meay presents .rnued
the foot of the tree. Aad now theyi
tree that they weren't really dreams
big. They wen malty. reedy allre.
sod this was rHJly. really Cloisters
Ie rytbl.g &bout 1t was real and
Melr permute were real and they
Were wide awake and beginning to
fool boagr/. for they' hadn't waited
have breakfast fret They ate le.-
tes wedertr swages •.d 'arbor
emu to daddy:
'Dear ms, I wt* I could rind big
Mire .eraser Ulm Matta Class does.
Mee a better drover than 1 ear
Aad their daddy laughed gad veld.
"Rees a smart .Id renew. erg bard
So rat ahead et him. Aad eras If we
teat dad such peed .nages we get
!hear eery year tbr.se% Ile refe-
ree r
'Vs's the dearest seal is all the
w.sid•' said Limy. '1sacept the tam-
-men wS.dertld.' said Betty. "and
eb ear d.ftl. le se .doublethe gave
sr Jest t1. Wad 1 sated for.-
or."9 e u a weeder." said Rohr. sad
MIMn together. sad How every..•
Met Ma .r her Mea,. e.d M ceded
AH ted Mar 4-1014111, Mall mg one*
111100rns gamma but sass a 'seer
ONCE our news�l•pers were divided into
three clasaes 'Grit "- Tory" and "Inde-
• pendent." In the case •of" 'Cflt" And
"Tory" papers, if you knew what the party
policy was, you always knew what they were go-
ing to say. The "Independent" paper usually
died. Then came
The Toronto Star
with its .Ingan. " Newspaper, Not
An (Irgan." That slogan used to
cause smile•.. lint, as the years
pas..ed, its significance was apprse'
The Star does not Care touch
about who wins elections. It
rare. a great deal about wtinnigg
cess.. And it is a ntiteworthi\
thing shoot the .•auaps advocated
by The Star, that most of them have
been adoptees and incorporated into
the laws of the community.
Herr is a paper that, if it i, giv-
ing a Government general support,
does not wait to see what that
Government is going to say (it do
on any particular issue, before et-
presxing itself. The anxiety is
sometimes on the part of the (hot•
eminent, to know what The Star
is going to say.
In buying The Star tenth may be
Burr you are getting exactly what
6te phrase says—" A Newspaper,
Nnt An Organ." You are getting
a live paper full of news, full of
ideas, entertaining, informing,
stimulating- in short you are get-
Whereother pia Darr content with merely` recording
then news, The Star eh itches that news in brilliant style, so
that the reader gets the Upon -interest side of every story
and understant s the inner ineaning of things that would
otherwise be oi►.weure.
The Star is aa tench a "Wr *n'a" paper as a man's . , Women
like it, not merely for the Departmen which are devoted ezelusively
to women's inteaeabs -hwt.. also for its t and entertaining way of
presenting a11'the news. ' ' \
The Star 'is always in the forefront f regressive ' tiiorlratents--
supreme in .pods—a believer in the ulivills ee of �bitwso—i—r—a live
newspaper full of news and full of interestingillustrations. Three'
months' trial subscription will put you on friendly ries with this grrat-
My of daily papers—and will cost ]ot�olit] $1.$; for 6 mouths'
sebseription-p.00 for a year
To Publishers. Toronto Star. Toronto:ti
Naar Hirst
i1.awe entev a..a .irMCrlbat N The Twemb Mer fed'
mune 49 dor furs$
• ?Van'. gm" i addfellt-- •101 -
which please find ee'loned stamps or
`L. ...,,...... �... .... ........
plew its plainly, end 'say uilrsingv Mr.. Mrs, Mks, Or Nov
Mlam .IS. Merle's Aid -tea.
All simmer of sneer trades Isar -
OA la Paris. Oae was in as lustros-
tor et owls, earlier of canaries. U
ear has a parrot that is to be tutored.
N W may at oar *Vela He services
et as Isatr.stor for It. Some et these
Weisberg tabs birds here to beard
add 1s.trsel, bat It tit* owner pre-
fers. orb a teacher will erne to the
house. errata.' with him a wa11-
tralned alagar or talker, as the case
may be. to be pmt is the Cage with
the pupil.
Other Parl•1•aa dseste thesatlt/r
to the rabies of bird feed. At ear
time the iabatitaste et a eertalu
quarter were alerted by •• 1•e. -
'amble trv/taU.a et the skim. All
u p sad dews ore attest people were
scratchier theeaselves term atorshg
to elgbt, rad ibis ladled till the
dwellers la that quarter looted al-
most lite a crews of Wpers. r. -
sir the autb.rtiles lasted fate tie
matter sad d.ewrrad that the M-
isr et a orris Mam'aelle Mlles
wees the tare of the dl�eulty.
Me was a resile • f amu, or,
more strictly apostles, a rarer et
mate' eggs for the tatters] of Tres
pheseaats when tbo pollee visited
her tstabllgba.eet the, e.e.uateamel
a woman 511 years ofd. of a most
torblddlag aspect. tier face and
heads were aa eompletely fanned as It
they had undergone dressing by a
skilful currier. The work had bee■
dose by the bites of the eats. Wirt
the attacks of whkh she had pro-
tected the rest et her parer by wear -
lag a dere cult et leather. Thus
preteeted, she slept la perteet secur-
ity, aurre.aded by .arta fell of her
lively merebaadlse.
The vale of the pollee seemed tie
her ea outrage. bet, say what eta
Weald, M.m'Mle Marie was sews -
pelted to tramper( her Marilee es-
taWiahmeet est .t the city. It ap-
♦peared that ahe had eererrepeadsmla
is maay part. of Prato amid mosiirla
daily ee0Msrmaata. tom was proud
.t her briars er prolfmados, as atm
called It, add triad a ready gkarhet
for all the eggs she oriel termer.
R is a blvd ,Mag es Wises le
Aalatmaa add si ret N mom •
Is a Mood Mai M be alk M SOD
OM Brig d re basal, Alla
baa awe, srtirld wMlat MImp
show faMtl 111111111 l a
ow ---+r
p.baevlbe for 'The Slp•1 New
Girls! Your hair needs a little "Danderine"--that's all! When
it becomes lifeless, thin or loses its lustre; when ugly dandruff
ppears, or your hair falls out, a 35 -cent bottle of deHghtful,
dependable "Danderine" from any store, will save your hair,
also double it's beauty. You ten have nice, thick hair, toe,