HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-12-11, Page 13GREETING TO OUR FRIENDS --FOR CHRISTMAS - We extend you our heartiest wishes that it be A Merry One -FOR THE NEW YEAR -- that it be A Happy One and may you share to the fullest extent in all good things during 1920. Campbell's Drug Store - THE PENSLAR STORE 1N 'Pkoss 96 Goderich MODE nL (ititga GEO. STEWART,'Florist ArvEAER-..DP: OT- la Ord.Is .„Beard r,., all km tit I I S _._ ARNATIONS Footwear Repairs lit •IOI.E'!'S 1 Good wells mei 1 • a+ liable 1,i .rl 1 J Welding Lunehee a specialty \r1n Saml. Ward & Son fw lailtue street ,.1au.t,..(tames fly I occupfkll by tin. late Th k,. 11.01 A choke collection a.t Pritnrwoe Gre :nhotllu,s Bruce St. Those Ina • eimmalleen011ina. ! stt iIIIIIIIIIII=IIIIIIIIIIII- lIiIIIIIIIi6=IIIIIII,,IIIII-IIIIIIIIIIII I FOOTWEAR FOR , MI CHRISTMAS NUSUAL preparations have been made to set the inereased trade of the holiday season. e are now showing the largest variety of SLIPPERS in felt and leather in the latest colors. Let your giving take a practical turn this Christ- -3 mac. Your family or friend will certainly appreciate a E. mi mi pair of our good Shoes. The demandgrows each year. Slippers of course are on every list. Hurlbut's Pussy- I .a foot Shoes make an ideal gift for the kiddies. t= SKATING SHOES a are sox in stock. We make any exchange desired after Chriatnuts. Our ti ices are most rea;ouahle for the quality of footwear we sc11 ' REPAIRING GEO. MacVICAR IIII North Side of Syn Goderich, Ontario 1DIItlllflll=IIIIII(If II=IIIII{IIIIII_-IIIIIIIIIIIhIIIIIIIIIII iIIn1111111ir Ii A Merry -Christmas to all Our Patrons Choice Display ta of Christmas Bee We have secured as 'usual an extra choice lot of beef,pork, veal, etc., for the Christmas trade. Dron in and have a look, and let us gttotle•you prices on this ahoieyoung beef by the quarter. • CHRISTMAS BEEP Rotjlsts 28c 14:ile Roo4s 30c -32c r .._ 28c 20c -25c '35c Iiuntp Roan Rib -Boil Sirloin Roasts sirloin Steak 35c Round Steak 33c Beef Tougtie-4 ........... 28c `honl.ler to boil Molder Roast \SSI ulper Chops Loi tt\ Chop 28o 30c 36c 37a 4-- YOWL-Tmk at Dhaka, Chickens, Meese. SMOKED MEATS -Kincardine euro; Boneless Ham, Bone- !, . ILS I. I;neon, Breakfast. Bacon, frmoked Rolls .and LAST DELIVERY CHRISTMAS 9 P.M' LOCAL TOPICS. *Bi SIGNAL GOD110t1 Tuwtmhip tiolkltrr for Morris. At the last tneeting of the township council of Morris Mr. Ovaries Gamow, of Goderich, wu appointed solicitor for that township. Nomination Sleeting. 1'he uuudcllral IM,uilultton nowt tug wall take phi..• at the towel* hall wn Mon day ••%1411111g I.t'\t, .•nmwnIMirlit 11t 7.:10 0'0.. 1, so lar there -i4 very little boa Fit u>, to pnitpecfico candidates, but :11.•wl.1y evening way bring in. ',resting dc. .opawutl. • \1. (; C. Dallee Next 'Tumulus Night. The young p. ogle are looking for- ward to test Tuesday ,fecund$, w hen the Mefira.•tu11X Pallia• Club dams. lakes lilacs - at the \L.41uic 'Friuple anal pnow- 1,••r 10 lu• Illy 40.1111 event of tIw t 1W114. The l4.allluitttw has the arraugetott+wttr well,lu howl, and everything popes ly :t aft ''44f111 111•.11 AIM. ULmrr 1. Deaf rer", A '.*17 ptetlaNtrlO fjU tiu1• of the week was 11 dinner given it 1!„• Mtaual* •rrtuple 011 totwnvvtliu1„ 7yr l'f the „ i et \ra .t luy 11; vee ,l Is tit (hale - A's w-i111t r nt! l • Unfortunately. t e gelliiii1. am ,tr:,„ Arm, is ..nw,Vt (tame tbltt. we 'hove fieeu'u hle"'to get h1 tnr' for th14 week's home; we *boll .;y to do iL jn.ti.r lin "our next." I. A. et M. °Seem At a ;went meeting of (:alerh•h Ledge. 1nternatimut AsOw•ietjon of Slachd11isrs, tin• following of&. t•. v.'t/t elected for the .oIuiIig year.; rn•+liken!. Henry •1'.IAlr rr? tice prrsid.wt, \mhie Ilnwanen`: tinitneial err.•tary. f..ort E. Harker; reeordlntt rw•ri•tar. !teary \I dim'; uveaswrer, William TI 1.4„14 i Tile First Harkey !(came. There will likely be a big turnout at it rink on Friday evening, when the I first h. ••key •'ame of the season takes place. S efoxth is to be here, and as it is one of the strong teams of the district interest in game is at a high pitch: Inctred, it is t too much to say that the result of thi+ g may allow pretty well how the dictaseries will be -deeded. The game is to r m r • 1 .('apt. Callow • N. C':.pt N'. F. IIaN. M. 1).. arrived 1 house onytou11ay 11f1e sixteen wo1111ts i„rrr'el1s, ill In ospltll work. Ile nun stat; 1 .hlri the whole period nt 'Vh'1dttet.m- h looks aery. 111.- ,.110 after 1 ea4tu will proWIldy Rettig op 1 metier fn 1ifer4„h. Tilt'. s OW. houmatism.. is Crie Add In the blood. Unhealthy kidneys are the cause of the acid beingK there. If4ho kidneysacted as zany shook' they would Strain the Uri.: Acid out of the syslein and rhrunui _ tical woul.lp't e.' cur. Kneel✓ matism is a Kidney [Yes. ease. f).w.l'a Kidney Wave made a reaat part of their rep,.tateon' curing Rlwueali.nt. So gel ' at the aaraar of those fearful shooting pains and atilt, aching jousts. Thera la but a'.:e ►urs way-. odd% howl. 11e IsulW'y 1 y t0 lib+ 111704• waif made on• the Saxon • Nod very henry we111la r 41411 1.1l.1 11.111 .e.vl. At the I'. F.O. ('onrention. _ Amongst those who attended the larg F. 0. convention at Toronto last week were Mr. and Mrs Gordon Bisset. Messrs. Will Young, R. M. Yen= and J. N, Iier- n ghan of Cnlborne,and Mr. G '. ,l oynee. f the Sterling Bank, Godtrich. A report • the proceedings will be given by m at the next meeting of the Col. Farmer'''' i ;ph, which will be held on 1 Way. January Silt. Further an - flounce -ient-of the prog;am will be given next we ' A Madel,, If ('at Olt The sad n ws was received on Tue-- day of the , . h- at Brown City. Mich.. of Jean.. eldest , ughter of Dr. Packwood, formerly of God ch. The deceased was a young girl In he fourteenth year and ,tiad.beeAill for four '• Rntbs,.folowrngao - operation. Her fat r is a brother oaf Mr. Ben Packwood of own. Her uncle, Mr. William Jennings. aunt, Mrs. Fed. ward Harrison, and Mus "nie Harrison, of Salttcrd, ie(t Wednesda morning to attend the funeral. Wedded at London. A quiet wedding was gtlemni on the evening of ,Saturday, December ., h, at the home of . the !ride's aunt, Mrs. H. Petfeld. MS Blackfriars street, Lon Ont., when Florence Sheardl,wn, of G rich. became the bride of Frederick J. Holmes, of Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Rev. Carlon C. B. Sage, rector of St. Paul's church, officiated. The bride wore her travelling suit of navy blue. Mr. and Mrs. Holmes left later in the evening for Toledo, where they will reside. G. W V. A. Ball. /11,511-1111)111.11•01.e 11,11) 45114 int he tlkvrateil_.fur. ._the..Lull X1veu be the 1:reat War Veterans A•o.1;.1Ic.0 lost Fetchy night The calor 0•hene 4114 reed. whhe and lane. unit the (fags of ars notions were drags+l moon the ws114. There was a fairly gaud nttenotaAw•. 11101 1111 ‘present had a very enjoynLle tins'. t:dti9'Ijelt must.. wail M1111.h.•.I t I,r t!le ' 1ol4•ri.•h 1ar,•hestra. The 11.1"A' v. Ai\'Ilan iO trove another .Tate, later on thi4, winters, and the date will. he latterly "krl rd ur\Ly &o4' who Jayed last Yrf y•ntglit's event. TIIOS. LEGG THE SQUARE - 'PHONE 2 OBITUARY. BUCIIANAN.-Stratford Herald: After an illness of several inonths !(Mrs. Mary Rutherford' Buchanan, wife of Mr. R. T. Buchanan. passed away Monday morning (December 15) at the family residence, .17 Milton street. Mrs. PERSONAL MENTION. K? y. Pills as accompanied by thou far home 01 Mr. lies, 11101 at the R. (i. TI• omp,ou anti par- took of an oyster tall' , er. • he evening were 7' ,1r and Mrs. guests co Middleton. At► lng the evening Mr. beautdmiddieton prep nted ,the trustees with a beauty(ul l.'n u' fur the way . Jack as a token of esteem tributed to in which the settimi con - ,was arta, the Victory ban. The gift the toy .wledged in short speeches by Rat .toes and other ratepayers. The and, the evening was spent with games vo, .rustc and all had a splendid time. A )• .e of thanks w .s tendered to Mr. and .urs. Thomp.am for the use of their house for the occasion. cox -Lobb- A pretty wedding 'i.,. t14o1eui,ix.vl at "11e Maples," the tisane or Mr. iutd Nino. wm. H. Lobb, Gode- rich l,.niihip, ou Satnr.luy, Ilia -ember 21)111. when their daughter, Luella Frances. wets united in the holy bonds of wstrlunooy 10 Mr. Charles Douglas Cox. 00111 of Mr. mud Mrs. Thos. cox. 17.alerich township. i'ruispl13 at 12 -oltia•1C the hrtde; wio wax elven dei marriage hyo . lice father, attic,+l iu .p.,ry u ' vifi .;duet IIIc. and wear. art tn,: ['de4+o111.0111 bridal c,•il tier anal of 4'1111urntal providing n wreath tit vrulge btu:-.,Rt4 , and carrying a Tbursslay. Ty.v, nils•, ^1S, 1919. ESTABLISHED 1872 :MEAD Ort',CE IMAM. LTON sax to, FOR over forty-six years the Bank of Hamilton has ren- dered a continuously courteous and effi5ient service to its cus- tomers. . For forty-six years the Bank of Hamilton has increased in power and the capacity to serve. This completely organ- ized banking service is to -day at your full disposal. BANK OF HAMILTON Goderich Branch A. J. MacKay, Manager I.r.•r1v bouquet of .•a 1•,111 t lona alit fermi. -vim . nterel tine ratan' to 11e arreins of the ximmumememmommumwspammeme u•tv :,\werha11 )\'.4I.I1115 Mardi. play.+) , by Itei',s►rtrr, 111,01 ivy, anal took lw'r + t We will store until April Your Battery ..... $ 2.00 our Car 10.00 t' !ite,' I oitw•.+'ll 141,4•achils ,.f .• 111 111111 vvIll ti 011111. The .vr,nuo113 -____-_ . __ I:.•rformill 'II 1teT. lit. .. ,?" ..011 •til „( ending the holidays at the parental Rohn.+vlllly1u ••11,1:,,,n,,,. 1,1:,,,n,,, „f the in.- 1 mending home. medials. hilt 11\1'. 01111 11 f.•w• 111.•1141+. Mr. harry jjuchanan. of the.Union Durti/ sl the ..ugratulattous *lie 'Joy ! Bank, trltrlp s' -h boini. lora neat and it--t.rwtr tehttu-,.oh., nfh•r whi,-h , Tt•cuprr;:cut{. I e wv+thing breech foist 411.+ , r,•'.1 NR. Heber Powell, "of the Dental Col -1 Tor groom i s Of to the 1.1 ids w:ry lege Toronto, is at the paternal home, luv"1 la•n.laUt sow to the piaul"1 for the holiday's and is accompanied Ity r l'r'' ) nl.l.a h. 4:iirst4 \were prewe11t 1 his blend and schoolmate. Mr. C. Usher, I frbul Toronto. Itan,•r:.tt ' mrd his::.r of Vancouver. ' dila:The Hee ly' wwhl.+l etarpie heft f„ -) a short h„Ieyln.aa: trip nut .• ecruin. Mr Clarence MacDonald. of the ; (1-e1111 going Pur rruc. it4; tt. Signal staff, n -.periling Christmas at his bride. 11„nta+1 t *41.11 and: 1101 n „: • home at Lucknow. This is his fast , tomer 1.84.44* with plain•. t 1., Christmas atthome' in four years• as he watch, tin their reran, they n11 re- letu•ned this year from military service- aide inn the grown',. (nrnl 0n 1ht• L overseas. •+.ucc shoo, ti•slel l.•Ii lin 14411141. C COLBORNE. - ScuooL' ENTERTAINMENT. -A success411111111111111111111.111111111111116 - ful entertainment was -given in Ili'• school- hvute of S. S., No. 3 co Friday evening last. Tie pro iCratfi R'h:ch Wye ',:leen by . the pupa's. it e,r(tcd songs, d.s!!+. recit- ations, etc.. and a .play, "A Canadian Fairy Tale." Thi: was given in costume and was p••r!„rnit'd in sery capable style. Miss EIIa Robertson acted -as -a, companist during the evening The shield won by No. 3 the tua r a':ip school fair was present s Reeve tong and will ha' fsa A fro i>< Ili: act en the wad too;••' sactlas. Another feature of the proceed-• , Ings was the presentation of the honor • mi •.41 lb ei ••0111 roil of ex -students of the Iithool whol served in- the great war. the roti was oriel Theatre Program gh:.•tically executed by bar, T. Pritchard MONDAY and TCF:gU.Vl' of God ,.Cb. There was a g0011 N' tend e of the parents and other fnen.ls of school, and the proceeds were over The splendid program pre.ent -' much credit upon the pupllr•..and pable teacher, Mise Floret!' et their Young. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. JI'. Mrs Thos spending CJhri: t mother, Mts. The The Christmas tree held in Zion church, Monday evenin_ was and a most enjoyable e A good program was rims of songs. readings, dialogu pantomimes. Receipts a :'0.15 A meeting of the Ladies' Aid Society of Taylor's Corner will he held at t home of Miss Nettie Sturdy on Tuesd . De- cember 30th, at 2 o'clock p. m. ANNUAL MEETING of FARMES' CLUB -The annual meeting for the election officers of the Farmers' Club was held Monday night. December '.:2nd, in the Orange Hall Mr D. McEvoy Wis elected president. Mr. Isaac 'Salkeld, vice-president. and Mr H. L. Salkeld, retary-treasurer. Executive cnmmit- t Messrs. Keith Ross, Ge 41). Wil,on, Art our Tichborn••, Robt. Davidson. with power to am -Au th it number. Presi- dent McEvoy was appointed a !represen- tative to the memorial committee of Goderich. A vote of thanks was passed to Mr. Th son for the use of the organ at the hall 1. the Club 'et init. TT secretary's • et for the past year showed the CI o to he in a prosperous condition, with a substantial balance on hand and s"paid u• membership of sixty- seven. The questii of affiliation with the U. F. O. was men.'oned and is to be taken up Ion her at a I er der. FLM; PRESENTED.-( evening la... wtel: the ratepayer'' br - `S: •No. 4. TUESDAY. De., 2g, Amy, of . Harford, L sat, 'the hime of her as Sowerby. and entertainment aylor's Corner., on decided success i Ing was spent. r silting , drills and ed to Pte. Stephen Wilkes is home after a long term overseas. Norman M1Leod is home from I >et Mit tor Christmas. Mr. Athol•McQuarrie, of Toronto. is a holiday viaitor in town. Mr. Jame. ttume. of Philadelphia, arrived in town Tutarlay. Mr. J. 11. Woraell is hbrne for the win- ter froth Gull Lake. Sask. Miss Clementine Williams is home from Leamifigton foe the school vacation. gottertiion. of 'Windsor, ilk spend, ing the holiday term in toWn. Miss Ethel Nairn. of the staff of Galt public school. is home for the holidays. Miss Aggie Nairn, of Detroit, is visiting Mr. Cockburn Hays, of Toronto, is IL Do no ►Iwt111•r d itching. log. 0r 1 in Vile.. surgical n sat lnn requir Dr. Ctta.e'. Ointment will relieve you at 04100 and 114 rertainb ware -yon. lDe. a sox • ell dealer'., or £emanon. Hahn. ! 0,...• Llmhed, Toronto. W.mpte box remit pm mention Udo paper and endows rile. stamp to par matters: irs 1/1 di...over 11 hole Ilk, this In the Com- fortable shoes ynn expected would way. However, ff yon 1401111 them tO its for illtr HIGH -CLAM SNOB IDE1'.1,111141 - we ran resole them, restore their stoOsi bait..., end telt them in ruialitIon to Ore you lung service. Why not try it SI. SMITH Kind Street I iailerish Thos. it 'Ince pre' nla - Dorothy 'Dalton t -wd Alae P'.ear11Zhite in - "Lightning Raider" We will fill your Rill' ator witttr•Anfi-freeze FORDS and CHE ROLETS.... 1.00 Other Cars - t'50 "Owned and Operated by a East Street Garage Practical Man" GODERICH - - - ONTARIO Arthur M. Glover X elk o1W/IN=MB WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY. Geraldine' Farrar tL • "Shadows" A Mack Sennett Comedy FRiI)Al' a SATURDAY Enid'- Be - . ett Happy Tho'hi 1,0 A Christie Comedy lave Some Fun This Winter Get out your skates, byy a season ticket and be happy. -WEST STREET SKATING RINK now open with long season ahead - Band in attendance three nights a week T hurst;aty AieY 'r turday Tuesday, Season Tickets -Ladies and children, $' gentle- men, $4.00 Single Admissi(.. -Ladies and children, • .c ; gentle- men, 25e..- .-. Nights when b, 1 is not in attendance, Ise for •eryik f I F e he Singer Sewing Machine has always been in the lead, and today heads all competitors. Machines of various styles, also a full line of REPAIRS kept constantly on hand at The Singer Store (Mi.. N011iett, oil the liquors.) Orders for fepairing promptly attended to. Chas. E. Worthy Agent (loderich Be Sure to Get 16 Wrapped to insure its Perfect condition in all climates and seasons. Sealed tight- kePt . right. The Perfect gum in the _ Perfect package. The flavour lasts 56