HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-12-11, Page 12w r
r -.mss;,
#'—Thursday, December 25, 1919.
Games for Children
at Christmat Tin
UST a word of thanks to
ti our friends for their very
liberal patronage during the
Christmas season and to wish
everybody a Merry Christmas.
, -
�- DUN A NNoN Lillian ura Ped, from Esse Donnybrook;
VI\NlSlf . � .Miss Laura Pegttart0. erten Essex: Mies
Lalargaret Pentland. from Goderich Cot
I iegute Institute; Messrs. "Mown, and
.- rthjijireeiVe. trurrt•lorronhp; fetus D._iser,
Lorne McKetme'ts preparing to build a from W ingham: F. r& Stedman, from
large ga. age to acivittmodate his increase- l igersull; Bert W'gguis. front Auburn ..,•
ing trade.. He is tearing ou his potent' Stew Marion Bechtel, of Elmira. is
garage' a id the whole frontage will be .spending a hristmasweek with her
used' f:.. a new cement structure. He utuie, Mr. N. • F. . Whyard- -
will also put in a thou:and-gallon gasoline tie -s Eileen ,Oilier. Ell C:ihtun. is v.siting
tank. • Miss Peart-Fianptan Durr Ctulitmas.
The Vethiidist church entertainment in
the Agit cultural /but un Monday flight 1 Correction re Closing Announeeaeii `
was a great success. Much cart-lt n -due The statement in last wee's's S *nal -
td'!ti ,o' ,who spent eu much time in tie that, the merchants on Dungannon would
traibinc At'the clnPbr. n, and the result ciuse their stores 'every'. evepseg at 6
speak, sell both iur the chi'dren and for o.`ciock after lyes )'ear's was nut correct ,
the insir octors. .so tar -as the u;iderst,tned are concerned. '
Abe. Culbert' is busy drawing logs from They intend to k_ep their places ot busi-
the bus•' to his mill. - nesse open as usual on Tuesday, Toneaday
Arthur Culbert had a hay -pressing bee. and Saturday evenings: •
having 'old his hay at a good price. We -take tits uppxtunity of aishing all
The )Vomen's Institute will m et our customers a maty Chi i Letitia acid a'
Tuesday. December 30th, at Oddtellows' happy and orosper..us New 1 ear..
Hall. fnis will be a special meeting N. J. •TRELEAVEN.
Lunch. will be 'tented and a large attend- •
,.somawases W. H. yr COAL
ance is xpec'e(t. ys:.; * I'R(ti►: Io.NFc5.
HOLlnAY VISIT0R5. -Many areiageWng JAI('I •-4 arsaR N
to spec d the Cttristnias season at -
The Gra id Trunk Railway anno uncee.1
that the full Erni es•rvice *ill be resumed
commencing December Vile: -• i
(Copyright W a. Ne41, Was)
It may be for a Christmas party. or
for the family gathertag, that you will
need Ideas; for either, W 5011snaing
games will tans* tea for young sad
Old alike.
The Game of Tip.
This old English game requires the
see of enough assorted Christmas can-
dies, nuts. moons, and other dainties,
to make a solidi pile upon a table;
also a pair of Auger tongs. One of the
party Is chosen. who must retire to so-
other room while the remaining play-
ers decide upon oue of the dainties
In the pile to be known as "Tip." The
chosen person Is then recalled. and
with the tong's removes pieces from
the pile. trying to avoid the piece
named Tip, of which. however. he does
nut know the, location. All pieces
remove) belong to him. wnitss he re-
moses Tip. when all must be returned
is the pile. and the turn passes to the
nein player, -who retiree to the other
room while another Tip 1s named. A
player may pass his tarn when, after
drawing sorrel pieces. he wants to
c avoid Hot possibility of losing Them
through drawing Tip. The game
cuntinues until the pile d1seppears.
A FIII-In Game.
For s laughter producer this game,'
has no peer. A poem is selected and
•f[h •each
honing here Am'rg them we notice
Misses Ethel Caw, Janie Stothers and
Pearl McKenzie. • from Toronto: Miss
Daisy Ryan, from Port- Credit;. Miss
a.- The
aye Family Tree
copied upon paper, w noon
omitted and a line drown to Its pieces.
Then the nouns are copied uI^n swell
' cards. one upon each. The cards are
Oats, an equal number to each obeyer,
sad s player la chosen as reader. The
reader reads the poem, pausing at
each space. and the players fill In. In
tura, a noun from the cards In their
pile. The nouns '111 seldom comp Is
their original places, and the result
s w01 be a ridiculous mixup.
Sliced Toy Puzzles.
(hone advertlseniitita cut pictures of
tqs, and paste these upon pieces of
cardboard; then with a sharp knife
Wcethe cardboard Into Irregular
PIONS 11. Indleated In Fig. 1. ('lace
the parts -orf each picture In an en -
verve by itself. When ready to play
the game, give each player an envel-
op, and direct hint to pat together the
parts so as to make the picture of the
Christmas trees in many homes thisear
will be surrounded by electrical gifts.
An if.eMfe Touter will save mother many steps
and'`make crisp, hot toast right at the breakfast
tabled '
An *taci►ie Tfattron will save much time and labor in
the laundry.
An sf trk Chafing Dish is an appropriate gift for
sister while father ani brother would enjoy coffee from an
electric jwiefator of either the pot or urn t
Dainty fid its broiled on the abefrk-400 w7�
the whole f
We have an ectrical gift for every member of the
family. Come arid our display.
North Side Square I:oder ich
ode ric h
toy. ' At the expiration of a given
- - ect an.. aaM1e of
the toys
AerostIE' Pled Cards.
An original Idea for the plate earths
tor -the Christmas party' la to prepare
them In the form of letters from Santa
Claus, "dila the names and addresses
of the ;,tecta worked out In acrostics,
as" le suggested on the two specimen
envelopes to the Illustration; and have
the guest! find their places by Inter,
peering the Inscriptions upon the en-
velopes. The Fret envelope illustrated
reed!, "Miss Lillian Cook. 415 Adapts
Street," the second one, "Mr. Barry
rnderwood, 515 1(P11 AvennP." Some of
the addressee may he harder to maks
001A11108, OIIT:
The last meeting of the council for
1919 way --held un December 1dth. with
the members all ►resent. Minutes of (sat
meeting were read and passed on motion
of Buchanan and Currey. Dr. Stewart,
M. 0. H., presented his report as follows:
To the Municipal Council of East WswInosh.
QGentlemen,--Once more it is my dutY
and fortunately a pleasure to report upon
the health of the municipality in relation
to contagious and infectious diseases for
the year now ending. Apart from the
Spanish influenza. which took its toll of
lives herr as in other localities. there have ,
been only five cases of contagious or
infectious diseases brought to my notice,
namely, one of scarlet fever and tour of
tuberculosis. . On being reported the •
scarlet fever patient was placed under
gtlarantine at once, but in a short time
'there was a fatal termination. Death occur-
red in three of the four other cases. Nu
nuisances have been reported to
me throughout the year, so that'
the duties of the medical officer of
health have been much lighter than they
so/betimes are. Respectfully submitted
by your obedient servant,
R. L. STEwA`T, M 0. FD.
A few of the ratepayers. as usual. being
somewhat dilatory in the payment of
their taxes. an extension of time till Feb-
ruary 1st, 1920, was given the collector fol
the return of his roll for the balance of
taxes remaining as yet unpaid. A num-
her o: accounts, which will appear in the
fltiancial statement shortly. - were ordered
paid,•and after a few words of apprecia-
tion from the - Reeve-.- ore *keit -et-t- e -
fellow -members, to Councillor Irwin. who
is retiring from. municipal matters after
seven y ars of faithful service to the
munici ty, the council then adjourned.
11, Postggylgw, Ckrs. - -
Tot maid c -urtcd of Colborne met
m .the township- hall December 15th•.
*carting to at lute- -- Members all
present; Reeve 1 ung in the chair.
Minutes of the regu r meetings of Nov-
ember l lth and lath ad and adopted -An
modem of McCann a Snyder.- The
following accounts we pa sed - and
ordered paid: Gordon Y ng, salary as
.Reeve. 400; Levi S tytter, at y as coun-
cillor , J. as. (:. McCall „salary as
rc rtincillor; Geo. D.Curre salary as'
councillor. $5O A. Fisher, solar .as codn-
cihor, $.50;R,M.Yuung, salary as easur- �.
'er, $115; A. J. Goldthorpe, part say as
collector. $50; G. J. Ferguson. set ing
jurors. $3; G:irdon Young. ' seiee
jurors, $3, I. Hetherington, 0) select'
'jurors, $3.'(2)' care o; hall, 55, (3) tele
phoning. $4. (4) ' postage, 115; R M
Young. postage, *17: G, Bean, .jr.. 15
Toads gravel, 11 -"Q; John Fragam-repsir-
irg road on 6th eefltesslen, $4; D; C.
Bogie, (t; fill at No. 5 school house, $1;
(21 repa;ring culvert at Ashton's. $2: R.
Bogie, 20 bads gravel, $3; Jno. Million,
, 28 loads gravel. 11.20; J. Buchanan. 11U
kinds• gravel. gin 50; 12) extra land on
neit road and repairing fence. tri; Wm.
Daw, cleaning out ditch in Sanford. 1'0;
1. Hetherington. salary as clerk.. $1.3;
Red Cross Societies of Colborne, county
grant, 1286.45; John bevy. chairs fir
township hall. 19; Ward Allen. 23 loads
of gravel. 13.45; J. Durst, 119 loads of
gravel; $1785; A. Bown, .(1) refund of
'statute labor. 11.50; (2) 2 .beep killed by
dogs, 335; Jas. Smith, work on Astife(d
boundary. $2.05; a. F. Schwan;.• 124
loads. gavel. 118.60: ' Geo. McNeil,
anteing timber for bridge at A. J,
Goldthdrpe s, $.i; J. D. Farrish, 96 loads
gravel, 514.40: G. Daer, (t) cleaning out
ditch. 0. (2) gravelling. $4.50, •-(9#
putt 'in`3 tile coir%Is. $t2; ::- S4cr1•
ink, (1) as Sheep valuator, $2. (2) 6 days
inspecting. 16; Wm.-Gr.en, 9 cords
gravel at 16.35, $57.15; J.Fisher, work on
division line. 14.50; R. Bean, work on
division line 13; F. - Gilders, work on
division Jig&, 13; G. lreagen, drawing
gravel on 'division line, 13; C. Garrow,
advice and supplies, 40; T. Clark. 1 cord
of gravel. $5.80; Dol.. Rd. Machine Co.
Ltd...repairs for grader. $8.s0; Municipal
World, iupplies82; W. W. Fisher, (11
4 Toads gravel, 12.40, (2) spikes, 6.5c, (3)
planl1��,, $2; E. H. Walters, repairing
cuh-et`ta and work on road. 13; Wen. Mc-
hinney, repairs for weieh scales, 75c;
Gordon Young, telephoning, $5; H.
Walters, drawing gravel on division line,
43; J. Feagan, (1) 60 loads gravel. 19.
(2) drawing 'travel, $11.50; E. Jackman,
gravelling and fill on Dates Hill, $10;
John Treble. gravelling and work on
division line, $6.30; Wm. Watson, (1)
drawing gravel on division line. 54.50.
t2i--work on crusher, $1.50; Clark &
layton, supplies for grader, $.5.10- J N.
er�lIghan, telephone account. $90; 1.
Het (l) 6days:inspecting. $8`,1.2)
1 15 -in. tile, 12: 'Jas. Snell, drawing and
putting in tile on 10th concession, 13:
A. (,00d, gravelling, fixing fence on Salt -
ford Hill and oil for grader; $4.- ' E. D.
.. ton, services at engineer oft 's
dram. 120;' S. Mitchell, gravelli g on
di' .iononeNil: Jas. Straughaa.'
ling on division line. 16; J. oung.
itgravelling on division line, 16. '
Moved by McCann, seconded by
Currey, that a bylaw be' passed, suspend-
ing the five per cent. additional on unpaid,
axes on collector's roll for December
15th. 1(119. Carried.
Moved by -Fn er,-seeo ded by -Sny
that a bylaw be pasted fixing the hon of
nomination at 1 o clock in the-afte
of December 29th, 1919, in the to nship
hall, Carlow, and if a Ix,ll be de arded�l1
the election to be held on fano ay 5th,
1920, at the following polling sub-divi-
■Oos: / .
No. 1. Temperance Hall„- Benmiller
—Veene Gledhill, D. R. O., P. A. Wal-
ters P. C.
No. 2, Temperance (tall, Seaford -J.
McNevin, 1). R. 0., R. i McLean, P. C.
• No. 3, township ball. Carlow --1.
Hetherington, D. R. (Y.. F. Wilson, P. C.
No. 4, Temperance Hall. Leeburn -
-Bert Bogie, D. R. 0.. Hugh Chisholm,
, C.. . _
A t'eeolirtion passed extending the
collector's to February 1, 1920.
This coact the business of the meet -
1St 1: RINGYON, Township Clerk
A , meeting Executive
01.1e of the soar 1 of Trade Will
he in he $card Room at the
asoni Tem a on Monday afternoon,
ecembe 29th, sat 4 o'clock. ---
3 A tun attendance is requested.'.
4 PARSONV :47711! f W. S. BOWDEN,
Ph2n e
To Our Many Friends and Patrons
At this the close of the year 1919, we take the
opportunity of showing our appreciation by thank- 7.=t. -k-
ing you, one and all, for the very successful year we
are now terminating, and the happy relationship
which has existed between us.
We have done our utmost. at all times, to give,
satisfaction and good service; and shall endeavor to
do even better during the coming year,
We are in a wetter' position than " to study
and Look after the welfare of our Gust s; having Mi
taken in a large, commodious room adjoi ' . where
we a e able to display with advantage our splendid''
assortment of Oilcloths, Linoleuma, Rugsl etc. On
the first floor will also be found the\"reit loom" for
.. We cordially invite all to make this store their
v headquarters.
'Phone and mail orders receive first. and best
attention. (charges prepaid. j --" - ij
Again thanking you for past favors d trusting
a confinaance of same, we wish'you all
Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year ,
HONE. 56
Milt is Scotch Store
The Leadi
Phone and Mail Order Stoke
'Alvin McAllister 4&66, 'Orval Powell
43.55,'.James Ross :11)13, 'Robbie PC/Well'
29. 'Jack Waters 27.71 St. 1I. that--
*Evelyn McAllister tit ',, (P). 'Charles
Naftel 58.62 (P), Carl' . by 48.75.
'Rutael Oke 47.37. Jr. 11. He
Davidson 81.12, hon. (P), Ila s
49.83, 'Lena Colwell 47.,27c N•
Fuller 37.52. Benson Sawerby 29.J-. I:
Ielass—Eunice Sowerhy, Clayton
#;Marion Calwell, Florence Sowetby rn-
61d Porter. Lorne Porter. Pr. a
Everette Mcllwain, Eleanor Jo nst
Mildred Oke, Janus Naftel. hrist
Harmer. Olive Powell. L. E. 161orT,
--a- r---
Clinton New Era: Cottr+cil or W. J.
Paisley has had the honor' of having the
degree of great-grandfatber thrust upon
him. By the birth notice a young son
arrived on December llth to Major and
Mrs. R,. L Dunmore at Sarnia. Mt.
Paisley is receiving the congratulations of
his new degree in thio select class.
MONDAY. Dec. 22.
The Queen's hot . was raided o + Satur-
ay night by -Const bk, Fellow. of Gode-
rich, and Constable Welsh. of Clinton,
and a ':mall amount . liquor was taken.
which the proprietor eta ed was obtained
on a prescription-
rescriptionChristmas trade hat bee ei ceptionally
good here and merchants ar confident it
will beat all records by Wed .ay.
Farmers iu this section has shipped
large quantities of turnips tly,
getting as high as 43 cents a bu el for
Proprietors of the sawmill have ' r.
chased large tracts of bush in the net-
borhood and will probably b^ operate
all wirier.
Rev: R. J- McCormick, Who list been
the Methodist pastor here for lour years,
has been urged to remain. 3 his would be
the first time that the lour -year term bas
been exceeded.
' Merry Christnlas to all!
Miss Annie Dalton, of Kingsbridge.. -
spent Sunday at Jdreph Couttntey's.
A number of our ,young men attended
the fat stock show at,Guriph• '
The young folks are preparing a play to
be given in the near figure.
Ewart Jamieson, who has been in the
West for the past the years, has re-
turned to occupy his (art.
Mrs. C. W. Alton is ,attending her
mother, Mrs. Harry Campbell, of Luc'k-
now, who is very di.
itttt.girt'. •\ . ,
llullett breeders did well' It thi('GtaelpA
Ile, •tot fait the prizewinners including
Al: ichael A Son, J. Pope and J. Barr:
it said there will 'likely be a
lively unicipal contest in Hulett.
C,ouncill T. McMichael, it is understood.
is coming •ut against Reeve Armstrong.
and there wet tkely be a contest for the
) councillors' . ts.
:10)1111*a$%I1*$* $x$$=111*U $/316111111111)1111111
1 row .,wr.a «,K: -,.�- a : arm, •..-a a;
A _AI _ cristm
who are going to be our friends in 1920.
Our Two Stores have done (food business this Christmas season.
We want them to break the record during 1920, and if there is
anything we can do to give the public even better values than we
have done this year be assured we shall try to jlo that thing.
Thanking all for their kind patronage during the yea,
Yours for Health, Happiness and Prosperity,.-
EXTEND the season' best- wishes to everybody—to
those who have been our friends -in 1919, and to to
MR. frt
, 518 A AVE. ' "-
Ind. Secretaryli
Mowing is the term report of S.S. No.
Goderich township. Those marked
with an asterisk (') were not present for
all the examinations. Those with
(P) after have beenomnted for alter
the holidays : Entrance class- -
David Davidsn•+ 74.45 per cent„ Brock
Orr 71.81, Nora Snwert.y 60.09.
Hannah Sowerby fib, Annie Davidson
46.001. Sr. 111. clam- Marguerite Fal-
cone' 72 11, Adelaide Davidson (16.55.
'Helen Oke 39.22 Jr. iI1. class—Marion
Nattei 73.33, 7
Ruth 13ell67,11 (ultti, ElgFinerPorter
rter57.55, x11011111A)11j11114111jl01x111M.1NM%RIM MN1111111iS%al WIN ling
The Two Stores on the Square ¢ 9M ,,...' . , Goderich, Ontario