HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-12-11, Page 6THE SIGNAL GOD.ERICH, ONT. What Everywoman Knows Every year, dress fabrics are becoming sheerer and sheerer -the colors more dainty. The ordeal of trusting the delicate garments to "soap and water", however, is done away with by the use of Lux. Luz will not harm any garment, however delicate or dainty. that pure water itself will not injure. You can wash any gamin' with Lux withotiV of having it spoiled. The whole secret lies in the match- less purity of the little satiny Lux flakes. There is no substitute for Luz- There is nothing like Lux. Lux is in a class by itself. Luz is on sale at all Grocers, Departmental Stores. &c. A hardy little recipe Md(kt, entitled, "The Care of Dainty Clothes" will be gladly sent free on request. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED. TORONTO 73 The Christmas Store for Goodies WE have a complete asso,tptent of -Christmas Goodies, including Candies, Nuts, Fruits, in fact everything tom a"jflitl fCkidesstas one long to be remembered_ DATES in bulk and packages THE OLD MAN AND ,AMS (By Gertrude Norton.) The old (arid sots most wore rod, Land sot pore It 4couldn't sprout 1.1•a.., an' Jim 'Iw crone ter me, ••4ice..., 111 go ter row11." s•z ht., ••I;it a job char In a store - rano won't par ter surf: no more!' An' he went au` left hos dad - Only wou,the old 1111111 141141. 'Twas the 1,9,1, I re. Lon. %Veil. Ile alit other ter at spell. After while I didn't hear From him sure 'an 01141. a year. I'11011 he parried -ride, it sed, In the papers that 1 r, -,d 1'heu he didn't write no more. 441 cow day, I writ ter Jim. Ned l guessed I'd visit him, A11' I hook my best clothes doWll. Wisdom' 'em up ter g,o,,,1ttr town; But Jim writ ter cur next day, lied he guts:( ill 1'd !setter stay -- Guessed 1 wouldn't like town life, Ate -it might not phase his site. Well. I port my clothes ,away, 'Litwin' 1 would Int ter shay. Couldn't help it of I diel- Jist set down right thar an' Maul. Sian 1 didn't got ter town, 'tut jiwt sorter settled down - 411. the 01d farm. glad that It Itadu't Roue beck 011 me yit. Well. ode day wane chats rune down-- ilirousgl,t a steam drill out from town - Popped a 114111. down fe0 Jlnlge Race, Not at quarter from my plate: 1(trmt the richest vein of lead In the Shote, the people wed ; 4441 t gut•sw'l '(would du oto hum Ter pop 41111• down 011 my old farm. Well, they struck It rich on Rold- Gavi' me factory thousand told Fer a five-year,. lease; ani then - dim he writ ter me arca: Sed I must be lolwsome, an' 1'lutt Iw couldn't understate Why 1 didn't visit him (That ligan ter sound like Jim 1, Ani that he was c41m111 down dist ter take mw hack ter town; 1 Was Recon' all, ani Ite %Vaulted ter leek earl- zea me. (That was jilt like .14111 lir 01(4.1 l.h.rgot abui,t.nv gold- !114111eed it jig. jilt iike it t.,y, .list a bilin' tier with joy- 'I'hinkili ti.I ll the time zea Jim Ile a -g . ter Ihr with him. Hr came down from town text day, Peeked my duds, tack uw away. Itllck ter town ter liar tt itl him. Made me eyt•w,grow kinder dim. Ati' my old heart 'mat so glad- Iltn w(m11S teak carr ttv ph, dad Stayed with him fire yearn er asre-- I'utterel some around Ida straws. Didn't loaf ter work. ye see. .vim was te•kin' carr rev me -- Made nay 0111 heart heat s. glad - Gisve--Lixt-every tont I had. After that fer a 'total spell dim he prospered perty aril. lint the music came on then. Itustin' up the richest mea 'orth an' south. au' ea.( au' Inuit - Nits 1•11st,1 With the rest - 11 broke rep, an' broke his dad -- I:,rt'y /eat the old man had. Itnt I\jaid no 4.1ame oro hint. lied ret\ Ilidn't f 11'ould all Phone 146 JOHN SPAHR Hamilton St. GROCER ADVERTISE IN THE SIGNAL. IT PAYS. t. ea 11•011 Men who shave themselves with the Gillette Safety Razor waste no time with strop or hone! Every shave is with a factory -sharpened blade - an edge keener by far than molt men could put on a razor. • GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR CO., OF CANADA, LIMITED 73 ST. ALEXANDER STREET, MONTREAL omit ter fila) with Jlw-- t; I knowel that be ht+ tick good care nue me. I 114111 11111141 \ nett- Mein' pore; .vim nes clerk ' in a store. But 1 ort' Iwgn ter tier lir 19148 not the oar ter me: A11' his wife, she 'l wed one day I was wirier 414 the t `y. $11 1 sent lack homeo to more - Ter the old farm. I:at a ''.pore. 1►iggite. Ind all flared 44 t DOW. Farm newt robed. pmt so how 1 jhst loved the. -plat's yit. A11' I guessed 1'd kik ter it Liked it better the a town. 'o I kinder settled down on the wore -out farm one• more I Lease rum out tow day !wrote, When the news was brought ter me That the elinin' r•ompeny 'lad struck another nun ns head. Itichrr than the tlrst,'they std. Barr mt.. thirty thmtmand more (leas• jilt like tlw one before►- ('oultn't help It of 1 died- Jist set Mat 11 right thar nn' cried. When they planked my, money down. Thought na dim floor in the town-- dhu 11-(411(111' in the store Awful hard an' awful pore, An' it made my eyes.grow .diet dist ter set an' think uv vim: Weh..I writ hint yesterday, Ane hes ,omit' right foamy -- 1'omin' witli him' wife, ,Rex he. Ter.live on the .di tarot with me. %Yell, i ain't h ter philosophize. . 1 reckon it ain't my way. Itut te•kdn' the matter as It Hem, I'm sorter tonmtrained ter say -- That l reckon it's better fer me, An' n good Beal better fer Jim, Per him ter quit teekin' rare ut me„ An' let me tett carr lir him. CANADIAN GIRL SCOLDED PRICE WHILE FISHING. Itluehingl) Apologizes and Kinser Ilia Hand When Told of Error. A Canadian detective who (ravelled through Canada with the Prince of Wales. writes: There isn't a better - natured chap in the world. I'm sure, hut he is shy, like his father is still. so I'm told. and very unlike has grandfather, whorn 1 know pretty well. E)e for Pmt) Ghia..___-.._ But if he takes after his father in some things, he resembles his grandfather 1n other, and has a quick eye for the pretty girls, and we have some prett y girls in Canada. i/Iring a function at New Brunswick Hu Royal Highness was standing alone for a moment waiting for his suite, when he taw a young girl looking at him very shyly, but with admiring eyes. "By ove,'• he said, "that's a pretty girl! Who is she I happened to know that she was the daughter of a prominent police official in the district. "1 will rend for her in a minute," said the Prince. "I am sure she wants to speak to me but is afraid because 1 am a Prince " A few minutes later,his suite came along. He to,d one of his staff that he wished to know the young lady. One of Item protested that she was not down op the list of presentations. Then i saw the Peps provide a new t>ltatment for coughs, colds Sad lune troubles. They are little tablets made up from Pine extracts and medicinal essences. When put into the mouth these medicinal ingredi- ents turn into healing vapors, which are breathed down direct to the Wogs, throat and bronchial tubes. `"The Peps treatment 1s direct. Swallowing cough mix- tures Into the stomach, to cure ailments and disorders In throat and lungs. is Indirect. Peps are revolutionising the treatment of • colds and their price is within the reach of a11. All dealers. Sic. box. Send lc. .tamp for FREE TRIAL PA(K sea. Prince really angry. "I wish that lady to be presented to me," he said, in a War that reminded me of his grandfather. There was no further argument. The stall officer departed and a few moments later the girt was brought before the Prince. But it was the Prince now who was shy! 1 he maid was quite self-possessed, and she spoke to the Prince for fully ten minutes, while other high-born dames were kept waiting. • An Angry Angler. Not much has been said about the Prince's shooting and sporting expediti• tans while he was here. He is a first- class angler, and I have seen him land some fish soh true skill and Judgment. Once on such an expedition the Prince was fishing In a quiet spot. such as fishermen love, and where there was ab-olutely no nerd for my service. However, I was detailed to remain on hand, and did so.. All at once I heard a clear young voice raised in angry tones. "Yeo are clumsy. Couldn't you see me coming round the bend ? Now you'vve� fouled my line and 1 shall Tose the tush and half m> tackle. You are stupid." 1 knew there was only one gentleman fishing at that spot -my royal charge. So I strolled quietly along to are who -had had the cheek to talk to him in that fashion. l saw a handsome girl of charming figure. with dark Hashing eyes. standing near the Prince, and looking angrily at hint while he stammered tus apology between his laughter. The girl would .not listen, and soon strode off in high dudgon, i followed her, Ind when out of sight of the Pnnce I caufht her up. "D you know who you've been lectur- ng, miss ?•' I said. "No. And 1 don't care ! And any- way nyway what's it to do with you "" • "Not much," I said. "Only' that yyaing man happens to be the son of the Ki off Great Britain and Irelandi'" Of course she remembered then that the Prince was fist i"g in the neighbor- hpod. Her face went red and then white. "Oh. what will happen? What shah I da."' site crield. Well." f said:' "if you take my advice, you' will go back and beg 'His Royal Highness'forgivenega" Mutual Blushes. 1 didn't think she would have the nerve to do it. But she was a true British girl, and back she went. though I could see it cost her something to do it. Your Rol al Highness," she, stammered amid her blushes, "I did not know you- were- and I am so .sorry and ashamed. I was rude." The Prince just laughed and said, "You're quite right! 1 was clumsy. And here," he picked up his rod. "Will you take m; rod in exchange for your los' tackle? Do! I'd like you to!" Covered with oon(ueiol the girl took the rod. The Prince held out his 'hand. Then the girl did the prettiest thing I have ever seen. She dropped gracefully on one knee, and; like a lady of the court in days of old, raised 'the Prince's hand to her dainty lips. And the Prince, blushing furiously, very gallas lly put out his other hand $ltd raised her to her feet. Then like a wild thing she scampered off, and was soon lost in the woods. His Opinion. fdtwvrr ( exit mhdng. prospective juror in crtuilnnl easel ---Mr. juror. have yon. lily fixed (►pinion 11. tri the guilt or temente of the 11,•''tt`.e1'e J11for eentjihntii'attyt -Nn w•. 1 I 1.1 get TM t,mbt hit the gay's :milt-. dont they ain't nobody fixed me. Gement' Housework. Nlistre.* (to t'nok4-Now, 'nil, I'm going to give a birtlhd4I,y r i ,'sincerely hope ,you *111 make your- self generally useful. • Bridget (mulch flattered1-`►(hare; Mum. (li'il do my hest; but (rutin. - dent is II. woit.-denti:sII.► (H'm oar frothy. Oi visit 1111 nee, room.--almsgow Iat•ning Times. Spoils It. Helen --1 think -inck im simply won- derfnl. )1x111' -TPS; the trouble t. he thinks NO tno. DEWS OF EVE No More Gentle Than "Cascarets" for the Liver, Bowels It im joist as seedless u it is danger- ous to take violent or nut eetherties. Nature provides no shock -absorbers for hr liver sad bowel. against ealo.nel, arsh pills, siekeeisg oil and •alta. Caseareti give quirk relief without in- jury front Consai atiem, Biliousness, in- digsstioe, Oases sod Hick Read•ehe. Cssevett week while you sleep, remove Sag (IIs texts,, poises' ■red sow(, in- dige.tiblr waste without griping et taeon venwows Cs.caretm nre�guulate by atrewgtNsios the bowel a►uscles. Thor sees so fittis ten. t • CHINA. 2110 A.D. ( (Rev. 1). Mel (Illrray, B.D.; 1d..D.. Slanghal. l 1 Ilsokel and 'behold. the foriurrly lbws nail barren hillsides were clothed with forests, 411141 In e,usepueaare tilt• early .Sud tow (atter rains fulled not to gently seep Into flit' 11140111111g hl1- um1.. 1111(1 1411 1111 headl°lig ut•ala11(hrs of outer rusbwl upon the rip•11ing crop: in fell destruction. 1'he Heeds always fertile, seuitMI to primitive More luscious 4U4). (ha11 111 the Golden Aire - The (hippy was /rlllmpltnamlw by its total aliwela•t•, 111411 140 grain was mis- used for (waking strung liquors. Great rivers which before were called • 4'hha's Sorrow" from tlwlr frequent bursting °f their hanks 114114 flowed Mela•flrlritly lu•twaen dyes, and vast arias I111eath 1194.1'14.yels were now re•INimei by s,•Ieuttie111y enlstruetet works, unto the pe'41M'$ toils were not it. vain. 1'h.e former tortuous apologies for roads were gine and In their tiller straight w kite ribbons, smooth a1111 level. rejoiced the hearts and ri•Ileveil the muscles of men and beasts, More- over 'railways. steam and electric. eriss-crossed the hunt. w 11th• telegraph and telephone lodes were its volition', as 111 Englund. Giant steel standards bestrode .rery,jrur'iuiv hearing light and {x+w 72a._,tbe-.-humming c1ttra.\ Phew• lull Ereatty-('1a11ge1 also. for the old high- walls were all mow anti suiokitig chimneys replaced the pk'tur- emtpo• and unfruitful pagodas. '.vert: where far -forks (Tawniest walk l'Wtui's own raw materials 111111 arisen to in- dustrialize the hoary East and provide a decent living for millious of people who before were wont to live "at a for dying rate." ('call, iron. topper,' 'rad and many other minerals cams paring in by road and river. and all the world wondered at the unalarc'!E able rk•ht•s of ('hina. In fact• it was said teat the infinite power long hidden 111 the 1110111 11/111 at last Ii'en unlocked and the end of all servile labor Was in sight. A wise( to tailor -ie. showed strange tour harnessed to man's use. The lana, lore the appearance. lel, of a well- goternel state. %%lust s ddlt•r. wee• still left wt•re for palbllc•pnrpsrs only. The le'mgtlr of Nations had long (tern a great worm.... and wars were 4411. known. floe ph.m•nlx tit Iurh•nt story had owe more alighted on tlw llryai-- den tree and profound [wile minims! IAItIliu (he Four Seas. -('itizens stere prlu(k•st of tlwir 14.1141,014. and churches. Forty million' boys Sul an equal mintier of girl.. were receiving tow best ellaatioll to the world. I•'Iu,tllllating which had lingered long In ter country districts had -at last enwpletely diel out. and girls often wuu tennis champi.11ahipe of tit• world. Foreign eln•atlonL'lts often visited i'hiva in order to stmly her wonderful w•ht(1 system. Tlwnk's to a universal diffusion of education. it sap hard to that a person of either sex it ho e1141d not read. A uniform "fleet system. the siarplifiet diameter, the constant intt•r-'Ommunhatl4111 1.y railways, post °Mees, and wirelese had lel to a marvellous unification of the spoken language. while English w** universal among the ethnatel. 191,' iw ople had 1s'tomr 11 reading people, hence newspapers enjoyed 1111 nnpreeeentel vogue. The barrow - mart. oL. *'41('11 class a few still lire gerel. might lw awn dating his paper with :In aridity forma -11y comfiIel to his rice. The postman delivered let- ters Artily at every door. and aero- planes were also much use, M•tween tone greet sitars' for postal and passen- ger irwltiy. '-- ... Among the fore. producing wt great a'- ('hinge stool pnemhwnt the Christian 'Chung'. )(any 0144'4•. and editorial rota wen• filled by eulinent l'llristian publicists whose utteralses were often transmitted by wireless phones to the gnylt dailies of the Wrest. )fano reforlls were 11114. t° their altva•aey. The old religions were 41r.opilig, the temples were either tiiirnel into r11urt'ht•l, srh obi_ or rqm- Ity (entr•s. ami idolatry was found milt in the remotest eorm'rs. Hospitals, asylums and sanitariums were pro- vided freely by gmrntmenf, and Western- Iatttls w/•re'thus treed from the t'xiaMse of such Institutions. !fli- msy elyrosy anti tuhernloas had dlsappearel. Tlw ••arimis dwwmhatiuus imported by the West had at last inward into the National ('htnw.P Church of ('helot. The goal of Demi had been a self- -s(giDlirttltx. sett-peopagattng and sod - governing rhumb. and this goal was .toy- attained. The era of bishops (rem 8lrla41 and foreign control had become a memory. and w•un spoken 01 snit 111 'cloth+ bIshiry Asps -rooms. The :+outlay *dipole ranked with India In the colossal nnwlb•r of s•h0lars. 1'o crown 1111. 11 large and original ('hristian literature was growing up alongside .of the best from the West, and the native product was of rela- tively greater Irniortanet• than the Im- rte,. , 1, visited Tai Shan, the erstwhile mec'txd.mOliIItaIll of Shallt111114, and was amazed at the change. Formerly idols - :try bad claimed every foot of its seven thousand feet height. Itut now only n few stones spoke of shat had 'sen. eape'laily if It had Independent his- torical entered(. Now the hill was cov- ered with elegtttlt 'ilMu, among which nprose an occasional church vire suf- ficient for the ne(•ds of the dwellers. Instead of the mociodul monotone of the Buddhist bell.. and the droning and mumbling of heathen prlelta we heard the joyful music of the church- going ia•lI and the sings of Zion on the Ilya of childrt•n pro Iallg Our father with the understanding and the heart. lint high above all ram• , Christian sanitarhnm, sere of many n elnven- tinn, the delegates conveyed thither 1ny rail or airship. Tal Sham and many another hill spm which the dark cloud. ;If ignorance (rated, Inst btesom.' hill, of the Lord who had brought them forth for Ills own glory. "And I awoke. and 18.10111 It atm a ,Ir,,,nl'-Ind/•eiI 110, but a blt•.sed real- ity beyond what we could mak or imagine, for Our God I. able. One Better. ('yah• (.wlwagely1-They my the fashionable mother of today reognIsei her baby only by ltnktng ret the nitrite. I'ashlnnable Mother (unmoved' Ilnw extraorilnmrlly clever when .me changes nurses to often ! 1 always tell ours by the baby carriage. r • •,-y'c ibibWiwiliillr lits.wia(intitliiiilliiiiiiiiliWNfiliiliwtliWW .3 SAVE 50 CENTS IF 3 on a year's subscription to RURAL CANADA E 11 by clubbing with THE SIGNAL. F IE 3 IF- 3 SPECIAL COMBINATION OFFER ' F 3 P.: . 3 The Signal $I.50 1S 3 "Rural Canada";.00 Both for 52.00 IF get from us a copy of the October issue of RURAL CANADA, IR Pay. your subscriptions throngh this office. Call and f' a an independent farm and home magazine --clean, wholesome, IF 3 vigorous, character -building, proud of Canadian farmers, and 1 fighting for our basic industry -Agriculture. Call in -and talk this matter over next time you are in F i town, and be in time to start with the November Self -Improve - 1 ment number---heginning a great series of special articles on F '-'4.1o* to Study Strangers.' F• THE SIGNAL, F Goderich, Ontario 11- • Glass Open el% mornlr pole°, Those of feel dull 1 splitting h1 foul tong stomach, both look 1 always by toxins from Dot water We show a glaze of spoonful o It to flush kidneys an previous di bite and pa Mg. sweet eutire alum more food The act, and hot w1 is wonderh out all the waste and splendid a it 1s said t the roses cheek.• A phosphate drug store anyone wh Lass. const rheumatisn subject' of It and you look batten way sbortl 4, G 4:! 411100111111 Rl 1/,mdton 1'1.1,11941 Rays(.). rI ` The L We glut students Shorlhtn meats ret males to I'. free costal of orr w, Subset Hai Frc iFelice K C 1{$mil Thomson's Music -Store Headquarters for Christmas Music QThoutic.,---- r Victor Victrolas from $40.00 up --- Victor Records sands to choose from r _.- 'i'111•i'1 I 111.j ' ,IIII: `'tili',;,rom T- Brunswick' Phonographs 417%.00 up, trill play all Rscords i Heints.man 1_Co. �_Pianos - • ► Always the choice of mus- ical artists #m,- 4, r_ • . We hav04 Targe, choice, new stock of Stationery, Dolls, Ladies' I17ses171 Hand Bags. Cali and see the new picture's of Goderich taken from an aeroplane. 11 We have a ntun*r•Of ' htly tilled Organs, ill good order, for sale cheap. v Thomson s usic Store North Side Square . ' V Goderich ..-1�t CANADIAN CANADIAN PAC1 IC atter-- ' A NEW TRAIN `\ \\ THE TRANS -.CANADA ALL SLEEPING CARS DAILY ' BETWEEN TORONTO and VANCOUVER Leave Toronto 7.15 p.m. Arrive Winnipeg 9.05 p.pn. 2nd day " Calgary 9;0 p.m. 3rd day• " Banff I2 M► p.m.:ird day " Vancouver 111.410 a.tn 4th dhy First -clean 441eepingiCar Pasaengeri only , Full particulars from any agent. JOB. KiDD • C. P. Agent, Goderich. L7 - ut9ittf1sf1itfloAoAi CXX ir • -ANNOUNCEMENT 0 We are pleased to be able to inform the public that we are now in a position to supprfrilny giiantity of hard coal in all sizes, Also any quantity Of soft coal for domestic use. We wish to extend thanks to our customers, who have been very patient during the stress of the (tie shortage, and now that It has been relieved we will give. our old-time service and prompt delivery. _ _ 1 The Saults Coal Co Phone No, 75 B. J. Saults' residence W. W. Saults' residence No. 275 No. 202 " xxxx xxx x x XXX ibibWiwiliillr lits.wia(intitliiiilliiiiiiiiliWNfiliiliwtliWW .3 SAVE 50 CENTS IF 3 on a year's subscription to RURAL CANADA E 11 by clubbing with THE SIGNAL. F IE 3 IF- 3 SPECIAL COMBINATION OFFER ' F 3 P.: . 3 The Signal $I.50 1S 3 "Rural Canada";.00 Both for 52.00 IF get from us a copy of the October issue of RURAL CANADA, IR Pay. your subscriptions throngh this office. Call and f' a an independent farm and home magazine --clean, wholesome, IF 3 vigorous, character -building, proud of Canadian farmers, and 1 fighting for our basic industry -Agriculture. Call in -and talk this matter over next time you are in F i town, and be in time to start with the November Self -Improve - 1 ment number---heginning a great series of special articles on F '-'4.1o* to Study Strangers.' F• THE SIGNAL, F Goderich, Ontario 11- • Glass Open el% mornlr pole°, Those of feel dull 1 splitting h1 foul tong stomach, both look 1 always by toxins from Dot water We show a glaze of spoonful o It to flush kidneys an previous di bite and pa Mg. sweet eutire alum more food The act, and hot w1 is wonderh out all the waste and splendid a it 1s said t the roses cheek.• A phosphate drug store anyone wh Lass. const rheumatisn subject' of It and you look batten way sbortl 4, G 4:! 411100111111 Rl 1/,mdton 1'1.1,11941 Rays(.). rI ` The L We glut students Shorlhtn meats ret males to I'. free costal of orr w, Subset Hai Frc iFelice K C 1{$mil