HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-12-11, Page 412-ThurelIlay. December 11. 1019
..........w.........e...,w,.......-~.......... ..-S--.
ES NUSUAL preparations have been made to m -et s......1-111
BE the increased trade of the holiday season. We
. =
= are now showing the largest variety of -
in felt and leather in the latest colors.- '
Let your giving take a practical turn this Christ- =
= mas. Your family or friend will certain!), appreciate a
itipair of our good Shoes. The demand grows each year. =
Slippers of course are on every list. Hurlbut's Plainly- LIII
foot Shoes make an ideal gift for the kiddies.
101 are .now in -tock. We Unite any exchange desired after 1111
Christmas. Our prices are Most reasonable for the quality of
a footwear we sell.
______-G O. MacV ICAR g.---_
a Goderieb. t heart
= ieet- North Side of Square
- ri.111111111110.11111101111g1111111111111==.1111M11111E10111111111E-7111111111111fr7
For t)e Children
-Here's an ideal outlet for excess energy.
Columbia Records will help to teach
those fresh; younk voiegs4cow to sing.
The Columbia Grafonola will give the
grace and vigor of the Folk Dance to
thosefestless, rom pi ng limbs. There are
.flofOnksOngS and -folk -441c' es,popu.
kr hits and ..patriotic pieces,but the. .
best of children's stories surt.,gainot. ea_
Some Suggestions
Why not a Grafonola or a set of new
Records to your family or friend for
Christmas We are sure nothing could
be more acceptable.
Ccme in and see us.
The Furniture Mao Dungannon
I have just arranged splendid facilities whereby
the investors in the previous overnment issues, in-
cluding Anglo-French, can ex ange their present
bonds, taking full advantage of he present market
quotations and without the loss of brokerage or bank
exchange, for Victory Bonds of the last issue. This
gives you an opportunity to realize the profit ql.your
former investment and will make you new b9pcis
earn a much higher rate of interest. •'
Bonds purchased outright for cash at the highe t market
1919 Victory Loan foraleat $140 irisdinterest from Nov-
ember 1st to the date of purchase
Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass, Automobile, Guarantee
Bonds, etc.
Excellent representation in strong company for Wind
ind Tornado Insurance at moderate rates,
PHONE 316 1
West St. Goderich, Ont.
Premier David Lloyd George Tell*
How the Former Chief of the
Imperial General Staff Foresaw
tiw Great German eantpaign of
191$ -Hc was .4.1.o fuetruntental
In Carryying Through Vital War ..
Ai ramp -latent& .
• ..
BPT little is known by the gen_
eral public .of the great ser-
vices performed In the war by
Sir -Henry Wilson. Chief of
the Imperial General Stair. recentlr
made a field niarahal, and therefore
e medreme for woman wills.
on this account the fribete paid 16- over 350,000 pounds of various herbs
him by the Deese prime Minister on are used anually and all hate to be
thered at the season of %het:ear when
the oci•aeion of a dinner in his honor
Laeir natural juices and me-dein:0 sub -
a short time ago will be Interesting. Stances are at their best.
MrLloyd Georgesaid:-
The most successful solvents are used
We meet to -night to do honor . :
lb extract the medicinal proptrties from
" to- these herbs.
a great soldier. He rendered essetel Every utensil and tank that comes ill
lige service to .11h4 country at the most contact with the medicine is sterilized
critical moment in its great storm. and as a final precaution in cleanliness
Mid rendered greater "lettuce' to his the medicine is pasteurized andisealed
!country than et ernerallt• known, for in sterile bottles.
among his defects is one of eves- It is the wonderful combination of
sive modesty. The drat time F ever , roots and herbs, together with the
Tereeerr_leisee-Nesteoseesss.,. 1 eisiak, : skill and care used in its preparation
to 1911. at the Committee oreeteper- ' which has made this famous medicine
lal Defence. -Owine.to the arroeate:e so suceessful in the treatment of
a4 -the arbitarry action of the Ger-
man Government the peace of Europe
was being menaced lied the Commit-
. tee of:imperial Defenee wait suddenly
FAMOUS When) Did
Etymologist's, whether t hey are
musically inclined or not, says the
Portland °reptilian, will follow with
interest a promising gontroversy
over the origin of the word "Mu."
As noun, verb and adjective It has
found a place in the American lan-
guage and may be expected to find
its way into the dictionaries in 'due
course. About the only issue upbn
whieh recent contributors to the dile
cutielon seem to agree is that the
word probably was born In or near
New Orleans. Lieut. James Europe,
a negro officer with our troops In
France. says that the Orst "jazz
band" of record was conducted by a
Mr. Razz. whone name survives in al-
tered form. But another historian
has discovered that the name of the
leader of the band was Brown. And.
according to an earlier autherity, the
'verb "to jam" in the sense of "netted-
ing up things." is older than jail
music itself. Lafcadio Hearn le ere-.
deed with having found it in a cre-
ole patois. The patient seeker after
the ultimate roots of words will sup-
pose that the quest at this point has,
only begun.
Jazz masic. however. is adniitted-
Iv a recent product. The ancients
probably would hot claim credit for
it if they could. We artr.wIllitig to
• accept the explahation that it OWeli
PRIRI..rlat to pure love of the ••pe -
collar." but it Is difficult -Retie-low
Prof. Lois Morrison Patterson, who
declared that "the laws tbat goVera
jazz rule in the rhytemeeof great
original prose. verse that slap Itself.
Smoke -loving Animals. , end opera of ultremodernityee One
of the interesting dieclontiresemtt
Curious stories are told by. soldiers
by Limit. Europe, who led a\
who have returned from the East of hand In F:urope, is that he foued
necessary to hold daily rehearsals tie
order to prevent the musicians fro
adding to their music more than
wedged them to." Jazz obelltelle
the Word and (be Music
Come From.
How Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
is Prepared For
Woman's Use.
A vhdt. to the laboratory where dffil
successful remedy is made impresses
even the casual looker-on with the reli-
ability, accuracy, skill and cleanliness
which attends the making of this great
111111111)?1,11 /0 ett,'-iiler tho
Under the.direction of Lord Haldahe
he made arrangetnent .with Marshal'
Foch (then Gen. Foch) for the Fre-
peditioeary Force that the Govern-
ment decided to send In 1914. Those
arrangements came into operation
as the result of the work done by
Fehr He ry Wilsote aid Vey mime
linto ;Me tion in'a way -Which was-
cha mertatie of him. . There
was noen 'se. there, waieeno fess.,
there was- *demi teentent aboet
, there was no hitch.. No otft -knew
t that it was do e until it had been
idone, and no on knew that it had
been•done by him. It was sent With
expeditioneit wait ant with prompti-
tude. and *as the nt t perfect piers..
of machinery 1. have een at work
ane it 'was
female s.
The letters from women who have
been restored to health by the use pt
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound which we are continually pub-
lishing attest to its virtue.
the extraordinary love of tobecco
possessed by camels and dronie-
daries. It is said that they can be
iteeinduence. law. almarently. - Like were Imre. It
misee, ter do almost enytitise under
The driver carries a triangular retie:eget:di Welly Ihe gueete rif the
'piece ef wood, which is pierced at "different." This is founeein the
smite point like a cigar -holder. This character of the original orfhestra-
IS Inserted in the beaste mouth. eon.. no less than in the little me -
cigar being then lit and presaed into (-hanks! tricks to which it owed Its
the hole. The camel immediately •
t"sfurther devolopnient. '
closes its eyes and puffs away through .49 ore mu c a
The c I d el I n is convinced
Its inetteth and nostrils till the clear that neigroes should write negro
in the course of the w• is entirely consumed. It seems thor- ntwat,_, We have our own racial feel -
his task. • • oughly to 4joy the experience Ina:ells-saes. -at-irlf we try to copy
Furtheriuore, the nicotine eppears whites We make bad copies." Mae-.
a service of ne mean order.,th / he
., to exercise a stimulating and refresh- Dowell' and other Americans wfio
• el will give you the second iezice, •
-have been worketr behintl 'know . ie
rendered. and that these. Or MP :IV . ir have Peered that the negro music
skl, who 'recognized its possibilitiee
in the United States. and Paderew-
ing e ect upon. the 4 nitnal, so that,
• thin g that-YoeAM- rejteweehle-liting
public -because it was one, though ready to all appeaeances to
or c..., ._
it will prod oreforeuany more Ludesmany iyeemars„ aril; pirobably iwodut
. value of even. more lean the general drop from fattgue.before its smoke
g after it. agree ith him. etjazz mug e oe
• , notice of the general '_ e. Ilo
sot * r.to be so deeply rooted
to theptiblic-
arid that • waselberelrerkelet,ekleteelaies ' • uit tffere tr-sw-hrte that we shall
"When you mite to the-Al/event The method commonly used for : presen vogue has eontinued four or
.sativnleeay hear the last of i
dt Its,
rs, which is less than half the
AtielesI. ,
ig ce
smoothing- difficulties between allies. 1 -
'races, different naetenalitiergefunda- the commercial production of ice is tine t at rartIme, the immediate pre -
'mental -differences ogtemperenient to sink oblong metal boxrs contain- decerisor of jazz, was the popular
and outlook, it is Pee ' dingly dile- . ing distilled or filtered eater into rage. We are Sekle in our elate tor
cult *0 get contbined kion. to re-
tanks of salt water, throgb which entertainmentIt is safe to prc
move suspicions which re always run iron pipes. Then cotter eased am- .
that the jazz hand will hunt only un-
• Relting *bade, and whir* retellenettreenonta gas Is released In these pipes, til amine daring originator succeeds
get people prepated to foster. We and by its rapid expensfrege, produces In detrising another novelty to take
, were tinatee to merslial the whole of an IntErete cold I hat•fre‘mts the wat- Its place.
our overwhelming forces and often er In tiiitt boxes into cakes averaging
Ito concentrate them at one point 1:1 200 to 31)40, poincts In weightee In
cause we were dealing with one gree ' cold'store tie- same process is used
nation and army and' because we had"' minus the *atm. The iron pipes in -
four or Ove • diffetent nationalities to which th compressed anenonia
tend nations to deal with. It was °ne goes run on t e side or top, or both,
' of -thr-versential difflimiliele and he of the cold sto • ge room and cause
itnan did more to overcome those dif- it to become Ire cod.
' Acuities. to weld it Into one forestto
by his adroitness. by his 'nod tem•
promote good feeling by his tisettes. ..
per, his good humor -no tuan did
more than Sir Henry Wilson. ---e-
, "Now 1 come to the third great
service -the part he took In co-
' eirdina4ing the stategy of the Attlee
and getting something likeettnity of
cominand.•- Re had a great plan In
t hie. The sefling up , of the great
Connell of Veleta:Iles for the co-
ordination of the mretery of. the .
Alike 'was due very largely to his
inepiration. He was put in Charge of
the' British 'Mellen Mere, eelfe- -get -t
' about -the task wih a good of
' his characteristic ingerinity. He melt
I uprhe sections there into a littlish . .. _
Section and'a German section,. --
German section was in evlse all
sorts nf diabolical siieniek for the
destruction, of the Allies; th British
'section Was to do its hest to rater
• all • these machinate:one. By thate
. .•
Return of Ostrich Feathers.
We do not know what authority
the paper has for making the state-
ment. and for all we know it may be
working in the interest of the pro-
ducers. but the fact is a daily news-
paper is responsible for the statement
that ostrich plumes are coming back.
That Is. the papt4 says dealers are
buying them In large quantities, and
thet Dante Fashion has decreed that =
we shall soon nee more of the fiuffy
plumage of the 'greatebird than has
been in evidence these last few years.
About the time that ostrich plumes
became really popular -when it be-
gan to be evident that one would not
be in ley!. dayebr night tiniest" deck-
ed with the fuzzy pitintes-the war =
came along and put an end to the III
Rut. In all sterlousnees, we are
lad 10 learn that' Miltich 'plumes are
e back-lhat they are again to
Practical and Useful Gifts
for Men and Boys at Moderate Prices
Why not give Men and
Boys such things as they
themselves would
choose ?
May we suggest: -
Just received a shipment of Neck-
wear. Wide range of patterns and
colors. All prices, 50c to $2.00.
In all materials, and priced from
$1.50 to $6.50.
In Suede, Cape, Mocha and Wool.
75c to $.3.50.- -
Men's and Boys' Sweater Coats
Sweater Coats are always in demand and always
useful at all seasons. Prices ranging from $2.00 to
Men's Fancy Pullovers, $3 50 to $6.00. .
Other Useful Gifts
Hosiery, Overcoats, Suits, Umbrellas, Caps,
Suspenders, Suitcases, Club -bags, Mens
Fine.Shoes, Boots and Rubbers.
Before buying call and see our stock
Open Evenings. Goderich. Ontario.
XIIIIIIIIIIII s 1110101111 1 0111101111 • • 111111111111 H1111111111
means there Iv as an attempt to
Pet yourself Mee the mind of t
enemy and And out wta.t he wa
likely tie do nett. I gay.e_mite Alt -ill
adequate pietnre of Sit Henry Wil-
son's Reesman of the Expeditionary Telephone lot an apointment.
Force la the Agadir da'. 1 can give
you another -picture. It was In Jan -
uary, 1918, . whehe unrolled the
map--lehink_Lord Milner was there
*he l Hall et Arm itAillt:11, a map of
the great ',Odense(' on the Western
front. and hethen explained the con-
clusion he had come to with qv. aid
very *Me astatatente whom. he -bad
there with him, and the view he took
of the probable German strategy in
1918. BP played eller he called R
war game, ante he showed irs how in
his judgment the Germans for -the
first time were eieng to develop an
absolutely new plan of attaek. In his
judgment they were going to concen-
trate 100 vIlvisionit opposite the Brit-
' lilt front. They were going le put
the whole of their otrength into
breaking , our line on it very
front in the Cambral disnict to the
south. In order to sever the Frenrh
and the British ariniea. That wag
VIPW in January. 1918. Well, it
was only too true. There is no greet-
er testimony to the aligacity arid to
the foresight of the guest of tee evert-
ing than the fact that tee fmesaw
what would happen u that occa-
ion. It in one of th most remark-
able predictions 1 Alm histriry 01
nelltare strateg
ro- Our pictures of chi dem are more than
photographs. They 'ire studies of child
itle that witeinterest yetrand year fremis.-
d the children groweup,will ap
tate them.
No s nee that refteAes to dig -
sole Water has an nolo,. It lit the
se al' substance itself Boating Ib
Petieles in the air, an In the caste
of light and sound. The damper a
their IA Ihe More powerful the odor
It gives qtr. A pleknant proof of the
fact van be had by walking in a
garden after rin. It IR the vapor of
a limed that melte and not the li-
quid is the maaa itself.
An exceptional offer in
correct styles, at greatly re-
duced prices.
Many of the seasbn's
newest and most correct
models, of excellent value,
inNelvet, Beaver andiVel-
our Hats.
Regular $7.50 and $8.50 for
Regular $10.00 and $12.00 for
Children's Hats al reduced prices
Miss M. R. MacVicar
Kingston 5f. Goderich
o teetethe thing." They are by all I=
the most graceful and charming
deco tempi milady hks ever adopted 1 a
for he ornamentation They can be. =
used in nore ways, w)bh greater ef-
fect. tha anything else we recall
Ifinhe way 1 decoration (Sr ornament. eee
"Summer ft " as they are called,
have never b n faishioned into midi
beautiful apparl-if it is apparel- •••
asthe•-oetrech pi er4en ca' be faslaion-
ftd AO r Dice that this bll- =
towy atiiff which deesn't really serve
the °stria any ereat purpose. le =
again tp come into elm for female X
ornsmen tat ion.
"Housewives' showl r.
• leoct'ors have been pugI.dbY
numeroue cases with sympto re-
sembling rheumatism among a -
tients who have not hitherto auffe
with rheeniatism. The sufferers ar
nearly all married women and the
pains of the new ailment are con-
tind to tett ehoulder.
The doctor who discovered the na-
ture anti the cause of the new pain.
*5 5, deductive mati with Sherlock
Holffies in him method 1:1 diagnosis,
• who ifiaericee in Londo . He noted
that almost all his shoulder -pain pa-
tients dwell at some ditance, with
an ohm climb' Dom the shops. He
questioned his patients; and elicited
that they have to make eeveral
trudges ',Some weekly with baskets
of household provender that the
yadesmen cannot deliver.
,Yoti have not got rheumatism,"
n a wk
Make y
old theru; "you have strained ale
mueeten through carrying
rd weights. Your trouble le*
fe's shoulder.' The curet
r husband take his turn."
In the Mineelty.
When George Bernard Shaw pro-
duced his play "Androcles." the
house rope at the fall of the curtain
and the author Wan brought on the
stage to bow to the storm of ap-
A solitary man 11 the gallery
shouted: "I call it rot!"
My friend," said G. B. S. "I guile
agree with you, but what are we two
against so mows of a contrary %da.
Smith's Art Store
has a splendid assortment of Christmas Gifts
suitable for everyone.
in Royal Dtilton Ayn,ley, Wedgwood and Nlintrm
Ladies Strap Purse, Travelling Case, Playing Cards
•. in cases, etc.
and other lines t0,0 numerous to mention
Just come in and we will be pleased to show you all our
• - .peetty
East St. CI • I Open
Ph*" 1111t11 s Art Store Eve"
198 — Night
111111111111 • 1111111111111 minium IN is 11011111111 ?1 111111111011 0001001irc
IN a
a al
A large portrait of the popular heir to the throne
for all Signal readers 1
II 1
The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal have se
. cured tha,,exdlusive rights for all Canada for a real good
Onto; 16x 22 inches, of the Prince of Wales. It is hy
VanDyke, the (elehritte417bodon, England; photo
grspher, taken pia the evcof thePrince's .41epartit e
for Canada.
The Sigitat liss made arrangements With The PaniTTYTI raid
and Weekly Star whereby we are permitted to i elude
. • the Prince's photo in a clubbing offer.
111 WeenoW mike the following offer, good only until
1111 eeember
'3101;- 10l9 : The Paniily Herald and Weekl
Star one
year, cost $1 25. The Signal one year. *1").
We offer both papers 'for one year each, and copy of the
Prince of Wales' portrait, Rise 16x22 inc s, all for $2.114.
111.... All orders to be sent to 114 Ake.'
NVARNING---This offer is good only until December
1919. when it is announced the pries of The Family
111 'Herald will lie $1.41 a yenr.
IlliM1llIUS1111 III • 11$*$$$1$*