HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-12-11, Page 210-Thurrlay, Ik•rrmlw'r 11. 1919. THE SIGNAL - GODERIOR. ONT. Enthusiasm, Real and False lues Nineteen=. Substitutes Cuffs - Only That Which Is Born of a Genuine Interest in People and Things Will Stand the Test of Time. "ifow do you do? Yes. a wonderful day! N•h. of course, we will make yt'ur w• fell perfectly at home---" Anti so on thrsuga the anluous day until midnight and still ane heard from Doe's room the cheery, welcoming voice of on, of the matrons at a certain school for boyo -directing as to roon,s. assignments of luggage. in fact. 1t seemed there were the proverbial thousand end one matters to be attended to, yet there was cheerful response and enthusi- asm up to the last minute of the dal'.' a • Refreshing Walcome. • 11 was a help to the reluctant mothers soda were giving up their sone for the school years and iko to the boys them- selves -in direct contrast to the sagging more than you're already doing?' you ask. How about (t? Is your husband of as much eoawlderstlon to you as your club, Your fashionable new fall clothes? One often thlaki not -the way you madly rush through the day. tired and jaded, Ovine hurried orders to servants and a slap- dash toilet that consists often of a mere 'powdering of the nose" and repinntng of a hair net. Atter all, you know. you should be more considerate of your husband. He may'not be handsome. He may not De so very rte- resatul. Hut 110'3 your nen. Ask yourself how mtsph you've really dons tolnake hart` what he is. Oh, how they often long for consideration. quiet, family Intercourse - a home and a wife who is enthusiastically Interested In home and all that ft Implies. faces and fretful directions of certain tired Mother, mother!" When your -child women at some of the private schools one .Dines to you brimming over with eager - knows for boys and girls Too often one nets and a million gi7eitlons, 1s your re: hart seen the n,erly sollritous woman di- !poem based on lore, heartfelt desire to rector or matron heRln the day's routine sn help• gulde,.coun..I, or the hectic enthiod- hf2h1 • arm that says, "Oh, yes. go on to the > k.'ri up ih:,t her artificiality of movie?: get 'tome Ice cream. candy" -lust. manner won do Indies to iteratt••nt spathe. any . 1d thing to pacify It for the time refreel ung the wholesome go belnj .without entersupttng your slethful, cheer of welcome that 1s the outward marl. so-called management of Your household? tstatlon of an enthusiasm born of gecume i Sign of >?abtllty. s interest In -people and Institutions, end IP s e not [hie the. only enthwlasm khat stands It Is really enough to make one lose one's the strain of eering days -and times? religion toe** the manner Ir. which church Too many of to *tart out with p.rfer teak ;take up" newcomers -often to merely . and hectic Impulsiveness. and thus lea use theel, not often to nt'ngle with •hem elves ort before our purposes are at �'tni7� 'htts.thla churchly surfacd en- taedoilsawd we not only frustrate our os toads to lessen one's sincerity Mdrea•t,ut serve as pernicious *:ample. an meat certainly chills the at first real of failure to those whom we may hive devotional impulse. None of us can afford :esplied by our first -enthusiasm■. . s' to practise false enthusiasms even In see - Thi thought* and Ideals Of -..youth an alar :fee: mush less so within. the church. heaven -kissing and would doulilleas more The efficient school teacher or girl ire -.hen atleln their bright goal except for business must be enthusiastic .plus, blit It the `punctures[ we dlslllusloned •older must be based on real desire to accnm- people exhibit—tae= blas& apathetic rout- Hien results or the Interest of both Pew sane enthusiastic. response to WWII Purina and teachers Is -won dissipated. To manitold alts upon our deepeL.,_aub- command an enthustaatic. audience or .onectous minds. public a lecturer.• or minister. must be 'm. Wife, how do .Sou greet your husband bued with enthusiasms that emanate from when he Domes In from kis office or club! a deep wellspring of purpose. This Is like- . Po you realise how, grsatty you 'art the wfxe True of the succeeefill mother erd faetor In .whether 1fe ismsit to you a/ a usin:as women. Toes ore Rain allerhing -failure or s success --a phYUcall} al4 -rum phyaMal message and beauty treat. mFnt ail to nor has an z.t.lhusiastie deur• ma':all)' strong man or a derelict? Per• and will to imprt ve• hap* you pee him a joyous weleome It e• hot a good idea to be ted much with when he monies "brt?t ing elft•'• of sue- cele, health -hut, oh dear. Mier differently you- appear under revere condWons! ttt'eI:L ou see you haven't khe right kind of enthusiasm 1 onr,makeup. It 1a not buena--on the en foundation of love and stabfllty-last can brae upon a steady reserve force of •nthuslasm to tide over like burnt out rianets. If the source of the "stumps" we nit fall,heir to at some our impulses and Ynthusta.ms is'rlght time In married life. 'hat can yoga de wt ugnot going to .lump or retrograde. one's friends lest the sparkling enthesl- arms that char:n become stale from con- stant nasoelatlnn. Phyaletane declare that when roe loses one'■ enthusiasm It it lot Indira/son of ph*rical and mental debility. The remoras of- his too. often 1. that 11 to not wort ow eat ualasm. Frtvolonw, 'hallo.** spirits*, fritter out and 'we are for Muffs lhE 111114' OF 18‘G WAS Ati0uT TME SIZE OF A MlaJVTE_. Do you REMEPT5Efa1 TOUR FIRST MUFF? THE ONE WIT* Tele - PURSE we R' AND TttE_NEw Fi1CNE1xi • rt THE MUFF OF M155 I91z WAS A' YOVNG $I,ANKET,. is 191q ?RUM CUFFS Vy v yea.) DONNV & ft One thing Masa Nineteen -Nineteen bas decided, sad that is to go mu/flesa, Don't worry though, for that does not mean co bands for her-sbe has a my, fine sub- stitute for a muff. It'come@ is two parts. which are -one, the big fur cuff of her right sleeve, and two, the big fur cuff of her left sleeve. Thew sb.yuts together: and has the muggiest thing in which to snuggle her baadli sed keep them warm. The beet thing about this new arrange- ment is the fact that she doesn't have to carry around an extra article of clothing' In the winter time she is se bundled u(� with heavy wraps that to be able to keep warm without having to carry a mutt la somethlnt to be considered. And besides. one hal nothing to tome by this new ar- rangen:sent-you know you can't loam cuff mutt -as long as you d,n't .lose your coat, And that's most unlike -Ye And eve y one knows how ea -,.y a muff is "left brh. nd." Of course. MW New York may t.ebeJt t4.0 her head to go back to muffs some day, but in the meantime There'd -iota of fun In not toting one around. in the past, muffs have taken all kinds of Phages. In eighteen -sixty, the ,etyllah muff was about the else of a Minute'. While In nineteen -twelve, the up-to.tlie- minute affair was bk. a bog quoit folded over. Miss Nldeieea•tweree could hide be- hind ber modish mar There have been square muffs, round mutts. melon shaped muffs -but there's one kind of mull that has been the same always And Heat.ono is the kiddie's. It hasalways been small. suspended by a ribbon passed around the neck. and, most wonderful' tt has always had a purse nestling right In Its furry top! Life's proudest moment for eny little girl 1s her font walk out with her font muff -that's the thrW'that comes erica In a lifetime. And you may be quite sure that fur one, Nineteen -nineteen's little outer Is never going to be satiated with any pair of tuffs for a mutt. No strew! Hut Blg Sister and Little Slater have not been the only ones to carry muff. Men used to carry them years ago. Hut they proved too much of a bother, and then they found fur lined pockets and cuff much mora satisfactory. Will the modern miss fled them more satisfactory too' POSSIBILITIES OF THE PINEAPPLE You may doubt the reliability of some of the statrmeots eoticerning the aImiet miraculous merits of the pineapple. The claim has been made that pineapple has rare beating qualities for the throat, rat it would very nearly bring eternal youth. it 1s one of the foods' that, like celery loth tt■ reputed nerve healing virtue/, has always come Mt for enthuslaetic praise that has not always been entirely based on scientific Investigation. Mowever, we do know that all fruit 1s' b•aeflclal sad Pineapple has none of tla .uperacldlty that would make 1t less is than other fruit. And there Ie fine thing that bas brought great popularity to ptneapple within tb• Mat few veers. It is the one sort of tinned fruit that seems to be universally liked. There are mono permes who ac- tually prefer the canned fruit to the fresh sort. The fact la that the pineapple that 1s canned la mellow and entirely ripe at the time of cr ning, bene• 1t has none 'of that rather Milos flavor that is some- times found In the pineepples that w• get In the market. There are two Porte of pineapple --one that comes to you In slices and the other that 1a cut up. !t you are using It for salad or desserts where you slant to use the whole pieces then the former sort 1s your. best selection, whereas 1 you are going tq snake a dessert where u wish to have 1t minced then you save'tlin, by u.Ing the latter sort, 'e when 1t is possible open a ewn of pine- apple soda} •nd nee It for • salad, and finish 1t up tomorrow In a dessert It you are makings', fruit mixture of Ina as, apples. grapefruit er other fruits combination • little pineapple, even 1f It but one dice left over.. wlll'add piquanc to the flavor. Thelulee In which pineapple' 1e canned le g4Ite sweet, and this may he used to sweeten a fruit deoeert- One very gond salad that may b:made to take the place of salad as well as des- sert limed, by placing pineapple discs on lettuce and then fltllde the holes M the ptneapete with eream cheese. French dressing' to whiff/ a little pineapple )Way has been added should be used with It. Always • little pineapple placed In the bottom of the dl,h in which custard le served adds interest to that simple dessert. A delicious dessert is a pineapple omelet Made an follow.► -Real three eggs thor- oughly and add a tablespoonful of sugar. • pinch of pelt and. atter this Is mixed. a t.aseennfut of lemon juice and a tesepoors- fu( nf the juice of canned pineapple. In the meantime prepare your omelet pan oy greasing It with butter. When hot turn Is' the' beaten egg and proceed as usually with an omelet When It -is set •printer' over the top of cane -halt of, the omelet • cup of drained minced pineapple. New fold over the other halt and sprinkle web powdered sugar before serving. ECONOMY IN •APRONS. When making kitchen aprons put la • wide tuck, then when they are worn owl at the top and good at the bottom cut off the worn part and hem. let out the tuck, tarn upside down and run a wide tape se band through what was the het*. -=AFew dimple Egg Di in proportion eggs not se ceumtly so peemoor well tr•c rte►at. and n i Dal then Mas its eubetitnte. ller are xeverai dt•hea that are favorites wit the I n_lish house - 11.. Simple to makeet they are delirious. Scrambled Eg s with Rice, P ,cecd a, for ordl airy scrambled eggs, ' Luta in two tablespoonfuls of. bollsd rice t i each egg, { 1 , e Tisk. t 1,. half. re tar with s recite and b Mix a teat(• s,,rdines, a Ott teaspoonful of rwlth the sardine etherfd"1 jiaitTe: of e•- •elth this mi I n.l.rt by making waterQreen -Dish Sardine ee hard ove the Pard kbone nful oeh n Take some Pm Rt rase sllehtly, into each.eprthkl• some chopped gall n (Cold). lied Pass. cut them olks, place In a mor- es. (tome trblch, the have befn removed, of the on from th•r Pped parsley and one VIP, salt and poppet rid pound all well te'A Thi'l.eilyei Otwltlii tune and forma fewall handle of a "'talk,ul bed of wet crew. Put Into a moderate oven ona baking sheet or on the hot plate of the range. n V t R ■ d when set serve s once. Four or more eggs can be carefully put In one fireproof dish and cooked together if liked. Egyptian Eggs •(Rot or Cold). Four hard-boiled eggs. Coat them witn savory lentil mixture half an Inch thick. Brush over with milk and roll in' fine breadcrumbs. Place on ■ greased tin an bake In a Pharr noon for about ten mit(o uteri 1.111 in half and nerve (hot) an round prdenta cakes. or cold Without the potents coni iyith salad. ht, n• egg dishes- e k • egg, carehl!I> It with shapes of beetr with. - -pepper oa4 rut with the -egg moa ley or, mustard and green .•lad. Chaudfrold of Eggs. Four herd -hulled egg■ ..hoppe fon- ounces of boiled rice, two gills f white puce, one teaspoonful of Mel minced paratrl et.lke, one gill of eternal condensed milk, one-half ou a of gels -r lire, half a k111 of wateryenhe, wit and. pepper. ULaolge_the. -In_tha..,- -water over gentle heal. - Iltuee and eendenned. mit A•, by Any. -- Other Name There re people, you know, ho, when, they card _about the mu • vaunted] "cite was i sur favor lid It "that a n h h s lone as wain weather last thought It w•a s she a that was 11 a that of the dr cont tion that the merlcan house- wife uses d making fr I1 cake. It apparently did not ur to many that I Mix was another sort • "citron" and that.' those ala lettere gaps to the Frenchman, nothing hu his !NO ',lent for lemon. So 1t was. after all. no Ing but lemon yellow. Really to have . It must have been betis ca I v 1 ed It lemon yellow and thus to have •voided the ambiguity that was hound to occur. And how many people. when rru.y read *bout capuelne, the color. or rather the eerie, of colon teat are so fa.hlonable irre France and that are so dorenant in mt}ch French autumn miimery, know just what capucine 1a, anti why It is so called? P hape you have a vague Idea that capu- N Is a sort of orange color end that la as far as your curiosity leads you. for von have forgotten since your school del that eapuc-e is the word the French use for nasturtiums As ■ matter of fact title word was ap- plied to the whole series of oranges reds and >.'llnws that are suggesitve of tits brilliant summer flo*Ver and the word was apI.lied to the flower because of, the fact that Its petal* form a part of pointed hood '4tgge•tiv,• of that worn by the t'apuctne nuns who• of course, were naated because of the hood they,wore. x It with the .mdlthen stir 1•nn.Oal new aquarium. are tall ire. in the other ingredient,.. Ftm.e a pori/ el china mold In cold es er and decorate r'prl of round or square .gnat sharer ane t and green peas. hove pretty de contion. at the haxr and re wad SW,* with , n the cover of gilded woo4 sat meth( .u, h a. toorhes of color in the floral gar n -that ornament them. Apple'gtceq la a favorite new color for furn•turs In the Mentalist, baa-`, .nodi I, , loemk eet't o(. -.black enamel se* gfrtlsi mart Ne 1 Things the Home Up to Date Novdlltues For the perteetua extremely `hand.• -_ __ - !PC nil trait.- hot -Ls of /tope- with ft match boy holder ash tray'- and there that car. he 'clamps choir. Thor clip■I punnets.. err It le cigar or cigarette ca i smoker. a :41_ 1 o be Ted k 1 n h n R t i,1p_lay. this bri these d.. days wolf 4/11th its bines rat match -bon r.. la .I y of Rhino -Tive • tucked under the a clip at one side onto the arm of a enc PI'P a dnphlr i *eloped nut th■e lay in It. Not n nrivrlly hu Ira w anon become to oon ten. There an rent ranee that rot h moot strictly prne aro •-liaf *lee.. a t r mov b1e glass ovary, a hog, v phdlf at, the h wagon fillft all the r one all he spar nne to many, and when ;cc Pan• he opped aIm Made of u 11 mahoga iddltlon to ny room. nee *sity lin. the (1 w o•serve after- s number of def may select fro Zeal 10 the one 0 war for sliver. the top and (tem. Such qui •menta role when In few t out • i w Although a1• desk se p tMM. what 'yip -lght sea ing bedh *sin in hoplan hey are heeoming :. ore h re- m* . ten glvi•* P,rvtng Ills leaf 1 sight./ uld be an re not by thio novelty, hey - for a.m. time phlnnnbie every OILCLOTH FOR sat', kg thg,*rreply-' .- _ flet[ nf-eelora s, tine of thePg lieu ,erlm.tn• R; • s5 ' ,, 'ran ' or crack -'75111', _ 6ofis oil Ftjed tog the 'deeeiTnn, attrsct am ortip attention table, are. clear, thl�� glass, on which are painted exquisite IIttle oolored designs,' tither floril're a itivetional. Such pleiea,' whiter make charming elite, can be or- e desk might tiered decorated to match any epeeist co:or res. B ti to !theme! •I • Mirrors and pictures ore hoot up to dote, fluqpj/tt•.lfittLA heavy silk.cnrd and taanel.ln. wn AOi'1•• ttes(f of the old fauhloniel plrture eord.- e earl- ,Black lacquered furniture (e very good' and makue:.an f efe•t•1ltte . evntteat. with ■ yellow eelr•r se eine. • A !invitee Ij in the o u - nth unch•I ke' 7 P MI�'.el d 1 on roe I' a hetet paint (pet designed for' .h Iiien, with a bob to itch. N.•w indtNAua, china 1reakfamt feta .,•• decitlelly nttrartive. T ,' ore dr•tnrnbe with simple bands of lase taven•Ier n, to consist of * room. iew alma* such ns lirv'bowl �r EDiTH BURR hlack hnmii round, over' Which MAO Nt' lered the moil' pennant_enlored flower In tiny clusters. This act iln*lp'rd o/ • d with the four Seiner; corner,, an ink ' 11, penholder. paper' knife ,and reit hob ser No mattes wh• tt be a eel of (hie w.rt would (potion. dnn't yon think Afternoon tea seta of every and coloring are.cropping top In t arts pI ori,, both large .nA sump v ,eein to he coming Into the market In *weenie. It no doubt brine du • to -the "dry" rendition Of the country. For marls tea tori:,king' will heenme w hah'I threetch env 'rcrrnent of prohibition. while othree will feel tnrlin••d tower/- the h•hlr heed cause of thee. /nominating tea pet*. f1►re Is nuke II ie n( rich dark blue potter, white. SP% entero pies I *11h Its fat chuhbr tea pot. erccm retches,hrewkfast plats. tweed a and puler bowl. plc repo and s.uce'ra ane muff!/ Almh onA rover. cu' Mx lea pint... Thlt ret wonrM ptrik•• x w•nter sof Mond rnvrt, ire particularly honey nuts of colnrin, In a 1'1'1 rind cnver, coffee pot a petting of pnnwy whits linen, while . In env howl. •cif coyer, and heat other environment las unuau.l "phnde li dull,". most Ai,tinetivP. ,. .A. fa Malin' am jewels (1 sled she n IIs Meme jet. !be -.. _ _ _ ,.-. _ . -. Lustre re to brteit Mu.' os l.Rot. 11 1 whIle -anrtcnt,c•1 CH TALLY REPAIRIN'G SEWING MACHINE rrr,l •tII opateirent mewl! tl better plate, and sower, hid m *Metier, ' spa• s'4dti WKS, nhit twt'nty 1. Who would here thou M -sten Amine 'door eronerileel war dove het we would nne to u.Ing oilcloth en th •lining rnnm •. table? Hut here nre Miele, luncheon •eta, .mart. eft smart,. -offered a quite re- •pectaMy .taggering pro -.•a In a little shop" conreetel with made tea roon*. For /M sat *1 nne ran buy a prep table •st of ewntre place, plate and ten. -ma A Hee, all mode of nllclnth-that Is, cif nil• l h'• first rouSin. whits pebhleeloth-er h painted Aeen'nilnn that w(11 no weeh'e 'When nre s table oilcloth, are wiped with a damp coned and put away fresh for *tt- Cher ase, von our i,-.Ite *Pt Is of err*dl white -eln h and etch port'. Is Imrilered with'' half Inch band of brownteh tan. la •ebp 'mer of each dolly and at the four evsre. * the tgewr•' eenlre-TMeee are three .tett greet cedar tree& These se number..twwnte. The rr rel dishwasher le ion eletete• mot hire t it hot)) 0.r" "fes an)fl ,driep the. Als les aft they ore p19r•r.l the woo, meek* with the nu'mm 1yy snyi'=sent soarer. Quaintly .tally * reel w1tt1 Primere with hand peed, finwer. Th. t1•Ue rosled RI:, t .,.:,•e prnt•Idnl Inv the neer le light* In le .ny bedrooms rno he tonne any pretty ; rlor tike' 'with x,lee color trite 10 -• etch the •• •:or •r!•. me. 't'hen tired n/ ::,^ it r . m red with just a 111(1e , in elcrtrir hcatlnt' !•.n, . mfort. t )vrnUeffsd fore iine• •.nm a the /rest nr - •ie entnfort nne , 1., • •rnl'ure ern be ,• no by aft unto I,t r, ,"e sr match n • ria dpi' rt,,. t.• are tea latest thing 1r. the color:nit low tea pere. has an *mi- red •bona 1* metre finish. ft erten happene the, the hm,.rwlfe 1. 1.1.1 in meet of Fre sewing marline when the belt I, sn stretched that 1t will not drive properly. But If two nr three% Ronl steed rnhhnr h: 1. are played nn tf amen wheel (herr will be nt, Alffirutty enentinr, . • with: then at Islam* the belt con iv ly rrpe.11vat. TONGS FOR HOT PG -ems--. ►f �nn Ir F ace nn tore from Hone von• t4 lure Ir a ennwel� remove ir.l..el d more heti re fingers. 1'Iry a' 'remove lin: enc.* from (lir n. it has base bt ued. • n•nt- •f ...' +n ..,1i1` e b • A yo5 *thine rimer our natal /teat, Ate corny from asst ,,no's moan 1 the glow of 'he fireiicht,' Ale 1* tee fire a Perna. Fo mono." pne!I^R f.ee Now 'gone from world!! fame _To hop;; c•r'Ald:on pineal . An.(, * the fire itrtfwP Mm -leer s +*tprele wear• 11'fill your cup to the brim. Tit. lc :e•' 'furrow is deur. it tort a tooth, On your,fae A tender ihnelow there: 1 - AS -It -:1111^of rare old lace --- A gown makea wondrous f.lr. etas ench birthriny yon live III But add another grate Tn honrt and ,cool, and give Yet greater charm of face.- 0 ace.1) falreot, full-blown roar., With fragrance linger /•limo The fondest flower lthat grows To bless with Joy each year: SAVING et -naso' the ••• •ht I'?ht iP le mire'lhe Medi. move the mon plat'.. !Cow' you will tit e amo::nt of soot t eficelfree In su fles gather a In, ( us clomping turner. In AOing t for many months and you will •Is':U'. have a•-brlsht tight IN GAS MANTELS. e - ' "•e .tor. to gel black enA r the 11.o. thing With Is to end ccs Pier off. Novi 're- very ',retuliy from lir t the •burner•jart" and rifted to wee the 5eeat het c 'lectn there, end mer. when re.ulu lin,. oiled the Uaht and tali th.• air opnrex of the U 1 e mantle will la*t u BAKiN r LORE. When baking deans, f they *re naw anti mol, it •,p try ►•(loll g ,nyrh cold Osler In- , ud of tofllnx • wailer. If refilled . often. , d ' email quantity of n•- time, the leen.. •n, rte if hn: ,,11 ••NnM h. ile be ., ei •,Id water le used old bake in the r was Mored. -i mak. in c,t••', n modlnm •' .•,1 Mnah nal. 1.••rl Tin1y Suggestions for Menu • • Net every bouskwife realises tit. proud- trb'�peonful of salt. one -emit teaspoonfuls* bt' there n e ! nfu of alis I titles of um ki yet th r are s n r. one-quarter tea I n. L � D P P S � number of desserts besides p e that may n-grarter cupful of mo ia`a, one cupful bt concocted from it,' and delirinu* uoee, loos raisins. ton. Hers are a few ides. that ■re well stilted to the November menu - Pumpkin and Prue. Boll. Two cupfuls of flour, one-quarter cupful of sugar. four teaspoonfuls nf baking pow- der. one-half teaspoonful of pelt, two table- spnontals of ft. one-quarter cupful of milk. one-hotf cupful of pumpklio one- quarter cupful of sugar, one -quart tea- spoonful of cinnamon, nne-quarte? ea- spnonful of nutmeg, one cupful of •t ed and sweetened prunes. Mix an, sift the flour, auger. baking powder in$silt. Rub In the fat with the Illi! oT the fingers and add milk until the dough Is of consistency to roll nal. Boll Into an oblong sheet half an Inch thick. Mix the pumpkin. sugar, 'Oleos and the prunes which have been stoned and cut Int. pieces Spread the dough with the mlxtere add ,roll like a Jelly roll, being careful to Ml) as tightly as po!atble. metal. 'Istna the outside edge to make 1 hold M De. Polar Polar the, levee from the prune! Into a £reamed baking ran anti bring to the loll - In* point. Put In the roll and hake In a Moderate oven for forty-fle•e minutes. haat- Ing it twice with the liquid In the. pan. terve, c,itinfn .lI.eoewtth whipped cream. Pumpkin Bread Pudding. Twn cupful! of reale bread crumhe three wiltke--elle- -orf sugar, three-quarters cupful of_pumpkln, one-half teaapnonful of etntlarnon. oab- quarter teaspoelnfui of Ringer, one-quarter teaopnonfut of self: one teaspoonful of gritted termer rt two edge. ('reek the rennin.. milk. sugar And mtfllp- kln for half an hour, t'nol .11ght1T:..sdd the •plc•., •nit, Iertio "Mit rind heves/ eggs. Pour 'ern a grenreef hekiniedleb and /ink.. In a moderato ntren,for fnety-five minutes. 'ter., hot with hetet settee. • mutiny PIllfrtpittn Pudding. 0,1403f/et inuAh ..1 enr-,men1 •wo rqp- etle of milk. nne rI!pfnl of toimn n one- atf tra,poonful of Innamnn, oteeeiarter MA you know that ynu Mold can pluttto. jieaehe, e01 nth,•► fruit• anti theyII keep jolt .a well without sugar as with 1 ? Tin, plmply.proceed In the ordinary ma ncr by piecing your )ars filled with th prrpe red (roll In the toCer NHh s wnnAen ra,•k or piece of hoped wood ender them, only. Instead of filling the tars with syrup tu. -cold water. ,,♦)'hen, se most, fill the holler with read water up to the ehouldpr Of the Mrs. 1lrina-to • hell and hell twenty minutes nr until the fruit 1e tender. Add "eerie to the fruit am You nee It. In throe days of MIR*ft shortage this 1s worth CEREAL CARTONS. • C the corn meal and n lllk' together 1• a 'double boiler for twenty minutes. Add all, the other Ingredients except the raisin& four Into • greased baking dirk and bake *Iasi, for halt an hour: add the rayons, .tItuMll thoroughly mixed serf belie fog ha an hon,' Innger, or until the pudding 1• firm. Sere hot or cold with cream. Pumpkin Pudding. Tires -quarters rupful of pumpkin. olio- heif rupful of setter. nne-quarter rupful et mistimes. nne-half teaspoonful of matt. owe - quarter teaspoonful of nutmeg, ane -halt teampoonful M ginger, one tea,pnonfnl of cinnamon, one cupful or milk, ten egg yolks, two egg tghltea. Mix the wimples with all the other inrredlents except the egg Whltre. Pner Into a g -eared taking dish and hake In a slow oven until firm. Heatthe egg whiten until ruff: add tern tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar and epreed on top of the pudding. Prowl. quickly Ina het nvrn and serve hot rir cold. Pumpkin Tapioca. One cupful of pumpkin, nne-(calf ruptut r1 taploce, two cupfule of milk, one -halt cupful of',sugar, nne teaspoonful of cinna- mon. innmon. one quarter teaspoonful of salt : nne- half teaapoontul of tenger. t'nok Thi- oernpkhr. •Ih a double' boiler Untilithe tapioca Intender and trans`- — Orin*rcnt.-_A the sugar. salt mai . *pored,`•-�,'--w- and cook f r five minutes. 4Poor Mtn a •- servingdish and chill. Serve with cream. SteamPumpkin Custard, i. fine 'uplift tf pamnktn.'me and ane-X*H tronftrt.'nf miiit, nne. feneponnfut of cinna- mon nm,•-quneter to*spoonful of e,1L ons- nunrt.r tesepolrtnful of nutmeg; nne-weir- ter ts•aatoonfue of nilaptcr, threat peetee* eupnea • of •nets►,• threw egg* fleet the pumpkIn, milk and spires In ,* double Order. Add the olg.r to the' beaten egg, and. add In the heated mItture. Pour Mtn ' ereaeed emit/ire cups, .et M a grin of water and bake la a slow oven until f/rIlL , HINTS FOR THE WELL DRESS D WOMAN Flehlis led nel *OA Mee are used or The moat fevered *fie hang Wielded!, eainty taffete frock*. In the hark. with .se\, wtelteret 7014**. Menkey fur la pee ried am trimming. White felt hat• Ur. trimmed whh cart. edger: aaith fur. e very light waive. The populer lenath for skirts I. eight Irene* Irons the Peer. Round collars •re used much In chil- The oval ellhatiette la much liked for tailored sults. A few of Ihe nevi blooms are made of rave your coma' cahoots '1 which to ioectrn• atom qu-rt and pint cans of fruit. berries chert" torn oes. the., that pleach when c d tcrlahl. The boxes the cans nom say and help to pvserte the -.con- tents FOR HOT KETTLES. An old catalogue ne a migasine on •ne 0.11.11,H •1411, makes n ',Mei on whieh to ISPI motto .1a on kettle.. tea.' off the top parte when hew street dresses hams girdles of hefty% silk cord. (*Mop skirts. Smart little het. Ere !wine matte of ono hrtildereil kid. Tulle "Mime ans combined site 't•Ivet bodices In some of the best min., Ind frocks et the Fitench op.mirs Pleated blooses nt net, over ent,f1 ram,. Groups of 1001 tuck. 'ars the only trIrsh ming of a white organd!Ster ri Pried idol. White organelle collars \with n Poch of embroidery tire the eeWe In nerkwear. ,, cloth ennt-a detachable part. that may he .7mIlting ?rem what -int now No far of winter ri famhions, there la to he n coed many cont. with detechable camel. Some- time* a little fur cope lo In be part of • put nn and taken nff the coat at your will. Minting otraight, the eilhouette narrow- ing slightly at the bottoin. If out of furniture polleh edit • littif vinegar to seater and Wipe furniture wilb elmmote 'eleith. , When making calm try *thinly die tishreeriionf,i1 of vinegar motel A *111 walla* place ut eggs. • •