HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-12-11, Page 1}
'1''w77 t
Two Weeks
to Christmas
earT la's.
The Signal'
from now to Jiuinuary 1, 19211
for. $1.50
SubsJrribe now
11 Proceedings of Huron County Council
laCao.' Of December Session.
The county coulc'J1 couctudevl the
busine•se of the I)c1Anlx•r lwmstou ou
Friday morning last: Following Is the
conclusion of the report of the proed-
tnga given In last week's lsxue of The
Signal : •
The bons• of refuge (•ommlttse re-
ported favorably upon the co dItk►m
of the house and the work of tho.e In
charge of. It. A number ' of minor
matters 111 4401111444L1011 with the house
and Ito inmates were reported upon.
tits( the rrp)rt was adopted.
The e4iattom c»mmltte• 1 a 117
romllderd tiw'matte•r of the formation
of a new hlspe•torate, to inrllhlr tarts
of Huron. I II nil•.tou. alta. Middlesex
ronntlel,'reommendedt that 111 agree -
Ment Iw elterel Into wkle•h might 1w
terminated by any county ,u out. year's
votive, and tlat the. said new in-
ope'e•torate be formed.
This report wax amended the toun•11
deciding that uo act' be taken in the
matter of arranging for a new in-
Mr. G. M. Elliott rt on
t t gra nee a report
the work of the Children's Shelter.
Favors Flat Rate for Power.
The special committee reported the
following reommen,latbus : That the
petition of ratepayer. of Ethel, in the
township of Grey, asking flat e'er with
vlllagr of Ethel lw itworporrted ra a
polite village, 1w
utel the
l -tio
of trustees to ,Ile I*ld Jnnuitry
19th, 1930, with A. H. Macdonald, clerk
of (trey township, as returning officer:
that the 1•Iaim of F. 1/. Hutchinson, of
1MltiheIl. for refund of ■ fine of $20,
be granted: that the rrwdutlon sub-
mlttel by the Ontario Hydro Power
L•uifurw Irate Asoe•iatlon be a(1449(d.
ant further that the ilydro-Electric
l'ower' commission of Ontario 144•
u rged to 414lupt a fiat rate fur Western
Ontario as soon as p14slbl4.
Tllr r.tytrt. wits adopted.
TIw executive t•omnitte• reported
the follow hog reomturwratious : That
so action Iw taken with reference to
apps t-atlona of -the tnwaurer and clerk.
and the keeper. matron and physician
f e new f refuge forIncreaser; of
O 1'h h u re 17 U nus
salary: that no 54Tinll he taken In the
matter of proprseel grants to mina
rlpalltles ere•ting soldier memorials:
that the claim of A. 14. Cameron for
exp•usrs of his lllnte'a bg• paid on ren-
dition tt1yt, the coun ll Ms relieved front
any further liability in the mattes ;
that no actilnl be taken regarding a
further grant to the hospitals 111 t11e•
county this year: that a grant of $25
be made to the Clinton HoMrultural
80elet y.
1)n motion of MewMrx. I;rieve a
Iwparte a resolution was adopted ex-
pressing the council'. regret at the
ahs•nc through illness of Reeve
Dakin of aannrid.
Warden Campbell "Caned."
At the Thursday evening session ■
prea•ntatirnl to Warden e'rmpla•It took
place. Reeve 1:4nlon Young read a
very appropriate and well-won1e1 ad-
dress, and heave Trewartlia handed
to the Warden r handsome 7uld-heldel
as a token Of the esteem of his
fellow -councillors. The Warden made
a feeling n•ply, and w•v,'rit of the
member. and county officials then stoke
In terms of appreciation of Mr. Camp-
IM'll's 5ertices 1144 connctllor and Warden
■ 114 of his uniform courtesy In the
discharge of, his duties. Ninny refer -
encs were alio. Made In these ipe'eh('s
to the retiring county engineer. Mr.
1Mlald Patterson. witose withdrawal
fr the iosltI it he has tilde) w. long
1p a natter of sincere regret to the
The final aesshin wawiteld Friday
The county property committer re-
ported laving visited the various
county Imil4li(1744 and found everything
in good condition.
Report of Geed Road Commission.
T114' 700(1 roods commission reported
on matter. taken ftp eliiee the laud
meeting. 1t was de•t9aled that the
comity ahmlld adopt a stltndard rnttng
r•Intive t0 drama for 5nrfac' water
arrows entrance roadways: flat the
county pity for twenty feet of tile, the
property -owner to hnu1 Alla 'Adel them
In to the II(l.htrtiuu of the county
engineer. The eommission tuft a com-
tntttee of the cminty of 1r1m1(0n at
Grand Item' with reference to the
ht11lge• at that p1Al•1•. and it wax decided
to proceed with the building of the
bridge as a joint stnlitiir-. A piety
of hand was. p11r1.11ase1 at fort Albert
to divert the road 4141 amount of
dangerous 7nlly. Three Additional
111.1, tors were pill (nt'ld for county
ase. With reference to the atilt' of
one )turley for *11444.4) for damage* to
lots automobile at ISAnuo•kbnrn bridge,
in• committee llec(dcd not to. fall' fh4'
Cid (m ,vi11011 feather Itrf,rntsHon.
7P1111 refcreuce to a cllOWu of I''. IT.
/ihldwxn of Exeter for 94551 for
x1111171'44 to ant,mo1Ri• ant ar111441.1WM.
t e committee Ik'ldel l0 Acord
1la1rlllty for damages to the ear, bait
with refen,sr ro InJiry 10 °millo 1'h"
44114 1,644 of the uw' of the car It W14$
decided to ask for r properly terttfiel
etatenu'kt. Itce7*Ming the other claims
for dame s. it was decided to slhmlt
a number f guP4t10ns Mt to tale 40*'
1•nnl.fanen I latah law x111 to ask for
e•Iarn(Ions Ifs b the claim-
nfiklat h xlm-
ants before 4ividing to ply them or
committing the'.(onncll In 1117 way.
!filth referent trl,the sogglstlon of the
Deputy Minister rt[ I(1Rhway5 regard-
ing roods Now. 'tet 01111 24 In A.4101011.
the committer reenmtneudel that this
natter be laid over for the present
1/Wing to the absence througb Wntas of
Reeve Ualtuu. 1'he• committer favored
the prop)Mal of Mesara. Clark end Tre"
wartha that the lake Shore road from
Amtwrley un the 1irue7• tx)undnry to
Grand !tend on the 141111bto11 louudar3'
Ix• 11adr a I'ruvinctal eolinty highway
and re('nmmendell that ((•1111 forwarded
to tke 1)•{artme•tt at Toronto for ap-
proval. 111 the matter of the relsue to
towns' and villages on work on the
louuty road system t114• committee
recommended that tow 4114,14' amount
of the levy be 14111, leas 14 fair amount
/ ill expenses 1• IM '1
c workIf 1' h Ni roads
forr 1'U
aysi4' . With regain!o sf•ve
1'm 1 [ the cal
motlooa ulnar for addition. to the
(y Wads My4tem, 11 Wra, recom-
mended that at bylaw be molar(' Delud-
ing the proposed extol/atom *mi
(gauge. covered by the various no Mew.
The committer recommended tla the
resignation of Mr. IMu141d Tatters°
eluuty engineer ie a1•rptel with 41
regret, and that Thomas Ito)• 1'atter
who had ably (111.11 the• p/sltion 4uril
Ili. father's leave of alawmw, he op,
pointed In his plow• and ou the lame
conditions. Heron) mendaflints 40 4'
were (e c
ma 1 fir the ur luxe of
V -addi•
(touni equipment, including not more
than fifty road dregs nosh a met of sur-
veying instrument..
The• report 4'44. adopted.
The "Huron ('ounty Home."
The committee appointed 114 e111,iller
the matter of a new Haut• for. the 1 s•
of refuge reported ill favor of the
MOH. •'lfurou 4'olbnty 110t1w; :wind this
MU7%P4111111 was 1141119(411.
Presentation to Donald Patterson.
A gold wittc11'a11d a ('hemi for at' -'101
*1 *u houurariwu were preaenti•d to
Mr. I)olald I'allerwm through 111-' son.
Mr. T. It. I'atterwln, the elder Norm..
son using tun 111 to be on -tient. .111_w1-
drss wax read by lte've me -avers tx•
passing the very high regard of the
council for Mr. Patterson and the sin-
cere regret of the members at his Mer:
Imp Iudispaatlol lleceasit4tlllg oda
retin•mrnt atter thirteen and a -half
yearn in the poltion of county englower.
The watch was presented by 1)f. !'lark.
Mr. PattenNul Jonmr'Tlrielif flan
c l fur the expression of appre-
elation and sympathy. '
It Was deidet to have a competent
builder examine the court house 101tg-
4ntion and report at the Jimmy
Nouse of Roam, Report.
The report of the inspector of the
how.' of refuge showed the number of
Intnat., on .
Item -toiler Ian, 1919.
to be
1414 (forty males *nd forty-eight fe-
males). Tile number l44Iwlttel during
the year was. Zen : two from (trey
nd one eweh from Hay. Htlllett,
Morris, Stephen, Ooderkia town, ('lin-
ton. Seaforth and Hensen. Seven In-
mates fad diel *n1 six had Iwen dial
charged. leavingthe total three Ie'e/s
1114.11 on jheetulwr lost r year ago. e
amount Psp•ndel for the Mtpport of
inmates rioting the year waw 19,
an a veragle • of twenty-two and tk1-
.13th cents per day for each h1 tea -
County Engineer's Report.
The report of Ibnald P
comity engineer. w:1.4 am follow){ :
The clow' of the 1919 sa40h milk's
one of 1114194(1841 activity in road coo-,
,.tnlct(on and repair. When the motility
system woos' first assume] 11 great many
of the roads were in a badly wool -oat
condition. d11,' largely to the lack of
sufficient Inn iutrnN act' to, meet the in-
creased traffic coed It lunsr r'111w44111•Iltiv
the work has beton dol)4e with a view'
to putting the rands In good wurking
condition Ns won NM p4sslble. In must
(11x1•' t111,4 Is being ;noWomplishml by -
cntting off the high/ shoulders of the
road with a groolef 01141 (hell adding
sufficient gravel to give a ir,wu to the
road and shed the Water. During the
last s•aS01t 140 tails of road have
been graded to fills extent mut niuety-
fonr miles have been resurfaced wI1.1
grave•1 mare od Irsa heavily sm,pdi,91. IIS
the (•und1tlo11A required.
()titer reit nires of 114 work which
have teen gkrried 01tt with a view 1
county rondo, such it Bruce lam (10110A,
to doubtful However, a !Mau for the
re»a.drul•tlon of our pads should
outlined s) that In the .printg of ear
year It will be tamable to plan On build-
ing tertian steettunr of tee read 1444
repairing the rrmsluder. Ip this war
the whole system rh0u14 bad completed
In about fifteen year& The avfragr
coot of n onstruetlou work in Huron
win Iw about $1,501 per mile, In whkh
We• have r great advantage over loony
other counties.
A sugjeattd program of coustrtwtton
for 11410 it as follows :
1. ofrrad'Mr 6 --one and a-lta
toiler from Klrltton notethweat to eon-
114M•t with; aet•tlou 'already built.
2. Extend }resent construction on
the Th111ue.1 road west to the i4)11(kon
road Mull easterly 014 mlh'-I'sborne
a. Lake road. No. 7, Stephen, and
Hartowushi'. mai- mile.
4. 11dalli No.
, 'lay township.1
V (o#-
t lollies.
5. 1tead No. 3. Stanley, two to
westerly front Itrmwarld.
• 01. head No. 13. )ieKllinp' end
Logon, two and a -half mites north from
7. Montt Ni. 111, (trey. Extend
present (oustruction to EtIwl. i
.Itoyd No. 12, Grey and Morris --
two and a -half milts northerly from
Brussels. ,
0, .Rood No.'29, R4t_�r�l�{ > -!a(L
10,.. tsiil X11. r.r.- !
nd Tor Isrey. -twe milea: w
1. Howl No: 2.5. Haat Illnrsnodh
an Mullett front Provtn•Irl eounl'y
roe Nb: 1 westerly one and a -halt
mil .
12. Read NA. 21, Colborne. two'
mites westerly from Auburn anti one
a11/1 a -f
1 milt* wsfetlr from ihtnl,1
1:3. .'o. •M
'l7. A 11tleld anti Writ
Wit woo. ►_two 111141 1-141►! miles
northerly from Nile., •
14. N,. 3. I;o erTatownshlp, two
miles mouth •rly from l;odaMieth. •
13. Provincial eoUuty road No. l-
one mile auuhherly from \\'Ingham:
Itrplr all other 40.45 by patching
and aragghlg to censure keeping them
ht good condition.
Some cluinges, 111 this list will no
doubt h• found desirable. but as state)
it is offered only
a Mug[eetlon.
The township 5, stria. N41119641 by
this ('411uny. of div 1 lig the rxpe8411-
tures has been the tat ',of considerable
(»nfusion and miaow! landing in con-
nection with r
fol mw Illne former 74111hty
bridges, cu'lualirlti0n o expenditure's.
etc. My' own reomme tion in. the
matter that bylaw No. 12, 11117. ie
repaid and the county meth to
p dlreetty ander the Highways
Aet, mole prorlaion being made In
that Act for mnnielprilties a�ttrceiv-
tag On equitable ahfre of the expend!.
Moreover. at the close\of the
p nt year annoy of the bridges and
m eh of t1w nodm which were the
I se of
the a»nIrotPra
7 leading tattle e '
liming of byiew No. 12, I1)17, hitve
10, THURSDAY. DEC 1 1 1919
Read Maclaine leo. it)IaW to Re Sub-
- mf ted--.11•uw Oppu4itlun to 1t. '
At the e1r1 "'*4' of the regular
meeting of the town eft un(d1 nn Frltity
evening Meru menden' were preeoeut-
the "Mayor, Ila- Ite•ve, 1114e 1k poty
Reeve, and 4'.ru114•lllorri Wallis,
Mitchell. Humber and Story.
Mr Win. pipla•It, collector of taxes.
repo ed the h1' hail revolved ae'ar17
IJlll of this vine's es
• f taxis., which wog
been reonM(l'n''tepl and the ''emit claw
winged agalilst Ill township': MO that
from the pre,cot he. different munl-
ripalitles will lc on 44)un• equal basin
oil that tempo. At siting is directed
to the adopted repot. of the road anti
bridge 4-4)mmkbM. J4111 ry. 1n1s, whk•h
re4natw•n41e1 t lit
t bylaw law hoe re-
pealed, -HS 11 is not in vont/owe with
the Highway luiprovcl n7 Art."
The county la now fairly well
elldpprl h et)•)• n, but a
gn'at deedwitatiltl4'4Mreolo, hwrydrtgw 111141
xertU(ers. It ix '4t 4 Ugly lwmenlel
Olaf' the pmrl•ls44r.of fort -six road
drug' he authorized, 4'1111.11 111- cost
ulmnit $2,6111. No, better • In estme•nt
r,nld he mull*' -4y 'the -county 1144 1111
oiler to keep 114' ponds 1n got eon-
41tn,n they are atiwdntelr Pss•nt 1.
• •n1 of the various ( lent
issue M nor the last meeting of the,
county -conari4-ic-,Irhmittet
It 141141VI a total of *7S.453.51, wh •h
together with the ordt-rl rep)rtel'
Jnnr, totalling *12,124,140, allows f(m,
n741.:10 already paid 111-1919. 1( IN Pttl
muted stat aeco1ut5 onatandtng will
rattle this total for the year to =118.010,
emit -filled *w folhew.
e -
Malllt IW U1 i or lire! •
county rad- \ $ 18,100
]fawtanr rouy s., 6111.1(111:
Ibns(rintuetlon 11off countuty r nacoIIs., 0 14141
itrldRex } S,INN1
Machinery 114000
(trent,' to towns -ant 'MonettSr'a10
Salary and expenses of e9runty
engineer 1.700
-'olti►tal stia.ono
This expenditure *toting *et as fol-
Iowa :
11110 114147 ,•• „$ 1)3.75` 10
Provin•tal RI'aditwl';;-,.,,.; 50,110.00
1918 surplus4,771.70
shoo -low a mei - ur9tnm 0f $1 :423.tlll. '
A bible Shooing the rx1M•ndi1dres
and grants 1141 the work of 1t11s 111 the
38rlu114 towisbi11. i. Alm) sullmittell.
1'Ids I:IIIIP sb111t1. tiff• SI llllllt$ 11,1e 1'/l
roti from ouch n•wtlshlp for the y'ar'N
.1 brief report also w•v' snbmtttetl by
Mr. I'attrr.wu un the .smuty bri(lge
work not on the deslgiialeol road 44c44-
tl•m. The orders 14.ne,1 limier th(s
heu4 51 44'.- Ilii .111114. 1211.1.1 110; am0011te1
14. $1.57:1 27.
ala)it $41.(NM4 re 1ha14 !col bets! re-
eaup to 1 he saes e , last )•4'44r.
A aisle:mem i.t 1917 taxes ,bowel that.'
the roll had been cleaned up. wt4b oil
halal4w 4)f ulna- Iwuts ill tine 1»Ila•1or 5
The Mayor spoke of the nere,5uy of
getting lac as large an amount of tram
s5 114Mwlbpr to meet the- utilisation's of
tUr munielpllit.4. 444141' a luutinu wrs
named urging the eolflrtor to d0 what•
ever Was possible to this rod.
The .report of E1111ue•1•r. .Iohnm n 04)
the Wilson Street sewer aux received
and wilts referred to the public work*
t4wlmltive. This War ttir Iltxt` of tIw
iueWer$ aou$tructAl flat' year. The
tetatatil lett to the Mconion ovnn•II tow
miviee that five and 44.111111' per trot.
was 100 low a rate elf IIIie next at whiett
to make a gaol Dude of the sewer tie-
•x 0.tt4F (rnu the ,syr btry of
tinter(' Ilydro i'nu're Uniform 1tly1.'
Alleviation.making ciwMWM sup.
part, Wild Meld the 5P4(rlcommittee.
A letter from the pre•4Ideut of tow
Canadian ikwp N'nirrwsys and Isomer
,sww•istion called attention "to 1'h pro --1
3.''-t for the devielop:be it ora - avigable I
waterway from the Ocean to the lead
of the drat Lakes. and. as Galerleh',
wax expected 10 1st -operate ill the sits.
part of the 4a•he .1e. a lontrII, aloe of
*14*) 11Yau this mciuk•I1alit7,"towaryb
the -rammer. of (1* ,Aitstc atli$Ul woe
asked. This was referred 1bA-N1'''
nisei elmmtfte•.
The''iEfo rd . of Commerce of Canada
Wrote asking for ttW wlnlinatlof of
441411' snitrble person in 'this wnul-
epllty as a /orreMlondet4 of the
Neural., who would retort any ('elm -
plaints m1 the eexactl4u of r• (wawa
profit.. or hoarding. or of the existence
of Iwprupwr coluldts.
council tram not pr'{arWd\ t0
e a IMauiurtkw and t
.Y111t • lw
'Mti laid over to the next meeting.
A ettrr to ttw Mayor grow the Prov
unlrr t
Inaal T
neturnit• m
able iii
f ormat to
with tole tr4',.
(klartment$, r
Ite. would Peee 1l
**ay at ono if t
t11r Bureau w
1'rotssf. a1rioxt
Ing of South start
Bureau of Municipal Altai
that certain selosi 11e•v, fur
'lox required by tow info
P provisions of tow Muni
11,11 luau received eivel fro
(y. Ftuk•r the Aet tit
surer. 'lin default 4)
k1 re{thr eny non
Prov -
75 gay
he ill -
TIIE SIGNAL PRIN1ING CO.R.ttdJ'FBD..rjilwura�!•,,,-,�_-:'
Reminiscences pf Schools and Schoolmasters
By John Elliott.'B.a.
.Thr Sigual tuts .skied---I�e-
Elliott- It. A.. who res(gnd at mid-.
mummer from the princlplsltip u!
a111rhell 11th school u,ul (roti' for
ter.eltlim-profrs'44)IL.af rr more (loin
forty years' service In the public and
high schools of on(arim'; tar some
"I(rmI111M1r4Nr% 41f 14'11001M 111111 V4hNr1-
01aA1miat-1lI w:4-%.±ut)•.' lll.1rep17
follow's •
Thr digital very tinged -1y us ' ur'
fair IY•IIIinlowenevs 41f w•11.a1llu*st,l' for
M icy s iit".e` • trained 1 '
a N 1 r 1 a �• a
Y . how w• lad 1. r14's. J11't h � uch w
h lo t 1' w I l►r
this lower 011 that )ur,4it 1 don't kik
but - tlwre weir few women t etre
etulugh to tackle 14.11mr of the w•1rx4
oil those dope -Mad then the time. were
different. Eveu 111 lx7stron, wino' 1
taught at Belfast, S. 8. No. 1:4, Aida -
dol. 1 was .0rroflndel by men
teate•he•rk-Wm. Loam-. now count)' treerr-
-strer, was west of me. t'ha.. F. iI,-mndrn
dart of the time Was north. Janos W.
�letrgao, itow- Me•retary-t manurer 4.!
l'.u' Artkttr thaani'ut
Y1tI14t1. wire
act Sr. Helens. rlkl_ east Ikhaul a w s
Mstah+w Lockhart. 7o the mouth nu
the nth con eamio l of Ashfield Wm.
Rule. Mothers. INew at the 114x41 of the
history drprtmeat 111 ohtawa Col-
legiate Institute. Mr. I'ath•rma, was
loot of him In \1'rwuwll,+l1, ,Munro woo
t i 111 "n and f )N' r
1 gr It. E. I r( uNt the
Ihr of the {wk./ ant reollee•eli.ne of
gay' tencl4hig drys iii Huron- 15 aften41-
atte at trrchrrri avmveutlenl.. What
jolly' party lamed to come down from
('11,' 'north -4i. Lockhart. W. Lulu. J. G.
M,Ir.hsla It.\ O. 1'rwcnou, J. W. Mor- 1
Tan. H- $totbters and others. Some of I
not beguiled the wear)' way with sing,
or tried to. as We rattled along In Ja•k I
Adams' 4441 •'4aetysll."••,)Ied.rf the-1
ars 111 toms -thus rull•p+r-no-lay" Woo tow ,tor tar's rally -1
inn even
In'rM rill 1' 1/q11"6"4.m1rIf sly• scat triptar'1(',conv1•IItion we* a
1 the clerk/state(' that
truant" from 11ruee Comity to attetui a
t the Tilts 114 were glyK Io,'.I hitchers' eloweI$loi 1411
'color tion (ke.4l
1v Ilablr ganam Ire the; 1'l;
notated widen --
received film
Thomas Royce, ll■ F.. fury and it wash4'1d un Ad ;inlay. Thr
McMdllr. 'rml dts. -!H Mrfilm{�'p ram 1 lave torgottrh,, all except
(Tido matter 15 nd rred to 1n the re a papa'r 1111 ^F:ugllsh Colgposltlog"
o on o er,on- a given by Ain old 4'011lorne lyty, Theo.
Ilawnt,n, then te'ac'hing Jnat wast
of Dungannon. Tum practlictram tag
la•Mre he v,ntttrel to addrras the ('111.
ventk,n and that .1w why 1 rrmrtoola•r
rounding striet, f,477- Uw year. ago.
That Was before the . )4 of_•Te -here'
ARr IrlWeis
pow •tow seque �ia`
littered owing 117. 'the Goderich Otgan
tam m receive!. -
A communication from the Hydro-
rl,- Hallway Association of I-
144(1.1. with reference to ■ meeting with
the Premier on December 12th. to 441-
making (11
1'r shaft
at horst
Kafp 'for
n 1)11 14
in !
roads more satefor tra
Widening fills to pro
wenty-twofeet of roadway
travel, protecting steep ienke
r41 fences, extending culverts
ralghtentng tow- rod. There is
Of tido clans of Works to he dour
e futurie, but when t»mpletel it
be found 1lmpo.stble"to make the
ds foolproof.
A nnmher Of brhlgee have been hull(,
t of the tetnfor ed (»tl•rete clans of
nstrisrtion. All, with one ex4rptloo,
tpete Malt by contract, but drat-eIass
workmanship ham Men °MeMdd. A
tie Miniver of culverts of radon,.ind4 habeen Instilled. hut a study
of the work completed leads to the
conclusion that the most iatllfa(•tory
type of (•invert for an over two feet is
tile. w4aare hex culvert, of concrete. •.
Moat of the work completed las been
classed as maintenance, tont a few
miles improved were cla5we1 ms e441-
ltrnettnn. 4)f tills one end a -half miles
were built In 1'alorne, two miles In
(trey, one and m-hnlf In llnw•Ick and
thee-onartera of a mile In the COri4r15
towns end %lunates receiving a grant
from the county. So) details of Gila
construction have tont been c0mpletelk
but x•(11 1w fin15h(1 twit year.
On the whole hie aR rent 4al ,f 1•. c
d t wl-
lent work has I114.11 4011e. and for tote
much credit Is dole to the helpful co-
operation of (l* Itcrveo of the vat -Iona
ntmnicipll(Irs as well as to the In-
telligent interest Taken In the work by
the various foremen.
Considering the prevailing high
prices and labor unmet, the wisdom of
emhelritiRg In Huron upon an extenelve
program of construction on Provincial
Some month* ago.lihe Signal added to
type, shown in the aecompaityinif picture. -Th
motor and sets n large par+pt•the type from
week, as well as type for eatltloiflies, prize list*
other kinds of "job work.." -'foie advantages
.ls speedy (will set a* mlleh aK three 'or fon
time). The linotype matter always has a n
type are much more readily handled than t
constant tendency' to "pi.''
eq(') elft a Model 19,lalppL•-
mach is run by an 'electric
ich The ' ' - nal is printed each
Hnancia Its menu, told many
of this , 'chin are minty It
hand I'r , pnmitnr ill the *ante
W, clean "face." etre tines Ot
hand t matter, wh ' h has a
The Signal's linotype IN one of •th la - mod made, and ix the,
machin earl
e in thin 1 of the ♦inch: - itiRen*,'prhd► have
it at work marvel at its. -wonderful Idle, eniom, y which the ,-various
letters are atlaembled, a line at a,.iiloe. ;tt�'. '�'..s .o a -111 keyboard
similar to that of a typewfitt►r, then shifted ey ,aimpl operation to themld,
from which the type line is ejected, bright and eleertl and re dy for the printer.
A sample of what the linotype can do is the`. advertisement of the Col-
borne store on page 8 of this isms. NealIy every *of of this past' ad. *in
set on the machine. '
w) IV 11 \\\.
Nome o ' Thr mentor teachers of ltd1
county may. Ilk' me, remember
tearlwra allthering 111 the tioderic
High I(4•hool In 18040 at which' the ehl,f
/meeker woo -G. W. Ides*, . afterwards'
Minister of Fielurstlou stand Premier of
Ontario, bel Own luspctor of male)
schools, Ills evening address at the
puhik• meeting In the Temperer 1101
noire effe•tlyr; totter homely anti prate
111711 WlK his afternoon talk on "The
-Tt4ta er'M 11e a1cyt11e." Hie Noe- of
thought will Ise Mugge•xtel by his first
Mot sartud. holnm.ndmrnts : 411 T(au
.Imlt Intoe till lit profrsM1OP, Ilton'
a this. , t _ 1 Honor thy truster, (b*t
toy drys ahoy Is• 114117 AI 1111' 1141(41..'
Very lutrlwsting 111141 Important• for
.1I'IU:lyra forty Tcwrp',,lupo_• us Ipun--were
the exawltustloua in the reality town
to which from all turfs of 1104°11
candid es
rt gathered CO write for tht;d,
second anti first -chow Iw
rtilkatea. The
two high m'le4m ", Gli41e4•icb ant l'1111bnt,
prepared w111Ie of the landillates fur
tblml.la$s certificates, but the grtat
Majority` dome front the country
s•ho ls. in every township there were
strong hackers W1111 found time to
nab'. promislug students for the third -
it KM ex'imitation. With 10 high
m•laa.ls convenient there WAN 110 Other
Way. Every goal school awplre'd (0
Moe a 111(11 claw,. I;reat wort was
dobe In 'tlw••1ub11r /school's In (ham
days. My own preparation for a third-
( -114144 rate was Morellos! of No. 3
nod XoII, /'o )rte
under C it
°r. ewa•r-
111 _
,w ono 1'. 1' ate
r 1°n. The whole unal-
ia•r who wrote at Outlet -kb for ell
grades when 1 went up was 1811. How
man? Passel 1 do not k11ow•, but I pare
the report for 114751 whet' I had a condi-
dote Wrltin at the examination. lac
hat N
ye r 110 waist wthe third -clam ex.
endue I Iota 11. N•1111 Y
w who x !N
t wl
highest urn 1'. 1.. 1'raNsw'1•IIPI', Jrnule
timelier alio \\'m. 11: Jobtotan. of
these f'russw•rller had prrpard him-
self by private' std y in Parry Sound
mol Wlh. If. John n came from It.
St/others' m'had in 4baeld:' Among
others who mowed is. 878: were_ W. J.
Armstrong. Ed. S. ' swell Outlier
age I. Wet. 11. Clinton. 1)avld Holds.
Wm. E. Evans, Thom 11':• (won, John
McLean, Richton! Miller. Marshall
Miller John Weatiwrhead` and JI It -
thew i'rrkl11s n.
A fungous school for preparing
tcaelwrs to those mays was tIl t of 1(t,
Helens. ti'fght 11f 7rlues IV. l4organ,
himself s elf
r net Of the 1 m
Prat Ila IK
an11 private }illi$'. and an examtge of
* very Nocceaful teacher who never \,
acre:Mfe1 either InOtkl school or normal
1n the $1rentlea the county foal
enlsistld of five me•n*lwrs, the tw
smutty Ibeps.Mrs. Arrhlbek$ Dewar'
.11NI John IL Miller; the hei4nanter,
t two oc
y high w•hools, James
Turnbull. It. ,t., n1' ciluton, and Hugh
i.-SStrong, R. ,1.. of.(:alrrleh, and S. P.
Hells of t odoortte, the holder of a find
vinyl certificate.
it Is not my pmrp is est thin time to
Ifl(titutpbomiarlso ix Iwtween then and
I men•Iy Indulge In rrmiil- .
r.' in another article 11 per-
t' I stall give some nch4adhoy
Ys flat may- interest :tome of
m 111*
xpurl.-. 'the ulldl
cuss Itydril millers. was filed.' cruet 0%var. t'onurlllor Walker,
_`/ ill reply to a ne (text ,flat (ia..hr' however, •Mg 1'0111111.and the 4onn( 1
Hydryalts he preturd for -winter, fl* again sat, •Ito ve members ex,lnsive
secretry of the water and, light coo- of lir. Mit.- 14, The- Mayor, !wort -ter, --
missinit wrote to for rRert that this_ thought It w add Ape better 1)01 to go
had in t 1111n• didn't! 11M.* 5he1111 with 111 11711iw at this meeting,
Th• public wArksi floral/titterOrtel holt rather to djot n until Monday
that temporary repair,. w'rn''\Iwliag evettiug'wnl try lr!metn full meeting.
Made to the buildings itt the ,\%r'ieul- This was agreed \(o` anti the adjourn -
fund gtoumis which ween- wreckeedl\by 1111.111 wild nada al ordltlgly,
tow recent storm. The ,lmlultlle 4'- 11)Iaw Gees to the ,'i n ',
comm. -nth -II gluts the renmiu,h•r of t f on 1uminy night II the members '
\veasl front the bosh. w•hi1+I is only were It, Xtp'odaDee. ant the It:law was
9,11711 wood. 144' .0111 lit 3C1 )141' guart•'r- ween its III'.(. 81(41 demi mall Igo *nd
cord 4.1141 that the fathoms. be sold in a II be t•14,'.) on at the 1114(1 elect- -
Intik at 114 hest prbr'a.idaltmbh•. tins heat•,• 1nvi4 and "rolut •Illor•
- ?tied me eomn4ittre inmost a large#iin her 'recorded their vo s iota n5t
anulus of aceminls nod reported 114111 the 'law. learn were .Jen red. co_ .
the 1915 county and highway* r)t.'}flrro ftett"aosi•i.9Sj act • at r low
nm,nuting to 101,117.1x. togi4hrt•. With 11711re, )'. Stomp. but they wl , up-\
-*321 lutereat. lied Jaeeu p'i4L .. - lamed 4m raoxfrksbdmr t1' 44
pri4h'nt ht7D
The MJ44-111 shlrmitl a (tabid Ienit 111114-1' Inlustriot t» rtrf'
draft ,lylaw for the renewal of the to expect 4.grtl exemption,
ibltll hebnn -limo! \hdchh144•y 1'11.'sI las faxes on at it1n;t4a1 a4s•xsmt•ut Of
exrmpfiwn, and made the toll! 'lug pont tanned 111 $711,1011 4401114 be a�
tY4 umuu•alu t i4111x : That. tics !
astool, Hent, l i ey',i rgneornt_�, --- ---
MI lou be taken of Present with_ ...1)u_t1w._wthseo-_*I*441 '.Hg,. --T,1} ' -
•=1�ihr whtM1131R ilf:2ionth- ivet: Yu14eiT diff--tTw -the 014 -('Om•.
flint the Arm ('14►b ur, Tolman be nd pan)'. w'hh•11 'tai• p welt ('oplpsny Is
rise1 to take up with the Baha- ,llutdl' paying off, null which. int. gllar*nt(wld
the uuttter or e(abllsbihrg 8 jou Wiped, y tile time, will not Ase --all Mild off
aerodrome: and' that' ilia; la- er• frlim r an4hrr ten )-cars, ami 'o-
49,. ilydrrieHe•tri• lisllway wMmhi rrftr4e _M 711 onIfthe t►(th1pmut
thin With refrrplur to nppohttu -lot of flu tit -tared exemption the Man might
the nrrluters' of 'the outnrloo .Power
tar t with the bends unpaid( and the
d 'eln111d5M111n be filed.
far(0 on Its ha1)444
Tilosr p)rt' t4 009 1. rfn`tie •ilhir ltltehell Ran motile ex-
\ 1•rsillnnt'1un 54844 Wepass)titel.1aut1hi�Ang pinnetioh ,f 1114' affairs of the Com -
tow towlt.tr1asurrr to ply to the! (;talc- pony, ,f which be is slwre41try. Stat
rich housing (onnnissl,n 11117 moneys th111 b 'loess dnrlug the war per d
(hllll•11147 IN' n',-4'b4'I.1 from 111,1"'11,1,..7"4.41111:
111' em1v111- 1111,1 4.1:141...41
N'4'II '.4.4') sial'k.
rip! Tra-.s,,r••r of aeot)tt ,1 611.' 4)1- 'Phu• tirsf n4Idtng .,rth. bylaw wens
fano IInnsh,R 4'on11ntec.l11n. moved 61' C/\unrlllurs ('*means xnd
)lyta4'5 11 1,u1 1o111n7 photi•s Anil Store 411141 the \•sr -owl by Connrillor
appohlti8[ ntlicials-far the elnolp7 ells': 1',r•'*N out 11.•P uty heave (lark, and
(Ions, nod n•-applillfillg the norntliial (x,1(1 were 1'sn•k' y ■ vote of 5 to 2.
auditor,. for arioth.•r year. were,ipmsse1,
•xt1r1 (1,.' r•Innti4H 1'x5 nIsItl to ,aka np The Tek e,,,,� Ulster. ' •.-
the head MN4'hherl' CO. hyh111' 'M',11g1L.•.
r song• errs ew;mnb 1141. Jn4t•"n1' 9The clothing uwri•llant found hilt
o'clock 4'nna-Illo 1111mlwr lad heft (h.' e'lerk un the t(a)r looking daaed and
pmesr. fltig, Vi
14trarong4gesl11megutd old; i(Ifrha.• lmt'1e. healt
's lrpp•twil''" be Inquired.
minntcs later Ite•y1' )1x14. .1 ))71141 Ont "An Jrtstilifttn 4x0)1' In aur nm 0rer-
w•IIhamu agy fur IIt�. This lrff .may c•)aR a*MJ- d iolke41 1,111, if hr wantel-*fl
fire mend. s- -a Ian• gnonlm-and I r," repllei 114.• vunynL.h,l one. ...
'44- titter seas roihil1(ar. itftt7.liPTi:. "
W110 .4.14.4 (11m)115 IIfed 'dam voting on - All Right Then \
the byo w Iacono, n .i4ex n of, boring in Mn t tr
r 111
n 11.4 -
u 1
1 -
In the itcoete,\Inchhw>I•y Company. if Tommy, flake this new saw Nick to
larked like a put -alp jolt to "atoll" 1111' the' shop and tell hint to return the
bylaw, •to, which Messrs. IhirIs and money. The 1116w• Is ahs111017 Munt.
llnmlwr we ' known to It. opposed, 'l'omntl --lint. (oilier. surely you
Tlw dllem wets Alss *41 f,r a mast h' mistaken. Why. 1 sawed a
wh1IP and (114• 4Int1 11,411 41r•1de1 1, brick In two with It this morning, and
adjourn white one .4f the mIs 4tng (mi 11- 11 cul t1114.
dumas w*s hunt�rl np. ('(n.t INor I'ar-
50407' 43•x41 n1 home nnr'ln* ■n tt)Jun41 When n noun has Ito money to barn.
the result of brim struck by lbs his old Moues soon desert him
\ \ ,
ri -