HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-12-4, Page 8ta►"01.111111,41ry
L. Thofsl*i, lot eese;be 1 Montt,
CHRISTMAS GIFTS that are sure
-to please- -
Very complete stock of
White French Ivory sad Gen
Ebeay Toilet Goods
All the Christmas Annuals-- •'s Ow». Chutes, etc. Chil-
dren's Picture Books in great variety. All pries, 10c
to 12.00.
Dennison's Decorated Crepe Paper
lk and 354 per told. ('lain rolls 15c and :30e.
Red, White and Green Tissue Piper u sheets
2e a sheet. 3 and 4 sheets for 5c.
Secure .our copy of the new Methodist and Presbyterian Hymn
Books. Methodist H) mn hooks, l.a W 14.(11). Presbyter an
B urn Books, aOc to P.00.
A epeeist Christmas gift, Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pea, $2.50 up.
The gift that lasts a hfetiwe.
T1te(enest Christmas sift for the whole famil, The Columbia Graf-
onola. The Grafonola brioout the tx•.t that is to any
recon'. (owpariloa (Away *ells a (.rafouola.
G. ('.j. "1'BRTAINMENT.
Captain MarlinRefits! ft Genuine
Treat -:An Interesting, Et ening.
1n spit, of uIIf:rt%reehle conditions
folloie lug the big term. a splendid
arid Wise asarml.bd iu North streef
Methodist church on Monday evening
}de ltute tertaia-
' meuu p e clrirte tights were
mi:.riug, there was an imposing array
of 'limps a1111 Chinese lanterns, and
after•Ihe program had commenced nev-
i body thought of the lighting in the
Interest of lbw preswttings.
The first number was a chorus ley the
pupils. introducing national airs of
Itritaio. France, Belgium. Italy and the
('sited Status. As each air was com-
menced. a girl student costume' to
represent tlw nation appeared' on the
platform. (sritannia wets reprt•seuted
by Miss tulle- Allen. Frans by Mias
i:wma Wallace, Belgium by Mts.. Jean
MMace:aan. Italy by Miss Itorothy
IM(iar•v and the I reined Status by Mi....
1p;vfdyn Goldthorpe. The ebonite was
'very'\effectively rendered, Mr. Weston
-pils)'t* a piano aessonlarniment.
1'rinaipcl Mow then mote re brief
aoan•s in behalf of the ,.411001. taking
°evasion to thank the trustees of North
ietnet church for their kindness. in
allow inn the n.e of their auditorium
for the entertairmrnt.
JmIge lrfrteson presented the eerti-
1k-,les to the successful candidates at
Olt- summer examilatioa-, and in a
short address congratulated the tette
dents, the school' stiff and the tow o
upon the sutev-ss which it attending
the work of the Collegiate institute.
The list of successful candidates is
aw follaws:
• Middle $ehosL
\Middle 14•liool Normal F:ntrante.--
\s__wags .11. G. Ryer. Isabel H. Foster,
a rim i2Kelly. Eunice M. Lamb'
newts, 1, Catherine M. Lewis. Jack A.
MurstmII, IsaIwI 11. Me -Kenzie (hon-
ors,. sEtlith
honorst,,,Etlitlt A. Mogridge. Carolyn Ill
Tope.'rank J. Washington. Katie p1.
Weston. To supplement to one sub-
ject -- Norma N. (.inn.
Junior Matriculation --John A. Don-
aldson. Isatw1 8. Foster, Margaret V.
K elly. Eunice M. 1.4.0111. Catherine B.
Lewis, Isabel M. MacKenzie. Carolyn
Ir. Tape.
1'srtial ydrtrkulation - Hamilton
Melt, ('httton4ack' . Marshall, Frank
J. 11'ashlnatoaV
cseulty Entre rt--laelyn
E. I:shit hoops
; lta�t JL lona
Ewan. M. Jean cE a timer 11.
Pinder.; Parts 1. and -Meta ea.
Honor MMHtriettlntioa !l. Lae,
1.,onnrd H. Jl+rcllfn.
4'ommcrcial-- I,irzie Ruby
Me Leval. Charles lama?
Thompson. - --- --
Sorniai Ei.tra Frederic A.
Ites•ters. Orel 'T. 'oo)er. Macy T.
Milton, viorruceIgherty. ('. Euro*
Prieto-, James v. , arrow. Gladys J.
Ginn. Jessie J. (*hnrlott4 M. Ste -
K enzie. 11.' timed Met.iorl, Isabelle
Me\et in, Aller , J. Nairn. Frank (j
ltnithby, Isabel/A. Young. To supple-
ment -in one anbje-t--''live M. Altera;
51. Jelin\limiterr, Doris I. Ustrrhtlul.
Commelrial Iriploma Lizzie Adams.
Charles. Itae hler, Ituby Mclean. lee -
may Thompson.
The Peter Adamson memorial
scholarship. were awarded to Mims l
Cooper, for form IL, and MIs.. Eunice
for form 111. la -announcing
thew qua rd Prini'ipt "tune ex-
pressed the hop• that olhera would
follow the rcuroplr of the late Mr.
Adamson in providing W-bolrrshipa•
and also that 11e memory of the late
Dr. Strang .would be honored by his
former pupil. iu the Sounding of et
Strang scholarship. The proceeds of
this entertaiumrnt. Mr. Hume ex-
plained. were to in, towards the placing
of a war memorial tablet in the school
bearing the names of all the gradmetes
who had Kone overseas. If the funds
were available. a war memorial scholar-
-1 -
Wear Our Good Shoes!.
Tbe Moa
Who Does!
IT _
The Mao
Who -Don't!
THAT'S a remark one hears quite often these days, and i
behoovesyou to be suitably dressed to withstand the
brisk wintery climate of our northern country. You may
wrap up ever ao saw, but unless your feet are well clad you
cannot feel thoroughly comfottable; therefuie it is ve
Essential that 'you wear good warm, sti1 tantfal foots ar.
We should like you to make this store our Family ead-
quarters, where you cast select everything you will, eed this
winter in Leather, Fell-srlhabl! r Gaols, at priced 1-Wch are low
according to the wholesale blarllet, and by 'rchasiag here
now you v.111 derive the tteaefit of our eat y._tail4udicious
buying. -
HQckey Boots
Our static these goods was never in Netter shaPe, and
we are prepared to supply you with the very best lines.
Call and see our "McCullough," a champion mule•skin boot,
as made for, and to the specifications of, the famous hockey
star and skater of that name. Also the Sea(-Graia Beet; it is
tough, but pliahie, with or without the lightning bitch, and
double ankle supports.
We lave installed some new machinery is err Repair Depart-
ment, and are sow prepared to is your
A trial will convince yogi that we w ds it right.
.:. nflaftttflt
slats and Collars
Store 'Please
On account of -the scarcity and high
prices of kid Gloves, cha,Woisette and silk
(iloves have gained great favor.
Heavy weight NIAGARA MAID silk
Gloves in white" krey, black, fawn, and taupe
and in all sizes, at $1.75 a pair.
A ligltto{r weight in thaaame shades at
11.26 a pair.
Chalnoisette Gloves- :in . grey, white,
black. natural nod nastie, in all sizes, at
$1.00 a pair.
A pair of the new lace silk fitoekings
will make an ideal gift. Lace Hosiery is
nett and comes in combinations of colors iu
all sizes at $2.75 a pair.
Kayser glove silk Stockings in blaek
and brown at $3.50 a pair.
Niagara Maid'thretft'silk Hose at $2.010
a pair, in blaek.
Pure thread silk Stockings at $4.75,
$3.00 $2.25 a pair, in black, brows, and the
light lades, including white.
W specialise in Hosiery.
No More Worry and Wonder
What Will be Given to
Family and Friends \\J
f f r f f
We have solved your problems. The answer is in the -
manywonderful lines of Gifts which are being shown
in every department.
If it is new we have it. Space will not allow us to state
the many lines we have for you to choose from. It
is a matter of come and inspect our collection of
Gifts and you will find it easy to make a selection
for everyone in the family.
Real "Pep" was used when --chi t -goods
were selected for stock; -
At every holiday fimA. Handkerchiefs Bone to'
the foreground as gifts. On stoek has been bought `.
to accommodate a big rush athis season.
Ladies' embroidered Ilam erchiefs at 18c, 20c,
264, 30c, 35c, 50c, up to $1.25 e
A large assortment of child it's Handkerchiefs
in fancy-eorners and colored bort rs. Also picture
Handkerchiefs at 5c, 7c, flip, and 1 each. \\
A large selection of boxed If idkerchiefs in
pretty boxes, and two to three Hand erchiefs in a -
at from 25c to $1.25 a box.
Ladies' and men's initial Iia fa at
80c each. -
--Iadies'-and hien'a Alailinen H:utdkerehiefs at 35c, 40e, ,46c, each.
1 ►:
For making i►ner bags an
in stoat a large.aeilortiatent of Ri
nge of colors. - - -
Narrow silk and satin Rib
co in every width. -
Ribbon for doing up parcel
' "lack Ribbons in plain and wate
Ribbon Department is grout
can be supplied freely-.
er pretty tri.
ns in *idelwidths in a
-.for. trimming. They
in all widths.
and your wants
We are handling HORRICKSES',
which means the best that is manufactured.
A cotton that is free Troch dressing. These
cioths come in heavy weight white cottons,
nainsooks and longcloths. besides ?dada- -
potem. in widths 36 in. and 42 in.
White sheeting and pillow cottouam(ide
by Horroekses at very tow prices:--- _ -
Heavy weight Canadian white mitten at
18c, 25c, 30e and 35c a yd. Theme. eloths
have been in stock long before Abe big ad-
"vanees and the qualities are the
Our white cottons for fine work the •
best, for they are made by the best • rtes
.hist arrived' in stock, a. large assort-
nient of pure, linen for roller towels. at
45c a yd.
Linen and cotton tabliug at' moderate
ship might also be (s tablbrhed.
Mr. J. 1.. Killoran was called upon to
present the championship medaLs won
ou school sporty day and in doing so
he .spoke of the value of sports igrnuud-
ing out the snndent's life. The boys'
mentor champiowihip was won by F:d.
Pridhatn. the Intermediate by Lionel
Macklin and ole junior by Bnme
Shackleton. Miss Evelyn Goldthorpe
won the girls' senior edurmpioniehip and
MISS Helen Howrir the Junior.
The splendid records of two (i. C. 1.
graduates. Miss Florence A. Smith and
511ss Mary Tom. were mentioned in dr -
tall ley Mr. (fume, who held them up
for the emulation of the present sr.. -
dents. at the same time stating that the
materiol for brilliant s -holastle mu4r•ss
had not leen exhausted and that m11,11
i.H. expecteed of some of the students
now ping through the school.'
('apt. (Bev.) W. c:. Martin, of Ham-
ilton. then gave the chief number of
the program, as recital of the story of
Jean Vallee/1. the great chs Iter of
Victor 111110.)1
work "Ian MIr rables."
The story daY'11111,"I .tightly ever an
liour In the telling. but the time posed
uuhis"Ied, so thrilling ass the story
and so dramatically told. The hearty
applause which followed the conclusion
of the tale testified to the piMsnre
with which the recital' hod toren beard.
Another ("horns by the stridents
brought the program to a close. ■red
nnotBrw memorable evening had been
added to the annals of the (1. C 1
Rev. J. E. McCauley is assisting in
special services being held this week in
the W Ingham Baptist church.
dolor we have ; Iarge,stoek et all -wool
aeries at from .75 -to 16.00 a yd.
Coatings in \tweed effects and
heavy velours and roadcloths, rang-
ing in price from
A special coating I5 2 74.
Only small quantity of ch color.
Madiera Crochet Work
.................... Woollen goods are
, scarce in some placer,
but not in this store.
We are showing a large
range of knitted caps
and scarfs.
(`hildreu's wool cap
and scarf in plain knit
on white ground
trimmed with red, blue
aa�! epee. -Hood sista. at 52.25.
hildren'p and ladies' purr tvool cap
and scarf in fancy weave and large size.
They come in combinations of colors with
dark green, copenhsgeu blue aniline green
ground at $3.60 a set.
'Brushed wool set at $3.104 est
comes in sea green and turquoias")<rotnd+
with contrasting color. Also in white
ground with tore and blue Manning, at
:3.50 a set.
They are new for this season. Copses of every
shape and make from georgette,-crepesde chine and
tine lawn are here for you to chdsse froth.
Caseiiikk are the newest and are being shown
in many widths of lace.
The narrow wash satin Collar is featured for
this season..
These Collars r(tnge in pries from 754 to $3.50
We have a style for every dress and every
oecaeiotl. _ , -
' Wide frilling for the new enllars in-eream and
white. at $1.65, $1.90 and $2.25 a yd.
A. large range of sick Caluiin in pipit, white and mise.
These garments are made from habutai silk and crepe de
chine embroidered in the front and trimmed with pretty
lace sad insertions, also touches of ribbon.
They make pretty and inexpensive gifts and range from
51.25 each to $4.00 each. .
Also a wouderful showing ofailk nightgowns, bloomers
and other underwear.
Combing jackets in pink and white,, at modorrate prises.
Georgettte Blouses ranging in price from $675 to $25.00
are here for Your inspection. Never have we ?Mown such a
large range, but it is now complete and we trill he able to
e you anything you want in a georgette Blouse.
White habutai Blouses come in many qualities and range
in price from $4.25 to $9.00. They have reversible or flat
collars and are made in the newest styles.
('olored habutai Blouses in pretty combination of colors
ith reversible collar at from $8.00 to W00 each.
Crepe de chine Blouses in every wanted shade. PQ2ltlflttg
wlI give more service than a crepe de chine Blouse, and
the • wash perfectly. Tt•er have many styles of collars and
are built on many different lines. They range from
$5. to $12.00 each
e have a distinctive style for everyone.
suede ,to see these styles.
The Menesetung Canoe Club is arrang-
ing for a dance to be held during the
Christmas holiday week.
Mr. A. McGarva, of Clinton. visited at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. T Leckie
the past week.
Dr. R. B. Aylsworth, the eye specialist.
is in town again this week and is receiv-
ing patients at Wigle's drug store.
Dr. J. Edwin and Mrs. Haigmere. of
Kitchener, were weekend visitors at the
North street parsonage.
The regular monthly meeting of the
(,eneral Brough Chapte , 1. O. D. E., will
be held in the court house on Monday,
December 8th. at 4.15 o'clock.
Two hoots unloaded grain for the
Goderleh Elevator & Transit Co. dor-
lag the past wee'. : Ibr Mandan,
130,000 bushels of wheat, and the e;len-
eorchy, 2111.0(10 bushels of wheat.
Mr. W. A. Hoey, successor tai Dean
Bros. in the grocery business at the
corner of Fast street and the Square, has
taken an advertising 'pace in The
Signal. Housekeepers will be int rested
in his announcement on page 2 this
The ballot by members of the local
branch of the G. W. V. A. last week
showed a slight majority in favor of the
proposals to undertake political action,
and to broaden the membership A large
proportion of the members. however, did
not cast any ballots.
Walker's Two Stores are filled to over-
fiosing with Christmas goods.
Colbome Co.
Fuet Situation Acute
The coal strike in the UnitedStates is
still unsettled and the fuel situation
is acute The municipal authorities have
been notified that tate utmost economy
in fuel consumption must be observed.
Story of the Trefrhes.
Lights and noise were tabu. but
there was some verbal ecpresaitoa of
thought In undertones. The column
ens slogging forward the night before
the attack on the St. Mittel salient.
"Wonder where ae re hmind for now'"
spoke one dooghlioy daring 11 momen-
tary cheek. -I donne)," replied is
robe In the dark. "but i heart an
pfirer may It was Metz." "Hnh!
Mptz .. "Nur.---and he said the
general meant to take It if it cost a
hundred thousand tires." Silence for
about nee ww.oads; then : "emeriti won
of 31 INT, ain't he
Mr. R.13. McGowan. town clerk, has
been apppaqnnted fuel controller for Blyth.
Miss Bradwin, of Arnprior, is visiting
at the home of her grandfather. Mr.
J. G. Emigh.
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. McGowan were at
Ailsa Craig on Thursday last attending the
funeral of an uncle. the late George Ship-
ley. who died at Cdlingwood, the retrains
being taken to Ailsa Craig for burial.
1 HE LATE JAMES JACKsnN.-The death
occurred on Sunday last of James
Jackson, Morris township, after an illness
of several weeks. Mr. Jackson wM toren'
in Yorkshire. England. in the year 1648
and came to Canada with his parents
A large stock of Flannelette. Theme
goods have been carried since last season
and are being soldat very low prices.
Good weight colored Flannelette, 34 in.
wide. at 30c a yd.
Heavier i• lanelette, 34 in. .wide, at 35c
s....Next weight at 38c and 40c, and a very
heavy cloth made by Horriekses at 60o in
white and colors. This cloth is free from
dresaing. •
White Planne1Rtte.at_1 35e, 38c, 40c,
45e and 60c a yd.. --
A narrow striped Flannrl,•tte at 25c
a yd. \
Our stock of'Silks, in Pailette, Duoheaa,
and Taffeta, ix large and varied. All good
shades are represented, in eaelt quality aid
the prices range from $2.00 to $3.10 a yd. \
when an infant. After a few years in
Waterloo county the famil • carne to
Morris township, where Mr. family
since lived. Besides his wife, he leaves
two sons and two daughters:
Arthur. of Toronto: Albert. of Morris
township: Mrs. Geo. Mains. of Hallett.
and Miss Mabel, at home. The funeral
took place on Wednesday. the interment
being in Brussels cemetery.
Wi liam Phelan, of Morris towr.ship,
died on Friday last at the age of sixty-
iltyfour years. He had lived in Morris since
his boyhood. He is survived by his wife,
four sons and two daughters.
On Friday evening death claimed
another of our residents, in the person of
Mrs. Samuel Walsh. The deceased was
twice married, first to Chas. Taylor, who
died ten years ago, leaving three children:
Mrs. Leonard Cook, East Wawanosh;
Norman. of Toronto, and Mrs. Norman
Knox. of Hallett. After Mr. Taylor's
death she moved to Wingham, where she
resided until her marriage to Mr. Walsh,
five yeas ago. The funeral was held on
Sunday afternoon. Rev. A. E. Millson of
Auburn officiating The interment took
place in the Wingham cemetery.
My Guarantee
The purchase you make here will be safeguard-
ed by my pledge of lasting satisfaction. 1 am here to
make good. willingly. courteously and unflinchingly.
Fo tI0 MA
TIN, Tailor