HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-12-4, Page 7••••••••••101.11..r •••••••••••• '•••••-••••••••••4110.4, e' • • ' Snow-white fleecy blankets Its (My to keep them that way. It's the best Wee , too, because pure, clean blankets wear leinder. It just means usin4 that purest. t, and gentleratof •Il cleansers - Sunlight Soap It washes without ratideat, twisting, or wrenchiat the clothes. It's s wooderfal work es well as • clothes serer Insist os Letting theseap yew ask fur -SUNLIGHT SOAP LEN/tit IlikoTHEIS 1.1WITSID TORONTO, ;;COUNTY AND DISTRICT1 nss 'AURA JAcKSION, pupil of Me P. T. Extmer, Mus. Bac., hi pre- pared to receive pupils on the photo. Ihipes prepared ler 1.rronto Coo - monitory examinatIonso up to and in- t;Iudiug intiouiedbite. For terms apply to Mlett4 1.Al'ItA JACKSON. Aubdru. Smallpox has appeared at Dublin and there are scene cases to the township of Hashed. The Hydro bylaw was carried at Ripky by a vote of 121 to 3. -the village expects to have Hydro connection by July next. The farm of Leeds Whitfield, a mile emit ol E.hel, has been puts:hoed by Mr. Earl, if Howick. for $7.800 The dwelling house of Geopte Harmon. 7th line of Morns, mils destroyed by tire, with a large part of the contents. Henry Colclough. of Constance, one of th r pioneer settlers of the district. Passed away November lttth in his eighty-sixth year. John C. Homuth has sold his 100 acre farm on the 10th concessiu r of Turnberry to John D. McEwen, Moncrieff, a former trsiden' of the 1st line of Morris. -The price wee 80,500. ' Mory C ambers, widow of the Late James McKelvey. died November loth in Grey toeriship in the ninetieth year of her age. Mrs. S. Rathwell. ol l'arna, is a Sister of the deceased At the Thames Road manes on Wed- nesdsy,lnotrember 19th. Mi s Jessie Mc- Curdy. daughter of Me and Mrs. Thos. McCurdy, of Exeter. was married to Neil McGill. of Usborne, Rev. Dr. Fletcher officiating. Mos Jean Hill. only daughter of, Mr. mid Mrs. George 1-1il4, of Bruct tie was s married on kVedossday of last eek to 1. K. Cornish, a prosperous you farmer of I:shortie• the mimed sere slY being performed by Rev. D. W. M 'theta George If. Hart, propriet of the Ethel chresegid datu4achwerry,oafndmMr iss linen M •sed - Mrs Thornos Davidson. Brussels. w tined in mar- Se melte at the Ptesbyte an m on November 19th Q est, Le -towel, Sa James Harris a d (amity.° Grey town- end ship. have nto d to Prtston, where Mr se =LP/GM GODERICH: ONT. pod friends and presented with a farewell address and substannal gifts. An old resident of Usborne, in the person of Thomas M. Kay, passed away on Sundas, November 23rd. at the age of e ghty-tive years. The deceased was a native ol Glatgow, coming to Canada in betal. Sixty-six years ago hs moved to Ustsorne and settled on the farm on which he died. Mr. Kay was Reeve of Usborne for nineteen years and was Warden of Huron county for a term. The death of Eddie Grey. eldest son of M r. and Mre. William Grey. 13th csnceb- con of liullett, followed a period of poor health since his return from overseas. The young man, who taught school for a short while before enlisting. intended to enter the University of !Pronto when he was taken The Zueich Herald says: The death of Theodore Howald. can of the late Mrs. B. Howald who was connected with the U. S. army. was annoueced through this paper about one year ago. The report was the death of another of his own rank and the name was confused. A pleasant surprise was realized when the supposed dead landed on American soil on October 2.1sih of this year. lie spent one year in the hospital overseas. Mrs. Eliza Izzard, widow of the late Joseph lzzard of Go-erich t3wnship, died November 21st at the home of her eldest dauyhter, Mrs. William Grummett of Tuckersmith. Mrs. /nerd was seventy- hve years of age. Her family moved to Gmerich township from Peel county over sixty years ago. She is survived by three sons and five daugnters: Albert E. nd Ertiest W. Lazard of Montreal; !sissy Izzsrd, Mrs. Del Fowler and Miss Eliza lzzard, of Toro. to; Mrs. M. Flick, of Goeerich towrabip; Mrt. G. Jostling. of u THE JOT OF MOTHERHOOD Cams to this Woman after Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to Restore Her Health Ellensburg, Wash.-- After was starred 1 was not well for a long time and a good deal of the time was not able to go abase Our greatest desire was tet have s child raur home and ooe my husband cam. back from town with a bottle - of Lydia E. Pinks ham's Vegetable Compound and wanted oso to try it. It brought re'iet from my troubles. I improved in halals so I could do my housework; we now have a tittle one, ail of which I owe to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound"- Mrs. 0. S. JOHNSON, R. No. 8, Ellensburg, Wash. There are women every:where who Ion g for children in their homes yet are dented this happiness ou account of some functional disorder which in most cases would readily yield to Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Compound. Such women should sot give up until they have given this wonder id u lett. and Mrs. Grummett, of Tucker- medicine a trial, and for special advice smith, all of whont were present for the write Lidis E. Pinkhani Medicine Co., funeral, which took place to the Clinton , Lynn, saw. The result of 40 years • CreihtlerY. experience is at your service. SEAlooftTfl. The Seakorth curling clashes organized for the season and intend* to tokt part in the Untano tankard competition. J. C. Greig is; president and C. A. Barber secretary- t:essadrer. The death is announced of a former alone resident, John S. M Quad-, _of ginaliz,_ son...ot the late Michael Mc- uade. lie lease's a widow and one son. is survived also by hie mother and verid brothers and sisters, most of horn live in this vicinity. The sem of $4'..ei.78 was contributed in Seaforth to the Navy League. fund. - Principal Foaler of the public school is conducting a night scriool, which meets twice each 'eekNin the Carnegie library hall. Hann has to a position fl ong of the furniture f• ones. Befire their dlparture they were ailed on by t woscore neighbors The Trouble Man It's a comfort to kno theses a man on whom you rnay call in your troubles -he Plumber. We know ou 'business and are hereto set e you. 6. HUNT THF PLVNIBER' ma. ?Wiwi .51,te 135 lunibing kievesearentighinis I tier ir She r -11:er k Wash Day and Backache aiea^NT. CENTRAL The Largest and Best Commerf t Schwa is Western Ontario We give inaivittsal instruction and etudents may enter ore Commercial,- Shorthend or Telegroohs newt - mord, at any time. %Vereetiet grad- uates te tiosItions. Write now for nor free catalogue au 1 learn the naeire of our work. se D. k. Motmintoes, Prtnelpal • Saborribe ferThi,Stgnal---Now McEwen's PC Zorfe.CaPs, - tarot Ye. Overalls, MC liorsilerseys, -white:- and red . apply to Boy? Braces, 15c up A few peies of curtain matenal, to cleat from 2:ic a yard np A nice line of Batlt Towels at right prices _ We stock the Crompton --.-Orstets, all sizes a n d clifferntstyles Lime Juce, Gripe Juice. Rasp. Vinegar, Lemon and Orangeade in bottles, also Lemonade and Orangeade Powder. Just right for drinks in the hot weather Try some of ink Aroma Brand Te. With ten lbs. ynn get a Tearrat FREE Mint Tea in stock.Vou find a soon in each package J. J. McEwen Lemnos 110. 11-741141 alt day is the least wet - come dayif the week in ill': most homes, though sweeping Fiont day ts not much better. Both days are most trying on the lam Jan) back. had a fr The retrain of washing, Ironing eat had sweeping frequently deranges this tine kidneys. The *mem Is poisoned by and backaches, rheumatism. pains In tele the limbo result. • Hard Wood • AND ..... Light Wood From $2.00 to Woo per cord Delivered to any part of the town. Also a ostantity of KINDLING WOOD , ;Phone 181 Robert Wilsori- Hamilton St. Gosleric h SALTS IF BACKACIIY AND KIDNEYS HURT marriage to R. Wallace Fuke, older son of Mr. andsMrs. A. E. Fuke of Exeter. Rev. Jam s Foote officiated. Mr. and Mrs Fuke wilkreside in Exeter. .Wm. Rivers has disposed of hie butcher business here to Ben Making who was in business in Exeter a number of years ago and had since -teen farming. Erhest Risers a fornier Exeter boy, was married at Vancouver on November-, 1 till re Miss Catherine Ann Leitch. Mr. Rivers' resident engineer lur the C. N. R. at Vancouver. - The remains of girs. D. A. Ross, an Ioniser resident of Exeter who clod at ; Nampa, Idaho, were interred in the S WINGHAlf. Exeter cemetery on Tuesday of Iasi week ines the death of he: husban - the late Mr. and- H. Davis recently cele- Daniel Ross, about six years SV, Ma. t brazed their golden wedding anniversary.. Ross had made her home with her ten. They were married at Stratford on No. De. le. P. boss, in Idaho. Two other vember Pitts 186e. Mr. Davis came to semi survive. The deseafted wraiss ber Winsham the year before his marriage, sixty-oleksear. when it was a smith village, and has ever William Down, formerly of E xeterSdi since r.esideded 'Rev. Canon Davis of at London NON ember 241h in ha, ninety. third year and tee remaies were brought to Exeter for •urial. The death of George A. K. McLeod on Wednesday of fact peek remo• ed an old resident of Exeter. Mr. McL od was born eighty-four years ago in Nova Scotia. but had lived in Exeter and vicinity the greater part ot. his Lie. Sarnia and •s. Mitchell Advocate. Davis. founder of The brothers of Mr. At the Methodist rsonage here on November 24th, Rev. -E F. Armstrong united in marriage Mita Elizabeth Crolkshanke daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Cruikshanks, Lower Winghone and Robert J. Butler of Clinton. The young couple will reside at Clinton. The death occurred at Edmonton on Nereemb-sr 13 of Miss May McCly daugh er of the kite T McCly or. mont, a former well-known re ham. ef NTON. - Miss Mary E.J. Weber died on Friday, vember 21st. at the home of her siter, -s Kate Webster, in ,this town, after a ewhat protracted illneie. The deceased ty, who was a daughter of the Iatejat, ebster of Lucknow,came from Luck year to see her sister, the late Mre sa Reid of Varna. and while there a fall on the stairs which resulted in sectored arm. Since this accident site been fai.ing, and the end was not xpected. Miss Webster is survived her stepmother, Mrs. James Webster, brothers. Robert and Jamey, of Luck w, andfour sisters: Mrs. Blake and Mrs. Ritchie, Ashfield, Mrs. George Cole- man, Stanleyaar;d Miss Kate Webster, Clinton, The funeril took place on Monday, the 24th, to the floyfield ceree- tery. and was attended by many (timid( from Lucknew. Nile and Dungannon. Mrs llovey, of Burlington, has pur- chased the residence of W. T. O'Neil and • er family will move to Clinton in uary. ohn Scanlon, an alit resident n( Clin- died on Sunday, November 23rd, at age of eighty-two years. r. Gandiees automobile look fife ehe;was driving in Goderich township evening lam week and was completely toyed. Wi Kidney action mast be irtneeed...- the liver. awakened th action and the bowels regulated by such treatment ,s nr. Chase's Kidney -Liver PIlle. This favorite prescription of the well- known Receipt Rook author will not fail you In the hour of need.. with Jan (INC sun a .does, 2lk a hos at all &sellers, j sr Bdmanson, Bates & Co., Lak, Tenses. ton, ,the Dr. Chaselt, Kidney Liien Pitt RUBBERS NOW80 is the time to get prepared for the wet, stormy weather. Be sure you procure the Rubber Footwear that will give the best satisfaction. Life -Buoy Rubbers have built a reputation for a quality that leads them all in giving the most wear; up-to-datestyles and Lum- berman's Rubbers that' are second to none. These, goods are rriw in stock at MacVicar's Shoe Store at the lowest possibleprices. - REPAIRING Geo. MacVicar North side Square, Goderich • whe one dem Mrs. William Glen left last week for Toronto to visit her daughters, Mn. Elliott and Mrs Saunders, and later wilt on to Montreal to vise another daughter. Mr_s.How, • EXETER. The home 'of Mr. and Mrs. 1. A. Stewart, Exeter, was the scene of a nretty wedding an Wednesday afternoon, November 2dth. when their only daugh- ter, Winifred Kathleen, was united in NATURE'S WAY Alcoholic tonics and dangerous sedatives are fast falling into disuse. When the body is debili- tated the effectual means of restoring strength is SCOTT'S EMULSION which does what your regular food should do but all too often fails to do --nourishes and strengthens the whole body. It is the results that follow the use of Scott's Emulsion that have rnide its multi- tude of friends. arna a Dow. Tomato. Aii0011.001.111.1..0.10.10r. NO CASE Iti TOO OLD, NONE TOO'SkVERE. Mn' Riches Proves Once Again that Doeld's Kidney Pills Cure. St. Dens, Riviere, Quebec, Dec. 1 ' tSpecian.-One of the most remediable ; cures in the long record made by Dodd's Kidney Pills is that NI ofde. Alt. Ricl e , well known and highly respected here. - For seventeen years Mrs. Riches was a "Yee," told the newspapor reporter, sufferer from kidney deease in its wort itlwaya• rry my mites hi my hat." nos. Today the IS a eel' woman. anti -1 ems" replied Fogg ; oiews In a says with an earnestness b rn of con- meshed" iQD, "Dodd's Kidney His erred me." n1 suffered for seve teen long years, ' - - Ttireday„Diseenlier 4. 1910. 111111411111 RIM 11111111111.1111111111•1111111111111 MI 11 WI TER COMFORT • IN Make yo self comfortable for winter by buying II ir yourself an ou t of good warm Underwear. Don't put it off until the winter is half over. DO. IT NOW. MI X We have all the Fest makes. 1111 NI X • X • • UNDERWEAI IN X • 111 X $ STANFIELD'S FOR STRENGTH AND DURABILITY it Also Turnbull's, Penman's, and other makes, in vario u qualities and all sizes. IN EVERYTHING IN MEN'S WEAR 111. (except boots and shoes) immoismsemaarit, • ....••=111,wwwmagear 111 I -Mc LEAN- /BROS. uv, lots of water and stop eating at meat for a while if your Bladder troubles you. - -Men you wake up with heekanhe and -anll misery is the kidney region it gen es -any means you have been eating too Muth meat, says a well-known authority. Meat forma uric acid which overworks Um kidneys._ in their effort to filter it from the blood and they become bort of paralyzed and logo. When your kidney, get aluegish a.ud clog you must relieve ene tike you relieve your bowels; re- moving all the body's urinous waste, sloe you have backache, sick headache, dizzy spells; your stomach sours, tongue 11 wasted, and when the meether is b.4you -have rherzniatic twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment, Mannish' often get sore, water scalds and you are obliged Are seek relief two or three times during the night. Either consult a good, reliable physi- cian at once or get front your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salta; take • tablespoonhd in a glees of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then set fine. This famous gaits le Made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to dean and stimulate e/ish kidneys, also to neutralize acids Lis ice urine so it 00 longer irritates, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is a life saver for regular meat eaters. It is inexpensive, cannot injure and makes a delightful, cdf4- name lithia-wates drink. c-• Mr. Reties goes on to say. "From back- ache. headache and sleeplessness my troubles grew to rheumatism and dm- lietes. I tried the does r end other ine;dicinet, but 1 got no Lst.ng relief till I tried Dodds Kidney NI.. I look twelve boxes Of them in all. They cured me." Dodd's Kelm y Pete are purely and simply a kidney remedy. If you haven't u ed Dodd' s Kidneeo; Pill% ask your neighbors aboet ICA FIELD BEANS. -4- (Experim; ntat. Farms Note. While beans • hays long been grown and appreciated in certain parts of Canada ,fot table use both in the grsen state and M the form of the ripenlieed. this crop has not been as extensive cultivated as ',toted be desirable. lOne ti the principal" difficulties in the nay of t e more ex- sensitive»ess of the p anes toff ;Ora tended production It tipe ns is the Ordi- nary beans cannot be_ripe in any district where the seamier le veep -short. There are, however, 1 sewer:met of Canada where the cultivateet of for the ripe seed is almost furilnow present and where, nevertheless, this would likely prove successfus povid1 sottableovartettes were tried. With a view t6 extending the use o ; cerealist is distributing this winter, for S„ ripe beetle for human tood the Dotniniety the first tirne, samples of a productive and very earlydipenings held bean. As Rib variety is brown in color and as it does not p rhaps give as heavy a yield as susme of the niter -maturing white sorts, its ciativat on is not reoommended for distal where the more popular varieties. can ba grown. Farmers in almost one part of fsanada where ordinary beans fail to. ripsn would do seen to manly for a sample of, the beans now effeted. The variety in vest ion is a gel a ion 'from a yeers ago from Norio:ay. tortured tinder the name tawa 710." While the oveilsble is necessarily seositile to send a few, Semi -Ready radios and Gems' Furnishers 11/11111 11 ••11.11,111111 THE SQUARE /. - GODERICH • 1 •••• •••• ILDIZT7.X'S songs and chil- dren's g:.rtics to ki.43 them ryll d: y lung. Clii:dren's rics for rainy d..' -s, and, best of 1, the bcdriznc.sturies, mother's est friend and time-saver, are au on =Si C alurnble., _ ecords chfhtm Try These - LIAM SPROUL, D annon, Ont. NO. •••••••11. ,/ • sort causer, It is being 'No/seemed number of sam limited. it %ill b at lease to alters • vets, district where they are litely to to of me Applications front iarniwre in 1 ca where b.ans are already reegnired a eiccessful crop will me he filed; her o u ts are invited frtan farmers who e, sm yet tound a variety which ripe,- ti ly (testy. Althotteh throw tt, a of a brown cOh/r, they are 1-41 lehu ok.d end there is -re mite 1 ey hould Pun give corte31, te t fo Ishle use, even though Itt,, he lad Othior- able. They are too ,-ineed d use in the green state. e ' C F. SeuNteltits ,wor. Consist. 5. Being well informed is large19, a irnatter of reading a good news -Omer of yo o ".1 tion Wi 'bur gni owat'-'• in converaa- friends and neigle in order to know what is g on in the world outside rout town, it is essential that rlyilled 11 daily paper. Seventeen direct wires bring the newt; to The Star, twenty•four type - *tang machines Wish it into print -- Motor trueks rush the editions 4'1 'the Urains; and, ere yokito ymiliave the day.e record itiblebt liefore yoq in rbutario readers, there is one • a newspaper so bright and "newsy" -0-ef-liitVwv.evistradrra:s ail others, in that you read witit reliakiti_e.yery its ability to keep them ire ;reading- column. , touch with the large -The - - Tororittt _!Sign the- coupon and mail it -en --- • , that you may Cisk44 -Otis . A paper edited. on broad-guage intri-Tistm-hrwmr-rnr---tril!---re-Thit; 'a -r- • fines, with it wily of presenting news •meription rate is .r4te • for a month, that will win your approval by its fair- $1.23 for 3 months $2.00 for 6 •••14(4 arid its ability to entertain. mon-th :*-413:11P *per , To the elietereee; Iserionto star, To50550: IleaNislRirre: 144..., PAPAW, enter mo oft a eritwerlhur ts ''',.....,1 he Toren o star for month. tor eh SI find en/need frtampn or mon order or $ NamCOflVg in fuil: . (Pleses write pleinl.;511a ibm whether .. . Mr. Mrs., Miss, or Rev.) • oiete-lieseoseoodogeele 7 • •