HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-12-4, Page 3• -..ireetisawisterse•---s- riwwwwwww.wwwww,ww 4 THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY �Nte THE SALT INDUSTRY. Tie Story ef an Interesting Diseeiery • NM Once Mere. "W. T." contributes the following article to Onward : Probably not one in a thousand of those who say, •'Please pass the salt," ever give a thought to salt -making, -or the bet 43te nista of the industry in Canada. animal consumption of salt in the Domin- ion approximates 600.000.000 pounds. leas one-half of which is yet of bane pro- duction. Its chemical name is sodium chloride (Na Cl.). An indispensable preservative and condiment aiding diges- tion, its use is as universe, as civilisation or the salt water girdle of the globe. By usage we acquire a relish for it in food, although Robineon:Crusoe's man Friday spluttered it out or hi mouth at tine taste. The Bible enjoins its use snecific- ally (Lev.- 2: 13) and the true disciple is designated:the rah of the earth." One old proverb says that "nothing is MOM useittl than sun and salt:Tend another tells us to "trust no man until we .have consumed a peck of salt with hirn." The discovery of the great salt deposit of Canada is the result of what is called luck. or chance. In 1866, when the Petrolia oil boom was on in Western Ontario, and fortunes were being made and lost over night, the Goderich Petro- leum Company was formed to seek crude oil in the Maitland River valley. The drillers went down through Roil. gravel and rock layers with discouraging results. Remarkable water fissures were struck at about 300 and 500 feet, but no oil. 'The funds subscribed.ran low, and, to sustain 'hope, there is a tale that one night several gallons of black crude found their way into the hole, and on being pumped out next morning excitement ran high and more capital was subscribed. The boring was pushed down to about 960 feet, when instead of a gush of petroleum the oper- ators were rewarded about September by • BEIVANX OF IMITATIONS SOLD ON THE MERITS OR MINARD'S LINIMENT INDICAL. Tut. GEO. HEILEA4ANN. OISTE0- 45 perm, speciaint in *omen's and childreo' theesses. acute. chronic and rm., you* diseases. eye sar. nom sad thrust, partial defames, tualbaen god rheumatic conditions. Adenords removed gritaout :be hallo. Office at residence, corner ruirsz0 St. Andrew's streets. At horse Waco Tberedays and Seeders. any evening ePOointatent. DENTISTRY. 11R. H. G. MACDONELL. -HONOR Graduate Toronto thesis/Sty. Graduate Royal College of Grand Surgeons. Successor to the late Major Sale. Oakes corner Square and West «MK. (Oder Kb. AUCTIONEER. 6 THOMAS GUNDRir', AUCTIONEER. Bata 47, Godarach. All menu( tions by watt or oh at Steen Ofhce te promptly attended to residence tekpbone Its. . . LEGAL. Li G. CAMERON, K. C.. BARRIS. TER. solicitor, notary pubo Oaks =ton Street. Unclench, thud door Imo' 1 rust wads to loan al lowest rat a. C. HAYS. A.b• BARRI.vilL it, SOLIOTOR„ NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. Offne-Ster Bank, Block, thalllii011 Street andsesch. Telem• lie as. Real Estate. Loam and Insurance - PROUDEOUT, KILLORAN COOKE IllaRRISTERs, soLlciloita NOT AR /ES PUBLIC. ETC. Oise on the Square. second Ldoor from Hanka .s Street, Gooesich Private lends to lose at lowest ratea4 liegemoroot .11 L.Ku.aciamos H. J. D. coats. I Ii4ARLES GARROW, L.L. B., AAA: RISIER, attorney. solicits", Mi.. Godsfick Moan "warn at beat rata*, _ ; SEAGER. BARRISTER, SOL- • 1ctron. rioter/. mastic and conveyancer. e--Coart Houma. Cia,ftrich. INSURANCS, LOANS ITC. • licK/LLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- isi ANCE CO. -Ferns and etiolated town woo- sujosiknaured. ers-Jse. Coanolly. Pres., Goderich P. 0.; Viert-Prea., Beecheood P. 0.; Thomas R. Nora Sm. -Tram, Sealant+ P. 0. Directors -D. F. McGregor, R. R. pia. s. Sem. era, John G. GrieYe, No. 4, Walton; Witham Ries, R. R. No.' 2, Sesforth; John Bentsen,* prollhagen; Geo. McCartney. R. R. No. 3, Sea. wilt; Robert Ferns, Barba: Malcolm Mc- Ewen, chinos, Nimes Evans. Beecherood; James Conoolly, Goderich, Agents: J. W. Tito, Goderich; Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. I. Clinton; William Chesney, Sealorth; it. Hanchley, Seaforth. Poncy-holders can pay all Meats and get heir cards tempted at R. J. orrish's Clothing Stare, Clinton; R. H. Can's , Kingston street. Goderich. or J. H. Reid's General Store. Hayfield. Brophe3 Bros. lite Leading Funeral Directors at all hours. GODS -MOH night or day. and Embalmers Orders carefully stUnided to Volute and Charles Sts., Toronto Enjoys an excellent reputation for high-grade business training and for placing graduates in good positions. Enter any time. Write for catalogue W. J. ELL/OTT. Principal. • • •••••••••••••••••••...................••••••••.• -0 op-•••••••••• "CARRY ON I? If Constipated, Biliouo or Headachy, take --._„--........-] "Cascarets" Feel grand! Re efileienti Don't stay sick. bilious, headachy, constipated. Re- moval the 'Herr and bowel mutton which Ss keeping yeti'r head. ditty. pine tongue • planate& your breath bid and yonr Omn- i" web SOOT. Why not get n small box of casearets and enjoy the; Iti•Ont • gentlest lairstIve.cathartie rat peer experienced, Ceireareta wirer gripe, eels" or 11114•011• Velli1111111/41 ose like Salts, Oil, Calomel .r harsh p18.. Cameras bring purishine to Moody abide and hill-siek bodies., TINT ,yreek while you sleep. • THE $IGNLI ••••• GODZEIDH, 01?. arta one of the dmeatest and purest LS NOW AELE V/ STRAIGHTEN VP. Norman Hai Itheunsallion So Bad He Was Alarest Helpless. "Tanlac has dont me more good than ell thp other medicines 1 haw • ever taken put together," said James M. Norman, living at 1602 Virginia Pia, e. N. E., Canton, Ohio. Mr. N winan is an expert machinist, rmerly with the John Inglis Co.. Lid., Tsionto, Ont., where tie lived before moving to Co - -For three yearo," he continued. "I had rheumatism.° bad that 1 was ob- liged to give op job that 1 had h.id for ten years My back would feel so sore and still WINS 1 woke up in the morning that I coukl hardly raiw up to get out of bed. 1 wits PI drawit over and if I tried to bend over to tie my shoes or to try straighten up I would fal like a knife was sticking in my back. After go:ng to bed at night I would often be in so much robawy that it WO ihil70113ible for me to sleep. / -I tried all kinds of medicines and treatments but could get no relief. Then I decided to try Tan at and I began to improve .with my first bottle. 1 never salt ir thelworl the ringing in aggregate depth from forty to slaty feet or more, si:reading back many miles uncle: the ((stile farms pf Huron county and Bruce, away out under the lake southward beneath Lambton, are of Middlemeand Essex, with an areJ of probably 3.000 square miles. LocalLocaiad by the Great LakeL In central Proyince. fairly convent/0 big dairy and packing industries and with extrordinary veins of pure water to dissolve the salt deposit for pumping, man himself could hardly have - conceived so wonderful and fortunate a cocnbinat'on gift for Canada. How those vast beds of salt found their way there, perhaps from some imprisoned sea. would be a fascinating study for Onward reads 's There are salt springs and, rock salt in other Provtrices, east tend 'West, but Use output it t; ifling. In time the industry developed at Goderich, Kincardine, Cra- ton, Saifort h. Sarnia. Satidwich and other places. In the original.area, within five down at depths var ng from 1,000 to or six years, some fou;een wells were ptit I.200 feet., yrekl.ng large quantities of the product that made the district famous and netting handsome profits. .The prices realized today would make some of the promoters stare. A suburb of Gode rich derived its name, Saitford, from tile industry. ,By 1872, a down wells were aggregating probably 2,250 barrels per day and the Jocks were often piled high with huge shipments. The competition of other places, financial panics. etc., aimed the original enterpriser' to droop at times, and many wells were abandened, although itt. said that a good one will produce continuously for about halt century, at the rate of 200 barrels per twenty -tour hours. If the strata were worked by mining, the deposit would be found as rock,al used for five stock; but thaproducti"liokin. be which "tad YobPry ia°ceallited bYt RIO): of the supplies of water tha Fort= ctehe six-inch boring, encased wi iron piping, down. forming a little basin at the bed and dissolving the salt into hrine. What is called 100 per cent. brine is water with all the' salt it will hold in solution. A gallon of brine will yield Citirline is brought to the surface with. bly two to three pounds of salt powerful steam pumps and 'walking• beams." At the outset, said Mr. William Campbell, a veteran Goderich authority, large iron cauldrons were used to evapor- ate the brine; but later a double bottom *team heated pan was invented. and English pans were brought into use. One of the simplest and cheapest methods ie the use of exhaust steam from the engines of an adjacent flour mill, run under large flat pans. making a coarse salt used in cheat packing. Spftking generally. the greater the heat applied the finer the salt produced, (Originally the salt of commerce was obtained by suriarvapor- ation of sea water.) In the one large, modern plant now operated at Goderich by the Goderich Salt Co., two wells are being pumped with an output of about 500 barrels of salt per day Frye boilers, requiring sorne twenty- five tons of coal daily are required I Peps will end It. DM- teoteeePepel your mouth when -the ‘' coach 1. troublesome. and the medicinal vapor that la liberated la breathed to the remotest ports of the air pas- sages and longs. It soothes and heals the Inflamed membranes. thus ending the irritation and stopping the cough. Rows a ja equally good for terobellatts. Wire throat an laryngitis. AU dealers, 511c. bus, or Peps Co., Toronto. PEPS *500com G ft Podiitill The time between a and Christmas is li If you will favor us viith sitting immediately e will be able to connote your order in time. Don' delay. We'll do our pa if you si do yours. 4 -44 -S++1 -1H1 -1-1-101-1-41-1-s++ § J. T. FELL Ecopooncoccioi THE MR0 STORE L A MPS\ H Y D 8P L A M A fuliliof Hydro Lamps and Efeetric-using Devices on hand. Water and light rates payable to J. B. KELLY, Collector at the Hydro Store Water and Light Commission: Town el Generic" • th Thuneigy, Deeestrer 4, 19111.-11 HURON OLD BOYS OF TORONTO., Addressee by Sir John Willlson and Senator Proutifoot. -1 The annual meeting of the Huron Old Boys' Asacriation of Toronto C d% held at Si. George's Hall on Friday evening last and was well attended by old boys and girls representing every section of the and the officers' reports showed the As - President Morrish occupied the chair sociation to be in it flourishing condition, .sith a g,od ba ranee in t e ti easury. Very instructive and interesting ad- dresses were delivered by Senator Proud - foot and Sir John Willison on the early hist' ry of the county. • the latter devoting considerable attention to the -Onward March of the Farmer." I Mesas.' Morrish, Floody, Holmes and ,1 Dr. Stanbury were appointed a committee I to continue the:completion of a history of I ave a bit of trouble now with my back. the early settlement of the county of all pain andsstilfness are gone, 1 never Huron. Considerable data is already ' feet any rheumatism and am as s_ipple as bend over or straighten -up and I feel tine ; this matter. in every way.' ' I ever was. It is no trouble for me to I ; The following officers were elected county no,unacngwiiitl leisnd. ahobpedelpingthhaatndftohirne II 'ratline le sold In Goderich by E. E. I the 'ensuing Year: 1 Wig*, In Petifortli by C. Abertuirt, in Honorarypiesidents-Sir John IA illison, Whighani hy J. Iva Iton McKibben. In ii°n• W. Proudfoot • H. 1. Morn b. Heosan by A. M. E. tieuipbill, ip myth President. G. A. Newton; vice-president. by White City Drug Store, In Wroxeter Mrs. Harry Martin; secretary, E. Floody; by J. N. Alien, in iinidenhorn by jobi i financial secretary Mrs: M. Martin; 0. Loundsherey, In Exttor by W. it !treasurer, Capt. w.'Prcrudfoot; chaplain. ilowey, In Brucetlehl by Peter Bowey, Rev. F. E. Powell; auditors, John Rob • in Dashwood by Tiernatt & Eiliglioffer, crtson. R. S. Sheppard, Commitee Itt Credlton by -Jr- W, --Verne, iii cow i Mrs. R. C. King, Mrs. J. Beck. Mrs' e - E. eon by W. 8. IL Holmes'. lar tilieppard• `s4FInndornYzn.. Mrs.sirs.NH.B.1cobVorsebIletil. icalk.rsmaHjor J. , Beck N. 11.„Co' bbledick., F. W. Hodgson. W. T. Pridham. Mies .Newton, R. C Kieft. Dr. Stattbury. S.- L. Scutt, Roger Crocker. THE SPEECHES. "; - ton by J.H. Simplon, In Itorrle hy 71. V. Armstrong,' and In Fordwieh by H. Saloom. ADVT. ' Experiences of Settlers Wanted. "We have Solved the problem of keep- Oitivia. Nov. 25. -In order tint the RIR the boys on the farm, and the trouble Department of Immigration and CoIonis- j will now be to keep them in the city. for ation may have at its command authentic I farming is now the only employment that accounts of the experiences of successful I nualihei a man for the Legislature," said settlers in various parts of Canada. it has Sir John Wil 'son in his address: ec to offer cash prizes (sr let- ters or articles not exceeding 2.000 words written by settlers in each of the nin: Canadian Provinces The articles Mill be we had known what was going to h appen, we wou'd not be old boys in Toronto to -day, bur farmers in Huron county." continued Sir John. ''But at judged by a cownrittee to be appointed our age we can't recover the ground we by Hon. J. A. Calder, Minister 01 immix have lost." vivito and Colonization, and should WI While the result of the recent election mailed not later than February 14. 1920. did not please Sir John, he declared that • 0 he a r. to the director of publicity for the De- he had no apprehension as to its effect o part ment. Three cash prizes will be the country as a whole. He did not be given, one of 175. one of 130 and one of sieve in class government, but they rout 825, in each of the nine Provinces. very well rust responsible government t It is explained that the competition is a!, one section of the people, and t not a literary contest. the official ao- larmers of Ontario were as intelligent nouncement stating the 'literary style, part of the population as any othe correct spelling, etc., will not be contact. They would get experience as they wen ered essential. Tell your story in alone. n words," . While an eballaion of public feeling It is believed that the procuring cir Insight in an election produce a chess umber of graphic and trtfthful stories 'result, Sir -John contended that -the w success has been won from the ...ii_l_country could mit be domina ed prrmans all parts of the Dominion will do much ! ently by any on- class. He thought tha 'cootribute to a future movement to ; in every central election there might be Canada of the right class of settlers. I an organization resembling that which carried out the Victory loan or the hicsitclittie shop Ipatriotic campeigns during the war. He .1 Hot Comeback. ; had no confidence in legislation to re. u- goo-dness. industry and integrilY were Offertded Shopkeeper-11'es. sir, will you ; the secrets of success. ere ? eke them away or will you eat them Senator Proudfoot said the new Government was unique in Parlia- _ l•rnentary history. He•thought it was un-( ow p wer production. eta. The brine is first go piped from the wells bitts--Ek elevated storage tanks, where some impuntiel settle, and is next conveyed into a shallow steel pan, 26.125 feet, coating about 818,000. Three furnace arches below supply heat to boil it. The crystsls form at the surface and sink. When sufficient ' salt accumulates, a is /abed by scrape* to the side, shovelled into carts and wheeled to the draining and drying roon ta wbere it is subsequently packed in sacks or barrels, as ordinary commercial salt -:i The greater proportion of the output is' Made into finer grades, however, tor dairy and household purposes, in another sec- -non of the plant, by the much more elaborate and costly vacuum pan procesisi Tnese resemble big upright retcwts. in I which the brine boils at a low temperature and the steam evaporated therefrom passes away as water into an outside. reservoir, holding some 500,000 gallons. The water is used over and over again for condensing. The salt accumulates in the vacuum pans at a consistency resembling gerrn meal porridge and is carried up by elevators which dump it automaticaliy into two receiving wells twenty feet deep, by six or seven feet square, out of which it goes to the finishing room for final drying, lifting or grinclinv, being put up in bags of various sixes aid s'yles for shipment on its saving natation to every hamlet in the land. -W, T. one trouble with our Intlitidrtat situation Is Ifni the many people are proporcing en rel.! fit i Coo (PCV taking the medicine. Silence le for the Vanquished. "Stay. pa. 1 bad a tight with Jimmy Greco to-rhiy." "Ind you hlror "Gee, pa. shit I tellfir' you about ?" 1011 Cheer up! The next la yet to come, _ . Fashionable Footwear For Evening Wear Our made-to-order Pumps and Colonials are of the latest styles. They are made on proper - fitting Pump lasts and in widths to fit every foot. White Kid, Black Kid sad Patella Pumps Black Kid sad Patent Colonials You can get a fit at Hern's Boot Shop 9ell 104.10111CURS in late prices. or to It-gift/Ice people into MY HEAD! • FACTORY 'LIGHTING THAT 1‘ PAYS BIG DIVIDENDS YOUR lighting charge becomes a profit -maker instead of a profit -taker when you screw HYDRO Gas Filled Lamps into every lamp socket in your factory. More light for the sante money is one reason. &Her light -More like daylight -is the SIG lemon. zf_ HYDRO Gas Filled Lamps enable your em- ployees to worklietter and faster without strain- ing their eyes. You get less "re)ects.- Con- sequently 'there's less material wasted and leas time spent in unproductive labor. Even if HYDRO Gas Filled Lamps used more electricity they'd be worth the extra cost. They actually consume but little current. You should invartigate HYDRO Gas Filled Lamps if the realm): risibility of factory production rests on you. We how you how to increase results without a ro proves the merits of H nate increase in cost. oa demonst(i.tion that Call at the Hydro' Sh 0 Gas [-Hied Lampe. HYDRO -ELECTRIC 'ER COMIViiSSION OF MARIO FOR SALE BY Waterworks and Electric Liskt Commission HYDRO SHOP ASK THE Nrcuto NA* 0 HYDR. Gas Filed Lamps • et fortpnate ttrat-they had no the Government with Parliamentary ex. t some men in IliCxxxxxxmcmcocmcocxxxxxxxxx ; perience. 11 however, they were not when the :satisfactory the peop.e could put them head feels 4 out, as they had dpne with the late Gov - thick or Jterenhent. Speaking of his own dr(rat, n;lenator thought it was fortunate that aches, when : he was not elected, at. there would have one fedall ; been an additional party in the House, out_of_eorta and there were enough parties already. -PerhsPea Co ate dLady Willison and Mrs. W. Proudfoot NOTES. tongue -it , of Goderich were present and took a deep is the siva, . interest.' in the proceedings. Huron blood will tell'was nne of the that poison., phrases in Secretary Floody's report, ere aceufou. making reference to the elevatioes_c_sf_Hon. 1..4.. ;,. .k.. W. rroudloot to the Senate." . system, _"'"_ 7 President Newton is an old Godeich auu; boy. He was "catcher- for the Godencti should be baseball club in the early days. cleaned out T.A. Russell, president of the Canadian at once. National Exhibition, and an Usborne old Auto-intccdcation can be best It'll' was abient from the city and sent aficrih•A ita .., our own neglect or ,i hissrregjorehtns. Willison says that the problem ea:ekes/sem. When the organs fail of keeping the boy on the farm has been in the discharge of their duties, j solved at last: If he leaves the farm now the putrefactive germs net in and i he will not be able to qualify for the generate temine;_setusi poisons - ; Legislature which fill otie's own body. r I R. C. King is a new memNa• of the executive,and he will make gond. Sleepiness atter meals, flushing 1 Ralph Sheppard, lats'y returned from Of the faoe, extreme lassitude, bil- A c sew. was iri line :for I he presidency imams, dizziness, sick headache, but wvuld not accipt. Acidity of the stomach, heartburn, Willison and Proudfoot make a good strong team. offensive breath, anemia, loss of The three m mina papers were mare - Weight and muscular power, dem seated at the meeting, as well as The resistance to infectious disearei4--- Evening Telegram. creme of vitality or /owering of disturbance of the eye, dyspepeds, indigestion, gastritis, many formsCREWE. MONDAY, Dec. 1. of catarrh asthma, ear affections Mr. John . Kilpatrick left Saturday for and alliedailments Tomtit from Chicago. where he intends spending a few auto -intoxication orself-poisoning. weeks with his son, Will KilpatriCk. Mr. Albert McQuoid is spending a few Take castor oil, or procure at days with his daughter, who istkaching at the drug store, a pleasant vege. Minden. table laxative, called Dr. Pieroe'sMr. Norman Treleaven. of hingannon. Pleasant Pellets, contporsed GI vent Sunday with his bio er, Mr. Bert 3day-apple, aloes andjalap. Treleaven. A number of the (ar,llers from this burg attended Nfr. s Reid s sale on Thursday lait. / The final meeting of the Red Cross ladies was held in Cr we church Thursday last. Considerable d age was done around these parts by t • severe windstorm that pntaed over • e country Saturday evening. RAND TV. K RAILWAY SYSTEM The Double Track Route between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT end CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car 'service HIceping care on night train., and parlor cars on principal day tratna. Fill information from any anted Trnnk Ticket Agent, or 42. E. Hrs, Ing. Inetrict Passenger Agent. To' roam. D. H. Ladr, Rtation Agent, phone) P. P. LAWRENCE & 607.16 Town Agents Phone 8 • ir ; , 11411111111111111. 4021~e" - - ..e. - • -t: • .4e- rifrt _,. ;• fof Le* Itures. • %mil 'WM. Nor 23. -Te Wrest* Of II • fintOlif •,(INe'll 114 MI' ihi. Minim thivertinielif Ilali hittellorr Itnr• ye ley has tilled the plant to -fts entanity. There aro 1111,4a59,0no eggs* In SI hatchery, which will prcirlde antiwar trout fry for lake Doom t sPrIng. Ineenlons Father. "Pop. woo t t on 1111 .111110111W tor Um tuft' p ltd 1111.1- • Wbit Is if 51111 k i4i91 tr1111/ W011.1 you tell ii• the wind fn I ry ler ms yo yon tell he r • - /in Hinson America n Rabaul* 1.0 l'be Sigrid New ANNOUNCEMENT We are pleased to be able to inform the public that we are now iq a position t supply any quantity of hard coal in all sizes. Also any quantity of soft coal for domestic use. We wish to extend thanks to our Customers, who have been very patient during the stress of the coal shortage, and now that it has been relieved we will give , our old-time service and prompt delivery. Saults Coal Co _. Phone No. 7511. J. Saults' residence Mr% WI-Satilts' residence No. 275 ' No. 202 MCXXXX MCC= X XXXXXX XXX amimm.imr••11 Nowil•...411•••••, 111111 111.11111111, • ADVERTISE IN THE SIGNAL IT PATS. • • • • •